id name screen_name lang location time zone retweeted followers statuses description friends listed loc1 loc2 loc3 51403576 Linda HowardFielding ldhfielding en Perth WA Perth 0 5 4 I luv my job - working in Community Relations and Indigenous Development - Im short, funny, smart and a cool as mummy to me wee 'lil man who is my world :) 42 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 34595119 andy brown andypandy1957 en victoria, australia Melbourne 11 4 chemical engineer 91 0 Victoria Australia 194077999 Usha Bachu ushabachu en Sydney, Australia 0 3 237 13 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 185622708 Fishing Rod Covers fishingrodcover en Australia Adelaide 0 11 10 We make fishing rod covers from cotton drill. They come in a wide variety of sizes and colors. We also make our fishing rod covers to your order. 153 0 Australia 233831813 Eddie Gustavsson The_Eddie_G en Australia 21 0 200 0 Australia 25195028 Kirstin Wallace KirstinWallace en Sydney 0 43 102 179 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 208394323 EBCC EBCCommunity en East Brisbane Hawaii 0 18 2 Fun Programes, Friendly People, And an All round great environment! Check it out for yourself Call Us On 07) 3896-1300 :) 217 0 22920663 Keith.Connell. Gallieo en Melbourne..Australia.. Melbourne 98 5 We cannot teach people anything,we can only help them discover it within themselves. 100 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 40825625 Carly Laird CarlyLaird en Sydney Sydney 41 0 Producer ABC News 24 148 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 233765890 Tom Karemacher TKaremacher en 6 0 53 0 28320793 Alex Smith AlexJSmithy en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 161 307 Group Media Relations Manager 115 12 Brisbane Queensland Australia 216226689 Linda Medic Lindamatija25 en 1 0 7 0 124065277 Tony MacRae TMAC2507 en Hawaii 0 17 53 37 0 Unknown 233784483 Sonia Magnus ollajo en 0 0 1 3 0 31525283 Leanne Angel LeanneKayAngel en Gold Coast Hawaii 11 0 12 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 42833105 Geoff Binns i8earth en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 78 186 I make problems 'go away'. Also, fearless servant of the public 237 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 33376408 VarantMeguerditchian VMeguerditchian en Sydney Sydney 0 32 5 49 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 48926857 Glenn Walford GlennWalford en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 1622 539 Creator of the world's first and only book series devoted to helping franchisee's grow their business 1126 10 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 229270496 twitty twittycanada en Canada 0 68 1 Love twitting and following. Website under construction, coming soon. Thank You. 540 1 Canada 26189494 Tom Kenny tomjkenny en Brisbane, Australia 0 19 13 Young Professional - interested in politics, theatre and law. 37 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 183916837 David Barlow dgb472 en Brisbane AUS Hawaii 0 0 1 Brisbane based corporate counsel and advisor 21 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 156891261 Sara Brennan SARAJBRENNAN en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 23 30 154 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21380993 Plastec Plastec en Caloundra Brisbane 0 23 6 Australia's leading manufacturer of innovative plumbing products. 64 0 Caloundra Queensland Australia 232493567 Nikolay gepaed en Quito 0 0 4 37 0 Ecuador 98184669 Valeria Escudero valeescu es Villa Mercedes,San Luis,Arg Buenos Aires 0 23 68 human being...or trying so,mother,friend,wandering spitit...travellin´soul 239 0 207458255 Danny Boy Murphy danmurphy79 en 0 10 24 98 0 101440681 Dominic Guinane dominicguinane en Melbourne 0 45 95 98 1 Victoria Australia 233503974 Todd Q toddzilla1981 en 9 0 207 0 230644971 Kirby Clarke k1r8y86 en bunbury Perth 0 19 57 just awesome :-) thats all !!! 77 1 Bunbury Western Australia Australia 15464803 Tristan Douglas TrisD en Brisbane Brisbane 0 87 274 121 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 167725096 Philippa Kate Philippa_Kate en Canberra 0 9 19 No one special. 123 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 118765677 muhammed tariq mtfcbpl en bhopal m.p. india New Delhi 281 145 I M SPORTS PROMOTER 1436 5 India 227579647 Steve Staehr Jarrahdal en 0 2 6 5 0 222436485 Avril Kelly whyyesidoneedit en Sydney, Australia 23 30 Smiling is my favourite. 139 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 227944168 Olivia De Zilva oliviaj1974 en Australia Adelaide 0 53 43 I will someday work for the ABC (hopefully) 431 0 Australia 232776717 Cara Harvey charv83 en Brisbane 0 5 7 21 0 Queensland Australia 86667153 erin pearson epearson_3 en Geelong Melbourne 102 216 Geelong Independent 257 7 Geelong Victoria Australia 232092455 Chrischris chriscrisom en 3 0 12 0 233461190 David Andrew davidjdandrew en 0 4 1 17 0 171015856 andreea dede_luv_jb en Timisoara Romania 0 180 707 487 10 233324136 Alyson Clarke Alyson_Clarke en Sydney 4 0 61 0 New South Wales Australia 183916070 Anna biggs Whiskypete10 en 0 0 14 0 170186232 Simon Cant Simon_Cant en Omipresent Melbourne 0 165 290 *Life*Love It*Wine*Raconteur* *Troubadour*Gastronome* *Kaleidoscope* *Living The Dream *SLC* 598 2 34213226 Kirk Stubbs kas90 en Brisbane 1 0 63 0 Queensland Australia 226417243 Rachael Melky RachaelMelky en 11 0 106 0 231740048 Jen Lean evolvedsoul en Australia 0 39 19 Here in physical form as a spiritual being. Living. Learning. Loving. I'm a teacher, a coach, and explorer, challenger and committed to carving my own path! 87 0 Australia 179899853 luke glyde lukeglyde en Brisbane 15 0 74 1 Queensland Australia 87287327 Anthony J Hargreaves IvyVentures en Sydney CBD Sydney 0 45 35 Anthony J Hargreaves is the Managing Director of Ivy Ventures a capital group focused on innovations in Mining, Energy, Water, Recycling and Agribusiness. 201 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 73268087 Mark Stevens matssystems en Morphett Vale, SA Adelaide 0 95 178 Computer retailer/technician with great pricing. New computers, notebooks, upgrades and repairs, hardware, servicing and fault fixing 134 4 Morphett Vale South Australia Australia 26454824 Michael Allen Mickyall en Melbourne 3 52 65 0 Victoria Australia 232736736 Bronwyn Bull Bron_PT en Melbourne Melbourne 0 10 15 I live in Melbourne Australia, I'm a single mum to 15 year old Jay Bull who battles cancer Neuroblastoma.Full Time Personal Trainer & Triathlete 51 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 231534873 Lenore Marmin Lennie04 en Brisbane Brisbane 2 0 I am married with 4 Children and 5 Grandchildren. I work as an Account Executive with Aon Risk Services. 4 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 192431218 . bourgeois_hippy en Alaska 0 17 87 71 0 United States 233022260 Michael Pignataro NSWStringer en Nowra Hawaii 0 13 5 NSW News Stringer, supplies breaking news vision, news stories and profile stories. Produces Living on the Coast for Television Sydney. 90 0 Nowra New South Wales Australia 59051822 Matthew Schulz matthew_schulz en Melbourne Melbourne 0 40 18 Herald Sun online reporter 89 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 233341073 Erik S. Dober esdober en Minneapolis, MN Central Time (US & Canada) 2 0 26 0 Minneapolis Minnesotta United States 81717116 Megan Flynn Megz_Flynn en Melbourne, Australia Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 40 490 Security Guard/Crowd Control, Sport Operations Administrator, Collingwood Supporter.. 356 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 130381675 Troy Lambert troylambert101 en 1 0 9 0 182174767 Bradley Arden b_arden en Hawaii 0 25 102 Multimedia designer, Journalism student, Blogger, Media enthusiast, Aspiring art collector 52 0 Unknown 199017359 Christina Ani_Chris en Thessaloniki, Greece Athens 0 47 44 312 1 184896796 TEAM BIEBER ilovethisbieber en IDK:( Mountain Time (US & Canada) 326 1233 I am not Team Edward not Team Jacob I AM TEAM BIEBER!!!!!!! 1085 8 231911037 Ivana Chamorro ivana_011 es Rosario, Argentina Buenos Aires 0 11 2 85 0 Rosario Argentina 174753533 . ' ℓαÑιѕѕα ♪ мαÑια Larissac2Justin en BRASIL Bern 13 31 1571 7 Brazil 225500516 Margarida Meggie9696 en 0 15 108 91 0 197414821 Elya Niki Elya1896 en Ukraine 0 42 107 I to like dance and learn foreign languages also with me very interesting and fun to chating so follow me and u will happy (I do not bite..haha) 132 0 Ukraine 111702935 Gift SMS GiftSMS en Australia Wide Brisbane 0 239 413 Mobile Gift Vouchers sent instantly, its Simple Easy & Convenient. 521 4 Australia 223191017 selinJB selinnokutanjbb en Greenland 0 215 146 503 4 Unknown 233142857 Alexandra Yates allyloya en My purple bedroom 0 13 22 I like bubble tea, public transport and drinking bubble tea on public transport. 91 0 172739131 Bieberka ^^ Vanja_Bieber1 en 0 147 13 628 0 176050011 Surin 5urin en Sydney 0 58 309 Banker. Marketer. Out of the box thinker. Formula 1 Fan! Enjoy social media. Live in Sydney -Australia. MGSM. 165 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 178398557 Chansigaud Coralie 1Coralie9 fr Paris Greenland 0 255 83 Born in 1991, 19th September in France. Currently studying in Business School in La Rochelle city.... 1262 1 Paris France 212783710 Craig Keary CWKEARY en Sydney Sydney 0 20 23 22 Years in Financial Services Globally, Innovation in Wealth Management,Sales led, Focus on Fitness post 40!!! 96 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 232933224 Mandy Man peglegless en Adelaide 0 8 9 My new years resolution is to Woo my sence of humour! .. on Facebook I behaive, so I've decided Twitter will be for my alter ego! 47 0 South Australia Australia 22695409 Jennifer Philp jenniferphilp en Brisbane 0 5 3 17 0 Queensland Australia 216197766 Alison Orme ormealison en Marrickville NSW Australia 12 0 80 0 Marrickville New South Wales Australia 232487376 Annuja Shah AnnujaLovesJB en India 0 6 33 Hey guys! My name is Annuja and I'm a big fan of Justin Bieber! Love him soo much! I'm 12 and love arts! 28 0 India 227296337 Cr Debbie Blumel DebbieBlumel en Sunshine Coast Hawaii 0 10 4 Getting things done for a smarter, stronger, greener Sunshine Coast. 52 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 41571521 Rosa Oliveri rosaoliveri en 0 20 13 79 0 232430200 Topher Scott OfficialTopher en The Whole Damn World Adelaide 0 17 42 Former radio personality | Bassist | Security Guy | Photographer | Moving to music promotion in '11 & maybe play a gig or two myself I follow back.. I'm nosey 55 0 109961949 Michael Lord Oldmatelordy en Springwood 0 8 7 63 0 Springwood Queensland Australia 48684811 Dale Grounds dalegrounds en Yeppoon Close to Paradise Brisbane 0 11 50 Finance executive, Family man, Runner, Politically attuned, 43 0 232841514 Kate o2breathe en 0 4 4 20 0 233085261 Palooza88 Palooza88 en Hawaii 0 0 16 0 Unknown 233084260 Tristan Mungatopi Mungatopi en Victoria, Australia 0 0 1 19 0 Victoria Australia 217742927 Sri Rohati SriFireflies en 0 12 5 81 0 167887161 Martina soi_martu es Argentina Central America 0 9 14 I am a fan of the Jonas Brothers 143 1 196968082 yarden Rs. YardenaBieber en 0 230 572 534 1 24643519 Paul Lo Russo PaulLoRusso en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 97 79 Advertising Creative, Father, Husband, Daydreamer. 475 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 217271165 tian harris gingermeggs69 en 18 42 137 0 230191031 dacielle ciellepot en 0 22 7 381 0 221870376 lucy stward lucystewart94 en new york Santiago 0 418 179 i love justin bieber (L) 1611 14 New York City New York United States 225670327 Jasmine Peters jasminep93 en Adelaide, SA 0 9 9 42 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 23292622 Chantel Pettit merlin876 en 12 0 77 0 32334947 Tony Linford whistle007 en Melbourne 11 4 205 0 Victoria Australia 230224924 Lawrence Flores PoolPokerStore en 0 179 50 We are a Billiards & Poker Accessories Store. We carry POOL CUES-POOL TABLE LIGHTS-POKER TABLES-POKER CHIPS & MORE!!! 1148 0 232900878 JustinBieberLover bieberiffic16 en Alaska 0 9 5 121 0 United States 232673224 Catherine Scott scottiegirl30 en Melbourne 0 12 5 awesome chick 49 0 Victoria Australia 100905896 Rose JB Believer RoseBieberFever en Yarmouth , NS Mountain Time (US & Canada) 0 314 260 I love to dance! & I love Justin Bieber,I've been fan of him since he post his first video & I will be untill he post his last video!I LOVE FRENCH TOAST! 1776 1 211086659 welly wulandari welly_wulan en Alaska 0 36 7 157 0 United States 227707215 Mohammed ebrahim Lineanalyser en 0 10 17 41 0 21733295 David Farrugia DavidFarrugia en 6 0 37 0 232987047 Luke luked76 en Canberra 0 4 5 Like my coffee, tennis & politics. 185 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 142266793 Kaye Farrow Kayefar en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 14 234 work in IT, into tv, politics, wine, cars, music and lifes a journey not a destination 50 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 232963603 mattielovestoread mattiethereader en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 7 1 62 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18438991 Rosie Mason RosieRockstar en Brisbane 0 33 80 The Observer! I mightn't say much but that's only because I'm judging you.... 170 0 Queensland Australia 22397782 Steve Challis StephenChallis en Australia 0 0 5 4 0 Australia 150152448 Gary Berman Ubid4rooms en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 209 72 Unique Australian accommodation website, allowing confidential offers/bids to hotels, motels, holiday homes etc. Expanding to new products in 2011-Look out. 1192 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 14670415 ceceliah ceceliah en Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 65 479 Owns PR/marketing agency, lecturer, author (of sorts), mum not in that order! 40 0 Surry Hills New South Wales Australia 168855941 Amy W pretendfoodie en Melbourne 0 19 61 96 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 181486305 hanz shultz hans_shultz en 0 18 753 Sharing tips of interest of sports,food & exercise,local & big news stories,real estate,investing & the odd opinions. 104 0 19434881 Tim Cooke tim_cooke en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 499 10679 277 25 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22242098 Ash Long ashlong en Melbourne Hawaii 0 42 4 Melbourne Observer Editor. Heard daily on 3AW. 161 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 183232015 The Outback Loop theoutbackloop en Birdsville & Innamincka Brisbane 0 46 96 Birdsville Hotel and Innamincka Hotel, two legendary pubs in the heart of Australia's outback. Great food, modern accommodation, warm welcome, cold beer. 87 10 13202832 Jacques Macaire Humanbe en France Paris 0 827 1745 LET US PUT THE HUMAN AT THE CENTER OF OUR CONCERNS 1566 13 France 232815160 John Bolt hurlcon en 2 0 10 0 81595005 Cooper Kereopa cooper_303 en Sydney 0 8 15 Work Work Work Work, that's about it. 45 0 New South Wales Australia 214233259 Aaron Boyd amboyd_ en Melbourne 0 23 25 I follow Jesus and encourage others to do the same. Gabz, Gracie and I are journeying through all the highs and lows of life together. 144 0 Victoria Australia 24269338 Tracy Lowe tracy0309 en Sydney Sydney 0 26 79 On a journey. 80 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 17615468 MooSE timboo1 en 13 65 I'm pretending to be an interesting person, but I don't really care about anything. This will be fun *evil smirk*. 27 0 28070227 anni atkinson anni_atkinson en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 10 44 60 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 58176344 Joy Henderson joyousday1 en Australia Sydney 0 11 4 102 0 Australia 232766985 Craig Rigby howthafugareya en Australia Hawaii 0 1 5 0 Australia 65871192 Chris Watson W0tson en Nambucca Heads Sydney 0 8 46 Chris Watson 27 0 232724016 Robert Ward bobadeen en 20 0 309 0 166842427 Reportero Callejero Reportero725 es Veracruz Mexico City 0 73 36 Nacido en las montañas del sur y en lucha constante por lograr una justicia social equitativa 673 1 68353819 cat hewett catster4 en Bright,Victoria Australia Melbourne 0 26 66 Spend most of my time writing and learning local history and geneology.Love my family,follow the mighty Saints,enjoy healthy lifestyle and a good laugh! 78 0 Bright Victoria Australia 232742387 Milton Sales drmsales en Newcastle, Australia 0 6 1 General practitioner in Newcastle. Performs neonatal circumcisions under local anaesthetic. 10 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 211764231 Jessica Whiting _jessicawhiting en Adelaide Hawaii 0 75 29 City Messenger Journalist. Voracious reader, organiser, white wine consumer and dinner party host. Dreams of novel writing, travelling, marathons. 120 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 155551418 Howard Steinberg howardshowards en Perth 4 0 52 0 Western Australia Australia 63408837 Tim Kay timkayau en Menai, Sydney Sydney 0 143 182 Brother, student, ACC pastor & lover of life. 163 1 159735893 KMcH Aqua1112 en Brisbane 0 44 1 129 0 Queensland Australia 232680609 daryl cormick naughtydweeb en brisbane Brisbane 5 0 7 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 18345432 Docker John DockerJohn en Perth, Western Australia Hawaii 0 9 40 Living in Perth, Western Australia. Love life and the adventures it brings. 115 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 191685460 STEPHEN BIOKORO OGHENETV en SILVER SPRING,MD. Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 86 114 I AM AN APOSTLE,PROPHET,TEACHER, CALLED BY GOD TO MINISTER TO HIS PEOPLE.WWW.24HOURSPRAYERS.MYSITE.COM,WWW.HOUROFMIRACLESTV.NET. 418 0 232508064 Peter O'Grady AIRHUB_au en Australia 0 20 78 I swindled a company from my deceased partner's widow and daughters. I never lodged her shares at ASIC and then I sold the company. Fraud was committed. 88 0 Australia 232556091 Anchy Tinky_Star_ en 0 0 4 0 232555870 A. E. Helmke aehqld en Hawaii 0 0 21 0 Unknown 228869074 Dr Joshua Wood WideBayPsych en Hervey Bay Brisbane 0 78 33 Psychiatrist, Neurologist and Behavioral Scientist specializing in criminology, behavioral, motivational and Grief Psych. Servicing Hervey Bay. 586 2 Hervey Bay Queensland Australia 158696167 Carly MacKinnon carlymackinnon en Gold Coast 0 19 37 Daughter, sister, girlfriend, student, wannabe journalist, pop culture addict, curious george. A list that is subject to change. At whim. Usually mine. 136 1 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 232506695 Danae Jones danae_jones en Australia Brisbane 0 82 7 Danae Jones is a Journalist, Media Adviser and PR & Marketing Consultant who likes a laugh and enjoys being inspired by others. 190 1 Australia 222046753 RClifton relclifton en western australia Perth 0 0 887 0 Western Australia Australia 215182185 Quoc Truong quocadile en Melbourne, Australia. Melbourne 0 64 1260 Drawer, reader and a learner. 244 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 77927973 nikki hamalainen nikkihamalainen en brisbane Hawaii 0 95 587 married to my best friend daavid, oozing love for maxi & oski, big believer in walking steadfastly with my god today. @ the next day. & the ones after that. 83 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 230925208 Mark Sellers winatvegas en Mackay Qld Australia 0 155 1341 355 1 210755379 Osama (seriously!) bopbop_simsim en Man about the Globe Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 46 836 FInancial Planning Guru - Business Coach 347 0 17569868 LUCID dreaming LUCIDdreamtime en sunshine coast down under Brisbane 0 160 753 LUCID DREAMS occur ... DREAM AND IT SHALL BE! 532 1 230114967 Ray Bailey Raymologist en 0 2 2 30 0 226675652 Suzi Q suzi_annah en 0 4 1 86 0 68893881 Vanessa Jones GCBvanessajones en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 118 187 Senior Producer (Features)at the Gold Coast Bulletin 98 4 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 224185195 Ramshank Misra ramshankmisra en 0 6 3 124 0 44860859 DCSH_Bim DCSH_Bim en Melbourne 4 21 142 0 Victoria Australia 229663179 Colin Dellar anyone4abeer en Far North Queensland 0 17 6 I'm a family manwith 2 beautiful daughters who recently became addicted to twitter 164 0 Cooktown Queensland Australia 210030738 Kev Buckley pommieeagle en Sydney Sydney 8 0 83 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 216206047 Simon Bush SimonJBush en Canberra Canberra 0 13 51 MD of a government relations consultancy, CEO of a national film related industry association and director of a not-for-profit. 2.5 kids & views are my own! 37 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 178678017 Jason Webster phenacky en 1 0 26 0 232120024 Dana Scully DanaScully1 en Australia Hawaii 0 9 14 I am a laid back red head who enjoys long walks, good food and can't abide cruelty to animals. 13 0 Australia 64991033 Damian Cox rubyblue70 en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 16 104 Bribanne OC6 & Ski Paddler (CityCat Dodger) ... severe allergy to dickheads 41 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 31530480 Alice Leung aliceleung en Sydney Sydney 0 45 88 Head Teacher Science, UNSWGlobal consultant, UTS CSI summer school teacher, technology enthusiast, gamer, love the snow, love the sand, love cats 110 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 230860654 Southern Europe southern_europe en 0 192 11 Travel Destinations throughout Italy, Spain and the south of France. 2002 1 21179676 Jacqui Street Jacstreet en Hobart Melbourne 0 42 14 ABC journalist, rowing coach and couchsurfing host. These views are my own. 139 2 Hobart Tasmania Australia 208750167 Lee Evans LeeForHeathcote en Heathcote 0 8 6 41 0 Heathcote Victoria Australia 31040215 Dana O'Brien Waggagal en Wagga Wagga Sydney 0 24 5 Moved back to Wagga Wagga after living in the fast lane for many years. Happily settled in the rural setting. Miss playing dress ups and the parties sometimes.. 135 0 Wagga Wagga New South Wales Australia 24027055 Käthe Thompson k8thommo en Earth Sydney 4 5 I have found what I am looking for in life and I am happily enjoying it!! 14 0 Unknown 158898012 Emma McCormack EmzieMac1 en Hawaii 0 11 7 39 0 Unknown 231697804 Brett Rovere sketch1974 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 7 13 31 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 115561816 shankar kumar singh_shann en 0 171 30 1425 0 18343679 Leah boyne1 en Queensland Brisbane 0 11 47 79 0 Queensland Australia 21385522 Desiree desireemelanie en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 662 120 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 232102420 Tom Martin tommo97 en 0 3 2 4 0 232088867 Jake situation jakeyswag en 0 22 23 106 0 231685346 TimeLapseMaineyaa TimeLapseMainey en Boston 0 31 8 Just trying to put out some Twitts 132 0 Boston Massachusetts United States 114154118 Stuart Cranney StuartCranney en Sunshine Coast Hawaii 0 178 378 717 7 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 157363344 Nigel Kelly Nigelsound en Perth Australia Perth 0 6 6 Recording/Sound Engineer. 22 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 23857736 Damian Elliott emfoeno en North Coast N.S.W. Australia Hawaii 0 2 2 Hermit. 52 0 17266882 jpbauer jpbauer en Moncton, New Brunswick, CANADA Atlantic Time (Canada) 0 317 139 JohnEric is a proud Maritimer from New Brunswick, Canada who enjoys his career working as a business lawyer out of the Moncton Law Offices of Stewart McKelvey. 992 1 94331551 Digital ePolitics digipolitics en Melbourne 0 253 23 At Digital ePolitics we report and link you to the world of online digital communications, web 2.0 and social media political strategies. 1175 11 Victoria Australia 204667519 Bellaa(: iBellahx3 en Wonderland Hawaii 0 41 42 Silly person :) i Live ONCE. i like chasing cat's i eat apples forever! molly beatty is mint. 234 0 Unknown 74391754 Pete Boehm pete_boehm en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 385 748 I’m passionate about helping every Australian achieve their dream of home ownership and helping them with their finance & property needs. 438 9 Melbourne Victoria Australia 182670575 Monique moniquefreer en Hawaii 0 14 2 77 0 Unknown 223532737 Rob Smith twits999 en 0 5 1 122 0 21065709 Kylie Blucher kblooch en ÜT: -27.474109,152.993847 Brisbane 255 525 334 9 193245028 Emma Altschwager emmaaltschwager en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 6 2 Reporter for Messenger News 32 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 223045436 Driver Forum TaxiDriverForum en Gold Coast, Australi 0 11 30 Taxi Driver Forum is an Online Community Connecting Drivers, Owners and Companies. 81 0 230571667 Stephen Laggner StephenLaggner en Australia Canberra 0 272 72 Website/Blog/Affiliate Marketer, Entrepreneur, Constant thoughts on increasing wealth and new idea creation, Weed puller. 670 1 Australia 21051828 Swisse Vitamins SwisseVitamins en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 457 102 275 11 Melbourne Victoria Australia 231624983 MissRedFlag en New Jersey, USA Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 84 26 Miss Red Flag is a blog about pointing out red flags on relationships that may forecast an unhappy ending, dating stories, and blogging about my personal life. 412 0 New Jersey United States 158705284 Mathew Thompson MathewJThompson en Sydney, NSW Sydney 15 0 Casual gardener, incompetent using a spirit level, former winner of a non-televised Logie... and not adverse to a pint 53 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 161149546 Mark Sullivan, ACTEW Sullivan_ACTEW en Canberra, ACT Canberra 0 122 149 Proud Canberran. Managing Director of ACTEW Corp . Bronwyn, Fiona and Ryan are my joys. Golf is my great distraction. Go Raiders, Brumbies, Caps and St Kilda 44 2 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 67834192 Tanya tanyatbell en Australia Brisbane 0 11 61 Project engineer, potato gem lover and Broncos supporter. My goals in life- to get a bungas tan and my own business card (so far, I'm failing at both). 24 0 Australia 92439316 Andrea Frost frosty8080 en 0 7 27 81 0 25648941 Jim Pike JimPike06 en Hawaii 0 7 16 51 0 Unknown 75748922 Frank Wilkinson francis_952 en Canberra Canberra 2 0 6 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 231919085 William Baulch baulchw en Brisbane QLD 6 0 37 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 206621861 Katharina Eastes Katharinaeastes en 9 0 107 0 94809863 Wasantha Kumara wasan1 en Singapore Singapore 0 822 39 1526 5 Singapore Singapore 197730432 Jenna Tyrrell jennamaree87 en 0 29 4 235 0 192768620 Ranya rggggh en 6 0 123 0 230418522 Simon Brown simonbrown16 en 1 0 6 0 80000312 AusYouthMusicCouncil aymc en Australia Brisbane 0 185 75 Australian Youth Music Council 331 17 Australia 231661907 Justin King j_m_king en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 5 0 PhD student at Swinburne University of Technology. 27 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 230018414 Joe Hannigan Joey8710 en 0 1 1 68 0 231607329 JVM 2011 LIVE! JVM_LIVE2011 en Framför 42-tummaren 0 17 34 Allt om JVM. Analyser, liveuppdatering och mycket mer. Swedish analysis of the WJC in hockey! 111 0 26975637 Nikki Cooper Nikki_Chicky en Maryborough Brisbane 0 14 152 this sux. find me on facebook. 53 0 Maryborough Queensland Australia 55542830 Zac Swindells zacswindells en ÜT: -37.818544,144.958767 Melbourne 0 11 30 52 0 18363406 Grahame Rees peneena en Bathurst. NSW Melbourne 0 374 519 G'day I spent most of my life on a sheep station at Ivanhoe NSW.After meeting Bud Williams, passion - teaching Low Stress Stockhandling & Livestock marketing 697 11 Bathurst New South Wales Australia 228683379 The Nerissa RedRascal33 en Wangaratta Australia Melbourne 8 10 Happiness is important. 40 0 Wangaratta Victoria Australia 27154697 penelope barber penny2901 en Australia Sydney 57 22 357 1 Australia 231038166 Phil Cook philedcook en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 4 2 47 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 101351904 David Trainor davidjtrainor en Melbourne Australia. Hawaii 0 32 37 Melbourne. Father of a 10 year old champion. Angus. 194 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 223067820 Psycho Kanga Psychokanga en 0 10 124 27 0 14695073 Tenina Tenina en Western Australia Perth 0 424 2597 Thermomixtress extraordinaire, official recipe developer for Thermomix Australia. LOVE my job! 574 92 Western Australia Australia 216923806 Dmitry Titkov dtitkov en Sydney 0 1 1 18 0 New South Wales Australia 38824766 Dr Scott Lamshed revdrscott en Wilcannia, NSW Sydney 0 16 2 Husband to Kathy, my best friend and helpmate. Senior Minister of River Ministries. Conducts Leadership, Cross Cultural and Evangelistic Seminar/meetings. 43 0 105089829 ally vissa allylv en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 137 4487 186 5 Brisbane Queensland Australia 55060083 Jodie J StopLiveExports en Fremantle, Western Australia Brisbane 0 38 13 determined to stop the cruel live export of animals and instead encourage the growth of the chilled meat trade. 118 3 Fremantle Western Australia Australia 22715089 rocco fazzari roccofazzari en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 148 123 Rocco is a artist living and working in Sydney Australia whose work is published regularly in the Sydney Morning Herald. 182 15 Sydney New South Wales Australia 66335867 Greer greerspeaking en Perth, Down Under Perth 0 29 1088 tweets generally speak for themselves 161 4 128830483 Mal Campbell mal_campbell2 en Melbourne, Australia 0 33 53 231 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 231264760 robert block warwick13 en 0 1 7 20 0 72554020 xeden xeden en Pacific Time (US & Canada) 50 5 │█│║▌│║▌█║▌│║▌║ xeden®™ °¹°¹¹°¹°°¹ °¹ °¹ 191 3 United States 83126670 Chris Burnett harryismydog en Canberra Australia Canberra 0 9 39 Political, sport and news junkie. Yes I need help. 126 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 114387721 INDIAN. kinglyscience en INDIA &Everywhere.. Chennai 0 179 1608 I am different from the multiple names and forms.I am indivisible,by nature joyous.I am,that am I,The invincible,eternal,endless factor. 982 16 230868037 Daniel Brassington DAN879 en 0 7 1 143 0 1588711 Deane Williams Deane en Port Lincoln, South Australia Adelaide 0 329 187 ABC Local Radio Eyre Peninsula and West Coast SA breakfast producer/presenter. 746 16 Port Lincoln South Australia Australia 29722501 Annaliese Lockhart Annaliese_ en Where The Wild Things Are Perth 0 64 111 Politics/hip hop 177 1 Unknown 180776905 Tom Fitzmaurice tominaus en Melbourne Melbourne 2 0 17 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 28086172 Chris Perdue Jaktar en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 3 7 26 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22234182 Jason Trickey jasontrickey en Geelong Melbourne 7 0 Serial nitpicker, social commentator, and crash test dummy for your legal system. Amen. 158 2 Geelong Victoria Australia 231034206 James Falk jamesafalk en 0 0 4 0 147210548 Markko markko174 en On the Australian Coast Perth 0 11 1 sports fan, food and wine lover, approach life with a positive mental attitude 127 1 231013896 Rebecca McQueen becott79 en 3 0 6 0 221718315 Brooke Prentis bprentis en Brisbane 0 9 3 27 0 Queensland Australia 229354590 Scarry ScarryOne en Armadale Western Australia Perth 0 17 20 I'm a grumpy old bugger that hates everything. 148 0 Armadale Western Australia Australia 20654613 Catherine Crawford CathCrawf en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 47 62 Popular culture devotee, right-wing zealot, media addict, news junkie & style lover 141 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 37183444 Heidi Arapa HeidiArapa en Bella Vista, Sydney, Australia Sydney 56 441 Entrepreneur, Wife, Mother Owner of 4 Toy Poodles Australia's First Ever Dog Wedding POSH & Hercules Thank YOU to Kyle, Jackie O & Producers from 2dayFM, Sydney 251 0 29181703 Kerri Kellett KerriKellett en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 33 26 Passionate about health, fitness and politics. Pescatarian. 106 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 157608987 Mina iAmMiuMiu en Sydney 0 302 2500 Sydney girl. Law student. Aspiring writer. Occasional blogger. Part time Pirate. Animal lover. Photography ♥'er. I have ulterior motives of world domination. 581 12 New South Wales Australia 20743221 Kirsty kirstybaxter79 en melbourne, australia Melbourne 0 62 162 232 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 230921384 Sonic Empress SonicEmpress en Australia Brisbane 0 4 8 Reinventing the wheel with a screwdriver 35 0 Australia 230894227 Daniel Irwin nrpphotos en New South Wales Canberra 0 8 13 Freelance news photographer based in New South Wales. 64 2 New South Wales Australia 230900670 Six Rules sixrules en Melbourne 0 2 4 20 0 Victoria Australia 230886669 yotibloom yotibloom en 0 4 4 35 0 95134806 Leanne Tweets LeanneTweets1 en Alabama Central Time (US & Canada) 0 166 478 Stay at home mother, wife, and author. My Motto: If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere. -- Frank A. Clark 905 2 Alabama United States 198326761 Teddy Ransom teddyransom4 en 0 37 15 #4 127 0 229391056 Andy Brooke pilbara_tog en Port Hedland, Australia Perth 1 0 Father of 2, husband of 1. Photographer for both love and money. Educator and student in equal measures. 43 0 134712288 Agenda Personnel Agendapersonnel en Melbourne, VIC Melbourne 0 55 128 In operation since 1996, providing perm, contract and temp roles such as: Office Support, International Trade, Japanese, Engineering and Accounting. 76 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 220808339 Andrew Banasik andrewbanasik en Sydney 0 17 13 105 0 New South Wales Australia 230693201 Ray Marshall RayMarshallUAP en 2 0 37 0 18420211 thewalters5 thewalters5 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 11 55 28 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 198022761 Lou Delaney louisejdelaney en Australia Melbourne 8 12 Addicted to blogs, Facebook, photography, Etsy and I have sucumbed to Twitter pressure from Ruth! 45 0 Australia 172878579 Ross Stainlay RossStainlay en Brisbane Brisbane 0 1 2 13 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 230373766 Ashley Jarquin ashjarquin en 9 0 44 0 74325513 Matthew Clough 29ster03 en Sydney 0 15 33 160 Characters will never ever fully describe anyone's bio. To prove this I shall type until I made made to stop. With only 36 chars left as of writing 36... no 172 0 New South Wales Australia 30994360 Jesse Asuka_Ninja en in your head Brisbane 0 26 145 19,male,blonde,blue-eyes,6'3,leftie,single. how often do you come across that combination? :/ 144 0 161641076 Max Ferguson MaxFerguson en Shellharbour Australia Sydney 0 3 19 Mental Health Nurse Married 32 3 230648693 Sarah evaschon en Hawaii 0 0 45 0 Unknown 35694523 Daina Aspin DainaAspin en Sydney Sydney 0 12 7 102 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 227624669 Alex Chen TheChenga en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 264 69 Asian Background, I Love Computers And Electronics, Some People Call Me A Computer Savy nerd But I Like Being Myself. 1063 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 201691634 Jevan Pipitone jevanpipitone en canberra, australia Canberra 0 752 57 I like board games, card games, online chat and email penpals. 2001 16 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 150454677 Sarah Meredith sarah__meredith en 0 82 13 214 0 230425332 Danny Durward Gunbuster63 en South Australia Adelaide 2 0 13 0 South Australia Australia 230535428 Maxime Frechette maxhockey4life en montreal Central Time (US & Canada) 0 116 109 follow me if you like #hockey :) i also help people to live there dreams :) my idol is cammeleri & i miss jaroslav halak 472 0 Montreal Quebec Canada 230497208 Angus Mordant PbodyPhoto en Everywhere 0 20 16 Melbourne based 2nd Year BA Photo (Photojournalism) student, originally from Sydney. Love to travel (Been to at least 33 countries on 6 of the 7 continents) 72 1 Unknown 222876220 I-Events UriEvents es Barcelona Amsterdam 0 199 68 Event Manager de Youth Movement, nueva empresa de eventos y viajes para estudiantes. e-mail de contacto: 1765 6 Barcelona Spain 221358948 Dirk Mulder dirkjmulder en 0 2 3 11 0 90616027 Paul Scrutton paulscrutton en Darwin, Australia Darwin 0 28 84 116 0 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 191675416 YACWA yacwa en Western Australia Perth 0 78 65 YACWA is the peak non-government youth organisation in Western Australia. We operate primarily as a human rights organisation. 291 3 Western Australia Australia 230420995 Ben Sandler bensan137 en 17 0 270 0 192467705 M Lynch mj_lynch en Sydney 0 17 303 58 0 New South Wales Australia 209458770 jen rajca jrajca en 12 0 82 0 115556186 Winnipeg Jets TheWinnipegJets en Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Central Time (US & Canada) 0 3492 4067 Winnipeg Jets, Winnipeg Jets, Winnipeg Jets, Winnipeg Jets, The Winnipeg Jets, The Winnipeg Jets, The Winnipeg Jets, Winnipeg Jets, Winnipeg Jets, Winnipeg Jets 3841 88 Winnipeg Manitoba Canada 224435416 Morley Muralitharan srilankamorley en Melbourne Australia Hawaii 0 35 35 Cricketer, Sports Motivational Coach, Sports Blogger & Online Commentator. Self confessed cricket, tennis, soccer & AFL freak. Energetic & passionate person. 606 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 143476115 Ron Woodham ronwoodham en Sydney 0 10 122 Officer to the bone. 76 0 New South Wales Australia 185173745 gyanpal gyanpal2 en Hawaii 0 451 13 1816 3 Unknown 144020320 Seija La_Raconteuse en Sydney, Australia Sydney 7 228 Magazine designer, disturber of the peace, bookworm, fitness fanatic, gourmand, daydreamer, cat fancier, Francophile, Bowie aficionado, domestic goddess. 45 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 229778408 Ben Pahl bennypahl en 0 21 19 183 0 228939717 Johnny Magro Johnny_Magro en 2 0 7 0 230057015 ScurNet en 0 128 30 Looking for an article for your website, news letter or a great forum to learn about Search Engine Optimization? Look no further! 291 0 230054299 Bill Franks PuckHockey en Boston, MA Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 27 651 I'm a big NHL fan. Love to watch Canadian hockey as well. 87 0 Boston Massachusetts United States 22240767 Naomi Howard nay_oh_my en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 42 59 High school teacher. Experimental cook. Android user. Occasionally witty. 213 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 167733124 20:20 Driving School 2020DriveJustin en Melbourne Melbourne 0 62 337 20:20 Drive Melbourne. Road safety info, new driver tips, news and stuff to know. 20:20 DS The Smart Learners' Choice. 100 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 227160598 ANTaR National ANTaR_National en Australia Sydney 0 93 50 Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation: a national organisation advocating for the rights of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples 277 13 Australia 230005229 charly avendaño charlyhockey_13 es 0 0 11 0 229977028 Convict Creations convictculture en Australia Sydney 0 5 24 Larrikin or wowser? Australia has always had one Australian trying to make rules to live by, and one Australian trying to break them. 27 0 Australia 229991774 Susan Donohue Susand62 en 3 0 20 0 228704575 Greg Irvine greg_irvine en Melbourne (when im there) 0 31 43 Country born and bred. Melbourne living. Media manager for Magic Millions. Love my job. Have some horses and enjoy life :) 117 0 229856554 Terry Donohue Terrywd2 en 3 0 20 0 228261348 Steve Morgan steve_morgs en Brisbane Hawaii 0 17 38 Father of 4, husband to my best friend Sue & regularly am locked up behind bars - visiting teens & working with them & their families to stay out of detention! 188 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 229745668 Rajesh kanna amwish2 en 4 0 37 0 227984994 The Punch News punch_news en Australia Hobart 0 451 81 ★ Join Australia’s best conversation. Latest news from The Punch as it happens. ★ 1988 22 Australia 229746454 Jo Spencer IanJoSpencer en 0 1 1 7 0 213807332 Emerald Firli Key_Release en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 223 162 Self-confessed chocoholic, coffeeholic & mumpreneur. 557 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 66313792 Bharat Parajuli bharat_vista en Nepal, kathmandu Hawaii 0 68 48 student of engineering 356 0 226106574 Patrick Scott pat_223 en 0 30 32 Quick Bowler for McKinnon Heat, and South East Seagull player. Represented St. Pauls for District Cross Country, 3 times. 362 1 214299892 Bonita Mersiades bonitamersiades en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 204 571 Politics, international relations, advancing the human condition, civil society and a just peace + travel, football, music and food. 304 8 Sydney New South Wales Australia 228996017 Justin Flynn justinflynn2470 en Barwon Heads Hawaii 0 7 33 cricket, footy (Richmond), rugby league, football (Spurs) beer, barbecues and all that sorta blokey stuff. 76 0 Barwon Heads Victoria Australia 229714235 Len Miller leonooski en 0 0 1 22 0 221575638 Richard Willingham rwillingham en Melbourne Melbourne 0 37 54 Was described as Age Reporter and Bloke. 91 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 116132919 Michael Brozzetti BoundlessLLC en Philadelphia, PA Central Time (US & Canada) 0 220 79 Michael Brozzetti, Esq., CIA is America's #1 Internal Audit Expert & Speaker; Connecting relevance to the Corporate Conscience, Ethics, Governance, & Culture. 1284 5 Philadelphia Pennsylvania United States 228892841 Jerry Ching jerrytyching en 0 0 8 0 114544883 Stéphane Fournier _sfournier fr Rimouski Central Time (US & Canada) 0 716 193 Stéphane Fournier Photographe et vidéaste du journal L'Avantage. Je photographie surtout la LHJMQ , Sports, Paysage et Nature. 1668 28 43671353 Adele Ferguson adele_ferguson en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 117 275 Senior business writer and columnist for and 74 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22083842 Epiphany BroodmareInc en Warwick, Queensland Brisbane 0 5 61 Im A Big Sassy Broodmare With a Lot To Say. 8 0 Warwick Queensland Australia 63465812 Trent Appleyard trentappleyard en Hawaii 0 3 2 yeh 11 0 Unknown 229660902 Kevin Smiggins Kevin_Smiggins en 2 0 30 0 229257480 Brendon Jones brendon314 en Brisbane 1 0 13 0 Queensland Australia 33398396 don rowan rowannamu en Hawaii 0 272 341 info i find funny or of value + a focus on #disability 752 17 Unknown 35603767 Chiara RAID_Babe en Australia Adelaide 29 3921 I'm Chiara and have been an Irish Dancer for 10 years. Next year will be my dancing year - I'm hoping to dance at the State Championships. One day, Worlds. 377 5 Australia 228477317 Paul Harrison harrowing72 en Sydney 0 66 13 is a weetbix kid 551 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 229552174 Hockey God on line INSIDENHL en Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 83 9 Former NHLPA Agent & Junior A Coach- Author INSIDE Hockey . . The Good The Bad & The Ugly . . Going Up The Ranks To The NHL . By Former NHLPA Agent Dave Frost 460 0 United States 222742987 Tristan Cheal trin1812 en 0 1 2 11 0 168647972 Ash Sims mrspinalfusion en 0 2 5 14 0 229454207 Robert Debrin 7perth en 0 3 1 64 0 26173724 jo haley kitjoegia en brisbane 0 107 1676 474 6 Brisbane Queensland Australia 227553600 CAPPERS MALL CAPPERS_MALL en USA Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 83 33 For all of your Sports Handicapping - Cappers Mall - Tools, Forums, Discussions and FREE PICKS - we deal in Nuttin' but Winners!!! 593 0 United States 26981951 Oz ozbadboy1955 en Hawaii 0 5 13 26 0 Unknown 227983570 Steve Holland StephenPHolland en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 14 12 Some people see things as they are and ask; why? Others see things as they never were and claim Mad Cow. Lock 'n' load. 73 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 20273272 Warren Amster wamster en Melbourne 0 34 21 88 0 Victoria Australia 187351631 Colleen Braun Patty63ers en Hawaii 0 8 1 89 0 Unknown 35747565 cute_lee_love cute_lee_love en Mumbai 393 120 1978 2 203811194 Peter Price. peterjpjp en sydney 0 2 16 ceo revesby heights ex-servicemens club 36 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 204246942 Nicholas Birrell LOKEdigmedia en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 16 70 At LOKE we are passionate about generating revenue for our clients via effective, profitable, bespoke online marketing and eBusiness strategies. 45 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 15821443 Gavin Craig gavincraig1973 en Sydney Sydney 0 124 144 blah blah blah...... 667 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 213263615 Zoran Havranek zoranh2 en Melbourne 45 206 355 0 Victoria Australia 229359203 Brendon Pocock weatherman86 en Brisbane Brisbane 0 2 13 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 229320235 William Enright KBurra70 en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 0 13 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 44502461 Liverpool Chamber LiverpoolChmber en Liverpool, NSW Australia Sydney 0 129 47 Liverpool Chamber Members you are an active, leading participant in business & community issues and are contributing to the overall success of business. 38 3 229309561 Mal Lyons Malnral en 0 1 1 7 0 229122255 Kevin Brennan kevinwb74 en Sydney Mountain Time (US & Canada) 0 73 45 Taking a 12-month break from reality to travel around the world. Adventure began: Friday 19th February 2010 432 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 229295546 Russ Lynch mullruss en Perth WA 0 3 1 Just another boring minnion living in this great workd of ours 10 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 23546613 Oliver Woodley owoodley en On the island Sydney 0 167 223 Media with meaning: On the island, by the island, for the island. 630 3 126111721 Jaimie Bain JaimieBain33 en 0 448 382 1363 5 19691525 Peter Cross petercross en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 23 35 Living Lower North Shore in Sydney 44 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 204583937 Paul Towers PaulTowersRE en Avalon, NSW Sydney 0 77 13 Paul Towers is a Sales Consultant at The Professionals - Griffin Real Estate. We service the Upper Northern Beaches incl. Avalon, Newport, Mona Vale & Bilgola 237 2 21037478 Andy Thirlwell andythirlwell en 0 16 53 35 0 228857370 Peter Part peter_part en 1 0 3 0 15797153 kbeddoe kbeddoe en Sydney Sydney 0 56 180 accomplished digital product development and marketing diva 92 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 141897383 Grants & Funding TheGFI en Australia Sydney 0 163 190 Latest news & updates on grants and funding information in Australia 311 7 Australia 89225500 Peter Stagg peter_stagg en Somewhere in the world Sydney 0 12 87 Not waving but Drowning 56 0 Unknown 54181649 Andy R AndyR1969 en 0 5 2 13 0 188337532 J.Hartland Jaysway4 en Australia 0 7 20 60 0 Australia 20906968 Amy Cooper amylouisecooper en Adelaide. 0 28 10 Desperate for a reindeer car. 67 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 225255190 Jack Jack_Nemo en Brisbane 0 6 1 38 0 Queensland Australia 24252016 Anntonette Joseph Anntonette en Canberra Canberra 0 16 36 Engineer, passion for politics, environment, climate change and change management. GenY with baby boomer principles. 39 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 26113994 erin molan Erin_Molan en Sydney Sydney 0 145 95 Channel 9 Sports Reporter 109 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181138877 Chances chancesxare en Melbourne 0 14 34 Mother of 6.Varied life experience.Graduated from the school of hard knocks on several occasions. Love life,like to offer an opinion if it counts. 50 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 224968789 Ro-Co-Imports RoCoImports en Melbourne 0 13 12 Affordable fashion jewellery, scarves and accessories. Delivery Australia wide and overseas. 140 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 157924702 Kristy gnkdavis en The Whitsundays, Nth QLD Brisbane 155 1829 Mum Wife Sister Daughter Female Human 925 0 229006380 Andrew Berney andrewberney en 0 1 2 8 0 228999697 Lisa Scott lisanscott en Perth, Western Australia Perth 11 1 86 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 216273689 Ross Westmore ross_at_home en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 71 836 Husband, Father, sports follower, handyman, conservative right-wing voter, capitalist, Atheist. Aussie Bloke. 115 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 228956103 Paul Bini paulbini en 0 5 4 47 0 23148149 Paul Fleetwood fleetiemac en Sydney Sydney 63 325 294 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 228864601 Stephen Bromhead StephenBromhead en Forster 0 1 6 12 0 228980655 Dean Moss Dean_Moss en Brisbane Brisbane 2 0 10 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 191667942 Brian West Brian_West43 en Sydney Australia 0 30 240 216 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 161119205 James Vılet boister340 en Central Time (US & Canada) 0 109 1730 285 0 United States 57515493 liamhoulihan liamhoulihan en 0 29 14 169 0 228946778 Spotless Leopard SpotlessLeoprd en Melbourne 4 0 86 0 Victoria Australia 63044035 Karin Nielsen blondyboo26 en Brisbane Brisbane 0 11 1 29 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 59409602 Kyle Ruxton Arkady2009 en Australia Hawaii 0 37 1108 Not much to say here. JBJ is hot, though. 123 0 Australia 228930947 amy hattam amyhattam en Hawaii 0 16 1 3aw Journalist 48 0 Unknown 225788948 James Iansek jimiansek en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 10 28 i once ate a handful of nuts sitting on a bar to the disgust of the person who ordered them. not a fan of nightclubs or running at full speed. 43 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 224460936 Laurell and Tim EMPartyShop en East Malvern Victoria Melbourne 0 16 35 what's a party without balloons?? 134 0 227248201 Donna Pappas DonnaSPappas343 en Australia Sydney 0 16 10 My 3 loves: Jesus, my family, and dance. I teach dance in the Godly and pure way that God meant it to be. 72 0 Australia 168380842 Kaitlyn Russell kaityrussell en Australia Melbourne 0 14 47 Working in admin for the BEST PR company around, Porter Novelli. Keen Ballerina, Actress and lover of most things edible. 83 0 Australia 228884818 Eugene Lagana Eugelagana1978 en 0 2 3 11 0 16992289 eLouMac eLouMac en Stirling Hawaii 0 22 108 Recruitment, Careers and Motherhood - 2 decades well spent 47 0 Stirling Western Australia Australia 218313864 John Hassall johnnyhsaywhat en Melbourne Hawaii 6 6 Environmental Sustainability Officer, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Melbourne 78 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22576965 Vinnie Wylie vinvinboi en Wellington, NZ 0 141 102 they should totally sell Solo in NZ. And Haighs chocolate should deliver. 618 3 Wellington Wellington New Zealand 113298581 Misty Palmer mistyleep en Buenos Aires Buenos Aires 0 129 1318 Life is too short to drink, eat or wear unpleasant things. 218 0 Buenos Aires Argentina 29343515 jacob brisbanejacob en 4 0 35 0 19059633 Pavel pavelbd87 en 0 44 46 504 0 201613533 Political Policy APPolicy en 0 8 8 96 0 225739439 Nikos Laios NikosLaios en North Sydney 0 53 190 Life is now; life is art,poetry,food,laughter,sports,music,sex, passion,politics,the stock market and dancing 111 0 North Sydney New South Wales Australia 179512053 Luke A Danaher luke_a_danaher en Brisbane Brisbane 9 21 60 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 206539911 Grant Treen the_sis_blog en Perth, Western Australia 0 10 26 90 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 103968512 Angel Venus helme796 en Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 420 439 2001 3 United States 223802516 Harsha Sugathapala harsha_i en 0 5 1 14 0 192897560 Kent Winzer KLW44 en Melbourne, AU Melbourne 13 69 110 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 226771149 Donna Edenborough tomandemily07 en 0 3 2 21 0 220966894 Nick Sas Sasbites en Perth Perth 0 41 18 Journalist at The West Australian. Music tragic. Loves a good sit-down. Will never be known as the 'Twitteratti'. 133 6 Perth Western Australia Australia 228559036 Xavier Donbon xDonbon en 0 17 55 120 0 226475070 Isabelle Oderberg HeraldSunEye en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 281 261 Social media editor for Melbourne's Herald Sun. Want to know what's going on inside our news room? Just ask me. 590 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 47871193 MARGARET MARJIM61 en Melbourne 0 15 14 67 0 Victoria Australia 86426468 Roy Viles RoyViles en Pomona Queensland Australia Brisbane 97 28 Selling Real Estate in Pomona at Raine & Horne.If you haven't listed your property with me you haven't sold it yet 528 2 Pomona Queensland Australia 117409097 Chalpat Sonti ChalpatSonti en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 377 887 Journalist with, National Times columnist, and former Invercargill mashed potato eating champion. 127 28 Perth Western Australia Australia 20899144 Jessica Baird jessabaird en Sydney Sydney 0 140 55 In 1981 my parents thought it would be a good idea to have a love child. Here I am. [I work in human rights, but these views are my own] 413 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 222934333 Daniel Farmer CCNSWBC en Central Coast, NSW Sydney 0 17 17 We provide sound, independent advice, information and support for Central Coast businesses, working to help our members maximise their full business potential. 30 1 Gosford New South Wales Australia 227953098 nick ferrier nickadeeee en brisbane Brisbane 0 164 9 i love livin i just cant get enough of it 730 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 219474035 Tashi Cooper tashicoops en 0 51 60 312 0 165995925 Elizabeth Brauner EVBrauner en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 107 177 653 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 126215016 Lachlan Mansell lachlan_mansell en Bathurst, Australia Sydney 0 35 86 Journalism student at Charles Sturt University, Bathurst and owner of Chequered Flag Media - motorsport journalism, PR and commentary. 100 1 39978271 Herr Low herrlow en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 32 184 Herr Low is the slightly eccentric face of social control. 118 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 22352007 El Presidente NetPresident en Australia Adelaide 220 2740 Indignant tweets from the Frontlines of IT & 21st Century Families. You are and always will be, my friend 277 8 Australia 22855793 Marcus Knapp marcusknapp en 0 7 1 23 0 123832619 Shelton evralea en Brisbane Australia Brisbane 25 771 Born & Bred S.E.Queenslander. Love my only son. Grateful for life 156 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 226418177 Adrian Sparks Sparksy01 en Griffith Sydney 0 14 18 I like Music, wine and footy. Thats pretty much it. oh, and chicks. I prefer them over blokes. Not that blokes are bad though. gee, this is tough 19 0 91658060 Kylie DavisBraySmart kyliedbee en Salt Ash Sydney 3 1 still working on it!! 35 0 53900824 Steve Blizard steveblizard en Perth, Western Australia Perth 10 25 Investment Adviser 47 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 51997328 Donald G Bradman ourdonbradman en playing whist with VT Trumper Sydney 0 78 102 The posthumous tweets of the greatest Australian batsman never to win an IPL contract. Opinions expressed here are not those of Mr Woodfull or Mr Hodgetts. 50 11 114767576 Wayne Tolmie wtolmie en Miranda, New South Wales AU Beijing 0 9 25 84 0 216142379 John Anderson AndoJC en Bunyip Melbourne 0 32 276 Kicking back on the farm 99 0 Bunyip Victoria Australia 68926053 Stu Mack & Co. StuartMackinlay en Sydney 0 20 41 In Essendon we trust and now with additional commentary from Harry (HM) 125 0 New South Wales Australia 129426229 graham pepper pepperg1959 en 0 4 3 79 1 228269006 Kevin Gillett kevgillett en Taigum BRISBANE Brisbane 0 0 5 4 0 22442475 Merry Go Round MGRPRODUCTIONS en iPhone: -33.787243,151.129402 Sydney 0 81 60 Merry Go Round Productions 167 2 228292544 Daniel Danieljj84 en 1 0 7 0 224088004 Poll Watch mypollwatch en Melbourne Melbourne 0 169 41 Keeping our nations political leaders honest through your iphone 1505 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 212856385 Dr Andrew Johnson Dr_AKJ en Port Pirie Adelaide 0 2 5 CEO of Port Pirie Regional Council, Port Power member; Married with two boys. 20 0 Port Pirie South Australia Australia 30651711 Debbie Meier gemma2759 en Sydney 17 4 30 0 New South Wales Australia 228258592 Renae Henry renaelee23 en Ten News Journalist 0 9 5 74 0 35056812 Judi Cogen JudiCogen en Cincinnati, OH Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 13180 16456 Selection and retention specialist. Public speaker and strategist who mixes education with laughter. 13028 288 169854913 Chris Bath cbath71 en Brisbane 0 2 2 66 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 221670107 Ben Fielding Ben_Fielding en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 644 79 46 9 Sydney New South Wales Australia 35683722 John Edney johnedney en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 26 14 20 years old. From Eltham in Melbourne 106 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 15359492 margaret carey margaretcarey en Sydney (Lower North Shore) Sydney 0 74 64 Accounting software consultant assisting small businesses with QuickBooks & MYOB, love travelling, bushwalker, care for the environment, member of The Greens 77 3 105417660 Aaron walabbott en Victoria, Melbourne 5 74 cycling tragic 218 0 Victoria Australia 108814159 penelope~ penreyes en Sydney 78 3440 scientist, mumma, wife, daughter, sister and friend. 144 4 New South Wales Australia 70384045 Sammy Mitchell sammyawmitchell en Melbourne, Australia Sydney 0 13 9 i love a drink 52 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 227888112 Jamie Miller jamie12z en Sydney & Brisbane 0 1 1 22 0 16426382 PhilMoir PhilMoir en Adelaide Australia Adelaide 0 17 20 Hardworking Aussie Dad who dotes on his 3 girls and shines a light on his two boys! 88 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 42386633 Tony Coleman schillaci1960 en NSW South Coast Sydney 0 341 314 Educator, Deputy Principal, History and Soccer Enthusiast, Married 2 Kids Interested in learning to use Web 2 tools at school. 742 32 Shoalhaven New South Wales Australia 145630166 Jie Wells Wellsey_82 en Hawaii 10 4 158 0 Unknown 180694017 jo lovell jolovell74 en 0 5 6 31 0 37341369 Simone Andrews simone_andrews en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 18 28 49 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 227947872 Zach Davis-Hancock ZDH1989 en Ormiston Brisbane 0 10 2 LNP Stats Geek, social media nerd.... love campaigning and being with friends. Love real football and am an avid gamer geek. 82 0 Ormiston Queensland Australia 215434377 Alif Muhammad allchallem en 0 10 8 107 0 160684051 Philip Collins PhilipACollins en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 863 229 Management consultant working with SMEs to fine tune, improve & grow their business. 1758 7 Brisbane Queensland Australia 227152863 Fonebox FoneboxGroup en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 296 3 Full Telco Provider specialising in complex 13/1300/1800 routing. Advertising on Hold and Instore Radio Solutions 1693 11 Brisbane Queensland Australia 227931529 Philip Relf philiprelf en 0 0 6 0 109804987 Michael Wood byrock2003 en Bathurst NSW Australia Canberra 0 31 56 224 0 227876107 Richard Peters richdaymark en 0 7 3 Director of a start up PR firm in Aust and figuring out life as it goes. At that uncool stage with my two kids. 35 0 177652977 Keith Of Melbourne Dole_Army en Umm Melbourne ... Melbourne 0 7 78 I'm Keith, but that's not really my name - I once had a crusty mullet. 30 0 134625476 Cameron Hocking camhocking en 0 6 5 11 0 227859048 Brett Harding bhardingtweet en 0 0 1 4 0 226408018 Doug Dingwall dougdingwall en Sydney 0 6 8 Freelance journalist 50 0 New South Wales Australia 41478510 Collin Guin CollinGuin en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 8 3 37 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 227640554 Angela Heyward aheyward2 en 1 0 7 0 47059764 Michael Kirby MichaelKirbs en 0 5 19 18 0 227639119 Shaun Heyward shaun_heyward en 0 0 10 0 226830238 Andrew Masi YellowCoaching en Maitland, NSW, Australia 0 15 11 37 0 Maitland New South Wales Australia 221957977 bret ryan sorelikeaneagle en australia Brisbane 0 29 277 harleys,freedom n speed.tell it how it is,hate being told what im allowed to do,so i recomend u recomend it 1st. 44 0 Australia 12312692 John Crowe brissyjohn en Brisbane Brisbane 2 10 21 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 51978796 Ecomoana Surfboards Ecomoana en Vancouver Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 222 11 The Eco-fiendly Surfboard Company 1226 8 Vancouver British Columbia Canada 71042164 rhamon2 rhamon2 en Canada 0 585 227 1881 3 Canada 226880563 SportsJerseys4Less jerseys4less en Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 70 9 We are in the business of providing people with professional quality sports jerseys, at a fraction of the price! check out our website for more info 314 0 United States 178754354 BetOnHockey BetOnHockey_com en London 0 127 336 Hockey betting based website with professional hockey players sharing predictions on upcoming hockey games. 1177 2 England United Kingdom 222610256 David Braithwaite daveism82 en Gippsland, Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 61 85 Journalist, sports fan, political junkie, trivia buff, loves a pun and bad jokes. 270 1 Gippsland Victoria Australia 163081504 Ray White Vic Park raywhitevicpark en Victoria Park, West Australia Perth 0 321 46 PH: 08 9470 0699 | Your Local Real Estate Experts, Living the Victoria Park Life Style. 979 7 Victoria Park Western Australia Australia 227559890 Tamera Lang Tameralang en Sydney Sydney 0 6 8 Tax Counsel at the Taxation Institute. Consulting & advocating for a better tax system. 23 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 226900258 Raelene Lord tmljal en 2 0 40 0 205031737 Laura Tunstall LauraTunstall en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 89 20 Sydney TV reporter. Pretty useless at Twitter. Views are my own. 73 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 150319323 TREVOR SPROTT KINGROOSTER01 en TOOWOOMBA Brisbane 0 27 116 love rugby league 148 0 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 81191998 Melissa Daniels PensiveM en Land of Daydreams Hawaii 0 21 179 hearts: dangly earrings; writing in pencil; ukuleles; politics; books; walking barefoot. allergies: apathy; Lindsay Lohan; religion; pumpkin; horror movies... 97 0 56212929 The Hungry Bookshelf hungrybookshelf en Melbourne, Vic, Australia Melbourne 0 117 311 Home-based online bookseller of LGB, children's books, fiction and non-fiction. A huge variety to browse. 242 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 174527824 merinda dutton Rinda_Dutton en sydney Hawaii 2 12 Just a small-town girl living in a big city! 51 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 208461364 Corinne Turvey rin83c en Hawaii 1 5 46 0 Unknown 224183710 Lucy Blog LucyBlogTweets en Oz Hawaii 0 14 59 The musings of a 20-something Christian, pro-life, anti-porn feminist♥ 48 0 Australia 157438096 Glenn brisbanegee en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 130 2565 I.T. Sport Seafood Chicken Music Shopping Friends Family Vodka/Lemon/Lime Corona/Lime Social Networking Apple Products Sleep 254 5 Brisbane Queensland Australia 170659348 Kate Cullen kate_realestate en Sunshine Coast Brisbane 0 7 8 Real Estate Agent 20 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 128452996 Peter Overton pete_overton en ÜT: -33.811669,151.194974 Sydney 0 1783 67 54 87 227224134 Andrew McCarthy mccarthyaj en Hobart 10 1 72 0 Tasmania Australia 56647735 Paul Maloney paul_maloney en Dubai, UAE London 0 123 230 Senior Associate @ All About Brands Public Affairs. Working in the UAE. Former Campaign and Events Manager for the UK DPM Nick Clegg. These words are my own. 525 6 215943367 Tegan Allott Imafatmole en 0 0 1 16 0 18364038 Roomie Minibum Minibum en Costa Rica Central America 0 778 515 My goal in life is to help you find a roommate or an apartment. 806 0 Costa Rica 15425196 MattPrater MattPrater en Brisbane Brisbane 0 489 2667 Pastor of New Hope Brisbane, Host of History makers radio show. 1195 38 Brisbane Queensland Australia 227210444 Simone Tully SimoneTully en Organic Australia! Sydney 0 3 1 organic food producer mother exporter passionate about rural industry supporter of good causes and mad projects...combined if possible 27 0 147477207 Aussie Paddington AussiePadQLD en Paddington, Qld, Australia Brisbane 0 397 125 Watch out for the Latest news and photos from Aussie Paddington and special offers coming soon. So if you like us and share us with your friends... 1689 14 226815556 SR7 _SR7 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 59 9 Australia's leading social media intelligence and risk management firm. 317 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 150909118 Frank yayfrank en Australia Melbourne 0 105 22 Frank is here to make health insurance clear and simple. Because frankly, it can be confusing. 539 1 Australia 202967558 Brieanna pearce Brieannavan en Hawaii 0 142 163 hello im a massive fan of justin bieber,jay sean,lil wayne omg so hott and ℱℴℓℓℴω me thank you for your support 557 0 Unknown 150555183 Angelo Minny AngeloMinny en Melbourne 0 10 1 90 0 Victoria Australia 201470169 Ali Heart You AliHeartYou143 en Canaduuuh ♥ Mountain Time (US & Canada) 0 721 1980 Justin. Cody. Taylor.♥ I love Cheese. Pancakes. Spaghetti. Accents. Hockey. Life. ♥ My best friends are the best. ♥ I PANCAKE YOU 1884 24 227151082 Stray Guevara strayguevara en Astrayliana Canberra 1 0 i srsly can haz teh poletix reporterer in catspaek langage fur yous on teh interweb lolol kkthxbai p.s. i luvz teh annabel crabb srsly 3 3 shez hawt !!!!1111 57 0 166298669 Heather Lynn Tidwell htidwell11 en Harrisburg, PA Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 243 483 Promo Tech for the greatest rock station, 1057 the x! (on the side i moonlight as a purple ppl eater for channel 1067) 1099 2 58468372 David Michael Chen DaveMichaelChen en Australia USA Brisbane 0 60 57 Writer. Activist. CEO-Founder, Science Fiction Computer Pty Limited ( & upcoming social news media & entertainment portal, 300 0 22856920 Meredith Baxter MereB en Sydney Sydney 0 35 731 I love bake offs, alternative music and harry potter books. I also still love Buffy and it is my specialty in trivia 156 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 152754816 Henri Sanz Henrisanz en 0 6 19 87 0 226830288 gemmadaley gemmadaley1 en Canberra 0 3 1 38 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 189823023 Sacred Grounds Sacred_Grounds_ en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 511 232 freshly roasted #Fairtrade #organic #coffee and drinking #chocolate 1566 22 Sydney New South Wales Australia 220255256 Andrew Civil AndrewCivil en Toowoomba, Qld Brisbane 0 1 4 2 0 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 33123948 Mario D'Angelo MarioDAngelo en NYC Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 242 26 1660 1 New York City New York United States 227015278 Lockermate 101 Lockermate101 en Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 0 1 Electronically organized, you won't ever have to look for your supplies again. 3 0 United States 111905103 Chris Weir ministerdse en Australia Melbourne 0 0 4 4 0 Australia 226945115 Alessia Maruca alessiamaruca en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 28 5 Tory, Economics/Journalism Student, Ethno-Cultural Director QUT Student Guild, QUT Student Ambassador, Lover of the real Football (Soccer). 136 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 24821941 Benjamin Mulcahy BenMulcahy en Australia Brisbane 0 2 Doing my thing in little old Brisbane town! Work in Aviation & have a keen interest in Australian Politics. 20 0 Australia 166977777 Terri Figueroa terrifigueroa en South Australia Adelaide 0 13 4 Mum of two, working at a Bank and studying Bachelor of Communications 37 1 South Australia Australia 226921807 Hans Willenbrock bnnabndr en 0 1 1 5 0 19943410 Ross Copping Rossco47 en Hobart Hobart 0 79 35 206 1 Hobart Tasmania Australia 226881423 Damiian damianscock en 2 0 48 1 223380803 Business Angels BusinessAngels1 en Australia 0 142 22 Business Angels typically invest their own funds, unlike venture capitalists, who manage the pooled money of others in a professionally-managed fund. 570 0 Australia 16037097 Samantha McLean SamanthaMcLean en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 598 232 A Sales and Marketing professional, proposal manager, copywriter and Real Estate Magazine editor. Love cooking for friends (+ a glass of red) in my spare time! 1073 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 226064989 Sophie Mirabella SMirabellaMP en Wangaratta Melbourne 0 48 4 Sophie Mirabella is the Federal Member for Indi and the Shadow Minister for Innovation, Industry and Science. 65 1 Wangaratta Victoria Australia 226431448 Jorian JorianCanberra en Canberra, Australia 0 242 55 Jorian Gardner is a writer, reviewer, journalist, radio commentator, producer, artistic director, arts activist and sometimes PR Guy. 949 7 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 211098488 Joanne Tran jootran en 0 25 78 163 0 118982953 Grace Ryan GRyanOfficial en Sydney 0 10 24 Why not tweet? Everyone else is doin' it... 90 0 New South Wales Australia 111271841 Paul Snedden paulsnedden en 0 29 234 84 1 226818392 Collins Home Loans Collins_Home en Australia Melbourne 0 112 124 Aust owned non-bank home lender promising and delivering competitiveness & product flexibility. We are different from the banks and our relationships matter. 318 3 Australia 218757529 emma hamilton-foster emhfoster en Perth, Australia 0 15 14 66 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 226812358 Wayne Swann SwanWayneMP en Canberra 0 11 13 Treasurer 24 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 179844898 Pigs_Arse Pigs_Arse en In a pig pen near you Sydney 0 4 75 helium balloon pilot, likes to wear ladies panties, Melot swiller,Road kill eater 23 0 115618417 Hilton Luke HiltonLuke en Brisbane Brisbane 0 17 19 All opinions are my own, not that of my employer. 67 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 27593865 Christien Duffey christienduf en 6 0 9 0 152559106 Sinnes sainnes en Brisbane Brisbane 4 7 23 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 198841830 Anish Vinoj worldnewsanish en 0 2200 254 2428 9 145536409 Aussie Lutwyche AussieLutwyche en Lutwyche, Qld, Australia Brisbane 0 326 143 We keep you up to date with information and news that effects you in relation to all things finance. 2001 7 31134034 Amy doolip en Melbourne 0 5 7 25 0 Victoria Australia 226429010 Nicole Andrews LittleNickyPoos en Melbourne 0 5 12 18 0 Victoria Australia 23565653 Julian Carter juliancarter en Sydney Sydney 0 2509 9042 Entrepreneur, Strategist & Incubator with a focus on Digital Media, Infrastructure, Outsourcing, Managed Services & Intellectual Property.  Fanboy. ✈ Fan 2070 75 Sydney New South Wales Australia 213862100 Kevin deZilva kevvie60 en Adelaide, SA, Australia 0 4 1 21 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 221571646 Blake Mott lisajmott en on the court :) 0 34 20 We'r aiming high ...Doing the Lleyton thing and leaving Juniors behind ! when its time to step up No biggie 245 1 226644087 Loris Hemlof LorisHemlof en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 30 155 61 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 39297567 Homewood Suites Homewood_ATL_GA en Alpharetta, Ga. Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 187 96 Making every stay like a home away from home!! 171 15 226551992 hark ininkom en CANBERRA 0 9 1 Canberra 42 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 43618429 RayMalkoun RayMalkoun en Sydney Sydney 6 0 99 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 213875613 Lawyerssydney lawyerssydney en Australia 0 157 79 Here to assist you with any legal issues you have 326 6 Australia 186725875 Lachlan Swan swanny_adel en #Adelaide #SouthAustralia Adelaide 0 309 445 Passionate South Aussie, travel nut, sports tragic & proud maker of men! 424 10 17989213 koen.ruymaekers koen_ruymaekers en Sydney Sydney 0 35 101 1: Dilolo, Congo 2: Antwerp, Belgium 3: Adelaide, Aus 4: Jakarta, Indonesia 5: Singapore 6: Sydney, Aus 7: Dubai, UAE 8: Sydney, Aus 9: Abu Dhabi, UAE 131 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 174143522 Rob Oakeshott RobOakeshottMP en Canberra Hawaii 0 104 9 I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure. I had a twenty minute speech to go here, but Twitter won't let me use it. 38 10 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 105016934 Adam Wyldeck wyldeck en Wodonga Melbourne 0 8 14 36 0 Wodonga Victoria Australia 190840800 Kate Rowan kelizrow en 0 12 8 54 1 25808697 Steven Lutrov epaslv en Melbourne Melbourne 0 26 49 Managed Services outsourcing specialist, software applications developer and part time musician. 44 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 25662935 Joe Hupp joehupp2004 en DUBBO, NSW Australia Sydney 0 189 181 25 year old male V8 Supercar freak Abattoir labourer 607 7 Dubbo New South Wales Australia 212008310 Scott Rex Mecham scttrex33 en Nebraska Central Time (US & Canada) 0 466 400 Media watch dog 2002 9 67525666 mark blandford boothill338 en Sydney 0 8 53 i live in the upper hunter on a 350 acre farm 34 0 New South Wales Australia 189072448 Raymond Cole raycole46 en Hawaii 0 0 11 13 0 Unknown 87577685 Brendan Trembath brendinoabc en Oz 0 72 9 Solo kayaker, journalist & wedding singer 262 5 Australia 20584499 Sally Galletto luciositalian en Paddington, NSW Sydney 0 580 938 Food, art and people. Lucio's Italian Restaurant 351 25 37394450 Robert Maxwell rjmaxwell en Canberra, Australia Sydney 0 20 132 85 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 131414217 Lachlan Beaton lachlanbeaton01 en Hawaii 0 75 153 I'm a political lobbyist and writer. Puppy lover. I'm a tramophobic. I chew megabytes. . Gay but don't make a thing of it. 197 2 Unknown 179897350 Sam Kault samkault en Brisbane 0 11 50 50 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 215449390 Da Chairman ChairmanHorse en 0 27 3 Contumacious equestrian and amateur hornet breeder, Likes: Bungy, Uncle Tobys endorsements, Raybans Dislikes:Public transport, criticism, anything over 55 kg 273 0 215895122 John Kaye johnk1990 en Hawaii 0 19 36 144 0 Unknown 104632938 jesus armando f l jafl94 es Mexico Mazatlan 0 101 1734 1464 1 Mexico 182193969 Peter Metherall petermeth en Melbourne, Oz 0 4 1 15 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 218765473 Adam Duke adam_w_duke en 0 11 2 47 0 164545217 katie_x thereasonfor en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 16 15 the chase is usually better than the catch 105 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 202404166 Troy Davy MortgageFactsWA en Perth Perth 0 462 49 Quality home loan and mortgage information. 1998 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 224177450 Natasha Squarey NatashaSquarey en Sydney Sydney 0 38 22 Journalist. Beach. Party. Travel. Shop. Friends. Today's news is tomorrow's history. 210 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 24772904 Greg L sayitwithglee en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 12 10 I think if you're going to say something, say it with Glee! 35 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 94956334 Martha McCarty mayta1 en Ankara Istanbul 4 2 preparing awesomeness for the end of the world 7 0 218713879 Michael Hann HannMichael en Australia 0 3 1 13 0 Australia 180631966 lucas andres rivas 852lucasrivas es en donde mas pegaa jaja:D 0 40 2 277 0 212858961 Yvonne O' Rourke ludabelle1981 en Kilkenny, Republic of Ireland 0 269 163 My full name is Yvonne O' Rourke - Delaney. I live with my husband in Kilkenny. Currently I'm working as a Pharmacy Technician in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary. 1989 1 23189542 Scott Meikle MisterMeikle en Canberra, ACT Sydney 0 99 473 Entrepreneur , Zuckerberg wannabe, frequent reveler of bars, restaurants and nightclubs,I would consider myself “hip to be ² †Do Dah! 595 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 226141985 John O'Doherty john_odoherty en Canberra Canberra 0 21 11 Ten News Canberra Press Gallery Journalist 125 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 210088934 rajesh rajimusunuru en ongole,AP Chennai 317 246 Good Friend 2001 2 83297773 Angie Baker AngieBaker80 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 30 34 High End Property Sales and Leasing Specialist - Sydney - Melbourne - Queensland 44 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 17230010 Doug_Sun Doug_Sun en Sydney, Australia Sydney 29 131 Loves Wests Tigers, conservative politics, cooking, fishing, horse racing, gardening & my Pinarello. Hates lefties. Climate change is complete bullshit. 241 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 27208537 Veryan Rogers-Smyth vjnamibia en 0 14 20 57 0 151862720 Burk Turk BurkLife en Hawaii 53 353 239 0 Unknown 225595175 Ann-Marie Sosnowski am_sosnowski en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 19 48 Journalist - currently at Austereo Adelaide. Loves news, sport, entertainment, music, and my horse Duke! 80 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 33880271 Laura Stapleton LauraLousie en Hawaii 0 0 75 0 Unknown 31862579 David Hinder DJHinder en Singleton, WA Perth 0 5 62 17 years old and interested in technology & gadgetry, government, video games and the apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic genre. 58 1 156734471 michaelbehan mikeybehan en Lismore Sydney 0 0 1 10 0 Lismore Victoria Australia 175242316 Tony Preece teepee25 en brisbane 0 31 33 communication activist and radical communication strategist; brisbane based, globablly intergrated; speaker, writer, adventurer; humourist, humanist, optimist 98 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 97552711 Melanie Levy Mel3004 en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 6 15 Stoked to have a great husband (most of the time ;) and an adorable daughter. Great family and friends around me, what more could a girl want. :) 93 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 225019163 Nathaniel Mikhaiel nathanielmik en 0 15 47 135 0 207457852 brainstorm2012 brainstorm2012 en Perth Melbourne 0 43 158 Let there be light! Conspiracies, truths and everything in between. 289 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 27823019 Linda Grinter grinteration en Melbourne 0 16 1 102 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 225952248 Tracy Lee Harvey goodbyewelfare en Australia Brisbane 0 22 27 Welfare to millionaire. Author, Social Worker, campaigner to break poverty cycle and promote financial education. 117 0 Australia 205087127 Michael Muchmore MrMuchmore en not sure Hawaii 0 23 1 200 0 224385993 Ted Kilby tedkilby en Hawaii 0 3 18 13 0 Unknown 221641615 Eva Culhane evacculhane en Sydney 0 29 120 Lover of all things cheese, wine, pasta, film, television and puppies. 176 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 150063417 skiptweet skiptweetcom en Indonesia 0 166 74 SkipTweet Your Source for Social News and Networking 1999 0 Indonesia 130750654 Patty Kikos PattyKikos en Enmore Sydney 0 43 11 yoga teacher, marriage celebrant, kinesiologist, lover of fun, food, movies, books, walks & avid learner of Italian & Spanish. 124 0 211151691 Spruiker Alert SpruikerAlert en Canberra 0 11 34 Repeated government bailouts are selling out taxpayers to vested interests. Enough is Enough. 63 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 219466286 Greg Connors Greg_Connors en Newcastle, Australia Hawaii 0 3 9 10 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 14451553 Nic lolnic en Adelaide. Adelaide 0 18 208 Works for the Internet. 20 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 221637656 Menachem Vorchheimer MenachemV en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 28 28 Menachem Vorchheimer is a businessman, entrepreneur & father of three. He is a passionate advocate for human rights & equality at law – a “fair go†for all. 226 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 42302775 Pheona Arndell PheonaArndell en Australia Sydney 38 281 219 2 Australia 112277681 Ling Lui 0lui en Australia Sydney 2 1 137 7 Australia 210835529 Towers Watson Aus TowersWatsonAus en Australia Melbourne 0 123 67 Towers Watson, leading consultants in superannuation | investment | risk & financial services | employee surveys | talent & reward | technology | communications 119 6 Australia 174912162 Shut In ShutInAustralia en Australia Sydney 0 1035 85 A campaign to close institutions for people with disability in Australia. CRPD Article 19. 1129 39 Australia 225960653 Randy Meyers randy_meyers en California 0 9 12 26 0 California United States 190888867 Anton Dembo lsdadd en melbourne Melbourne 0 2 15 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 225940220 Eri Di orsi Eridiorsi es En el lugar de siempre. 0 7 16 63 0 181472788 Alistair Kitchen alistairkitchen en 0 19 34 Rounding up a year's travel and currently doing nothing in Berlin. 149 3 167610608 Kirsty Randles randlesk en 0 12 20 157 0 225694684 James Travers J_Trav1 en 0 3 4 Person who thinks he knows stuff 16 0 79629531 HG Howegroup HoweGroup en AUSTRALIA /USA / CHINA/ EUROPE Melbourne 0 609 355 Network, Laugh alot, Work & Play Hard,Really Make a difference,Help People, Connect with World,Impress,Inspire Start with the end in mind, Share, Create, Enjoy 1994 4 Australia 30204763 tim flack timbo1971 en melbourne Melbourne 0 15 3 57 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 25819081 Andrew Forster fourstar82 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 163 1692 Illustrator, Graphic Designer, Photographer and Apprentice Chef 546 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 225774348 granger granger_au en 0 3 1 11 0 224542500 nathan church nathandchurch en Bathurst Hawaii 6 0 54 0 Bathurst New South Wales Australia 18675077 colin and justin colinjustin en london, toronto, glasgow Central Time (US & Canada) 0 6058 926 colin and justin TVdesigners and international glamazons 2474 216 Toronto Ontario Canada 22966534 Sean Craig Murphy seancraigmurphy en Adelaide 0 43 43 I'm a contraire, that means that I'll generally take the less popular view solely to stimulate the conversation and get peeps fired up. I also like pretty fings 46 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 217715267 trevor fredgeelong en geelong victoria australia 4 0 retired teacher widowed 4 children 3 grandchildren enjoy chatting exchanging good emails most seniors interests 61 0 Geelong Victoria Australia 23699973 Steven Laybutt sjlaybutt en Newcastle Sydney 11 0 46 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 225719989 Andrew Vamvakaris andrewvam en Sydney Australia Hawaii 1 2 Since the 1990's has worked across various Property sectors in Australia, UK & Middle East, encompassing Advisory, Agency and Project Management. LREA & Valuer 12 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 224642918 Nicole E Collins NiksE1990 en Australia, New South Wales Sydney 0 26 43 20 year old female, trapped in the body of a 16 year old. I'm a realist, living in a idealist world. I'm a avid fan of felines and rabbitesque animals. 77 0 New South Wales Australia 17386686 Collin Mullane co_ll_in en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 740 7413 vi veri veniversum vivus vici 358 67 Perth Western Australia Australia 117814300 Jaime de la Torre jtmtwit en Mexico 0 43 89 238 1 Mexico 225658094 Nerissa Barton NerissaYsobel en International Date Line West 0 4 8 0 Unknown 202980242 Damien Scott DSPD76 en 5 Alan St Shepparton VIC 3630 Melbourne 0 10 24 Painter & Decorator. Love sports, fishing & camping. 108 0 222774165 Bruce ledger Wedgy_Ledger en Perth WA Alaska 0 21 9 122 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 225652989 Donna Georgeson dogloverdonna en 1 0 6 0 143724722 Alvin Flinstar en BrisVegas TheGC Tassie 0 7 48 Own Restaurants, Car Racing, the odd party with friends and learning the rest 42 0 225336358 Nathan Fawcett Nate_Fawcett en 0 7 10 37 0 26217908 Milner fernandes milferns en 0 6 87 24 0 164560978 Uni 2 Life Uni2life en Australia, Sydney Sydney 0 263 18 Uni 2 Life is an online based organisation providing students with; experience, practical skills, and knowledge, to help them find jobs and start careers. 2001 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 198072539 Abraham OnceWasAbraham en Awesomeville Hawaii 53 3224 Worm mentor. Fish breeder. Sausage king. Knows the difference between a CDO and a CDS. Just another deadshit suffering a midlife crisis, really. 230 7 Unknown 220871390 Damien Ryan damienjryan en Alice Springs, NT Darwin 0 192 120 Mayor of Alice Springs NT Australia 1333 5 Alice Springs Northern Territory Australia 44270860 Matthew Walker mattwalker84 en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 35 83 IT Manager, lawyer, MBA student and poker player 98 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 225386861 Robert Kennedy big_chief90 en 0 7 4 33 0 216531436 Geoff Dolbel GDatHydra en Canberra Australia Sydney 4 34 MD @ HSS - IT Strategy and Project Management specialist 41 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 54436810 Scott Hoskins ScottHoskins en Hawaii 0 2 2 41 0 Unknown 63263148 stevan stevanvukluboya en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 18 21 33 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15033532 Mr. Lucas S Lstrilak en The Universe Melbourne 0 124 1361 My name is Lucas S, I like Sport, Maths, Video Games and Electronics. My favourite Sport is Soccer. I play for Green Gully every Sunday. 1389 0 Unknown 221574513 Insuro Man InsuroMan en Anywhere Insurance is Needed! 18 359 InsuroMan is taking a break form Insuro needs, to rally support for Assange, Wikileaks and Citizen Rights! 60 0 103221614 Atulesh Jha atuleshjha en Allahabad New Delhi 0 61 287 Student , Boy's High School Interested in quizzes and read a lot. 423 1 225294217 Dane Mead EpicQLD en Brisbane, QLD 0 6 14 29 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 215541340 Peter Loveday lightimer en Port Macquarie Australia Sydney 0 0 Businessman,Mentor,Strategic Management, Creative Marketing,Electronic Engineer, Computers, Speech Coach, Toastmasters, Rock and Roll,Sking,Golf,Walking 4 0 225281566 John Stockton Peteslad en 0 5 2 8 0 167702899 Brayden McKenzie BraydenMcKenzie en AUSTRALIA Perth 1 4 28 0 Australia 165054296 Tayla Doan-Vance Liltailz en Australia Sydney 0 61 338 Hey I'm your average teenage girl! Nah jks I'm random. I wanna be a vet or a singer when I'm older =P 301 0 Australia 39725717 James D Bensley JDBensley en Murrumbateman Canberra 0 23 192 Leans to left, Dresses to the Right. 97 0 184314242 Emma Young damagecat en 0 7 82 29 1 33866893 NICHOLAS GEORGE MRLOVEMETENDER en SYDNEY AUSTRALIA Hawaii 239 66 MUSICIAN/SINGER SONGWRITER nicholas george on itunes covers band 1680 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 29171213 garry jenkins (Jake) garjen en cairns, queensland, australia. Brisbane 0 24 17 married, s/father to three, father of two, grandfather of two. 78 0 Cairns Queensland Australia 224422490 Sheryl Murphy shezza48 en 0 4 10 30 0 225212772 Jay Thompson lilthomas78 en 0 4 8 7 0 59443872 Alex Johnson alexjohnson39 en Hawaii 0 23 19 118 0 Unknown 139756363 Tiago Fiereck TiagoPitts en Belo Horizonte Santiago 301 7896 Eu não tenho certeza de nada, eu só tenho opinião, e nada mais. 2001 5 Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais Brazil 222464004 Drew Henderson goatsinspace en 0 2 42 8 0 225132270 mano martinez mmanuelm1 en australia 0 9 4 33 0 Australia 223782828 Matt Playford unhappynow en 0 8 25 25 0 167634428 Darren Newton darrennewton en Sydney, Australia 0 13 24 Husband to Helen, dad to Gwyneth, Bryn and Arwyn, there for many, friend to a few, follower of Souths and servant of His. 96 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 86879786 Ryan Murphy-Moore ryanmurphymoore en Brisbane, Queensland Brisbane 5 10 Autobot 66 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 146321370 horizon design horizondesignoz en australia Perth 0 36 32 Horizon Design, designers of ECO friendly residential & commercial buildings. 119 1 Australia 19445120 Scott Thompson firesafe en Blackwood, South Australia Adelaide 0 218 2004 Firefighter (Batt Chief) with SA Metropolitan Fire Service, Motorsport, Geocaching, 4WDing 244 18 Blackwood South Australia Australia 169315747 New Business Shop newbusinessshop en Australia Perth 0 119 135 Register on a Online Business Directory with over 40 Services for business, free for business to register. Join the Uglii Market Place and get Uglii NOW..... 301 1 Australia 50881331 Karen Rush krusher46 en Canberra Canberra 0 26 103 Baby boomer with attitude, passion for my city and my country, deep love of my family and friends, love of great honest food & wine, devourer of books, poet. 83 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 62981951 urban planner NSWUrbanPlanner en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 69 45 urban planning, sydney, local government, housing, public transport, sustainability, public policy, strategic planning 357 9 Sydney New South Wales Australia 207253572 Kim Johnston Johnston_Kim en Brisbane, Australia 0 91 11 QUT researcher and lecturer in public relations...PhD just submitted, need to get my life back... 346 5 Brisbane Queensland Australia 223346178 peter van eede cbf900 en Geraldton, Western Australia Perth 8 84 51 0 Geraldton Western Australia Australia 222433257 Chris Fleming wadmo79 en 5 0 15 0 177837284 Michael Jenks m_jenks en Sweden Stockholm 0 96 103 Stories of a Dutchman who lives, studies and works in Sweden. My focus is on politics, political science, news and living abroad. 859 0 Sweden 48645898 Brad Pole bradpole en Sydney 0 13 20 101 0 New South Wales Australia 224934531 Shanaya Whitney WolvesAngel1000 en Forest/Heaven Alaska 0 5 6 ;D *howl* 37 0 164615719 Tony Mohr Tony_ACF en Sydney 0 31 1 Leads the climate change campaign for the Australian Conservation Foundation 104 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 100776893 Adam Mihail nazarenesinger en Melbourne 0 25 45 103 0 Victoria Australia 34569682 Gavin Bennett GavincBennett en iPhone: -33.862787,151.206697 Sydney 0 314 1360 Managing Director of Datasouth, NZ & Australian based technology services provider. Kiwi living in Sydney and sometimes Christchurch. 327 8 180705603 maria marmarou marmarou en melbourne Melbourne 0 96 477 marketing analyst, mother of two, apparently creative(?) loves: the gym, a good book, anything stylish. tries to avoid: junk food, living dangerously and.... 232 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 223620724 Dr. Michael Bracko hockeyresearch en Calgary 0 55 11 The Institute for Hockey Research is dedicated to the scientific investigation of hockey. Go to for hockey skating tips and more. 291 2 Calgary Alberta Canada 130242316 Adam Shirley adammshirley en Canberra 0 46 43 666 ABC Canberra Producer/Reporter 63 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 25059898 Emu Apple Gallery EmuAppleGallery en Spring Hill, QLD Brisbane 0 165 162 Helen is the Director and Curator of Emu Apple Gallery in Brisbane 406 9 222002786 Andrew Babington ababington en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 33 48 Photographer and Filmmaker 238 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 209375637 Bek Beksta30 en Hawaii 12 50 58 0 Unknown 183000253 ITeC E-Learning itec_elearning en Wollongong, Australia Sydney 0 21 7 The official Twitter page for the FREE ITeC eLearning Program for Small Business Owners to market & grow their business online! 100 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 218140086 Matt Griptread en Australia Brisbane 0 44 21 I'm so goddamn cynical that I have difficulty believing that very assertion. 472 1 Australia 42812945 Ben W willowoz en Australia, mate Canberra 8 167 I don't hate anybody, we have the various religions for that. 75 1 Australia 223393469 Esse e_deves en 11 0 52 0 23857747 Mark Novosel m_novosel en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 98 587 Love technology, gadgets, travel, food & coffee also interested in business, finance & investment. I wont hold back & speak my mind, follow me & enter my world! 92 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 224822889 Ananth Sarathy ananthsarathy en 0 9 21 37 0 158529903 Burnaby Winter Club bwchockey en Burnaby, BC, Canada 0 106 132 Burnaby Winter Club Minor Hockey Association. Best Alumni in Vancouver! Where Tradition Inspires Excellence. 402 2 25215291 Elizabeth 'Sita' sitayoga en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 222 74 Sita Elizabeth Fletcher 'Yoga in Daily Life' yogi, also interested in volunteering, marketing, google, leadership, community engagement, sustainability 241 3 Brisbane Queensland Australia 224755209 Levine Law, LLC LevineLawLLC en New Castle, PA Central Time (US & Canada) 0 39 10 Our office is owned by a 3rd generation Lawyer, Brian Levine.Our law office offers 150 years of legal service. Specializing, but not limited to Wills&Estates. 470 1 156808754 SportZone Canada SportZoneCanada en Waterloo, ON Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 284 152 SportZone - Your one-stop shop for ALL your sporting good needs! 2001 2 Waterloo Ontario Canada 101216333 Sophia ledmo796 en 0 90 281 344 1 46240995 Wendy Matthews iamhappybeingme en Ontario Canada Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 211 147 Owner of HAPPY BEING ME, AMBASSADOR of HAPPINESS,INSPIRATIONAL SPEAKER and LOVER of Life.Visit website for INSPIRING eco-clothing,accessories,contests and MORE 1301 2 Ontario Canada 43669472 Andrew Bindon ayandajay en Sunshine Coast Queensland Seoul 0 17 24 A soon to be 3rd/yr international relations student w/ passion for international development/urban design. Has lived in South Korea and still loves the arts! 72 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 25961546 feralberal feralberal en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 106 144 I LOVE LIFE! Everthing it throws at me, am passionate about helpin sensitive souls,love,learn,create and be yourself around here,say hi or BOO,scream@MEBEZAAAAA 455 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 27860320 Ross Peden koala1959 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 27 630 85 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 145106682 Purpose2c purpose2c en Australia Sydney 0 145 420 Purpose 2c 4 ur life. BA Social Science. Happily married 9 yrs, Mother, with oldest son- ASD Mod Autism. Tweeting out of experience. I Lve others lve God. 206 11 Australia 49895945 Phil Pollard PollardMkting en Australia Melbourne 0 567 107 Internet Marketer, Freight Consultant, Actor, Property Wiz, Life Coach, Fitness Guru, Motorcyclist, World Traveller, Prankster, Fun Seeker, Aussie Rock Fan, . . 950 3 Australia 224584264 Ron Mitchell sanguine4 en Hawaii 5 0 13 0 Unknown 194758773 Sen Lam SLamEsq en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 43 383 Works in ABC plantation (swing low, sweet chariot...) Listens to Billie Holiday, drinks J&B and thinks Joan Crawford was one fab dame. 188 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 184950008 Marissa Hilliar Mahriezah en Hogwarts Brisbane 0 49 302 J-Man, love you and miss you a ton :| xxx Love all my friends and family, Harry Potter nut! I act, I read, I write, I love music. Really, that's my life :D 310 0 Unknown 224187093 Raymond Robinson raymondrobinson en Queensland, Australia Brisbane 0 12 13 astronomy. scotch. books. films. music. scotch. knowledge. science. nature. scotch. conversation. Australia. laughter. winning. scotch... 51 0 Queensland Australia 224417154 Jessica Campanaro JessCampanaro en Sydney Hawaii 35 0 Deputy News Director 2GB 144 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 14620699 Therese Raft thereseraft en Sydney Sydney 0 59 51 Marketing and communications professional, writer, editor, busy-body and all-round enthusiast. 87 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 222925851 Aj Ventura VenturaElectric en Toronto. The Real City Central Time (US & Canada) 0 139 410 Sales,Service,Installation Lutron Homeworks + RadioRA 2...NOW AVALIABLE !!! Contact me with reqards to any Lutron Products etc. 633 3 60269827 Nour Azhar NourAzhar en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 10 12 A journalism & International Studies Graduate... Adelaide girl, F1 and MotoGP fanatic... 30 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 191681526 Robin Vandenberg KarrathaWA en Karratha, Western Australia Perth 0 5 19 Have lived and worked in Karratha for well over 30 years. With my wife Chris we have 2 adult siblings Tey & Melanie & a grand daughter Imogen. Great life style. 19 0 Karratha Western Australia Australia 23464965 Liz Conti LizConti en Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 288 847 name is liz.i'm in love with music&laughing. 1519 4 19135824 Judy Halligan mybunker en Perth Western Australia Perth 0 21 349 Practising Grandmother 19 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 139986239 Tom Bellenger tbellenger en Sydney Sydney 0 9 33 21 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 185434799 Kade Smith kadegsmith en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 57 100 Passionate Chef and a lover of great food and wine 464 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 224424846 Stiga Table Hockey StigaTableHocky en USA 0 18 21 STIGA Sports, USA is proud to offer the only table hockey game that is licensed by the NHL, STIGA Stanley Cup Table Hockey. 101 0 United States 131443123 Amanda Goode GoGoGoodsie en NZ/Melbourne 0 152 740 comedy, deft stand up (even whilst lying down), writer, actor, performer, lon-don, travel, cider, family, cider, b) a worm, and c) and d) 557 0 224413985 Tas Dionisakos tasdionisakos en Melbourne 0 0 7 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 161216014 Stephen Scales FTBDirect en Australia Brisbane 0 534 742 FTB specialise in providing Broker channel with a variety of services including: Home Loans, Business Equipment Finance, Low Doc Finance and Short Term Funding. 739 11 Australia 224403030 Mr Magoo ausmagoo en 2 0 40 0 171199757 kirklin jerky turb0_tw33ter en Ingersoll ontario Central Time (US & Canada) 0 61 32 Biking sunday! any one wonna come? :)..boared.. 395 5 62477724 Amy Harrison amyharrison7 en Hawaii 1 3 163 0 Unknown 46764986 BG FasterStronger6 en London 0 42 299 211 1 England United Kingdom 28711569 Kay Stranger strangerk en Australia Sydney 0 56 652 quietly stalking you .. ok, maybe not so quietly 134 2 Australia 22727687 Sylvia Sylver75 en 0 30 11 155 0 191455367 Steel Supply steelsupplyco en Hawaii 0 14 3 Sold by the length and by the metre.. 144 0 Unknown 187749231 Peter ausnetinfo en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 9 75 Because I'm on Twitter, does that mean I'm a twit! About my logo: It's a roman coin, a Vespasian Capta Sestertius, cira 70 AD. 7 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 173409048 Me Me Harry40Harry en Melbourne 1 1 13 0 Victoria Australia 207271867 Matt Heighway SMSFAUDITS en Central Coast, New South Wales Sydney 0 39 35 Firm of Chartered Accountants providing SMSF Audits to Accountants and Financial Planners Australia wide 64 1 Gosford New South Wales Australia 224143826 Jono Irwin jonoJirwin en 0 4 3 16 0 188128572 OCA onlinecoursesmn en Australia Alaska 0 48 485 Best place to start your online education. 214 0 Australia 185551257 Julie Hare harejulie en Sydney Hawaii 0 264 255 Editor of the Higher Education section for The Australian newspaper. 680 14 Sydney New South Wales Australia 38610154 AFR Journalist patrickdurkin en Melbourne Melbourne 0 546 80 Journalist at the Australian Financial Review 94 28 Melbourne Victoria Australia 217352946 the war room tscc888 en 0 18 84 232 0 201577849 Matt Whittemore MattWhittemore en Sydney 4 0 No thanks, I'm just browsing. 46 0 New South Wales Australia 27585002 Samantha Gibson samanthajg en Adelaide Adelaide 0 16 66 89 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 224078670 Edmond Dantes bekillinu en Brisbane 0 0 4 21 0 Queensland Australia 166355057 Extended Hands extendhands en Gold Coast Australia Brisbane 0 7 13 Extended Hands assists people who are in need. We supply this aid regardless of people's race,creed or religious beliefs.EH assists in areas where it is able. 15 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 50522278 Dymocks Books Dymocksbooks en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 2945 1702 With over 74 stores in Australia and over 60 million books sold last year, Dymocks is a leading bookseller. 2381 169 Sydney New South Wales Australia 94006208 albert mambe albsarama en Hawaii 0 62 55 758 0 Unknown 220882963 Emma Clarke Emma__Clarke en Brisbane 9 68 52 0 Queensland Australia 52953030 Robert Jackson Robj384 en Townsville Brisbane 0 12 118 Living and loving Townsville Australia 38 1 Townsville Queensland Australia 25877130 Robert Marks robert_marks en Melbourne, Australia Sydney 0 62 33 BA (Media & Communications) - Melbourne. Web copywriting, SEO, obsessed with social media and integrating live music with mobile technologies. 305 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 142159188 Safety Switches SwitchThinking en Australia Brisbane 0 253 24 Preventing electrical deaths in Australian homes by advocating for safety switches on all circuits. 1057 8 Australia 224025796 Hockey Festivals hockeyfestivals en London 0 26 18 a place to tweet-promote all Hockey Festivals and Tournaments. Indoor, Outdoor, 11aside, 7s and Purple Nasty related notices! 158 1 England United Kingdom 21178311 Layla Nahavandi laylanahavandi en Adelaide Australia Adelaide 0 357 2169 Youth Pastor @ Lifepoint Church. Arts Student: Politics/Anthropology Major @ The University of Adelaide. So in love with Jesus... 249 8 Adelaide South Australia Australia 120317408 Geoff Baars geoffbaars en Perth 0 4 54 KES Old Boy; SA cricket & rugby fan; Australian citizen; Hockey follower; love my kids' sport 30 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 224008741 Daniela De Lucia DMDeLucia en Australia 0 9 2 28 1 Australia 135338454 Mike Pillman mikepillman en Missouri Central Time (US & Canada) 0 1064 32 Internet Marketing, SEO, JV Launches, PPV, Social Media, PPC, Money Sites, Feeder Sites, List Building. 1807 4 Missouri United States 27397631 Catherine Wierenga catewier en Tasmania Hobart 0 47 788 YES to: ukuleles, llamas, pacman and triple j. 221 6 Tasmania Australia 64683033 Clint Jasper clintcott en Cottesloe Perth 0 31 67 154 0 Cottesloe Western Australia Australia 14816703 gazzajb gazzajb en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 6 6 Middleages, bald, fat boring chap with aspirations.... oh yes... aspirations..... 27 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 162665265 Callum Forbes CheersCallum en Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 51 129 129 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 37904125 Jamie McCloud jamie_mccloud en 0 8 44 130 0 223791449 Michael Adan groovay88 en 0 1 2 4 0 223786137 Phill Platinum_Locks en 3 0 48 0 111558131 Jane Thomasson Jane_Thomasson en Tasmania Hobart 0 70 147 Founder of Errine Adaptive Clothing, engaged to Mick, no longer nursing, ex pom living in Australia. 204 2 Tasmania Australia 216921003 Kerry Crompton itskerryc en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 9 25 Recover failing & troubled business IT projects. -If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur; Red Adair 72 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 221710010 Jennifer Cromarty jencromarty en Melbourne, Australia 0 23 24 Deputy Executive Director, Australian Retailers Association 66 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 56964585 Beau Kassas BeauGK en Sydney Sydney 0 221 2375 19. Sydney. Public Relations. Mocha. Mojito. Beer. Friends. Family. LIFE. That is all! 386 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 223089779 Jake Murphy FridgeMurphy en 7 0 73 0 125888512 Chris Simpson ChrisMSimpson en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 55 60 212 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 222045982 Craig Gardiner cwgardiner en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 28 19 Father of three beautiful girls. Loves AFL and Basketball. 146 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 223425655 Stephen Flegg TheFlegg en 0 2 6 17 0 23542416 Nicole Lawder nicolelawder en Canberra, ACT Canberra 0 149 662 CEO Homelessness Australia. Interested in disability issues, human rights,social justice. Enjoy reading, cooking, writing a never-ending book. And complaining. 105 7 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 62314141 Ethan Castanon ethancasta en L.A.., Chicago, NYC Pacific Time (US & Canada) 452 577 automated trading: objective, the successful application of technologies to markets. Studied: mathematics, programming, IT, finance, econ, wrestling & jiu jitsu 905 16 105026710 Inga Peulich IngaPeulichMP en Melbourne 0 109 71 State Member for South Eastern Metropolitan Region 20 23 Victoria Australia 46036897 KERRY DOWLING KERRYDOWLING1 en Sydney Sydney 0 775 1078 Media Consultant who has expertise in mobile phone applications and magaging social media - we are the call centre for social media 888 14 Sydney New South Wales Australia 77173225 NoName nofixdaddress en Earth Sydney 0 164 509 Surfer/ Traveler/ Anti Establishment/ Anti Authoritarian/ Green/ Living my life to the fullest in an outdated culture and egotistical society 1129 3 Unknown 89584852 Michael Vincent ABC MVincentABC en Sydney 0 55 9 ABC reporter 227 5 New South Wales Australia 14685118 Reuben Young Reuben_Young en ÜT: -33.852461,151.221218 Sydney 13 4 77 0 178109833 Fans Of Chelsea FC Fans_Chelsea en Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 183 55 Stay up to date with the latest news, blogs and videos as well as hearing what people are saying on Twitter about Chelsea Football Club! 379 2 United States 181546428 Movies Stream MoviesStreamHD en Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 40 148 Movies Stream - Movies Download - Trailers - Wallpapers 481 0 United States 213007449 Mica Cisneros MickaCisneros es Buenos Aires Buenos Aires 0 131 325 Fanatica de La Actriz Colombiana Carolina Gomez!!♥♥♥ Yo Siendo Argentina! 652 0 Buenos Aires Argentina 191845659 EngenderCDP EngenderCDP en Adelaide Adelaide 0 221 1020 Engender partners with Australian not-for-profits to provide professional development, ICT and work-place training initiatives. 1105 14 Adelaide South Australia Australia 176387412 Katrina Benson katt_benson en Rockhampton, Australia Brisbane 0 4 35 Customer Service Team Member at KFC 19 0 Rockhampton Queensland Australia 43670487 Jordan Archer friction11 en Radelaide / Sadelaide Adelaide 0 33 355 Journalism/International Studies student; Lifeguard/Swimming Instructor; Massive Geek. 164 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 176778869 Georgina Sertori georgiesertori en 0 19 106 married in tas with a gorgeous baby girl 122 0 221570520 Geoff Lee LeeLiberalParra en Parramatta NSW Sydney 0 25 38 Official Twitter Feed for the NSW Liberal Candidate for Parramatta. It's time to Start the Change. 18 2 Parramatta New South Wales Australia 220458990 Sarah sarahltwong en 0 14 31 74 1 221317291 Brad Tilley 9thunder en Australia 0 7 4 115 0 Australia 43521338 JP J_P_pol en Sydney Sydney 3 41 30 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 218728437 Marko Malkoc Marko_Malkoc en St Marys NSW 0 9 23 Penrith City Councillor 80 0 223380874 Justin Di Lollo JustinDiLollo en 6 0 49 1 223371918 Justin Kelly rozza1001 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 188 257 Justin Kelly, senior journalist, Channel Nine, A Current Affair, Sydney. 773 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 779349 Jeremy lebard en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 1254 4621 Busy doing, reader of stories. Founder of @booktagger and @readcloud (for education) 1363 56 Sydney New South Wales Australia 32308872 Mark markc01 en Australia Melbourne 0 31 204 G'day! 110 0 Australia 181327141 Matthew Lant MJLant en Melbourne Melbourne 0 48 13 196 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 122563324 Jerry Cai jerrymk2 en Sydney Sydney 4 0 16 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 47563553 AOT trainwithaot en Cairns, Australia Sydney 0 530 87 Online Taining that's Australian Accredited from Short Courses, Certificate Level to Diplomas, and Degrees. Very affordable. 2001 15 Cairns Queensland Australia 26115349 Lyall Ward lyallaward en Brisbane 0 104 1537 Heroic everyday. Subtle sometimes. Software developer. Audio geek. 123 5 Queensland Australia 200294164 Jessica Rich Jess_Rich en Sydney, Australia 0 164 13 Journalist. Nine Network Australia. The views expressed on here are mainly mine and not those of Nine. 154 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 208261916 TWS Tassie wildtastweet en Hobart ,Tasmania 0 111 11 477 4 Hobart Tasmania Australia 154370027 Montparnasse leMontparnasse en Randwick, NSW Sydney 0 90 42 Sitting within the buzzing shopping, dining and entertainment district known as The Spot, this intimate French cafe is worth trying. 546 4 Randwick New South Wales Australia 17988249 Andrew Brown browny254 en Perth Perth 0 9 95 Just plain awesome. 10 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 171889920 Alastair Beach alastairbeach en 5 0 115 0 26904787 Joanna Barnett barnettjoanna en Australia Melbourne 10 8 108 0 Australia 9447082 Stephen Brain brains95 en Hobart, Australia Tehran 0 89 283 64 10 Hobart Tasmania Australia 201133399 Patrick Canion Patrickcanion en Perth 0 18 71 CEO, rmg financial services, Behavioural Finance Yoda, Vice President West Australian Club 29 0 Western Australia Australia 121244479 Duncan Tull DuncanTull en Melbourne 0 11 11 67 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 16201217 Reidar von Hirsch reidarv en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 117 127 Journalist, Forest fan 323 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 23280563 Ben Hart hart_ben en Melbourne Melbourne 0 65 108 Mostly politics. Maybe some football and other stuff. This ratio probably needs to change at some point. 152 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 223324175 Rory Paltridge RoryPaltridge en Melbourne, Australia 0 3 17 10 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 197352409 Andy Barrett JungleSaint en Perth, WA Perth 0 32 153 King of the Jungle for Jungle Sports and leading Childrens sports company in Australia. Expecting first baby at Christmas! 154 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 111172647 Alister Waters FredAlWaters en Canberra Canberra 0 10 11 107 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 222860277 Jim Morris theMountz en Australia Sydney 0 22 84 Words, Web and the World 111 2 Australia 172934506 Murray Ashmore murrayashmore en Toowoomba Qld Brisbane 5 7 49 1 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 21812998 Stupid Lisa Face Stupid_Lisa en Melbourne Sydney 0 15 45 I am a hater of routine. 52 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 216975764 Callaughan Partners callaughanp en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 27 10 Callaughan Partners was formed with the client in mind. We offer accounting and taxation services like no other practice. 152 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 39937529 Peter Dewar peterjdewar en Sydney, Australia Sydney 3 0 14 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 218724904 Gavin Lang gavinl9 en Albury/Wodonga Melbourne 0 30 9 Father, motorcyclist, web application programmer, craft beer consumer. 159 0 Albury New South Wales Australia 180980755 ben minato benminato en 0 2 15 15 0 53325345 Alex Masso alexmasso en 0 67 164 Alex likes music. 216 2 192718744 Jason Forester ForesterQ en North West Sydney Hawaii 0 29 78 143 0 15951759 Erin Cook erincookbish en Hawaii 0 88 987 159 1 Unknown 15900849 alicia_wood alicia_wood en sydos Hawaii 0 28 25 Sun Herald journo, beyonce enthusiast. 93 1 22748449 Amanda Dennett mandyintransit en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 149 264 Wannabe professional tourist, actual public servant. All views expressed here my own. 497 2 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 20510379 Helen Eastwood MatildaAus en Gold Coast Brisbane 0 20 55 Script writer, journalist, musician, thinker. 73 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 65835907 Chris Parkinson chrisparkinson2 en 5 0 49 0 221652975 Jack Martin pincher_15 en bendigo, victoria Melbourne 0 15 2 just a kid who loves two hang out with mates & play basketball..... 119 0 Bendigo Victoria Australia 213646221 Robert Shakir r_shakir en Sydney, Australia 23 190 passive auditor without a cause, likely found on a bus or train somewhere on the way to work or uni. 73 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 26465477 Kate McMahon katejmcmahon en Melbourne Melbourne 0 187 397 Confidential reporter for the Herald Sun in Melbourne. Tweeting about showbiz gossip, TV and stuff that takes my fancy. My views rarely represent my employer. 537 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 101101287 SES Brisbane SESBrisbane en Brisbane, Qld, Australia Brisbane 0 688 93 Brisbane residents: Sign up to free severe weather alerts thanks to Brisbane City Council - visit to find out how. 755 26 Brisbane Queensland Australia 112360855 John austradianfrog en South Australia Adelaide 0 24 1110 True Blue, Canadian-loving, French-obsessed, Aussie. 40 0 South Australia Australia 134417327 Peter Langthorne peterlangthorne en Sydney 8 0 101 0 New South Wales Australia 149780320 Joss Coaley jdcoaley13 en Melbourne, Australia Hawaii 0 69 855 You asked to follow the most intelligent, sophisticated, and most attractive guy on Twitter, but I killed him and took over his account, deal with it :) 384 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 211808112 Andrew Snell andrewdsnell en Canberra Sydney 0 23 18 Innovative&creative consultant, LD and TD. The opinions expressed on this page are my own and do not represent the opinions of any other person or organisation 93 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 84978341 Anna Swan annayswan en Australia Hawaii 0 24 36 Hi! I'm Anna. I work in advertising & I'm a voracious media pig reveling in the ever-swelling mess of ideas, words & opinions that is the World Wide Web. 172 0 Australia 106992411 andrew feneley aerobaticx en adelaide Adelaide 0 15 5 83 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 37107376 Dani Bulesic dani1166 en Australia Brisbane 0 16 9 20, chef, into 80s music and playing squash 51 0 Australia 216897319 eleanor aquitaine mrsplantagenet en 8 0 89 0 21152407 Marie Atwood MarieHabssss en Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 23 146 J'adore my kitty Coyote, my hockey and all the little things that happen every day. 97 3 United States 23544387 Rebecca McCay AussieBecca en Australia Sydney 0 16 91 web developer. javascript with more recently MVC2 using C# 90 0 Australia 223031318 Not happy Janny Not_happy_Janny en spitting it out from Brisbane 0 38 62 95 0 221324372 Peter gixxer231 en 1 0 3 0 60838344 Stuart Malouf blackd0g0z en Canberra 0 5 3 33 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 199959370 Burson Digital China BMDigitalChina en Greater China Beijing 0 445 150 Burson-Marsteller is China's premier PR, Communications & Digital strategy consultancy. In China, B-M has offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Cheng Du. 1760 38 222398218 Andy AANNDDRREEWW1st en Hawaii 0 0 26 0 Unknown 18448422 robyntan robyntan en QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 21 7 182 1 Queensland Australia 73514124 Eliza Twaddell ETwads en Sydney Sydney 0 114 1214 Political junkie, accountant, Sydneysider, kind of a gibberer sometimes :-) 286 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 130064294 Brendan Kearns Brendan_Kearns en Melbourne, Victoria Melbourne 1302 561 Flat footed / Scruffy / Bearded / Interactive Designer 259 52 Melbourne Victoria Australia 25029845 Thomas O'Grady tomballa en Thornleigh, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 15 5 28 0 44106206 Mel Ficarra melficarra en Australia Melbourne 40 170 1046 0 Australia 220893575 Bronwyns eternityandlove en Sydney 0 6 39 25 1 New South Wales Australia 110808472 Georgia Sun ✔ MarketStalks en Vancouver, BC, Canada Alaska 0 183 12 âDon't gamble; take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don't go up, don't buy it.âž ~Will Rogers 900 1 Vancouver British Columbia Canada 106418668 gna PARROT300 en Toronto Quito 0 639 589 intelligent with a prove 1911 5 Toronto Ontario Canada 222892666 Dr. Michael Bracko DrMichaelBracko en Calgary Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 33 60 Dr. Bracko - Director of the Institute for Hockey Research - is a sports physiologist who has specialized in hockey as a player, instructor, and researcher. 161 2 Calgary Alberta Canada 123400737 Adrian Hicks hixey60 en Australia Sydney 0 127 365 I am a high school teacher and EdD student who loves to try anything to make a difference to my students. Ed Tech fanatic. Leadership key to learning. 110 10 Australia 39041291 kim risson kimrisson en Global citizen Melbourne 0 791 77 Communications, Campaign Management, Digital Strategy, Mobilization, Community Well-being, Social Justice, Health, Fitness. 1822 3 122014145 Dianne Morton DiMorton007 en Sydney 0 54 349 Registered Nurse 208 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 41792962 joseph maksour maksourj en 0 5 1 10 0 222789077 battleaxe hockey hockeymate fr Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 9 1 47 0 United States 222764337 Gargoyles ☠ Kitsbar en Vancouver, BC, Canada 0 184 263 âThis place is a great place to get together for some drinks with friends.âž 3357 West Broadway Kitsilano Vancouver 989 2 Vancouver British Columbia Canada 222779762 LONDONESS LONDONESSphotos en london London 0 120 48 Daily photo uploads of life in London Remind you: Why you live here... Why you lived here... Why you want to live here! Ness x 677 0 London England United Kingdom 136480163 Frost Crane & Co frostcrane en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 193 57 Chartered accountancy firm in north western Sydney specialising in taxation, superannuation, auditing and business consultancy. 726 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 204235913 GRANDMASTERS GRANDMASTERS_AU en Earth Brisbane 0 51 1 275 0 Unknown 222608409 Rob virtue scoobywozastona en melbourne. OZ. Melbourne 0 6 22 Slashleen for P.M 41 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 173111072 Gail Ireland dfngi en Perth 0 1 2 8 0 Western Australia Australia 185622798 Mohan mohan1199 en London London 0 277 461 Archaeological & Historical Researcher. 1667 3 London England United Kingdom 25658030 Thomas Flanagan TomaiF en Launceston, Tasmania Hobart 0 34 94 Hi. I'm Tom. I'm 19. I'm of the male gender. I'm employed by Cheepa the Chicken. I'm keeping the rest a secret. 149 0 Launceston Tasmania Australia 19020234 John Tate johnubis en Australia Melbourne 0 17 195 Pure genius! 22 2 Australia 222640472 Adriana Taylor adriwildtaylor en 5 0 26 0 102348958 Sara McQ SaraMcQ en Australia Melbourne 652 5324 Love all expressions of Art and Story-Telling, Community and Social Action. Am a spiritual being in a physical body. George Spalenka for his image 1120 33 Australia 50275135 Jeremy Ware swans9605 en 0 34 10 553 0 156584447 Paige Wilcox lycanlife en Brisbane Brisbane 349 6643 I write, I act, I type, I climb, I drink, I love, I watch, I eat, I converse. My vague tweets are my own thoughts and are never about you. 512 25 Brisbane Queensland Australia 45263988 Brittany Lang Brittany_Lang en Lubbock, TX Central Time (US & Canada) 0 52 921 DIEHARD Dallas Stars fan. I'm a student at Texas Tech, majoring in PR, and someday I will be head of PR for the Stars. =]] 247 1 Lubbock Texas United States 207932870 Chris Kenny chriskkenny en Sydney Sydney 0 143 263 Freelance journalist/commentator. Rationalist. Lucky husband. Father to two fine young men. Interests: foreign/national affairs, environment, music, Crows. 206 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 209344088 Daniel Kinnoch kinkykinnoda en Toronto Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 77 470 Planner. Student. Law. Promoter. Blogger. Online Enthusiast. Taken. 149 0 Toronto Ontario Canada 130115733 Amit Singh GailTheGoldfish en Canberra 0 14 2 Avatar of CJ Cregg's goldfish... 90 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 91038609 Murray Marshall muzau en Shepparton Melbourne 0 17 120 71 1 Shepparton Victoria Australia 151030307 Duane Rutherfurd asj030607 en 0 6 12 100 0 32636429 Nathan Robertson natgrob en Canberra 0 5 1 27 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 50893404 Kevin Gudgeon KGUDGEON073 en Australia Sydney 0 6 9 112 0 Australia 18321824 Paul Humphreys PaulHumphreys en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 113 110 The Video Guy 121 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 217624268 Daniel M.S KIM DanielMSKIM en 전주 Seoul 0 33 33 지ì‹êµ ì‹ ìž 260 1 222380982 Josh Bryant JajBryant en Sydney 0 8 35 never thought i'd get a twitter 38 0 New South Wales Australia 209432515 Sarah Quinton SarahQuintonWA en Perth Alaska 0 79 41 rural affairs reporter for The West covering agriculture, social and economic issues affecting WA's country populations 81 15 Perth Western Australia Australia 23155629 Wayne Houlden whoulden en Coffs Harbour, Australia Canberra 0 40 37 CEO of Janison, one of Australia's largest learning systems ISVs and Australia's largest regional software company based in Coffs Harbour. 186 0 Coffs Harbour New South Wales Australia 220144174 David Gunsberg dgunsberg en Brisbane Brisbane 0 10 79 Australian of indeterminate age who is interested in economics, public policy, politics, cricket and the Aussie Rules. 107 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 183172043 mackensy morose poisson200 fr Atlantic Time (Canada) 0 2 5 0 222270503 Matt Galvin matt22b en Newcastle 0 0 3 There are too many options in life. Just keep it simple people! Enjoy the simple things in life...... 12 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 100435310 pjw pjw_ en Brisbane 11 0 63 0 Queensland Australia 161687050 UXC Connect UXCConnect en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 413 318 We tweet about business sustainability and innovation that connects IT for Business Outcomes. Also, Iggy Pintado is Chief Twitterer! 720 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 99215322 Georgia Letten GLetten en Melbourne, Australia Hawaii 51 28 Conservative activist, law graduate and sports fanatic 86 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 19670676 Alison Donnellan Ali84Donnellan en Australia Sydney 0 86 151 Breakfast radio host STARFM SHEPP.. stream 275 1 Australia 159388739 Thomas Murphy TomMurphy1995 en Hillarys, Perth Perth 0 8 102 18 0 221437559 shehadeh fahel shed1991 en 0 22 31 85 1 222085930 Kylie Watts km_w01 en 0 0 23 0 217029231 Bert Quiksilver forgottenhisbox en Looking for my box Sydney 0 36 27 I'll eat that 416 0 202106636 Heather Lacey laceyhd en Melbourne Australia 0 29 203 teacher of politics, wife, mother, sports nut, ABC devotee 138 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 222070711 Dave Hammond dave_dinkum en 6 0 37 0 16944228 tahneemccrossin tahneemccrossin en NovoCastle Canberra 0 181 253 623 3 75256229 Victoria Atkinson vicatkinson en Hawaii 0 3 6 32 0 Unknown 194431271 Jonathon Mahon MahonMan en 0 9 45 53 0 171411242 Kate Harris wrldaccrd2KateH en Melbourne Melbourne 0 15 21 78 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 181431865 Alan Stockdale Stockers45 en 5 0 54 0 129629894 FarmDay FarmDayOz en Australia Canberra 0 118 230 FarmDay is when a city family visits a farm family for a day of fun, friendship and understanding. 106 6 Australia 192803642 julie matheson mathesonjulie en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 14 125 Certified Financial Planner since 1992, with more than 20 years experience including 10 years as a Responsible Manager and Key Person Licensee. 22 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 221256774 Skelton Wilkinson CaptainCrap1 en Australia Brisbane 0 0 2 Conservative Retired Airline Captain 6 0 Australia 27410664 Andrew Hawkins andynr123 en Bathurst Sydney 0 325 511 Love horses, wanting to get into racing journalism. Studying jrn at CSU Bathurst. Also interested in politics, but the more I think about it - racing's my life. 1367 12 Bathurst New South Wales Australia 221658169 Torkona Exon Torkona3 en Australia Adelaide 0 54 272 Gamer, Toobs Fan, Expected Father and I often follow people that retweet my tweets! :-) 213 0 Australia 204633774 Christina Martorana christinaaarghh en Lane Cove, Sydney, NSW Hawaii 39 87 i like cats. i don't know what i'm doing here really ~rambles~ 165 2 221211162 Queensland Shelter qldshelter en Queensland 0 120 28 A Community Based Peak Organisation which promotes improved access to housing for all Queenslanders. 374 8 Queensland Australia 21363714 Kaitlyn Kait87 en Midland, WA Hawaii 8 9 17 0 6227422 Kym Coolhaas Kymbo en Guildford, Western Australia Perth 26 137 love politics, gardening, beer, wine, cooking, cycling, my little boy Brodie, my husband Robin and my mum. Live in Guildford and love it. 80 0 Guildford Western Australia Australia 220922605 David Miller DKMFitness en Manly, Sydney 0 77 38 DKM Fitness exists to provide a service that surpasses your highest expectations. We live for Fitness and Health and show that by walking the walk. 359 1 Manly New South Wales Australia 188597442 Moustafa Dannoun liberal4btown en Hawaii 32 0 184 1 Unknown 195294042 Julie Kendall mulagetaway en 3 0 46 0 28682951 David Collins Droopstar80 en Armidale, Australia Sydney 0 230 866 Going from PC to Mac!! 400 6 Armidale Victoria Australia 23914779 Jeanette Fong idream_jean en Sunshine Coast Australia Brisbane 0 57 420 Wife to Jason, Mum to Cooper & Jackson... Loving my life and the people in it! 145 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 19044340 Belinda White BelWhite en Melbourne 0 49 18 75 2 Victoria Australia 217747681 Casino Melbourne casinomelbourne en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 63 3 Australian Leading Online Casino 588 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 168902595 Sam CaptainFlunkie en Sydney 0 0 134 0 New South Wales Australia 134676732 Tom Taylor Tommyt73 en Melbourne 0 6 7 27 0 Victoria Australia 219403900 maggie macalpine maggie_macca en Sydney Sydney 0 45 34 Meat grinding Atheist, Skeptic 228 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 221885963 Joe angryleafsfan en 0 1 2 8 0 50182783 Stephen Conway SSRRCC en Australia Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 35 174 33 0 Australia 19037496 P-Air Le Puck PAirLePuck en E-Town Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 5 22 Puck Boy for the E-Town Oil Drillers. I am an animated character in the Rink Rat Chronicles w/ my best pal Rick the Stick. Straight from the Streets of E-Town. 46 0 191301324 First Nat Gungahlin FNGUNGAHLIN en Gungahlin, ACT, Australia Canberra 0 78 126 First National Real Estate Gungahlin is the best performing real estate office in Gungahlin over the past ten years. 248 2 221872481 Sarah sarahLEAFSfan en 0 5 4 love the leafs, boys. #team blackberry, edward! 29 0 181365029 Be Iconic Chicago BeIconicChicago en Chicago, Illinois, US Mountain Time (US & Canada) 0 96 84 Be Iconic is an online apparel shop based out of Chicago. It is founded by Chris Weibring who is a Graphic Designer in the city. 326 4 14707553 bronnie marquardt maidinaustralia en Brisbane Brisbane 0 1380 14680 Mum, writer, blogger, animal lover, housework hater. One day I want a pony, and loads of dogs. 1174 68 Brisbane Queensland Australia 221827729 Hockey Movie HockeyMovie en Washington DC 0 151 73 We are filming a new hockey movie about at 20 year old African American Male back in the 1950's. Hit us up with any questions! 1091 3 Washington, DC United States 178673210 Rigersa Bieber rigersasweet en albania London 0 80 361 338 0 221696641 CLE _C_L_E_ en Australia all over, allways 0 25 133 Embracing & enjoying diversity in detail in an inclusive & holistic way, leading to intelligence and a peaceful future. It's that simple! 210 0 18793283 debonline oceanbluemum en Gippsland Australia Melbourne 5 65 11 0 Gippsland Victoria Australia 31698607 David Stanes Stanesey en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 42 154 Director of Australia's Largest Advertising Agency for the Motor Industry 111 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 43282316 daniel bryan dandette en Hobart, Tasmania Hobart 0 15 14 33 0 Hobart Tasmania Australia 209822675 Georgina Simon georgina9876 en 5 0 110 0 102834543 InjusticeGames InjusticeGames en Australia Sydney 0 1643 5463 H.E.L.P Whistleblowers on Aust Govt corruption and human rights abuse. The No.1 cause of depression poverty crime and suicide. Administered by @JamesJohnsonCHR 1758 66 Australia 218663012 Adam Pennicott Apennicott en 0 8 4 39 0 15561514 dissin dissin en sydney Sydney 0 8 6 10 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 104401995 Sharon Lane mysticalenergie en near Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 18 75 live, laugh, love 104 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 211401475 kenny laurieleaks23 en australia Canberra 0 2 26 15 0 Australia 221678848 sofia hunziker soofhunziker es 1 0 12 0 172723145 Wake Up Australia WakeUpOz en Australia Sydney 0 1351 1155 My Life is my Message - Mahatma Ghandi. Be a Champion for Change. Be a Messenger. End Apathy, Hate, Discrimination, Inequality & Injustice. Live the Message. 1433 36 Australia 155720970 WomensVillage en Australia Brisbane 0 312 195 The ultimate web portal for all women to have a voice, connect with others, make their lives easier, be inspired and make a difference! 645 10 Australia 22353885 BM beefman138 en South Coast, Australia Sydney 207 1448 I love comedy, Rugby League, Baseball, and Cricket. You probably shouldn't follow me. I offend EVERYONE, including my best mates. You have been warned... 633 6 54410550 carol heffernan gundary4 en Moruya NSW Australia Canberra 0 6 42 home duties - like people, sport and lately politics 14 0 47308075 Matthew Ondarchie ondarch en Melbourne 0 37 112 As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting @ the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,†he told him,& Matthew got up & followed him (Matt 9:9) 229 0 Victoria Australia 16251580 davidpembroke davidpembroke en canberra Sydney 0 242 15 Former ABC journalist heading up Canberra based media company, contentgroup. Helping clients tell their stories. Sports commentator with a passion for Rugby 781 6 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 130127678 Glenelg Footsteps GlenelgFootstep en Glenelg, Adelaide Adelaide 0 196 52 Discover the rich culture and history of Glenelg, Adelaide's premier beachside location with this must do escorted walking tour. 435 10 Glenelg South Australia Australia 51994176 James DeBoar JamesDeBoar en Adeliade, Australia Adelaide 0 185 1233 South Aussie. Student. Vision Generation. 293 15 221586399 Daniel Hyslop DanHyslop en 0 12 1 153 0 23877042 Lauren Brown Lauren_777 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 66 1131 I like cheese... 124 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 216582313 WannaWhinge WannaWhinge en Melbourne 0 4 1 WannaWhinge is the first website that allows users from all over the world to get online and whine. 29 0 Victoria Australia 221585556 Andrew Giffin andrewgiffin en West Wyalong 0 3 1 47 0 152910688 Sarah Spencer ladyspeno en Melbourne, Australia 0 17 8 53 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 19903646 Grant Williams grunt74 en Sunshine Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 24 78 I am the real Grant Williams 48 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 23411299 Sieglind Schmidmaier Sieglind en Sydney 1 0 17 0 New South Wales Australia 14718304 Dave Novak tvguydave en CT, USA Quito 126 1390 30something yr old married video editor 4 Versus who enjoys talking 2 strangers 149 4 221521404 Taps taps6 en Hawaii 0 2 1 14 0 Unknown 24965544 Jason jasonakerr en Sydney Sydney 0 99 70 Media producer radio 2GB. Media manager. 70 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 205137693 Alan Eskander Alan_Eskander en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 430 56 1374 10 Melbourne Victoria Australia 213221752 Marty Phillips Marlinka_ en Innisfail Hawaii 0 12 4 Fish farmer from Northern Australia who seeks all things good 17 1 221431678 Nami Ogishima vlnpiggy en 0 4 1 39 0 221354891 Louise Sun loueet en Sydney 3 0 27 0 New South Wales Australia 69994077 Geoff Nesbitt geoffmn en North of the Bridge Sydney 0 118 10 Know yourself and you will win all battles. - Sun Tzu 506 0 56275053 Clayton Milford slavinmygutsout en Australia Brisbane 0 32 1449 Husband, Father, 121 0 Australia 36834362 Gerard Keating gerrydir en Brisbane Australia Brisbane 0 51 510 Construction Survivor and more sinned against than sinning 270 4 Brisbane Queensland Australia 142244153 Andrew McDiarmid andrewmcdiarmid en 0 24 3 103 0 22125053 Taylor Austin tayloraustin en brisbane Brisbane 0 53 245 My name is Taylor. I am an alpha double plus, and the third heat. 140 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 220131891 Darren Meechan-Ring meechring en Canberra, ACT 0 8 12 17 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 23732356 Irene Scott IseeScott en Melbourne Melbourne 0 94 9 I'm a reporter for the Hack current affairs program on Triple J... 135 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 45331214 Ai-Media AccessInclusion en Australia Sydney 0 709 2929 The End of Disability 411 84 Australia 221262493 Rian Mackay floydfairness en 0 0 1 13 0 112679183 Alan Arnott ajarnott en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 20 26 Technology Lawyer 68 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 152082799 Caitlin Skinn caitlinskinn en earth... Brisbane 0 50 231 304 0 Unknown 170668568 Nick Johnson Nick__Johnson en Sydney, Australia 0 63 134 PR Consultant @ H&K, Avid sports and Old Spice fan, Tech guru and loves it 152 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 221230413 EastCoastHockeyDad ECHD1 en 0 98 16 877 0 159896089 laheaz laheaz en 1 0 56 0 174016724 Double Ristretto ristretto_x2 en Brisbane 10 21 198 0 Queensland Australia 180744604 brad yeung diamond_brad en 0 2 21 49 0 150529387 Milton MobileMuster MobileMuster1 en Australia Sydney 0 59 39 109 0 Australia 50576599 Denise Taverner Missd54 en Brisbane 0 23 38 61 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 119312138 george varga gvar1192 en 0 1 1 4 0 167944907 Peter Proctor peterp2148 en Sydney 2 0 7 0 New South Wales Australia 34218038 Edward Riley Edward_Riley en Sydney Sydney 0 31 9 Sydney Real Estate & Charity Auctioneer! 241 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 184768745 George Houssos HoussosG en Sydney Sydney 0 35 91 103 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22728142 AJ Cullen aj1304 en Sydney Sydney 0 66 2283 Its too early in the morning to think of a snappy one liner. 40 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22591190 Rhiannon Mayo Rhins en Australia Canberra 0 77 212 Im a 23 Aussie girl who loves politics and the news. I have a journo degree but are yet to land a job 118 2 Australia 205987669 John Macalpine johnmacalpine en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 56 26 Skeptic Freethinker Atheist Humanist 275 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 97548523 Michael Koziol michaelkoziol en Sydney 0 58 118 133 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 82800675 Bart SALAFIA Bartman_SS en Ulladulla Australia Sydney 0 30 278 I have a strong interest in local government. Am a self confessed bicycle nut! 29 2 220227647 Matthew Primmer matthewprimmer en 0 8 54 135 0 23040636 MIke Gard keeperon en 0 5 1 27 0 181066227 Stuart Angus Stooartbaby en Melbourne 0 21 266 Just a guy living in a house with a family and a job and a car and a mortgage 101 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 178922532 Ollie olligark en Sydney Sydney 0 306 1190 Politics. History. Philosophy. Theology. Literature. Arts. Twitter. Sex. Cleaning under my toenails. 718 19 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22343954 Alexander Needs AlexanderNeeds en Sydney 0 141 29 302 0 New South Wales Australia 68083299 Ike Ambrum IkeTehSpike en Caloundra Brisbane 0 38 698 106 2 Caloundra Queensland Australia 23238427 Jennifer Lingard J_Niffa en iPhone: -37.849564,145.079819 Melbourne 6 235 81 0 42868418 Lisa Pryor pryorlisa en Sydney Sydney 0 752 123 97 44 Sydney New South Wales Australia 6450432 gé ge en Everywhere, anywhere, whatever Paris 0 683 3486 Small is the new cool 290 23 Unknown 146148668 Isaura Sofia sofiaisau en Tampa 0 396 169 Figured it was safer to tweet than spend money shopping. Love the beach, music, reading and my family. So follow me 408 3 Tampa Florida United States 144183039 Patrick Philbey pphilbey en Adelaide, Australia 43 35 I'm just reppin my stuff on the net.. 261 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 193616661 .net noobie dotnetnoobie en Brisbane 0 106 2336 177 0 Queensland Australia 49498181 Alice Mulheron AliceMulheron en Sydney 0 86 187 369 0 New South Wales Australia 220895859 Fake Ted Baillieu Super_Ted_B en John's Old Office 0 23 17 I swim faster than a shark, and win elections with my meerkat-esque cunning. 100 0 146309462 cameron macdonald redrubberball en 0 15 44 164 0 175300688 Joel Petley joelpetley en 0 10 20 54 0 212826532 Toby Laidlaw toby_laidlaw en 0 14 57 Small 'l' Liberal. 57 0 24715279 Jimbo mrmojofallin en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 25 31 168 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 47276803 michelle gunn church94 en 17 0 60 0 20732440 iheartmelbourne iheartmelbourne en iPhone: -38.007610,145.085876 Melbourne 0 25 13 105 0 37895347 Hannah Chislett hanc89 en Australia, sydney Sydney 0 29 5 im 21 and live in sydney australia.. 362 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 35197254 Troy Toohey troykm en Malvern, Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 16 219 Tram Driver, Love music life and fun. kylie minogue is the best! 32 0 Malvern Victoria Australia 94035021 Stephen Harrington _StephenH en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 162 1250 Media & Communication Lecturer @ QUT. I like things, and stuff. My parents address me as Stephen, but my mates just call me Dr Harrington. 342 5 Brisbane Queensland Australia 65283730 M maenad01 en Canberra Sydney 0 18 39 151 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 212757257 Camilla von Pfyffer cammiv en Brisbane Brisbane 0 9 38 41 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 68325633 Kellie Harpley eugowragirl en Darwin, Northern Territory Darwin 0 47 48 Living the dream in the Northern Territory - every day is an adventure! 123 0 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 220544319 venthan21 brabaakaran_ve en 2 0 30 0 27792329 Leanne Brooks lee_lee79 en Australia Sydney 0 24 91 95 0 Australia 29602098 Adrian Renzi Renzthings en Alice Springs Darwin 0 43 24 Territory Today Host on 8HA 189 0 Alice Springs Northern Territory Australia 133511066 Tiffany Villanueva tiff93_xo en Sydney, Australia 0 103 469 The greatest person you will ever meet. 580 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 99562111 fnlay kell finkell1997 en England 0 70 23 MY WEBSITE 1176 1 England United Kingdom 172691124 Sarah Maloney smaloneytweet en Auckland Auckland 0 12 47 Auckland based with a world view and opinions on just about EVERYTHING. 16 0 Auckland Auckland New Zealand 49441512 WillFoster willfoster23 en 3 0 4 0 39653887 ross solly rosssolly en canberra australia Canberra 0 392 689 breakfast presenter abc radio 337 39 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 17361238 butterfly88 butterfly88 en Sydney Sydney 0 23 177 Old enough to know I don't know everything and young enough not to care... 82 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 220678848 Dominic Skerritt dominicskerritt en 2 0 20 0 25058535 jenny bridge JenniferMBridge en Sydney 9 0 35 0 New South Wales Australia 18367368 thisismebrad89 thisismebrad89 en melbourne Melbourne 0 46 169 i wanna learn the internet teach me plus i wanna make videos 372 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 143692646 Best In Canberra BestInCanberra en Canberra Canberra 0 111 309 Best In Canberra is the fun and easy way to find and talk about what's great (and not so great) in the Capital. 194 6 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 220620723 Michael Hodge Mickhodge6188 en Canberra 0 6 10 40 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 211799216 Mickey Cheezberg SydneyCityPong en 0 16 18 61 0 135913185 Gumasha Almulla gumasha en KUWAIT Kuwait 0 401 6139 asking people to understand as peace begins with understanding, life is too short to spend it in hate and anger, to things you don't understand 456 15 219227339 Darren Harding darrenharding1 en Hawaii 6 2 124 0 Unknown 203885954 Robert BidgeeWagga en Wagga Wagga Canberra 0 40 398 Born in Narrandera, I spent most of my childhood in the M.I.A. and lived in Wagga for 13 years. I'm currently a volunteer at the RAAF Wagga Heritage Centre. 36 0 Wagga Wagga New South Wales Australia 16518607 Mary McLean marymclean en Brisbane Area, Qld Australia Brisbane 0 1498 777 This is a new lease on life for me. I have 4 kids & 5 grand-kids, Love traveling, learning how to use the internet & holding seminars! 1680 3 220555772 Rebecca Richardson bec_richardson en Sydney Sydney 0 49 33 Journo, presenter, content creator and life lover! 159 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 42283971 Shaun Fitzgibbon junglesportsnsw en Australia Sydney 0 186 207 Shaun Fitzgibbon here.I'm part of a dedicated team who provide the best sports program for children aged 18mths-7yrs-visualise a sporting Wiggles. + LOVE NEWIE! 725 6 Australia 28711925 Ben Prince benprince10 en Sydney Sydney 44 318 my official twitter account 511 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 16645464 Chris Davis ChrisiDavis en Australia Canberra 0 61 85 Online journo for the groundbreaking website, iPrime. 168 1 Australia 210781679 Robert Hewitt meat_evangelist en Brisbane 0 3 3 26 0 Queensland Australia 168888754 Jean-Marc Pitot jpito2 en Global 0 5 30 16 0 Unknown 92259070 Shaun Michels sandgateonline en Sandgate, Queensland Brisbane 0 466 330 Founder of Sandgate Online, a local website with listings, articles, classifieds and more for people living in Sandgate & surrounding suburbs in Brisbane North. 1990 14 Sandgate Queensland Australia 35171847 simon SimonCowan9 en Melbourne 0 29 20 69 0 Victoria Australia 219935310 BenJaminReader benji2699 en 0 48 27 319 0 95388286 Matt Canavan mattjcan en 0 6 31 100 0 111275771 James Nunez noonz10 en 0 10 3 89 0 217750142 Leigh Jeffery leighlj82 en Perth, WA 0 25 6 118 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 52359207 IML337 IML337 en Singapore 0 37 1241 An Aussie living in Singapore. 135 2 Singapore Singapore 219839100 AAP Video AAPVideo en Sydney 0 14 59 Breaking News from AAP's Video Desk 57 1 New South Wales Australia 215463827 natalie natm1974 en Adelaide 0 46 12 wife mother daughter sister friend sport and crime nut! 338 1 South Australia Australia 204285234 John Shore jcs2703 en 3 0 44 0 24510842 Peter Mouat Sonoflaren en Perth Western Australia Perth 0 17 78 Love good R&B music. My other interest is the stock market. 20 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 13976042 Michael Skelton SkeltonMichael en Melbourne Melbourne 0 41 90 96 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 220006862 Crispin Rovere blogtimeorg en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 60 59 Recently moved to Canberra to undertake PhD Study under Professor Hugh White at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre. I also like gum boots. 337 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 164859083 emily wilson parraeelsfan1 en Sydney 0 167 50 1382 1 New South Wales Australia 23935203 Ness Ballauff YesNess en London London 0 83 106 I love Photography! I believe Vegemite and Nutella should be inch thick on toast. La De La La 350 0 London England United Kingdom 27539310 Chris James chjam en 0 19 2 91 0 216202571 Peter_G AlwaysACowboy en Perth 0 48 1251 Cattleman, rodeo cowboy and an afficionado of great music and fine women. 155 2 Western Australia Australia 219896956 Meredith Gibbs meredith_gibbs en 0 69 198 I read the news... when i remember to turn my mic on 313 1 144717732 Bill (Brad) Peterkin hestradition en Sydney Aus 0 24 38 191 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 50149658 Shamus Hart shamus_11 en Sydney Sydney 0 106 261 Brand, creative and digital media specialist. Also into weather graphics. 205 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 197293511 tim mcintyre timmac22 en 0 45 38 484 0 199116350 Joseph Farren Far0016 en Shepparton Melbourne 2 5 I am a nice person! 28 0 Shepparton Victoria Australia 14302626 hosko100 hosko100 en Sydney Sydney 0 11 14 60 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 129069429 NSW FriendFinder NSWFriendFinder en New South Wales, Australia 0 453 21 NSW Friend Finder is the place to meet friendly Aussies from NSW & all Australian States @ 1334 16 New South Wales Australia 20830325 Clive Wilson Aussiemale en Sydney,Australia Sydney 0 29 250 129 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 219889961 Bill Birch billinKL en Kuala Lumpur 0 3 9 94 0 197309327 Paul Fahy paulneedssleep en The Emerald City 0 125 281 I count sheep and I vote. 394 0 28957636 Aram perissology en Australia Perth 0 101 437 Political tragic. Gym junkie. Urban dwelling revolutionary. 128 14 Australia 218742556 SourSobs SourSobs en South Australia 0 7 4 67 0 South Australia Australia 95671285 Software Queensland softwareqld en Brisbane, Queensland Brisbane 0 97 50 Software Queensland is the Advocate for the Software Industry in Queensland, Australia 71 8 Brisbane Queensland Australia 31566477 Michael Todd MBTODD en Brisbane Brisbane 0 22 3 55 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 219152364 Desi Leary arvoswithdesi en Melbourne, Australia 0 123 152 Senior Producer to the lovely Denis Walter, 3aw 693 707 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 175342020 Danielle Harris DanielleAnna_ en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 96 108 Passionate traveller, wine & cheese lover, curious, gets excited about all things digital, working in communication 178 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 123426904 Pierre Tennant pierret1 en Sydney 0 0 4 0 New South Wales Australia 92651193 Rick Fiedler RickFiedler en Adelaide, SA Adelaide 16 0 111 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 137962351 Steve Terry SteveTerryAU en -28.125147,153.346218 Hawaii 0 49 223 I love ..AFL, Sydney Swans, INXS, Working,my boys, My Boat, Where I Live, being able to help others, winning new business, good red wine and life in general. 114 3 187775964 Beth Gooch Bethy_Gooch en Hawaii 18 11 102 0 Unknown 219786049 Clare O'Neil dubious_clare en 0 7 1 24 0 217020137 James Sutherland Jamess_Twits en Brisbane, Australia Hawaii 0 82 806 Financial Adviser| Typical Aries| Humorist|Social Justice Freak| Humanist|Politics Nut(sorry)| Love Technology| & Twitter| Happy to give an opinion or two :) 197 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 101566233 Gary Bruce urbanaquaman en Canberra Canberra 0 60 32 President - Solomon Waters Aquaponic Rehabilitation and Mentoring Association Inc. (SWARM) and Managing Director - Brindabella Birds n Bees Pty Ltd. 325 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 200054621 Tamara Wikaruk AgentTamara en Sydney Sydney 0 29 15 48 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 59587073 Comfort Inn Markham CN278 en Markham,Ontario Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 65 19 Newly renovated rooms, free deluxe continental breakfast, free parking and free wireless.We also have a indoor saltwater pool,steam room and hot tub. 34 5 219684906 Paul Mitchell paulymitch en 3 0 18 0 219632732 victim victimofscamsyd en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 2 3 looking for that conman in the profile photo!!! 7 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 33810128 Katie RyanBrookhouse KATIESDARWINRE en Darwin Australia Darwin 0 25 12 Licensed Real Estate Agent, Auctioneer, Interior Designer, Investor, Wife, Mother Darwin NT Australia 134 1 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 86994365 richard carey komissioner en Sydney Hawaii 0 4 32 I am strong in strength and vigilant in vigilance 12 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 19281287 Marlain marlain en Northern Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 53 10 Long Suffering wife of @kevmarl 185 3 213547363 Lee Anderson lando9999 en 0 52 11 227 0 212134316 Amy & Laura bookgotowned en Australia,,Brisbane 0 411 544 Amy & Laura TWO different people,,♥♥♥All Time Low ♥♥♥Fall Out Boy ♥Cole & Dylan Sprouse ♥The Midnight Beast ♥Justin Bieber ♥Boys Like Girls ♥Jake Gyllenhaal 1920 16 Brisbane Queensland Australia 218804616 Jackson Russell JacksonMRussell en 0 16 80 Just a guy 128 0 219505553 Brendan Loftus BMLoftus en 0 7 2 30 0 218393408 Brittany Tilley brttanyalyse en Sydney Hawaii 20 26 169 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 219062427 Ms.E.Hermit MsExtraHermit en Melbourne 0 155 1254 Avoids Crowds and Queues ... and an Ailurophile 376 4 Victoria Australia 172295228 Doster Mitchell DosterBMitchell en 0 15 3 99 0 132834027 kate shelbourn kateshelbourn en 11 0 146 0 75656639 Christina Kelman ceeeeeeekay en Australia Hawaii 0 23 106 essentially but awesomely lazy. with a wee addiction to shopping and tv. but i hate tv shopping...but who doesn't. the ab circle pro? oooo how innovative. 72 0 Australia 28239822 Claire Healey FEKMGMT en Land of Oz Sydney 0 27 326 Savvy IT professional who never says never! A big kid at heart who loves anything tech. Director of FEK Management and yes FEK means what you think it means :) 91 0 219510326 NSW Votes NSWvote en 8 0 23 0 190069128 Lustable Lustable en Australia Sydney 0 2143 290 Lustable brings the web's best shopping right to your browser. Join our expert editorial team as the embark on the adventure of a lifetime! [Powered by PayPal.] 1895 13 Australia 25234124 Michael Brannon MB069 en Wollongong, Australia Hawaii 0 38 3 142 1 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 219484851 Johnny Stokes stokesjohnny en 0 6 4 94 0 219476972 David Francis dkfranga en 2 0 4 0 37786846 Andrew BushTerrors en Adelaide Adelaide 6 40 33 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 77711918 Dean Koster meminiau en 0 0 1 3 0 22570600 Simon L Kelly mavenglobal en Australia Sydney 0 407 792 Maven of Communications on International Mobile Carriers with advice when Travelling. 1436 1 Australia 17732719 Matt Gillman mattyogi en Melbourne Melbourne 0 96 125 118 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 167671550 Ben Edwards Ben10Edwards en Sydney 0 17 4 91 0 New South Wales Australia 215206786 Andrew McKinnon ajmckinnon en Gold Coast Hawaii 23 388 115 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 40173724 Keith A. Sei ksei3 en Phoenix Arizona 0 13 3 34 0 Phoenix Arizona United States 210342303 Kelly KellyJaneScott en Brisbane Brisbane 0 76 97 NYC girl for quite a few years. Now back in Brisbane and loving it! Gee it's changed though. 189 7 Brisbane Queensland Australia 20653163 Cambrian Party cambrianparty en Melbourne Sydney 0 38 45 Cambrian Party making unique music psychedelic-experimental-locust pop All album sale proceeds go directly towards humanitys advancement to explore the cosmos. 253 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 20211587 Aaron J Begg aaronjbegg en Melbourne / London / New York Sydney 121 122 Australian-born, London-based. Global media, communications and public affairs professional. Currently working for BSkyB. All views expressed are my own. 901 0 171904321 Andrew Bentley bizbentley en Hawaii 0 1 1 28 0 Unknown 219268717 OL independent8109 en 0 8 10 137 0 45273333 Tranda Paton Tranda_Paton en Melbourne, Australia Sydney 0 77 1326 IT PM technology--fashion-- horseracing--food--wine--travel--running--everything 007--and pug puppy Claudie. 162 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 28784546 Leon Geisler leon_g101 en Sydney Sydney 13 160 Just a fourth-year Commerce student, stumbling my way through the little moments in life, trying to make the best of it all... 45 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 11855912 fonc fonc en melbourne Hawaii 0 11 31 27 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 218024317 Joshua Graham evouber en 0 8 3 156 0 199073869 Robyn Parker robyn_m_parker en Maitland, NSW 0 204 56 Your local Liberal candidate for the NSW electorate of Maitland. Serving our local community has always been really important to me. 645 4 169367049 Mike Maloney maloneytweet en New Zealand Auckland 0 10 78 Newton's Law: What goes up must come down. Murphy's Law: What can go wrong will go wrong. Cole's Law: Thinly sliced cabbage. 18 0 New Zealand 219202065 Jono Slade sluggerslade en 2 0 12 0 30948732 John Daly PGA_JohnDaly en Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 87683 5178 PGA Pro-Golfer, love music & love my Arkansas Razorbacks! 89665 2910 United States 37545347 Harry Lynn webfoot985 en Gold Coast Australia Brisbane 0 1357 1079 Details on my blog 1999 5 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 178933865 Larry Pat laspat en Australia International Date Line West 0 6 16 We are Christians and always seek truth in all things 15 0 Australia 210779942 Anthony Caldwell CaldwellAnthony en Brisbane 0 43 12 General Technologist, with a focus on data governance in information and communication technology. For me, it is all about the data. 287 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 41241257 Nick Scali Furniture NickScaliLtd en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 434 27 Nick Scali Furniture was established over 45 years ago and is now one of Australia's largest importers of quality lounges...cont. 1182 13 Sydney New South Wales Australia 121678855 Heather Bannister howzsha6 en Brisbane 9 11 142 0 Queensland Australia 28271419 James Platter Jamesplatter en Sydney 463 52 Forever Living ID is 588-929 quest net ID is HY799757 Listen To Him (Jesus) Words of God at Mt Transfiguration 1630 4 22581802 LetOnly en Brisbane Brisbane 0 54 46 I match and secure quality residential tenants without hassles with no on-going management. Receive your rent every week with Industry Support for peace of mind 64 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 39442333 victor loke victorloke en Australia Melbourne 0 129 2505 Living it, loving it! 143 0 Australia 30563164 Chelsea O'Donnell wwcod en The Other End Sydney 40 234 133 1 219149351 Uniting Church UnitingChurchAu en Sydney 0 50 2 National Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia. 148 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166808126 SASI_Marketing SASI_Marketing en Bendigo Melbourne 0 59 464 111 5 Bendigo Victoria Australia 212907382 Melissa Demetriou MelDemetriou en Adelaide Adelaide 24 0 57 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 103761767 Russell Skelton Skellor en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 30 59 68 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 41759952 David Milliken david03641 en Albury 0 16 86 Hi My name is dave and I'm madly in love with Jesus the Messiah 35 0 Albury New South Wales Australia 33456832 Lindsey Vanessa splinds en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 69 458 I'm a 20 year old woman from Melbourne, Australia. I like music, learning and politics. I'm the best kind of loser. 203 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 24656218 James Hopkins JimiHopkins en Sydney Sydney 0 400 1851 owner of - iPhone and iPad Covers and Accessories! 698 18 Sydney New South Wales Australia 190306951 Ferguson's Head QEasby en Atop Ferguson's neck London 0 239 2915 No dancing up here, that's what the feet are down there for. 531 15 53388748 Adrian Todd ducatiracer996 en Sydney 0 7 6 56 0 New South Wales Australia 18701661 alicitabrennan alicitabrennan en New York 0 114 73 Curious journalist, producer, person. Taking a year from the grind to up-skill and gain some brain at Columbia University. 391 5 New York City New York United States 23858351 Paul Davys paul_davys en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 43 45 Married White Male. 142 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 219077357 Amy Bainbridge abainbridgeabc en Melbourne, Australia Hawaii 0 44 11 ABC News Breakfast & ABC News 24 Presenter/Producer 178 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 42134111 Matt Smith MattPSmith en Hobart Hobart 0 83 130 Mercury Reporter. Fremantle Dockers Tragic. 277 0 Hobart Tasmania Australia 20354677 Grant Castner CastnerIT en Brisbane, Qld, Australia Brisbane 0 558 583 Business IT consulting specialising in IT business analysis, web analytics, SEO, cloud computing, .NET, SharePoint, and eLearning. Oregon Ducks fan and Dad. 1459 39 Brisbane Queensland Australia 179437574 maksooa maksooa en 0 6 22 44 0 218815298 Mark Andrews mandrews76 en Hawaii 0 5 6 97 0 Unknown 205055529 Anthony Hillier Bones_au en Sydney 0 12 88 Avid golfer, sports fan and wine ponce. Sometimes dabbling in selling tea bags. 62 0 New South Wales Australia 187485172 sophandbels sophandbels en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 9 192 37 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 218400855 Mark Vulling markvulling en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 19 68 Father. Husband. Geek. Sales guy @ Citrix. Gamer. 41 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 216524556 002 doubleohdeuce en sydney 0 44 333 quality control have decided i have slight imperfections but am still good enough to eat 196 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 190894400 Policy Australia policyaust en Sydney Sydney 0 31 68 Policy Australia - policy, legal and strategy advice to the IT, media, telco, education and government sectors. Tweets by Carolyn Dalton. 59 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 106376487 Will Rasavage rasavage en Reno, NV - USA Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 138 480 Southerner. Adopted by Westerners. Policy guy. No apologies for having opinions - it's better to be disliked than pitied. 720 1 177558218 Walkerston Rotary BenteMcD en Walkerston Australia Brisbane 0 5 2 42 0 Walkerston Queensland Australia 44535159 Adam Gartrell adamgartrell en Canberra, Australia Sydney 0 110 15 AAP Diplomatic Correspondent 105 4 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 218739553 SupaCool Daikin SupaCoolWA en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 18 1 SupaCool are Daikin Air Conditioning Specialists in Perth, Western Australia. Call us on: 08 9434 9496 Visit our web: 127 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 218720993 David Butler DB_u_t_l_e_r en 0 24 6 We're doing it live! 199 1 48272820 Jessica Lawrence JesssaRae en Brisbane Brisbane 0 67 10 Producer - A Current Affair. Never had an opinion in my life. 166 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 197232143 MoneyTips MoneyTipsAust en Australia Brisbane 0 134 20 Commission refunds for Australian investors & personal insurance. Fully Licenced by ASIC. 352 2 Australia 187861163 Tim Millar timmillar181 en Australia 0 337 400 keeping up with me! 2000 3 Australia 38151090 Shane Golding sgolding81 en iPhone: -33.812904,151.187973 Sydney 0 3 5 8 0 104414752 Huawei Australia HuaweiOZ en Australia Sydney 0 319 52 Huawei Australia works with over 23 operators in 8 countries. Huawei is a leading global telecommunications solutions provider for operators around the world. 228 18 Australia 80762620 Nathan Pepper 89PEP en Australia Canberra 0 58 64 Big fan of Sports, movies, acting and spending time with my family and friends!! 331 0 Australia 209279760 MaraT pokadotpolka en 0 13 50 Parliamentary Press Gallery smurfette, occasional cartoonist 112 0 218650380 Amy Fatih AmyAmyAmyF en Hawaii 0 2 58 I am back to twitter after a break. I would describe myself as a unionist. 9 0 Unknown 183615911 Adrian Barrett freycinetpost en Hobart, Tasmania Australia 0 32 98 We are the creative place to be in Tasmania for post production. We are able to handle feature films down to television adverts. 135 2 Hobart Tasmania Australia 176649094 YMCA Australia YMCA_Australia en Australia Melbourne 0 104 64 The YMCA is a community based charity that delivers programs & services to help build strong people, strong families & strong communities YMCAs across Australia 189 2 Australia 211093949 Dazz conig__d en Hawaii 6 0 22 0 Unknown 203818080 Joyce Donaldson alizah_j en Melbourne 0 0 102 0 Victoria Australia 217761175 Jill jillz055 en adelaide Australia 0 19 99 61 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 45498772 Dylan Bull ImDilmah en Brissy Brisbane 0 20 302 41 1 218316386 Henricks Consulting HCpsych en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 746 69 HC specialises in applying the principles and science of Psychology within organisations. 1000 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 57260950 James Campbell jbobdog en Brunswick 0 43 17 Oh yes....sum up me in a sentence...hmmm...I like pasta 323 0 Brunswick Western Australia Australia 144781294 Kp le don RadicalKKLive en Cape town Pretoria 31 181 The Radical 1 knows 1947 0 Cape Town South Africa 176695001 James Clingan JMClingan en Melbourne, Aus 0 21 107 65 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 218341837 Yingjie dennischan1984 en Sydney 0 5 3 9 0 New South Wales Australia 112335724 Meghan Woods abcdrivewa en Bunbury, Western Australia Perth 0 99 597 241 6 Bunbury Western Australia Australia 218394312 Adam Phipps afibbzy en 12 0 177 0 172249280 Dominic Wilson domwils1 en Sydney 0 33 85 livin' the dream 192 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 68587314 Elizabeth Brooks bearlulubrooks en 0 0 72 0 217433042 Abraham Levison Wolphramite en Perth 0 0 8 0 Western Australia Australia 218353992 Geoff Bowman gonz63 en Sydney 0 6 51 123 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 218341251 Thomas Hunter thomasahunter en Melbourne 0 17 3 journalist 79 0 Victoria Australia 218335138 Greg K Bywater Shoutmaster001 en Sydney Hawaii 2 0 11 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 217337198 Kmac Kmac082 en 0 10 44 58 0 20904394 dr. stu, esq. stubenson en sydney, australia Sydney 0 54 430 i remember when, i remember, i remember when i lost my mind - there was something so pleasant about that place.. 331 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22855924 davebraithwaite davebraith en Sydney Sydney 0 108 144 Executive Producer, SBS News & Current Affairs Online 241 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 123519448 UHF CB Australia UHFCB en Australia Melbourne 0 193 30 UHF CB Australia - Keep up to date with all the news at Australia's leading online resource and advocacy website for UHF CB radio users 1411 8 Australia 218270284 jasonscott1980 JasonMelbourne en Sydney 0 14 15 After all this talk about twitter i figured i should join the fun. 133 0 New South Wales Australia 31339616 AlexCorreaExecutive alexcorreaexec en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 627 314 Alex Correa has 15 yrs exp in the legal industry. As a senior HR professional she is one of Brisbane's leading legal recruitment specialists. 851 10 Brisbane Queensland Australia 218283603 Austereo News Sydney austereosydney en Sydney Sydney 0 32 1 2DayFM and Triple M Sydney Newsrooms 175 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 53146263 2nd Defense Inc. 2ndDefense en ÜT: 43.952243,-79.392196 Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 352 609 The premium eco-friendly brand of elite performance and protective apparel and equipment for today’s top performing athletes 1969 8 203444650 Moneyhq money_hq en Australia 0 59 17 MoneyHQ is an independent source of investing information and actionable money making information. Sources include some of Australia's best providers. 119 2 Australia 19270491 Evan Sieff evdogs87 en Sydney 0 32 3 62 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 157538083 Jack Pead JackPead en Melbourne 0 8 33 Putting it all together. 24 1 Victoria Australia 26227909 Brynley Scott brynleyscott en ÜT: -31.952975,115.823299 Perth 2 2 34 0 24499765 Jim Stone P3Bz en Hawaii 0 3 9 22 0 Unknown 22704103 Rebecca Szeremeta bexta_80 en 0 3 1 38 0 188678314 velgtraining velgtraining en Australia Hawaii 0 30 76 Professional training solutions for Australia's vocational education and training sector 81 1 Australia 218100591 Katrina Caruso 04magna en 0 0 4 0 131440384 Kylie Rhodes liljourno en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 46 138 I am a happy-go-lucky girl who has just started out as a journalist 69 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 140375004 Jackson Devereaux YemenLemons en Adelaide 0 5 9 19 0 South Australia Australia 218073084 Corrine Amber rinstarr en 0 0 2 0 24838757 robert madden NatVehicleNetw en 336 Parramatta Rd Burwood Sydney 0 75 429 Follow us to keep up to date with our new stock and specials 371 2 218028114 Steve mccarter Stevedorp en 0 0 1 0 26987922 Maria Butler mazbutler en 12 0 101 0 40907665 KValentine keuren en 0 11 8 85 0 196599999 Jared Hutchison jayrad90 en Brisbane Brisbane 0 110 2376 I'm your typical black man! I drink, I swear and I pretend to be offended by racist remarks! 159 3 Brisbane Queensland Australia 49941261 Jade Quinn JadeStar79 en Brisbane Brisbane 0 21 3 148 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 217976922 Bonnie Millen DeafVintage en Adelaide Adelaide 0 2 17 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 183608756 Fran Lawrence franjlawrence en Perth 0 42 264 Former journo, news junkie, media consultant, freelance writer and mum... not necessarily in that order. 61 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 101420844 Save The Wenlock SaveTheWenlock en Queensland, Australia Brisbane 0 42 559 Heritage list the Wenlock River region of Australia's Cape York Peninsula. 44 2 Queensland Australia 217977381 Al Farmer Al81Farmer en Hawaii 0 1 2 10 0 Unknown 37578526 Katie blythe mrsktb en 10 0 147 0 78580296 Chris Rout ChrisRout en Australia Melbourne 0 28 635 I own & run an aquarium & have a few side projects including a new magazine. I have a good sense of humour & only take life seriously when I really have too. 102 1 Australia 64138903 Anton van den Berg TheUXTruth en Sydney, AU Sydney 0 24 76 EM Online Customer Experience - customer is key.understand the data, business and day to day interactions to deliver a superior, simple yet elegant solution. 32 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 24848066 Courtney Mackey CourtneyMackey en Tassie Hobart 0 9 5 106 0 Tasmania Australia 24997010 Nyree Buchanan Nyree83 en Brisbane 5 15 63 0 Queensland Australia 90569341 Harry Tops harrytops en Hawaii 0 66 92 396 0 Unknown 112668239 Shona Hall ShonaHall en Australia 0 12 4 144 0 Australia 22350580 Tanya Stanborough tanya_stan en Hawaii 41 224 253 0 Unknown 52692691 Ugly BWOOCE UglyBWOOCE en North Sydney Sydney 0 89 213 Ugly BWOOCE MBA is tha swashbucklin Master of the Universe at Vulture Hedge Fund. Vulture specialise in asset-strippin smelly 3rd World countries, CDOs, HFT 218 1 North Sydney New South Wales Australia 190649138 Susie E SoapboxSuZQ en Somewhere out there... Melbourne 0 36 299 Blonde & beautiful... bwahahaha...whoops fell off chair laughing & hit head on desk. DISCLAIMER: Tweets may be influenced by subsequent head injury. 120 1 Unknown 62468093 Ryan Tam Zhuangshi en Sydney Sydney 10 33 103 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 42160197 Rowan Leyden RowanLeyden en Sydney Sydney 22 41 Investment Planning; Tax Minimisation; Superannuation; Insurance; Estate Planning; Debt Management; Investment Property purchase; Property projects 58 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 185350571 Lisa Foley L_I_S_A_13 en 0 46 159 268 2 37294747 Heidi Plucknett MissHeidiP en iPhone: -27.303387,152.990768 Sydney 0 308 840 Single (hah), food aficionado (hehe!!), event manager and current bikram yoga junkie! 392 9 32872429 Danielle Paull daniellepaull en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 33 8 246 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 26232298 Lisa Paulin fishtish en Melbourne 8 341 119 0 Victoria Australia 25207433 Debbie Brooks remicat5 en australia 0 36 53 stay @ home mum 385 1 Australia 15390197 AmyisShaw AmyisShaw en Brisbane 0 279 2453 Corporate travel agent in Brissy. Love to Travel and Drink wine, hate mornings and parking. 365 8 Queensland Australia 33780701 Mardi MsMardiStar en Canberra. Australia Canberra 0 64 284 Mum Teacher Friend 323 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 41267923 Kimberly Williams kimmy0206 en 0 18 64 113 0 25490397 Brianna Lee Kelly breeza26 en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 22 73 76 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 43644442 Joseph Espinoza Joseph_Espinoza en Sydney, Australia Sydney 31 134 i just wanna stalk people 279 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 38087073 Sam Encel samencel en Right of the latte curtain Melbourne 0 108 2310 Known unknown, demon fighter, devil advocator, radical incrementalist, absolute relativist, Howard battler. Thoughts here are my own or someone else's. 125 2 217796162 Karen S ozgal_2737 en Melbourne, Australia Sydney 10 496 Private Clinical Psychologist. Love My Husband, Family and Friends. I enjoy reading, the beach and long summer days and nights!!! 104 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 174673663 Sharon W msdrookie en 0 15 67 121 0 17673627 ToryShepherd ToryShepherd en Adelaide 0 339 134 Journalist, atheist, skeptic, chilli lover, soccer player... 299 27 Adelaide South Australia Australia 217729435 Anthony Falconer copafalco en 3 0 17 0 217701498 Richard Boult RichardBgreens en Sydney, Australia Sydney 20 15 New volunteer for NSW Greens. Work with people & business for immediate reductions in Co2 emmissions. Go renewables, use technology, growth OK, eco impact not. 135 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 106380536 Shane Genziuk sgenziuk en Australia Melbourne 0 44 135 I am building the most comprehensive site on the use of coffee grounds for the garden, compost, and worm farm. If you drink coffee, you can make a difference 227 2 Australia 199916487 SinclairSteele SteeleSinclair en 19 0 131 0 64874952 Jeff Tuthill jetirrigation en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 47 92 just a bit of a sports fan 541 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 183154411 Bandit Spookybandit en 1 0 8 0 216900329 Matt Martin LeftyMatt en Sydney 0 14 39 75 0 New South Wales Australia 95170070 Andrew Luke andrewpluke en Sydney Sydney 0 28 215 Xbox live gametag- AndoCasanova 49 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 138295476 Secjobsonline en Australia 0 72 75 34 1 Australia 117058598 Melanni Heldon melly2610 en Sydney 0 69 144 422 0 New South Wales Australia 14535219 pietrochocko petercirocco en Adelaide, Aus Adelaide 0 9 524 Busy guy who loves nursing, being with the ones I love and expensive cheese. 33 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 198753967 CentralCoast BEC CentralCoastBEC en Tuggerah NSW Sydney 0 161 181 REAL advice for REAL business. 359 7 90495844 LUIS F. MARTINEZ C. Luisfmc1179 es venezuela Caracas 137 251 T.S.U ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS MENCIÓN INDUSTRIAL pasatiempos TECNOLOGÍAS, TELECOMUNICACIONES, ECOLOGÍA FINANZAS PERSONALES, EL LIBRE MERCADO 2001 0 Venezuela 152877890 Paul Hartyanszky PaulHartyanszky en Hong Kong Hong Kong 0 63 33 Traveler, photographer, editor, critic, gourmet, student, & profligate currently experiencing Weltschmerz and undertaking an epic across four continents 244 1 Hong Kong China 20011037 Darren Skuba leebekben en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 104 88 477 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 116665255 barbara James scarpelb en 0 9 178 26 0 42534077 kylie kwong Kylie_Kwong en ÜT: -33.889176,151.198658 Sydney 203 418 105 5 28954950 Josh eternal90 en 0 7 23 Greenie in Caringbah, candidate for Cronulla in 2011. 74 0 214410985 Damien Smith General_Dingo en Mars 0 14 11 I am a very annoying games modder and scavanger (means I take other people's left overs). I am a secret agent for Australia Post. I also like to bite things. 111 0 Unknown 165746979 Kate Peetz Katepeetz en Sunshine coast QLD Brisbane 0 5 5 42 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 169102214 Andrew Quigley Andrew_Quigley en Perth 0 15 41 105 0 Western Australia Australia 117543541 Cayla Dengate TheCBomber en Brisbane Brisbane 0 87 69 I'm not very politically correct for a journalist... 251 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 217133846 Natalie Clark maxsmom82503 en 0 7 14 35 0 54521922 damijay damijaymusic en Australia Brisbane 0 63 342 Indie/Acoustic musician and side street philosopher. Think more; Love more; Create more! 79 1 Australia 58772480 Brett Waters Brett_Waters en Brisbane Hawaii 10 11 Nurse Manager - Strong interest in Health Care and generational issues - we are still working in the 70's. time to change PLEASE. 33 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 89374201 Ty Stahl TyStahl en Melbourne Melbourne 15 33 170 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 163702730 Roberta Marcroft Marcroftra en 0 32 29 Mum of two gorgeous boys and full-time PR girl, lives near the beach - which makes every weekend a holiday - especially with a coffee on hand. 96 2 34889965 Mark Wardy53 en Melbourne Melbourne 57 115 371 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 21826819 Cath Nolan nolanlegal en Melbourne 6 13 37 0 Victoria Australia 8828222 theRVMGuy theRVMGuy en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 51 94 Digital Asset Services Consultant, SharePoint expert, Virtualisation Hero, Fun guy! 169 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 207373308 Clayton McIntosh claytonmci en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 10 6 52 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 217165427 Nacho Zura nachozura es trelew chubut 0 6 15 83 0 38405086 Dory Bejjani DOR11Z en Australia Sydney 5 0 25 0 Australia 36065128 ScotiaHockey scotiahockey en Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 299 220 Canada's Hockey Bank, pairing our national game with saving to score an important goal. 553 11 United States 23719078 Daisy Sumersford Daissss en Radelaide Adelaide 0 49 80 daisy - If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change ☮ 144 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 98133736 西武æ±å¤§å’Œã‚¸ãƒ¥ãƒ‹ã‚¢ã‚¢ã‚¤ã‚¹ãƒ›ãƒƒã‚±ãƒ¼ã‚¯ãƒ©ãƒ– higashiyamatojr en æ±äº¬éƒ½æ±å¤§å’Œå¸‚ Tokyo 0 186 1424 ホームリンクã¯è¥¿æ­¦æ–°å®¿ç·šæ±å¤§å’Œå¸‚é§…å‰ Big Box スケートセンター。 年長組~å°å­¦ï¼“年生ã®ã€Œä½Žå­¦å¹´ã€ã€å°å­¦ï¼”~6年生ã®ã€Œé«˜å­¦å¹´ã€ã€ãã—ã¦ã€Œä¸­å­¦ç”Ÿã€ã®ï¼“ãƒãƒ¼ãƒ ã§æ§‹æˆã•ã‚Œã¦ã„る。 1995年設立。 317 29 216136543 Matt Ford FordyM en 0 9 3 108 0 198786568 Maddie Honeyman MaddieHoneybunn en Sydeney Sydney 0 17 40 Political Loser, PR Expert (almost) and generally Awesome person. 99 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 204741060 Paul Isaachsen paulisaachsen en Canberra Canberra 0 22 7 policy adviser interested in economics, history, law, management science and politics; lover of sports and karaoke 108 4 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 189989924 Stuart Davies sdavies0011 en Hawaii 7 2 55 0 Unknown 217023521 Claire Williams ClaireLWilli en 2 0 15 0 149988262 Jai Lybyk ioueae en Geelong, vic. Melbourne 0 15 100 75 0 Geelong Victoria Australia 117661483 Liueli Liueli_Of_Bvale en Brookvale.. Duh! Sydney 0 39 1191 I love my footy, I believe that Godfather 1 and 2 are the best movies EVER made, and that beer should always be drunk cold. 80 1 211016865 GC Rental Properties gcrpholiday en Gold Coast, Queensland Brisbane 0 157 33 We manage luxury holiday rentals on the Gold Coast. If you're looking for a great place to stay, we're in the know! Follow us for deals, promos, & GC news! 467 19 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 36890214 Libby McDonald LibMcDonald en Bendigo Melbourne 0 26 12 Bureau Chief at WIN News Bendigo 104 1 Bendigo Victoria Australia 30839626 Bailey Nash thenashy en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 43 433 I'm on Twitter. How's that? 61 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 216280932 Paul Howes WhyPaulHowes en Everywhere Sydney 0 30 135 237 0 Unknown 195704801 Morgan Squires MorganSquires en Melbourne 0 20 62 170 0 Victoria Australia 177492580 Michelle Duryea MishDuryea en Perth, Western Australia Alaska 0 128 297 Aussie Girl born in the UK with Cypriot heritage, Leo, work in research management, into everything from personal development to pop culture and politics! 589 4 Perth Western Australia Australia 7512 alan jones bigyahu en iPhone: -33.815240,151.198426 Sydney 0 2255 12319 Tweet like nobody's following. The real you is the best brand you have. 2044 97 216251390 Carolyn Ferrando heyheytamborine en Mt Tamborine - Gold Coast 0 68 32 Living large at Tamborine... love my job as Events Manager at the Mt Tamborine Convention Centre - you should come on up for a visit! 269 5 115174447 AidArena AidArena en Brisbane Brisbane 0 470 428 AidArena provides and maintains an online auction platform for charities. 1447 11 Brisbane Queensland Australia 216277730 didoxo web services didoxoweb en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 51 81 didoxo is the community orientated hosting / domains organization offering enterprises, individuals and community groups online oppurtunities 179 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 151230907 Chloe Herrick chloe_CW en Hawaii 0 98 31 416 0 Unknown 216940746 Jarryd Leaves JarrydLeaves en Australia 0 1 1 15 0 Australia 208220854 2XL Snowy Mountains radio2xl en Cooma, NSW 0 28 49 Snowy Mountains 2XL 919AM Cooma, 96.3FM Jindabyne, 98.7FM Perisher, 92.1FM Thredbo, 92.5FM Charlotte Pass, 92.5FM Bombala & Streaming Online 24/7 at 2XL.COM.AU 55 1 52208014 diana gardner di45 en melbourne Melbourne 0 18 66 On-line Florist and long-time Collingwood supporter. 118 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 24233495 Donna Daisyface1 en Port Moody, BC Pacific Time (US & Canada) 1014 9900 Singer of songs, survivor of life, dreamer of dreams :) I hope for better, I give a damn, absolutely love my kids, my dog, good movies & music... 1303 36 100516580 Victor Stepien VictorStepien en The Free World London 136 184 Political Writer 1583 1 97340472 greekgoddess GGoddess123 en Aussieland Sydney 0 5 84 living 123 0 215874488 Philip Anderson pandersontigers en Richmond, Victoria Hawaii 0 586 31 Running for the Richmond Football Club Board of Directors 1981 7 Richmond Victoria Australia 176558535 2XL Local News 2XL_News en Cooma, NSW 0 28 247 2XL Local News Headlines 49 2 15794441 Advanet Darius & Co advanet en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 131 322 Focus on digital media and digital marketing strategy trends. Also I like to dwell on business, politics, finance and anything else that comes to my attention. 121 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 191181292 Mikelis Berzinsh NHLALLSTAR2011 en Quito 0 34 56 483 0 Ecuador 17335502 Spence spenceee en Sydney, New South Wales Sydney 0 18 392 C#, .Net, SQL. Mean anything to you? How about XXXX, HSV and League? 38 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 68041723 Martine Russell martineeliserus en Charmhaven NSW Australia Hawaii 0 135 789 I do painting commissions. I do work for my gallery: Starhaven Gallery. I write poetry; create books @ search: Martine Russell 1045 1 25481321 Oscar Grey oscargrey en Australia Brisbane 0 49 163 Oscar once attended the annual Billionaire's Retreat, where he won the New York Giants football team from the Rich Texan in a poker game. 39 0 Australia 200759984 John Italiano Adventure_91 en Mornington Melbourne 1 0 HI EVERYBODY! My name is John. I like to live life to its absolute fullest, I enjoy many activities and I’m never afraid to give anything a go. 13 0 Mornington Western Australia Australia 210282360 Kiara O'Gorman KlassyWithAKay en Australia Brisbane 0 7 33 I will be replacing Miley Cyrus on Twitter - for we all know she is sorely missed. Feel free to shorten my name to K.W.A.K - Klassy with a Kay. Follow me! 36 0 Australia 216317862 Brian Elliott Elliott1950 en Wentworthville NSW Australia 0 12 54 originally from Bolton Lancs UK 73 0 215247798 south east politics southeastpols en Hawaii 0 10 3 70 0 Unknown 25994644 Charlotte Corbyn charlottenaomi en Perth 0 28 43 121 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 182241116 mammaberri mammaberri en My World Sydney 9 9 Woman - Wife - Mother ... devouring life one day at a time 269 0 Unknown 78319782 John Marjoram personaliteh en -35.232758,149.037667 0 3 6 15 0 18348741 victorlachica rotcivlachica en Computer Chair Singapore 149 9 1997 0 216619362 Thomas Cavanagh tom_cavanagh en Brisbane Brisbane 0 7 9 Labour + Entrepreneurship - Capital 31 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 76568917 Jimmy Whitehead JimmyWaveRat en Sydney 5 0 31 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 60016008 James Somerset jamosomerset en Sydney (Via Hemel Hempstead) Sydney 0 13 169 I am from Hemel Hempstead, and I am loving the 1-0 lead in the Ashes 295 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 40981571 Roger Brown's RogerBrowns en Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 55 75 307 1 United States 24145204 advocate migration advocatemig en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 118 386 Expert advice on all Australian visa and appeal applications to the MRT, RRT, AAT and Federal Courts 89 9 Brisbane Queensland Australia 143401683 Vito SenorVito9 en Sydney Australia 0 110 318 Loves Social Media,History,Business and all in between.Loves a good ReTweet! 615 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 161255630 ella thomson ellapaulina en 0 10 1 197 0 25234725 Catherine Gierak cgierak en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 0 19 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 19016715 Graham Leslie grleslie en Sydney Sydney 0 10 1 148 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 58691211 Mark Endres endresults en Mountain Time (US & Canada) 1 11 48 0 United States 159749578 Eva Sahpekidis Eva7890 en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 35 50 i am me and will never change so stop being a pain in the bum and except me the way i am u can yell and scream all u like i won't change 598 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 213596709 A Bastick chocmonstergirl en Australia 0 0 5 15 0 Australia 185559862 West Coast Institute WCIT_tweets en Joondalup Alaska 0 23 77 West Coast Institute of Training is a leading provider of accessible and relevant vocational education and specialist skill training solutions. 56 0 Joondalup Western Australia Australia 216530220 Heather Bruer heatherbruer en Heather Bruer 0 32 13 Economics student, climate activist, lover of tea and government accountability. 86 2 210730196 DogServicesAustralia dogservices_au en Australia Sydney 0 506 28 Free resource on dog services around Australia including listings of dog walkers, washers, grooming, kennels, schools and more. 2001 12 Australia 21133203 Dal DalW en Australia Melbourne 33 177 tikki tikki tembo 95 0 Australia 204149599 Community Leverage Luke_at_CL en Redcliffe Brisbane 0 225 332 I love Life, Family, Learning, Teaching, Growing, Inspiring, and my start-up Community Leverage is building a collective voice for the global community. 943 3 Redcliffe Queensland Australia 23411478 Caitlin Mills caitlin_1 en Evergreen Terrace Hawaii 0 144 626 The real world is for people who can't imagine anything better. 165 1 110336994 Rooirosie Rooirosie1 en Perth WA Perth 0 44 43 98 4 Perth Western Australia Australia 168633835 Chris McDonald corneliusupside en Brussels 0 9 41 I like apples and walking my dog. I am also an optimistic policy wily wonk on cities regional development and economics 57 1 212523059 Bree Wyatt breebreerocks en Sydney Australia 0 39 163 Free your mind and your ass will follow 337 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 149439096 mz rae rae s.... RaeRaeSien en 0 9 86 40 1 216303112 Yoshi Inu YoshiGoSabi en Brisbane 0 0 20 0 Queensland Australia 204211123 Anon Jimmy6446 en 0 7 6 240 0 55838120 Adam Van Der Zee narque en Bendigo,Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 23 39 quite suddenly, and without warning.... nothing happened. 197 0 Bendigo Victoria Australia 166795413 Marmalade mifimarmalade en Sydney Sydney 0 5 51 30 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 101312113 Luke Fraser LukeTFraser en Brisbane Brisbane 8 2 52 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 47086223 Jesse jessejane11 en Brisbane 0 13 8 64 0 Queensland Australia 19226475 Sean McLachlan seanmclachlan en Canberra Canberra 0 31 153 219 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 35413034 Katie Hale katie18O en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 320 4153 Well I'm Katie, I'm 18 and studying law and journalism at uts :) I love new york & the media industry & would love to be doing media law or working on air... 950 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 195339721 Alex See xiyali en Canberra 0 0 44 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 19375326 Lucy Blain lucyblain en Australia Hawaii 23 22 a little bit of pointless chat is good 97 0 Australia 118208194 Bruce Clark Clarky_Au en 0 7 21 51 0 92424318 Matt Dixon MattDixon_WA en Perth Perth 0 64 5 National President of Australian Young Labor 130 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 216246004 Ashleigh McKenzie ashkenzie en Brisbane Brisbane 0 14 10 21 yr old Media-ish student/seat warmer in an office. Enjoy eating til I can't walk and inappropriate jokes told at inappropriate moments. 65 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 173071695 Frankie Freeman frankie_freeman en Wagga Wagga 0 35 168 Just a kid, out for some fun and some good quality policy debate.... 78 2 Wagga Wagga New South Wales Australia 80260342 tas gandy tasgandy en Australia Canberra 0 0 6 Sales & Marketing Consultant 17 0 Australia 185883351 Philippe Brach PropertyHotSpot en Sydney Sydney 0 79 34 Through education, we help our clients build an investment property portfolio. Where & how to buy; research & due diligence; finance structure & loans 174 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 177005840 The CLC4GV Campaign clc4gv en Shepparton 0 67 27 The CLC4GV Campaign is seeking community support for a fully funded Community Legal Centre (CLC) in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria, Australia. 243 4 Shepparton Victoria Australia 216219267 Jack&Jill Restaurant JackandJill_1 en 247 Moorabool Street, Geelong Brisbane 0 336 53 Award winning chef Leonie Mills brings her signature “miniature meal†creations to life. 2001 2 26707284 Alexandra Mayhew A_Mayhew en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 40 88 81 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 216233443 Fede Rico fedetradingex es Palermo 0 9 10 amo el hockey, deportes extremos, vida sana. 137 0 169872315 Dan Murphy danmurphys91 en Brisbane, Qld Brisbane 0 10 10 88 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 202860428 Murray Eagle getupwhatthe en Brisbane 0 1 22 Born to let everyone lead a happy life with dignity 4 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 171772388 Noa Noa Living NoaNoaLiving en Frankston, Victoria, Australia Sydney 0 70 8 Noa Noa Living is an environmental and family friendly place to shop for unique stylish gift and home wares for every occasion. 414 4 Frankston Victoria Australia 20558353 Jane Kneebone janekneebone en Melbourne Melbourne 0 184 126 Communications Director, mum, art lover and student of textiles and fine arts and avid runner 314 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 206076876 Josh Woodward bondyJW en Gold Coast 0 7 11 52 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 121626892 Richard Huynh enjunuet en Sydney Sydney 0 10 23 Keep on gifting! 32 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 36567197 mark higgins HiggPHOTO en Melbourne-Oz Melbourne 0 38 75 Graphic Designer, Photographer 108 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 196473164 Alex Wilson nosliwxela en Medowie, NSW 0 8 7 Optimist, hard-working, loyal. 34 1 19982802 Sue Rust RustySue en London 0 49 127 A financial journalist who's also always got her eye on sport and the great outdoors. 55 1 London England United Kingdom 51464059 Brian Richard Allen Brian_R_Allen en 0 75 849 178 0 40724061 brendan nottle brendannottle en Melbourne, Australia 0 210 94 687 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 25871658 JTP johntassparker en Melbourne, Australia 0 41 173 97 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 28701226 Meg J MissAustralia82 en Perth Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 59 159 Aussie, student, Adoring aunty/godmother, Sports fan; NCIS addict. 208 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 94780976 Zen Rivers zenrivers en Australia Sydney 0 336 14 Self inquiry, meditation, Eastern philosophy, human rights, eco issues, natural medicine 1037 9 Australia 215951943 Things Hipsters Like Hipsterslike en The Underground 0 4 1 13 0 18380878 truemanQLD truemanQLD en Gold Coast Brisbane 0 38 175 103 1 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 168070615 Yapping Dog Yapping_Dog en Australia Melbourne 6 1 news junkie, reader, professional marketer & communicator apparently, always have something to say, still learning twitter... 343 0 Australia 36333243 Jacqueline Jacjacw en Sydney 0 3 903 28 0 New South Wales Australia 214209667 Jay Mueller jaybillmueller en South Melbourne, Australia 0 41 2 Hot Breakfast Producer, Donut Guru, Caveman 196 1 South Melbourne Victoria Australia 41388276 Deke A. Were Deke_A_Were en Melbourne, Australia. Melbourne 0 14 16 Protecting the drunk and stupid people in public places!! 59 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 199227469 Troy Burke troyb09 en Sydney Sydney 0 1 1 62 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15168399 Nathan Metcher NathanMetcher en Sydney, Australia Sydney 11 27 .....where amazing happens 49 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 28964491 fiona b fionab2009 en Hawaii 75 0 330 0 Unknown 23134375 solid_au solid_au en australia Sydney 0 102 2762 dum spiro spero 255 14 Australia 6811642 Tom Tom125 en Sydney NSW Sydney 162 20854 Foodie. Swimmer. Surf Lifesaver. Mac user. Spreadsheet Guru. Australianised Englishman. 241 22 Sydney New South Wales Australia 39206274 C2030 C2030 en Western Australia Perth 0 472 526 LandCorp's C2030 is about bringing together the thoughts and opinions of all Western Australians on the future of this State. 652 19 Western Australia Australia 215877837 ... critical_opp en Melbourne, Victoria Melbourne 0 12 15 74 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 87898360 Lauren Fitzgerald lauzfitz en roaming Sydney 0 23 73 49 6 26999449 Collin Duff-Tytler colldt en Sydney 0 35 83 A technology marketing professional. I’m passionate about the way we can use technology to improve the way we live and work. 125 0 New South Wales Australia 180629590 Jason PerthProperty en Perth, WA 0 197 47 Property Development in Perth. Big or small, we can help. 346 9 Perth Western Australia Australia 215863056 Dylan dylanc01 en 11 0 Conservative. Law student. Avid follower of politics. 81 0 193128427 Craig Ondarchie CraigOndarchie en Melbourne 0 66 74 Member for Northern Metropolitan Region in the Victorian Parliament. 117 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 215843003 Stephen Boyle Boyle212 en Canberra 1 2 36 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 27204106 Rollsy rollsyrollsy en Terrigal via London Sydney 0 41 66 Raconteur, man-about-town, beat-poet, prize fighter, lover of fine wines. 150 1 19947460 Loddon Campaspe CLC lcclc en Bendigo, Australia Melbourne 0 118 77 A site for friends and supporters of the Loddon Campaspe Community Legal Centre 397 6 Bendigo Victoria Australia 64338176 Nathan Bracken NBRACKEN142 en Central Coast, NSW Sydney 0 9773 3689 Australian Cricketer, Husband and Father 283 363 Gosford New South Wales Australia 90532647 Melbourne Adelaide thenewscentre en 0 41 1 167 0 181052339 Leanne Edwards LeanneEd007 en 0 5 1 32 0 15123838 Paul paulcampese en Adelaide Adelaide 0 41 17 113 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 132756370 Gary Taylor hrtfan95 en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 23 190 Family mean heaps to me, have good music knowledge, good knowledge of technology Samantha I Love You with all of my heart xoxoxo 218 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 55810926 Brian Newnham Briannewnham en Perth, W. Australia 0 26 2 340 0 87068378 Gordon Kay Gordon_Kay en Woodside, South Australia Adelaide 0 16 39 Good side of middle age and having fun creating business ops, life and discovering Australia Woodside, South Australia 0400 645 409 42 5 Woodside South Australia Australia 215620326 Courtney Barker quartz2388 en 0 7 1 76 0 211824815 BTTF_CharityRescreen BTTFSyd en Sydney, Australia 0 53 96 We are taking Sydney Back to the Future... to help raise money for Parkinson's NSW to support people with Parkinson's disease 167 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 107369946 Robert Cooke Mainline40 en Adelaide Australia Adelaide 0 134 480 locomotive Driver. AFL Fan 1045 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 181163973 Felicity Hennessy fliss0909 en 0 40 1 319 0 211485679 Geoffrey Keir Geffro150 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 14 74 Faith and fun. Old guy. 74 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 82292693 Sue Ellis ashamaya en Adelaide, South Australia 0 10 79 32 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 24973319 Ryan James Ryza11 en Yangon, Myanmar Rangoon 0 14 70 Wollongong, Sydney, Brisbane, Townsville, Canberra and now Yangon. 118 0 215544564 ACCOUNT CLOSED Aj2pol en Adelaide Adelaide 0 100 2058 ACCOUNT CLOSED FOR NOW - SOMEONE IS TAKING THE BANTER TOO FAR. I think @saganus is making threats on my family. Police will be called 175 3 Adelaide South Australia Australia 215542212 felicia cag hamiltonfunfest en Hamilton, On Central Time (US & Canada) 0 49 1 228 1 40584379 Michael Wignall naemick en wagga wagga Canberra 0 51 171 159 2 Wagga Wagga New South Wales Australia 201057465 Rebecca Burgess beckaburgo en Tenambit Sydney 0 10 72 ticklish, terrific, tempestuous 73 0 15286112 Mark Portbury portbury en Brisbane Brisbane 0 16 40 62 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 61684483 Bryce McIntosh bryce_mcintosh en Sydney Sydney 5 40 Sales Manager for EMPR - Technology Solutions Group 25 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 201173183 Mel Arnott Mobile_Masters en Maddington, WA Perth 0 101 14 Mobile Masters specialise in Two Way Radio Communications, GPS Tracking Technology and Equipment Hire for events and functions. 404 0 173112384 Nj Tugs NJTugs en New York Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 3 1 18 0 New York City New York United States 214932023 Andrei Markov Andrei_Markov fr Montréal Central Time (US & Canada) 0 38 41 La prédiction du futur, sachant le présent, n'est pas rendue plus précise par des éléments d'information supplémentaires concernant le passé 349 0 198461833 Lowie redwhitedragon en 0 8 4 99 0 215273506 EquityDissector en Hawaii 0 4 4 You choose the company, we create the professional stock report and deliver it to your inbox within 24hours for only $9.95 - Launches Jan 1 10 0 23382633 Graham Lade grahamlade en Sydney Sydney 0 23 26 60 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 210031325 Watering Camels camelwater en 0 4 12 23 0 47261391 Anita Kilkenny AnitaKilkenny en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 689 5586 Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth. -Mark Twain 527 58 Melbourne Victoria Australia 213507617 Wayne Grivell waynegrivell en Adelaide 0 18 37 enthusiast, architect, exhausted father 131 0 South Australia Australia 209805924 Mathew Rochford m_rochford en Adelaide Adelaide 0 6 16 48 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 72184102 Garrie James garriejames en Melbourne 0 101 3200 Sometimes a small l, othertimes a large C. Always thinking for myself. Live & let live, but don't tread on me! 144 5 Victoria Australia 25806599 Christoff Botha ChristoffBotha en Hawaii 51 138 A Quixotic traveller, philosophiser, strategist, self-deprecating pragmatist. 497 1 Unknown 214404557 Oz Trailier Real_Oz_Tralier en Australia 0 8 11 167 0 Australia 195910560 francis a poulin frantheguitarmn en lowell ma usa Quito 0 526 470 JAM, JAM and JAM 1952 7 38608594 trevor clark trevorclark1 en adelaide south australia Adelaide 0 107 48 162 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 214711241 Frances Bell bellfrances en Hawaii 0 10 1 99 0 Unknown 190488623 charles tiedt itselrahc en 0 4 7 6 0 214006133 Cameron Tang ctang81 en 0 15 32 101 1 132392716 Alan Spicer GrowthwiseSMSF en Newcastle Australia 0 149 180 SMSF Guru 135 10 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 26464396 Tommy Ravlic TRAVLIC en Hawaii 0 62 290 Singer - songwriter based in Melbourne, Australia. 196 1 Unknown 212376881 Shane Radbone ShaneRadbone en Adelaide, Australia 0 26 67 I have a passion for sport, business and health. 55 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 213519374 opinionsinoz opinionsinoz en Australia Sydney 0 7 25 Stay tuned for a somewhat humorous and at times intellectual look at what is going on in politics, media and everything else in Australia! 10 0 Australia 203390140 Adam Marshall A_J_Marshall en Gunnedah, NSW Sydney 0 59 74 Mayor of Gunnedah Shire Council, Chairman of NSW Country Mayors Association 190 1 23750517 Craig James craigjames78 en melb 0 38 314 painter/male model 159 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 42558678 Melissa Morgan moredapper en 13 0 15 0 183804577 g.honorine Awoussi bigstyle05 fr Canada 0 120 257 Aujourd'hui,je suis reconnaissant à la vie et je suis conscient de l'extraordinaire don qui m'ait fait. 711 0 Canada 31738235 Natalie Giddings nataliegiddings en Melbourne Melbourne 0 6020 7024 family + beach + latte + marketing + biz + brand buzz 5399 274 Melbourne Victoria Australia 149468221 LauraONeil260 LauraONeil260 en 0 213 2367 729 10 89578891 DONNA N. NGONADI DONNAXFACTOR en GREAT BRITAIN London 0 241 681 GLOBAL PRESIDENT.STOPPING WAR CRIMES/HUMAN ABUSE/ENDING POVERTY/HELPING IN DISASTERS/MAKING LAW AND GIVING ORDERS/NOMINATION/DISMISSING/ 1999 2 214904240 Mike and Ron mikeandron en 0 45 4 Welcome to the world of Mike and Ron, The good times are just starting! Ya better get on board now cause this bus is not pullin over to pick anyone... 297 0 26897772 Donna Jasmin Donski41 en Australia Brisbane 0 29 64 I love life 238 1 Australia 181764204 thesocialprco en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 179 174 A new type of PR consultancy focussed on finding and engaging with your audiences online, offline and everywhere in between. Founded by @sarahsocialpr in 2010. 224 5 Adelaide South Australia Australia 25657082 Sebastian Zawarus sebzaw en iPhone: -34.889267,138.689896 Adelaide 0 27 171 381 0 Rostrevor South Australia Australia 131104647 Matthew Lemon lemonm73 en 0 7 2 25 0 214819588 Stuart Thiessen Thiessen41 en 0 0 2 2 0 213538547 Todd Hacking ToddHacking en South Australia Adelaide 0 61 71 26. Enjoy a cold beer on a Summers Day. Love spending time with mates, sport (follow the Crows), watching the cricket, cooking, politics & current affairs 117 1 South Australia Australia 25276172 cathy eckert jacy42 en 0 33 14 354 0 214783050 Chris crk5 en Hobart Hobart 0 440 5534 IT guy, WWW, Food, Politics, ♫♪♪♫, ✓ Verified Idiot. Warning: May contain coarse language and adult themes. 486 22 Hobart Tasmania Australia 185085942 Liz Loane LizLoane en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 172 157 Social media and herpetofauna 321 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22714083 Amy Black amyjeanblack en Hawaii 26 424 93 0 Unknown 23420200 Suzy Watson Suzsglw en Sydney Sydney 0 35 22 84 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 188491707 Andrew Body andrewbody1 en New Zealand 1 0 7 0 New Zealand 14769294 Ofa Fitzgibbons Ofagirl en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 587 2516 Tech PR 4 Howorth, co-owner of Espresso Paradiso, food & wine junkie, lover of good specialty coffee, wife, music festival enthusiast, gardener in the making. 698 27 Sydney New South Wales Australia 17412263 miguelm60 miguelm60 en Sydney 0 9 22 11 0 New South Wales Australia 191359280 Real Man's Guide realmansguide en Brisbane Brisbane 0 246 700 Real Man's Guide* (to just about everything) is a online magazine for the modern man. 484 9 Brisbane Queensland Australia 45810236 Australia Live TV AustraliaLiveTV en Worldwide Adelaide 0 461 751 A free LIVE interactive Internet broadcasting channel with talkback shows about news, sport, technology, travel, real estate, business, finance, & more 1079 19 Unknown 195612697 Felicity Threadgate fthreadgate en 0 39 68 Fan of the randomest things, the newest recruit to Espresso Communications. 202 0 214362256 Roy Spring royce456 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 2 4 Old timer interested in technolgy [in the broadest sense] 11 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 196856582 Jay Stevens Jayx8 en Hobart Hobart 0 82 52 18, Eternal Optimist, Hedonism Fanboy | New Taswegian 223 6 Hobart Tasmania Australia 212150229 Rocca Roccapoxhi en Alaska 10 19 118 0 United States 19126989 Callum Yates callumyates en Australind Perth 0 26 58 Stone Cold Stavros??? 101 1 Australind Western Australia Australia 214422040 gelp gelp_helpgovern en Australia Melbourne 0 16 15 Observer of political process 79 0 Australia 24353567 Tegan Edwards teganedwards en Hobart, Tasmania Hobart 26 411 I like my eggs with a runny yolk. 81 2 Hobart Tasmania Australia 147754032 Mrs Woog Woogsworld en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 724 8096 During my waking hours I ferry kids around in the car while drinking takeaway coffees. 938 28 Sydney New South Wales Australia 141919704 Marcelle Mogg Mtmogg en Melbourne Melbourne 0 44 695 It's me! You've found me, stop looking. 192 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 34221677 Lock Curran lock33 en 0 15 10 126 0 213600479 Anneliese H aheasman en Australia Sydney 0 5 2 57 0 Australia 38613016 Events NSW EventsNSW en Sydney Sydney 0 619 228 Major Events Corporation for NSW 163 25 Sydney New South Wales Australia 82835303 bizoomi bizoomi en Sydney 0 2617 1385 Bizoomi is an exciting and unique concept that helps businesses to share, learn and grow! 2848 26 New South Wales Australia 56864227 Gold Coast Property ProdapReport en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 469 76 Prodap has been researching the Gold Coast residential housing market for the past 22 years and produces the quarterly Prodap Property Market Research Report. 561 21 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 210996259 Michaela Clark misocialmediaau en Australia Brisbane 0 631 135 mi Social Media provides social media creation, maintenance and advice for your business 1381 27 Australia 187484198 David M. Green David_M_Green en Melbourne Melbourne 0 64 75 23-year-old multi-platform comedian, writer, voice-actor & presenter. Recently completed post-grad journalism at RMIT. I make radio and TV comedy. 236 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 20573551 Edward Baral ebaral en Sydney Sydney 119 110 Some 20 years a Marketer and currently with Fairfax. A lover of fine caffeinated beverages. 238 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 192854848 Tara Davies taraleedavies en Melbourne 0 29 86 59 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 163007148 Expect A Star ExpectAStar en Australia Sydney 0 217 339 The experts at assisting families with all their childcare solutions. Specialise in providing high quality, professional & experienced babysitters & nannies. 814 9 Australia 41518392 Ed Stening edstening en Sydney Sydney 27 22 118 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 211424321 Buck Rogers Buckelaide en Adelaide 11 0 57 0 South Australia Australia 202516830 Sophie Walsh sophie_walsh9 en Sydney 0 146 77 67 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 214267980 Patrina Jones patrinanewman en 11 0 66 0 201572359 Safeguard SafeguardOz en Victoria, Australia 0 54 10 Safeguard is LHMU Victoria's new campaign for professional standards in the Victorian security industry. 440 2 Victoria Australia 74066415 Irish Echo Newspaper irishechoaus en Australia Hawaii 0 162 356 Tweeting news and info for and about the Irish in Australia. 95 15 Australia 149053840 Mike Price Nemspy en Las Vegas, NV Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 19 66 Sometime writer, ponderer, general waffler. Gamer. An Aussie fish out of water in Las Vegas, Nevada. 33 4 Las Vegas Nevada United States 174519507 J edumacatedUWS en Campbelltown 0 2 5 0 Campbelltown New South Wales Australia 200279683 Coolers Hockey CoolersHockey en 0 5 18 29 1 214142512 marlene gibson 1Gram58 en 0 0 10 0 144907500 jules mcginnes julesperthgirl en perth western australia Beijing 0 19 18 243 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 214078810 Matt King cfc_4_ever en 0 15 31 126 0 95343658 Tim Reed Timboreed en Lord Howe Island Canberra 0 147 196 Raised in a circus, Tim is now a busker w his signature tribal dances. Other interests:livingthedream, yodelling and referring to himself in 3rdperson. Doggydog 119 3 38662885 David Pollum dpollum en Sydney 0 32 119 95 0 New South Wales Australia 214035937 aa Strauchie84 en 9 0 56 0 105532890 Jillian Turner symphonic48 en Geelong Australia 0 37 961 mum, political junkie, into equestrian sport, scotch lover (the drink I mean) and lover of life and its surprises. Intend to self actualise when I get the time! 120 0 Geelong Victoria Australia 29552497 Giancarlo de Vera gdevera en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 340 2620 : tweet mostly about law, international development, LGBTQI issues, human rights; fashion; music; & art. Currently travelling through the USA, so say hi! 200 17 Sydney New South Wales Australia 115598350 Tim Wilms tiommy24 en Melbourne 0 10 5 59 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23304460 Ryan Liddell ryan_liddell en Sydney Sydney 0 135 244 Tigers. 186 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 148950139 Zoe Booth pippalou08 en 9 0 53 0 21964910 Chantal Chantycat en Sydney Hawaii 0 67 133 Interested in Design, Motorbikes, Fashion, Gossip, Beauty, no particular order 247 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 190987921 perpetualintern sheenalsingh en Sydney 0 6 33 i write for nothing therefore cannot call myself a journalist (intern slavery much)? 57 0 New South Wales Australia 213993330 Rhys Brett rcb1980 en 0 5 11 24 0 197284863 Jarrod Whittaker JarrodWhittaker en Melbourne 0 11 40 131 0 Victoria Australia 18915634 Mackenzie Robson macca_robson en Newcastle Sydney 0 14 84 I'm a bit of a bitch, a bit of a drama queen and i'll tell you exactly what i think 43 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 192751526 Chris Monaghan cwmon101 en Sydney 0 13 69 58 0 New South Wales Australia 83327218 Karen Brook KarenBrook en Charleville/Brisbane QLD, Aus Brisbane 0 184 760 Entrepreneur, own a design and marketing agency and a event/entertainment business, love working with regional clients, love golf, water skiing & horse racing 312 8 213875968 Colin James Bettles ColinJBettles en Canberra 0 12 3 Rural Press Fairfax Media Canberra Bureau Chief. 38 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 209446760 David Ma MAD_Fiddler en Australia Brisbane 6 13 Names David, currently based on the Gold Coast, Australia. I'm a part time Stock trader, music educator and Law student. So far... Life has been good....... 45 0 Australia 208713036 GaryCheeseman FERSTtraining en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 106 38 FERST Training Solutions provides emergency response, extinguisher training, building evacuation plans and manuals to Canberra and regional NSW. 400 5 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 33822005 Leellen Lewis LeellenLewis en SYD 0 51 145 350 1 213912512 erin taylor meseataylor en ipswich, qld 0 39 260 Wife to 1 air force spunk, Mum to 3 autistic kids, another kid on the way, Feeder of 2 turtles. This is a family account so please keep it G-rated! 59 4 212082447 Adrian Vassallo avas9366 en Sydney Sydney 0 26 763 ehhh..I got nothing! 125 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 92863531 Edward Zia EdwardZia en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 10 54 Business Marketing Strategist, Director at Excellence Above Coaching and Passionate About Transformation 41 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 180670957 Liam O'Dwyer liamodwyer7 en Sydney 5 0 46 0 New South Wales Australia 29621288 John Hale jhale05 en Sydney 0 21 31 154 0 New South Wales Australia 213470526 Michele Yeo michele_yeo en Canberra, AUS Canberra 0 18 81 Saved by Grace. Worship Leader, God-Chaser, piano teacher, choir accompanist & single Mum. 79 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 20570598 Bonnie Montgomery BonMontgomery en Canberra Canberra 0 40 13 Traveller, communications officer, editor and red head. 80 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 142596293 Go Global GoGlobalTeam en Everywhere! Sydney 0 246 481 917 5 Unknown 207356849 Simon Dorevitch LanyonP_Simon en Melbourne 0 11 17 I am an accountant specialising in Tax of Individuals and SMEs. I work at Lanyon Partners in Melbourne Australia. 21 0 Victoria Australia 128175583 Jacinda Siakala CyndiSiakala en Sydney and Wollongong Sydney 0 38 321 133 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 44104413 Darren djmer1 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 88 1528 I'm merely thinking through some issues in my head. I'm honoured to have you stalk me. 359 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22370195 Amanda Johns amj13 en Melbourne 0 18 11 26 0 Victoria Australia 211431316 Dave Evans tweetdaveevans en Sydney 0 33 42 One word... LEGEND 135 0 New South Wales Australia 114184122 Shaun src89 en Townsville, Australia Brisbane 0 583 7840 Queer. Observer. Conversationalist. Traveller. Dreamer. 459 31 Townsville Queensland Australia 163037807 Beau Crellin obie1_ en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 35 278 Student; Honorary Justice League of America Member; Media Junkie; Man About Town; est. 1947. 175 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 159070318 mark shark2778 en 0 11 2 202 0 19708994 Wicked Child Designs w_child_designs en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 204 637 I make softies designed to give people a giggle or keep them company. Find me at the BrisStyle markets in Brisbane, or online on Etsy, Made It and Facebook. 287 8 Brisbane Queensland Australia 21724375 Kim Righele mumma4 en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 136 231 Very happily married mother of 5 kiddlets. loving the journey my life is taking me on! 366 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 19651249 Daniel Hamilton danjmham en Mackay 0 16 170 Follow me 34 0 Mackay Queensland Australia 196942410 Neris Bryden aussiedudley en Canberra Canberra 0 24 55 163 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 213545826 Daniel Foley Daniel_Foley en I'm at your bedroom window. 0 5 80 Agoraphobic. I am the occasional glass of red wine, so to speak. A combination of racism, sexism and satire is where the party's at, hop on the party bus!!! 20 0 20583237 Neil makiwa en Sydney - Australia Sydney 0 633 15387 We live in an amazing world and there is so much to be thankful for! 397 34 Sydney New South Wales Australia 156107294 Larry Sixsmith LarrySixsmith en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 41 290 Telstra employee and blogger at 163 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 213542979 Paul Fegan paulfegan en Sydney 0 0 17 0 New South Wales Australia 211924828 RecBuddies RecBuddies en 0 324 32 Looking for someone to jog, golf, hunt, lift or recreate with in any other way? Check out to find Rec Buddies in your area! Share your lifestyle! 1863 3 213538998 Fiona McClelland fi_mcclelland en Australia Sydney 2 12 23 0 Australia 90315072 Kelly Kacado en Australia Melbourne 0 132 7217 Read horror,Murder mysteries,sci-fi,Sons Of Anarchy fan,True Blood,politics,Health care background,Maj in sociology, university student,support V.O.C.Aust.. 156 13 Australia 170895672 Alex Caughey LEXIE_89_ en Canberra, Australia 0 6 5 21 year old Journalist student at UC. I follow politics and I support Labor. I've seen's not pretty 27 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 209941384 SusieV SusieWhat en Hawaii 5 0 Wondering how this all works, and why? 36 0 Unknown 46370120 Ben Henley benhenley en Sydney 0 23 12 94 0 New South Wales Australia 21732431 Vlasta Eriksson VlastaEriksson en Cairns Australia Brisbane 0 574 1366 MD, Career Coach, Mother, wife and loyal friend. My passion is life and people with a hope to inspire others to succeed in life. 761 25 Cairns Queensland Australia 15887968 Dane Williams danepwilliams en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 71 291 Forex. Football. Shares. Politics. 98 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 202587411 Chantelle itschan87 en Down under Melbourne 0 285 1104 fc.LOVE & SMILE 1571 1 Australia 34483345 Charlie Freedman charliefreedman en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 8 20 Work at Logica in Melbourne writing telemetry drivers in the SCADA field. Have a wife, 3 kids and a dog (in that order). Newbie at Facebook, Twitter, etc. 19 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 213167574 The Cats Life TheCatsLife en Hawaii 0 4 6 I am here to try and stop animal abuse in the world. Please try and help me on my journey and tell your friends. Lets aim for awarness & prevention of cruelty. 27 0 Unknown 74331962 Cozza Ross AussieCozzie en Brisbane 0 0 59 0 Queensland Australia 63395970 David Kingi Moncarma en Queensland Brisbane 0 4 39 Interested in australian politics originally from New Zealand 20 0 Queensland Australia 213466130 Michael Worrall MichaelWorrall en Canberra 0 0 3 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 18179497 6PR Radio Perth 6PR en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 1761 892 News, Talk, Sport. 362 118 Perth Western Australia Australia 213473984 Amy Lawson LawsonComm en Yeoval Sydney 0 86 134 Principal of agricultural PR/marketing business, Lawson Communications. A journo at heart and I don't mind shooting a happy snap or three either... 195 8 213480125 Peter Friend PGFriend en Sydney 1 0 15 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 167936408 Gordie Dwyer gdwyer32 en Canada 0 12 29 30 0 Canada 49580022 Chrissy Jara ChristineIJ85 en Melbourne! Melbourne 0 508 14160 #Capricorn people are often a part of other peoples sexual fantasies. There is an intriguing, sexy quality about Caps. 1525 16 Melbourne Victoria Australia 150968626 Harrison Lanier harrisonlanier en Hawaii 0 49 39 502 0 Unknown 38689812 VidSportTV vidsport en Connecticut, USA Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 124 463 Now any sport can have powerful video coaching and recruiting tools. It's easy to get your game up with VidSportTV. 1015 1 Connecticut United States 66838640 Danielle Saville daniellemay1976 en Narangba Queensland 0 38 175 Born May 11th 1976 336 0 Narangba Queensland Australia 212869354 Erik ErikDougie en New England, Australia Sydney 2 0 I'm 20. Just going to Uni, working and living life! 18 0 112180910 4PM_Group 4PM_Group en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 201 2225 the new media is mine...Social media elephant helping the Government and corporations realise the value of gov 2.0 inititives and the data they own. 439 4 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 202973299 Albina Kh... Albina_Kh en Russia Moscow 0 22 10 Albina Kh.., 35, Russia, Yaroslavl. Hobbies: beach. Music: Jazz, Blues, Classical. Sport: shaping, tennis, roller-skating, cycling, fitness. 59 2 Russia 33875332 Andy Lock andy_lock en York, UK 0 9 50 Potential engi student on my gap year in the UK. 27 0 England United Kingdom 209021784 Natalie Coucoulas Coun0101 en Sydney 0 1 3 27 0 New South Wales Australia 213244404 Nikkiboy Nikkiboy74 en Australia 0 1 38 Father with one gorgeous baby boy who doesn't understand why he can't buy a house in Sydney 15 kms from the CBD without borrowing 1 MM plus. 8 0 Australia 141888411 Antonio antonio061 en Canberra 0 2 2 16 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 213236185 Catherine T LittleCT88 en 1 0 7 0 53629104 Heath Werrett heathwerrett en perth Alaska 0 3 9 lad 7 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 213230022 Brad X xbradx213 en 1 0 26 0 34254744 Jason Fretwell JasonFretwell en 0 8 5 13 0 27624212 Nadine Hadaya NadineHadaya en Australia Hawaii 0 27 68 88 0 Australia 71403361 Jo Goodwin smyleaus en Adelaide Adelaide 34 20 128 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 196050812 Dale Harris daleattier en UAE Abu Dhabi 0 6 15 30 0 United Arab Emirates 40188014 grram|consulting grramconsulting en Hawaii 0 80 146 grram|consulting is an Australian Management Consultancy Group founded with the single vision of providing a remarkable, flexible, service to all our clients. 514 0 Unknown 213209673 Manly Watchdog manlywatchdog en Manly 0 10 12 Sniffing the crotch of Manly Council 18 0 Manly Queensland Australia 212892316 Emma Paige EJP86 en Brisbane 0 5 4 20 0 Queensland Australia 211381189 Daniel Thorne Leggsy1 en 13 0 65 0 213203393 andrew bell sheggles en 1 0 28 0 213143052 Wayne Smith wayne210658 en 0 1 1 9 0 99829568 Lindy Laker lindysgoodies en Australia Melbourne 0 232 1153 Body Jewellery Wholesaler - Entrepreneur - Writer - Interests: Politics, Travel, SciFi, Diamonds, Cheeky Wit! 216 1 Australia 213183901 Amanda Kroehn AmandaKroehn en Vancouver Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 22 21 Interior Designer from little old Adelaide, South Australia who has crossed the Pacific to Vancouver in beautiful British Columbia, Canada 68 0 Vancouver British Columbia Canada 50965269 Business21C Business21C en Sydney Sydney 0 463 1059 The knowledge hub of the UTS Business School. Like us? 575 26 Sydney New South Wales Australia 189009079 Derek Denton Derekjdenton en Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 11 7 70 0 United States 205244525 KristieCarter Kristie_Carter en Sydney 0 96 28 Channel 9 Today Show & News Reporter, loves life... laughter... and Oprah 105 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21552985 Brendan Nash the_nashie en Australia Sydney 0 13 1 11 0 Australia 28551430 Anthony Yong ajyong en Sydney Hawaii 2 2 Old man still trying to unravel life.. Abundant Life seems like a myth 1 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 205512115 HardmanCommunication hardman_comms en Australia Sydney 0 39 7 Media relations. Strategic communications planning. Strategic brand management. Publications. Australian rural, construction and science specialists. 252 6 Australia 200279905 SW Syd Health Cltn swshc en South West Sydney, Australia 0 97 34 South West Sydney Health Coalition are concerned GPs, health & community organisations. Join our campaign for health equity and to keep family medicine local. 337 3 213167245 Betsy Dixon beedix en Canberra Sydney 0 5 12 Living in Canberra and loving it! Dragon boater. Curious and questioning; interested in many things. Chocolate always welcome. 15 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 138657355 Belinda O'Dwyer belindaod en Sydney 18 26 184 0 New South Wales Australia 20356005 Peter Davidson petedavo_au en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 164 3300 Married to @caroline_d_au I am a Senior Public Servant in an Australian State Government Agency. 520 7 Perth Western Australia Australia 55938086 Alexis Ford Alexis_Ford en The States- Wagoner,Oklahoma Central Time (US & Canada) 0 787 3402 So,I'm alexis I'm 14 years young! I adore your face!lol And Yeah,Im The Regina George Of Twitter Punkss(:lol I Lovee GOD Falls Creek 2010 Changed My Life(: 2001 19 105959475 Diane Bosdorf Bozzie65 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 14 92 96 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 158894775 porge mac theporgemac en 7 0 101 0 34205326 Rob Cumbrae-Stewart robbiecs en Melbourne 0 207 342 Melbourne, media & comm grad - interested in agriculture online and looking at how new media is changing communication. Now working at Dairy Australia 324 2 Victoria Australia 56398023 Youth1 Sports Youth1Media en Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 279 429 Youth Sports News. Nationwide. Updated Daily. 1522 5 United States 212132025 FakeRayHadley FakeRayHadley en On my soap box ! Melbourne 0 46 20 A proud 'redneck', my career highlights include commentary on anything that supports the hard right conservative people who pay me. 262 2 17663196 Peace Mitchell peace_ en Australia Brisbane 0 5301 5777 AusMumpreneur Awards & Conference + editor of online magazine + Author of 'What I wish I knew before I became a mother' 5356 134 Australia 213044750 Timothy McDonald timothy_mcd en Sydney Hawaii 0 151 205 Carbon life form what says words into microphones and stuff for the ABC. This fatuous drivel is all my fault, not theirs. 675 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 56968198 Lang Robson langrobson en 4 0 27 0 201067387 Thalia Webb Thalitza en Australia Brisbane 0 390 19 622 9 Australia 182317965 Jason Webb. JasonLeeWebb en Gold Coast / Los Angeles. Brisbane 0 1073 30 Aussie born father of three. © Webb Directories Australia. We specialise in Focused Industry Online Marketing. I'm also a member of the Qld LNP. 1489 31 142620561 Scott Richardson s_t_richardson en Melbourne Brisbane 0 8 42 43 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 51693160 SchizophreniaAlberta SchizophreniaAB en Alberta, Canada Mountain Time (US & Canada) 0 463 152 Schizophrenia Society of Alberta (SSA) is a registered charity. The only non-profit in Alberta dedicated to individuals with schizophrenia and their loved ones. 1824 28 37132589 Paul Bowman paul_bowman en Minto Australia Sydney 0 35 118 I always tell the truth and do not take kint to liars or users 67 0 92179201 Leigh James basinfastbowler en Melbourne 0 3 5 50 0 Victoria Australia 7200082 Melanie Wilson Mel_Wilson en Glenwood, NSW, Australia Hawaii 0 161 51 Born 1989. Marketing major at UWS, formerly with SCU. Toastmaster. Survivor. 538 0 Glenwood New South Wales Australia 39948884 Fiona Nixon mmeparasol en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 163 33 Communications professional, student, pollie watcher, cook, crafter 531 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 137947693 Neville Owens NevOwens en 2 0 19 0 25187035 Julieta Lopez lopezajulieta en Sydney Sydney 0 195 78 892 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 156222626 Graham Swarbrick GrazaS en 0 3 2 14 0 159462225 Sooz __Cassandra___ en Australia Sydney 0 8 70 Incurable Political Junkie. Lover of the classics and a self-confessed Anglophile but a true Dinky Di. 45 0 Australia 83795094 Tracy Cifala tracycifala en Australia Sydney 3 10 I'm slowly discovering the joys of having time-off to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends. 38 0 Australia 182279299 Alice Wade AliceRWade en Canberra, Aust. Canberra 0 25 12 92 0 199633307 Mark Fagan markfagan04 en Devonport Hawaii 0 19 16 57 0 Devonport Tasmania Australia 168579717 Peter Holroyd Photoimages101 en Brisbane 0 8 23 41 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 212813350 Rebecca Francis becfran3 en 0 5 9 123 0 63069534 Holly Packer H_J_P en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 169 253 Student Stylist, currently looking for work experience in styling/fashion events. 442 4 Brisbane Queensland Australia 145808828 Dobby aintlost en around Hawaii 0 219 16781 203 8 Unknown 212807189 Michael McGowan mm569 en Sth West Sydney, NSW 0 50 16 Media and history student from the University of Wollongong in NSW. I like cats! 290 1 98532630 Todd Westbury toddwestbury en Adelaide, South Australia Hawaii 0 37 25 109 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 100674045 Andrew Moore Andrew_Moore94 en Melbourne Hawaii 0 47 300 WESTERN BULLDOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big labor Support 277 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 159668512 Phil Moir FilMoi en 0 5 12 17 0 185784051 machgt machgt en 0 13 1 116 0 210478178 Paradigm Policeman aussiepollies en Australia Brisbane 0 10 403 I am an amateur blogger committed to analysing the 'new paradigm' in Australian politics with a major focus on how parliamentary reforms are working. 72 0 Australia 197247885 Ella Diamond Ella_Diamond en aussie Sydney 0 23 156 background:american indian, new zealand, italian. Languages:maori, french, italian Fact:dad was in lord of the rings and he played a urikhai soldier. 272 1 Australia 163343849 Sjv Rag sjvrag en 0 8 3 1 or 2? 98 0 212134933 AnthonyCipolla AnthonyCipolla en Australia Hawaii 0 17 21 Data Strategist for a bluechip Technology giant. Also avid musician and keen socio-political armchair-judge. 106 0 Australia 37883230 Naomi Oakley NaomiOakley40 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 47 54 Managing Director of U-NOME Security. 224 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 47048736 Raffael Joseph Moore RaffaelDaCosta en Singapore Singapore 8 4 107 0 Singapore Singapore 6419022 Andrew Scott asphotos en Melbourne Melbourne 0 240 7306 I Like Cheese. 334 10 Melbourne Victoria Australia 36334345 Carol van luyn CVANLUYN en Hawaii 2 1 141 0 Unknown 188541927 DGWolff dgwolff en Melbourne 0 15 73 175 0 Victoria Australia 211757293 apiskopje apimandonia en Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 187 152 1999 3 United States 37388640 Jane Corcoran Jane_Corcoran en Sydney 5 1 20 0 New South Wales Australia 26655035 Melinda Greenan Muffarama en Sydney Australia 0 16 311 138 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 212505029 Mighty Ducks fan Mducksfan345 en LA 7 0 31 0 56052354 AbcIndia DailyWorkBook en Melbourne Hawaii 0 1131 833 Young Social, location base & interest based networking.Join us.. 1994 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 211328340 The GABR TheGABR en Australia Sydney 0 14 55 Australia's banking sector is nothing short of a national crisis and economic terrorism striking at the heart of the national economy 34 0 Australia 141239347 John Gregg johngregg1969 en Perth Western Australia 0 102 125 Advertising planner now somehow sidetracked along the economics highway 522 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 31648997 Sodonney J SodonneyJ en Everywhere Sydney 0 482 1982 Official. Proud Australian - a citizen of The World. 2001 1 Unknown 54464939 Christian J. whatmenaresayin en Tasmania Hobart 0 8 145 24 0 Tasmania Australia 37648323 Matt Henricks Matt79h en Hawaii 0 556 87 1810 3 Unknown 174207919 NatAdptnAwareWeek NatAdptnAwareWk en Sydney Sydney 0 100 297 National Adoption Awareness Week creates opportunities for open dialogue with all Australians, particularly those who have been touched by adoption. 294 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 104668877 JetsMets1969 JetsMets1969 en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 107 242 Crows,Mets,Jets,Bulls,CPFC & all things cricket. Politics, travelling also of great interest. Sarcasm is my special subject. 820 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 70076507 Greg Clark gc2565 en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 31 212 43 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 115891462 speakurheartout speakurheartout en Sydney OZ Sydney 0 3 6 Humanist, Anti-Racist, Nationalist, Far Right Liberal 28 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 36632819 Karina Roberts UrbanPrincessK en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 78 462 131 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 210839331 Ultimate Hockey UltimateHockey en AZ Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 1221 164 Everything Hockey! 2000 18 212006748 business interests businterests en Adelaide South Australia Adelaide 0 1 5 Selling South Australian Businesses since 1976 specialising in Post Office and News agency sales Directors Philip & Chris Marshall 3 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 41091744 Nicole Garner CREATEupdate en Brisbane Brisbane 0 127 153 CREATE is a community of Christian artists and musicians exploring & expressing their faith thru art music drama & dance. 436 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 191769748 Antony Broad Antony_Broad en Perth, Australia 0 7 15 132 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 50890893 Cassandra Wood cassjwood en Sydney, Australia Sydney 108 121 Journalist/ Newsreader - WSFM, Mix1065 Sydney. 166 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 210982342 radix pacis radixpacis en sydney, australia Sydney 0 28 17 a blog about economics, politics and international relations. 181 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 138459642 Sports Acts Sports_Act es Central Time (US & Canada) 0 367 1308 Sports Act, una iniciativa de enamorados del deporte con la que queremos superar las barreras informativas, culturales, formativas y organizacionales del medio. 1999 12 United States 211841805 KStephenson stephensonk en North Sydney Sydney 0 4 4 Social/political enthusiast/Sydney Swans tragic/amateur tweeter. 6 0 North Sydney New South Wales Australia 181150188 Fake Wyatt Roy wyatt_roy en Brisbane 0 341 27 Department of Youth 394 17 Queensland Australia 36042115 Joseph Luis Alvarez joeluisjnr en Parramatta Sydney 0 26 87 Tradie, Uni drop-out & Mama's boy. 96 0 Parramatta New South Wales Australia 149423702 PitchIt2Me pitchit2me en the web Hawaii 0 49 89 PR training from a working journalist because it is not who you know in media it is HOW they know you 108 1 Unknown 17960560 oakesash oakesash en in your mind Hawaii 0 180 354 I do stuff 139 5 104380410 Gemma Veness GemmaVeness en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 320 92 Sky News Sydney Reporter 82 23 Sydney New South Wales Australia 39345192 Antoni Pulcinella apooch en Brisbane 4 6 38 0 Queensland Australia 201129395 Ciara Dowley ciara_jessica en Queensland 0 4 16 35 0 Queensland Australia 191734546 Michael B mrgeneticfreak en 0 0 5 0 175194249 Carole Bury Carole_Bury en melbourne australia Melbourne 0 236 357 Home Staging is the art of decorating a home to sell quickly for top dollar.Recommending wall colors and decluttering,arranging furniture,art and accessories 298 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 212174207 Adam Owen BIGADZ69 en 0 1 9 6 0 208763595 Jai Narayan Fiji56 en Melbourne Hawaii 0 11 38 35 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 60786864 Christina Donoghue cherokee_flower en Sydney, Australia Canberra 7 6 Singing, Dancing, Acting, Writing and Mothering extraordinaire...oh yes I am superwoman! 36 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 109385954 Kim Beamish KimBeamish en Right here, right now! Canberra 0 11 138 really want to read my thoughts? 62 0 Unknown 211058589 Nottheadelaidereview NotTheAdelaideR en Adelaide 0 68 67 Twitter account of the hugely popular blog, Not The Adelaide Review. 213 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 203050967 Michael Capilli cap705 en Sydney 0 17 59 Husband. Teacher. Bodyboarder. Love life stay strong 78 0 New South Wales Australia 174969807 zoran zozstar en 0 81 1198 47 1 212114010 Peter Thomson thomson_peter en 0 15 13 151 0 49946907 Cameron Brown cameronbrown_ en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 34 31 Hey I'm Cameronî•. I am the rhythm guitaristî for the band Not Really. Follow @NotReallyBand  139 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 49951317 Luke McKee hojuruku en 대한민국 Beijing 0 117 2998 Exciled!Accused of Australia's rarest crime! ( @leehriannon said 60CNSWCrimesAct provides running cover for corrupt#lgbt @nswpolice 337 3 181298839 Alan Belford Alan_Belford en Hawaii 2 0 25 0 Unknown 124963539 Hesalyn janastic en southern hemisphere Sydney 0 64 1271 Student & proud supporter of Jesus Christ #TeamCelibate #TeamJesus 81 21 Australia 53004070 Bet Sports Australia BetSports_Au en Australia Perth 0 1673 857 Sports Betting, Horse, Harness & Greyhound betting #odds online. Receive the highest paid Australian #TAB divedend PLUS up to $500 in welcome #betting bonuses! 1966 43 Australia 212128740 Ethan Price EthanDog89 en 1 0 7 0 31376365 roger radford rradford en launceston Sydney 0 14 113 40 0 Launceston Tasmania Australia 43283201 Shay Twomey gappo12 en Perth, Western Australia 0 9 7 diamond driller, typical aussie, love all sports, big west coast eagles AFL fan plus cricket, golf etc... 36 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 208483752 dominic surace SMConveyancer en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 19 87 Licensed Conveyancer of Sydney Mobile Conveyacers at Five Dock NSW. 170 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 119555468 Aus Brit Chamber AusBritChamber en Australia 0 46 459 A networking organisation promoting Australian British business. 72 1 Australia 25226558 kelpie chunder kelpiechunder en fitzjoy Sydney 0 59 2 150 0 16447051 Christie Shepherd christiemcs en Perth Perth 0 66 14 Consultant at Clarity Communications an integrated agency for public relations, design and web in Perth, Western Australia. 186 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 31087189 Orson Kent OrsonKent en Melbourne, Australia. Hawaii 0 693 3966 Melbourne based fashion, commercial, event and personal photographer. 997 36 Melbourne Victoria Australia 212097202 Dallas Burkevics indogland en Canberra, Australia 0 4 15 foster carer for death row dogs 21 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 93511307 Equalis EqualisRTO en Australia Hawaii 0 47 65 Equalis - a well-established Registered Training Organisation providing customised business and training models to the community service sector 82 1 Australia 28504650 you re nicked you_re_nicked en Sydney Hawaii 0 47 53 68 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 59754679 Monjaly Monjaly en Melbourne 9 7 69 0 Victoria Australia 59366790 Andrew McKinnon andrewjmckinnon en Brisbane 0 64 915 150 0 Queensland Australia 212045935 John Lathlean FujiRoq en Australia 0 2 2 I am fun, flirtatious and love life. I am play bass, sing, read and write. I also have a passion for AFL, Boxing and Politics. 23 0 Australia 211762765 Ben Beckton BenBeckton en Brisbane 0 4 4 39 0 Queensland Australia 150037431 Marina Wan ms_shoe_girl en Canberra Sydney 4 16 IT consultant, feline servant, traveller, shoe lover, internet shopper, magazine junkie, knitter, plus fashion follower 47 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 21738908 Graham Long Waysidepastor en Kings Cross Sydney Australia Sydney 0 645 945 Pastor, The Wayside Chapel, Kings Cross 725 51 196318335 mora emara moraemara en egypt....alexandria Pacific Time (US & Canada) 9 5 hockey 4ever 86 0 23422765 Charles Bogle cbogle en Perth 0 34 14 Fervently studying Economics/Commerce/French at UWA, Crawley. Likes to see the world. 79 0 Western Australia Australia 37393172 Jemima jemima_davison en Hawaii 3 0 294 0 Unknown 10088382 samaa samaa en Australia Melbourne 0 44 217 Study Computers 109 1 Australia 210996086 Joanna Cooney JoCooney en Brisbane, Aus Brisbane 0 41 85 Word nerd. Culture vulture. Seeking the punderful. 119 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 211798849 Tara Swain Smith ozpoliticsmajor en Gold Coast, Qld 0 8 6 BSocSci student @ SCU. Majoring in Government & Policy and Social Welfare. Harrison's mum, Luke's mrs. 41 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 190208584 Frank Prince solidreturns en Australia Brisbane 0 27 298 We help build and protect people's dreams. Allow me to help me expand your influence to help others. Solid returns only. 74 2 Australia 33039722 Aust.MortgageBrokers mortgagebroking en Australia Brisbane 0 613 283 Australian Mortgage Brokers is a national top 10 broker firm that was established in July 2000. Australian Credit License #374372 72 10 Australia 20742487 Kathryn Holmes KathHol en 0 17 2 339 0 26167155 charlie clixby charlieclixby en Perth AUS Perth 0 124 82 promotional product specialist , social media newbie but learning from my mistakes. music of all kinds inspires me. knowledge will set you free. 306 3 Perth Western Australia Australia 34236522 Annette Ashe AnnetteAshe en Sydney Sydney 11 0 35 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 211776530 Scott Faken Driscoll Driscoll_Scott en Starship Federation Hawaii 0 12 21 Captains Log: of the United Retail Federation. I've traveled back in time to save an ancient retail species from total annihilation. I've GOT TO, MISTER! 81 1 172193285 McInerney Ford mfordWA en Morley Western Australia Alaska 0 138 373 McInerney Ford is today the largest truly independent Ford Dealership in WA. 415 2 Morley Western Australia Australia 211712819 Lauren Berger ElleBer en 0 1 1 11 0 185091288 CBL Data Recovery AU 1800287225inOZ en Australia Sydney 0 280 212 1851 8 Australia 22696443 Dan Wood DanielWoodQLD en Brisbane 0 30 12 63 1 Queensland Australia 143884180 HeinrichPumpernickel Pumuckel72 en anywhere 0 8 41 Have been there,done that. 12 0 Unknown 158729224 mick perso wangboy en on the road somewhere 0 19 26 Afer a lifetime in radio...I'm still in radio but at least working for myself as a freelance voice over guy and programming consultant. 42 0 114327448 Wellsites wellsites en Sydney & London Sydney 0 125 36 Professional online marketing solutions,website & graphic design & for your health care, medical & wellness business. We understand your private practice needs 378 9 Sydney New South Wales Australia 205057901 Lauren Zwaans Lauren_Zwaans en Hawaii 20 54 Greens adviser, former journalist, writer and fashion enthusiast 117 0 Unknown 22720389 Richard Scott BetterCorpLife en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 1044 135 Executive in technology business who believes in work life balance and pursuing the best in life 1991 13 Sydney New South Wales Australia 168393576 Amy McCarthy amyfromtheshire en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 17 15 Lineup Producer, Network Ten, News at 5 77 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166899252 Domain Advocates domainadvocates en Melbourne 0 70 148 Domain Property Advocates provides independent advice in relation to residential and commercial property for both local and international clients. 268 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 211709042 Sammy Beukert sambeuky en 1 0 I live in Winnipeg, and consider myself to be an Exciting individual! Tweet me up ladies! 27 0 19315501 Steph Judd stephjudd en Sydney Sydney 0 267 2427 He is the one you are searching for. 580 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 211696583 Jennifer Rezek SpudLeChat en 0 0 6 0 123737835 findmyinvestment fmi2011 en QLD Brisbane 0 267 51 We will find you a Brand New Investment Property that suits your specific requirements from our extensive list of Property Stocks. 779 5 Queensland Australia 211675263 Robert John Ashworth LiberalJohn en 0 0 1 1 0 42588637 Christine (Chris) pelle_11 en Redcliffe Qld Australia Brisbane 0 233 68 Australian, educated female...interested in the world and curious as to what makes people tick!! Lived in Sydney, Canberra and far south coast NSW. 508 1 183630848 Christopher Bird onetweetchris en The House Of Knives, Sydenham Sydney 25 214 England Perth Sydney. I work for coke, I am passionate about politics, and I like to go out and drink in the company of friends. 38 5 204750163 daisy allan day_z_daisy en Australia, Tas Hawaii 0 172 261 Social science, University of Tasmania student.... study study ♥ 845 0 211295415 Make Money 4U2MakeMoney en Orlando Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 122 2 This is by far the easiest way to make money online! 965 0 15157406 Josh Odermatt josh_odermatt en iPhone: -33.793751,151.186630 Hawaii 38 1943 Joshhhhh. 101 1 180721443 Daniel Rowell bwornd en Bendigo, Victoria 0 23 95 106 2 Bendigo Victoria Australia 189753263 Evan Walsh evanwalshy en sydney, australia 0 3 70 12 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 195176442 Isobel Andrewartha TheIsobelianOne en Australia 0 8 12 The Isobelian One agrees. 39 0 Australia 74398588 Louise Cornelius summerwind1974 en Launceston Hobart 0 5 17 I am honest, caring and giving. I speak my mind and often say the things that others are too afriad to say out loud! 57 0 Launceston Tasmania Australia 181200757 Richard Prowse richardaprowse en Melbourne Melbourne 0 45 279 Advocate for Victims of Culpable Driving A person in a motor vehicle negligently, recklessly or whilst under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 259 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 162590851 Sally Buist SallyBuist en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 51 190 A ladies boutique sourcing unique Australian labels and some amazing imports! If you like to be different, you will ♥ the clothes at! xo 150 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 33196228 ZALI ZaliBoutique en Broadbeach, Gold Coast Brisbane 0 77 477 A ladies boutique sourcing unique Australian labels and some amazing imports! If you like to be different, you will ♥ the clothes at! xo 164 2 88370172 Megan Hay MeganHay66 en Sydney 0 22 195 187 0 New South Wales Australia 171884724 Tom Moore Tombro132 en Asquith, Sydney Australia Hawaii 0 13 45 69 0 24512970 Natalie Tregear Natski82 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 63 323 trashbag 522 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 74093918 Sharon Bradley maxtheblackcat en Australia Hawaii 0 18 21 Nursing student.Crazy cat woman.Love my cat, Max. The best thing about him....he can't talk. 61 0 Australia 111723656 Bo Jangles bojanga en 0 3 15 13 0 211080839 Peter Eddy peterjeddy en 0 2 13 17 0 28316569 Hayley Crick _Hails en Brisbane 2 1 198 0 Queensland Australia 211059747 Laura Poole laurafayepoole en Horsham, Victoria 0 126 221 Western Victoria Rural Reporter 304 5 Horsham Victoria Australia 31774154 Fiona Marsden GBSSInc en Stanthorpe Brisbane 0 17 48 Totally obsessed with improving lives for people with a disability in my area. Be warned, total psycho when disappointed by governments more than 4 times. 75 0 Stanthorpe Queensland Australia 23187850 John Hudson jhudson2049 en Sydney Sydney 218 30 1870 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 211357397 VINCE SORRENTI KRYPTONITEVINCE en Sydney 0 21 33 Are you that Vince Sorrenti bloke? Aussie comic and father of 4. First man to go from Punchbowl to Bellevue Hill without a balaclava. 20 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 187013883 Kristen Hammond KristenHammond en Melbourne, Australia 0 121 10 Publisher; Wrightbooks, Wiley, Jossey-Bass; Business and Finance Publisher 353 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 20019838 TJ Scarface timothy_hey en Brississippi Brisbane 0 124 78 I doubt whether the world holds for anyone a more soul-stirring surprise than the first adventure with ice cream. 355 0 211420646 JH Im_now_Jenna en HObart, Tas Hobart 0 89 1094 I have twinlet baby girls and a siglet older boy.I have DCIS (breast cancer), an Iron Deficiancy and Depression. Basically, I rock *L* I'm me and I won't change 396 11 Hobart Tasmania Australia 211412351 bradley thomas agelmoose en 0 0 1 0 78272041 CamboDonut CamboDonut en Australia Sydney 0 160 1584 Cambodia/Sth East Asia focus 365 9 Australia 196403872 TheWorkStation WorkStation4006 en Teneriffe, Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 299 14 •Reception 8:30-5:00 Mon-Fri •Meeting room access: formal-informal rooms •Mail management •Internet packages •Kitchenette facilities 1652 11 211343368 jason watkins watkinsjason en Sydney Australia Sydney 1 24 31 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 211371719 Craig Kelly MP CraigKellyMP en 0 16 16 Craig Kelly is the Federal Member for Hughes 39 0 30009497 Grant Faulkner plankton_78 en Australia Perth 0 10 15 107 0 Australia 190472969 ratemytrip ratemytrip en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 21 27 A public opinion website aimed to improve the service quality of all public transport systems in Australia 71 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 210283573 The Drovers Dog drovers_dog en Australia 0 233 550 concerned citizen who will woof loudly 780 20 Australia 147129757 Choice Home Loans choicebm en Valley Heights Sydney 0 34 59 specialising in finance options for first home buyers and first time investors 85 2 211340434 3riversHOCKEY 3riversHOCKEY en Pittsburgh, PA Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 10 24 Brothers who fill their lives with the sport of hockey providing general knowledge, news, insight & opinions on EVERYTHING hockey. You won't want to miss it! 72 0 160752790 Scott Bills scottbills en Adelaide 18 8 58 5 South Australia Australia 159466828 Emily Laurence eminooski en Wollongong Sydney 0 24 25 96 1 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 211105586 Dirk Streefkerk dirk_streefkerk en 0 1 5 20 0 166942487 rolf blundell rolfusie en Jervis bay australia 0 19 83 109 0 208601684 Gurrumul Fans GurrumulOnOprah en Australia Quito 0 80 41 Gurrumul is the first indigenous Australian artist to breakthrough to the mainstream. Join in getting this incredible artist on Oprah when she visits Australia! 240 1 Australia 210978564 Will Fowler Kodesigndotca en 0 54 17 Architectural models, 3D fly-throughs or help with that important marketing presentation, KoDesign adds dimension, passion and value to every project we work on 260 0 36519386 Easton Baseball Easton_Baseball en Van Nuys, CA Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 2523 1504 Official Easton Baseball / Softball Twitter page. 2334 77 22351671 Rebekah Moore MzBekah en Sydney Sydney 0 33 27 221 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 209938587 Pat Williams PattykwM en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 23 26 183 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 210798522 Peter Williams peterinhunter en Hawaii 0 2 24 0 Unknown 58185941 Rebecca Wright reb3ccawright en Victoria Melbourne 0 61 175 Geelong supporter; cupcake and pizza maker pro; procrastinator 476 0 Victoria Australia 211121524 Richard Croaker Advisor4217 en Gold Coast Australia Hawaii 0 46 8 Chartered Accountant. Business Performance Improvement Advisor 91 2 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 48622835 rommy begenk be6enk en canberra Hawaii 0 109 645 Better to be inspired. Inspiring to be better (civismofoundation) 163 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 207016293 Dale Anderson daleos87 en Bendigo Melbourne 0 28 54 Political enthusiast, sports fan, fish monger. 217 0 Bendigo Victoria Australia 63385728 Georgie Burgess georginaburgess en Hawaii 0 10 30 Trying to get a law degree, be a journalists and stay young forever. 36 0 Unknown 178544386 Peter Kates schreditcard en NSW Australia Sydney 0 14 81 schredit card is a innovative and novel approach to reducing credit card debt. By making a few changes to how c/ cards operate, you will love it, banks hate it! 41 0 New South Wales Australia 211095743 Erin M sleepyerin en Sydney 0 9 15 121 0 New South Wales Australia 210944729 scott msaitken en Phillips Island Melbourne 0 28 155 The Blog says it all 88 3 16008088 nephi66 nephi66 en orange nsw australia Sydney 0 40 75 man am I excited...oh yeah!! 69 0 Orange New South Wales Australia 112933898 Sarah Cann Gilsoire en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 38 41 92 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 32359063 Stella Nicolas ShiinesBright en Melbourne 0 21 281 Sprhero n disg. Meet m frnds MoffieRocks luvs 2 cook & Mooshoos. Nikkers5 luvs colrful scnpn nives & hot men @ wrk HawkPete-luvs carols spcly oh bendy leaves. 129 0 Victoria Australia 23582960 Chris Broad ozbroady en Sydney, Australia Sydney 51 306 I'm a radio / music / computer nerd 99 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 211005926 Paul Gilroy Paul_Gilroy14 en 4 0 19 0 31351509 Scruffy Chandler scruffychandler en Sydney Sydney 0 8 11 Contrarian, conformist, occasionally uncertain. 38 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 161640870 Cassandra Liley CasCasLiley en Australia Hobart 0 7 11 37 0 Australia 105398702 Robb robbcox en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 369 1583 Digital Cinematographer / Photographer / Director / Editor / Sydney, Australia.. @Rustygate_Films 585 24 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15424165 Angus Boyd angusboyd en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 80 1378 133 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 95424230 To Health By Choice infraredsaunas en Lismore, Australia Sydney 0 1595 1514 Fabulous range of high-quality far infrared saunas available in Australia Sydney Melbourne Perth Brisbane Adelaide etc. 1992 37 Lismore Victoria Australia 173382198 Jeremy Taylor jeztaylor78 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 12 50 Interested in - an interesting life. Likes: Writing; Reading; Music; History; Politics et al 32 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 8304242 John P Fisk johnpfisk en Sydney Sydney 0 28 148 50 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 179836578 Joao Soares Martins tweet2joao en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 15 3 East Timorese and trained as medical doctor and public health. Currently working at the School of Public and Community Medicine, UNSW, Sydney, Australia 192 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22098246 Gareth Beyers MrBeyers en Canberra, ACT Canberra 411 4184 Ultimate frisbee, politics, design, justice, south africa, woodwork and more. Day job is communications and advocacy for an NGO. These are my own rants. 409 25 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 174925590 James McGarvey JJMcGarvey en Melbourne Melbourne 0 49 98 Public affairs and communications professional. Striking a balance between the battle of ideas at work, and the battle for the remote control at home... 109 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 53413847 kalamundawebdesign kalamundadesign en Kalamunda Western Australia Perth 0 361 48 Promote Kalamunda & Perth Businesses Online through your own business website. 68 8 Kalamunda Western Australia Australia 175885521 Sweet Temptations STCupcakery en Canberra, Australia Hawaii 0 92 76 Selling cupcakes at the Kingston Old Bus Depot Markets every Sunday and in the Canberra region to order. Specialising in vegan cupcakes. YUM!! 430 2 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 51985916 Kyle Potter kylepot en Brisbane 2 2 just having a loiter 54 0 Queensland Australia 27751845 Luke Bonanno LukiusJB en Townsville, QLD Brisbane 0 866 32 19 yrs old. Solo world travel baby!! Did LA, NYC, DC, Germany, Austria, Switzerland & Italy this year. Yep I got the bug... 14 41 Townsville Queensland Australia 26951802 Tim Lohman TLohman en 0 164 212 Among other things, Tim is Editor of Computerworld Australia. Views expressed here are my own. 219 6 210994582 Sophie Cousins SophieCousins en Sydney Sydney 0 22 8 Journalist & UTS Masters student. 93 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 210960794 Chris Bowron elmobobb123 en Sydney Sydney 35 15 I like music and movies and I am a Sydney man. ILY everyone!!! =) 227 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 208924037 IRIS Research irisresearch en Wollongong 0 50 32 IRIS is an organisation that specialises in economic, community and industry research for government, business and academic institutions. 141 2 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 206920874 mac mac whodamac en Australia 0 54 773 trouble finds me 347 0 Australia 210973733 Adrian Begg TheHappyPotamus en Earth Hawaii 0 8 11 A casual observer of life. 67 0 Unknown 209327865 HomeOfHockeyWest HoHWest en 0 297 234 Western Conference Chapter For The Home Of Hockey Forum. I will follow you back! Check the site out, join in and talk some hockey! 1824 20 210976461 Deposed Dictator DeposedDictator en Adelaide Adelaide 0 33 195 106 5 Adelaide South Australia Australia 210975294 michael winsor googles316 en 0 0 14 0 91634705 peter brooks petruschorley en 0 160 594 1999 3 160756655 Happy one SNOOPYISALIVE en Brisbane 0 52 204 My tweats hopefully will allow everyone to respond to the cruelty animals go through in Puppy Farms/Puppy Mills 123 2 Queensland Australia 206981874 Munsif Rushdi MunsifRushdi en Maldives Islamabad 0 5 140 23 0 194223334 James Parolo James_Parolo en Perth 0 4 1 20 0 Western Australia Australia 100134922 希冰 xibing en Hawaii 0 67 967 Oftentimes I greet people like so: sorry I wasn't sure if that was you from a distance, not wearing my contacts/glasses today! 254 5 Unknown 140407215 Peter Noble KootaKid en 0 1 16 9 0 210843859 Car Fer cfgsports en Worldwide Mountain Time (US & Canada) 0 130 153 Last minute news about sports including free picks, odds, predictions, all about the players and teams... 1113 4 Unknown 203772941 Marc Mowbrayd'Arbela MarcMdA en 0 23 1 276 0 208488480 Trevor Hayes thelifehayestg en Robertson NSW Sydney 0 0 2 19 0 26196592 eliza kelly lizagrace en Melbourne Melbourne 35 147 66 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 187905096 Jamie Baker bdoul12 en 2 0 5 0 148602505 Ted O'Connor TedOConnor4 en Melbourne Sydney 0 49 22 I'm a land based hominid.. And going into my last year of Journalism at RMIT. More at 183 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23544340 Rebecca Buckle rebeccabuckle en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 80 189 Influencing our world with Faith Hope and Love! 120 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 151418583 Evans Motorsport evansmotorsport en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 34 5 Evans Motorsport Group is a Melbourne based, professional motorsport team which competes in the Victorian and National Formula Ford Championships. 157 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 210348319 Petra Martincic petrapants en 0 16 79 119 0 88118301 Liam Wilde LFWilde en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 77 489 A fat cigar and a long white nightie. 688 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 83344605 Barry Nicholls miltonbm en Western Australia Darwin 0 62 273 Barry Nicholls is an ABC broadcaster and author. 300 1 Western Australia Australia 210753922 Craig Avery thesolverbzz en 1 0 3 0 68315061 Rebekah Freeman BerraBek en Not at Carla Zampatti, Manuka Hawaii 0 11 15 114 0 184979226 Roland Kazzi rolandkazzi en Hawaii 25 13 hello 503 0 Unknown 18303894 dean gould deangould en gold coast Brisbane 0 149 165 Gold Coast Bulletin editor 87 4 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 200400316 Anitra Collins N33ty5 en Hobart Hobart 8 14 74 0 Hobart Tasmania Australia 209442986 Richard Rebecca 612twits en Brisvegas Brisbane 0 78 33 612 ABC Bris Twitter Awards. Nominate yourself or others by tweeting or re-tweeting using #612twits. There are no rules. Winners announced 30th Nov - yayah! 138 3 Brisbane Queensland Australia 37123675 Ian Bunn Pop Artist IanBunn en Australia Melbourne 0 324 756 Visual Artist - non-destructive street art, painting, and digital image manipulations. 159 35 Australia 41499448 Row67 Row67 en Cairns, Australia Brisbane 0 34 20 278 2 Cairns Queensland Australia 51897748 Dan & Wendy DanWendy en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 34 26 393 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 69531295 luthfi w. eddyono luthfiwe en Jakarta Jakarta 57 206 Constitutional Law Specialist at the Kucing Lanang Enterprise. 326 0 Jakarta Indonesia 210699915 Taeer Khatib thaer_k en 0 7 10 loving life (H) 59 0 92770309 ***JUAN DIAZ*** OBJUAN2 en 0 2 4 13 0 93299853 JOHN W CURTIN JWC417 en 0 4 1 11 0 88844803 Justice Action JusticeAction en Sydney, Australia. Hawaii 0 401 226 Justice Action is a community based organisation of criminal justice activists. 921 29 Sydney New South Wales Australia 27586449 Finsia FinsiaEvents en Sydney Sydney 0 196 108 Finsia – the Financial Services Institute of Australasia – is Australasia’s premier membership organisation for the financial services industry. 234 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 36298185 Monica Shor Monshor en Sydney Sydney 0 751 163 1995 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 42859455 James Constable jimconstable en Brisbane 0 36 187 109 0 Queensland Australia 48462897 Greg McCarten stickenger en 0 2 14 21 0 60507597 Chris Sloane Chris_Sloane en Sydney 0 30 239 Knock about guy who is involved in music and the arts and occasionally pops up on Melbourne radio for a rant. 115 0 New South Wales Australia 15284716 Trish van T trish_van_t en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 1385 2527 General Manager, Tweet Centre, Digital Advocate. Mother, Fire Fighter and on a mission to get people all connected on line! Remember its One Small Planet! 1762 32 Sydney New South Wales Australia 208286032 Mark Lee Mark_Lee2 en Victoria, Port Fairy 0 6 10 My name is Mark, I'm a journo, I live by the beach with my awesome lil family! 38 0 187902391 James Hall jaxton79 en Nambour Brisbane 0 3 7 Father of 4 kids, Married to A beautiful wife helen. anglican priest. Soccer coach. Ute lover. 8 0 Nambour Queensland Australia 198294963 Scott Alexander agroup_scott en Canberra 0 7 3 Financial Consultant in Canberra providing services to numerous Government organisations. 15 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 161640407 cassie crossedtheroad en 0 7 27 50 0 210463015 Zachary Thompson Zac__Thompson en Hawaii 0 1 1 13 0 Unknown 20289144 Michael Keks michaelkeks en 24 0 105 0 85033180 janet sapienza janetsapienza en Perth Australia Perth 0 20 46 Im still and always have been just Janet 163 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 38315340 Julie Hawkins 197julie1950 en Australia Sydney 12 1 102 0 Australia 26471882 Melinda Barnes sunspirit75 en Brisbane 0 310 68 Be. Here. Now. 2001 1 Queensland Australia 76328630 John Cotter padpartners en 0 2 1 6 0 22535490 Bec Failla BecFailla en Melbourne Melbourne 13 23 mum of 3 great kids! 104 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 55731550 Online Bendigo bendigoonline en Australia Bendigo, Victoria Melbourne 0 175 69 Online Bendigo provide free classifieds, forums, games, Reviews, tourism information, TV guide & more for the City of Greater Bendigo 100 3 163835776 Phuong Huynh _phuong_ en Melbourne 0 30 12 ...I found myself in Jesus... 148 1 Victoria Australia 185607743 Luke mudflaps12 en Sydney 0 11 134 53 0 New South Wales Australia 87370067 Jade Robran jaderobran en The TODAY SHOW 0 215 63 Today Show Reporter 354 4 133254940 Suburban FM Podcasti suburbanfm en Townsville, QLD 0 44 482 The official Twitter podcast page for Suburban FM Podcasting located in Townsville. 127 2 Townsville Queensland Australia 34472589 Mark obie_tiger en Australia Melbourne 0 70 1099 like heaps of stuff..... :) 69 0 Australia 59075069 Dave stsdkj en Sydney Hawaii 0 43 931 Vomit on the prowl. 77 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 71479472 Rod Sheather Brahms6 en Hawaii 0 23 120 47 0 Unknown 209892300 Wayne Wilson footsteps15 en Sydney (east) 0 5 16 49 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 126589629 Anna Chisholm annachisholm en Brisbane Hawaii 20 0 159 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 172996585 Ally Foat floatingfoat en Canberra 7 0 57 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 210320351 Thomas Nguyen ThomasHNguyen en Sydney, Australia Sydney 19 41 Sydney University BA/LLB I 58 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 203480046 John Smith thethenardiers en Sydney Sydney 11 118 EVERYTHING IS COMING UP MILHOUSE! 49 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 210319337 Philip Wen PhilipWen11 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 59 85 Business reporter at The Sydney Morning Herald. Football, cricket and AFL nut. 226 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 204256273 Samuel Inns spinns114 en 0 0 1 16 0 210311653 Strawb strawb2000 en 0 8 17 98 0 207535277 george jacob jacgy001 en 1 0 9 0 62439924 William Phillips Wiluna35 en 2 0 7 0 37373882 ian saffin iansaffin en Hawaii 0 3 48 28 0 Unknown 207019136 Matthew Abbott princemattheww en Sydney 0 3 16 40 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22550570 Dean McDonald notdeanos en Hawaii 0 13 13 35 0 Unknown 28711443 Bridget Whelan bmwhelan en Sydney 0 0 70 0 New South Wales Australia 53887416 Domenic Tacca DomenicTacca en Sydney, Australia Sydney 12 39 Enjoy life, don't take it too serious! 47 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 189375304 Justine Mackenzie justinemack9 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 224 194 Nine News Reporter 157 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 181154337 Shelley franceveno en 0 23 34 414 0 121374636 emerald leung emerald_j en melbourne Sydney 0 57 723 corporate whore, librarian, ikebana practitioner 79 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 113252582 The Property Shop propertyshop1 en Mudgee NSW, Australia Sydney 0 230 363 The Property Shop is a leading NSW Country real estate agency, established by Hugh Bateman in 1973. Real Estate,Business,Strata, Auctioneers & Valuers. 576 5 210139883 mia sgrazzutti miahearts89 en canada alberta Quito 0 7 46 98 0 112295087 WellbeingOracle WellbeingOracle en Australia Sydney 0 618 692 Lifestyle articles, Innovations in natural health, Isotonix for allergies, heart, joints, women's & men's health; fitness, anti-aging. 1122 8 Australia 22214110 Lachlan Turnell Lachy_t en Gold Coast, Qld, Australia Brisbane 0 50 55 Go to Bond University, B of Business. Keen Footy and Cricket player 118 1 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 19886903 Brooke Simmons PursuitBrooke en Central Coast via Sydney Sydney 0 2098 10352 Managing Director of Pursuit Communications - sharing PR tips & general tidbits. 1984 59 193898994 Daniel Milton Kool_Guy_21 en 0 3 5 49 0 194515266 Clive Dawson Xen0666 en QLD. Australia.. 0 13 24 69 0 Queensland Australia 158313022 barsandnightclubs barsnightclubs en 0 43 389 322 0 37709922 Oliver Blombery t24opb en 0 10 10 34 0 209963167 Ben Wilkie ben_wilkie en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 36 27 I'm the Greens candidate for Lowan in the 2010 Victorian state election. 96 2 Victoria Australia 209906569 Social Smurph SocialSmurph en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 27 1 Founder of The Social Media Guide 113 2 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 24346784 Stewart Jones stewyidau en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 4 30 155 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 209911489 jithin jishnu p jithinjishnup en nilambur 0 15 23 192 0 15466135 Taezar Taezar en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 1309 24280 When not working-DIVING! When not diving, CityCycling in The Valley, New Farm, the CBD & Digital Purgatory #hashtagabuse is my middle name 708 95 Brisbane Queensland Australia 158686476 Thomas Lynch TomLynch90 en Ocean Grove, Australia Melbourne 0 15 15 I think I think too much for my own good. 46 0 Ocean Grove Victoria Australia 23938044 Kirilly Farrell kirifarrell en Sydney Sydney 0 205 3462 362 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 164324572 Corey Edwards eddie______ en Brisneyland Brisbane 0 17 59 119 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 19641243 Roz rozbishop en Citizen of the Earth Hawaii 0 108 76 From humble beginnings, embracing the energy within, shifting consciousness without, acceptance - a child of the universe no less than the trees and stars. 159 1 208869291 sally eeles sallyeeles en 0 80 47 7 News reporter & producer | Mum | Household Co-Manager | Uni student | Blogger | Serial Multi-tasker 146 1 129489081 Robert Brewer bobdamienbrew en Griffith, AUS Sydney 0 12 44 i am me. checkout my facebook. 47 2 142666277 Matthew Robson mattytrobbo en Sydney 0 20 179 This year I am studying at Youthworks College and am working at Robertson Anglican Church, Teaching the Youth how the Bible works and what it means to them. 59 1 New South Wales Australia 209531113 Jason Pickard UWannaN0 en FNQ Australia Brisbane 0 111 128 Practising Entrepreneur who occasionally has something interesting to say {8^⓪ 253 2 75979769 Faith Sands faithsands en Blacktown 0 11 45 Writer and sales rep for Uni of NSW Press. 87 0 209630770 Brandon Wootton 2TimothyFourTwo en Perth, Western Australia Alaska 0 106 69 I am a pentacostal christian And i am Married with Three great Kids who just light up my world. I am interested in music, movies, Video games, Books. 564 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 23752235 Danielle Scalia dScalia en Townsville. QLD. Australia Brisbane 59 2569 Love, what you love, without hesitation. 199 2 Townsville Queensland Australia 199441460 Joseph Lee dathalfyguy en Melbourne 30 780 Hmm.... Just some Halfy Guy, Loves a good mix whether I be the one mixing or a good song mixed or just someone mixing ! 113 1 Victoria Australia 19652487 J Livingstone-Thomas Grinspinner en Sydney Sydney 0 48 234 Egyptologist and Supporting Schalke04 and Australian Cycling 388 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 62248214 Stubox HappyToastFace en Sid's knee Sydney 0 28 176 Career student, part time purveyor of children, and international advocate of political incorrectness. 83 0 87875146 Michael Babbage mickbab en Australia Sydney 0 28 102 142 0 Australia 22724622 Suzy Walker SuzyPickard en FNQ, Australia Brisbane 0 82 50 happy to live with bad hair days, that's the sacrifice I have made to live life in the beautiful tropics! 253 1 41093942 Philip Field bankombudsman en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 56 18 Fair and independent dispute resolution for consumers and financial services providers and raising the standards of the financial services industry 20 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 148549716 Lara Summers lls82 en Sydney 47 0 194 0 New South Wales Australia 145431869 Chris Ogilvie handicap1 en Newcastle NSW Sydney 0 29 11 46 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 203769173 Stephan Winter stdavy en Bradbury, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 5 24 32 0 209509374 Rhett Peacey rhettpeaches en 1 0 6 0 5826322 Eli eliate1 en Australia Melbourne 0 91 36 Science and Tech Articles......and whatever else I fancy. 312 0 Australia 209464911 Ben van de Beld blind_guru en 0 0 1 0 24500736 David Sharaz DavidSharaz en Canberra Canberra 0 12 82 First year journalism Student at the University of Canberra 104 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 209454016 Prue Burgun pburgun en 1 0 20 0 37834400 Hillary Beehag 42Hillary en Sydney 0 28 145 69 0 New South Wales Australia 34206966 Gabrielle Russell gabriellerm en sydney Hawaii 0 17 83 106 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20212841 Damien Cooke dgcooke en Adelaide Adelaide 0 9 15 15 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 22432787 Jackson Board JackBoard_Sky en Sydney Canberra 0 95 213 Sky News online journalist - Views are my own 253 8 Sydney New South Wales Australia 61625491 101 5 FM bendigosbest en Bendigo, Australia Melbourne 0 100 829 The number 1 Local Radio Station in Central Victoria for Local Sport 282 5 Bendigo Victoria Australia 209375642 Sykloptik Sykadelik_1 en Darlington, ADL 0 0 2 Stay Tuned!!! 3 0 39924136 Neil neilsensis en Perth WA Perth 27 15 Premium Government Account Executive Sensis Pty Ltd White & Yellow Pages 180 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 90814324 Stephanie StephanieJHunt en Sydney 0 25 3 152 0 New South Wales Australia 147869440 Joel Fitzgibbon fitzhunter en Cessnock Canberra 97 18 Member for Hunter 176 5 Cessnock New South Wales Australia 75905197 Get In The Game getinthegameaus en Brisbane 0 93 267 Fed up with the b-s. 295 7 Queensland Australia 209332409 TB 7BRT en 5 0 128 0 50799351 HSBC Waratahs NSWWaratahs en Sydney NSW, Australia Sydney 0 1436 999 HSBC Waratahs :: NSW Rugby - Australia's premier Super 14 team; Rugby; 908 95 Sydney New South Wales Australia 209271249 jim ventrone outdoorsports03 en 0 0 1 Enjoy Steeler football, golf, downhill skiing, soccer ref, and love to travel with my wife. Love to talk about my wife and kids. Like to network. 20 0 208987205 Tom Dalton tomdalton86 en London, Paris, Dublin London 1 0 Aussie expat working in European airlines 8 0 28556231 Anna Angel auscheer en Brisbane Brisbane 0 69 66 Attempted freelance journalist and soon-to-be journalism graduate. Editor of for 2010, and lover of all things beautifully written. 299 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 189125975 Kerry jagermga en melbourne australia 120 263 Fashion buyer + Stylist + Business owner + Mommy & Fashion 'a' holic. Got a fashion question? Ask me.. X 409 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 33173737 Amber Goodridge hey_there_amber en 0 44 49 222 0 208992446 Aldric Chuah garbagetweet en 0 2 15 I use Twitter. Do you? 12 0 133688144 Antonio Zanchetta AntMan_Awesome en Tasmania, Australia Hobart 36 424 100% Crazy about Star Wars! 100% Christian! 100% Awesome! ;) ;D ;P 268 0 Tasmania Australia 70089190 Elizabeth R its_Libby_R en Perth. Australia. Perth 7 203 Most days I am aware, alert and fake a smile. But behind my eyes, I could speak some truths that rip my world apart. 24 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 29385076 Brian Grinter bgrinter en Australia Sydney 0 33 388 164 2 Australia 76281384 Leah Holroyd Cimmeria9 en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 4 58 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 176794950 artweeters en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 527 560 Artweeters selects and subscribes to the worlds best contemporary art e-newsletters and collates them onto its webpages. Handmade by @agibson 1003 28 Melbourne Victoria Australia 208935066 desmond punishment massivepunish en perth 0 24 201 Smoke it love desmond 67 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 208303070 Jack S and A overpoulation en 0 2 4 22 0 170559002 Monique Sheppard sheppardmonique en Cairns, Australia 0 6 17 precociously inept reader to most, adrenalin seeking adventurer to the trusted few 69 0 Cairns Queensland Australia 61386104 Melissa Jenkins meljenko en Melbourne Hawaii 0 78 9 Australian Associated Press journalist. 125 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 208916830 Tom Vergotis tomvergotisnews en Gold Coast 0 47 15 219 2 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 139983778 David social media SMN_Australia en Darlinghurst - Sydney Sydney 0 145 487 covers the latest social media news around Australia 63 35 Darlinghurst New South Wales Australia 198462759 John Lee kewhigh en Melbourne 0 3 3 69 0 Victoria Australia 28294820 Emma Hill emmah78 en Australia Sydney 0 15 2 191 0 Australia 21361406 David Fisher davefisher74 en Sydney Sydney 0 58 253 140 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 208903303 Fake Greens GreensVictoria en Fitzroy Melbourne 0 26 26 I'm better than you - that's why I vote Green. 78 0 Fitzroy Victoria Australia 781895 Des Walsh deswalsh en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 5455 7791 Business mentor coach & social media strategist: coaching to win at the inner game, demystifying social media: PitchEngine guy AU+NZ 4364 272 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 208851813 Bill Ferguson Billferg1 en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 10 7 26 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 201479119 c.m13 killerandkayla en anthony 0 435 54 i like to be in twitter so i can tweet to the ones i am following and my followers 1613 16 208823456 Colin Walke cjw707 en 4 0 7 0 207738265 megan dobensky meggan221 en connecticut 0 12 6 31 0 Connecticut United States 208800036 Ryan Murphy ShootScore94 en 0 20 7 58 0 70649901 CEO Challenge CEOChallenge en Australia Brisbane 0 112 134 475 4 Australia 28198357 Adelaide adelaiderotten en Adelaide - Australia Adelaide 0 98 107 Great City, Great Country but poorly managed by the current fools called LABOUR ! 91 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 191582565 ☡oe Sherwood☮♥☑ moodymoon2598 en Kingsport♥! Quito 0 633 1788 ♫If you follow your dreams they can happen you just need to be open to following them. Today is a gift thats why they call it the present.♫ ♀Live with Love♀ 1994 21 98317875 linda rundell linda_rundell en -34.707798,138.67525 Adelaide 0 40 32 fun,energtic,love causing a lot of trouble and very friendly. :) 453 0 Elizabeth North South Australia Australia 208274892 3hats&theconscience threehats1 en Who the hell cares? Sydney 0 8 2 over educated meets unconventional 76 0 207245458 coni ciarrocchi coniciarrocchi es 0 3 11 59 0 154185528 Ductape Halo ductapehalo en Brooklyn, NYC Central Time (US & Canada) 0 32 89 Ductape Halo Ensemble hails from Bushwick, NY. They play fast, hard songs bringing together sounds from Blues, Punk, Gospel & straight up Rock n Roll. 417 0 185200068 MW mattlwood en Sydney Sydney 0 22 206 177 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 125305114 David Baumgarten SydneyBEC en Sydney Sydney 0 164 47 Business Support-mentoring.Business Advisory, Networking & training 371 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 199361770 Chester Grayson ChesterGrayson en Sydney 0 9 21 Ka warea te ware, ka are te rangatira. 75 0 New South Wales Australia 208552477 The Home of Hockey TheHomeofHockey en Hockey Town Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 163 50 Hockey forum, blog, and general hockey enthusiast 679 9 21849594 Kirsten Lange Kirsten84 en Brisbane 34 17 Living on the beautiful Gold Coast....into teaching, traveling, dragon boating, fitness and healthy living. 120 0 Queensland Australia 205509806 Losh Matthews loshyboy en 0 7 37 54 0 14307917 Michael Green mulgar en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 186 5441 Christian, family man, CCBU escalation engineer at Cisco Systems, enjoys: video/board/card games, movies, music, RC racing, photography, traveling, diving 128 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 208476421 Justin Huang Juiciton en 1 0 10 0 181850390 Ian Oakenfull croaking_oak en Brisbane 0 3 3 8 0 Queensland Australia 167957742 Stephen Lazar invstmntproprty en Australia Melbourne 0 28 26 property broker ... u want it, I will find it! Investment or Owner occupied ... 45 1 Australia 206617047 Rob yeahbaby868 en 0 7 9 164 1 41042986 Kristian Dwyer kristiandwyer en Murdoch, Western Australia Alaska 0 62 424 Sports Journalist. Two-time WA media guild award winner. WAFL, Soccer and Rugby League Enthusiast. Also, a keen gamer and have an eye for politics :) 211 0 Murdoch Western Australia Australia 22335441 Joanna Nicoloulias JNicoloulias en Adelaide, South Australia Hawaii 4 6 21 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 192216867 Loowellin loowellin en 0 18 3 140 0 29121593 Cameron Edwards cam169677 en 0 9 9 24 0 39212655 Caron normabette en iPhone: -27.470648,153.026230 Brisbane 0 31 522 30yo law student, equal parts curious & ambivalent, obsessed with knowledge, woodland creatures, punctuation, vegetables, paradoxes, scary movies & interiors. 90 3 140383083 Clifton Accountants CliftonKKB en Bomaderry & Bowral Sydney 0 21 52 Ken, Kurt & Brian from Cliftons are THE Business Specialists, working with businesses on growth, profits, cashflow, asset protection and succession or sale 22 1 23753775 Katie Blakey katieblakey en Melbsy Melbourne 0 234 1460 Rogue. Gemini. Opinionated. Victorian candidate. Vote #1 Australian Sex Party ! Love your civil liberties? Love us ! Screw censorship... 521 6 139976512 Rodger Thornhill driveguy en Hawaii 50 12 348 2 Unknown 204677307 Shannon Smyth BakeandBloom en 0 12 19 The blog of a recently graduated floral design student come enthusiastic home baker. 46 1 119316245 Keith Gear SPOOKS219 en Sydney Sydney 0 14 503 48 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 208392914 Jarryd Lowry jarrydlowry en 0 1 1 8 0 38423588 Christian Madison christianmadisn en EARTH London 0 23 131 A London based property entrepreneur, freelance photographer and the founder of the charitable project 73 1 Unknown 207819408 tania Wittleton trw900 en 2 0 7 0 131181726 KenF kenFYF en Sydney 5 0 207 0 New South Wales Australia 123748920 Kerrod Casey kerrodcasey en Rockhampton, Queensland Brisbane 0 9 4 161 0 Rockhampton Queensland Australia 159426974 Alexandra Smith AlexLouSmith en Sydney Sydney 0 16 2 State political reporter at The Sydney Morning Herald 76 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 135051467 The Law Lawtweet_Aust en Australia Adelaide 0 332 452 Tweeting law related articles, with a strong focus on Australia and International Law. 323 36 Australia 62823505 christian puaud THECURERA en ingleburn 0 54 24 eggshells for now ALL beware when crossing the NAILS 515 0 208340656 Booth Associates BoothAssociates en Griffith NSW Australia Sydney 0 26 40 A progressive agribusiness and environmental consulting firm based in the prime agricultural centre of Griffith in the Riverina, NSW Australia. 27 2 Griffith New South Wales Australia 130760991 Maria Kamper MariaKamper en sydney Sydney 0 116 553 Mother of child with VCFS. President of the VCFS 22q11 Foundation Dedicated to helping those affected 191 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 202916059 QCOSS Fair Qld QCOSSFairQld en Brisbane, Queensland Brisbane 0 157 137 QCOSS Fair Qld aims to gather ideas & support for a Fair Qld. We would like to hear from community, business, industry, academia, government and NGOs. 457 8 Brisbane Queensland Australia 168904161 d-design ddesignoz en sydney, australia Sydney 0 137 75 a design studio working alongside dobsons printing. print • web • marketing 519 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 205514787 Justin Schwind schwindphoto en Melbourne, Victoria Hawaii 0 33 14 231 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 34266882 Ben Osoteo benoso en Australia Sydney 0 288 108 798 0 Australia 18961947 prue_22 prue_22 en Ballarat, Victoria Sydney 0 182 400 Broadcaster at ABC Ballarat and Southwest Victoria (but our views on this medium at least, may differ), radio nerd, pop-science geek and yoga devotee. 291 12 Ballarat Victoria Australia 208224792 Victoria Votes VicElection2010 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 85 97 Victoria Votes is a website (launching on November 2nd), which will provide Victorians with unbiased commentary and information about the upcoming election. 114 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 91220690 Vanessa Verchiani VVerchiani en Sydney, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 230 2186 Mission Australia - Managing Events, Sponsorship, Ambassadors and Speakers Bureau. Without forgeting to love, live and laugh. 308 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 207816860 AMMA Resources AMMACONNECT en 3 0 28 0 189327025 Hockey Junky HockeyJunky2000 en Sunny Florida Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 57 99 Hockey Apparel with a slapshot full of humor! See what the Hockey World is talking about! 212 1 Florida United States 150888797 guy ralph perea sr presidentus en Modesto Ca Alaska 0 183 2334 Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States 1581 6 76404262 Unknown Men SOUNDBANGER en 14 30 189 1 207967558 Ian McDonald theianmcdonald en Australia Melbourne 0 3 9 20 0 Australia 16816150 Michael Di Ciero mickdc en Melbourne, Australia Sydney 0 11 26 39 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 201560724 Turbo/Damien WTFDidTurboEat en Canberra 0 27 100 Turbo to some, Damien to others. I enjoy food and web design. I'm currently a Web Developer at an advertising/marketing company and freelance in my spare time:) 119 2 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 207927527 Liza McDonald LizaMc_Vic en 0 26 40 113 0 20942958 Stacey Avard raadeecat en 1 0 8 0 200079082 Hein Preller SMSFWarehouse en Melbourne Melbourne 0 72 10 SMSF set-up. Lowest fees. 261 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 183106248 Jason Turner JaseAngelO en Melbourne 15 5 Loves sports, live for sport. Wannabe journo. 110 0 Victoria Australia 125622461 dwilkes pieces2602 en melbourne Melbourne 5 4 25 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 158695956 luckycoq luckycoq en Melbourne 0 31 32 55 0 Victoria Australia 15333662 fizzytizzy fizzytizzy en Sydney Sydney 0 73 216 My favourite word is elusive. 389 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 110967752 Lucas DurbridgeBrant Lucas_D_B en ÜT: -37.805429,144.97679 Melbourne 0 24 240 101 0 40646839 Jack Dikian jack_dikian en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 30 111 Clinical Consultant with research interests in developmental psychology, Artificial Intelligence and Computability theory. 73 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 207908923 Chris Brooker BrookerChris en 0 2 1 15 0 201044790 Des Ryan desmondjryan en Adelaide 0 30 5 101 3 South Australia Australia 205124234 Sarah sssarahw en Sydney Hawaii 0 0 29 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 106256295 James Treacey Schnedlick en Australia Sydney 26 124 137 0 Australia 207602626 Damoon MeLlamanLaLuna en The Eastside of Sydney Sydney 0 13 174 Working student doing BS Psychology. Francophonic, music-loving, politically active, Arsenal-supporting bikie and football referee. 66 0 207898895 Steve russell drumthatokay en 5 0 32 0 54116041 Julie Eden trafficline en Melbourne - Australia Melbourne 0 1750 1374 Julie Eden: lnternet Marketing, Social Media, Alternative Medicine, Spiritualism,Writing Articles, 1593 19 Melbourne Victoria Australia 207893209 Cushla Travers Cushla_Travers en Melbourne VIC Hawaii 0 26 26 105 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 141400991 Shaun Smith chillbills en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 20 52 Exec Dir of South East Melbourne Innovation Precinct, avid golfer and long suffering Forest fan. 62 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 40633313 Geoff Muir maddogqld en Gold Coast Australia Brisbane 0 6 7 14 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 207789638 mitchell stewart mdstewart262 en australia 0 2 8 I have nearly finished school and want to travel the world and just meet different people. 9 0 Australia 71998383 ohmydarwin ohmy_darwin en Darwin - Australia Darwin 0 66 26 Oh My Darwin - Australia. Darwin Events and Venue information. Visit and publish your events and business there for free. 125 5 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 207875794 greens ajamiseba greensajamiseba en 0 3 1 70 0 135411314 Terry Mays EBFarnum en Brisbane Brisbane 0 8 39 Mad Rugby League supporter 47 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 207847721 born to be wild Born2BWILD4Life en Atlanta, GA Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 21 26 183 0 Atlanta Georgia United States 33465030 Cherie Giles cheriegiles en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 40 18 marketing and media sales,business development, bus/marketing uni student, treadmill loving, guitar playing mummy 91 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 202780041 Timmy Topshelf Timmy_Topshelf en 0 10 30 -If you want to have your very own personalized hockey trading card to show teammates at the rink then you have to check out this site. 66 0 28969269 Warren Hilton WarrenHilton en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 14 2 30 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 179013362 James Evans james_s_evans en Sydney Sydney 0 40 390 Nineteen year old student of politics, Chinese and history from Newcastle, living in Sydney. 181 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 28298469 michellebaltazar michelleFinStd en Sydney, Australia 0 78 142 Editor, Financial Standard; armchair traveller; will work for carrot cupcakes; not allowed near karaoke 82 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 105979059 Dana McMullen DanaFMcMullen en Hawaii 0 24 31 96 1 Unknown 23678960 Averyll Loft averyll_x en Australia Hawaii 16 86 My name's Averyll and I like to frolic. 85 1 Australia 24660848 Josh Bavas joshbavas en Qld Brisbane 0 247 427 North Queensland ABC journalist. *These tweets are my own* 140 22 Queensland Australia 95585095 Lindon Woodrow lindonwoodrow en Sydney 0 7 47 massive team vodafone fan 104 0 New South Wales Australia 106556738 Sally Foy Minato minatomedia en Batemans Bay Sydney 0 37 72 South Coast journalist and hopeless romantic! 197 0 Batemans Bay New South Wales Australia 20391913 Hanah Denson hannahannahd en Melbourne Melbourne 0 23 14 90 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 165302788 Traill Insurance Traillinsurance en Australia Brisbane 0 39 121 The right advice for your financial protection. Disability, Trauma, Income Protection, Business and Key Person Insurance. 63 2 Australia 171030925 WhyWally WhyWally en Sydney 0 4 35 1 New South Wales Australia 117297876 Angela Scrymgour angelascrymgour en Newcastle NSW Australia Sydney 0 186 202 I'm a Marketing Manager with the ABC and work between Newcastle and Sydney. I love good food, wine and fashion, especially shoes. 305 9 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 207672370 Robin Nicole aweshat en 0 520 12 2001 3 19254880 Shona Casey-Eland ShonaCaseyEland en Geelong Melbourne 0 35 189 Born and bred Mallee Girl, loves seeing a Farmer smile! Two wonderful sons and awesome hubby and great job at the Y.What more could you ask for. 85 2 Geelong Victoria Australia 143330665 Anthony Kypreos Anthony_Kypreos en Sydney 21 120 101 0 New South Wales Australia 195665888 Megan Bond Megan_Bond en Melbourne 0 7 12 145 0 Victoria Australia 51268294 Diane Dromgold DianeDromgold en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 19 42 Project Management Maverick 46 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 81833777 Christopher Slocombe CDSlocombe en Perugia, Italy Rome 0 13 118 Traveller, lawyer, runner. Taking a break from the rigours of practice to learn the Italian language 46 0 207577234 Ann annemobile en Perth 0 0 13 0 Western Australia Australia 207562353 Benjamin Watson goplibtory en Perth 0 34 167 As the name would suggest, a Reagan/Howard/Thatcher enthusiast. Politics nut, caffeine addict, classic style connoisseur, renaissance man. 63 1 Western Australia Australia 19842830 Andrew AndyIVOD en Perth Perth 0 30 596 I've had the time of my life, and i've never felt this way before 79 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 146817800 Abbey AbbeySarah6 en Sydney Sydney 7 6 one word. two syllables. demarcation. 63 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 36943502 Adam Kamradt-Scott Adamkams en London, U.K. (mostly) 0 3 1 Currently Research Fellow at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine 12 0 20291849 Naveed naverick en Sydney Sydney 0 23 24 73 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 207477796 Blake Mooney blakeAmooney en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 27 169 91 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 97840473 James Dalton lower_quadrant en 0 0 1 18 0 174928775 Keane Flynn KeaneFlynn en Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 0 819 663 1995 48 Malaysia 176361372 Jonathan D Lane JonathanDLane en Subiaco, Western Australia. 0 19 8 147 0 Subiaco Western Australia Australia 25035669 Rose Wright rosewright en NSW & Queensland Australi Sydney 0 111 519 Mgr Research Extension @ Sth Cross Uni. Speaker, facilitator & change agent 4 regional renewal. Specialising in food, agri & ecotourism, regional economic dev 113 1 163303317 Paul Jarman Paul_MJ en Sydney Sydney 0 139 1384 Rusted on ALP guy, Tanker Driver,Union Delegate. Supporter of Your Rights At Work Campaign. Resident of Western Sydney and a big Hello to those who clicked. 233 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 16124515 Malcolm O'Leary MalcolmOLeary en Canberra 0 116 1078 Humanist, technologist, manager, photographer, father, gym junkie, fashionista and opinionated go getter. Carbon offset-less Jetsetter. Take that. 82 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 119889698 AndreaTWXxxxX AndreaTW4Er en London 0 347 106 I Luv THE WANTED!!1 so much i can't discribe it and Justin BieberXxxX 1238 5 London England United Kingdom 21835066 Malcolm McComas mmccomas en Sydney, AUS Sydney 0 7 21 Sydney investment banker, director & cyclist 12 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 190857418 Belle E Lidabelle24 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 51 314 Studying to be a teacher while working full time, drinker of cider who excels at procrastination 167 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 53008804 David Cain snowyart en Gold Coast, QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 333 55 I am a Small Business Owner. I work as a Web Developer and in Internet Marketing. I also work part-time for a large company in IT Support and Retail Assistance. 361 1 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 23184995 Cameron Godfrey ferbtheelephant en Australia Brisbane 0 10 163 hey :) my name is cameron. i love to write. you can read all my stories on my website. 22 0 Australia 34577278 Ellen Hammond Elle_Hammond en Australia Sydney 0 127 861 I'm a Mother daughter sister wife who loves her family and friends, luv celeb goss and some good good tunes!! 398 3 Australia 32362621 Donna Moritz mummyunplugged en Australia Brisbane 0 183 113 Generally creative health professional and Mummy in search of living simply, healthily, naturally and happily! 448 1 Australia 137612622 Dawn Piebenga DawnPiebenga en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 55 5 116 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 205011560 2UENews 2UENews en 32 0 46 0 171010761 Stefanie Collett stefanieraymond en Sydney Sydney 0 19 2 218 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 89890757 Edward anstee edwardanstee en Sydney Sydney 0 22 56 101 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 80527809 Geoff Prior GEOFF_PRIOR en Wodonga Melbourne 0 64 103 Enhancing the personal productivity, effectiveness & well-being of people @ work. 83 5 Wodonga Victoria Australia 172736101 Hyatt Ismail hyattis en Sydney Sydney 0 1 2 Marketing 6 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 90359624 Ha-Dieu Ford HaDieuFord en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 23 17 Chairperson for Women in Finance, Australia. Contributing to the Professional Growth of Women in Financial & Related Sectors. 77 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 167306978 Vikki Scruffbucket en Lake Macquarie.NSW Australia Sydney 0 242 17601 Interested Party.If you voted ALP or Greens,don't follow me,you may be offended. 473 23 Lake Macquarie New South Wales Australia 42567722 Alison Leyden AlisonLeyden en Melbourne 5 3 12 1 Victoria Australia 178951142 Surf Coast News Surf_Coast_News en Surf Coast Melbourne 0 64 230 Best of the Surf Coast 190 1 Surf Coast Victoria Australia 74613158 Columban Mission ColumbanMission en Australia Melbourne 0 49 160 The Columbans are a missionary society of priests who work in 15 countries, working with and accompanying people who are suffering great injustices 219 0 Australia 60600716 Chad Sidler csidler en Sydney 50 60 General Secretary of the Sydney University SRC 189 0 New South Wales Australia 55568866 Jane Doe ACuddleFish en Canberra Canberra 0 306 11123 Excessively emotional drunk-tweeter with a passion for psychology, cafes and complaining. Warning: Contains course language, adult themes and much snobbiness. 281 20 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 34100057 Patrick Secker patrickseckermp en Rural/Regional South Australia Adelaide 0 555 90 Federal Member for Barker 55 109 37575248 Justin Bergin justingbergin en Brisbane, Australia 0 29 16 238 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 206486722 Kate Mitchell katemitchellnbn en Newcastle Sydney 0 145 165 TV Reporter, Newcastle NSW 346 6 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 22751435 Brendan Faulds BrendanFaulds en -33.74089,151.280566 Sydney 0 18 165 122 0 16402161 liaman6 liaman6 en 0 61 67 Joined twitter when I banned myself from facebook for a month. its really just a time filler to me - something i look at when sitting at a red light. 413 1 114781207 Jameson Mahoney OzinSweden en Stockholm Stockholm 9 39 76 1 Stockholm Sweden 207064670 Nick Hafey HafeyN en Blue Mountains, Australia Sydney 0 21 4 154 0 Blue Mountains New South Wales Australia 207045653 Andrew Rowcroft andrew_rowcroft en perth, australia Alaska 2 7 24 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 205397327 David Warner davemwarner en Canberra 0 16 13 181 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 164965908 Emma Louise Gray Emma_Louise13 en Australia Brisbane 0 10 40 I wish that i could meet Justin Bieber and Christian Beadles xoxxox 3 71 0 Australia 31704327 Wendy Francis wendyjoyfrancis en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 1306 311 Wife to Peter, mother of 3 married children and grandmother to 9 beautiful grandchildren 801 54 Brisbane Queensland Australia 36283353 The Best Pub TheBestPub en Australia Sydney 0 2452 14262 2670 23 Australia 127465989 Alex Macdonald acm100 en Auckland 42 16 359 0 Auckland New Zealand 26415257 Dean Sherr deansherr en Melbourne Melbourne 0 28 155 156 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 19486877 bruce hawker brucehawker2010 en Sydney Sydney 0 373 41 Founder & Chairman of HawkerBritton. Founder of Campaigns & Communications. Regular political commentator on Sky PM Agenda and ABC Radio. Labor strategist. 155 11 Sydney New South Wales Australia 202871306 Vkthreepi Vkthreepi en QF22MH Melbourne 0 16 189 Husband to my wife, father of my children, lover of life, radio amateur, aviation enthusiast, photographer, electronics dabbler, novice book writer. 66 0 58412832 Mark Hughes MrMarkeh en Australia Sydney 12 41 30 0 Australia 206534763 John Harrison 77regal en 0 22 31 286 0 181136702 Nadine Flood NadineFloodCPSU en 0 11 3 62 2 20737930 George Bournazos Levidioti en Sydney, Australia Sydney 9 21 44 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 46638429 Trevor Holloway Tengu1 en Beijing 7 0 10 0 204300880 Nick Hluchaniuk NickJ_H en Sunshine Coast 0 30 41 All my life I've had one dream, to achieve my many goals - Homer J Simpson 106 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 165567154 Kiana Fernandez sharksgrrll0019 en San Jose, California(: Alaska 0 434 1969 Sharks.Giants.49ers.Patriots.PeterPan.Poe from KungFuPanda.CharlieBrown.@hellohockey is my best friend.i wanna help stop teen suicide.andfollowme,i follow back. 1207 49 California United States 166938973 Richard Pollard richpollard en South Eastern Australia Melbourne 0 8 144 Truck driver, volunteer firefighter, nerd. 72 0 15684695 scotth scottth en Melb Sydney 0 39 144 Sydney Swans Fan, RWO Owner- Sydney Swans fan site, Sports nut, Nut, Avid Amatuer Photographer, Keen Traveller 192 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 175775905 Leon Shapiro ShapiroLeon en Australia Melbourne 0 457 483 IT consultant, camera buff and lateral and forward thinker dedicated to advancing the community. 1989 7 Australia 201384029 Marie-Pier Moniz mariewithjustin fr 0 5 35 I love you Jb , 4 evr 3 Mariie :) 174 0 55805984 John Stephenson johnlloydstep en brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 174 397 1331 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 179880296 Warren Stone WazzaStone en Adelaide Adelaide 0 73 29 SA & Adelaide Enthusiast, creator & previous owner-editor of the Adelaide Hills Monthly mag, and currently working with SA Govt & Community. 107 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 199122612 Ro Le rod_fw en Melbourne, Australia Sydney 0 23 9 244 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 136804259 Carolyn McCusker CarolynMcCusker en Adelaide South Australia Adelaide 0 24 2 Self employed & born to travel!!! 185 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 206615168 Mitch Clifton MtchClftn en Central Coast 0 4 1 Sea FM Breakfast News Presenter. 17 0 Wamberal New South Wales Australia 203752222 Joel Raiter JoelRaiter en Sydney 0 11 9 39 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15130556 laughingmind laughingmind en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 109 179 Collaboration architecture services. Helping my clients find the sweet spot in the nexus of ICT, Health 2.0, Gov2.0 & UX. 237 8 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 170948789 jakewishart jake_wishart en 0 22 30 80 1 68328792 Tom Elliott 3AWWeekendBreak en Melbourne, Australia Sydney 0 528 131 3AW's Weekend Break host. Managing Director of MM&E Capital Limited. Father. 542 23 Melbourne Victoria Australia 44589405 Rohit Jaiprakash RJaiprakash9 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 94 320 RJ9 | Entrepreneur | Jaiprakash Group 1134 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 206013022 makebrumbyhistory brumbyishistory en Victoria 0 43 48 Got a gripe with John Brumby’s government? Sick of the arrogance, the secrecy, the waste and mismanagement? Rally November 14 - 2pm - Steps of Parliament 85 3 Victoria Australia 191986690 Jaclyn 2010chardonnay en Narre Sth Sydney 0 14 133 149 1 113602383 Bruce Higham Bonzaminka en Australia Hawaii 0 23 116 Is there any more to life then family, books, football, the natural environment, politics, self sufficiency and being a ranger for national parks? 235 0 Australia 79612723 Sharon tinkatas en Devonport, Tasmania, Australia Hobart 0 41 331 We only have one earth!!! People please look after it, cause once your gone your family will have to live with your choices. 217 0 Devonport Tasmania Australia 50584826 Nick James nrbj en Sydney Sydney 0 26 78 35 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 42381510 Karina Piddington KPidd en Sydney 11 1 77 0 New South Wales Australia 194911312 amy mitchell amyelizabethmit en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 4 0 80 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 199994968 Raghwanand BR Sharma raturagu en 0 0 4 0 116226758 mimixxa MimixXa en Paris 429 1038 @justinbieber is following me yeahh ;what a happy day :18/10/2010 3 1465 17 France 14263101 Steven Dilla ardentvox en Annapolis, MD Central Time (US & Canada) 0 2908 5798 Follower of Jesus. Married to my best friend. Trying to live differently. Preparing to begin a faith community in New York City. 2911 95 14726271 TK quoi_quoi en Hawaii 7 4 57 0 Unknown 178693963 Rob Wieczorek rwieczor en Adelaide Adelaide 0 40 57 Corporate Support Team Leader, Internode Pty Ltd 103 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 206160368 Gary Ingram Gaz958 en 0 0 6 0 194915454 JohnsonKPG JohnsonKPG en Australia Melbourne 0 356 174 ... look outside the Square within the Square ... 1977 3 Australia 35126239 Sue Brennan Swoosieb63 en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 203 578 MIT and Medical Imaging sales manager. Ultrasound machine anyone? Anyone? Mother of two teens and two dogs. 538 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 25977096 Romannn ;D RomanKonig en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 143 1458 Hi, I'm Roman. I'm 15, I currently live in Perth, I speak fluent English and German and I was born in Essen, Germany! :D 54 3 Perth Western Australia Australia 187165608 betaPerseiFlash betaPerseiFlash it 0 150 4 Hi guys. I'm a flash, php, mysql freelance developer based in Europe. Visit my Activeden profile searching betaperseiflash. Have a nice day ! 1077 2 23299391 Patrick Kelly pk73 en Adelaide Adelaide 0 26 88 92 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 181119692 Matthew Sommerville mjsommo en Sydney 0 9 2 54 0 New South Wales Australia 189385444 Pilbara Geology pilbara_geology en Sydney Sydney 0 69 67 Pilbara Geology is based in Sydney. We carry a comprehensive range of Estwing & Valley geology tools & hammers, Belomo hand lenses and many other products. 311 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 205959602 Luke Toy luke_toy en Canberra 3 2 139 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 168463125 yopinionsays en Australia 0 60 119 focuses on social and political issues in Australia 246 1 Australia 180724133 Tony Abbott PhonyTony10 en Warringah Sydney 0 5 24 I'll stop the boats and take rrrreeeeeeeaall action. 25 0 151409528 Cr Lisa Bradley CrLisaBradley en Logan, Queensland, Australia Brisbane 0 146 177 Cr Lisa Bradley is Councillor for Division 1, Logan City Council. Views are personal not reflective of Logan City Council's positions, strategies, or opinions. 361 4 86234126 HSY hsyihm en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 244 82 Australian & Korean economy and Clean energy, 환경 ë° ì‹ ìž¬ìƒì—너지 관련 464 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25732929 FrontRowEventsGroup FrontRowEventsG en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 13 16 Front Row Events Group is a Sydney (Australia) based corporate hospitality agent and event management company. 14 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 86531763 Brad Smith bjtsmith en Perth WA Perth 0 47 20 116 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 205277915 e-dm edmdmcopy en Melbourne, Australia Sydney 0 34 83 Direct marketing copywriters tweeting about direct marketing copy and other random stuff. 85 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 197278331 Thomas Spicer Apster5000 en 0 18 415 Its just little ol' me talk to me if u want or not easy come easy go 121 0 190587696 Danger Man Dangerman_2 en Brisbane, QLD Brisbane 0 63 1791 If you think you know me, you're wrong, I don't even know myself most days 96 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 28262565 Dahna Borg Exhibitek en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 717 237 If you need any assistance call us on 1300 888 785. We will be more than happy to help you with any of your display needs. 1548 37 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 39220328 TheNileAU en Sydney Sydney 0 444 594 Immerse Yourself... With great prices, fast shipping and over 5.5 million listings, is the place to buy books online! Tweets are from Lisa 1536 27 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20406980 Samantha Shipstone sammy210484 en Brisbane 0 37 51 26years old, studying Civil & Enviro Engineering. Just taking life as it comes 108 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 17641842 sheakelly sheakelly en Sydney 21 246 62 0 New South Wales Australia 171776549 GLEEK! IGottaGleekOut en William McKinley High ;) Hawaii 102 384 as you can see, I LOVE GLEE! the only reason i joined twitter was because the GLEE CAST ARE ON TWITTER!! 168 6 24650685 REIWA REIWA en Perth Perth 0 548 309 The Real Estate Institute of Western Australia runs the largest local real estate site - 272 15 Perth Western Australia Australia 179082827 soletosolereflexolo Quinnysoletosol en Adelaide SA Aust Melbourne 52 46 Self Employed Mobile Reflexologist/Nurse..I live and work in Adelaide SA 431 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 205651433 One Stop Resume Shop OSResumeShop en Brisbane, Australia 0 12 45 We specialise in writing stand-out job applications: CV's, cover letters & Selection Criteria - Getting you shortlisted for an interview. 83 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 93786592 Tim Michell tim_michell en 0 115 189 380 5 188942103 Bori Cser boribear en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 19 110 87 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 165598442 AG Security Group AGSecurityGroup en Australia Adelaide 0 265 387 AG Security Group provides integrated electronic and perimeter security products/services and manpower to a diverse range of government and commercial clients. 460 6 Australia 174185766 Tim Stewart tgs1423 en Brisbane 5 26 I am a soon to be first time dad who loves tech stuff and tinkering. Tech is there to make my life easier! also love my football (soccer for non purists) 20 0 Queensland Australia 17982580 RichMatty RichMatty en Sydney Sydney 0 129 171 Family Man, Pie enthusiast, Lover of Food & all round nice guy. 525 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 128512883 Thomas Gasson Wazup52 en Australia Adelaide 0 164 202 This Is Thomas Gasson Thanks For Visiting My Twitter Page. Check Me Out On: 152 0 Australia 75195348 Ian Richards RichardsIan en Perth, Aus Perth 0 108 34 Property Manager. Lateral thinker- there's always an easier way to do it! Proud of my 3 children & their accomplishments. 97 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 34560139 Thalia Botsis ThaliaBotsis en 0 8 2 32 0 28440123 Moderntag ingjeff en Brisbane Brisbane 0 5 8 8 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 26697581 Amber Jablonskis ambercol en Sydney Sydney 67 101 450 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 190101068 On The Border OTBorder en SYD, ADL, PER, BNE, MEL Sydney 0 63 998 On The Border is Michael Jeremy, who in various guises is a Public Speaker, Immigration Guru and Competition swimmer. Interests: demography, food, POP! etc. 174 5 37872422 Christopher Green ChrisGreen3737 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 82 180 Advisory 390 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 93605377 Cheryl Heggen chezzaheggen en Melbourne Victoria Australia Melbourne 0 8 62 18 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 195231623 Pippa Savage pip_savage en 5 0 26 1 205616000 sgc6368 SGC6368 en Barton ACT 2600 Canberra 1 0 7 0 205552776 state election stateelection en 0 54 146 VOTE NOW for your party in the Victorian State Election 2010 339 1 26680351 Shane Trimby TheCairnsAgent en Cairns NQ Australia Brisbane 0 193 1093 The #1 Agent For Cairns, sometimes Irreverent sometimes intelligent selling real estate in Cairns QLD Australia. Follow me & I will follow you.... 597 10 34194820 Robert Geller RIGPlumbing en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 14 51 40 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22888616 Jarratt Horton Jarratt_Horton en -42.882224,147.333865 Hobart 0 108 1281 Aussie bloke, Hobart football Club, Beltas Cricket Club, loves friends, travel, family, adrenaline, new opportunities and new experiences! 206 4 202165742 Aaron Malouf Aaronmal en Right here, right now Sydney 2 18 26 0 Unknown 57817181 Matt Ryan theborla en Northern Territory Darwin 0 28 44 120 0 Northern Territory Australia 175003868 Charlene Jacob charlenejacob en Sydney 0 20 1 125 0 New South Wales Australia 203826100 Timothy James Dalton timothyjdalton en 3 0 10 0 35922419 Annette Curry Nettie_2601 en Brisbane 0 36 67 Mama mia 206 0 Queensland Australia 128453383 Allison Langdon AllisonLangdon en 0 348 8 135 7 131960782 emmaelizabethBIEBER. BieberIsL0V3 en where in the world AM i? Central Time (US & Canada) 0 465 912 I dedicate everything I have to Justin Bieber, because he deserves more than any of us. He's worked the hardest out of anyone, and i'll be there for him . (: 1043 43 Unknown 22987473 nicole munro nikkichick70 en brisbane, australia Brisbane 0 45 99 if you hold onto the handle, she said, it's easier to maintain the illusion of control ...but it's more fun if you just let the wind carry you 130 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 89902305 Paul Salanitri Paul_Salanitri en Earth Brisbane 0 33 398 139 4 Unknown 197219398 Meri Mitkovski merimit09 en 0 4 4 65 0 146147319 Fan Misery FanMisery en Playing Field Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 1153 1065 iPhone Apps, developed by Discover Motion, for the sports obsessed. Everything you need for all MLB, NHL, NFL & NBA teams! 2001 15 36783170 One Small Planet NML140 en Australia Sydney 0 729 449 What used to take days, even weeks, now happens in an instant. New Media League 1844 45 Australia 72829783 Daniel Newman iNewmanator en Perth. WA Perth 0 109 417 Marketing/PR Professional. Volunteer Combat Fire Fighter & Emergency Medical Response. Loves sleeping-in on weekends. 140 11 Perth Western Australia Australia 32476781 Jay Gaywood JayG1977 en 0 9 114 22 0 203078123 K.I.T.T KR_Kitt en 0 291 32 Knight Industries Two Thousand 1631 4 205186982 Bill Simpkins wills1947 en Brisbane 0 1 10 0 Queensland Australia 110125969 UQ Law Society UQLS en UQ Brisbane 0 41 28 The UQLS is a student-run organisation which aims to further the interests of law students in a variety of ways. 75 2 142821388 Luke Munro Lukiedukie96 en Holland Park, Brisbane Brisbane 8 6 92 0 205208107 Julian Raeside julianraeside en Adelaide Adelaide 0 2 1 9 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 23728507 Les Hall AdMarketingAust en QUEENSLAND AUSTRALIA Brisbane 0 616 285 Les Hall is the CEO of Queensland (Australia) Based Marketing and Advertising Consultancy AdMarketing Australia. Refer 1615 24 Queensland Australia 182278262 Breeze Madison Dillo Gorillaz_r_madd en 0 13 187 :) just another teenage girl 34 0 75254569 Patrick Hall PJTHall en new delhi india Sydney 0 14 12 81 0 New Delhi India 182683125 Adrian Gissara AGissara en Melbourne Melbourne 0 68 347 292 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 47315712 Pei Wang lovepeipei en Sydney 0 17 16 28 0 New South Wales Australia 11149982 Hazel Mon sistahazeyhaze en Australia Brisbane 0 88 1077 5ft tall chick. Made in the Philippines. Product of Australia. Passionate about Mental Health and Social Change 163 0 Australia 205023808 Rynohere rynohere en Hawaii 0 0 1 9 0 Unknown 36219437 Sam Barrett Rexatangle en Sydney 18 74 172 0 New South Wales Australia 49526876 Danielle Cronin DanielleCronin2 en Sydney Hawaii 4 0 44 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 58960041 Hayley Pyne hayleypyne en Sydney Hawaii 7 5 Photographer - Food writer - Philanthropist 48 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 204279576 COR Health and Rehab CORHealth en Brisbane & Gold Coast Brisbane 0 231 51 COR Health specialises in Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Whiplash, Work Injuries, Sports Injuries, Arthritis, Pain Management, Weight Loss and Core Exercise! 812 12 64826685 Malcolm Langford resminex en Adelaide Adelaide 0 21 1 CPA Business Consultant MYOB Certified Consultant ACN Independent Representative 81 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 103779080 Louise Gates LouPNMelbourne en Melbourne 0 32 55 108 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 116648707 Wealthfarm WealthfarmGroup en Gold Coast Brisbane 0 180 79 Wealthfarm offers professional Financial Planning, Accounting, Finance and Buyers Agent because we care about you and your family's total financial well being. 921 2 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 41235897 Chevelle Hibberd mrsvelle en Canberra Canberra 0 189 3032 Energy company web bunny, interested in social media, web design, fashion and shopping (just to keep it interesting!) 68 5 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 168895477 Daizahhhh(: iDaizahBieber en Grovetown,Ga Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 1099 2563 There's gonna be times when people tell you that you can't live your dreams, this is what I tell'em...NEVER SAY NEVER ♥.. (: I follow back if you ask :D 1967 46 153573224 tiare fretes tiarefretes es Asunción-Paraguay Quito 0 602 3819 Hey everyone! I´m Tiare Fretes I ♡ Justin Drew Bieber! caitlin & christian beadles♥ BELIEBER 4 EVER ! 1999 57 126751481 Ailin Andrade AilinBieber12 es argentina Atlantic Time (Canada) 0 278 111 My name is Aileen and I live in Argentina, I love the music of Justin Bieber'm not a crazy fan, I love my family and friends. I love having fun. ♥ 1228 3 177412469 Noa barak noni_bieber en Greenland 0 808 2313 U sMiLe I sMiLe :-) I HAVE BIEBER FEVER !!!!!!! follow me, i follow back :-) 1955 31 Unknown 165944285 mihaela ela6442 en 0 307 518 1358 10 126722514 sarah sarah1jacquot1 fr FRANCE Paris 0 78 24 HELLO JE MAPPELLE SARAH JAI 13 ANS ET JAIMERAIS ETRE CHANTEUSE CAR SES MA PASSION DE CHANTER ET JADORE SA SLVP REGARDER MES VIDEO SUR YOU TUBE. AUREVOIR 397 3 France 172293628 Bieber's gιÑâ„“ xxYUVALxx en @LittleYdash Quito 0 870 2905 Please Follow My new account @LittleYdash . Love is god & God is love . Love is when you lay down your life for another 1995 111 191952972 Justin_Is_My_Love BiebersShawty32 en Belgrade 0 172 233 374 2 181308706 Dasha Dashe4ka19 en 0 72 7 =P 329 10 161806071 Alliahj akaapple619 en Central Time (US & Canada) 0 339 3108 I am a huge fan of micheal jackson and i love him with all my heart,John Cena my fav wrestler then Randy Orton the Viper and love EDGE! & spear all the way.. 1249 7 United States 193684253 JulliOgol Julliogol en Greenland 0 670 1067 I'm Ukrainian Belieber!and I love only him ... I hope to come to his concert, but in general I want to meet him! I love you Justin! Never say never! 2000 3 Unknown 168146146 nastja257 nastja257 en slovenia 0 308 26 just do what you want ;) 1414 18 150849686 elikenn rojas forero elikennbieber es Central Time (US & Canada) 0 596 39 1991 33 United States 204817404 alfonso requena fonsireq es 5 0 50 0 190614604 getasolarquote getasolarquote en Australia 0 258 24 We will provide you with 3 Obligation free Quotes for solar power or solar hot water!If there are some things you don't quite know, the answer will be here! 779 15 Australia 187536149 miri mirooshsmile en Israel Greenland 0 443 304 Hi all my name is miri I dance hip-hop & dance addict Well I have become addicted to the computer even when I started talking with kierst u amazing girl!!..:) 1251 3 Israel 189331175 Simon Breheny Simon_Breheny en Melbourne Melbourne 0 14 53 67 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 140782247 PhotoLand^^ Love2makephotos en New York, NY Greenland 28 78 Name: Endi Surname: - I ♥ Alba I ♥ Klevvi I ♥ MegI Obsessed with : Justin Bieber Adore to : MAKE PHOTOS Has a crush on : Axxxx.Dxxx 74 5 New York City New York United States 200118386 Arthur DcGti es Porto Alegre BRA Greenland 0 16 38 Eu sou o Arthur! 109 0 165531605 camila bieber _camila_bieber es Bieber Hearth Buenos Aires 0 165 916 im very big fan of justin bieber im a belieber !!!! and a im big!! fan of michael jackson 437 24 173127598 ÇaÄŸla Özgül CaglaOzgul en Atlantic Time (Canada) 24 124 84 0 153580316 Darren Bacchus Darren_Bacchus en Adelaide, South Australia 6 0 63 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 204023197 Geni Genoveva Geni1234 es Brasilia 0 60 39 0 Brazil 194117753 Danielle_slove big_smileXP en israel :D Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 1064 377 justin bieber the best singer in the WORLD [: 14.4.11 ? bieber here ! ♥ 1985 194 191012846 Nic Russell n_russ en Melbourne 5 40 80 0 Victoria Australia 159035966 Robbie AceRobbie en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 18 11 88 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 52963507 Marc Bennie marcbennie en sydoknee Hawaii 0 119 366 a marketing guy who gets his kicks from stuff like sport, travel, booze, good times and clambering up garbage piles. talk to me people... 616 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 130504997 kirsten jelinek Eurasianlove en australia Sydney 15 11 I love penguin books, so addictive. I love that bianca girl, she makes me laugh when i least expect it. I love anything that makes me smile, or is green (: 86 0 Australia 202447311 David Masters mastersofdavid en Canberra Hawaii 0 78 204 Interested in the intersection between technology, public policy and the political process 338 2 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 204728127 Jacob Sadler jacobpaulsadler en 0 2 36 19 0 142580465 meghann MeghannAugustus en Melbourne 0 55 68 147 1 Victoria Australia 182344240 Earl W E Squirrelson E_Squirrelson en Gold Coast Brisbane 43 380 Surfer, traveller, reader of good books, hard worker, sometimes, hehe, if u want me to follow u, follow me and i will follow u!! :) 479 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 194151083 George Schnipper geolms en Moscow, Russia Moscow 0 32 550 TGIF 186 1 Moscow Russia 112038754 Elise Routledge eliseroutledge en Perth, Western Australia Perth 101 199 PR and Mass Communication student interested in human rights movements and environmental efforts. Have a life-long love affair with Nederland and Melbourne. 380 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 24494777 Sophia Roberts SophiaRoberts en Sydney, Australia Sydney 21 646 narelle knitted me a jumper. i wear it a lot 43 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 201664069 Justin Bret Zuo jbretzuo en philippines 0 4 37 im great,,hehe and im fifteen..please visit my website on facebook( thanks! 60 0 Philippines 204697703 Katrina Spadaro kspud711 en 0 2 1 9 0 138447494 tara mower tara1996star en uk(england) London 0 30 78 i live in england(UK) my dream is 2 someday become a singer coz i won my towns singing contest and i really luv singing if i can reach my dream i would be so .. 134 0 England United Kingdom 204678332 Amanda Roe amroe2 en Gold Coast Brisbane 1 0 7 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 167634930 Jim Simpson simo312 en Gold Coast Brisbane 11 163 130 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 167433647 MIRUSHA BAIBIEBERKZ en Kazakhstan,Aktobe Central Time (US & Canada) 0 190 475 surname isBaimuldina.i love Justin Bieber!love all of you!i love to sing!i want to be American pop singer! 827 1 25026525 natalie kurta nataliekurta en Hawaii 0 23 95 73 0 Unknown 96011808 annie hernandez hey_its_annie en CA Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 79 108 291 5 California United States 202949525 Kit Fletcher kitsa2000 en Here, There and Everwhere!!! Adelaide 0 93 5 916 3 149398570 Mike Dunn iogmike en Canberra, ACT, Australia 0 66 53 A conservative thinker with a strong bent for taking responsibility for your own actions. 137 2 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 150906303 JabbersHockey JabbersHockey en Southeastern Masssachusetts 0 13 35 Writer for covering recreational hockey in Boston. Equipment reviews, how-to an local events. Also run hockey blog. 52 1 200256626 Charlie And Lisa thefrasereses en 0 2 1 14 0 158722531 Cameron Nolan camnolan en Melbourne 0 16 2 103 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 112185192 JoannaJulia HhollywoodBaby en Poland / NY/Hollywood/La Greenland 0 254 2820 ☮ & ♥ & JUSTIN BIEBER 329 56 26371870 Kylee MsKyzz en Western Australia Perth 0 15 21 141 0 Western Australia Australia 32649946 David Riley DavidWRiley en Perth, Australia Perth 0 49 42 a very boring engineer with a lovely family and a small white dog 100 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 78156469 OMGBiebber PaaolaMeenddoza es Mexxico Mexico City 0 71 165 I 3 Justin Bieber & his follow me here en twitter :D 224 2 202034222 Luana Oliveria Luluzicca en Estados Unidos Greenland 0 19 36 Deus venha noos livrar de todo mal Amém! 113 2 202586240 Blair Hiruma blair1225hannah ja Tokyo/Vermont/Hawaii/London/ Tokyo 0 126 445 *speaking in japanese,english *playing guitar,piano *university student *learning korean,english *cody simpson followed me on 30/10/2010 514 2 165558798 Jesica Noeli YeAstrada es Buenos Aires 0 9 37 76 1 116000880 Gabriel Nuñez xGabooLovato es Argentina , Salta Buenos Aires 0 130 206 Hi ^^ I Love You Demi ! mm i'm speak spanish :D 761 4 Salta Argentina 126990214 Johaniitah D' Bieber johanita_bieber es venezuela Hawaii 77 123 Soy Muy divertida Amo REIR ADORO A MIS TRES MEJORES AMIGAS AJPG 4EVER 300 3 Venezuela 201360931 Allie Fred BieberHolic43 en Central Time (US & Canada) 0 261 370 hey ppl im allie i am 13 and a BIG BIEBER FAN! my best friend is @ townofbeliebers...and thats all i have to say :) follow me please 543 8 United States 79991316 Reegan Slack fiascodagama en M'door, Aus Hawaii 0 15 17 girls, guns, music and guitars. strait. 139 0 24062457 Joe Hildebrand Joe_Hildebrand en Australia Sydney 0 6195 3074 I have a blog at the Daily Telegraph and I need people to read it or I will be molested by hippies. Fortunately it is extremely funny. 3241 300 Australia 199129661 Brittany Shanahan SportOverloaded en 0 55 52 426 0 60529449 GO MALLONE SupportMallone en Canterbury City Council Sydney 0 77 1731 Mrs Magda Mallone requires the full apology she deserves from the corrupt Canterbury Council & the failures of the NSW Premier, Minister of Local Govt & MPs 339 2 23373814 Tom Buckley spurbuck en Sydney Sydney 1 1 44 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 156831916 Clinton Maynard ClintonLMaynard en Sydney 0 238 112 2UE Journalist, jack of all trades. Father of three inc Twin babies, Sharks tragic 199 12 Sydney New South Wales Australia 125190797 alison crosweller acrosweller en 37 0 125 1 95635922 Bruce Notley-Smith bnotleysmith en Coogee, Sydney, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 39 53 Bruce Notley-Smith is the Liberal candidate for the seat of Coogee. 41 3 46583706 Simone Martin Cinnamon_25 en Hawaii 0 31 60 Fun loving girl from country Victoria. Just about to finish my uni degree after 4 years of hard work! Love all things holden, bundy rum, friends and music! :) 162 0 Unknown 197232642 InvestorRefunds InvestorRefunds en Australia 0 29 12 Commission refunds for investors & personal insurance. Fully licensed by ASIC 208 0 Australia 14521093 Strider1 Strider1 en -42.98104,147.305738 Hobart 0 206 984 bushwalker, volleyballer, blues, roosters & red devils my family 807 16 204483270 Bruno Bouchet BrunoBBouchet en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 199 380 Award-winning Producer with The Kyle & Jackie O Show / Arrogant Frenchman / Once got humped by a Labrador on a beach / Worked front counter at McDonald's 453 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 199875940 Barb Grant BabsNation en Melbourne Melbourne 0 74 676 Likes: President Obama, just for bursting the Left’s smug. And cats. Dislikes: The phrase, “Tributes poured in...†and low sodium V8 Juice. Still. 107 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 26738483 Hamish Macdonald hamish6PM en World London 0 1877 1219 Senior Foreign Correspondent & Presenter, Ten Network Australia 237 159 Unknown 19381327 Tony Diamond VegasTonyD en Las Vegas Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 2144 3895 Professional Handicapper and Sport Betting Advisor Since 1991...17 Consecutive winning seasons... E-mail: 2330 40 Las Vegas Nevada United States 52018839 Natalie mum5boyz en Australia Melbourne 0 85 154 158 1 Australia 204326434 Jacob Traeger traegs89 en 0 1 1 14 0 85011021 Raphael Haddad PashaRaph en Sydney Hawaii 0 8 37 Hi I'm Raph. I can be a Mate, bro, man, cuz and lad. Peace 14 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 17987586 CarolineTan CarolineTan en Sunny Sydney Hawaii 0 14 Live Laugh Love 14 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 50280221 Michael Bovell michaelbovell en Perth 0 24 47 118 0 Western Australia Australia 193927117 Keith Conlon KeithConlon en Adelaide Adelaide 0 448 691 Mr South Australia ...yeah right Trainee Radio Legend FIVEaa Postcards Host NWS 9 443 14 Adelaide South Australia Australia 17935718 Pogmohoin pogmohoin en Canberra 0 219 1720 What does Rural NSW have in common with Silicon Valley .. Absolutely Nothing.. Say it Again! Always Realistic with a Pinch Optimism 163 5 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 136556091 Rob Ferris rsferris en Brisbane 11 1 I'm a 22-year-old criminology student from Brisbane, Australia. 47 0 Queensland Australia 193283492 Gelati Gecko gelatigecko en 2 0 14 0 24301589 leda sant ledasant en Hawaii 0 5 15 252 0 Unknown 198798242 Royce Beale ozzybuilder en Sunshine Coast, Qld, Australia Brisbane 0 28 26 Family man, Builder, Entrepeneur & Part-time Philosopher in that order 111 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 95873040 matthewhampe matt8151 en 0 21 44 236 0 187453066 Alfa Business Serv alfabiz en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 3 6 Alfa Business Services offers acc & bookkeeping services to small & medium business. We can save you TIME, FRUSTRATION and MONEY - at a very affordable cost. 30 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 176679096 Pat McGrath McGrathPat en Sydney 32 68 218 0 New South Wales Australia 111496004 Olympic Ultras OlympicUltras en Belmore Sports Ground Hawaii 0 212 58 They are situated behind the eastern goals of Belmore Sports Ground 1322 2 176274531 AusCivics AusCivics en Australia Sydney 0 12 25 Our mission is to bring awareness to all Australians of the impact of the democratic structure which governs our privileged Australian way of life. 95 0 Australia 185076970 Hugh McDermott hugh_mcdermott en Sydney Sydney 0 147 111 Hugh is a Barrister & Senior Lecturer in Law at the Australian Graduate School of Policing. A former NSW AWU Official, he was an ALP Senate Candidate in 2010. 594 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 199598006 Jessica Mendaja onlinesalonau en Leederville, Perth, west AU Hawaii 0 484 488 Buy Contact Lenses save 50% off from! Look for wide ranges of contact lenses for sale in Australia as well as hair extensions clips. 1977 10 Leederville Western Australia Australia 169804331 michael inman mickinman en Canberra, Australia 35 0 Canberra Times, Journalist. 72 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 204152720 Damned Impertinence DamImpertinence en Out of body 0 22 23 Precocious someteen with strident political views and clunky attempts at prose. 193 0 47507195 Exisle Publishing ExisleBooks en Australia Hawaii 0 808 539 Great reads, great prices. Like you, we love books! 1178 74 Australia 22853092 Fiona Gamble Feestar en Brisvegas Brisbane 0 46 552 I hate vinegar. 243 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 4264601 Adam Faulkner Faulkner en Sydney 0 19 47 71 0 New South Wales Australia 161215088 Ivonne Sanchez 2xxfm en Canberra, Australia International Date Line West 0 54 62 Música en español y algo más los miercoles a las 19:30 hrs. en el 98.3 FM 2xx 177 2 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 93969323 Julie Jordan-Ely juliejordanely en Melbourne Melbourne 0 40 56 continence specialist, community development worker, youth worker; travelled throughout US , NZ and Australia with Nunyara Program 286 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 27427402 Amanda Bennett Missmanda3 en Adelaide Adelaide 26 159 60 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 169232994 Tony Lottery LotteryResult4u en Australia Melbourne 0 597 389 Providing Australian and International Lottery Results sign up and receive 2 free tickets 1717 15 Australia 203861305 Joe Tex joetex69 en Adelaide 0 7 3 53 0 South Australia Australia 203850471 Jenny Mason JennyMas2010 en Hawaii 0 1 1 7 0 Unknown 39933626 James Michell jrmichell en Sydney 23 16 108 0 New South Wales Australia 199227026 Brad Booth Boothtweet en Hawaii 13 0 76 0 Unknown 104388940 Charlotttee Lockee Lockiiee_ en New South Wales, Australiaa Sydney 0 57 11 Charlotteee ♥ help me out, i dont know what im doing :| 634 0 New South Wales Australia 49271610 Deb Peters aGypsy1 en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 19 166 My name is Deb, prefer Gypsy bests discribe me. I idolise PINK, DEMI & OPRAH. Just me and my cat Charlee. Love connecting to new people over the world 81 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 145855541 Safety Ba6 SafetyBa6 en Victoria Melbourne 0 72 49 Training & Consulting Getting you home safe to play Online Quailifications in Cert III cert IV, Diploma and Adv Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety 334 4 Victoria Australia 24662434 Chris Inness tophonline en Townsville Brisbane 38 350 130 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 189853622 Paul Forbes 4bz001 en Australia 0 10 10 98 0 Australia 120494373 Marcel Myrick MarcelElsewhere en Brooklyn, New York Brisbane 0 72 122 Elsewhere w/Marcel Myrick, is airs Saturdays and Sundays at 11am. 395 2 Brooklyn New York United States 66974384 Chris Edwards sockovich en 0 16 99 38 0 194456844 Joshua Smith Politocrat en 0 0 41 0 197639556 Gabby Salter GabbySalter en Sydney 0 2 13 0 New South Wales Australia 177800095 Ben Coates bengcoates en Hawaii 0 53 19 99 2 Unknown 198408008 Andrew AN__29 en melbourne 0 40 423 Do yourself a favour and follow me!! 146 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 21730026 anna branchflower annabow en australia 0 27 114 206 1 Australia 43090075 Andrea Chapple Andrea_Chaps en Brisbane Hawaii 0 345 584 I need direction to perfection.. 1780 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 19899849 Julia Mitchell eMediaRealty en Australia Sunshine Coast Brisbane 0 11741 1905 Excellence Realty Social Media Consultants for Real Estate Professionals. 8340 157 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 192851557 Sam Paterson sammypaterson en Central Coast, NSW 0 29 134 72 0 Gosford New South Wales Australia 24665361 Rose Brown rosna en Victoria Australia Melbourne 0 154 832 Graphic & Website Designer, WordPress fanatic, Font-aholic, Photographer, Writer, Music Hoarder, Daydreamer. 109 12 Victoria Australia 62465918 Steeeeeeeeeeeeephhh. nayaholicgleek en it's on the map Sydney 0 703 359 Gleek. All you need to know is i love; Glee, Naya Rivera,St George Illawarra and Amy Meredith. But Glee is my breathing apparatus. Without it, i DIE!!!!! 1995 68 194515417 Carl Ziebell carlziebell en Ivanhoe, Melbourne Sydney 0 192 20 Liberal Candidate for Ivanhoe State Election 2010 - Standing for A Fresh Start for Ivanhoe! 851 8 196119413 Adam Sexton Seco05 en adelaide 0 5 10 17 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 199286398 robert dessau 4luvofgov en Eastern Time (US & Canada) 72 0 1448 0 United States 140203665 Cathy Frankel Frankies79 en Melbourne 0 33 213 Retired Globetrotter and now happy Melbourne girl! 98 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 145994778 Chris Burke Skurfer1 en 0 8 2 95 0 60016312 Canberra Country MF canberracountry en 0 104 33 Canberra's own country music festival, exhibition and muster. 335 3 163072391 Paul Dyson pommydice en Sydney 0 29 301 Living in Australia, moved here in 96 with family. English, love sport and my teams are obviously England, Man United, EELS and Swans! 196 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 44045390 James Adams jadams00 en 0 17 6 147 0 59908533 Will Spry WillSpry en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 83 451 I'm living a full life, A husband to Amms, Father to Ori, Serving in a fantastic church. Music Teacher. Player of the Drums 220 1 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 25800535 Cherie Nicholl cherienicholl en Sydney Sydney 29 137 67 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 185068401 nikkita c mcdonnell nikkitacheyenne en mt gambier Hawaii 0 379 89 hey im nikkita i follow back soo. you know follow me plus I LOVE JUSTIN BIEBER SOO MUCH c:c:c:c:c:c:c: 1238 27 35138860 Quincy Pasquale Aireys en Australia Melbourne 0 35 218 The answer to all the problems in the world can be found in nature. Problem is we are too busy destroying nature. 151 2 Australia 48134238 Peter Keay pmkeay en Brisbane Brisbane 1 36 Dr Cock'n'balls 84 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 166508082 Houri Gabrielian hourigabrielian en Sydney, Australia Sydney 13 3 109 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 23163182 Patrick G McDonald PatGMcDonald en Sydney Hawaii 0 52 264 Rugby League tragic and media mogul in waiting........ politically incorrect and producer of dangerous ideas 384 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 35203559 TooTTi FruiTTi ToottiFruitti en Australia Brisbane 0 39 1040 140 1 Australia 174166431 Mitchell Durie mitchdurie1 en 0 2 8 29 0 189840179 Jenny Jafari JennyJafari en sydney Sydney 0 108 15 Hi Im a celebrity personal trainer I love health and fitness Just wake up grateful every morning.Love giving people motivation to be the best they can be !! 56 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 178615033 Joe Ns TheBestGuide4U en 0 7 10 76 0 52868680 Chris Tyso79 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 53 70 Secondary teacher, North Sydney. Big fan of ICT in education. 154 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 191046741 Big Boss evilgaijin en 0 9 41 I like katsu curry 41 0 202879815 Keith SA SaveKeithHosptl en Keith SA Adelaide 0 55 295 90 0 87395643 Matt Thistlethwaite MThistlethwaite en Sydney, NSW Hawaii 0 566 538 Matt is a NSW Senator elect 118 51 Sydney New South Wales Australia 61741139 Kellie King keleeki en Australia Sydney 0 11 117 56 0 Australia 18373323 Alistair D alistairdrake en Brisbane, AU Brisbane 0 67 263 Politics, Work and People all interest me. 92 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 23666052 Neil Patchett NSWMaritime en New South Wales, Australia Sydney 0 843 490 supporting safe boating 1407 25 New South Wales Australia 30580405 goodbyemotel goodbyemotel en behind you Melbourne 0 135 572 melbourne band. 396 11 Unknown 202882708 Geoffrey Jizzenhard GJizzenhard en Canberra 0 3 68 Professor Geoffrey Jizzenhard BPhil., Ph.D. Member of the ruling elite, Toff. WARNING: Contains vulgar language 54 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 40745878 Justin Thor Hoyer jthoyer en Sydney, AUS Sydney 0 61 135 Infitately Curious. 188 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 202892035 Colin Baldwin Col_Baldwin en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 55 48 Journalist, NBN News 157 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 196063263 SEA SEA_AUS en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 66 42 Sustainable Energy Association of Australia (SEA) - one of Australia’s largest energy chambers. 109 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 153755976 Michael Gaskin mpg1681 en 16 0 105 0 202928743 Hockey Net hockeynetblog en Canada 0 108 216 Your trusted and most reliable source for hockey reporting. 945 6 Canada 28276082 michaele michaele334 en Sydney 0 38 88 145 0 New South Wales Australia 16882167 Pinko kerrylouise en Sydney Canberra 0 92 136 School; Uni; Politics; Event management; Politics; Politics; Politics; Politics; Politics; NGO sector;....what is next? 299 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 51969297 Jeremy A Smith jezzsmith en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 106 576 Amazing love, how can it be that Christ my God would die for me? --this is life. Married to Liz, social worker by trade. Love the Tour de France 189 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 202133429 Corey Stevens giveitaday en Adelaide 10 0 121 0 South Australia Australia 44559480 Palin Communications PalinComm en Sydney Sydney 0 335 232 Palin Communications is a specialist health-focused public relations agency with experience in the health, medical, biotech & natural therapy sectors 859 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 130678046 RayWhite NewProjects RWNewProjects en Brisbane Hawaii 0 86 41 Ray White Bulimba New Projects specialises in property development project sales, sale of development sites, and consulting 54 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 202648867 Entre Rugbiers EntreRugbiers es Santiago 0 34 15 204 0 Chile 202643749 Tom Mirco tommirco en Perth 0 7 7 27 0 Western Australia Australia 15816291 leonard clarke deadlyjackflash en kikkabush Aboriginal community Melbourne 0 362 427 Aboriginal Australian involved in native title and advancement in human rights, sits on Aboriginal Court, interests IT and all things web. 2001 7 202614138 Stacey Adams staceychick23 en Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 17 53 44 0 United States 43843589 Nigel Paxton Rainking2010 en Brisbane Qld Australia Brisbane 0 147 760 Music Lover, Traveler, Hard worker, Family Man. 681 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 80508232 Red Rebel Music redrebelmusic en Australia Sydney 0 43 107 ... for the love of music! 173 2 Australia 85577327 catherine catwilson132 en uk 0 515 2840 2000 42 United Kingdom 54514713 Anthony Mazzoni anthonymazzoni en 3 0 31 0 127692921 Costumebox CostumeBoxAU en Australia Sydney 0 805 281 Australia's biggest and best costume store...Over 3000 different costumes in stock right now. Check us out @ 1952 44 Australia 77955384 Lynsey Reilly LynseyReilly en Central West NSW West Central Africa 0 80 222 Recently moved to the Ivory Coast,PR lover taking an ex-pat break, wife, mummy, food & wine junkie, lover of good coffee, world traveler in the making. 189 1 Gosford New South Wales Australia 190923967 Parliament Secretary parlysecretary en 0 27 25 The Twitter account of The Parliamentary Secretary. The blog of a journalism student interested in politics 76 0 19172137 Ann Byrne annb99 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 177 2740 An American in Melbourne, Australia 18 years now yessiree. H3. Cats. Event organiser. Sometime runner. Read Slaughterhouse 5, A M Smith, Harry Potter, Obama... 298 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 133137322 Byron Bateson byzbateson en Busselton Perth 0 23 76 i still watch 90's Australian Children's Shows 233 0 Busselton Western Australia Australia 202477503 Rhea Dhillon rheadhillon en 0 6 2 24 0 42192638 Philip Thomas PhilipMThomas en Sydney Sydney 0 1652 172 Real Estate & Property Development expert. Author: Profit from Property: your step-by-step guide to successful real estate development. Passionate surfer!!! 1892 14 Sydney New South Wales Australia 135839166 StudyFinder studyfinder1 en Australia Brisbane 0 191 420 Helping you the student find the right you options to choose from... 548 1 Australia 16902660 Andrew Mosey AndrewMosey en New South Wales, Australia Sydney 0 811 2941 The sucker who keeps running. Into Rugby, Cricket, Technology, Social media, Politics, DataWarehousing and Beer. 441 45 New South Wales Australia 184709411 Sydney Flights flightsydney en australia 0 129 115 Learn more about the sights of Sydney and what's on! 704 5 Australia 116054145 em3 Australia em3_Australia en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 566 75 Managed DataCentre Hosting and High Availability Solutions for Australian Businesses. 1997 21 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22573758 Uni of Adelaide UniofAdelaide en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 1714 1115 Official Twitter profile of the University of Adelaide. Tweets about what's happening and answering your questions about uni. 375 92 Adelaide South Australia Australia 111968629 Peter North Stars PeterNorthStars en New York, NY Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 237 61 Peter North's Official Hockey Team!!! 1206 1 New York City New York United States 201237780 viclib2010 viclib2010 en Hawaii 6 11 94 0 Unknown 133590983 Helen hmcoyne en Brisbane 0 29 88 103 2 Queensland Australia 202131276 Martin Greig martinggc en Gold Coast, Queensland Brisbane 0 2 3 Retailer, Business Owner, Entrepreneur...Making it happen! 10 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 72549881 Katie McMullen K8ie_Mac en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 60 1805 113 2 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 198823943 Damian Young dam_young en Melbourne Melbourne 0 256 414 Angry, green, random, WRONG... Has layers, likes a beer, usually followed by handstands. 971 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 17360855 Chris Chris__au en Hawaii 17 0 53 0 Unknown 180291203 Ben O'Neill BennyONeill en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 133 522 I'm 22 & actively seeking my spot in the wider football media. I have a comms degree (m/ PR & Journalism) & cont. to The Socceroos stole my heart. 197 10 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 193260205 Brad Ellis bradssong en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 42 88 Songwriter and worship leader, passionate about social justice and caring for the most marginalised. 73 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 128788721 STUART Beadel BIGnosestu en Brisbane 0 57 464 A Cricket Fanatic..... 591 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 194035063 Peta Field PetaMDF en AUSTRALIA Hawaii 0 117 122 The best wife, proud Mum, business woman and forever an optimist. Love my life and all that's in it! Oh and I love French champagne too! 890 0 Australia 139002944 Tim Yeoh TimYeoh en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 17 0 94 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 20632663 Melanie Jewell meljewell en Sydney, Australia Melbourne 66 139 283 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 124002637 Arcadia RFS Brigade ArcadiaRFB en ÜT: -33.794499,151.089624 Hawaii 0 56 210 Welcome to the official Twitter Feed of Arcadia Rural Fire Brigade. Never rely on Arcadia RFB Twitter updates in the event of an emergency situation. 110 0 118333520 Luke M CounsellorLuke en Australia Sydney 0 25 429 51 1 Australia 87364479 Insights Magazine Insightsmag en Australia Hawaii 0 118 573 154 6 Australia 13808562 michaelcollins michaelcollins en Hawaii 0 48 1331 Disclaimer: Views expressed are personal. 187 4 Unknown 52394234 FutureAge Care FutureAgeCare en Australia Sydney 0 1246 1173 Lifestyle and leisure services, activities and resources for residential aged care providers, dementia and adults with a disability in long term nursing care. 1873 56 Australia 21062457 Dr Edwina Luck EddieL en BrisVegas Brisbane 0 646 240 QUT Brisbane: Marketing Senior Lecturer, social network researcher, ADMA Board member & cat slave. 1136 8 Brisbane Queensland Australia 36887940 Shane Jansz shanejansz en Melbourne Melbourne 0 43 80 278 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 181365771 Jim Gray Fastjimmy040 en Sydney Australia 0 485 464 A corporate comedy magician that performs all over Australia and overseas. I am very lucky to have a job where i get paid to make people laugh and feel good. 2000 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181009080 Stephen Cordina SCORDINA en 0 3 20 46 0 106565265 Leslie_McEwan Leslie_McEwan en Brisbane 0 3 2 14 0 Queensland Australia 114418788 Ernest Igual ejcigual en Sydney Sydney 0 30 267 I roast coffee and I run, though not necessarily together. My tweets here are my own, and have nothing to do with my employer, who shall remain anonymous. b^.^d 240 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 112959641 Vishnu Prasad sustainer92 en Neyveli/Thanjavur Chennai 0 48 284 No one is Left alone in this world there is always a person following you Twitter 144 0 33415215 Thomas O'Brien tjobr en Perth Perth 0 513 1685 VMA | 20 | Australia | Dance 218 12 Perth Western Australia Australia 64392300 rebecca matthews becmatthews1980 en Melbourne 0 77 211 440 0 Victoria Australia 45302219 Natalie Mitchell NattyMitchell en Australia Brisbane 0 32 347 605 0 Australia 31029663 TimArvier TimArvier en 0 27 2 208 0 200446783 Jason Bates iluvcowcorner en Berrima NSW Sydney 8 97 62 0 199150289 Briar Rose _Briar_Rose en Melbourne 1 0 58 0 Victoria Australia 65035052 Natalie Mignone nataliemignone en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 94 1055 Someone trying to save the planet! -- It starts with us! - Michael Jackson 344 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 642163 Rod lavo96 en Perth, Australia Perth 0 90 510 Trying to be green, lean and be content with who I am :-) 157 3 Perth Western Australia Australia 117340291 Bruce Clark lcf_au en Brookfield Melbourne 0 36 140 211 0 Brookfield Victoria Australia 134670771 Lisa Drought writeoption en Melbourne Victoria Melbourne 4 22 Mum to Will and Archie, writer, wife and learning to love the ride. 265 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 201624254 Josh Wye josh_wye en Australia 0 19 23 20 year old law and science student. Sport fanatic. Love my NRL, NFL, Cricket, Soccer, Tennis, Golf.. Avid movie buff. Into the paranormal 146 0 Australia 14989382 David Clark dclark_spc en Launceston, Tas Hobart 0 31 177 58 0 Launceston Tasmania Australia 174952059 barclaycrawford barclaycrawford en Sydney Sydney 0 62 80 Journalist, The Sunday Telegraph 185 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 201551685 Scottie Douglas ScooterDougie en Canada 0 0 1 I like hooooccckkkkkkkeeeyyyyyyy yeahahahahhaha.... gypsies are low life scum bags so fuck em and by the way i like bagels 5 0 Canada 192795315 Anna Hilton anna_hilton en brisbane Brisbane 0 52 54 130 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 201444023 ashley scott ashley_scott69 en 0 198 6439 306 1 84196390 Cliff Rogers MisterCliff en Australia Brisbane 0 56 490 144 0 Australia 35191609 oscar germino ogermino en Sydney 8 90 95 0 New South Wales Australia 27143719 Tony Albicocco TheSponge02 en on a island... Quito 0 194 150 1972 1 145628416 afarrellyrogers afarrellyrogers en Hawaii 0 21 269 177 0 Unknown 201374468 Hockey Coach DaHockeyCoach en Arena, Toronto, Canada 0 6 32 Hockey Dad, Hockey Coach, Hockey Fan, Hockey Player, oh, and I love Hockey 18 0 169033713 Aust clubbers expo Austclubexpo en GOLD COAST 0 633 210 THE EVENT THATS ALL ABOUT NIGHTLIFE & TOURISM COMING MARCH 2011.. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BOOK IN AS AN EXHIBITOR CHECK OUT OUR SITE THIS IS MASSIVE! 2001 30 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 15395212 Doug Pfeffer canuck9 en Gig Harbor, WA Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 13 57 Raised in Canada, but now living in Gig Harbor, WA. Married with great wife and kids. Hockey fan through and through. Nothing else matters 79 0 Gig Harbor Washington United States 20567275 Julian Carl jagpartners en 0 5 4 6 0 196551590 Jem10 runaday en 0 15 1 154 0 18387587 Matthew Evans MatthewEvans1 en Melbourne 0 89 11 All aspects of property renovation and investment, bodybuilding & nutrition, Sarah, science technology, V8 Supercars and Formula 1 racing 215 0 Victoria Australia 199642103 Anthony Nelson yanthon en 0 18 25 150 0 115849438 Madan Sitaula nepaltravelclub en Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal Kathmandu 0 292 61 987 1 145515661 Nic Douglass nic_douglass en Canberra... mostly... Sydney 0 72 858 Sailor, writer, reader - eternal student... inherent ability to burn the candle from all sides :) Interested in finding an alternative to sleep. 310 3 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 19012356 melinda minsox en 0 6 8 21 0 12425912 katska katska en iPhone: -33.658979,150.248406 Sydney 0 845 5010 designing things-and-stuff to be more betterer 985 30 112652747 Stephen Goodhew A_Sensible_Man en Sydney Sydney 0 83 182 FBi Radio worker bee, tea connoisseur and struggling student. Loves all things sensible. Hates Morons. 433 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 183620943 Sali Y1788 en Sydney Sydney 0 8 55 90 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 201130001 cairnsbeatrice booth boobea01 en 3 0 7 0 27965336 Ward Real Estate WardRealEstate en Wyoming, NSW Australia Sydney 0 691 114 The best Homes for sale on the Central Coast of NSW. From Brisbane Waters to the Beaches we can help you find your Dream Home! Just ask us! 1999 7 14758112 twids twids en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 14 36 65 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 201050883 Damon Jacobs DamonJacobs en 0 1 2 2 0 150997931 Kevin Foley BigKevFoley en North fucking terrace... Hawaii 0 76 285 World's greatest treasurer with only year 11... I put the tool in not the sharpest tool in the shed... 134 5 93541480 Louise Clegg Louise_Clegg en Hawaii 1 0 10 0 Unknown 46036489 Melissa McGrath melmc2704 en Melbourne 0 8 3 41 0 Victoria Australia 193923767 Alison Wines joybell80 en 0 8 7 aesthete, mother, writer, dog-lover, wife, skier, oenophile, francophile, suv-driving greenie ex-lawyer with identity issues and a passion for shoes 28 0 199465880 Chris Beath AClasBizFinance en Brisbane Brisbane 0 111 23 Leading Business Asset Finance Brokerage. A Class Business Finance. A reputation for providing A Class solutions - each time, every time and on time! 300 5 Brisbane Queensland Australia 156077839 Nick McKim NickMcKim en Tasmania Hobart 0 296 238 Member for Franklin; Leader of the Tasmanian Greens; Tasmanian Government Minister. 368 24 Tasmania Australia 18762501 rphillipps rphillipps en Sydney 0 30 203 Strata lawyer; dog lover; grey haired meat eater 110 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 43230113 Linda Mooring lindapno en Gold Coast, Australia Hawaii 0 541 77 I am the Little Piano Shop on the Gold Coast. I am inspired to always be my best, love my family and enjoy the successes and experiences life brings me.. 941 36 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 196915045 DesigneMedia en Western Australia Perth 0 111 189 Specialising in small to medium Businesses, independent car yards to football club websites. We design and host websites. Designing your next business website. 860 3 Western Australia Australia 44103316 Kyrrie Blenkinsop kblenkinsop en Sydney 0 58 14 lives: Sydney. works: Nine News journalist/news producer. loves: shoes. 137 1 New South Wales Australia 125957408 guy jeanneret ideasmany en Tasman Peninsula Hawaii 56 144 472 1 32367057 Ramses diana RamsesDiana en Melbourne, Aust. Melbourne 0 148 1 Hi everyone in twitter land. 858 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 47731483 Bad Roo bad_roo en Home of the flying kangaroo. Sydney 0 93 43 A bad egg; male; quack; wannabe footballer, secret agent, multi billionaire & general do-gooder; total joke. 1956 1 Australia 186048042 Warrior Hockey Warrior__Hockey en Global 0 83 1 83 2 Unknown 22156672 Matthew Barrett mathiasbarrett en Midsomer London 0 618 4530 Politics. RTs do not = endorsement. 501 36 93806313 martin s qwertdom en Melbourne Hawaii 0 19 581 I am a 45 year old Australian reconstucted male married with a amazing 5yo Daughter living happy with a minor case of MS just trying to get by 41 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 183563627 Olga Levit OlenkaLevit en 0 1 3 5 0 142998219 Alycia leeliveshere en Australia Sydney 5 6 I wouldn't know where to begin... 80 0 Australia 62680842 Martyn Ford FordFoods en melbourne Melbourne 0 65 73 479 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22915038 Michael Bache mdbache en Brisbane 0 24 41 79 0 Queensland Australia 19328212 Branca McFarlane anneis en Australia Melbourne 0 72 438 An eMarketer, love opera, MSO and inspiring company. Believe journos r the new black 224 1 Australia 199223254 Jenni Booth Boothconsulting en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 48 33 Marketing consultant, focused on achieving the work/life balance, mother of 2, enjoys an outdoor lifestyle. 114 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 199206254 Elizabeth Kelleher lizkelleher en 0 37 154 142 1 200794793 Jason Ryan CFCDominator en Melbourne 0 21 105 158 2 Victoria Australia 200784508 HOMIRA HAIDERI HOMIIRA en Hawaii 0 1 1 33 0 Unknown 126892119 joyce Que jqque1 en 2 0 48 0 72493462 Tessa solarguysoz en Brisbane, Australia Sydney 0 126 86 Contributing to the Worldwide Solar Revolution but also a spirited young woman just enjoying the Aussie sunshine. 403 3 Brisbane Queensland Australia 200770183 Adriana Biasi AdriB21 en 2 0 9 0 133187962 Donald Welfare donaldwelfare en Brisbane Brisbane 338 0 1998 5 Brisbane Queensland Australia 76825582 Mid Life Crisis Man MLCMan en Sydney NSW Tehran 0 41 1626 Lefty. Slightly to the green of left, which is to say, right, but defintiely not centre. If pushed, would fall over. 109 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 200736157 John Newling Johnfnew en 0 0 2 0 162015923 Peter McLean McLeanPeter en Sydney 0 5 2 28 0 New South Wales Australia 14461561 Casey Briggs CaseyBriggs en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 144 589 community broadcaster (radio adelaide 101.5fm), mathematician, public transport catcher, supermarket worker. 297 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 199103700 David Rickard igumboot en Dubbo, Australia Sydney 0 6 35 Experienced barrister practicing in criminal law. Now semi-retired doing mainly voluntary legal work. Grumpy. Detest self opinionated bombasts. Love life. 47 0 200388175 KewConnect KewConnect en Kew, Victoria Melbourne 0 5 10 KewConnect seeks to engage with people and businesses in inner eastern Melbourne who have an interest in current affairs, business, the environment and careers 13 0 Kew Victoria Australia 176313529 O-Sushi Restaurant osushi_food en Byron Bay Brisbane 0 155 63 Established in 2004, first in Byron Bay and then in Coolangatta in 2007! Finest Sushi in Australia! 653 11 Byron Bay New South Wales Australia 200690760 James Stancliffe fire_ice_combo en Sydney 3 1 33 0 New South Wales Australia 200297383 Bill RIP_MDB en Murray Darling Basin Hawaii 0 38 39 Husband, Father, Farmer and business owner. Seeking balance in the Basin Planning Process. The environment needs attention but so do rural communities. 57 3 28893650 Steven Galea stevengalea en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 211 2020 Melbourne Guy doin the daily grind! IT BI Specialist/Supergeek, Business Analyst etc & Photographer. No rest for the wicked! 569 10 Melbourne Victoria Australia 47913259 Andy Whelan Tengaar en 0 22 1 313 0 200435036 Raymond Williams sunnybank_spide en Sunnybank Brisbane Qld AU Brisbane 0 69 123 I am a Sunnybank resident spider web builder self family friends colleagues neighbours and in the world past history now future nourishment environment service 581 3 Brisbane Queensland Australia 18189409 Matthew P Roy matthew_p_roy en Lewiston, Maine USA Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 74 2110 289 2 198302079 Daniel Isenhood DanielIsenhood en Sydney, NSW Australia Hawaii 0 28 203 Protection wealth since 1991. It's all about contingency planning people! Know your risks and have an exit strategy. 126 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 200452881 Kristen Logan kristenlogane en 0 50 50 145 0 39460020 Bec Teece BecTeece_xx en Australia Brisbane 0 9 1 101 0 Australia 22070976 Keira Czarnota keiraczarnota en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 9 18 26 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 28515490 Kasey Woolsey Kase_Amanda en 0 85 294 325 0 28887597 Jess Chalker JessChalker en Sydney Hawaii 0 350 187 Singer-songwriter/Vanda & Young/John Lennon finalist/Known kleptomaniac of pens and umbrellas. 292 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21525493 Adam Boland AdamBoland en Sydney Sydney 0 1224 199 Used to run morning television at Seven. The thought of being labelled a veteran producer prompted early retirement... for now. 421 28 Sydney New South Wales Australia 196108310 Toni Bache TJbubbles23 en Sydney Sydney 0 30 26 86 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 122566600 Angie Raphael AngieRaphael en Western Australia Alaska 0 199 1463 I'm a journalist. I love reading and travelling, I'm addicted to chocolate, and I'm obsessed with James Dean and Bon Jovi. 347 10 Western Australia Australia 23401144 Yasmine Gray GrayMediaPR en Australia Brisbane 0 477 336 Brisbane's brightest PR and marketing company 1111 13 Australia 65017072 bethany mcalpine prayerfacter en australia Sydney 0 45 974 Christian highschooler, like playing basketball and doing gymnastics, love writing stories. have a wonderful Christian family and a really good solid church. 128 0 Australia 44334039 jo cripps merlotjo en Melbourne 0 16 41 112 0 Victoria Australia 184709574 Court A happy_girl01 en Adelaide 0 374 516 im a girl who is in love with Justin Bieber. one day he will follow me. i love his music and i just love him heaps. Justin come to Australia we love u :) :) 971 93 South Australia Australia 164605244 Mandarin Centre purposemandarin en Chatswood, Austrailia 0 322 344 Enjoy your visit to Mandarin Shopping Centre and experience air-conditioned comfort with convenient parking right in the heart of Chatswood. 1001 9 14113607 cheesenightmare cheesenightmare en Sydney Sydney 0 61 222 129 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 152997456 Aidan Jago aidanjago en Melbourne Melbourne 0 23 227 nitwit, lover of stuff, songwriter-on-hiatus, rampant homosexual. 63 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 40639559 Joseph Valente joeyvalente en Melbourne Melbourne 0 25 104 91 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 106028146 Rose Michael wolfchasing en South Australia Adelaide 0 161 6802 15. Nerd. Whovian. Potterhead. Aspiring teacher. Shows a slightly odd fascination for current events and politics. FILTHY PAINT-DRINKING HARLOT! 202 7 South Australia Australia 199702262 Hockey Fan centralpahockey en Quito 0 2 9 13 0 Ecuador 30156935 carolyn howe carolynhowe77 en Sydney 0 23 22 178 0 New South Wales Australia 67156253 JCS Baulkham Hills JCSBaulkhamHill en Sydney 0 45 206 71 2 New South Wales Australia 184739761 Jason Pavese jasonpavese en Canberra 22 2 186 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 154719968 Mike Chiarello MikeChiarello en Ottawa Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 67 91 Student at uOttawa, historian in training. 198 1 Ottawa Ontario Canada 179191877 Doug Tyburski dtybur en Farmingdale Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 70 212 hey. I'm Doug. New to the twitter thing. Feel free to floow. I hope i'm not too boring. 642 2 195496407 David J. Roman Romester724 en loyalhanna Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 161 11 avid steeler and pengiuns fan.fellow tweeter and the gym. love zumba. 1432 1 185816976 Lachs Brudar sweetlax09nice en terabithia 0 48 90 lax=life. when im not eating you can find me on the lax field, doing homework, or playing with my turtle, Jose. 592 0 27472354 David M liquidpixel en Australia Melbourne 0 8 19 The dirty facts about Christian City Church Whitehorse 14 0 Australia 187198535 Bec Coe BecCoe24 en 0 4 4 61 0 128079683 Master Electricians MasterElecAust en Australia Melbourne 0 460 556 Master Electricians Australia has raised the bar in the electrical industry by creating a powerful and trusted name for electrical contractors and consumers. 1001 18 Australia 21854515 Jim Hatzi Hatzij en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 116 755 Rock 'n roll fan, traveller, vinyl enthusiast, International Relations student, passionate Melbournian, loves Springsteen 773 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 194113817 Farley Brewer FarleyBrewer en Sydney 0 1 2 17 0 New South Wales Australia 198665492 Sarah-Jane Nelson RahNelson en 10 0 37 0 186832281 Matt AusConservative en Adelaide 0 5 6 35 0 South Australia Australia 190590017 Nathan crumpdog77 en 0 1 8 21 0 24458529 Neale Maynard TheRealRocky123 en Brisbane 0 131 103 Online news editor 66 7 Brisbane Queensland Australia 80459164 Lisa Sturzenegger LisaCFA en Melbourne Melbourne 0 143 199 Director, Community Safety, Country Fire Authorty Victoria 270 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 18009620 boomerangbooks boomerangbooks en Australia Sydney 0 932 2580 Australian online bookstore that promotes Australian books, Australian authors and Australian publishers 937 66 Australia 199856961 Isabella Nielsen SMILEY_IZZ en Brisbane 8 49 20 0 Queensland Australia 75199416 Food Wine Sleep FoodWineSleep en Sydney Sydney 0 1154 431 Finally there is a website that combines the best in food, wine and sleep experiences that Australia has to offer. Afterall, we all love to eat drink and play! 1118 58 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18926295 Paul Cheal p_cheal en Sydney, Australia Sydney 65 191 PR, social media, current affairs and random observations 181 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 108175521 Emilie Gramenz em__2010 en Brisbane Brisbane 0 49 1013 Find your freedom in the music, find your Jesus, find your Kubrick 168 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 143681693 Wyatt Roy MP Wyatt_Roy_MP en QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 1550 80 Federal Member for Longman 485 84 Queensland Australia 199892127 Meaghan Julia Meaghan_Julia en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 68 408 News/current affairs, media, music, food, bicycles and exploring Sydney. 173 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 183858711 Alexander Polson AlexanderPolson en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 32 6 Adelaide based Student & Liberal Party Of Australia Member. 173 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 21079009 John McClelland jd_mc en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 46 223 107 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 179886477 Peta McAlister neptunegirl75 en 1 0 26 0 23381518 mieke buchan miekebuchan en where my hiking boots take me London 0 554 569 traveler, writer, journalist, amateur anthropologist 386 20 Unknown 127870659 Timothy Swanson tswanson89 en Sleepy Perth Perth 12 104 philosopher//cynic//forever learning... 205 0 8362132 Michael Air airhead en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 297 2704 Entrepreneurial tech junkie, movie buff and car fanatic 250 14 Sydney New South Wales Australia 191418550 george karafotias gkara76 en 0 6 1 19 0 198736415 Phil Johnson philjohnson72 en 0 138 39 291 5 183585647 Thomas Bruce-Haines _TheTommo en Melbourne, Victoria Melbourne 0 37 247 I like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. 320 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 71730254 Rebecca Wyatt pharmacistbec en A little place I call home... Hobart 47 302 Full-time Pharmacist, sometime motorsport Journalist... and eternal Optimist. 533 2 23298401 Kerri Wilkinson finhelp en 0 22 3 291 0 27344840 Stacey Newey stacstar78 en Mildura Australia Hawaii 0 43 171 267 0 Mildura Victoria Australia 105965066 David Dewar davejdewar en Canberra, Australia Hawaii 10 0 36 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 181927118 Allen Trevena alltrev en Hawaii 1 8 7 0 Unknown 60258945 Seaview Real Estate portlandseaview en Portland, Victoria, Australia Hawaii 0 135 383 Seaview R/E is a modern, progressive business which is committed to constantly evolving and developing new strategies to remain at the forefront of real estate. 271 6 Portland Victoria Australia 29005117 James Verdon zedder1994 en Cairns 0 3 5 51 0 Cairns Queensland Australia 40456253 Gemma Crawford glc1202 en 0 121 23 127 0 17097996 lyndalcairns lyndalcairns en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 1914 1528 Dude, my life is on here. What more do you want to know! 2017 52 Brisbane Queensland Australia 16216377 Libby Hay libster1 en Melbourne Hawaii 17 37 57 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 28497262 Amanda Hoh amandahoh en Australia Sydney 0 142 330 Video journalist and producer - Digital producer for Sky News, Chief Editor for ReportageOnline, and lecturer/tutor at Notre Dame Uni 249 19 Australia 96888055 iSpeedy ispeedy en Australia Brisbane 0 21 41 110 0 Australia 164154786 RoseMary Rose4508 en Brisbane Brisbane 0 48 67 191 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 199278451 Cam MrClausewitz en Hawaii 1 0 52 0 Unknown 23171944 Ben Spencer benjaminspencer en Brisbane, Queensland Brisbane 6 0 32 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 161885265 Mick R tablican en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 3 32 19 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 138383772 Megan Stuart Meg_Stuart en Melbourne Melbourne 0 164 42 Marketing & Communications Manager @ VECCI. Key Sustainability initiatives include:, & 425 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 199526987 Jonathan Williams jon_matt_will en 9 0 60 0 193179949 Simon Mossman simon_mpr en Melbourne, Ostraya Melbourne 0 34 95 PR type, scribe, defender of the Queen's English, a 'Pozzie'... 91 1 60809821 K8 K8EK8 en Mosman dahhhhling. Sydney 0 53 262 Word nerd, ass-shaker, lady librarian. 140 1 169288918 Kyle Tenkate kyletenkate en 0 10 1 81 0 34111642 Down Syndrome NSW TheUpSideOfDown en Sydney Sydney 0 458 119 supporting people with Down syndrome to fulfill their potential 170 24 Sydney New South Wales Australia 93163250 Sam Bramston SamiB31 en M'town, Victoria, Australia Hawaii 0 15 199 Enjoying life and being in love, having a beautiful wife and a gorgeous baby girl. 208 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 65540411 Steven Taifalos SteveyTee en Sydney 17 8 Federal Member for Awesome! 45 0 New South Wales Australia 16525439 Natasha Roberton TashR en Melbourne Melbourne 0 111 484 Writer. Brand strategist. Self-saucing pudding. 375 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 176277363 MGraham mgraham51 en Australia Canberra 0 8 86 110 0 Australia 199464343 Larry Kliger LarryKliger en Huntington Beach, CA 0 273 440 We put our client’s interests first to create long-lasting relationships in brokerage & property management in Southern California. 740 3 Huntington Beach California United States 173264723 Gareth Toovey Tooves09 en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 18 9 Father of two, husband of one. Lover of family, cricket, rugby league and beer. 117 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 14993640 Naimo Naimo en Sydney Sydney 0 41 1123 17 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 46871833 Garth McNally SuperGarth en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 136 62 Superannuation Director, Hayes Knight, top 20 Accounting & Business Advisory firm. Director Superssentials, tech support & Audit outsourcing to Accountants. 213 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 194912766 Martin Alfred Svikis martinsvikis en 2 0 13 0 195862986 2hot4ice Hockey 2hot4icehockey en 0 51 3 2Hot4Ice Hockey is simply the best inline hockey tournament around! From grass roots to the elite, we offer it all! 338 1 199270331 John Mansfield johnpmansfield en 0 11 4 71 0 174061047 Ken Degen ken4wright en 0 1 71 31 0 63072490 Philippa Carey pipparose en Australia Adelaide 0 26 16 forget about those from your past, there is a reason they didn't make it to your future 131 0 Australia 27215936 drpiat drpiat en Melbourne, Victoria Melbourne 0 27 228 Smarter than the average bear! 73 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 136201725 Frogster Fr0gst3r en 0 109 115 299 18 192014726 Ali Taha alitaha81 en beautiful melbourne Hawaii 18 29 proud dad, sorry husband and property developer 61 0 27389197 Leisa Leisa3105 en iPhone: Sydney 0 103 1001 Playing Rugby for the Warringah Rats.I am obsessive about my favourite books/people/bands/comedians/actors. I am a teacher. Livin Sydney. (BRING BACK THE BEARS) 370 4 Unknown 136475832 clearthinkngirl clearthinkngirl en Brisbane Brisbane 0 56 67 ClearThinking - QSRF: Research and education to give clear thinking to young people with psychoses. 55 3 Brisbane Queensland Australia 23358451 JessicaErhart JErhart en Brussels, Belgium Brussels 201 378 Aussie expat interested in sustainability, web 2.0, anthropology and crisis communications. Is ill-adjusted to Brussels weather... 616 4 Brussels Belgium 24688995 dennis griffiths dennisgriffiths en ÜT: -33.961617,150.876761 Hawaii 64 1376 30ish who Lves all things technology. if you didn't already guess, I LVE working in IT..My Own Personal Views expressed here! 124 5 147137229 Lindsay Hensby scoop_id en Australia Sydney 0 7 78 I am. 22 0 Australia 161514569 Furzen Nixin TryRefreshing en Hawaii 0 30 23 215 0 Unknown 199180018 Blake Russell Blakerusselll en 0 3 1 24 0 48225489 Nalini Rozario bronzely en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 34 48 121 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 40192192 Graeme Lane lanegd01 en Melbourne 0 8 13 21 0 Victoria Australia 15709780 Jono skitterrusty en Central Coast, NSW Sydney 0 388 13033 M. High School Student. Tech Enthusiast. Rides a bike on a Friday. 667 8 Gosford New South Wales Australia 12747612 Sanctuary Australia SAF_AUS en Coffs Harbour, Australia Sydney 0 50 52 Sanctuary saves refugees lives, by bringing them to safety. 129 0 Coffs Harbour New South Wales Australia 33835226 Nora Shkreli ShkreliNora en Scummy Sid-a-knee Hawaii 17 20 free soul 204 0 149333220 Anokhee Shah nokettes en Sydney Sydney 0 102 457 Aspiring journo/assistant content editor. News obsessed. Very Gen Y: gadgets, fashion, food, film, nouveau disco. 449 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 197399867 Carey Moore tospeakofpebble en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 395 9512 Often drunk, often political, not hot, likes science and nerdy pursuits. Tries to be funny and says fuck a lot. - all apt descriptions of me. Err... free Tibet? 578 21 Adelaide South Australia Australia 21749984 Geir O'Rourke geirorourke en Where glory can be found 0 29 19 Was class captain in year three, otherwise ask my biographers 166 0 198137322 Linh To LinhTo en Sydney, Australia Sydney 2 0 11 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 119994298 Clifford Bennett cliffordbennett en Sydney 0 271 51 296 6 New South Wales Australia 185933086 Beth Hutchinson Beth_Hutchinson en Sydney, NSW Sydney 0 40 100 My name is Beth and I am a current ad student at UWS, and have just started my first job in Media. I hope to one day become an insights director at an agency. 123 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166168072 Claire Sandy sandyspants en Melbourne Melbourne 0 15 13 46 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 164588280 Leslie Williams LesliePMQ en Lake Cathie 0 24 7 Nationals Candidate for the NSW State seat of Port Macquarie 101 1 162718763 Michelle Shackleton michelle_shacks en Sydney Sydney 0 46 67 'Creatively maladjusted' 96 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 29660067 Vincenzo Catina VincenzoCatina en Perth Perth 5 19 103 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 152983526 Tom Schouten Tomcyn en Melbourne,Australia Melbourne 7 13 Independent Cinema Exhibitor in Melbourne Australia. Cinema Pioneer. Supporter of local Film Production. 49 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 38407271 NRL News NRLNEWS en Australia Sydney 0 2001 6530 Sporting Talk from Around the World 601 57 Australia 153532572 Kelly Staveris staveris en 0 10 20 111 0 36672711 CactiJakeye CactiJakeye en Alaska 0 46 843 150 3 United States 26183650 jaime jimenez jaimeAJimmy en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 328 437 Born in Colombia,emigrated to Europe in 1972, then to Australia in 1989.Music producer, composer, song Writer.. 5 children. I manage and produce Nicholas Roy. 2001 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 136898158 Glen Mcneill gmcneill06 en Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Hawaii 0 17 31 Small Business Owner, Chef/Pastry chef, Father of 3. Love cycling and surfing. Loving Life!! 77 1 Hobart Tasmania Australia 187041653 A Night at Coopers anightatcoopers en Adelaide 0 51 24 Saturday 20 November 2010 - Coopers Brewery outdoor concert. Brewery green opens 4pm. Don't miss out, book at Ticketek today. 82 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 161264442 Sydney Silk SC D_Resonator en Dee Why, NSW 0 15 95 Sydney barrister and Special Counsel. Wish I was a QC. Former Lancashire League cricketer, Rhodes Scholar and Newington old boy. 107 0 37609706 Daniel Rossiter nuggeteater en Australia 9 0 Dan. The man who can. If instructed. 151 0 Australia 67842591 Dave Matthews DaveMatthews86 en 0 107 245 171 4 20353976 Kev Robinson _Kevie_ en I wonder where now!! Sydney 1 0 10 0 21067299 Kenny Johnson kombimankenny en Australia Brisbane 0 73 221 Just a regular Aussie political tragic, and figuring out how to be a dad 86 0 Australia 142240978 Paul Molyneux PaulMolyneux7 en 0 6 5 70 0 193570310 JamEsRoaCh jamesj1971 en wantima golf club 38 109 husband | father | golfer 191 0 36047707 Jasmine Jones JasyJay en Australia, Queanbeyan Canberra 0 72 201 306 3 Queanbeyan New South Wales Australia 37605760 Meghan Woods meghanwoods85 en Bunbury Perth 0 67 17 ABC Radio Producer, cat lover, hate hater. 285 0 Bunbury Western Australia Australia 75961380 Rosie Lewis rosieslewis en Sydney Sydney 0 27 19 Student journalist who's about to graduate and travel through Europe. Excited for the opportunities ahead. 82 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 188241762 Dr Sid Gupta drsidgupta en 0 7 9 39 0 184614288 Jennifer Faerber jfaerbs en Sydney 6 0 33 0 New South Wales Australia 198790720 Andrew Fitzgerald TheIronFitz en Canberra 0 27 218 103 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 61723406 Shane Willemse Wallarooster en Blacktown 0 25 14 194 0 183937750 Heather Beechey Charabee en Melbourne 0 19 24 42 3 Victoria Australia 78506446 Farrar Gesini & Dunn FGDFamilyLaw en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 654 331 Canberra's First Family Lawyers 950 32 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 95509588 Bruce Bissett ruceBi en 0 4 7 7 0 18663834 woolfe woolfe en Perth Perth 0 17 112 Father, conservative,miner,ex army stick leader. 44 3 Perth Western Australia Australia 60869154 Riorden Mcwilliam RI000 en Sydney Sydney 0 6 6 16 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 30134009 Anthony Ruberto PRInsider en Australia Melbourne 14 0 PR Insider keeps you up to date on what's happening in Public Relations, Media and Communications 124 1 Australia 24657924 Graeme Klass graemeklass en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 156 356 Entrepreneur, engineer, libertarian. 152 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 195187556 Sheree Muller sheree1973 en Townsville Brisbane 0 11 74 54 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 22543946 Phil Heads headsp en ÜT: -31.083687,150.933479 Sydney 0 176 85 799 4 7279122 Tom Reynolds thomasrdotorg en melbourne australia Melbourne 0 1466 650 Tom Reynolds 2010: dmg Radio, Australian Rally Championship, Pedders Team, ABC Sydney 702 AM, Holden Racing Team, Occasional husband and Father. 1797 66 Melbourne Victoria Australia 176987942 Patrick Lott PatLott en Brisbane Brisbane 5 27 Barrister. 31 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 69814290 Owen Prime oprimus en Sydney 0 6 13 21 0 New South Wales Australia 158372212 Paddy Doulman Paddy_Doulman en Canberra Canberra 0 39 102 Occasional jurno for & student. Canberra Haphazard, Wizard and cat enthusiast. My views are my own, but still fun! 174 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 124055932 Justin Collins juksta en Highton, VIC, Australia 0 18 40 38 0 Highton Victoria Australia 183098322 Jay Baker Jay_Baker_ en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 8 1 23 1 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 186686355 Matthew McGuire mattmcg81 en Brisbane 0 12 51 McGuires Hotels 57 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 198622399 Zimbio_Celebs2 Zimbio_Celebs2 en 40 0 1052 0 106961801 Damien Martyn dmartyn30 en All over ! Brisbane 0 24060 3930 Ex cricketer just enjoying life with his beautiful wife and boy !!! 1165 877 Unknown 165701748 Jess Lambous jessilambous en Melbourne 2 0 60 0 Victoria Australia 13960962 fearless_ck fearless_ck en -35.260046,149.119158 Canberra 0 291 503 Digital and social media blogger, educator, speaker, pontificator... CEO of Fearless Media (Australia). Publisher of Pixel Therapy. 920 7 O'Connor Australian Capital Territory Australia 57294092 Linda Philipps LindaPhilipps en 2 0 40 0 115377377 Nick Byrne ByrneNick en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 299 983 Collaborate, innovate, celebrate 699 25 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 36611417 Jamez Jamison jbals2 en Gladstone Brisbane 0 4 65 Music, Knowledge and Stuff...that's what I like! :D 11 0 Gladstone Queensland Australia 14217004 ExpertWebMedia ExpertWebMedia en Australia Melbourne 0 399 58 Website #Designer, Developer, Internet Marketer, SEO, Wordpress, CMS, PHP, HTML, Webuilder, Father, Husband and 40 something :) 835 13 Australia 193311571 Simon Gaukroger sgaukroger en Planet Earth Hawaii 2 2 49 0 Unknown 83319712 Lydia Bevege lydia_bevege en Melbourne Melbourne 163 324 351 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 39711904 Helen Spelitis MsScooter88 en Brisbane, QLD, AUS 0 4 1 Journalism student 12 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 193534607 My Dirty School MyDirtySchool en Victoria Melbourne 0 60 24 Jeff Kennett’s school cleaning contracts are failing our kids. Cleaners don’t get enough time to clean our schools properly. 403 5 Victoria Australia 106883160 Adrian Entwistle AHEntwistle en iPhone: -35.205791,149.058243 Canberra 0 10 51 30 0 16572577 Ben Clay burrrger en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 297 2579 Computers! 499 10 Melbourne Victoria Australia 182244677 Chris Luxford luxy82 en orange Sydney 1 0 5 0 Orange New South Wales Australia 129643669 Fleur Anderson cahootscomms en Central Qld Brisbane 0 126 116 Creating vibrant communities through killer concepts, rockin events and boomin business. Stitching up the social fabric of rural areas. 313 6 Gladstone Queensland Australia 23559230 Brett Perry BP_est1973 en Sydney Sydney 0 83 159 Work @ Nova 969, audio producer, motorsport fan 468 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 42135793 Alan M Bevin AlanMBevin en New Zealand Wellington 0 174 9067 Global Geopolitical Intelligence Services Foreign Affairs, Trade, Defence. OECD registered media service. Alan M Bevin Established 2001 217 6 New Zealand 198281671 Anna Vandervliet AnnaVando en 5 0 60 0 144043598 Brendan Bishop BrendanBishop en Hawaii 0 0 2 6 0 Unknown 27604374 Laurence Duggan GetLostWthLozza en Noosa, Queensland, Australia Brisbane 0 817 418 Life is just a Game! It is up to each of us to decide if we want to play or just watch! IT IS TIME TO PLAY!! 734 28 164512486 Rationalist Society rationalist_aus en Australia Hawaii 0 179 40 If you support reason against prejudice, science against superstition, evidence against blind faith, then join the Rationalist Society of Australia today! 534 14 Australia 21079260 Ben Mumford mumfy27 en in place about to blow ur mind Adelaide 0 19 111 You're not your job.You're not how much money you have in the bank.You're not the car you drive.You're not the contents of your wallet. 287 0 198383682 Melbourne Talk Radio MTR1377AM en Swan St, Richmond 0 298 669 Melbourne's newest station Melbourne Talk Radio MTR1377, you can hear us on 1377AM or listen online at for a fresh sound keeping you informed 164 7 16646090 Team Denbigh steamroller60 en Sydney, LOLstralia Sydney 0 95 3257 chemistry, cricket, corno. I did that last one in Italian to keep up the alliteration 265 6 35080349 Paul Mullins Mul078 en Sydney Canberra 0 17 49 SP, Student, transmissions, rugby player, beer, party, tigers, tahs, wallabies, emus, shammies, Commited to all 73 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 93529237 Daniel Rockett DRock1978 en Brisbane 10 0 110 0 Queensland Australia 70256789 Tulsi Amin TulsiAmin en Brisbane, Australia 0 37 431 79 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 196546186 Nathan Elvery NathanElvery en Brisbane, QLD 0 41 298 Intersted in politics and sport 188 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 184710471 Sea Scout Group 1stSailorsBay en Castlecrag, Australia Sydney 0 13 48 1st Sailors Bay Sea Scout Group Welcomes boys and girls from ages 8 to 18. 27 0 15016854 sdomsta sdomsta en Sydney Sydney 0 52 675 pojo's rock 79 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 19678369 David Hampson djhampson en Brisbane QLD Australia Brisbane 2 1 42 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 159338608 Corey O'Meara wordsrhymewith en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 29 30 Just another latte-sipping bleeding heart. 259 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 93648954 Joshua Ballard joshuajballard en Sydney, Australia Sydney 40 358 You think I think I'm never know what? Maybe you're right ~ Kanye West 412 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 197040636 shawn pearson shawn_pearson en 7 0 165 0 34800396 Australian Geographi ausgeo en Australia Sydney 0 1224 864 Adventurers, environmentalists and those with Australia on the brain, share travel stories and scientific breakthroughs with the AusGeo community! 589 134 Australia 75429992 Andrew Plint HFAndrewPlint en Hannah's Foundation - Aust Brisbane 0 207 84 Advocating for Drowning Prevention, Awareness and Family Support 516 6 Australia 197183436 Steve Annabelle steveannabelle en sydney australia 0 4 2 96 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 80817044 Mark T SydneyNo1 en Sydney Sydney 0 0 5 I'm here to tell people a little bit about my wonderful home city 7 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 159021888 Adam A Jacoby adamajacoby en global citizen 0 100 1274 disruptive strategic thinker. young father. serial entrepreneur. innovator. speaker . avid reader and writer. long time sports exec 260 5 172168904 David Ellery wuvatea en Willagee Perth 0 4 19 Too boring to bio. Used to throw balls in the air on a more regular occurrence. 47 0 183033602 Dea's Kandy Deaskandy en Penrith Australia Sydney 0 27 51 Cake decorator. See pictures of my work on Dea's Kandy on facebook 124 1 Penrith New South Wales Australia 195304345 Thomas Ault Fists91 en 0 1 21 44 0 30146499 Kat Plint HFKatPlint en Laidley, Queensland Australia Brisbane 0 198 332 Mother of Five and Full time charity volunteer for Hannah's Foundation - the only drowning prevention and support charity helping families all over the world 290 4 Laidley Queensland Australia 22412688 Andrée Poppleton poppy53 en Blackmans Bay, Tasmania, Hobart 9 47 80 2 Blackmans Bay Tasmania Australia 26708414 Ben Kent bjkent81 en Melbourne Melbourne 20 17 I have a passport and i'm not afraid to use it. 300 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 198090682 Benjamin helix402 en 0 6 9 35 0 50845266 Jane Shannon janeshannon71 en Brisbane 0 2 14 17 0 Queensland Australia 197777243 Murray Dunstan murraydunstan en Perth 0 91 237 Sports enthusiast, one time lyricist, former freelance journo, teacher, husband. 403 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 198081069 Sophie Rose sophieerose23 en Sydney 0 5 2 26 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 195950465 Wise one Wondermoore en 0 0 2 0 102911398 Nathaniel Harris ngharris86 en Crows Nest, QLD Brisbane 6 63 Disciple Husband Father Student Soldier Saved 32 0 190859043 Matthew Hickey hickey_mt en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 193 59 Barrister at Law. Founder The Ten Tenors. Commonwealth Centenary Medal for distinguished service to the Australian Music Industry. 582 7 Brisbane Queensland Australia 54793469 Kathleen Crone KathleenCrone en Sydney Sydney 0 464 674 Broadcast Builder. Building Business The Easy Way! Leaders in professional development & construction education for residential builders. Earn FREE CPD points! 593 65 Sydney New South Wales Australia 187475579 Emily Chalk emilychalk en sunny brisbane Brisbane 45 31 an arts/law student with a passion for politics, media, photography, fashion, yoga and long-distance running. i blog at: 70 2 72541491 Janeece Keller jmksyd en Sydney Sydney 0 66 140 Traveller, journalist, entrepreneur. Sydney is home, Africa is where I'll be for first part of 2011. 181 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 140698907 Benji Jordan Benji_Phoenix en Dubbo Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 64 451 487 1 Dubbo New South Wales Australia 32216373 Nelson Padilla nelsongpadilla en Beaumont Hills, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 105 730 I love life, singing/performing, Musical Theatre, Corrine and Nicole 541 1 195899253 amaury paul cuello paultiyo es Republica dominicana 0 236 208 klk a todas 1732 9 198005239 Craig Nolan CraigBN en 0 1 4 6 0 172582501 meredith hart meredithart en 0 121 826 bad girl finds good way to procrastinate 834 3 14222315 Richard Pascoe Adelaidetechguy en Adelaide , Australia Adelaide 0 288 2331 Technology Consultant 467 17 Adelaide South Australia Australia 172306098 Sally Joan SallyJoan8 en Hawaii 0 12 39 Twitter is growing on me. I'm liking this whole having-4-disinterested-followers thing. It's refreshing. Face/stalkerbook was getting to me. 88 0 Unknown 48078384 Lauren Petterson LaurenPetterson en Sydney 0 36 3 69 0 New South Wales Australia 27799125 Adam blakflash en Canberra 12 11 Department of Innovation, Industry, Science & Research - Media Team. 68 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 189083355 Harriet Tibet HarrietTibet en Adelaide 0 50 528 What's new, Pussy cat? 212 1 South Australia Australia 16169243 juliantol juliantol en New York Sydney 0 181 227 Julian Tol is the Founder & CEO of Brandscreen Inc., an end-to-end, real-time digital media trading platform. 206 12 New York City New York United States 93537793 Taryn Quarmby thetarkers en Sydney Sydney 0 163 214 Tech PR at Hotwire Australia. Studying Masters of Strategic PR at Sydney University. Teach piano in my spare time... 370 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 180651169 wedhus ndeso wedhusndeso en 0 675 70 1370 5 24871291 Josh D joshandjulia en South Africa Pretoria 0 74 752 Politics. Music. TV. Movies. Books. News. Me. 104 2 South Africa 197820459 uintah hockey UHShockey en Vernal utah 0 32 5 High School team. Started in 1997. Very hard hitting team that scores alot of goals and one of the best golies in Utah hockey 182 1 194233088 Paul Wilcock paulbwilcock en Adelaide Australia Adelaide 0 2 5 Physiotherapist, paradigm deconstructivist 33 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 197807304 Jwil usahockeyrefs en 0 14 1 A place for officials to tweet about rules or games in the youth local, HS, College, sim-pro, and pro. 124 0 83864357 Sarah Taillier staillier en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 22 8 Sarah collects sunglasses 60 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 40449417 Betty Boowinkins BettyBooWinkins en Australia Adelaide 0 16 98 I goterz one eye, two sistas and a mummy n daddy. I is hips cool. I scratcherz you if you dong given me no nom noms. 30 0 Australia 194488535 Syofnal Aidil Syofnalbearland en 0 288 41 1998 3 37421711 Tamara Bush tammii74 en Gembrook 0 134 297 CFA volunteer, employed with the CFA as a fire ready Victoria presenter, a community fireguard facilitator and in admin. Enjoy photography. 424 1 Gembrook Victoria Australia 65616732 Tim Nelson tanelsonaus en Sydney Sydney 0 47 242 I am the Head of Carbon and Sustainability at AGL Energy. I'm married to Jules Bates and have a boy, Leo and one other boy on the way. 95 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 197697823 Mandy Ferguson Mandy_Ferguson en 6 0 41 0 189782005 Hunter Scene HunterScene en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 251 62 Get A Life...! With Hunter Scene a 'One Stop Shop' Newcastle/Hunter Valley lifestyle website. Find out whats on with sport, entertainment/arts and attractions. 722 5 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 23900794 orangelobster orangeylobster en Melbourne Melbourne 0 54 217 political scientist. lit nerd. cinephile. foodie. tea enthusiast. shoe addict. knitter. nail polish fanatic. writer. Melburnian. 149 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 67826707 Glenn Barling GlennBarling en melbourne Melbourne 0 14 22 101 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 17937501 Juliajam Juliajam en Brisbane Brisbane 0 19 246 47 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 193562444 Dani Elias DaniGranny en Sydney 0 10 360 Dani, 18. I wish i was as awesome as Gracie :(.. 67 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 43688865 Delston Chislett delstonchislett en ÜT: -37.86377,144.701082 Melbourne 5 17 118 0 23574795 Nic Holstein glitter_nic en newcastle Australia Sydney 0 59 712 Wife, mum, designer & strawberry Freddo lover 289 3 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 17616467 Andrew Heike andrewheike en Sydney Sydney 73 32 413 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 197304422 Matt Kean matt_kean en Hornsby Sydney 0 69 72 Liberal for Hornsby 74 2 33396640 Laura Spencer LauraSpencer87 en Australia Hawaii 0 282 571 Passionate enthusiast, full time crusader and lover of all things chocolate :-) Oh, and Oprah's bigggest fan :-) Check out my blog! 716 12 Australia 197242424 Jason Bradley Paddleboat69 en Broken Hill Adelaide 2 36 71 0 Broken Hill New South Wales Australia 156516815 Evan Drinkwater EvanJ0_oD en Gold Coast Perth 40 815 180 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 53276760 Aaron David Quick Azzasaurus en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 26 5 i love singing, acting, talking to people, the internet and hanging out with mates 97 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 188570491 Michael C. SKINRT1 en Australia Brisbane 0 63 808 The 'SKIN'.....chasing the dream!!!!! 177 0 Australia 178252960 Ellen Yates BrisBroncosFan en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 36 102 I work in education and live in Brisbane Australia. I love travelling and sport. 326 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 86227043 Joel Pillar JoelofDeath en Adelaide, Australia 0 26 83 joel is just a small town girl, living in a lonely world, i took the midnight train goin aaaaaaannyyyyyyywheeeeeeerrrreeee.... 133 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 197432965 bobs bsagetb en 9 0 117 0 77382640 Todd Smith todd_smith7 en Sydney Sydney 0 76 595 # NSW Rugby League Referee # Employed by the NSWRL # Manly Warringah State Cup Baseball Coach 220 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25057937 Sherilyn Harris Sherilyn_Harris en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 0 48 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 99434778 Neha Madhok NehaMadhok en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 74 365 UTS Student - Arts in Communications 167 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 192872454 Amanda Haylock austmigrate en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 27 12 Offering tailored migration advice to companies and individuals seeking to make the move Down Under. 58 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 144481757 Hamish Cantbeeffed en Brisbane 0 3 98 24 0 Queensland Australia 35420689 Penni PenniFisher en Australia Melbourne 0 28 213 mother, full time gov employee, part time student, occasional blogger and full time seeker of comedic relief 192 1 Australia 21644808 Margaret MHaynes6 en Redlands Brisbane 0 35 41 I love my family, my work... well my life. I love to learn new things and face new challenges. Don't mind the odd banter or two either 111 2 Redlands Queensland Australia 197375618 Jonathan Eales Jonathan_Eales en Sydney Sydney 0 22 16 Likes politics, Israel, debating, news, music 62 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 197369327 Ben benjji_a en The Gong Sydney 0 14 168 61 0 21070837 Emma Wilson EmBloodyWilson en NSW, Australia Sydney 0 48 40 Uni Student and Dreamer. 436 0 New South Wales Australia 173057441 Barbara Curry barbaramcurry en Melbourne 5 0 36 2 Victoria Australia 25031397 Roniece Dawson-Bruce AParisJourney en Sydney Sydney 0 33 585 I'm true to my Capricorn sign! 53 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 62755938 Sam Dastyari samdastyari en 0 617 60 General Secretary. Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch). 194 33 196360830 Barry BBFMCreative en Apollo Bay 0 1 1 Family Man, Runner, Surfer, Love the Western Bulldogs FC, the town of Apollo Bay and my wife Belinda and kids Flynn and Mali. 64 0 Apollo Bay Victoria Australia 62224578 Sash sanke3 en Aus Hobart 0 34 115 209 1 Australia 197253395 Aaron Wakeley Aaron_Wakeley en Brisbane 0 51 79 Journalist, 9 News Brisbane. 172 1 Queensland Australia 21714905 Patrick Baume gonginalong en thinking about the farm Sydney 0 39 47 professional blagger 51 2 73109436 James Pattison james_pattison en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 36 175 111 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 177376898 David Wolfe nutella_nomnom en Melbourne Melbourne 0 3 6 10 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 60278720 Richard Eden richard_eden en Sydney Sydney 0 17 55 Political Analyst, Father, Sports Statistician, Husband, Driving Instructor, Son, Inductee into Hall of Fame 34 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 197298657 Beth Link missinglink84 en Sydney 0 36 5 135 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25166491 Mark Davidson markjdavidson en Melbourne Melbourne 0 117 102 Program producer, online producer and Shane McInnes impersonator at Radio 3AW. 235 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 18181080 Rodel M. Claudio RodelClaudio en Hong Kong Hong Kong 0 20 36 Financial Professional 81 0 Hong Kong China 61069370 Tim Kirk Clonakilla en Murrumbateman Hawaii 0 1264 775 Tim Kirk - Winemaker, judge and educator. 120 67 186773066 Nitrix Nitrix_au en Australia Melbourne 0 78 350 Aussie tech enthusiast. He of @iFirelert and @iTechReport 587 0 Australia 190526303 Pangolin Associates PangolinAssoc en Australia Adelaide 0 71 72 274 3 Australia 183778550 Hannah Rapley Eeramz en Mudgee, Australia Sydney 0 28 521 Hannah. Eeram. Eighteen. Photography. King Julien. Easy Mac. Bridget Jones. Pokemon. Tumblr. Friends. Family. Smiles. Moist. :N . [FOLLOWME;;i'll follow you] 91 0 130726436 Wishbone Day WishboneDay en Sydney 0 39 131 41 6 New South Wales Australia 179914856 Hope Fabillar HopeFabillar en Australia Sydney 0 269 227 Journalist/Newsreader 4KQ and 973 FM 721 1 Australia 16202514 Ben Clapton MadViolinist en Perth, WA Perth 0 248 2488 A violinist making his way in the world 357 19 Perth Western Australia Australia 22908113 Liam Butterworth Liambutterworth en Townsville Brisbane 0 78 56 Online reporter at the Townsville Bulletin, football fanatic and student of languages. These thoughts, are of course, my own and do not reflect News Ltd 227 4 Townsville Queensland Australia 92933458 Simon Stokes Powerhouse9 en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 458 94 Promotions, graphic design, signage, corporate gifts, caps, t-shirts, jackets, infact any promotional items you may require - that's me. 1081 37 Perth Western Australia Australia 40556426 Susan Coker LibSusan en Townsville Brisbane 0 33 50 LIbrarian 61 3 Townsville Queensland Australia 70296922 James Royce jameseroyce en Tarneit, Melbourne. Melbourne 0 149 670 Mix 101.1 Newsreader. Ambassador for all things WA Sport. (except Freo). 467 6 Tarneit Victoria Australia 42538918 Nick Constantin _DJnick_ en Mildura, Victoria, AUS Melbourne 0 287 2408 I am Nick & I have my own radio show! 5-7pm Tuesdays on 106.7 HotFM, Sunraysia Listen Live here - - WWE IS THE BEST THING EVER! Cenation 773 0 Mildura Victoria Australia 177046591 Gavan Gavone72 en Newport, Australia Melbourne 0 18 195 Bean counter who loves the Collingwood FC, the Aussie cricket team, poker, PS3 and of course his wife and two boys 76 0 Newport Victoria Australia 22909563 Michael Coggan MikeCoggan en Darwin 53 82 Darwin based ABC journalist. The views expressed here are my own. 195 3 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 90878388 Jackson Jackson88_1 en Hawaii 2 5 10 0 Unknown 170625974 adam gore adamrexgore en Hobart, Tasmania Hobart 7 2 18 0 Hobart Tasmania Australia 16794574 steeledimmock steeledimmock en 0 62 28 367 0 197092131 Sidney hockeyislife1 en 0 3 19 I love hockey sooooo much. 142 0 194535109 Mike McInnes YBRIpswich en Queensland Australia Brisbane 0 68 85 Wealth Management,Home Loans, Financial Planning, Accounting & Tax, Insurance. 272 5 Queensland Australia 23562648 Chris Tansey christansey en Sydney 415 1232 Bureaucrat. Frequent ✈. Likes design, copy, music, photography, voluntourism, gadgets, espresso, vino, Melbourne Heart, Richmond Tigers. Views are my own. 1802 6 New South Wales Australia 14557697 Ash Pragasam ash_p en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 33 291 I'm very rich 168 3 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 36652894 Nomiky Nomiky en Sydney 0 29 212 Christian -Greek Orthodox, Family!, centre-right political views, Uni student, opera lover, cooking/baking, inquisitive, ambitious, creative, over-thinker... 108 0 New South Wales Australia 188557138 Senator Ron Boswell SenatorRonBos en 0 17 172 Queensland Country Party Senator for a longtime. Love this country. Hate turncoats. 30 2 34256527 K-Lo island_girl79 en Australia Brisbane 0 298 6244 Just a gal in Brisbane...[wannabe] photographer, ukulele player,craftwiz, masterchef and blogger 390 17 Australia 184996404 Audrey Marsh earlsquirellson en Sydney 35 65 insane lover of all things hamish and andy. aspiring radio producer. avid swans fan. fairly happy person :) 118 2 New South Wales Australia 93555889 GT GAPTGAPT en Sydney 7 0 57 0 New South Wales Australia 161641227 Mike and Anita Pavey TheDirt4WD en Australia Melbourne 0 59 16 Want ‘the dirt’ on the best 4wd touring destinations? We have contributed to some of Australia’s biggest travel and lifestyle publications. 152 5 Australia 47592060 Addie Walsh addwah en Parkville Melbourne 0 43 299 194 1 Parkville Victoria Australia 45476892 scott nomad82 en Brisbane 0 36 1189 362 2 Queensland Australia 191333979 UCL Australia UCL_Australia en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 158 74 UCL School of Energy and Resources. Our School is an integral part of UCL; one of the foremost academic institutions in the world. 395 4 Adelaide South Australia Australia 196927234 Jasmine JKostas9 en 0 25 1 199 1 47902184 Kevin Cilliers kcilliers en Perth, WA Perth 0 60 466 Having played for the country in Soccer and Basketball and for the Province in Rugby and Athletics, my passion for sport continues even to today 406 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 37603494 A Cast of Thousands ACastof1000s en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 136 98 Australian Reality/Factual Television Casting Directors 135 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 87195538 The Nationals WA TheNationalsWA en ÜT: -31.968297,115.889856 Perth 0 64 46 The Nationals for Regional WA 88 8 26887010 LERS LERS en Melbourne Perth 0 162 926 The devil is in the details. Read the first 100 posts and you'll get the idea 345 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 196904064 Not Harry Jenkins HarryJ_Speaker en Canberra Canberra 0 345 383 That's Mr. Speaker to you! ORDER! 419 15 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 26657220 al lucylunchbox en Perth 0 0 8 23 0 Western Australia Australia 25786779 The Big Issue thebigissue en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 2939 343 Every tweet left on our profile will be considered for publication in The Big Issue mag. If u dont want to be published contact 3214 185 Melbourne Victoria Australia 60476094 Aaron Augustson aaronaugustson en Perth, Western Australia 0 20 31 Undergraduate Urban & Regional Planning student, Curtin University. 68 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 26341724 Gillian H Gillian_H en Melbourne/London Melbourne 0 79 56 Business Development & Marketing Manager by day, Shoe Lover, Globetrotter and Essendon supporter! 116 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 51414529 Andrew Laird andrewwlaird en Sydney Sydney 0 89 300 Christian, married to Carly, live in the Inner West, reading the news @ WSFM & working with All Souls/@lovinleichhardt keeping me busy:) 291 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 196794309 jack hacopian jaquesnior en Wellington 0 0 3 0 Wellington New Zealand 196847792 Rollss Royce RollssRoyce en Always here and there 0 9 2 Just interested to know more and why. 47 0 196827882 SMSF Guru SMSFGuru en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 21 48 SMSF Guru provides you with up to date and reliable information on self managed super funds. 31 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 158192394 Peachy PR PeachyPR en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 32 22 If it's media, it's Peachy. Social media outreach, media relations, communications, copywriting, proofreading and editing. 280 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 117904235 Big Boys Club BigBoysClub en Melbourne Melbourne 0 90 51 Welcome to the Big Boys Club; - a place where all men can feel totally comfortable and enjoy the simple things in life, like... Balls, Booze and Babes! 595 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 67528290 David Thelander straddiedave en North Stradbroke Island Brisbane 0 155 104 That's me in the photo. we operate an award winning 4WD Eco Tour business on North Stradbroke Island. please view our web site for more info! 603 11 20966831 Solar Shop Australia solarshop en Australia Adelaide 0 3023 2324 Share the power of good with Australia’s leading solar energy provider. 1646 141 Australia 116893165 danielauhlig danielauhlig en NSW Sydney 0 55 1980 Small business owner.Hate unions legal mafia taking protection money. Bring back Ind contracts. Libs must address IR laws dont cowtail to these bastards. 83 2 New South Wales Australia 81233946 Mindbox MindboxAU en Sydney Hawaii 0 39 226 Boutique agency specialising in Online Advertising and Search 48 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 186421591 Brenton Watts squid603 en Sydney 10 191 37 0 New South Wales Australia 188648142 Helen Keely tweetmellons en Victoria 0 14 5 225 0 Victoria Australia 196795309 Christopher Kerrisk kerro77 en Melbourne 0 3 5 13 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 196598024 David Steele heapleach en Fremantle, Australia Perth 0 22 6 108 0 Fremantle Western Australia Australia 39162036 Paul Wilkins pwilkins10 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 108 1248 Love all sports, helping people less fortunate than me, and coffee. 749 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 21993332 Emily Goddard emgoddard en Gold Coast Hawaii 49 93 514 2 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 196488157 Lianne Kercher Red_230 en Melbourne 0 12 1 147 0 Victoria Australia 19175102 Wendy Carlisle Wendycarlisle en city streets Sydney 322 1043 ABC journalist with Background Briefing. Tweets mine, except the dumb ones, they're aunty's 376 24 25644216 Chris Christo cchristo83 en Sydney Sydney 7 14 41 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 184380930 Julia Fanali Julia_Fanali en Perth, Australia Perth 0 64 37 Marketing Coordinator @ Jackson McDonald Lawyers. Perth girl born and bred, likes 80’s music, a wine or 2, fashion and food (mainly pasta and potatoes). 98 4 Perth Western Australia Australia 34875801 Eddie H edrh en Yarraville via Geelong Melbourne 0 74 602 Biomedical Scientist, Cats fan, Rockstar. 197 1 181953615 J Farren-Price JohnFarrenPrice en Sydney 0 10 7 40 0 New South Wales Australia 74649326 David Berry dgb33 en Ballarat, Victoria, Australia 0 49 59 232 1 Ballarat Victoria Australia 26627993 Elizabeth Burrows Mz_Lizzy en Brisbane International Date Line West 0 36 4 445 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 184406638 Gail Sellers GailMSellers en Hawaii 0 18 88 27 0 Unknown 28212899 Michael Josem michaeljosem en Sydney Sydney 0 130 501 48 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 196302610 micaela cardozo mikhitta12 es Buenos Aires 0 13 10 102 1 51315457 emma lupo emma_000 en Brisbane 0 38 58 208 0 Queensland Australia 195688606 Llew O'Brien Llewcifer en Hawaii 0 3 10 25 0 Unknown 22687948 Nerida Brownlee NeridaBrownlee en New York City Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 195 398 Candidate for MA in Media Studies & Certificate of Media Management, The New School (@thenewschool) and intern at NPR's On the Media 421 11 New York City New York United States 196204426 pieter pieter1184 en 3 0 19 0 159445105 mel l melings31 en 0 3 5 43 0 190264792 Cameron Douglas Cam_Dougie en Perth, Western Australia Tokyo 0 26 60 One of the good guys :P 190 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 191401141 susan swords susan_swords en Sydney 0 0 13 0 New South Wales Australia 162617300 Mark Saban Mareko69 en Brisbane 0 17 6 90 0 Queensland Australia 112686288 Kidsafe Queensland KidsafeQLD en QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 148 35 184 8 Queensland Australia 48627031 Todd Abbott TVsToddAbbott en Melbourne Melbourne 199 0 430 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 21282743 David Sismey dstrumpet en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 47 76 150 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 83045482 kris halliday krisjacob en melbourne, aus Melbourne 0 25 125 70 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 167632560 Kirsty Kelly kkplanner en 0 7 7 64 0 186399631 Mr. Thorium Power thoriumpower en 0 16 113 Just a person wondering why Thorium is not being used as the 'game changer' to the worlds energy needs. Does Thorium really have this potential? 43 1 25077681 Justin Talent justintalent en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 127 36 In short, I'm 17, a big fan of metal music, video games, action/comedy movies and just generally just having fun! :) 314 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 148705870 Jason Featon JasonFeaton en Randwick Sydney 0 86 12 Grown up in Clovelly, a member of Clovelly SLSC and Waverley College old boy. Residential Sales Agent in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. 170 1 10654152 richardwsmith richardwsmith en Melbourne 0 60 595 C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 CANBERRA 001366 SIPDIS NOFORN SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/07/2016 TAGS: PGOV, PREL, MARR, PARM, AS 342 1 Victoria Australia 25974848 Bec W becs11 en Hawaii 5 15 88 0 Unknown 60230905 Darren Johannesen DarrenJohannese en Hawaii 0 54 350 249 1 Unknown 137984183 Matty Goodrope MattyGoodrope en Melbourne 0 177 198 Currently working in the sports industry with the Melbourne Football Club and studying part time. 524 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 118911808 Tarrek Naji TarrekNaji en 0 24 85 I'm as cool as ice. 108 0 10802622 John Debrincat eCorner_eCom en Gladesville, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 781 286 eCorner specialises in providing mass hosted eCommerce solutions using ePages. 910 8 35661595 NetworkonDisability ANDisability en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 266 246 Australian Network on Disability (AND) - advancing the equitable inclusion of people with disability in all aspects of business 196 22 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15358671 tayls_81 tayls_81 en iPhone: -35.297700,149.176425 Adelaide 0 391 3561 MBA, BEng, Dip PM. Worked Aerospace Industry and general technophile rambling through CyberSpace and Time. 649 10 196039332 Ken Wyatt KenWyattMP en Hasluck Perth 0 1461 331 Ken Wyatt is the federal MP for the seat of Hasluck in Western Australia and is committed to representing the electorate's needs in Canberra for all its people. 164 84 196041538 Aaron Payne AaronScottPayne en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 3 33 I am Aaron. Musician, Author, Composer and Employee. 14 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 56693032 Luke Harris thelukeharris en Sydney Australia 0 8 2 50 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166459725 Richard Haynes guruminga en 0 7 15 112 1 169699301 Whiskey Rocked WhiskeyRocked en Tamworth Sydney 0 13 2 58 0 Tamworth New South Wales Australia 112585431 michelle wawrzycki mjw1974 en Kensington Victoria Australia Melbourne 77 933 36 yrs old and just got engaged to my wonderful man. I have 3 children who i love heaps. 525 3 Kensington Victoria Australia 178951159 lydia burke kineticcopy en subiaco, perth 0 19 76 Freelance creative writer, sitting above Rokeby Road in Subi. Drop in for great coffee and creative copy. 69 1 170905926 Dean Nye Dean_Nye en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 36 131 Producer for Weekend TODAY with the Nine Network. Love TV, love film, love to learn. My tweets are my own and do not reflect any views of my employer. 181 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 39435053 Tara Leferink tazzal en 0 41 20 468 1 26609549 John Stevenson Hank_Johnson en Brisbane Brisbane 0 50 130 I like sailing 105 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 192472705 Matt Kelly LiberalTasmania en Hobart City Hobart 0 6 45 Businessman, Hobart Capital City Branch Member 44 0 188626501 Tanya George aunty_tan en 9 0 83 0 986151 Lachlan Fysh lachlanfysh en melbourne Melbourne 0 33 241 165 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 176433864 JAmalBiad WorldLove5 fr Association Maghren COM London 0 144 464 President of the Association Euro Mediterranean Maghreb Com for developement, Culture and Heritage 1988 3 47083863 Hays Daewoud HaysDaAce en Sydney 0 10 16 Manager/Owner of Ace VoiceOvers. Head Coach/Owner of Ace MartialArts: Specialising in Private Training, Group Sessions, Corporate training & Events. 28 0 New South Wales Australia 73060921 Web2au WebCam Chat web2au en Melbourne Melbourne 0 66 88 100% FREE webcam chatrooms Create your own Video Chat room for you and your network to discuss whatever topic you want. 59 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 21272868 Lia Timson LiaTimson en Sydney 0 653 860 Freelance technology and marketing journalist, interested in technology and campaigns that change behaviour - consumer or enterprise 395 25 New South Wales Australia 110273021 Taryn Virginia TarynVirginia en Darwin, NT Darwin 0 19 629 I enjoy things. I also enjoy stuff. But only sometimes. 229 0 171606652 Shelby Marie Shelbzkin2010 en Water- Winter Wonderland Quito 333 585 I'm 18, a freshman at college, I love JDB!! I love Fuzes and Arnold Palmers. I work at LJS. I love country music. I follow back! 899 1 18009367 Chris Sharkey chrissharkey en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 117 289 Bringing internet business to life. 57 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22552744 Ben Haywood haybenj en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 100 888 Writer, editor and marketer working in news media. 269 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 152162155 Harrison Steinhart harrysteinhart en Melbourne Melbourne 0 82 50 260 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 194961554 Grand Final Replay AFLgf2 en MCG, Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 209 198 AFL Grand Final Replay - news for fans 846 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22351440 AdelaideDoula AdelaideDoula en Adelaide heading to the Gold C Adelaide 0 489 134 Mother of 7 Little Australian's! Adelaide Doula & consumer advocate passionate about Pregnancy, Birth & Postnatal support for all women in all models of care. 2000 23 Adelaide South Australia Australia 195594653 PILCH HPLC homelesslaw en Melbourne, Australia 0 388 1258 The PILCH Homeless Persons' Legal Clinic is a specialist legal service that provides free legal assistance and human rights advocacy to people who are homeless. 295 33 Melbourne Victoria Australia 74472953 Mad Brothers MadBrothers en Montreal, Canada Atlantic Time (Canada) 0 263 442 Cool webstore, we offer Slap Shot movie licensed products and other nostalgia branded apparel. Worldwide shipping. We treat you like stars! 1463 7 Montreal Quebec Canada 142842305 Kristopher Heckman krisakakid7 en Langley Air Force Base VA Quito 0 163 23 Kid 7 - Military Hip Hop - From Then Till Now album comming out this summer 1541 1 123181097 오창목 Changmok S. OH ChangmokScottOH en 경주/시드니, Gyeongju/Sydney Sydney 0 535 536 Studying on medical fields in Australian Catholic University. Korean mother-tongue. Hometown Gyeongju South Korea. Btw hates North Korea. Wish reunion though XO 1313 2 168646454 Danika Carty danikacarty en Adelaide Hills, Australia Adelaide 0 18 33 74 0 49975543 Naomi Burke naomipb en 0 11 9 politics, comedy, tv, film, footy, drink, sleep.... and brunch 119 0 20671113 Melanie Petrinec MelaniePetrinec en Cairns Hawaii 0 51 264 Far North Queensland journalist. Interests include punning and lurking in the back of courtrooms. Opinions are my own and not my employer's. 110 1 Cairns Queensland Australia 162354468 Bill Sneddon Kobebonz en Redland Bay 0 28 299 90 0 Redland Bay Queensland Australia 187877333 Nick Carter nickjrc en Melbourne Melbourne 0 24 118 A keen observer of the human condition 109 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 34595011 Bruce Meers Muttley_au en Brisbane Brisbane 0 11 56 89 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 37101605 John Mikelsons john_mikelsons en Brisbane Brisbane 0 25 236 118 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 33367573 Lachlan Thomas Slade lachieslade en Melbourne 43 249 161 1 Victoria Australia 190944790 hhcv hhcv en Australia Brisbane 13 164 73 0 Australia 194992948 Greg Dimopoulos gregdimopoulos1 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 71 48 Photographer; Student; Presenter 352 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 36227202 Lisa Mossop DocLisa en Sydney Sydney 0 268 82 Psyching myself up for the transition from medical student to intern...wish me luck! 740 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 194525253 Paul_RT thornmeister_0 en Australia Adelaide 4 36 Supporter of: NUFC, Melbourne Demons & Norwood Redlegs 58 0 Australia 193903933 Murray Henderson Muzzakiah en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 28 224 Child of God, Husband, Father, Wannabee technogeek, Pursuer of an impossible dream. 65 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 156050051 Christine Craig C31747 en 0 3 3 12 0 190207058 Nepean News NepeanNews en Penrith NSW 6 0 Independent local newspaper 10 0 25023100 Matthew Walsh matthewsamwalsh en Melbourne, Australia Hawaii 31 45 89 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 31729263 Leonie Jackson wonderleelee en -33.889052,151.231062 Sydney 49 94 86 2 95552974 Patrick Clancy clancylowana en Devonport, Tasmania, Australia Hobart 0 14 65 44 2 Devonport Tasmania Australia 37884446 chris khoury Chris_Khoury en Australia Hawaii 0 91 2087 482 4 Australia 186361182 Skatepark Rousehill SK8PRK4RH en Rouse Hill Sydney 0 38 23 271 0 14914722 PaulHeck PaulHeck en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 580 9773 trainer, blogger & project manager,started & run a number of successful businesses, active in arts, design & photography. Geek. speaks German too 723 21 Adelaide South Australia Australia 86512473 farmbuy en Melbourne Melbourne 0 117 5 - Australia's best way to buy and sell rural property. Find your next dairy, cropping, beef, sheep or lifestyle farm today. The Rural Property Site. 262 9 Melbourne Victoria Australia 194748092 Megan Harris (Brand) corgiandmoose en Brisbane! 0 8 25 17 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 99408682 Journalist Corner NewsBulletins en Australia Alaska 0 77 96 Post your News Bulletic and Links to Press Releases here... 144 3 Australia 160468726 Emma Mikus emmamikus en Melbourne 0 73 33 PR chick currently working part-time at Edelman, Melbourne. Loves travel (particularly South-East Asia) and has a passion for food. 164 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 195578794 Polideck polideck en Hawaii 0 0 252 0 Unknown 48243497 Ravindra rav73 en Australia Hawaii 0 13 12 Maths Teacher 53 0 Australia 127626424 Alexandra Ristway aristway27 en 0 43 244 247 2 35947725 InStyle InStyleMag en Hawaii 0 2684 771 467 100 Unknown 145439726 Sarah Cole sarahalicecole en 0 60 21 125 0 19643582 Margarita Stein bigbirdbites en 14 0 55 0 172627172 FijiBook fijibook en Fiji Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 69 62 FijiBook is a social networking site and a resource of information for Fiji. 380 0 24123008 Kelly Greenop kellygreenop en beautiful planet earth Brisbane 0 28 111 lover of tea and toast, oh and biscuits 112 1 192765134 Fire Blonde68 FireBlonde68 en Australia Brisbane 0 1 51 19 0 Australia 56939135 Dean Leonard Butler UFO_OR_ET en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 391 53 ME: Altruist, Philanthropist, Visionary, Healer, Entrepeneur, Inventor, Writer, Poet, I.T. Expert etc :-) 1994 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 134862737 EastLink EastLink en Canada Santiago 0 1129 1920 Official EastLink account. Support and Service plus updates on what's new at EastLink. How can we help? 1765 57 Canada 44829905 Amy Wilson-Chapman amytheblue en Perth 0 246 3325 I'm a journo working in Freo after moving back to Perth after four years in Canadia! All the views are my own! 283 20 Perth Western Australia Australia 81570521 Mert Åžafak Moneyking18 en Quito 0 196 52 648 2 Ecuador 24838754 Akwesasne Warriors fhlwarriors en Akwesasne, Ontario Central Time (US & Canada) 0 49 18 The Akwesasne Warriors Hockey Club will play out of A Nowara Ko:wa Arena on Cornwall Island starting in November 138 4 170690908 Genny Deeble gennyde en 0 5 93 25 0 38528968 Tracey Kelly tickles20 en Australia Melbourne 5 4 Living as only I can 47 0 Australia 182149087 Lisa Miles QDPLisa en 37 0 518 0 182715655 VillagePicNSW VillagePicNSW en NSW, Australia Sydney 0 96 823 VillagePic - Stay in touch with Local News from Australia. But at VillagePic we're different. You can upload your own news & pics. Businesses can list. Visit us 367 4 New South Wales Australia 22859055 kylie marshall kyliemarshall en Logan, QLD Brisbane 0 93 268 I have no life, that is all 346 3 83313974 Aaron Smith azerusdaddius en Australia Sydney 8 48 Always looking for something new to do. 61 0 Australia 23910075 suzi q suzi_q1984 en Hawaii 12 2 185 0 Unknown 33334178 Sue Manton fallenprincess en 2 0 2 0 164725570 SportsCoachLinks SportsCoachLink en GLOBAL London 0 351 171 Sports coach industry networking - all sports, all nations. 1650 12 Unknown 23900619 Shay Narsey ShayNarsey en All over the place Auckland 0 380 4375 hmmm well im a uni student, lnto rugby and cricket. Have a black belt in taekwondo #1 ZM fan 657 5 192516189 Brendan Byron RealBByron en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 49 787 I like writing, photography, social media, history, various sciences, trivia and minutiae, linguistics, Oxford Commas, and spamming your feed. 143 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 87871019 Brendan Cavanagh brendancavanagh en Sydney, Australia Sydney 109 47 State Organiser, Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch) 246 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 193209613 Anne-Louise Brown WeasleBrown en Australia 0 32 16 I am a journalist. I collect salt and pepper shakers. I am a keen thrift store shopper. Buy me a Pimms and I'm yours. 109 1 Australia 42890987 Wil Broussard wil68 en Canberra 0 14 32 114 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 186751606 Troy thudsquid en melbourne Melbourne 0 7 32 38 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 29630807 Monica M MonzM en Sydney 0 28 262 67 2 New South Wales Australia 178164067 David Guthrey davidguthrey en Penrith 0 8 11 25 0 Penrith New South Wales Australia 33446884 Elyse Hudson elyse_h en NSW, Australia Sydney 0 33 184 Public Speaker and Self-confessed Nerd 50 5 New South Wales Australia 80500134 Sarina Ballauff frazzlesazzle en Australia Sydney 0 44 6 Digital native 168 0 Australia 33826905 Jacobie-lee Shean j_leeeeeeeeeeee en sydney, australia Sydney 50 249 im me and if you dont like it you can go get farked!!!!! ive been fucked around to many time, that is y im thankful for aaron who i know i can talk to 3 4ever! 470 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 194984110 Timmy O'Toole Commodityfetish en Carverville Melbourne 6 3 Wrong life cannot be lived rightly. 82 0 193256287 Corey corkey107 en hunter valley Sydney 0 6 17 41 0 195126201 Fake Mrs Abbott FakeMrsAbbott en Manly 0 52 32 I had a nightmare in which I was married to Tony Abbott. Then I woke up and ... drats! 94 5 Manly Queensland Australia 146550418 Herry Isnanto Tegarbagus en 0 745 903 1515 2 107506667 Roberto T. Persivale rtpersivale en ANU Canberra 0 43 264 I never save anything for the swim back 148 1 19806118 Joe Curtis seppe_91 en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 40 455 70 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 21075295 katrina walker katrinawalker en Melbourne Tehran 0 107 1243 347 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 28965320 Nerissa Byron nerissa99 en 10 0 101 0 189844828 Nikki Brown NikkiLBrown en 0 12 10 91 0 180660218 Andre Vlcek salespsyche en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 99 192 822 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 13997622 Josh Halpern findjh en Perth Perth 0 119 77 Unlikley surfer, realtor, geek. Loves travelling yet is a tragic homebody. " Traitor, your heart is blacker than your turtleneck!" 170 4 Perth Western Australia Australia 150215474 Steve Annabelle SteveAnnab en Hawaii 1 0 39 0 Unknown 61433368 A Greenfield A_Greenfield en Australia Hawaii 0 4 103 41 0 Australia 192725508 jessica whittaker jeswhitt en 9 12 85 0 183652932 Christian Sandbrook Jellyman72 en Caboolture, Queensland Brisbane 0 18 573 19, Queensland, Website Designer/Developer, Tech Head, Firefox, Open Source, ABC Junkie, Arsenal, Collingwood, Roosters. 48 2 20422751 Gerardo Demarte somestars en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 26 105 93 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 187876186 JessEvans Jayleigh555 en 0 3 11 79 0 107930058 Karen Atkins __kaz__04 en NSW Australia Sydney 0 8 10 Mum to 4, Grandma to 4, Love me Manly Sea Eagles, Lee Kernaghan and Subway 44 0 New South Wales Australia 134167216 Olga Kitkova olga211 en Bratislava 112 440 929 2 24826058 Veronica Wilson vee_wilson en Qld, Australia Brisbane 0 53 87 Professional Bookkeeper. MYOB Certified Consultant. Registered BAS Agent. Amateur genealogist, mother & grandmother! 130 2 Queensland Australia 193265834 Bailee Walker baileelwalker en 0 11 1 135 0 189798220 Vomo Island Resort VomoIslandFiji en Fiji Islands Fiji 0 566 341 Vomo is a 5-star luxury private resort set on it's own island. Enjoy world-class cuisine, rich marine life and hours of sunshine. 276 6 126477895 Olivia Hall OliviaHall89 en Townsville, Australia Brisbane 0 41 130 I'm a water baby, love the rain, but there's nothing wrong with a bit of heat in FNQ! I'm chilled out & full-on all at the right times. 223 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 161646181 Sober Haven Bali SoberHavenBali en Bali Perth 0 68 16 Sober Haven Bali is a boutique holiday experience on the magical island of Bali created especially for 12 steppers and friends 178 0 193278425 Alyssa Robinson thatsironical en Sydney Sydney 0 144 1291 Amateur blogger, journalist and musician. Aims to be simultaneously caustic and charismatic. Will likely settle for just one of the two. Care to hedge bets? 351 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 153641694 Marni McNiff MarniMcNiff en Connecticut Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 262 105 I am a freelance editor and writer, currently working for 648 3 Connecticut United States 191760504 imogen caruso Rivka_balty en 5 0 51 0 81716232 Jo Seip JodiSeip en 0 8 6 35 0 174906332 ChorusCall Australia ChorusCallAu en 346 Turbot Street Brisbane Brisbane 0 256 124 Audio conferencing, Video conferencing, Web conferencing in Australia and world wide. 1416 10 22591704 Michael Davies davies_03 en Vancity... proud Novocastrian Sydney 0 224 85 lover of life, family, mates, keeping fit & healthy, the beach, photography, golf, travelling, marketing, advertising, social media, promotions 636 7 32986287 Morgan bridges MorganHeartYou en Central Time (US & Canada) 0 1611 783 Well I don't really know what to say besides I love people and I try to treat everyone the way God would want us too!(: 1963 23 United States 166473205 Sam Ness nessysam en Canberra 1 2 13 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 23380679 Nick Moore MooreNick en Brisbane Brisbane 0 25 84 Nick Moore, the quintessential man about home. 80 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 41269053 Justine Kearney JustineK_ABC en Umina Beach Sydney 0 67 4 ABC Journalist based in Erina on the New South Wales Central Coast. 193 7 38475341 Anand Desai satdrk en Detroit, MI Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 168 1538 Just all about living life and doing it .... watever it takes 1194 2 Detroit Michigan United States 34613385 Brett Corbett brettoau en 0 18 1 28 0 194722447 Jim Schwanse Zinzan2010 en Sydney 1 1 61 0 New South Wales Australia 77970073 Renee Gray NeeGray1979 en Perth WA 0 60 1 208 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 39799189 Roland Fillion rrolls1poet en Fort Erie Quito 0 450 1646 Canadian Party Value 4 your vote! Take a stand! Make a difference! 2002 6 31374266 Some Schmo thefloorislava en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 3 5 Likes the idea of being a writer, but has no idea what to write about. Pathological procrastinator 19 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 187417657 Tom Graue reCOGnise1 en 0 21 72 185 0 40134017 Mark Coure markcourelive en Sydney Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 81 99 Liberal Candidate for Oatley 122 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 28506578 Chantel channieq en Toowoomba, Queensland Brisbane 12 46 Country Girl. Animal Lover & Rights Activist. Fibromyalgia Sufferer. Brisbane Roar Supporter. Doggy Mother. Daughter. Sister. Aunty. Wife. 166 0 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 14729096 leefurlong leefurlong en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 81 1020 I am *NOT* female. I am *NOT* married to an Aussie Cricketer. I am *NOT* pretty. I am lovely though :) 90 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 19842570 William Richey WilRic en Australia Sydney 0 28 292 77 1 Australia 164474618 Douglas Steele auspider en Australia Sydney 1 98 14 0 Australia 124259878 Alan Ross TheRealRosso en Australia Adelaide 0 6 59 ...avid listener to 'medievel agrarian history' by the Runettes... 30 0 Australia 194467583 Josh Klingberg jokl14 en 1 0 12 0 182785231 C Anthony CA0212 en Sydney 0 31 465 58 1 New South Wales Australia 61636429 Telstra Telstra en Australia Adelaide 0 6763 16841 We're here to provide Telstra customer support and to answer any questions you may have. We're here 8:30am-8.30pm, 7 days a week. Feel free to send us a tweet! 2725 302 Australia 143319408 Geoff Long NotshortLong en Melbourne Melbourne 0 28 81 Melbourne correspondent for CommsDay as well as running 49 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 181451797 RiezCha chacha_riezcha en 0 3 3 43 1 193945186 Sarah Palin OzRightWinger en Canberra Canberra 0 39 64 I work in federal politics. 175 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 188642876 Lisa Marino lilylornagrace en 5 0 63 1 186012705 Nathan McGrath McGrath_Na en Sydney Sydney 0 38 71 Student at Macquarie Uni, Christian, Rugby 244 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 27598196 Kieran Bailey kieranbailey en South West, Australia Perth 0 29 269 I'm a young, happy, family orientated Australian. I love my wife and my daughter and son, and I am obsessed with politics and technology! 140 1 Harvey Western Australia Australia 38562721 Siew blancdeblanc en Sydney 34 793 54 3 New South Wales Australia 25015992 James McNamara JRMcNamara en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 55 87 Account Associate at Cole Lawson Communications, Brisbane, Australia. 68 2 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 168644198 YCAN yarracan en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 107 76 Yarra Climate Action Now is a climate action group based in the City of Yarra, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 361 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 160769701 Q Station QstationRetreat en Manly, Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 72 72 Sydney’s Q Station has fast become the city’s most successful heritage site, combining stylish accommodation with spectacular views and fascinating history. 236 2 62780158 Peter Way Hotspur333 en Canberra &/or Newcastle Canberra 0 12 53 Sport loving genuine guy. Love a laugh. Love Music. Follow 35 teams from around the world. Studying Sports Media and want to work on Fox Sports News 52 0 16849341 Jessica Grimes ohthegrime en Johannesburg, South Africa Greenland 0 25 54 196 0 107257595 East Asia Forum east_asia_forum en Canberra, ACT Canberra 0 1046 670 Economics, Politics and Public Policy in East Asia and the Pacific. 1641 108 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 192920304 ashanti tyson satomimotto en chicago Alaska 0 25 3 344 0 Chicago Illinois United States 187461553 Erin Vincent ErinVincentABC en Melbourne 0 24 9 64 0 Victoria Australia 128216006 Alex williamson sexbomsexbom12 en ENGLAND 0 32 158 hello i am 21 and looking for a good friend or relationship and i am also demi lovato's half sister 503 0 England United Kingdom 77002669 spicebrady spicebrady en Perth, Australia Perth 17 228 88 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 28690225 David Kirkpatrick daveyk317 en Sydney Sydney 0 312 4764 In the twitterverse I like to comment on politics, the media bias & inept coverage of issues. Looking for the media to inspire not sensationalise. 1035 14 Sydney New South Wales Australia 172160601 James Chapman TheChapo82 en Ctown Sydney 0 53 367 Im just a regular fella from south west sydney 294 1 171059891 strategicallyblonde strategicblonde en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 20 138 Saving the world, one choice at a time. Boat rocking political newbe... 64 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 38653893 Julia Willis julialwillis en Brisbane Brisbane 0 10 43 56 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 65000318 karenp KarenTwisted en Melbourne Melbourne 29 305 Loves animals,Nine Inch Nails. Music is my religion 157 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 151383092 Sam Dahdah sam_dahdah en Sydney 0 1 21 16 0 New South Wales Australia 192882720 Justin Field justinrfield en Sydney, Australia 0 15 2 51 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 16823756 Matt Lynch mattrlynch en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 757 508 Head of Search - Perth SEO company - 1991 24 Perth Western Australia Australia 190813478 Tim Tam Timtambiscuit2 en Sydney 0 6 112 mum, sister, daughter, wife, trying to figure out life's little mysteries 41 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 194030416 Andrew Morabito eelfan4 en Sydney Sydney 0 4 4 8 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 179076210 Paul Garrett pauliegarrett en Sydney, Australia 0 15 17 72 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 192157802 sedmo inspiringlentil en Sydney 0 16 47 114 1 New South Wales Australia 194053229 Guy Kronberg GuyKro en 0 2 4 17 0 18656075 Shammers atirere en In a pot of honey Sydney 0 131 7797 Astounded 206 3 194040732 hockeysports de 0 10 1 78 1 194032145 Dale Mitchell dfmitchell90 en Emu Park/Gold Coast ;) Brisbane 0 16 50 Lovin and livin life. Great friends :). Studying: Politics, Government, Law. WE have the power to change the world and our little place in it for the better ;) 80 0 27604195 Sam Drummond samdrummond en 0 67 41 163 2 107281276 cam CamScott15 en Aus 0 40 38 130 4 Australia 180246498 Spin Baby, Spin SpinBabySpin en Brisbane Hawaii 0 30 223 91 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 43766220 Gurpreet bhatti gurpreet99 en Darwin, Northern Territory Darwin 6 122 78 2 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 17301525 ckrracing ckrracing en Brisvegas Brisbane 0 42 332 What can i say I'm a good shot 97 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 77106987 Branwell Travers branwelltravers en Melbourne Melbourne 0 51 604 I realy just got this so no-one would steal my name. 197 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 76628692 Ron E Coote RonECoote en Sunshine Coast hinterland. Hawaii 0 12 45 Inducting my idle mind into the University of The Devil's Playground. 110 1 77922176 Melissa Wilkinson MelWilk76 en 2 0 20 0 183202147 Jordon Tomopoulos JordonST en Adelaide 0 0 1 10 0 South Australia Australia 151743793 Vaneer Randhawa vaneerr en Melbourne Melbourne 9 232 91 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 135750191 Anne Kruger abcannekruger en Australia Brisbane 0 43 22 ABC TV Presenter for Landline and 7pm News Qld weekends 11 4 Australia 102503769 A F Leash0302 en Adelaide 167 1379 Divorce lawyer by day, champagne drinker the rest of the time. Shoe addict, love my dogs, fashionista (@ least I like 2 think so) & generally funny/cute/modest 206 14 South Australia Australia 175301076 MeetSeeker MeetSeeker en Australia 0 495 324 We're an online video resume service that's completely changing the way people hire new staff. 2000 10 Australia 46322591 David Mair republicoz en Sydney Sydney 0 13 73 34 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 83527915 Deborah Tabart OAM DeborahTabart en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 2028 397 CEO of the Australian Koala Foundation. Protecting the Koala and its habitat provides an unmistakable solution in Australia's fight against climate change. 2039 118 Brisbane Queensland Australia 95521824 Green Energy Trading RBrazzale en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 203 39 Green Energy Trading is one of the largest Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) and Energy Efficiency Certificate (EEC) agents in Australia. 232 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 5400322 Brian Chau brianchau en Melbourne Melbourne 0 88 71 40 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 163427782 Raya Bocian Raichka77 en 0 4 1 27 0 186353314 Jessica Brent JessicaLucyB en Sydney, Australia 0 13 10 89 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 54097398 Rhys Cranney rhyscranney en iPhone: -37.801643,145.098328 Melbourne 0 52 1442 I have all my thoughts. All at once. In short bursts. 211 0 191368487 Suzanne McCall Zannah11 en Noosa Brisbane 0 5 2 60 0 Noosa Queensland Australia 187144055 Kristy Sexton kristysexton en Brisbane 0 42 20 Kristy is an ABC News journalist. Her views do not represent those of the ABC. 62 5 Queensland Australia 83069628 Wake Up SouthWest WakeUpSouthWest en Western Australia Perth 0 94 2321 Wake Up With Cliff and Nay weekday mornings for lots of fun and a little anarchy. We're never boring! 299 4 Western Australia Australia 14988484 Paul Roberts conem en Melbourne Melbourne 0 1399 3035 Condemned to work on interesting things 1478 45 Melbourne Victoria Australia 31064995 Lee Roberts Leeroy_Roberts en Australia Sydney 0 10 64 25 1 Australia 63094723 Hockey Direct Hockeydirect en St.Albans, England London 0 31 48 159 4 England United Kingdom 25495640 Julian Dunmurphy jdunmurphy en Adelaide Adelaide 0 218 500 A unique specimen of the Catarrhini parvorder. I enjoy finding the word 'art' and sampling if the word 'life' is interchangeable in it's context. 931 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 20423924 Xavier Smith XavierJSmith en Melbourne Melbourne 42 60 Constantly dreaming and scheming 213 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 193659129 peterlloyd InsideStoryBook en sydney Sydney 0 94 65 The much-anticipated and extraordinarily compelling account of Peter Lloyd's very public fall from grace on drug charges in Singapore. 210 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 193562791 Michael Sky mikeysky en Sydney 0 30 122 222 0 New South Wales Australia 77119019 PETER GAVOS PETEGFS en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 14 137 Customs Broker, Int'l Freight Forwarder, Car Broker, Jet Broker 98 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 60866631 Schtang Schtang en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 86 994 a good person 112 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20975730 Janelle Kelly JanelleC76 en Central Victoria, Australia Hawaii 22 385 30-something Aussie girl. 60 0 Bendigo Victoria Australia 93837721 k'elle Joy_Derision en dystopia Brisbane 0 141 1845 Nihilistic Misanthropic Goddess of Contrarianism. Mother. Lover of cats/paisley/sugarbowls. Troyskyist. Science/linux/history/philosophy geek/snob. Post Goth 333 3 156208751 Ian mclucas Ianmclucas77 en sydeneee Hawaii 0 95 1015 Its all about red and green... love league, sports in general, surfing, betting, working hard and playing hard. Go you MIGHTY bunnies ! giddy up ! 222 4 14610027 Ewen Wallace CADbloke en Sydney. Australia Sydney 0 871 11497 I design Broadcast TV stations in AutoCAD. For my non-CAD tweets please follow @DontSailBackwds 768 40 Sydney New South Wales Australia 192827443 The Breakfast Asian BreakfastAsian en Tasmania 0 26 83 Official Twitter of The Breakfast Asian Artist Collective. 76 1 Tasmania Australia 25794099 bradles81 bradles81 en Australia Sydney 4 30 21 0 Australia 127748998 Liz Niland lizniland en Newcastle 0 119 387 A twenty-something girl of the world seeking inspiration, knowledge, fun and red wine. 356 7 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 193557481 Graeme Walker GraemeBWalker en Brisbane Brisbane 0 162 100 Personal insurance / advertising - Entrepreneur. Strong political views but not politicly correct. Family man, sports junky & Cricket tragic 318 4 Brisbane Queensland Australia 25781841 nick kennedy njknndy en sydney Hawaii 0 45 17 yeh lad 554 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 165671390 Chris Stuckey stuck_27 en Melbourne 22 215 95 0 Victoria Australia 188569536 Brendan Grayson xGrayMatt3Rx en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 18 67 224 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 126554598 angus cameron angibaby23 en in da hood Hawaii 0 80 277 i am such a epic pro gansta favourite sport footy second b ball and athletics wgps pls follow if u r a gun 715 1 Unknown 188721261 James McKeown Jimbobdermann en 3 0 12 0 134404610 zack p zakky62598 en Melbourne, BABY! Sydney 61 283 =] Twitterer, Musician, Computer-holic =] 469 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 19279573 Kylee L Hastie Kively en Western Australia Perth 0 472 379 We have been operating since 2008,to promote a useful way to save costs on hiring staff. We offer array of services to a wide range of business. 1201 9 Western Australia Australia 14583832 Anonymous AnonSA en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 544 603 South Australian Anonymous group protesting against the Church of Scientology. Have a chat on our forums. 327 31 Adelaide South Australia Australia 51999086 Michael Robinson ozrobbo en Australia Melbourne 32 424 Sports Guru 749 1 Australia 18402949 Rich Evans rich_evans en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 1297 2497 Founder of REDD Interactive & Trusty Tradesman, Author of Click Here, Internet Speaker, Designer... fan of hair metal, lover of tattoos 1574 29 Sydney New South Wales Australia 193129397 Mark Hayes MKH2076 en 0 4 10 Father of 3 Teenaged girls and husband of Merilyn. 1 cat and 2 dogs 36 0 24441857 'bert Tsang bertts en Perth-world Sydney 0 29 30 i luv 2 raise the roof!! 256 0 43812804 john hall JHRural en Toowoomba Brisbane 35 92 Father of 4 awesome girls and husband to the best wife. Country doctor with a passion for rural health issues. 109 1 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 75775064 Andrew Dadswell AndrewDadswell en Sydney Sydney 0 49 146 Sydney park cricketer, public servant & financial services communications guy. 143 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 175380871 Vivaz Dance ivorygrant en Australia 0 61 8 Vivaz offers most comfortable Mens, Womens & Childrens Large Selection Dancing Shoes, Dance Sneakers, Dance Wear, Ballroom & Latin Dance Shoes,of Unique Styles. 387 2 Australia 158988243 Scott Murdoch murdochsj en Sydney Sydney 0 217 154 Journalist, The Australian 222 14 Sydney New South Wales Australia 193579778 Erin Crowden erinlouise83 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 0 40 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 183558257 Politicus101 Politicus101 en Australia 0 415 433 Love to comment on Politics and other social matters 493 23 Australia 25474242 James Piper JimmyHPiper en Sydney Sydney 0 25 32 I'm a young, ambitious graduate on a mission - When I'm not on Twitter that is... 157 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 37595408 IS Gift ISGift en Sydney Sydney 0 589 156 Independence Studios is a wholesaler of contemporary Homewares and Gifts and we pride ourselves on bringing out unique products that have a point of difference. 1994 18 Sydney New South Wales Australia 16483480 Susin Thoroughgood SusinNaomi en Sydney Sydney 0 347 1371 Tech PR chick, feeling geekier by the minute... 473 29 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25071503 Luke Sutherland Theoutkastrock en Brisbane Queensland Brisbane 0 24 3 110 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 15129196 Gemisht Gemisht en Sydney Sydney 71 4913 97 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 191327705 Zaeen Khan zaeenkhan en Sydney, Australia Brisbane 16 62 Alarmed, scared and petrified. Please don't steal my identity. 102 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 171267772 Webstuffbiz en Central Coast, Australia 0 61 257 We do Web-design, Social Media Management and nurture web start-ups. We are also into InfoGraphics, online Guerrilla Marketing and the Entrepreneur spirit. 126 5 Gosford New South Wales Australia 193465897 Sandra Langridge Sandilang en Brisbane 0 0 4 3 0 Queensland Australia 161573166 Matt Stedman mjstedman en Sydney Sydney 0 106 511 Married to Emily, Pastor @ St Andrew's Roseville Sydney 234 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 24884758 Guy Boyd resync en Tasmania Hobart 0 138 3019 I am RaGe. I like all things technology related! 136 15 Tasmania Australia 192361362 Rhett Bunnell RhettBunnell en Canberra Canberra 0 39 170 My Flickr Photostream: 139 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 174858096 Russell Tulett RussellTulett en Sydney 0 51 26 Journo student at UTS and traveller. 96 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 138724372 Brooke Hamilton Art ChookingHam en Sydney Aust Sydney 0 116 3379 Mum to Miss12 & LilMiss6. Married to my Mr Darcy (aka T). Love a chat, coffee, large glasses of Red, art/painting, the Rabbitohs and reading vampire stuff! 212 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 191701709 Keyvision Pty Ltd Keyvision en South Melbourne 0 63 97 We're a digital agency based in South Melbourne. We specialise in web design, creative media, strategies and online community portals. Start a convo with us! 162 2 South Melbourne Victoria Australia 98233751 Phalanx Consulting PhalanxGroup en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 401 125 Management consulting firm that services small-to-medium sized businesses from offices in Melbourne, Geelong, Bendigo, Mildura, Wodonga & Traralgon. 756 12 Victoria Australia 19585268 Bryce Corbett brycecorbett en Sydney Sydney 0 902 1759 Associate Editor, Australian Women's Weekly; occasional author 352 44 Sydney New South Wales Australia 19633608 Brett Blade bpbmb en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 12 0 20 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 27543587 estelica estelica en ACT, Canberra Canberra 0 74 138 NewsFairy, seen only by selected few 196 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 75115091 VPL2705 VPL_Vinicius en São Paulo Brasilia 67 40 800 1 47992423 gaby1010 gaby1010 en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 348 1043 ER doctor ,its about saving lives . is it?disillusioned thinking,more compassion,kindness,equanimity which goes long way. 919 1 Victoria Australia 120769094 lindy twycross lindykt en Perth 12 264 65 2 Western Australia Australia 143008871 Josephine Ryan J0J005 en Melborne Australia 0 5 11 114 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 192807676 Sean Davies _seandavies en 0 19 12 111 0 21455134 Daniel Reid Drake181 en Australia & Korea Seoul 0 30 250 Inspection supervisor on site in Sth Korea 198 2 192915160 Stephen Campbell srcam01 en 0 4 2 21 0 193228314 Mitchell Cobcroft mitchcob89 en Brisbane, Australia 0 4 4 do not follow chantelle 18 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 122091309 Custard Jim Custardjim en Hawaii 0 32 236 I get angry at mangoes when the pip is to big. 193 0 Unknown 193218918 Wyatt Roy TheRealWyattRoy en 0 3 2 LNP member for Longman. 12 0 29117802 HESirVictor Pekarcik GlobalStatesman en Hollywood Hills/Silicon Valley Pacific Time (US & Canada) 149 111 Global Statesman/Philanthropist/Catalyst trying 2 make the world a better place.Challenge StatusQuo & Remember 1 person can make a difference,how much is up 2 u 2001 1 53677146 David Opie djcopie en Blue Mountains Sydney 0 46 31 570 0 Blue Mountains New South Wales Australia 68609561 Kyle Kennedy-Wood kylekennowood en Brisbane Brisbane 0 46 723 77 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 35224115 Kieran Wells kieranwells en Blacktown, NSW Sydney 0 162 3676 Gotta love having some fun! 27/m Spends most time working, Churching or hanging with friends... 527 0 193187057 Carlie Robinson 143Carlz en Gold Coast Brisbane 0 19 105 Hey my name is Carlie and I live in Queensland... And love to read and sit down and watch a good movie 169 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 193178943 Claire Sullivan claire908 en 0 1 4 11 0 185490804 udiahunter udiahunter en Hunter Valley 0 120 143 The Urban Development Institute of Australia NSW, Hunter, represents the interests of all sectors involved in the urban development industry in the Hunter. 225 1 50599775 AT THE ARK attheark en Worldwide Brisbane 0 103 76 A Christian non profit organisation supporting families dealing with the issues of sexual abuse. The founders have personal experience in this area. 274 1 Unknown 181843796 CPK prestidgeking en Solomon Islands Solomon Is. 0 27 85 Freelance journalist, Asia-Pacific foreign policy wonk, ANU student 117 0 111467556 Louis Paulhus loubegas fr Saint-François-du-Lac Central Time (US & Canada) 0 66 15 926 0 186604845 AmyVocale amyvocale en Brisbane 5 11 33 0 Queensland Australia 81425160 Lucas Barbosa Luc_maximo en São Paulo, SP Brasilia 0 230 47 I play tennis XD 1995 4 126982120 Fernando fernandolucas75 es Brasil Piranhas Goiás Santiago 0 160 120 1641 1 80420671 Carolinie Carol_Judd en Gelsenkirchen, Deutschland Brasilia 0 212 513 Unsere größte Stärke kommt aus unserer eigenen Schwäche 1993 6 182164145 Pics Texted Picstexted en USA 0 201 41 Your mobile pics made viral. View the pics, comment, like, and share with your friends 1891 5 United States 106426070 Josh Taylor josh2310 en Australia Melbourne 31 0 190 1 Australia 192760539 Jake Roberts jalexnader en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 10 77 106 0 Victoria Australia 23733518 catriona ross cat_ross en 0 10 6 68 0 56990380 ScottHannaford MadBomberfan en 0 1 1 8 0 181817800 Dean Nottle dnottle en Central Coast NSW Sydney 0 19 228 Media analyst, social commentator, political expert, wannabe ratbag. 61 4 Gosford New South Wales Australia 68214711 Daniel Dorizzi DanielDorizzi en 0 24 7 192 1 45851154 Nicole Woodward nicole_woodward en Brisbane Brisbane 0 82 257 I have a tendency to frolic over medieval bridges in foreign countries with handsome strangers. That's about it. 105 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 34803934 Daniel Baldock DanielKBaldock en Sydney, Australia Sydney 5 0 I am Daniel, i work in an advertising agency in sydney and love my basketball and music 11 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 192784200 Fiona Gates fiona600 en Australia Sydney 0 0 4 0 Australia 24114797 Rebecca McCann becvdb en Melbourne Melbourne 0 124 1592 politics - fashion - music - travel - photography - liberal - i follow stimulation and people who tune in. 235 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 181984719 Denise den2114 en Sydney 0 2 36 5 0 New South Wales Australia 22419897 Trace trace_hogan en Brisvegas Brisbane 0 73 146 608 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 192750619 Fake Ben Watson fakebenwatson en Perth Perth 0 25 69 The ladsiest Twitter on the internet. 65 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 25479692 Claire Parziani CParziani en QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 8 51 27 0 Queensland Australia 81719362 Matthew Hill NuisanceValue en Sydney, Australia Canberra 0 48 219 Musings on international relations, culture, and happenings on the internet. 226 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 187739838 Adrian Barclay ANBarclay en 0 55 127 377 1 142718677 Spark* International SparkAUS en Sydney 0 142 219 A charity with a difference, enabling young leaders to bring about true and lasting change in the places that need it most. 249 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 33898297 Capital jay capitaljay en Perth 0 57 34 Mad one. Casual complainer. 542 0 Western Australia Australia 21179233 Michael Bonaventura bona1978 en Brisbane 0 21 231 438 1 Queensland Australia 189110775 Sam rando1981 en Subiaco 0 32 81 189 3 Subiaco Western Australia Australia 106014400 Yani Lacroix VI YaniLacroixVI en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 177 1204 currently resides in Crown Casino..Towers. Yes, i'm a Jew... & Yes I am Serious about all the above. 226 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 39834894 Marlynn Harris MarlynnMHarris en Seattle, WA Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 466 90 CEO, Geek Chic, Biz Dev for Social Media, Mobile Marketing, SEO, eye on new and emerging technologies. 693 8 Seattle Washington United States 16835683 James FusedJames en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 144 1320 Vegan, cognac or gin is my poison. Sadistic, anti god, mainly tweet about things I hate. Future record label owner and entrepreneur. Also very business minded. 259 2 Victoria Australia 192564385 Follow Back Verified FollowDVerified en Greenland 0 88 3 I Follow All Verified Account! Verified Account Can You Please Follow Me Back? ✔ 964 0 Unknown 15685275 Susan Hetherington snoozen en Brisbane Brisbane 0 542 2593 journalist, journalism educator and official stirrer 325 28 Brisbane Queensland Australia 1680891 James Warne Jwarne en Tehran Tehran 0 73 552 153 2 Tehran Iran 14986740 meaningbusiness meaningbusiness en sydney Sydney 0 337 492 I'm a communicator who helps organisations engage their people, their customers and their communities. 1269 17 Sydney New South Wales Australia 168100894 Natalia Malada natalie2796 en Poland 0 38 254 I love basketball#18 ;) and love hockey . ;) 3 131 3 Poland 71487011 Tim Sheerman timsheerman en Sydney Sydney 0 45 203 Married to Tanya.... U'd like her she's hot! 85 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 1347521 Sheryl Pola yadda en S 38°22' 0'' / E 142°29' 0'' Hobart 0 16 45 69 0 186712231 Sam O'Leary samoleary en 0 22 22 218 1 176715644 Twelia Six Twelia6 en Melbourne, Australia 0 58 82 264 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 192523957 Rob Bezette rjbez en 0 4 9 26 0 178113126 Najeh Marhaba Najiria en Sydney 0 14 52 husband, father, lawyer - politics and history are my main interests. This is a great platform to express and receive news and views!!! 82 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 98486404 Steve Dummett MurrayGreyBeef en Queensland, Australia Brisbane 0 26 74 Project Manager and Quality Murray Grey Beef Cattle Producer 91 1 Queensland Australia 22320322 David Nouri davidnouri en Mexico Sydney 0 37 106 205 0 Mexico 27965350 Nicholas Purcell march1722 en Melbourne 0 124 36 In 1985 I pretended to be Marty McFly. In 2003 I was Bob Harris. I haven't seen any good movies lately. 784 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 53254876 alexandra rogers kimba245 en 0 9 94 58 0 125859378 Christina Yacoub christinayacoub en 0 24 21 422 0 25256494 Drew Gatehouse Drewboys en Victoria Point. Qld Brisbane 0 28 12 42 0 107571449 Gillian McKey GlamourIncMUA en 0 32 51 238 0 179808284 Leah Bradley tigersgirl72 en Oz Sydney 17 112 I'm many things..a Mum of 2, a friend, a counsellor, an advocate for families living with ASD's, a daughter, sister and business owner. 85 0 Australia 191385660 Burnside Voters burnsidevoters en Burnside South Australia Adelaide 0 339 149 Burnside Voters ask for a Fair and Informed Election. Do you care sign our petition today 1458 15 Burnside South Australia Australia 59718040 Rob Tennyson BrotherGhecko en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 49 141 Livin' the life :P 264 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 25803161 Tasia Riga TasiaRiga en Riga 0 41 42 281 0 54407693 Greg Peters greg_peters en Australia Sydney 12 58 181 0 Australia 28760235 Alison (Ali) Cavill CavvieC en Sydney, NSW, Australia Hawaii 0 410 2698 Pretty in pink... Human Resource Management specialist consultant. 2000 8 Sydney New South Wales Australia 14206336 Hurol Inan hurol_inan en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 252 96 281 19 Sydney New South Wales Australia 192352906 Jonathan Jordan JohnoinTville en Brisbane 2 1 32 0 Queensland Australia 170140348 malcolm marrs malcolmmarrs en 0 4 6 13 0 180758463 James Lindley ajameslindley en Brisbane 0 20 39 228 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 191713657 Dustin Dustau9 en Brisbane 0 7 10 41 0 Queensland Australia 111744888 Mrs Cay MrsCay en Australia Sydney 46 183 I'm a retweetaholic 502 0 Australia 153641873 Gary Forbes pooka1967 en Brisbane, Qld, Australia Brisbane 13 15 Family, friends, soccer, squash, gym, travel, rainy nights, eating out - These are a few of my favourite things! 106 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 192405435 Tea Rex TeaRexAus en Jurassic-Era Australia 0 10 3 Respected commentator on Australian politics, society and culture. Dinosaur. Non-smoker 75 0 138595014 Andrew Gorrie olaph en Townsville, Australia Brisbane 0 13 452 My name's Andrew, I'm 25 and I'm anything but boring! Follow me as we take a trip into my bizarre and weird world..who knows you might enjoy it ;P 22 2 Townsville Queensland Australia 15197982 AustralianPoliticsTV austpoliticstv en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 396 3255 Delivering Australian political videos in one place from the political parties, wonks, geeks, hacks & grassroots. Get your fix today! 755 13 Melbourne Victoria Australia 57886753 Emma Bladen erbladen en Dubai, UAE Abu Dhabi 215 1666 Emma Bladen is a writer and editor who likes red, purple and orange. She also likes cats, flamenco, tea, Roy and HG, and dates stuffed with blue cheese. 166 5 152559216 Adam 78adambro en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 21 3 A man of few tweets. 72 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22558346 Brett Mcleod Brtmc en Australia Melbourne 0 755 746 Journalist, Nine Network, among other things 133 43 Australia 53293606 Steve Irons steveirons en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 126 443 Team leader of docDownload, the natural link to the desktop. 179 21 Sydney New South Wales Australia 37627329 Alan Baker bakerawj en Torquay QLD Australia Brisbane 12 1 335 0 97306588 Sukumar Satyen sukumarsatyen en Kolkata New Delhi 91 95 2001 0 Kolkata West Benegal India 20961777 Sally McManus tinkles1 en Melbourne 0 19 11 132 0 Victoria Australia 28760807 Debbie Cahill deb2829 en Bendigo, Victoria, Australia 0 53 172 456 1 Bendigo Victoria Australia 21548880 chrissie swan chrissieswan en melbourne 0 5920 1337 Lover of The Chippie, Leo & Rick Springfield. 359 112 Melbourne Victoria Australia 85455384 Shelley therealshellet en Western Australia Perth 0 98 1900 I'm special? Like stop eating the paste special? 596 4 Western Australia Australia 166146176 MARKYMARK kostodian en Brisbane, Australia Hawaii 0 3 3 22 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 192101974 Big Dick McMannus Spinchecker en Australia 0 199 1592 Paparazzi,Farmer,Poly Watcher,Amateur Commentator Worried about food security. 389 9 Australia 186421914 Mia Kennett MiaKennett en Hawaii 26 41 143 0 Unknown 154832966 Robert Shepherd robdural en 0 7 26 29 0 29402829 Carla Marangelli CarlaMarangelli en Brisbane 0 154 129 23 yo; Brisbane based marketer; human. Work hard, play hard! 435 2 Queensland Australia 150515712 Canberra Cruisin' canberracruisin en Canberra Canberra 0 58 73 A unique way of seeing the sights and surrounds of Canberra - all from the back of a limo with very large windows! Come for a tour! 151 4 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 115815761 Margaret Skotnicka MargaretSkot en Sydney Sydney 6 0 28 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 55786721 Belinda Hoy buibielicious en Casino, NSW Sydney 0 23 54 making chainmail jewellery, ancient & medieval history, South Sydney Rabbitohs, fantasy novels, general nerdiness... love life on the farm 140 0 143801945 Rey Gumatas MP MS StoneNewmanDano en Quezon City Kuala Lumpur 0 16 70 Hyland+Gumatas=Democratic Rules 83 2 163043460 Danny T Dannyboy_101 en 0 11 138 65 0 52012432 Gabrielle Chan gabriellechan en 0 5 4 13 0 17984709 martydownunder martydownunder en Hawaii 0 23 1017 174 1 Unknown 809200 Ken Burgin KenBurgin en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 1223 6334 I work with restaurant, cafe, club, bar, hotel operators to make business more profitable and fun. Focus: marketing, management, cost-control, training, staff. 621 73 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181509388 Tony Anderson 59ando en Sydney, NSW, Australia Sydney 2 0 Involved in the Commercial & Residential Real Estate Industry in NSW, Australia 14 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 118753551 Paul Down SmokeyPSD en Canberra, Aus Canberra 0 43 285 Trombonist,headbanger, bookworm,film buff,composer,gamer. Currently studying music at ANU. Deferred however due to suffering from severe chronic migraines. 306 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 122308776 Ben Siveges ArtiusVandelay en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 13 87 Homo sapien. 44 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 26956209 Lachlan Rhodes lachlanr en melbourne, australia Melbourne 0 199 835 435 9 Melbourne Victoria Australia 175368081 Amanda Baker gabrielliot en 0 1 39 17 0 19690273 Robert Mailer robmailer en Sydney Sydney 0 69 52 I have no mates who Twitter 253 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 101166792 Mike Mount-Bryson MickMB en iPhone: -31.878792,115.781601 Alaska 0 32 177 0 17142283 joshgans joshgans en USA Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 782 3356 Professor/Economics/Blogger and author of Parentonomics 132 68 United States 28591236 Chris Leu Chris_Leu en Perth Perth 4 5 23 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 37359679 Ben D'Lima bendlima en Perth 0 44 116 112 1 Western Australia Australia 184597675 Daniel Ganon Daddyfat64 en Perth 0 14 29 31 0 Western Australia Australia 26911348 Ben Kelly bkelly88 en Hawaii 0 80 132 832 0 Unknown 93371446 Kate Ward kmbward1946 en 0 1 1 64 0 17674906 SC Scar68 en Melbourne Central (Melbourne) Melbourne 208 5102 Works in Stage Automation, loves beer and life in Sth Melb. Addicted to Apple 363 22 22610463 Mick Faber mickjf en Sydney, AU Sydney 0 88 266 216 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 99690076 Kellie McKenzie zacsissa en Australia 0 61 321 Mother, wife, real estate agent, sister and friend 398 1 Australia 144937368 Bronwen Kiely tafkaabcbron en Australia Sydney 0 49 152 International Assignments Editor ABC Sydney - but these views are my own, not the ABC's 54 4 Australia 177142885 Peter Francis Pefracon en Sydney 0 80 1556 210 6 New South Wales Australia 46524927 Matt Baker SKSWEB en australia Brisbane 0 6 12 I like to build and grow business 6 0 Australia 192151964 Australia MP AustraliaMP en Canberra, Australia Canberra 5 0 Independent Political Commentator. (Not a member of any parliament.) 33 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 42168402 Vaughn Clair jvclair en Brisbane Brisbane 0 145 177 I help retailers get more customers and increase sales and profit using low or no cost marketing strategies and simple systems. 260 3 Brisbane Queensland Australia 117446972 Jennifer JenniferV85 en Melbourne, Australia Hawaii 0 46 191 407 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 59100016 Girl Friday Weddings GFWeddings en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 949 1942 Wedding lover, event manager, on the day coordinator, crisis controller, and cheerleader for the bridal industry and the wedding professionals in it. 537 41 Sydney New South Wales Australia 191239099 Talitha Tribe tktribe en Sydney 0 29 18 47 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 187813806 Drew Coulter DDG22 en Yass Canberra 0 4 15 Currently enjoying home time with all my beautiful girls. 63 0 Yass New South Wales Australia 189701237 steve james stevejamestoday en sydney australia Sydney 0 60 130 Steve is just a normal person living at Sydney's stunning Coogee beach ..... 430 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 63710618 schlep schlep_star en canberra, australia 0 165 1189 774 9 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 28924689 Cindy Barker CCinderella en Melbourne-sur-la-mer Melbourne 0 45 121 185 1 21938053 nathan shea nifster74 en Sydney 17 0 64 0 New South Wales Australia 152213461 banksy65 banksy65 en Sydney....Oz Sydney 0 66 920 Living large.... 265 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 85042541 Anna Torok 2togs en Sydney Sydney 0 9 9 72 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 46978669 Australia 2050 Australia2050 en Australia Darwin 0 449 221 The Australia 2050 Project. Defining a 2050 vision for all Australians. We are a passionate team of individuals. Personal opinions show the authors name (thus) 1981 7 Australia 183957140 Karen R dougie468 en Brisbane Australia Brisbane 0 34 84 Nursing w Qld Health, studying medicine at Gold Coast, loving my kids. 90 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 177116939 ikf research ikfres en UK London 0 471 51 Shape up and shed those pounds with ikeepfit, a revolutionary new interactive fitness website! 1754 2 United Kingdom 170279892 Lucinda Garrido lucindagarrido en Buenos Aires, Argentina Buenos Aires 0 13 11 Aid worker, finance analyst, vagabond. Studying MA IR, Security, Conflict & Peace. 104 1 Buenos Aires Argentina 30351943 Carlina Doumtses mrcdrad en Melbourne Melbourne 0 100 2730 15; Education & Sport. Melbourne Victory, Birmingham City and VfL Wolfsburg. Blogging stuff is also cool. :-) 193 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 94161066 John Lechner johnvacy en ÜT: -32.692473,151.578627 Sydney 0 386 8796 Father, husband, Eventer, accidental writer, check out ESJ is me. Traveler & photographer. TD (Eventing) & advocate for Eventing safety. 527 20 43516596 Nigel Grier Zingspace en Townsville 0 25 86 Ecological Designer & Project Manager looking for solutions in nature! 74 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 22768055 A G __ally___ en East Coast Aus Sydney 0 304 2447 General good girl who haters love to hate! 823 6 152292232 Sally Piracha SalPiracha en Brisvegas 0 321 6297 Former Communications Professional, now in Project Management. Many industries, city and regional and rural. All these views are mine. 510 15 Brisbane Queensland Australia 185142154 John Hanscombe Outrider59 en 0 9 51 journalist, sea changer 20 0 14470229 scottbird scottbird en Sydney Sydney 0 1490 11765 Love talking about strength-training? Same here. Come and join us for the twitterchats, each Wed at 9pm EST. Use hashtag #sbgym. 1606 105 Sydney New South Wales Australia 14085515 Aj B aj2 en Adelaide, SA Adelaide 0 329 7623 IT support Geek - Self Employed - WE COME TO YOU - We fix all IT/PC/network probs 452 15 Adelaide South Australia Australia 23682439 Andrew Harper Andrew_W_Harper en Hobart, Tasmania. Hobart 0 427 4485 Writer and artist located in Tasmania. Likes fine coffee, good food, banter, weird horror and good poems. And booze. Musn't forget booze. 732 27 Hobart Tasmania Australia 137311035 Flynn WolvesHQ en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 425 8079 I listen. Journeyman. Dreamer. Always learning. Immature. Humanist. Work in Progress. News & Politics. Homosensual. Rainbow-Activist. WARNING: Rude tweets 503 24 Melbourne Victoria Australia 30105726 Suzette Hosken HoskenS en Melbourne Melbourne 0 97 870 Tai chi instructor, wishful cyclist, indigenous plant enthusiast, mother. Married to @benhosken and @flinklabs Yes, both of them! 280 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 107073831 Douglas Carrison Douglasac10 en Australia Adelaide 0 176 5687 I am an unstudent. I am constantly hungry. I am Anti-Apple. I work in retail and fast food. Pity me. I have a thing for attractive people who own ThinkPads. 306 9 Australia 151623288 Kaye Jeanette Payne kayepayne en NSW Sydney 0 62 113 262 1 New South Wales Australia 169494849 dewi decamitzuka en Jakarta 0 10 29 34 0 Indonesia 64079008 Aaron Moss fabtasticmusic en Australia Hobart 0 335 3336 Designed as a twitter for my music blog, it's evolved into a combined collection of political rants and musical thoughts :P - Enjoy! 653 15 Australia 18263332 Liam Bennett Liam_Bennett en Perth, Western Australia, Aust Perth 0 23 105 75 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 10013972 Ross Maguire RossMaguire en iPhone: -24.885269,152.315506 Brisbane 0 3352 1444 Innovation management, webmaster, interested in technology, new media, Gov 2.0 and Gov 3.0 and using new media and innovation in Government and business. 3040 17 19700412 Gavin notsomadboy en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 155 2327 My thoughts are my own. Just trying to figure it all out. Not good at writing Bios, but my tweets are A+ 340 11 Brisbane Queensland Australia 14201232 Max Baumann maxbaumann en iPhone: -35.063156,138.590271 Adelaide 0 86 118 Deputy National President and National Policy Coordinator of the Australian Democrats 294 3 Flagstaff Hill South Australia Australia 189730522 Ian Kidgell Kidge_1 en Melbourne, Australia 0 6 3 81 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 162016342 wesley dempster buttdog en australia 0 0 2 I am just a big buttdog woof woof 9 0 Australia 21824438 Chris Owens snewoc en Canberra Canberra 0 162 50 428 3 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 106876459 Kerry O'Shea kezosh en Australia 0 17 13 73 0 Australia 141184440 Russ Martin RussMartinAus en Sydney, Australia Sydney 18 134 77 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 191422989 KB2042 KB2042 en Newtown 0 29 15 Occasionally acerbic and merciless, but always heartfelt and live commentary from postcode 2042. Back to you in the studio. 107 1 Newtown Victoria Australia 192028465 #OZCOT RightAussie en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 178 93 Australian Classical Liberal; Conservative-slash-Libertarian. #ozcot #auspol #teaparty #tcot #tlot 332 17 Sydney New South Wales Australia 192039811 Gary Brenner Gary_Big_Brens en Queenslander 0 1 1 18 0 85017574 Todd Stewart ToddRStewart en Australia Sydney 0 40 75 222 4 Australia 17725123 Spinb Spinb en 29 0 193 0 38933802 kurt hoffman kurthh en New York, New York Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 336 94 The travelling armed Concierge of many talents. New York-Mostly overseas on assignment just throw a dart on a globe location changes on unscheduled moment. 1658 5 New York City New York United States 191794706 Justin Mitchell Retireindignity en Gold Coast, Queensland Brisbane 0 6 12 Justin is a qualified Financial Planner and considered a specialist in providing retirement advice for those that are planning and nearing retirement. 39 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 177598990 Agustina Navarrete Morosha020 es SALTA-CAP Santiago 74 171 JUGAR AL HOCKEY 905 1 191354055 Robbie Rynehart rjrynehart en Hawaii 2 0 57 0 Unknown 155839304 Yang Li yanginsydney en Sydney Sydney 0 12 3 Australian immigration law consultant 81 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 156079975 The Clock 0800hrs en On your wall Sydney 10 0 Have been around since the beginning. 124 0 7479642 Ashlee Betteridge ashbetteridge en Albury, Australia Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 509 5675 Former journalist. After stints living in Washington DC and Jakarta, I'm completing my Masters of Public Policy in International Development at the ANU. 595 22 Albury New South Wales Australia 65323023 lucy wilson shallowdreams en Melbourne 0 18 144 This is who I am. This is how I am. And 95% of the time, there isn’t a moral, or a victory, or a silver lining. Take it or leave it. 54 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 187012604 Farrah Tomazin FarrahTomazin en Melbourne 0 515 650 The Age newspaper's Victorian Affairs Editor, covering politics and state issues. But that's just the serious side. 174 21 Victoria Australia 109742900 Aussie Wgoods Rescue AussiWhitegoods en Australia Sydney 0 26 5 Australia's premier national Kitchen & Laundry appliance repair network 119 1 Australia 133986747 Leilani Miller heavenlyflower_ en South Australia Adelaide 0 8 70 I love knitting, spinning, dyeing wool, and sharing the love of yarn with others. I have fibromyalgia which limits my movement quite a bit, looking for friends 46 0 South Australia Australia 79903822 Adrian Sibbick Maxxie_09 en Sydney Sydney 0 12 105 48 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 176988921 Chris Golfman golfman484 en 0 23 770 Software engineer, Telecommunications, Financial Services, Web Developer 37 2 181388172 Anthony J M Conroy AnthonyJMConroy en Brisbane 0 8 92 25 0 Queensland Australia 176393894 Joseph Kerekere joeynoz en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 50 256 Hello everyone welcome to my twitter page. Hola a todos la bienvenida a mi página de Twitter.Pozdrav svima DobrodoÅ¡li na moJ Tuitter stranicu. 423 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 29596082 James Drax jamesdrax en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 118 2052 I only joined Twitter because my friends told me to. 392 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 47011633 Claire Snyder claire_snyder en Melbourne Melbourne 0 118 51 Adventurer, climate change campaigner & online comms director for the AYCC - among other things. 277 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 191014234 boyd FrankBoydWright en Canberra, Australia 0 7 28 I'm a design student with a keen interest in politics. come from a liberal seat, and parents run a farm, im also gay, so not sure which side of the fence im on 62 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 54060835 Jason Bryce jasonbryce en Beautiful Altona, Australia Melbourne 0 137 139 Journalist writing on banks, finance, business, debt, consumers, IT, the payments industry, all types of cards, e-commerce and superannuation ... and stuff 168 4 22350951 Janet E. Leach JanetELeach en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 574 4476 Owner of, lover + a fighter, mother, cool-blooded entrepreneur. Writer for + too. 384 30 Brisbane Queensland Australia 188999570 CMI Hockey CMIHockey en Austin, Texas Central Time (US & Canada) 0 257 18 The Official CMIHockey Twitter site. Ice & Roller Hockey Equipment, Classifieds, Blogs, equipment buyback programs, coming soon stay connected with CMI Hockey. 1541 11 Austin Texas United States 56632891 Chris chrisattama en Sydney Sydney 0 19 56 58 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 191685037 Rob O Jokeshott en Port Mac! 0 8 20 Hi, I'm an independent because I'm my own man or so my mother tells me. 20 0 190586720 Chauncey Gardiner homburghat en Melbourne Hawaii 0 20 55 The book not the movie dammmit! 176 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 33409846 POF IP Law pofip en Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide Melbourne 0 793 347 Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick are Patent + Trade Mark Attorneys/IP Lawyers. Twitter feed by Mark Williams ( 2000 52 Adelaide South Australia Australia 47490072 Warren Renden wrenden en Melbourne 0 89 731 Sports lover from Melbourne, Australia. 312 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 191662658 Gary Christensen Gary_Christense en Manly NSW Australia 3 0 Great Life, Great Friends. Go to to come to Camp Out 4 Kids 2011 16 0 Manly New South Wales Australia 186703191 NBA nbatweets47 en 0 164 17694 1991 0 191440705 Matt Quagliotto totalquailure en 0 38 13 214 0 191298112 Will Emmett WillEmmett en Melbourne, Australia 29 0 99 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 94046227 Glenn Walker wildriversfacts en Brisbane 0 84 146 Your one stop Twitter shop for all the latest information about the Wild Rivers campaign 244 15 Queensland Australia 14160178 darrenloasby darrenloasby en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 48 1 37 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 121280156 Jaymes JBRVII en 11 0 57 0 19019494 Jenna Price JennaPrice en Sydney Sydney 0 710 2702 very much likes New York 606 54 Sydney New South Wales Australia 174637585 Jenna Somers Jenna_Somers en CALIFORNIA BABY! Atlantic Time (Canada) 0 430 95 1382 4 California United States 44529872 Elena Jeffreys ElenaJeffreys en everywhere Hawaii 0 733 1809 hooker and loudmouth 1559 48 Unknown 51097748 R Gelmi gelmi01 en perth Alaska 0 6 3 small business 18 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 20982348 zubin kalia silentocean_17 en ÜT: -1.272781,35.677574 Mumbai 0 147 23 1997 0 62384180 Victor Yii BuniiCake en Somewhere Sydney 3 18 Hiiiii :) 56 0 Unknown 191413602 Nick Lon ViaticusAU en Melbourne 0 6 74 Stock trader gone med Student. 40 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 47318173 Karen Andrews MP KarenAndrewsMP en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 50 47 Karen is the Federal Member for McPherson on the Southern Gold Coast. Karen was elected to the Federal Parliament on 21 August 2010. 46 9 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 77423634 Mosman Media Mosman_Media en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 598 61 Professionals in Television Production, Independent Films, Corporate videos, TV commercials, Live events streaming and digital video production for web and TV. 1983 19 Sydney New South Wales Australia 185115290 Ethan Jones joker3_1 en Launceston TAS AU Hobart 0 21 205 Ethan Jones, Completed Year 12, and now am working at Hungry Jacks full time for a year then onto Architecture at Uni :D 110 1 113759350 Ben O'Connor benoco en Australia Melbourne 0 78 132 Blogger, Bureaucrat, Omnivore, Gamer, Centrist, Nerd, Biped, Writer, All-around nice-guy. 486 1 Australia 191389258 Lisa Miller Bradley lmillerbradley en 2 0 22 0 191368912 King Svanika en 0 1 1 12 0 53304409 Sarah N sjn87 en 4 0 31 0 15093853 Mitchell Ophir MitchOphir en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 185 3823 22 year old Video Editor in Sydney. 126 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 147809485 Gelato Cart GelatoCart en Sydney Sydney 0 546 76 Gelato Cart is perfect for events, parties or just indulging at home. 1563 12 Sydney New South Wales Australia 140019754 kylie kilroy qwadja en queensland australia Brisbane 0 267 1513 love nature,fighting to bring in levee bank laws on floodplains in Balonne Shire,top of Murray Darling 406 16 Queensland Australia 44749441 Angela An_Ja_La en Far South Coast NSW Sydney 0 147 2390 A Nana with many diagnosis's inc MS, AS, Fibro, CFIDS, Raynaud's, OA & more, I make the best of each day. I ♥ my family, Altiyan, V8's, graphic art & walking. 369 10 106450767 Mark Milles MarkMilles en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 37 61 I LIVE BY THE WORDS # Honesty # Loyalty # Respect # Honour. I have an interest in politics and a passions for music 189 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181445017 bobkatters hat bobkattershat en Brisbane 94 220 I'm Bob Katter's hat. I tell Bob what to do. He only does what I tell him to do some of the time. Bob and I go way back. Bob is usually more polite than me. 33 0 Queensland Australia 17724348 bo01iam bo01iam en el-hood Melbourne 108 1256 my views are just stolen from socialist alternative, you assholes 175 1 191326507 michael jo usher mic_jo_usher en America 0 2 2 I love usher! I am the friend of usher since I was small 8 0 United States 21377934 Anthony goldenmoneytree en Australia Brisbane 0 164 62 I'm involved with Network Marketing for income. I enjoy finding programs that live up to their promises of earning me additional income. Interested...Follow me! 506 3 Australia 16217407 bjtrim bjtrim en Newcastle, Australia Hawaii 0 55 1052 quirky, loves comics and graphic novels, tv shows, punk music, mercedes benz, video games, german, politics and plays violin 225 2 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 58294508 Kelli Tierney kellit73 en Brisbane Hawaii 0 1 1 15 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 19761808 Ashleigh Thomas ashthomas en Sydney Sydney 0 97 124 217 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21022856 Nathan Kenny nathangkenny en Bathurst, NSW, Australia Sydney 20 137 Your personal Travel Counsellor - available to assist with all of your travel needs! 44 0 38814685 Arthur ArthurParisis en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 6 25 66 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 160789656 RuralLiveTV on ALTV RuralLiveTV en Adelaide, SA, Australia Adelaide 0 66 52 101 8 Adelaide South Australia Australia 21479393 Matthew Andre MattAndre en Perth, Australia Perth 0 111 10782 Maethorn Laracal in Final Fantasy XIV's Lindblum server, multiple on WoW's Terrokar/Cenarion Circle, matt-andre on Skype and Matt pretty much everywhere else! 984 11 Perth Western Australia Australia 40151369 JVC Australia JVCAustralia en Australia Sydney 0 452 249 The Official JVC Australia Twitter Page. 454 22 Australia 49920958 Paulie Stewart PaulieStewart en Australia Hawaii 0 333 347 Ratbag, Journ, Muso, East Timor activist, Painter And Docker, Dili All-Star, lover, sinner, Doggies supporter, Yum Cha enjoyer, RRR listener 635 13 Australia 35750703 Sherrie Gelberg SG3006 en 0 14 2 56 0 15624626 inarastarte inarastarte en Sydney Sydney 0 43 330 My fabulousness knows no bounds 327 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 30828824 Bron McClain Bron_McClain en Brisbane Brisbane 0 282 606 Writer, speaker, trainer, communicator, fearless humourist. Founder of the Customer Service Queen, and driving a global customer care crusade. Join me! 741 11 Brisbane Queensland Australia 189606288 katie louise robinso katie4louise en 0 7 23 56 0 20498872 Sam Petherbridge SamPetherbridge en Brisbane Brisbane 8 613 227 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 181454126 SPV Hockey Línea spvhockeylinea es Madrid Greenland 0 4 1 SPV Hockey Línea Escuela y Equipo Oficial 22 0 34524349 Helen Clancy HelsClancy en Brisbane 0 56 107 162 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 22575017 Ness Iacono nesski46 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 81 1415 699 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 17980950 JKeulemans JKeulemans en 0 31 1 116 0 190962827 Adrian Luquin luquinad en 0 5 3 38 0 190941630 Dallas Finn balipeacepark en 0 1 23 4 0 61187197 Sarah Greaves sezpit en 0 13 6 207 0 17386863 littlebluepixel littlebluepixel en Adelaide Adelaide 0 30 254 I'm an implementations specialist at Hostworks and I'll be tweeting about just about anything that pops into my head. 164 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 189820446 Donal Corrigan BigDon62 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 96 530 Ask & We Can Bio Together.... 251 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 28313508 John Pellegrino johnnorthshore en Melbourne Melbourne 0 69 48 Melbourne for life 406 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22576309 Janell Dwyer jdnavar04 en Brisbane Brisbane 0 51 27 188 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 28773485 Chris Fox cricketfox en Australia Adelaide 0 77 1055 Mad Yank Living Life in Adelaide 106 1 Australia 190897367 Sign A Rama SignARama2100 en North Manly/Sydney/Australia 3 0 Check out our website for all your signage needs! 26 0 15252671 Patty Beecham Pattycam en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 1999 14043 Patty Beecham is a videographer, broadcaster, writer, thinker, ideas person, communicator, & a do-it-now-girl, who is also a Funeral Photographer. 1762 102 Brisbane Queensland Australia 27523150 Barbara Goodwin barbgood en Sydney Sydney 0 64 166 Registered Nurse, member of Hillsong church, part time librarian student, interested in Human Trafficking. 234 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 16752613 Vic viccles en Australia Hawaii 0 43 387 I enjoy going to gym, playing saxophone, clarinet and flute. Also love anything gadgety and mac related 279 0 Australia 5805972 Sezai Komur sezai en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 382 413 SharePoint Solutions Architect at CSG in Western Australia. 960 27 Perth Western Australia Australia 172601585 Asthma Foundation WA AsthmaWA en Perth, Australia Perth 0 74 68 OUR MISSION: Working with the Western Australian community to help people with asthma and linked conditions breathe better. Asthma. It's about time... 191 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 15262427 Luke Hilton @ PHD lukebhilton en Playhouse Digital - Sydney AU Sydney 0 156 148 Playhouse Digital are your Sydney based retail ecommerce specialists. Play at work, work to live, live to play! 289 1 190833802 Eve Gibson evegibson1986 en 0 7 2 127 0 29424352 Liza McNally mcnaccas en Hawaii 0 21 11 29 0 Unknown 151290638 Peter Cedergren team_rude en 6 0 24 0 190486247 john boy johnboyjmh en sydney Hawaii 0 13 1 live for music & football ( Soccer ) 187 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22519832 Brian Hurley BrianMogul en Sydney Sydney 0 7 2 128 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 95796543 Livergenex Livergenex en USA Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 837 40 Livergenex is your natural solution for better health. Livergenex invigorates your liver & supports your body's natural toxin removal process. WeFollowBack! 1999 3 United States 61658488 Daniel Brightwell Brightez en 0 73 639 Cricket Umpire and all round sports nerd 329 3 160566174 Australialive AustralialiveUK en London London 0 235 69 Showcasing Australia to British consumers and businesses 1039 2 London England United Kingdom 145582516 Alan Clough AlanClough en Sydney/Toronto Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 120 4749 Canadian living in Australia. Interests: Baseball, Hockey, Tennis, Traveling, Movies/TV, Politics, Video Games and so on..... 223 16 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25488810 Guillaume Kirkwood catharood fr SYDNEY AUSTRALIE Sydney 0 70 509 Écrivain 186 1 179004599 Ari Mansfield arimansfield en Australia Adelaide 0 27 618 Me. I'm Ari. I like music - Soft Rock, Dance... I love my friends!!! School :D Basketball is what I do... I wanna be a teacher! Gods Kingdom is coming! Hiii :) 113 0 Australia 188291040 Peter Langford Pete_langford en Sydney 0 68 124 Politics, motorsport and football tragic. 518 2 New South Wales Australia 179711690 John Wardle jbwardle en my house 0 67 46 Stirrer of pots 121 1 22902543 Kee aeyrton en Sydney 0 272 180 1021 3 New South Wales Australia 130822573 Grain Brain Pty Ltd GrainBrainAU en Narromine, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 77 97 Grain Brain Pty Ltd is a financial, administrative and system support consultant network for agribusinesses. 124 8 28325085 Sarah C SarahCudby en Perth Local, Australia Perth 0 306 4029 The only part about me that is funny is my humerus bone. Work Bio: Trust me I'm a Nurse. I also do OHS & HR. 573 26 28933560 citymakers citymakers en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 141 239 urban design reviews in Brisbane, Australia 179 10 Brisbane Queensland Australia 158631136 Nicki R nickirowl en 21 0 313 0 85745670 Wen Dee Yeoh wendeeyeoh en Melbourne 40 934 73 0 Victoria Australia 189796330 Rebecca Lai BecLai en Brisbane 10 71 These views are my own. 26 0 Queensland Australia 56997554 michael khouri khouri5 en Melbourne 0 26 56 261 1 Victoria Australia 190116114 John John_2005 en Sydney Sydney 0 10 154 Born Balmain, Tigers fan over 40 years, Accountant with limited personality, Love Family, Aussie Muscle Cars, Boating on Sydney Harbour, Work in a School 30 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 174060123 Site Coordinator CauserieCBR en Canberra Canberra 0 347 504 An online forum for intelligent discussion for the residents of Canberra 1319 21 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 168904625 David Olsson nobigbang en Sydney Sydney 2 0 33 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 158880110 Julia Gillard Julia_GillardPM en White House. No, The Lodge. 0 343 397 Australia's first long haired Prime Minister 95 12 83480124 FRANS FRANS_Inc en Sydney, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 84 23 Making things happen for people with disabilities since 1983 255 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 28003542 Liquid Creations LiquidCreations en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 126 72 Liquid Creations is a boutique video/photo production studio 213 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 34160569 Laura Oldfield Lauraold en Tasmania 0 32 5 73 1 Tasmania Australia 190549041 John Tchetchenian JohnatAltitude en Sydney 0 0 8 0 New South Wales Australia 65524727 SHIH sydislandhop en Sydney Sydney 0 304 101 This October, grab your friends and family and be surprised by what’s hiding on Sydney Harbour! 875 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 26383419 Noelene Dawes NoeleneDawes en Sydney Sydney 0 979 687 Stress free leadership & personal performance coaching. 1179 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 40768230 Asthma Foundation AsthmaNSW en Sydney Sydney 0 899 395 Non-profit helping people with asthma - info about asthma causes, symptoms, triggers, medications, research. 828 43 Sydney New South Wales Australia 171802967 Jamie Maamary jmaamary en 1 0 4 0 25029440 Mr. Harrison BananaRepublicD en Newcastle, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 27 537 144 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 64281812 Consolidate Super findmysuper en Australia Sydney 0 227 88 Find and Consolidate Superannuation Accounts | Unclaimed Super | Financial Planning 697 7 Australia 70034614 Yas Mushi78 en 0 8 2 66 0 190519127 KTT KTT72 en Australia Canberra 0 6 119 Off Uni for the summer semester - time for a break after 2 straight years of study .. still have to work though. Exciting times ahead as Navy appl. progresses. 42 0 Australia 33854620 Chels Potter Chuckie_Potter en Adelaide Adelaide 25 80 My PJs, and Regina Spektor, and flowers, coffee, wine and Saturday mornings, – these are a few of my favourite things. 80 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 52581715 Austrade Austrade en Australia Sydney 0 975 307 The Australian Government's trade and investment development agency 518 78 Australia 27399122 Natasha Kassam lovefromtash en 0 43 10 194 0 188637112 Anthony Camillos simplegreek en sydney Sydney 0 422 94 Company Director - Preoccupied with good food ,keeping fit ,golf ,politics, travel and an exciting new social media venture . 1124 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 180696880 Kathryn Sayers kathryn_sayers en Brisbane 0 10 21 Freelance journalist completing a Masters in Journalism at Griffith University 57 0 Queensland Australia 190500000 wendyjblack wendyjblack en 13 0 56 0 151643994 Ryan Jones bigkevracer en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 160 113 Adelaide based entrepreneur and web designer who runs a number of motorsport web sites including Pure Motorsport ( 369 8 Adelaide South Australia Australia 127099926 Neha jneha88 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 15 58 Job: Kindy Teacher. Goes 2 Macq Uni - B.Teach. Likes: Going out with family & friends and living life to the fullest. 1181 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 188946087 Nat's Cupboard NatsCupboard en Melbourne Melbourne 0 13 5 Nat's Cupboard is dedicated to bringing you the best bargains in fashion and home. One offs, end of lines and just great stuff is all here! 114 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 41979046 David Gray dgray84 en Queensland Brisbane 0 24 44 80 0 Queensland Australia 62723070 Pragmetric pragmetric en Australia Hawaii 0 66 144 Your On-Call CIO: If your company needs IT Management without a full time IT Manager, we're the guys to see. 126 4 Australia 177174505 Gavin Gav303 en 0 7 46 66 0 138605908 stoplaborwaste en Queensland Australia 0 129 55 Help hold the Government accountable, reduce waste and start the long effort to get Queensland's finances back on track. 228 9 Queensland Australia 54770544 Titan Interactive titandesign en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 133 87 539 4 Perth Western Australia Australia 36281945 Angelo Triandos Online_Edge en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 1106 356 Online Marketing Consultant with a focus on Web Strategy and Search Engine Marketing. Passionate about the Internet and Online Business! 1484 16 Melbourne Victoria Australia 188143601 Marcus John Knight blanketcrap en Mt Morgan Brisbane 0 300 109 Please view pics at web page, Disabled Pensioner,cares for Enviroment n Heritige, Lack of Government Service's, Heritage or Pollution 1675 19 117618088 Rebecca Degiorgio bec_degiorgio en Sydney Sydney 0 45 24 130 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 187507041 Mark Raphael MrMarkRaph en Somewhere on the East Coast Au Sydney 6 0 of 2RRR 88.5FM infamy, Monday Nights, 11pm-1am. 24 0 154828272 Oz Libre OzLibre en Sydney 0 4 12 17 0 New South Wales Australia 190234011 Angela Antzela72 en Adelaide 4 0 33 0 South Australia Australia 33848885 Wendy Lee misswendos en Berra Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 45 45 226 0 169517988 I Milan 艾米兰 ilovmilan en Australia Brisbane 32 25 Milan:Perfumed Chinese Rice Flower, means Life will Blossom Beloved. 米兰花语:有爱,生命就会开花。 150 0 Australia 81809058 sox888 scott888888 en Boston, MA London 0 14 12 94 0 Boston Massachusetts United States 190220128 Nick James njwastaken en 7 0 37 0 21719286 Fab Ippoliti Fabippoliti en 0 4 7 26 0 128191995 Sam sammykos en 0 11 2 196 0 124002411 Jessie Henderson jigab0o en Townsville Brisbane 0 6 34 38 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 190154589 Peter Keegan petekeegan en Sydney 20 0 Faith, theology, international development, peacebuilding, politics, and ideas are the things I like to think about... 296 0 New South Wales Australia 93777367 UDIA NSW UDIANSW en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 35 29 The Urban Development Institute of Australia NSW is the peak industry body representing the interests of all sectors involved in urban development in NSW. 46 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25751542 Lisa Rodgie lisa_rodgie en Sydney Hawaii 0 14 3 40 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 79426299 A.A.Artini INITRA42 en South Australia Adelaide 1 0 12 0 South Australia Australia 189054795 Anna AnnaRettke en Brisbane 7 0 30 0 Queensland Australia 148318371 Samantha Zoratto SamiZoratto en Sydney Sydney 6 8 39 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 179374004 Victor Leonardo ✔ victoreol en Gramado - RS Central America 0 132 7 De bem com a vida. 725 0 189996115 BlackBerry Hockey hockeythemes en 0 3445 79 BlackBerry Hockey Themes, your team your theme. 1818 9 186141646 Brad Sutton bradlington en London London 0 28 329 Aussie living in London 160 0 London England United Kingdom 189874606 Nathaniel Tunney NateTunney en 0 2 1 lover, fighter, student, writer? 21 0 33443003 Michelle Bridges MishBridges en Australia Sydney 0 10688 3294 Australia's original TV & Virtual trainer/12weekbodytransformation/Biggest Loser trainer/best selling author 1176 247 Australia 152983431 Peter Gotting petergotting en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 28 50 Journalist and Producer with Australia Network and ABC News. Politics, international affairs, finance, media, arts, entertainment 157 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 189845264 Chris Glover chrisglover2010 en 0 6 30 32 0 40765199 Alan Higgins alanrhiggins en Sydney Sydney 0 61 16 150 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 169882376 Searle & Charlton searlecharlton en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 112 68 Leading Self-Managed Superannuation Funds administrators in Australia. Our head office is located in Gold Coast, Queensland. Contact 216 4 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 181503568 Jay Dodge jaygdodge en 0 6 5 44 0 24604565 One For All Sydney OneForAllSydney en Sydney 0 62 23 129 4 New South Wales Australia 57267917 John Pritchard JSP2283 en Lake Macquarie Sydney 0 124 2765 Husband, father, primary school principal who enjoys being with family and friends, sport, dining out, travel & theatre 164 7 Balcolyn New South Wales Australia 95782613 Christopher Cameron chrislcam en Brisbane Brisbane 0 82 346 epic nerd. pomosapien. hater. allrounder. cyclops cyclist without biceps. 233 3 Brisbane Queensland Australia 175889851 Graeme Gussey ggussey en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 5 10 Living life ... 48 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 152990891 BWT bWILLt en Sydney, NSW. Sydney 4 323 Love reality TV shows, SCIFI watching (BSG, Star Trek etc), electronics and playing PS3/360. (I'd add the Wii in too but it's been collecting dust for ages!!) 138 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 42023814 Kalgoorlie Kate KalgoorlieKate en Australia Brisbane 0 300 869 Kate used to live in Kalgoorlie but now she eats/sleeps/works in Brisbane. 411 10 Australia 26964932 Melanie Woolnough Melnough en Brisbane 247 879 Educator in Arts on the Gold Coast. Love my life- both professionally and personally. Always up for learning more about ICT 1211 6 Queensland Australia 189798902 Gaby Hear2Say en Sydney 0 9 230 0 New South Wales Australia 184744467 Mark Compton Markatthefarm en 0 0 3 0 170518765 Roy Wilke terangeree en Brisbane 0 5 17 Freelance Journalist. Not-so-freelance Train Driver. 53 0 Queensland Australia 136827055 KRIZNA ARMENTA KRIZNA12 es 0 106 38 1115 0 52284154 Bhoemen Wood wood_bj en Australia Melbourne 0 409 104 Hey, Names Bhoemen, I'm a pretty typical Australian, bit nerdy, like politics, following Ubuntu development and sports (Baseball, Basketball) 937 2 Australia 189751750 Dr. Hockey HockeyPoolHelp1 en Everywhere Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 66 10 Love hockey - Here to help the fans of the greatest sport win their pools and pro-line all season long. Ask me anything, anytime!!! :) 474 15 Unknown 189701616 Mark Windebank asi9alco en Perth Alaska 0 6 72 Yes I fully endorse Phillishave. Just don't f**k with the cord or they blow up. 43 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 19050250 Gabrielle Rumble gerumble en Canberra Canberra 0 187 174 666 morning program producer, movie reviewer, life lover. 633 7 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 156557079 AdelaideNow Business AdNowBusiness en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 892 251 AdelaideNow and The Advertiser's business news team. 1972 54 Adelaide South Australia Australia 124726234 Claire Eloise musochild en Sydney 0 30 235 so, music is my life. i'm emotionally incapable of not adoring nice people. when i fall in love i fall hard and i like chocolate. silver eyeshadow 3 95 0 New South Wales Australia 177506407 Douglas Netchurch DNetchurch en 0 3 3 63 0 56069822 David Hermolin dhermolin en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 62 227 wedding license says social & environmental change advocate (4th gen), son says dad-dad, work says union organiser, sisters say activist vegetarian cyclist 215 5 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 188624614 Jacob Legard alphapker en 15 0 257 0 56347168 Amanda Davis ajanedavis en Burleigh, Gold Coast Australia Hawaii 0 8 37 30 0 54175595 Tim Bradnick Tim_Bradnick en Sydney Sydney 30 0 222 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 188205517 Jenny Rushton jennyrws en 0 393 835 network marketing opportunity - 1687 4 189643145 Karl Truesdale karltruesdale en 0 0 2 0 189631520 Danny Scaunich danny_lifestyle en Melbourne Melbourne 1 0 11 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 70128328 Dimitri Zantidis dimitrizantidis en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 38 44 Interested in technology, mobile devices, open data, economy, politics 126 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 189550487 Hockey Fever HockeyFever01 en 0 9 1 96 0 16515568 ash ashleighk en Perth, WA Perth 0 98 3429 I'm not Australian. 41 4 Perth Western Australia Australia 189507804 Jared Kramer Krazy_kray en 0 65 25 696 0 159373300 Daniel Breban dbreban_18 en Melbourne Melbourne 516 9463 Atheist, enlightenment fundamentalist, moderate conservative, gay rights supporter and a leftist's worst nightmare. 1075 26 Melbourne Victoria Australia 17406231 thomas dang thomasdang en Sydney Hawaii 66 248 121 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 189495389 Tim Reichel TimReichel en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 9 18 52 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 17401098 paulblackman paulblackman en Jacksonville, North Carolina Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 40 244 65 0 144647531 Ian Misconcept Misconceptian en Melbourne, VIC, Australia Hawaii 0 22 24 217 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 167293977 Claire Melville CMel72 en Sydney 0 2 1 19 0 New South Wales Australia 44324893 James Terry 1195James en BrisVegas Brisbane 32 24 Aim for the stars. If you miss, you'll still land on the moon. 191 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 156238093 Natalie Npellizzari en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 219 546 I am a designer with a vibrant and passionate attitude towards my work. I'm launching my new business so stay tuned! XOXO 442 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 189013548 yesandfox en Hawaii 1 0 8 0 Unknown 59626319 Joanne Brownscombe simjo91 en 0 6 2 10 0 186415041 Molli Tweed deewty en WA and now Asia Hawaii 0 32 144 Business Development Manager, Health, Asia 26 2 134460346 Scott4152 scott4152 en Brisbane Brisbane 0 132 1406 Me.... A liberal minded chap, living in Brisvegas and loving it. Politically to the centre. 291 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 11938762 peter_boot peter_boot en Sydney Sydney 0 30 41 21 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 75470652 tturaniuminvest tturaniuminvest en Brisbane Brisbane 0 519 299 Investor Researcher of Australian & Canadian Uranium Stocks 802 14 Brisbane Queensland Australia 92868306 paul bailey paoloatsydney en Sydney 5 0 52 0 New South Wales Australia 57524114 Jen Dalitz TheSheEO en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 1326 1180 I'm obsessed with getting more women into leadership roles, in our workplaces and communities. 1994 56 Sydney New South Wales Australia 189360202 Dan E-Matthews candymtncharlie en 11 0 180 0 22574260 Josh Acton JoshwaActon en Northcote, VIC, Australia Sydney 0 537 2834 31YO single, funny, loyal, happy, borderline shy/wild, enjoy long walks with the wind in my heart, loves a chat, new to and loving Melbourne! 1092 13 Northcote Victoria Australia 189388734 Parm Sekhon xXPunitXx en jalibisrok 1 0 25 0 111243836 Webitecture webitecture en -37.784889,145.171889 Sydney 0 497 51 Australian online strategy firm 1797 12 180141029 your ad here _your_ad_here_ en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 186 12 We're making space for YOUR AD 857 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 27128737 Glen Anderson Gleno_ en Sydney 0 433 11583 I am a Tenpin Bowler, I post/retweet news updates when i feel like it. South Sydney,NRL,AFL and Cricket Fan. Also a North Melbourne fan and I love my Lancer 446 15 New South Wales Australia 188303259 Phillip Houghton PhillipCanberra en Canberra Australia Canberra 0 7 109 Ex R.A.N.sailor now solving the worlds problems by chatting with mates. Lover of life and grumpy old man ... well not so much of the grumpy! 44 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 73011896 Jacki Johnson jacki_johnson en Sydney Wellington 0 600 1398 CEO Insurance Australia Group - New Zealand. Founding CEO The Buzz Insurance Passionate about innovation, leadership, my family and friends, travel and LFC 568 24 Sydney New South Wales Australia 186755126 Tim cruxted en 0 45 21 420 2 188651653 Lord Mayor of Bris Can_do_Campbell en 0 1176 1931 I am the (Fake) Lord Mayor of Brisbane. Don't fuck with me. 1996 52 55263603 Robert Dumbrell b0b_444 en Sydney Sydney 0 23 14 137 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 187863566 Young AU Foundation YAF_AU en ÜT: -37.818579,144.952049 Melbourne 0 59 810 Non partisan not-for-profit foundation promoting fiscally responsible & socially conservative values among Australians via educational & political processes. 86 2 74378738 Faye Longmuir FayeMacq en Perth Western Australia Perth 0 643 176 Financial Planner and stockbroker that likes to help her clients simplify the complexities of the share market and asset structuring to meet THEIR needs 2000 5 Perth Western Australia Australia 21449149 Francis Meehan FrancisMeehan en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 26 41 Civil Engineering Student 70 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 181119587 Lauren Guercio LaurenGuercio en Melbourne Melbourne 4 0 121 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 189105717 Sophie Kuryl sophkuryl en Hobart 18 0 WIN News Tasmania Journalist 122 4 Hobart Tasmania Australia 145939924 justin james jjamespiano en australia Sydney 0 169 7 justin james is a classical and contemporary pianist from australia. 1032 0 Australia 187504437 Lwap1 lwap1 en Western Victoria Melbourne 0 9 39 I wanted a Twitter account so i can get on Q and A 57 0 Rarrnameool Victoria Australia 167267820 Consumerconsultation Consumerconsult en Brisbane, Australia. 0 355 219 is a portal for patient & consumer connection. It provides a valuable information source and was founded by 1512 25 Brisbane Queensland Australia 134072586 Terry Lim terrylim91 en Darwin, Australia Darwin 0 7 48 19, Second Year Undergraduate student studying IT and Commerce (Economics). 94 0 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 188593275 Jamie Aldridge jamiealdridge9 en 52 0 130 0 125370924 Colin Barnett PremierBarnett en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 493 549 Unofficial twitter account for Western Australian Premier Colin Barnett. 198 44 Perth Western Australia Australia 120398157 Tinamba tinamba en Indonesia Jakarta 0 118 1956 331 3 Indonesia 20418208 Gabriel Buckley gabrielbuckley en Redcliffe QLD Melbourne 0 11 32 Liberal Democratic Candidate for PETRIE in the 2010 Federal Election 12 0 Redcliffe Queensland Australia 73351424 Pete DucatiChef en My House Brisbane 0 67 274 Father Husband Chef 249 0 150184692 Troy Mitchell troymitch en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 32 19 faster than thou 135 3 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 188725943 Stephanie Aguirre seaguirre en Redfern 0 18 141 Education Student 57 1 Redfern New South Wales Australia 99818957 Peter Hindwood Peter_Hindwood en Cherrybrook N.S.W. Sydney 0 12 66 Truck driver, Fire fighter, Husband to Cassie. I just love the great outdoors camping and 4wding. 60 0 60863482 AusHousingCrash aushousingcrash en FacelessPowerBroker Hawaii 0 40 75 Mega mortgage mug's, financing baby boomer retirement plans since late 1990's. 34 0 186533807 Twin Cities Bulls tcbulls en Blaine, Minnesota 0 22 9 Twin Cities Bulls AAA Development Camps and Teams...Exciting, Fast paced, and Fun, poised to take the hockey world by storm....check it out. 198 0 27738385 Eterio Herrera teriyo en Sydney Sydney 54 448 Firsttimer MountBlueCow Snowboarder 260 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 160719509 Devilfed Devilfed en 0 29 205 207 0 28758401 Andrew andrewt2609 en Melbourne 0 8 8 student of life 73 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 17145837 antares333 antares333 en Melbourne 1 0 138 0 Victoria Australia 171417912 Paul Donohoe Paul_Donohoe en Canberra Canberra 0 25 7 Managing Director, BDW Special Events Management, Canberra Australia 51 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 187420263 trisha lee sexinessisbest en 0 220 80 I like exercising. Playing video games.Im great at getting anything online free!!I spend most time online. From movies, music,videos i get them first..i model! 1885 2 68564671 Matthew Sherlock only1mjs en Sydney Sydney 7 3 36 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 47808372 Marc Willems marcwillems en Brisbane Brisbane 0 45 440 Crazy about tennis, gymnastics, football, Russia, the Netherlands and all things ATP/WTA. 146 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 58947692 Rod Bowen rod_bowen en Sydney Sydney 0 42 39 Discovering common myths and preconceived ideas. 66 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 188972766 Family First Vic FamilyFirstVic en Melbourne Melbourne 0 40 8 The official twitter of the Family First Victoria Party. 152 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 188969713 Gary Tsang GaryTsang888 en Sydney 0 26 41 54 1 New South Wales Australia 93326210 Courtney Todd chalki11 en Darwin 0 6 11 30 0 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 41028210 butter faced butterfaced en Sydney 27 0 74 0 New South Wales Australia 156093391 Adam Hyland adamhyland2111 en Sydney Sydney 43 565 Making lawn bowls sexy! 232 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 35074758 Miriam Siers MiriamSiers en Bathurst Sydney 0 29 289 82 0 Bathurst New South Wales Australia 187859531 Rohan Watt RohanWatt en Brisbane Brisbane 0 25 49 49 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 181111189 Matt MaatttTweets en In orbit. Brisbane 137 245 Hi! I'm a 21 year old, burning ball of youthful energy! Anyhow, my name's Matt, and I'm pleased that you took the initiative to even read this crap. 1488 1 24446405 Lisa Phillips lisa_tweeted en Sydney Hawaii 0 31 9 64 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 188236063 undisclosed pollietracker en behind you Hawaii 0 29 4 321 0 Unknown 144118731 Kelli Sullivan liquidshoe en ottawa Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 216 268 Author of the Novel Ice in my veins and children's book rocket to the moon. 1667 9 Ottawa Ontario Canada 31060728 Kirstie Fiumara mrskirst83 en 0 3 2 25 0 17187585 aglenergy aglenergy en Sydney 0 77 13 35 4 New South Wales Australia 73322653 FST Media FSTMedia en North Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 480 316 FST Media produces the most successful IT conferences and publications for the financial services industry across Asia Pacific. 864 8 141827796 julian sato juliansato es Parana, Argentina Santiago 0 55 253 Parana Rowing Club P.R.C ♥ 419 2 Paraná Argentina 178132508 Conker the Poodle ConkerPoodle en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 12 246 I'm the other poodle from SA 67 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 158227337 David Lonie DaveL495 en Near Newcastle Aust Sydney 0 9 98 Metalworker,Horticulturist and workplace Trainer & Assessor, studying Env. Science @ Newc.Uni 17 0 188838132 Emily de la Motte EmilydlM en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 10 163 mature age law student/unemployed TV classifier/mediocre blogger/unfunny comedian with a big heart and even bigger HECS debt. 47 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 188680583 Matt Whitby Matt_Whitby en Denmark 0 8 7 I'm an Australian journalist living in Denmark with my beautiful girlfriend. 22 1 Denmark Western Australia Australia 188780593 Ross Gillett ross0888 en Brisbane Brisbane 0 0 4 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 37383980 Renee Jones ReginaldEJones en 0 27 278 119 0 113027307 meri car verymeri1 en 1 0 8 0 187129586 Edmund Kirkwood eddie_kirkwood en Purgatory Sydney 0 14 172 I want to be famous, so I got twitter instead of talent. Doing the radios at FBi 94.5FM 159 0 109535426 virgo268 DanaScully2 en Adelaide 0 20 98 358 0 South Australia Australia 25954164 Tim Patrick TimPatrick en Melbourne, Aus Melbourne 0 88 81 Minister of St Jude's 5 112 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 188704114 Grant Pattison Gumbynator en Hawaii 0 67 101 527 0 Unknown 42618841 Ethan Tuxford EthanTuxford en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 37 90 Movie buff, human rights activist, global traveler, music lover and full time student. What else is there to know? 76 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 178515126 Joseph Falzon Boey1983 en 0 42 149 368 1 176946766 BlackMagic blackmagictan en Sydney Sydney 0 73 31 Black Magic Concepts are Australias leading seller of HVLP Tanning systems, we also stock a wide range of tanning products for salons and the home user 689 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 188677366 Maria De Ionno Maria_Deionno en Adelaide South Australia Adelaide 0 23 78 34 single, looking for a future partner, Enjoy the gym, dance classes, zumba, sports, the beach, movies, concerts etc. Work full time in Admin & enjoy my job. 140 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 25793966 Suzie Crncevic crunch77 en 0 12 7 153 0 183560142 Cops L.A.C copslac en 0 86 22 931 1 132048009 Russell Clark tisrussellclark en Beautiful Sydney Sydney 9 937 Dictator in training...or Napoleon complex perhaps...either way...this is me 126 0 55138421 Jarrad Thessman jthessie en Brisbane Brisbane 24 292 Two halves of the man you thought I was 85 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 178182723 Andrew Gregory PerthDemon en Perth 0 259 44 Follow the buzz on the mighty WAFL Club Perth Demons here. *UNOFFICIAL* 1544 3 Western Australia Australia 187851674 Dave Lister's Cat Listers_Cat en Deep Space 0 35 108 I was born on Miranda. Following a brief liaison with a tom cat, I was catnapped and brought onboard Red Dwarf where I was safely sealed in the ships hull... 238 0 188638933 Anish Singh anish308 en sydney Sydney 0 12 60 Half Fijian Half Indian ... 100% Australian and Proud of It 13 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 32336277 Nez fraggle73 en Australia Brisbane 0 107 1723 Be a mater not a hater. Humour's the key to sanity. 733 2 Australia 125933341 Russell White dmbminaret en Australia Brisbane 2 1 29 1 Australia 187796064 Ben Palmer ghostof3LO en Melbourne 0 22 321 70 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 188652807 Ben Ross DoTheHorns en Brisbane 8 0 73 0 Queensland Australia 70667972 Duke of Ed thedukeofed en Australia Sydney 0 206 241 Experiences that last a lifetime... why not give it a go? 234 9 Australia 136805754 Alec McConnell AlecMcConnell en Townsville Brisbane 72 248 I love Townsville, Queensland and Australia 322 6 Townsville Queensland Australia 64058656 Clare O'Laoi couchmusings en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 127 839 I don't want to let it define me, but I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Musings from the couch are coming from exactly there, where I spend a lot of my day. 265 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 181319969 Karin I_love_sunsets en Kiama 0 10 121 wife, mum of 3 boys, love cricket (Kiama Cavaliers) and enjoy watching footy (GC Titans) 46 0 56590598 Luke Denham LukeRRDenham en Brisbane Brisbane 0 17 42 177 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 61116562 Emily Ritchie Emily_Ritchie en Sydney Sydney 0 247 225 Former radio journalist. Working at AMP for 3 yrs, media manager for AMP Capital Investors, funds management business. 770 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20125101 Craig Tobler craigtobler en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 30 140 38 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 74898198 Geoff Powell _Photografica en Marcus Beach Brisbane 0 212 2926 A photographer and teacher from the Sunshine Coast in Australia 178 175 Marcus Beach Queensland Australia 188617476 Tourjours Nul TourjoursNul en 13 0 203 0 28051710 carragher vunderfool en Alaska 0 7 4 25 0 United States 24074128 paul knight Pak63 en Adelaide Adelaide 0 89 81 Life is a Beach 303 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 188584090 Amy McKellar amymckellar en Sydney, Australia 0 9 2 205 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 153261638 Meridian Wealth meridianwealthm en Melbourne Melbourne 0 53 335 Boutique Wealth Management & Financial Planning Firm 100 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 24525852 Shannon Green Shannon__Green en Australia Melbourne 0 18 18 My name is Shannon. I like offending people with humor, writing, political science and astronomy - that shit is crazy, man. 102 0 Australia 188571221 GraceWoodEnterprises GraceWoodEnterp en Longwood, Florida Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 168 11 Al Phaneuf is a former star def back in the Canadian Football League. A grad of UK. Owner of Gracewood he captures ur sports logos: 407-474-7524 for life! 1252 1 137202429 Christian Bentley ctdbentley en Killcare, Australia Sydney 0 35 132 16 years old, born & raised in Killcare, NSW Australia. Wannabe journo & infant politician. 337 2 154440241 Live Guide Magazine liveguidemag en Albury-Wodonga Canberra 0 123 2 835 5 Albury New South Wales Australia 181856472 baylee taylor thestigrocks en 0 1 15 13 0 21833626 Megan Hustwaite MeganHustwaite en Melbourne Melbourne 0 682 1844 Tea drinker, Sports journalist: News Limited, 1116 SEN 1050 19 Melbourne Victoria Australia 136489548 Indaily indaily en Adelaide Adelaide 0 642 1589 Adelaide's online daily newspaper published by Solstice Media. 594 33 Adelaide South Australia Australia 188554501 Manly Ferry fascination57 en 0 1 3 5 0 34135079 AER Foundation AERF en Australia Canberra 0 328 172 AER works with the community to address alcohol and inhalant misuse for a healthier and safer Australia. 571 25 Australia 188293986 Tyson Smith tysonsmith00 en Hawaii 8 0 82 0 Unknown 23978291 Daniel Popovski Daniel_Popovski en Sydney, Australia Sydney 27 26 freelance journalist, critic and entrepreneur; special interests in current affairs, health, enviornment, innovation, politics, law, society and culture. 182 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 125641590 JD jdlcc en Brisbane 0 1 2 11 0 Queensland Australia 65206673 Leigh Harper LeighHarper en Goodna Brisbane 0 213 236 Proud to be a part of the Ray White Group for 4300 - we sell more properties than any other company in our local area. 551 4 149022176 Peter Angelico pfangelico en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 2 30 41 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 766959 k d singingfish en Wollongong, NSW Sydney 0 166 1841 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 254 11 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 137913754 gail simmons jurylady en Southern hemisphere 1108 19595 Thinker 2000 36 Australia 183485379 Cman Beaux YoungChef_CB en Mountain Time (US & Canada) 0 268 16 1182 2 United States 17674423 Matt Jasper Matt_Jasper en Bangkok Bangkok 0 745 2228 Aussie Cameraman/Editor for Channel 4 News UK. Based in Bangkok covering Asia. Canon 7D owner. Afl Hawks fan. 1533 58 Bangkok Thailand 188345630 David Lewis davidjlewis78 en Brisbane Brisbane 0 36 243 83 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 24164640 A l e x α n d r α ___alexandra en Sydney 19 225 50 1 New South Wales Australia 31065693 Aleksandr Kharkovsky Epigrammist en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 506 31292 ÐлекÑандр Иванович ХарьковÑкий (AKA Toby): humanist, skeptic, lover of science, atheist & en-raging homosexualist. Hobbies include being argumentative 551 92 Perth Western Australia Australia 187785579 Helen Plesek HPlesek en Sydney 0 0 7 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 188300860 Jack jbat779 en 0 28 1 309 1 17518990 Marie-Claire marieclaire_a en Perth, Australia London 11 24 25 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 53381452 Richard Matthewman Richardm8 en Sydney 0 0 7 0 New South Wales Australia 139415320 Stacey Eldridge Stacey_Eldridge en Gold Coast 0 14 9 35 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 58109492 Olivia de Sousa oliviadesousa en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 9 114 Singer of jazz, swing, pop, fado & other music, English & Portuguese. 21 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 37626118 Jennifer Tummon jennifertummon en Brisbane 14 0 134 0 Queensland Australia 188298953 Jamie Brisbane australiagovt en 0 12 12 58 0 157098971 John Statham John_Statham en Brisbane 5 0 7 0 Queensland Australia 187867079 Carmen Francis carms_07 en Hawaii 7 11 51 0 Unknown 40171901 Ashleigh Mac ashleighmacRW en Ipswich Queensland Brisbane 0 82 113 If you are looking to sell anywhere around Ipswich all you have to do is call 0412 777 072 99 4 Ipswich Queensland Australia 178634423 Tony Bercene bearsuit01 en Sunshine Coast Brisbane 0 5 17 32 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 22350280 Eddie Johnstone EddieJohnstone en Salamanca, Tasmania Hobart 0 46 262 181 2 Hobart Tasmania Australia 165737864 Mikaela Jorgensen mikaelajorgensn en Sydney 0 6 5 133 0 New South Wales Australia 125589498 Josh adermann Rugamann en Hervey Bay QLD Brisbane 0 9 68 68 0 Hervey Bay Queensland Australia 59673903 Karmichael karmichaelhunt en Tokyo Brisbane 0 9928 5808 Just my thoughts. 206 315 Tokyo Japan 22887351 Meghan Barrell MegAgain en Bowral Sydney 0 132 779 BCM student at UOW, Youth Philanthropy Officer/Gr8 2 Give Project Manager Southern Highlands Foundation 442 16 25665168 The Taylors ScottynMeeks en Hawaii 0 48 73 138 0 Unknown 23911279 Alexia Dickson alexiadickson en wangaratta! Melbourne 0 31 83 118 0 Wangaratta Victoria Australia 26177842 Debbie sharksforever63 en Shoalhaven Sydney 6 29 Cronulla Sutherland fan 122 0 188259030 Stephen Champness StevieChamp en Melbourne 0 0 15 0 Victoria Australia 22754261 Anthony Read read2906 en Carlton Melbourne 0 63 73 Eat me. With a spoon. 162 1 Carlton Victoria Australia 54050596 Mitchell Woodbry WoodyWoodbry en Mermaid Beach, QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 129 2692 My thoughts!!! 133 1 Mermaid Beach Queensland Australia 21818104 ♥ Loz ♥ iamloz en Perth, Aus Perth 0 141 13215 ♥ Life is short, break the rules, forgive slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile =) ♥ 399 11 Perth Western Australia Australia 12372012 Peta Lady_McQuirk en Brisbane 136 4843 Look into my eyes if you dare, a smile, a tear, a friend you may see. Betray those eyes & all you'll see is me walking away. 427 14 Queensland Australia 93826486 Jason Davis jas_davis en Sydney Sydney 0 19 1 160 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 17987207 Nikita Sinenko nsinenko en Sydney Sydney 0 13 27 Financial Software Developer 48 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 37376914 Rebecca Mair Becsparky en SYDNEY Sydney 0 17 488 70 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 186246075 Tim Jeffrie timjeffrie en Melbourne Melbourne 0 109 146 179 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 188195954 Peter Lalor AussieTeaParty en Melbourne 0 513 5218 327 26 Victoria Australia 103169999 Jenny Hurley petjenansani en Adelaide Adelaide 0 52 151 Small business operator. Hard worker and HATE seeing my hard earned taxes wasted!!!! 225 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 14954530 David Mckenzie davidmckenzie en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 937 1233 I'm into Jesus! 162 11 Brisbane Queensland Australia 188219449 ArchieBarkatron ArchieBarkatron en 10 0 160 0 188235534 Cameron Murrin CameronMurrin en 1 0 3 0 187754940 Financial Synergy SuperExperts en Melbourne, VIC Melbourne 0 97 214 Experts in Superannuation. Financial Synergy is a leading provider of superannuation and investment software, services, products and solutions. 175 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 19736009 Karen Petney petney en 0 1 2 0 187478113 Caralee Caldwell CaldwellLaw en Gold Coast & Brisbane Brisbane 0 298 238 Caldwell Solicitors is a Qld Law Firm with offices in Brisbane & the Gold Coast. Follow me here for my latest tweets on law and life! 630 12 188207397 Aus National Affairs aus_nat_affairs en Sydney 13 0 94 0 New South Wales Australia 179450896 andre schaub 1HOUSTONTEXANS en Houston,TX. Central Time (US & Canada) 0 130 31 1983 1 Houston Texas United States 29686945 michael summers mlmlsummers en Deniliquin Melbourne 0 6 5 26 0 142994231 David Moore moorey2 en Pakenham Victoria Australia 0 12 41 33 0 Pakenham Victoria Australia 33039863 shirley irene smith santina4000 en 0 4 3 8 0 188200747 Joe Briguglio JoeBrigg en Canberra Australia 13 0 170 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 20838613 Michelle George MickGeorge en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 759 12396 I love life. I am creative. I am wife. I am mother. I am geek. I am musical. I am spiritual. I am not religious. I love Jesus. I am keeping it real! 783 53 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 188193772 Sam Livingstone OrangeTigers23 en 0 0 13 0 38945143 Ben Tudball tudsta en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 1 0 8 1 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 14807640 Adam Leaper DESIGNALEA en Perth Perth 535 25 Web design, Development, Online Marketing and Off line Marketing 1999 3 Perth Western Australia Australia 84018435 Joshua Withers JoshuaWithers en Port Macquarie, Australia Perth 0 1261 21004 49% of the Star FM Morning Crew on Australia's Holiday Coast, Marriage Celebrant, Comedian, Blogger, Australian, Of The Way 1168 84 47909433 Donald Brown donaldjonbrown3 en Brisbane 5 20 29 0 Queensland Australia 88593058 2GB 873 2GB873 en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 934 229 39 59 Sydney New South Wales Australia 123749119 Christine Dacey 10031969 en Hawaii 0 0 18 0 Unknown 125261504 Red Rider theredrider78 en 0 2 3 6 0 188124136 Bill Wallace BillWallace_au en NSW Sydney 0 54 1626 Not a journo, not a poli, not a Socialist, just an ordinary Aussie who wants the best for this great country. 90 3 New South Wales Australia 24491460 Matthew Contuzzi MrTuzzi en Shanghai Perth 0 286 3742 A futurist, a thinker and a solid base to begin... 468 14 Shanghai China 28027554 Samantha Johnson Samantha6674 en Perth Perth 0 10 26 39 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 187872604 Anthony Antonas Andoni_A en Sydney 0 4 19 0 New South Wales Australia 44343195 Merridie Costello MezzCostello en 0 45 84 79 1 47306466 Hry Papahry en Brisvegas Brisbane 0 89 14911 I'm a creepy science researcher kid. 188 7 Brisbane Queensland Australia 125832846 Megan Ziersch MeganZiersch en Australia Adelaide 0 83 167 703 1 Australia 182590384 Cameron affirmedatheist en SW Sydney Sydney 0 6 60 Atheist based in SW of Sydney. Musician, songwriter. 24 0 17101099 Michael Calafiore mick_cala en Lower Plenty Melbourne 0 151 2154 29 y/old Gay Male from Lower Plenty VIC. I was also once called a Liberal Party pin-up boy by someone at work.. whatever that means... 100 1 Lower Plenty Victoria Australia 14851843 Irwin Proud ibproud en Northcote, Australia Hawaii 28 182 Mild mannered business type by day, secret Android/Tech nerd by night. I also drink... makes me feel like a real man! 112 0 Northcote Victoria Australia 188069161 Jon Inch turtleinch en 4 0 32 0 177172616 John Brasier JohnBrasier en Hawaii 0 4 3 67 0 Unknown 23180494 Lucy Carne lucycarne en Europe Hawaii 0 58 55 European correspondent News Limited Australia 221 3 130847672 Jin Li lead_org en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 368 1501 Shanghainese Melburnian Humanitarian Thinkpadder Gadget_Lover Microsoft MVP 1384 11 Melbourne Victoria Australia 33872120 Dave Tennent davetennent en Hawaii 9 0 73 0 Unknown 33895010 Stephen O'Doherty stephenodoherty en Sydney Sydney 0 15 100 Policy practitioner, education administrator, commentator, musician, husband and dad 26 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 171819269 Jason little jase_72 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 53 717 269 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 19702912 helen brown hbrown10 en Australian Broadcasting Corpor Melbourne 0 44 18 senior journalist at the ABC newsroom in melbourne. Areas of specific interest include business/economics, rural & regional, and social issues. 35 1 38134280 Paul Placzek lambor en iPhone: -38.012707,145.092377 Melbourne 0 2 152 handsome and smart 31 0 139685103 Claire Elishka Claire_Elishka en Australia Hobart 60 2198 I'm small. 131 4 Australia 119629391 Daniel Collette dacollette en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 13 119 105 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 176402799 Michae Farlow MichaelFF86 en 0 8 4 24 0 181965107 Craig Iedema ciedema en Brisbane Brisbane 0 17 34 126 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 171370129 Clayton Hinds ClaytonHinds en Brisbane 0 14 13 101 0 Queensland Australia 187733259 Mundie Annie230810 en 0 21 66 170 0 184370874 kiki KikiRiki85 en Under a palm tree reading :) Brisbane 0 37 203 152 0 187821243 Luke Pagano LukePagano en Sydney, Australia 0 4 19 19 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 187803346 Garth garth18 en Melbourne Sydney 0 8 15 80 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 185623131 Lisa Wheildon lisawheildon en Melbourne Melbourne 0 41 247 Comms manager, ANZSOG student and film school graduate. 166 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 56550193 SATourismIndustry SA_TIC en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 1071 2000 SATIC is the peak body for tourism in South Australia. We represent award-winning & tourism accredited businesses, look for the tick when booking your holiday. 567 62 Adelaide South Australia Australia 187868516 Dolly dollypopgirl en Melbourne Melbourne 0 1 1 11 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 187864699 Nicolas Higgins NPHiggins2012 en BNE Brisbane 0 10 8 104 0 171021996 Nathan MrPinkCarpet en Sydney Sydney 0 29 328 Geoff's gay son - he he 57 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 54865667 Peter Sidgreaves psidgreaves en Sydney Sydney 6 2 20 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 133501192 Geoff Tuck geofftuck23 en Hobart 0 5 6 57 0 Tasmania Australia 187448510 Anthony Duncombe Antoduncombe en Hawaii 1 1 41 0 Unknown 106288103 Ray Villarica rayvillarica en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 27 63 Beautiful wife, beautiful kids, beautiful God, beautiful life. 73 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 185076843 Scott Rawlings scottr2011 en 1 0 8 0 187470315 Chris Chamberlain chrischa85 en 3 0 22 0 25964541 Matt Mison MattMison en Canberra Australia Canberra 0 21 167 52 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 23419984 'N.DA.HOUSE.RECORDS' ATL_ARTISTS en ATLANTA Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 3402 447 N.Da.House.Records are Composed of Vocalist's ,Lyricist's & Producer's from the ATL. 2929 57 Atlanta Georgia United States 25052769 Sophia Constantinou SophiaAnn_ en Sydney 9 17 171 0 New South Wales Australia 161984392 Hon Michael Mischin Michael_Mischin en Joondalup, Western Australia Perth 0 89 168 A Barrister and Solicitor, I have the honour of being an Upper House Member of the Western Australian Parliament 289 4 Joondalup Western Australia Australia 172796013 Brett Bevan brett_bjb en 0 3 4 19 1 181344495 Sarah Pinto pinniesp en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 20 83 Lecturer and occasional politics nerd with a slightly unhealthy love of authors, new york theatre actors appearing in films or on tv, and Mad Men. 171 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 187825241 Emily McQueen isemily en Brisbane 0 5 2 83 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 23024704 Emma Edwards Emma_Edwards_77 en Melbourne Victoria Melbourne 0 10 116 Emma is going to canada at christmas 62 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 187817437 Jonathan Smith jpsmithyyy en Melbourne 0 5 3 46 0 Victoria Australia 163806818 Kaine Devlin takerortonmiz en melbourne australia Melbourne 0 495 3035 I am the biggest WWE fan! My favourites are Taker, Orton, Miz, Cena, DX, Batista, Edge, Kelly Kelly, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, RVD, and The Hardy Brothers!! 1817 24 Melbourne Victoria Australia 21856850 BClark RV_Clark en Adelaide, SA, Australia Adelaide 0 121 95 Just one man, getting by :) 520 4 Adelaide South Australia Australia 20650153 Matt Price OzNews en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 86 279 I love life, family, friends, sport, Australian wine, news and a good laugh! 184 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 187815608 Kelly Fedor KellyFedor en Sydney Sydney 0 72 12 2GB Breakfast Editor 94 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 110193167 thinking media thinkingmediatv en Worldwide Sydney 0 157 7 starts with something unsettling that 'gets people thinking' and causes them to question what they thought they already knew. 445 2 Unknown 168911344 Nick nickm82 en 0 3 5 50 0 24129972 Johnny Anonymity J_Anonymity en Adelaidington Adelaide 0 93 348 I am the mad man saver. 506 3 183402373 Lawrence Atkinson lawrence_legal en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 169 917 02 8244 8432 Specialist in IP & law firm succession planning, recruitment, & efficient & profitable practice management. I find talent thats difficult to find. 259 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 125164468 GAYANE GAYANEA777 en SYDNEY AUSTRALIA Hawaii 0 6 5 Interior Designer OWNER AAQT DESIGN AUSTRALIA 27 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 142911838 Di Kennedy missdi_k en Sydney Sydney 0 12 347 Easily distracted, box ticking anal retentive seeks mental stimulation for wasted hours and joint list making. Tyre kickers need not apply! 28 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 187481595 Kathy Butcher kathylent en Hawaii 3 16 30 0 Unknown 22009988 Jason Collins jas_collins en London 0 42 54 97 2 England United Kingdom 184614032 Jeremy Venosta jeremyvenosta en Melbourne 0 11 6 141 1 Victoria Australia 15966711 Joshua Leung joshleung en Sydney, AU Sydney 0 88 646 * now available in 3D 157 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181936527 David Smith SmthDavd en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 32 218 238 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 187810783 Alex Gibson Gibbowah en 20 0 114 0 17864051 Andrew Hooper drandrewhooper en Sydney Sydney 1 0 46 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 32790096 Geoff Lake geofflake en Melbourne Melbourne 24 0 71 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 187479453 Angela Elkington AuntyGel en Australia Sydney 0 0 18 Massage Therapist,love softball, fishing, favourite actors - Peter Firth, Tony Shahloub, Robson Green, E G Robinson, Ian Stenlake. Theatre and Musicals. 29 0 Australia 25635326 Mortgage Choice HomeLoanCoach en Australia Sydney 0 1201 1054 Home loan information, savings tips, and special offers for first home buyers and first time property investors. Tweets by: Diane, Stephanie and Robert. 1050 32 Australia 107913897 Laura Berry laurakberry en Sydney Sydney 0 48 252 90 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 184005640 MHH moralhighhorse en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 21 169 Cynical, educated, little l liberal, unemployed post-grad student 95 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25176285 Robyn Ironside ironsider en Brisbane Brisbane 0 448 360 journalist, working mum, sometimes animal lover 160 28 Brisbane Queensland Australia 158938064 Steph hutch skhutcho en 0 2 2 45 0 161202165 Josh Browne jobro461 en Perth Alaska 0 35 37 133 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 47563011 Lisa Brett lisatrudi en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 5 60 26 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18382160 Natalie Quinn NatQuinn78 en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 24 23 113 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 68889403 Courtney Colless CourtMad en Brisbane Hawaii 48 446 It's not me, it's you. 111 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 36883461 Austin Dewey AustinDewey en NSW Australia Canberra 0 41 90 Neo-environmentalist, tech enthusiast, music, video and literature fan. Internet navigator. Social scientist. Slacker, Hacker, Cracker. Work in Health. 211 0 New South Wales Australia 134351500 Alex Coletti colettialex en Australia Melbourne 26 604 Carlton FC and Photography. 606 2 Australia 181448373 Stability2010 Stability2010 en Hawaii 1 5 14 0 Unknown 33798555 Josh Drayton drayts23 en Sydney 0 20 20 216 1 New South Wales Australia 183149971 Matt Phipps Matt_Phipps en Brisbane / Gold Coast, AU Brisbane 48 706 Geek; IT lawyer completing my traineeship @IdeaLaw and GM Legal (aiming for admission July 2011); Christian and massive fan of alternative music. 79 4 85731422 ReachTEL ReachTEL en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 25 53 ReachTEL communications solutions. Utilising Voice, SMS and Email broadcast. 108 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 161227749 Megan Flint MeganFlint005 en Melbourne 0 20 36 Works in IT&T, loves creating great websites, lives in Geelong, catches vline, loves good food & wine. 86 0 Victoria Australia 52327900 Sharri Markson SharriMarkson en Sydney 0 81 7 76 2 New South Wales Australia 29149486 Troy Schonknecht troyschonknecht en Melbourne 5 0 54 0 Victoria Australia 167416573 Peta Holmes Holmesit en Penrith Sydney 0 47 844 I am married, I'm a teacher and have 4 sons, two of whom have an ASD. One at either end of the spectrum 94 2 Penrith New South Wales Australia 73289382 Countess Katya countesskatya en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 116 243 Radio broadcaster, producer, activist, social connector,climate change campaigner, fashionista 137 8 Adelaide South Australia Australia 42506499 William McBride willbride en Hawaii 0 46 44 155 0 Unknown 66102319 Simon Crump sicrump en Australia 0 17 6 137 0 Australia 17461631 Kristen Obaid KristenObaid en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 2536 537 28yo: i like big words: irreverent: opinionated yet amicable: prone to exaggeration: yummy mummy: loyal wife: systematic: not for sale: *my views,not employers 1876 119 Sydney New South Wales Australia 179795404 Catherine Goldie catherinegoldie en 10 0 71 0 187768021 David Mc Adam david_mcadam en 1 0 6 0 187761961 Sharon Douglas shanDug en Brisbane 0 12 47 44 0 Queensland Australia 171782738 darcy dolittle darcyvegas en 4 0 27 0 17375563 Shannon SD ShannonSD en Adelaide Sydney 0 26 27 88 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 174630035 Melissah Bell melissahbell en Hawaii 0 20 46 94 0 Unknown 18043142 kirthivadi kirthivadi en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 46 28 120 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 183118574 Jen Wells jenwells21 en Manhattan Beach, CA Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 246 2123 behaviour therapist, athlete, intellectual badass, traveler, minus 4 teeth, 5 tattoos, life revolves around sports, knowledge, music and seeing the world 1318 9 187710081 Megan Campbell talula_76 en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 18 76 New to this so be nice! 78 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 22712582 Michelle Ainsworth chellie29 en Hawaii 29 11 146 0 Unknown 185940569 Amanda Jasper WynSpringFest en 0 48 12 397 1 187712015 Michael Sullivan Grosstewahl en 0 1 3 13 0 74632787 Robin Mcgauchie Robdhmpartners en Mildura Melbourne 0 23 79 Preferred Business Advisors 32 0 Mildura Victoria Australia 98290176 Janine Gertz NeenyGee en Townsville, Queensland Brisbane 0 43 771 Politics, Music, Movies and Rugby League! 159 1 Townsville Queensland Australia 14120860 Murfomurf Murfomurf en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 190 1707 Over 50s girl- bit of a mishmash! 236 22 Adelaide South Australia Australia 113501893 Lyndsie Mewett lyndsmew en Melbourne 12 0 51 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 24603529 Casey Hobill caseyhobill en red hill Hawaii 0 33 18 169 0 Red Hill Victoria Australia 187686785 Mr Too Soon MrTooSoon en Sydney, Australia Canberra 0 20 1 Basically I make really insensitive gags 151 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181006270 tekko roos T_ekko en 0 4 8 26 2 26084949 Rob Shrodie en London Canada Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 31 213 I am an Enigmatic Superhuman. 174 1 47253013 Matthew Mumford mumford_ en Everywhere, Melbourne Melbourne 0 169 204 20. studying to become an engineer. hockey player. lover of: life, music, my ute & my girlfriend 253 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22751103 Courtney Sage Hart courtsagehart en Perth - Australia Perth 0 31 302 Film Maker and Writer 70 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 187420196 Ben Phillips BenPhillipsUC en Hawaii 0 1 1 14 0 Unknown 72247527 Richard McBurnie mcdick84 en 25 0 254 0 187287965 MJ Fatmartian en Los Angeles, CA Quito 0 226 34 Things I like: Twitter, Michael Jackson, South Park, Martians, and Oldspice 1960 0 Los Angeles California United States 187512127 Eddy Siauwidjaja esiauwid en 0 12 3 138 0 187500399 Jarod Chadwick chadwick1989 en 0 1 2 9 0 44242099 vincent vizionthing en Gold Coast Brisbane 0 748 2065 1936 17 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 22459786 Casey Green Caseygeee en 0 6 17 51 0 21439103 No_Fidelity No_Fidelity en Melbourne - AU. Melbourne 74 191 Social media addict, and post grad media student.... 153 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 165358514 Cruz 2stns1brd en Brisbane Brisbane 0 36 16 569 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 187484905 LHMU Victoria LHMUVictoria en Melbourne Melbourne 0 143 201 LHMU is one of the Australia's largest unions. LHMU members work in childcare, security, cleaning, hospitality, manufacturing and ambulance. 482 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22905573 Brent Costelloe brentcostelloe en Hobart Hobart 0 99 34 627 4 Hobart Tasmania Australia 142581425 Brianna Wheeler Briannawheeler1 en Sydney Sydney 0 35 105 Farm girl in the big smoke. 137 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 176394202 J Dee JDee2010 en 0 4 41 41 0 28500051 Kirsty Emery KirstyEmery en Brisbane Brisbane 0 57 88 Wife to the super spunk Nicholas... mother of gorgeous Levi... & pastor of the best young adults ever. 44 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 187073142 Andrew Suffern ASuffern en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 18 132 68 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 154474400 Death of Lafayette DeathLafayette en bermuda triangle Hawaii 0 63 170 band 159 4 186349794 Craig Eade cleade75 en 0 3 34 18 0 178993534 Helen Norris lullabylinen en Melbourne, Victoria 0 76 2 Lullaby Linen is a manufacturer and designer of an exclusive range of bedding and accessories for children of all ages. 379 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 179898201 Shane Walsh Shanewalsh2 en 0 0 2 2 0 164156621 The Corner Hotel TheCornerHotel en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 720 48 Live Music 494 35 Melbourne Victoria Australia 187451891 Nicholas James Baum etperseand en Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Sydney 0 141 1160 A student of political thought, I can tell you much more of what I don't know than what I do. I believe that democracy is a miracle that should be celebrated. 369 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 19234707 James White jwlawyers en ÜT: -27.50134,152.929034 Brisbane 0 36 69 I am a lawyer/mediator who loves adventure travel and latin dancing. 90 0 187414237 Caralee Caldwell CaraleeCaldwell en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 57 9 I live on the Gold Coast, run law firm with Cameron_M_Caldwell, have kids, study Law at QUT, love fashion, travel, politics, business and the Kardashians! 159 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 166852961 AusRotaryHealth ausrotaryhealth en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 123 50 Australian Rotary Health is Australia's largest non-government funding body of mental illness research. We also fund research in other health related areas. 277 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 137687910 SARAH WINWOOD WINNIESARAH en 0 20 3 110 0 169770348 fakhri fakhri_kajli en burhani mohalla 0 249 39 1936 0 187415503 Troy Nicholson troy271 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 20 31 208 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 17430061 SimonMSmith SimonMSmith en Tehran Sydney 0 23 6 39 0 Tehran Iran 187359668 Marie Cee justMC09 en Hawaii 0 1 13 30 0 Unknown 176731179 Suzy Grierson suzygrierson en 10 0 80 0 22615610 Rickie Drayton crazytalkradio en Perth,WA,Australia Hawaii 0 767 305 Rickie Drayton is well known internet radio host based in Perth, WA. Rickie has a love for tech and music and is also a audio visual tech. 1679 4 Perth Western Australia Australia 23571582 Em Perri perriem89 en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 9 22 chocolate & earl grey 65 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 187389482 Duncs DPoddy79 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 3 40 150 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 187378209 Myrna Bendle MyrnaBendle en 0 2 5 16 0 166379655 Janelle Yates BCRCVic en Ballarat 0 84 136 Ballarat regional cancer research facility. Help BCRC unlock the riddles of cancer. 270 2 Ballarat Victoria Australia 64539526 Good Uni Guide GoodUniGuide en Australia Sydney 0 700 254 Offering rating and ranking info of Australian unis and courses, Good Uni Guide is the only comprehensive and independent information source in the country! 1245 33 Australia 158925038 Romy Pomering rlpomering en NSW, Australia 0 25 18 politics junkie, baking nerd, music lover, dreamer of dreams. Love of vintage suitcases, cupcakes, recycled clothing and acoustic guitars. 107 0 New South Wales Australia 68627687 WaterAid Australia WaterAidAus en Global Sydney 0 453 373 1 in 8 of the world's population doesn't have access to water or has to walk on average 10,000 steps to get it. We want you to walk 4 water this October - 1002 37 Unknown 187358876 Divyesh Dholaria ddholaria en Brisbane Brisbane 0 0 Entrepreneur, Investor... 11 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 21043877 Disy disydoit en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 143 555 lame blogger but giving it a go. Mummy to one and wife to one as well 329 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 29324412 MELLITA DARLING MELLITAD en Hawaii 10 0 74 0 Unknown 151323829 Dean Benson deanogooner14 en 0 14 15 Love football - Arsenal and Sydney FC, and table tennis. That's about it.. 76 0 183213699 Andrew Reid reidy75 en 0 5 81 53 0 186839038 David Pixelfoto Pixelfoto es 0 190 337 Diseño de posters, fotografiar eventos deportivos en 1959 2 160827816 Stephanie Dalzell stephdalz en Sydney Sydney 0 46 31 22, journalism student and I like long walks on the beach while flower petals float from the sky and violins play in C minor... 208 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25199179 Melvin Bent Melvin_J_89 en Melbourne Hawaii 81 1985 Im Melvin ......... 253 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 185958508 Rebecca Mercia RebeccaMercia en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 59 247 A dreamer, a traveller, a cake baker, a giant hugger, a loud laugher, a chocolate scoffer, a photography obsessor, a shower singer and a love lover. 178 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 187141765 Alex C Porik alexorkin en NY Moscow 0 300 8 580 6 New York United States 21624297 Jonathan Roberts jonnieroberts en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 38 124 I like building stuff and making things happen. I quite like robots but love people more. 189 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 96276983 Mortgage Choice MC_Mark_Lewis en 33A Logan Rd Woolloongabba Brisbane 0 70 132 We are an independantly owned franchise, located amongst the antique stores in Woolloongabba. Come and see us to help unravel the mortgage maze 164 2 187142024 Breanna Chill breannachill en 5 0 47 0 47079608 Richelle Rae RichelleRaeRae en 0 8 2 69 0 185593705 Is Mannix IsMannix en Sydney Australia Sydney 4 0 Recently became a stay at home mum, trying to stay connected to the outside world... 86 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 178212262 Dianne gettodianne en Victoria Melbourne 0 16 2 82 0 Victoria Australia 33888603 Michael Taylor blueman99 en Sydney Sydney 0 19 19 Father, husband, brother, mate, sports nut, stock lover,Tigers fan and KPMG snr consultant. 121 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 164585959 Judy Underdown judyunders en South Australia 0 7 19 Health professional, interested in consumer and community engagement, women's and childrens' health, social justice, fair and equitable Australia. 28 0 South Australia Australia 179083704 Michelle Chung mishnmash en Sydney Sydney 0 8 52 59 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 187118732 josh fahy bags222 en 0 0 8 0 55807281 Felipe Miranda callmefelipe en Sydney 0 25 363 newshound/ red wine enthusiast/ latte sipping tossbag/ unwitting new age sensitive type/ first generation queue jumper/ son of a cobbler... 73 0 New South Wales Australia 75762484 Cathy Myers cafmyers en 0 3 2 10 0 21468650 marc jonomarc en 0 12 2 77 0 184602282 Selina B Selbeltrel en 4 0 52 0 86672310 Mads Andersen madssandersen en Canberra/Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 89 402 Viking living Down Under. Works for SBS Radio. Tweets about politics, science and general geekdom. Views expressed are those of said twitterer only. 278 2 182691519 Daniela Mona Tu_Tu73 en 0 10 106 35 0 179491641 John _BigBopper en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 492 237 I love my wife & kids & I love to shit stir smart-asses for a laugh. I don't however love dole bludgers & no-hopers. 'Get a job you bums'!! Peace... 1322 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 140339504 Timothy Kraak Timmz123 en Hervey Bay Brisbane 0 75 190 17, 511', male, Live in hervey bay. 266 5 Hervey Bay Queensland Australia 18283203 EducatingPeta EducatingPeta en Melbourne Melbourne 0 334 129 Pre-service Secondary English and Media teacher. 1624 19 Melbourne Victoria Australia 187071347 Malene Hand malenehand en Melbourne 22 27 154 0 Victoria Australia 42581911 Ben Duggan Ben_Duggan en 0 79 29 115 0 157174081 Axis Mundi~VANUATU AxisMundiResort en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 16 12 Arriving Soon! Axis Mundi Golf&Dive Resort~VANUATU 87 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 134622630 Parking Wizard parkfortheday en United States Quito 0 82 144 Reserve parking for your vehicle online at trusted locations around the country. Guarantee your space with the click of your mouse. Own a space? Add it today! 361 1 United States 23559970 Megan Gaukroger Gauky_1976 en Austraila Sydney 0 94 764 Left of centre and loving it!! 267 4 Australia 187048018 Andrew Penfold AndrewPenfold en 0 6 10 55 0 66928345 Richard Linnane Umrik en Australia Sydney 14 23 Indeed. 202 0 Australia 187035619 Luciana Potts Aunty_Lou_Lou en 0 10 96 13 0 181492585 Michael Oltmanns michaeloltmanns en NSW, Australia 0 7 44 29 0 New South Wales Australia 186332173 J UNIT JUNIT7 en Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 7 4 94 0 United States 17462350 bweekes bweekes en Tasmania Hobart 0 7 67 Traveller, Football, Sci-Fi and Music nut! 77 0 Tasmania Australia 25678753 Candee K candeeK en Sydney Hawaii 0 33 163 106 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 132525239 Alicia villella Alicevillella en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 65 1043 Lover of design, film, sarcasm, people who make me laugh - hubby and the two girl children. Not taking life too seriously! 233 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23395026 Amelia mmilly en Geelong, Australia Melbourne 0 510 10854 still figuring that out.. ☮ 739 22 Geelong Victoria Australia 28499503 Josh j0sh0 en Adelaide Adelaide 0 75 797 Geezer. 147 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 23748183 ton phuong tonzie en Hawaii 6 14 193 2 Unknown 15668481 Sam Redfern sredfern en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 84 209 Quality over quantity.. for the moment at least. 162 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 29590848 Gemma Bauman gemimaluu en Australia Brisbane 0 113 79 Storyteller 804 2 Australia 22609811 Shaun Hardie crackaShaun en Sydney NSW Sydney 0 101 221 Doing a media and communications degee at UOW 241 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25472072 Pete Robbo pdpete en Australia Brisbane 0 35 28 372 0 Australia 168673943 Southport Chamber SouthprtChamber en Southport,Gold Coast,Qld Brisbane 0 240 16 The Southport Chamber of Commerce works towards promoting the development and progress of commerce, trade and industry in Southport and its environs. 361 13 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 36865492 Joèl Kalpram joelkalpram en Lismore, NSW, 2480, Australia Sydney 0 229 262 I am using twitter to keep me update with what's going on around the globe I am loving it and finding it interesting! 1277 3 26214471 Chelsea Carter ChelseaDaggerrr en Melbourne Town Melbourne 0 41 52 I like Penguins...? 126 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 186276173 michmolk LovelyWife en Brisbane Brisbane 0 262 7478 SAHM to Mr5 & Miss3, the other (sane) half of @themolk. 179 16 Brisbane Queensland Australia 36887233 Pittwater Council Pittwater2011 en Northern Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 1060 3583 Pittwater - a place for everyone who loves the beach & bush and a sustainable active lifestyle close to the city. Come visit us soon - you won't want to leave! 1527 60 71194592 Pete Sparkes pjsparkes en Sunshine Coast, QLD Hawaii 0 4 3 66 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 140744449 Jack McDonald jackmac91 en 0 5 22 53 1 96480482 GusMan Osprey_au en NSW Sydney 0 6 31 51 0 New South Wales Australia 55236926 Debra Duncan DebinMelbourne en Melbourne, obviously Melbourne 152 1570 Former scientist, future lawyer, atheist, parent, music-lover, pet owner, blah blah blah.... 483 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 186716108 marc cummaudo DEADyorp en Hawaii 0 4 3 14 0 Unknown 159705803 M Yii Vicksmum en Melbourne 1 0 4 0 Victoria Australia 20633595 Ally Paolino ACTinglikeamama en Canberra Canberra 0 684 6836 A Mama, in Canberra, Word. 865 49 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 17672785 pedro80 pedro80 en 0 7 1 17 0 22205525 Carlie B carliebree en Australia Sydney 0 556 3667 I read news on the radio for a living - but in case you can't tell, these thoughts are my own =) 736 11 Australia 27204938 Michael Dickinson docmikejd en melbourne Melbourne 0 13 33 blood doctor. 143 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 25459966 Paul Owen Owey87 en Ballarat Melbourne 2 0 259 0 Ballarat Victoria Australia 115591093 John Spathis j_spathis en 0 2 1 44 0 33072053 David Rowlands David_Rowlands en Sydney 0 37 14 60 0 New South Wales Australia 186396970 Mel Hindby itsmel2001 en australia 0 26 77 wife, mum, sister, daughter, auntie, friend and all round lovely caring woman!!! 307 1 Australia 14709131 Brady Clarke pressdarling en Brisneyvegas. Brisbane 0 1875 34864 I eat cereal, I masturbate, and I make awesome music in @spcrckt + @thelovebuckles. Contributor for @pressrecordmag. Unprofessional opinions here. 1948 165 36545309 Trevor Watts TrevorWattsLNP en Toowoomba North Brisbane 0 8 8 47 0 183810123 Brianna Wells BeeWells13 en 0 199 748 sports. traveling. music. laughter. beach. friends. family. love. optimism. life. snow. 1058 10 150182587 NSR Security NSRsecurity en Lear Jet Dr Caboolture Brisbane 0 189 149 NSR is a security firm located in Nth Brisbane. Providing security services from Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast. Phone: 1300 307 839 677 5 179962427 Day Trader Daytraders_ en Sydney Sydney 0 297 418 I have been trading actively since 2004.I post trades that I am taking or considering. 347 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 171444189 Tony Laughton Tonypromos en Melbourne 0 2 99 11 0 Victoria Australia 52711186 Sue Bazzana Nimbingirl en Melbourne Melbourne 0 56 239 Born in Nimbin, lives in Melbourne. Christian. Reads books and newspapers. Loves to cook. 93 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 170577966 who's askin? anerfy en iPhone: 0.000000,0.000000 Hawaii 0 12 89 63 4 Unknown 185083952 Ross Greenwood MoneyNewsShow en 0 382 743 359 9 161654395 kempsey11 kempsey11 en 0 2 6 11 0 176868456 kia e lau LauKia4e it Florence, Italy ♥ Greenland 0 1076 3224 we are the best friends 4 ever...Laura is a fan of Justin Bieber ♥ and Chiara loves the songs of Taylor Swift ♥ @jordanjansenVOX Follow us 2000 33 135009543 Michael O'Neill masbmike en Perth Perth 0 26 33 I do love to tweet it is so much fun just like facebook. 136 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 5293862 David Higgins cowspanker en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 1394 1024 Innovations Editor, News Limited 456 81 Sydney New South Wales Australia 180374615 Tristan pagett Amm1443 en 0 38 11 875 1 186394147 Marty Kollrepp OskarsBurleigh en Burleigh Heads Brisbane 0 32 9 47 3 Burleigh Heads Queensland Australia 186311171 Glenn jemag74 en 1 0 7 0 185886874 Matt Luxon TillyTech en Lemon Tree Passage,Australia Sydney 0 44 54 We repair & supply computers. We won't sell you a new one if you don't need or want it! Many computers are thrown out when they can be fixed easily and cheaply. 114 3 186380126 Craig bnecml en 0 6 2 54 0 112378639 Blake Nicholson bnicho6384 en 0 9 1 59 0 112081933 Oscar Oskido_Finks en Perth 0 45 6 437 0 Western Australia Australia 149016213 Natalie Gerritsen natalie_jeanett en Perth 0 71 136 Business journalist and book nerd extraordinaire 411 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 183967285 terry morgan morgz53 en Victoria Australia Melbourne 0 6 71 Global wonderer.Answer seeker.Political agnostic.Its you who interests me not what you say you stand for.Wonders why common sense is so uncommon. 33 0 Victoria Australia 150513505 Katarina katarina_a en Melbourne 0 25 467 60 1 Victoria Australia 20563284 Fake Andrew Bolt andrewbolt en Southbank Melbourne 0 8010 4439 This account fills the real Andrew Bolt with seething rage at the impetuousness of today's Barbarian leftist. For this reason alone you should follow me. 5851 401 Southbank Victoria Australia 186337629 Brad Hiscock BradandJaythene en Sydney 0 0 2 2 0 New South Wales Australia 147445316 Peter Clark pyotrberry en Australia Sydney 0 6 125 50 0 Australia 150498792 Hornsby Council HornsbyCouncil en Hornsby, NSW 0 348 299 Hornsby Shire Council is a local government body in the upper north shore of Sydney, NSW. 481 20 Hornsby New South Wales Australia 74107933 Jade K annukii en Alaska 0 1 1 29 0 United States 183063452 Bob Carr bobjcarr en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 1363 141 Author and longest serving Premier of NSW 128 55 Sydney New South Wales Australia 98648821 James shepherd JamesRobert83 en SYDNEY 0 41 177 i love surfing, hanging with mates and God. 58 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22546317 Deb Cole DeborahCole101 en Hawaii 0 11 2 35 0 Unknown 20496520 Gemma Swart GemmaSwart en Sydney Sydney 0 97 45 campaigning for a change 327 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 152412480 Mary Crouch nyandra1 en Brisbane 0 4 1 70 0 Queensland Australia 20424980 The Culture Doctor TheCultureDoc en Australia Brisbane 0 56 211 Corporate sociologist helping businesses focus attention where real productivity gains lie - not with strategy but with its platform: organisational culture 96 1 Australia 171287975 Seamus Maguire IslandSelect95 en The Rink 0 10 13 I Play hockey 110 3 21632918 Malcolm Kennedy mskcrk en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 29 124 C.R.Kennedy and Company Pty Ltd 64 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23708847 Lyn Sproles sprolmor en Eildon, Victoria Australia Melbourne 5 0 15 0 Eildon Victoria Australia 15078629 jasongroves jasongroves en London, UK London 27 16 145 1 London England United Kingdom 17361043 Kevin Peterson kevpet40 en Melbourne. Australia Melbourne 0 93 691 Writes,photographs.commentato,loves people,good humour, Darwinist,innovationist, criticist,naturalist,documentaries, & sport. 818 12 Melbourne Victoria Australia 186027265 Alex Harvey alexharv074 en 3 0 7 0 98796168 Rhys Thomas runboyrun71 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 27 546 229 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 34247198 S Nunya77 en Canberra Canberra 21 123 Philosophical lover of literature, music and a convert to the importance of public education! 81 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 86288893 Helene Tretheway laineyt87 en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 24 257 It's time to wander. 177 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 39185249 Tawanda Nyamvura tawandanya en 0 56 101 607 1 14614411 Sean_Ho Sean_Ho en Hawaii 0 66 277 170 0 Unknown 60279111 Olle Lindholm ollelindholm en Melbourne Melbourne 0 79 118 Life Enthusiast. Connect. Create. Communicate. 206 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 41776570 Joseph Tormey tormez_25 en 0 13 2 80 0 168656265 Tom Gardner tomsTenets en 0 6 2 31 0 156924913 Susan Dun susandun en Cambewarra NSW Australia Sydney 3 54 I am a Registered Nurse-speciality ICU. Mum of 4 children. I volunteer my nursing skills in 3rd world places. Particularly PNG & Rwanda. 94 0 131417314 Claire Baxter clarenceb30 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 27 100 276 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 185633673 Young LNP MatthewQuinlan en QUEENSLAND Hawaii 0 433 224 Until further notice - ALL tweets from this account are MY views. Will update this as required. 12 15 Queensland Australia 36902924 Cameron Burgess Melbbiker en Townsville Queensland Melbourne 0 139 157 Regional Content Manager 630 ABC North Queensland 562 11 Townsville Queensland Australia 26403412 Carla Liam noidontsqueek en Hawaii 0 10 18 13 0 Unknown 93512087 WVO Quine WVOQuine en Melbourne Melbourne 0 6 16 131 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 20201216 Joe Kovacs joekovacs en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 264 335 CAE Engineer @ Ford Motor Company of Australia 1424 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 185842135 World First World_First_Au en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 831 226 World First is a leading currency exchange broker, get the latest news and market research posted straight from the Australian trading floor. 1993 21 Sydney New South Wales Australia 16444927 Benny Callaghan BennyCallaghan en Sydney Melbourne 0 100 42 CEO of @sseaustralia interested in #socentau #neweconomy #philanthropy #npau 96 8 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181103228 James Lake jamesrobertlake en Richmond, Victoria, Australia 0 74 114 Journalist for Nova100 & Classic Rock 91.5. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of dmgRadio. 382 0 Richmond Victoria Australia 184687078 Emma Biscoe Biscoemont en Hawaii 7 0 I am not really on Twitter. 35 0 Unknown 183496173 Natalie Peck natpeck en Darwin 0 266 1321 mum, wife, daughter, sister, friend... still figuring out the rest 432 4 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 185839869 Kirsty Nancarrow KirstyCairnsABC en Cairns (from Sept 19) Brisbane 17 0 Leaving Alice Springs ABC for Cairns. 153 1 36234173 Hayley Conole haycon en Adelaide Adelaide 0 29 9 86 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 37125860 Emma Black eblahblah en the mothership Hawaii 0 369 192 Frog handed Specialist 1269 11 19696134 Katrina Walker kitkatwalk en Melbourne Melbourne 0 920 993 communications expert who tap dances and secretly wants to start a food & wine blog 1595 25 Melbourne Victoria Australia 185174921 ScottCD spike77_7 en Canberra Canberra 0 53 495 Government Advisory/Relations Director, based in Canberra, into all things political and Canberran 363 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 149483140 Benjamin Wilson tightum en 2 0 64 0 161259359 Ben Rimmer BenRimmer2010 en 8 0 62 0 25047425 Peter John Miller millerpete en NSW, Australia Sydney 0 31 106 18 0 New South Wales Australia 17087824 Kelly Johnston johnston_kelly en ÜT: 40.089042,-75.384626 Quito 0 247 2528 Campbell Soup Exec., former Secretary of the Senate, Oklahoma native, big Capitals fan. 459 2 28063097 Patrick Lynch Pat_Lynch en Australia Sydney 0 24 6 232 0 Australia 35720864 Chris Buchanan reddwarf40 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 21 244 Educator, man of mystery, part-time non-catholic/non-denominational displaced pontiff. Opiate of the masses and all around wit (both half and full) 122 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 178245105 Steven Hodgson hodgavic en Hawaii 0 26 142 My name is Steve Hodgson, I live in Melbourne, I play bass guitar, I work as civil engineer and have become way too interested in fantasy football lately. 150 0 Unknown 36629591 trish renshaw roo_74 en canada Central Time (US & Canada) 0 56 24 558 0 Canada 52037086 Scott Lymer scottlymer en Melbourne Melbourne 10 19 49 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 56897852 Talya Bassin tbassin en Hawaii 19 63 61 0 Unknown 18152744 Reneyo ney03l en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 90 225 Technology Executive and Family Man. Passionate about technology, the Internet, fine food and coffee. Information and gadget geek. Early adopter. 80 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 36232532 Bronny br0nny en Canberra 16 0 55 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 181785788 Meco Ladies goodthinking_99 en 0 56 126 We are four Media students, embarking on a quest to interrogate the assumptions and opinions held about twitter as a journalistic sphere 253 0 73628485 JACKY JACCOLLAR en Sydney 0 5 141 1 New South Wales Australia 179829125 Ben Kruzins Krubenj en Canberra 0 11 20 Community radio Announcer and Journalism student at University of canberra 69 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 183166831 Andrew Vos andrew_vos en 0 11 3 95 0 185498637 Radley Group RadleyGroupSyd en Sydney 0 29 114 Radley Group is a specialist IT Recruitment Consultancy, offering clients and candidates a professional and consistent approach to hiring. 96 2 New South Wales Australia 22117046 Bill Stott billy3000 en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 18 21 38 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 181913514 Tania Minxyferret en Australia Melbourne 0 82 1616 128 2 Australia 93578874 Wojciech Wojciech01 en Sydney 0 1 4 41 0 New South Wales Australia 183514869 Luis Fleita LuisFleita en Sydney 0 36 32 74 0 New South Wales Australia 40460560 Vanessa bigsista1960 en Sydney 0 1 13 58 0 New South Wales Australia 5846632 Rick Clise rickcl en Adelaide Adelaide 0 230 2925 formerly peripatetic multi-careerist; now visual artist, father, hubby... enjoys funny little things. Blogs at: 194 15 Adelaide South Australia Australia 113801480 Kay Danes KayDanes en Australia Brisbane 0 129 585 Aussie Mum who survived 1yr hostage ordeal in communist state now an International humanitarian and best selling author. 117 10 Australia 74651874 D4DOGZ d4dogz en Australia Melbourne 0 161 89 D4DOGZ is an upmarket Boutique store for Dogs and their Owners. Where you can purchase gorgeous collars, clothes, bedding and yummy Treats and More 236 9 Australia 93755668 Mark Robinson MarkRobinsonMP en Brisbane 0 64 155 LNP MP Cleveland. Bayside brisbane. Live in Redlands. Married. Love all things marine, fishing, tennis, family time, my community 90 3 Queensland Australia 167003220 Kylie Dennis Kylie_Dennis en Geraldton, WA Perth 3 13 40 0 109739242 Maria Fleming rosebudrosebud en 0 20 54 144 0 170885173 David Mann USUPres en Sydney University Sydney 0 116 44 David is passionate about the student experience and is committed to delivering a rich campus life. Email me at 142 1 59686457 Michelle Hutchison shellRateCity en Sydney Hawaii 0 298 140 Former Editor at Property Australia, I am Consumer Advocate at Australia's leading financial comparison website 644 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 74991574 Higgs Brosef higgs_brosef en hurtling underneath europe Perth 0 35 15 Sub atomic particle friend 88 1 89118456 newsXpress n_Xpress en Australia Melbourne 0 58 153 Our mission is to make newsXpress newsagencies the most successful and sought after newsagencies in Australia. 158 1 Australia 16019070 Julia Holman JulesHolman en Tamworth Sydney 0 170 178 ABC Rural Reporter, no fixed address, but currently doing the rounds at ABC New England North West, based in Tamworth. All views expressed are my own. 418 7 Tamworth New South Wales Australia 48231714 ngt_guy ngt_guy en NSW Sydney 0 50 491 Seeking to inform and remain informed about what is happening in NSW 147 3 New South Wales Australia 158149809 Mark Hookey mhookey en Hong Kong Sydney 0 24 161 Stats junkie & economist. Founder, Silne & Trying to help responsible borrowers. 77 0 Hong Kong China 26455481 Tristan Smith Tristanjsmith en Sydney 15 0 37 1 New South Wales Australia 31062206 Anne Cahill Lambert ACLambert en Canberra Canberra 0 40 136 91 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 22894122 Steve Lossanarch en Melbourne Melbourne 0 13 929 37 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 14378782 perkie perkie en Canberra Hawaii 0 20 30 Now looking at the influence of new media on security and public diplomacy. 30 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 78226162 Mark Textor markatextor en Sydney Sydney 418 1104 Polling. Bikes. Issues that interest. Views directly tweeted here are my own, not of my clients. Don't necessarily endorse all re-tweets. 205 9 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166931939 Sophie Turnbull SophieAvena en Sydney Sydney 0 14 14 65 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 145849223 Steve Liebmann 2UEMornings en Greenwich, Sydney Sydney 0 119 144 Mornings with Steve Liebmann 9am - 12pm on Radio 2UE 954AM Listen live at or give me a call on 13 13 32. 65 12 185120305 JP Rambert JP_Rambert en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 19 8 Astute currency trader, political and sports enthusiast. I am changing the world one step at a time. 51 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 183171932 Sarah iseeredhq en Melbourne Melbourne 0 18 103 Postgrad student. Bibliophile. Past-life interviewer. I read The Age a lot. 116 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 185214308 Andrew Jones APJ1987 en 0 12 8 36 0 27599609 Irene Stark RainbowsendAU en South Australia Adelaide 14 27 38 0 South Australia Australia 17183452 Ben Ratcliffe benjie74 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 20 30 A British born Australian Melbournite 198 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 33865583 Michael G Bailey Mikeybail en Australia Alaska 0 404 152 Photography,, Trend Setter Style Wanna be Electronics Guru...70s love child 1994 5 Australia 164649879 Greg Kneale gunn039 en 0 0 1 3 0 174199143 Danielle Ryan DanielleBetony en 1 0 8 1 149092682 BoneFD BoneFD en omnipresent Sydney 0 4 136 15 0 173264879 Betty Gray 2961betty en 2 0 10 0 22543934 simone bartley simonebartley en Sydney Sydney 0 270 119 CEO of Seizmic Thinking - we specialise in consumer engagement and work with CMO's to help them capitalise on the new marketing landscape. 466 8 Sydney New South Wales Australia 182236733 Louise Christensen Weez77 en Sydney 0 14 48 Rediscovering joy, gently parenting four lovely individuals and journeying with my best friend. 39 2 New South Wales Australia 85236843 Tony K thekaptone en Adelaide 0 27 480 Arsenal fan from Aus lived in London for a while now in funny sunny Adelaide 82 3 South Australia Australia 19690670 Emily Macdonald emac87 en Townsville, North Queensland Brisbane 0 45 22 I am a journalist who feels like dancing! 89 1 Townsville Queensland Australia 184619856 The Rugby Club SydneyRugbyClub en Sydney • Australia Hawaii 0 138 301 Established 1945 • The Rugby Club is the home of Rugby in Sydney • Located at Rugby Place (Off 31 Pitt St) Sydney • Tel: (02) 9247 3344 572 11 Sydney New South Wales Australia 32503509 Mick Roach Blockr98 en Melbourne 0 14 1 88 0 Victoria Australia 69767126 Susan Gazis susangazis en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 150 20 560 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166822808 Robert Hawke silver_bodgie en Blanche's Bossom 0 146 1354 Melbourne Vic. Keating's Best Mate 60 5 170630217 Mia Iggulden thewoodpigeon en NSW, Australia Sydney 0 15 7 158 0 New South Wales Australia 40804292 Claire Stewart ClaireStewart81 en Hobart, Tasmania 0 38 6 Currently in Hobart studying Arts/Law - Pol Sci. Passionate about politics, Liberal Party, my local community, history, current affairs, family & pets . 99 1 Hobart Tasmania Australia 25629521 Reardons Lawyers ReardonsLawyers en Brisbane Brisbane 0 593 259 A Brisbane City Law Firm accepting instructions in all areas of law. Call us, we're here to help. T. (07) 3236 5808 E. 1833 25 Brisbane Queensland Australia 185131276 Peter Lehfeldt mowog69 en Brisbane 0 2 7 19 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 22208540 Jessica Guy Galaxychicken en Melbourne, Australia Hawaii 0 19 14 76 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 185127265 Nat GnatFly en 0 3 7 15 0 166754895 Tom H TAlanHol en 14 0 330 0 51729670 Cam Parker camparker62 en Melbourne 0 9 49 Creative ministries leader / department manager @woolies 94 1 Victoria Australia 178289022 lezli H missie_88 en VICTORIA Hawaii 0 55 1532 47 1 Victoria Australia 37434347 Zillah Austin zillahaustin en Perth, Australia Perth 15 20 76 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 113498219 Kelly Lofberg KellyLofberg en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 102 103 When I grow up I'm going to be a cricket commentator! But currently external relations & media adviser. 215 6 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 181364925 Peter Mac CSSPENSIONER en Perth 0 2 10 15 0 Western Australia Australia 138729059 No Agents Here NoAgentsHere en Australia Melbourne 0 286 58 We are the market leader in Private Sales Real Estate. Your property will be listed on 8 Industry only websites such as Real and 1603 13 Australia 185068431 CeBITGov 2.0 Gov2Aus en Canberra, Australia 0 305 161 Presented by CeBIT Aus...Gov 2.0 2010 gathers a high profile group of experts in the use of Web 2.0 tools in the public sector. November 3 & 4, 2010 in Canberra 403 25 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 185076735 D K Pincic pinch79 en Melbourne 22 0 264 0 Victoria Australia 14851407 bendrewatabc bendrewatabc en Hawaii 0 22 3 64 0 Unknown 52571452 MCMLXXXVI alexdrummond en Melbourne, AU Melbourne 0 66 57 Ramblings and rantings about politics and policy from the radical centre. All views are my own. They don't represent the views of friends, bosses,or associates. 279 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 58181986 Lynne Parks parkseys en Manly Pacific Time (US & Canada) 6 127 Mother grandmother 32 0 Manly Queensland Australia 185092284 Gary H Adams GaryHAdamsMP en Canberra Hawaii 0 12 9 Gary Adams is a political independent currently elected in the seat of Murambani. 88 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 38306905 Chris Salmon donkeykonga en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 171 497 Tweets about music, social networking, technology, and the occasional social life. 247 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 21800661 Rossie Spokes rossiepos en Wodonga, Victoria, Aus Melbourne 0 63 144 love hanging with the youngens!! 245 2 Wodonga Victoria Australia 185078619 Rob Bailey KroosnBailey en 0 7 30 41 0 28321539 Nicholas Spinks nickspinks en Brisbane Brisbane 0 43 140 Ex-lawyer, writer, cricket nerd, retiree, news junkie, comedy nerd. 239 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 14952234 Joshua Ward joshward91 en Gold Coast Brisbane 0 10 49 I am an independent web designer tweeting about things that interest me 92 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 25051626 Emily Crisp bluetoothbrush en wollongong Canberra 0 49 333 197 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 138008433 Will Collie WillCollie en Sydney Hawaii 0 48 68 139 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 33026763 Daniel Martinez DanielPeoples en Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 255 21 1513 0 United States 172262001 Patrick de Souza souwalker en Sydney 0 0 40 9 0 New South Wales Australia 79881418 simon berry simonjberry en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 109 813 Investor 493 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 155866061 Vegetable Lasagna VegieLasagna en 0 9 32 89 0 180314057 Rebecca Lay BeccieLay en Gold Coast Brisbane 0 3 10 I am a happily married mum of 3. I love my family and friends dearly. 29 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 30333255 hannah commodore hannahcommodore en Melbourne Melbourne 0 129 413 sickness within, sickness without 661 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 184871546 rinkmarketing rinkmarketing en Canada 0 34 25 358 0 Canada 23050631 Gavin Meakin gavinmeakin en Brisbane Brisbane 0 74 287 Online producer for ABC's The Drum. Thinker. Student of life. All views expressed here are my own. 159 5 Brisbane Queensland Australia 182317648 Terry Eason aussieblue1905 en 1 0 4 0 27770704 Kurt Wallace kurt_wallace en Perth, Australia Perth 0 1723 244 Kurt is enjoying working as a Real Estate Consultant in the Michael Keil Team at Porter Matthews Vic Park (Perth). 1831 36 Perth Western Australia Australia 182730400 Lee Perkins Chop_8 en Gold Coast or Elsewhere Brisbane 13 79 On and on it will always be... Rhythm , Rhyme and Harmony! 74 2 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 184757625 Jonathan Wood jonathanwood78 en 0 0 6 0 184756978 Nathan Winn Nato_1978 en 0 1 4 3 0 39570555 boutiqueweb t-shirts webtshirts fr Montreal Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 221 183 boutique webtshirts Wordans welcomes you! Customize your apparel online! No minimums - FREE shipping 5+ items. Company t-shirts, uniforms, teams, causes... 755 7 Montreal Quebec Canada 181825975 Chris Eales aabwc en 0 200 1723 1018 4 183505085 Caitlin Saville cjaville en Melbourne Melbourne 0 9 6 77 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 181999565 val graeme cannonvale54 en Hawaii 0 42 13 464 1 Unknown 184343339 Tim D TimmyD1996 en Australia 0 5 19 :):D 18 0 Australia 184713719 Douglas Tilden depo_of_ge en Australia Sydney 0 1 6 The official Twitter feed of the Department of Glacial Emotion. 25 0 Australia 18860964 Pete Williamson pgwilliamson en Australia Canberra 0 40 331 Hanging with my posse (er, wife & baby) in Melbourne. 212 1 Australia 135104236 Daniel Weil Daniel_Weil en Melbourne Melbourne 0 21 78 75 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 19807948 Debbie Sassine dsassine en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 263 192 PR Manager for Symantec in Australia and New Zealand; proud mum; loves swimming and enjoying life in Sydney 229 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 48641029 Andres Puig Andres_Puig en Melbourne Melbourne 0 72 577 Public Relations & Communications Consultant. Food, politics and news junkie. 171 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 16918207 petapool petapool en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 353 1544 Digital Marketer, mother, wife 288 25 Adelaide South Australia Australia 122573717 Nicky Gameau NickyGam en Adelaide 0 15 13 49 0 South Australia Australia 43242552 ARN ARNnet en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 1136 654 Everything you need to know about the IT industry; Channel, Business, Technology and People 1998 58 Sydney New South Wales Australia 29121716 francis vierboom franith en Sydneysider in Ulaanbaatar Ulaan Bataar 0 82 271 145 2 48288454 NRMAdriverseat NRMAdriverseat en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 1154 1576 NRMA Motoring & Services offers car reviews and videos, motoring advice, ANCAP crash tests results, Australia's Best Cars awards and much more 985 20 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18043980 Tom Shearman tomshearman en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 111 252 Journalist, technophile, sporadic blogger, liberal, herb gardener, (amateur) photographer, (amateur) videographer, gasbag. 216 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 182409458 Tariq Scherer tariqscherer en Paris, France Paris 0 22 151 Analyst and Opinionated Commentator & always up for a good laugh 91 1 Paris France 33828253 Peter Reitano PeteRei en Ingham, Queensland, Australia Brisbane 0 113 81 Real Estate Agent, Auctioneer, JCI & Rotary Member, Rugby League Supporter, Cricket, Actor, Global Citizen. 270 6 29062305 Marissa Mascaro MarissaMascaro en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 63 501 Events Manager and lover of most stuff! 429 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 159037632 Rod Murray rodmurraywa en Western Australia 0 4 112 I am a wee Scottish fella from the Outer Hebrides now living in Western Australia. 39 0 Western Australia Australia 184631760 Nicholas Mickovski nickmickovski en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 133 490 I'm a straight shooter. Enjoy what life is all about and appreciate those around me. A son of Macedonian Migrants, a good individual from a good family. 513 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 142218289 Matt Mihaly Mattmihaly90 en 13 0 127 0 178076829 Steve L LoveThoseSports en Quito 0 19 113 133 0 Ecuador 19529874 Steven Ritchie stevenjr en Gold Coast, Qld, Australia Brisbane 0 81 1152 Husband, Programmer, Web developer, Christian, Lolly advocate 239 1 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 174942458 Gene Guarin gene_guarin en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 11 162 number cruncher, gadget freak, badminton playing all around nice guy. 40 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 26348226 Charles Darwin Uni CDUni en Northern Territory, Australia Darwin 0 523 365 Charles Darwin University offers a wide range of higher education degrees and VET courses with flexible study options, including part-time, external and online. 579 30 Northern Territory Australia 39009343 aure leeloomoon en Tehran 0 13 14 88 0 Iran 101937794 GottaGetaway GoGetaway en Merimbula Sydney 0 171 10 Accommodation providers for the beautiful Far South Coast NSW Australia 602 6 22465532 Rebecca Moore BeccMoore en Melbourne 0 65 183 just me 249 3 Victoria Australia 20300746 Dion Monaghan DionMonaghan en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 151 78 A recent QUT graduate, an observer of the weber tubes, and a strategist/problem solver by my own rights. 310 6 Brisbane Queensland Australia 15819960 Pirra_Jaide Pirra_Jaide en Far North Queensland Brisbane 0 138 2588 Agent Provocateur . She hangs out in virtual scrabble bars. Inserting feet in my mouth since 1975. 159 9 Cooktown Queensland Australia 15699715 Brett Debritz debritz en Brisbane Brisbane 0 1427 4944 Journalist, writer, broadcaster, blogger, editor and cultural commentator (whatever that means). Opinions are mine, not my employer's. 1780 79 Brisbane Queensland Australia 26177539 Robert Frost Toogee en Newcastle, NSW Australia. Sydney 0 161 354 Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. Robert Frost 213 9 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 163035386 Dave McNamara airdrumsforever en 0 11 9 74 0 34549581 Argumentalist argumentalist en Brisbane 0 233 1024 I argue for fun and for work, but this is not work. 614 5 Queensland Australia 184368337 ben benbak76 en Brisbane 0 3 2 I am who I am. Have a good day and smile no matter happens :)- 47 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 18085227 Divantra Divantra en Sydney 0 16 75 133 0 New South Wales Australia 180706901 John Furborough JohnFurborough en Carrum Downs Melbourne 2 10 19 0 Carrum Downs Victoria Australia 28069642 Chrissie H Chrissie_A_H en Sydney 0 0 12 0 New South Wales Australia 175974848 Novakayn NovakaynTweet en Sydney Australia Canberra 0 638 1179 Australian Rock/Pop band actively Supporting WorldPeace. Peace and Love Peepsâ¤......♪♫¸¸⤠1992 16 Sydney New South Wales Australia 58381125 Mariza Bubic MarizaBubic en Brisbane 0 107 159 Web Communications Adviser. Interested in online communications and social media. Views expressed here are my own not those of my workplace. 191 0 Queensland Australia 24642038 Naomi naomiburns en Oz Sydney 0 315 972 Digital marketer, web consultant & new mum. 409 10 Australia 92460469 Rigzey rigzey en Perth & NW Shelf, W. Australia Perth 0 82 145 Are we having fun yet? 237 8 179043104 Cameron Tidy SU1Li en Canberra Australia 0 6 75 52 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 65026151 The Elephant Room _Elephant_Room en Australia Brisbane 0 9 25 The Elephant Room is Australias premium online retailer of wallpaper & decorating fabrics. 14 1 Australia 162384229 Tea haveaungatea en Melbourne 6 81 92 0 Victoria Australia 184179391 Gong Boy gongboy2000 en Wollongong 0 50 5 Mad Dragons, Wallabies, Illawarra Hawks & Redbull fan, mostly using this account to read, not write. Mostly. 563 1 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 93531504 Sally Block salblock en 0 58 15 Journalist. ABC News. 262 5 101127872 Darren Andrews aussports en Adelaide Australia Adelaide 0 252 2445 Ozsports is a sport orientated news and results website brining you all the information from Australian sport and results. 906 5 Adelaide South Australia Australia 16752404 Daryl dmccull en Canberra Canberra 0 11 78 20 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 181899107 Cameron Colvin casserdaly en Brisbane, Australia 0 30 60 349 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 17479606 no_filter_Yamba no_filter_Yamba en Sydney 0 62 1148 83 0 New South Wales Australia 16341702 Rebecca Tynan redbec en Sydney Sydney 135 598 Media of many kinds....old and new. Onwards and upwards always. I am BecGyver. 412 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 183512852 Mondo Grebo mondogrebo en Adelaide 0 0 114 0 South Australia Australia 174860323 Dee Ackermann DeonnaA en 0 2 1 28 0 183513280 Barbara Fyfe Ladybirdanne en 1 0 8 0 29364284 Blair Hurley nunchuckington en Perth 0 31 255 85 2 Western Australia Australia 77137994 Shannon Willoughby shannwilloughby en Hawaii 0 137 173 Business journalist, social columnist, renowned loudmouth and Formula 1 driver. OK, maybe not that last bit 110 2 Unknown 143348584 OZ-Born with Ryano OZBornwithRyano en Brisbane, Australia 0 95 184 Dedicated to Aussie music, ranging from Rock, HipHop, Dance & Blues. I'll update you with new tunes and let you know when your favourite acts are in Brisbane! 459 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 184256657 Martinus Nanang pyxUK en Samarinda, Indonesia Singapore 0 3 3 I'm a university lecturer. I love working from home as well. 40 0 174586066 tony percuoco TartufoBrisbane en australia Brisbane 0 259 171 chef, author, restaurateur. 227 22 Australia 176708220 TheLoveAbyss theloveabyss en Hawaii 0 19 94 I am urging all good soldiers onwards to The Land of Milk and Honey where all is love 96 0 Unknown 62189820 Christopher Meeking Meeking_Chris en FRANKSTON/KARINGAL Melbourne 0 65 66 The ginja ninja, passionate Collingwood Fan :-) 647 2 Frankston Victoria Australia 184213132 Bec McHutchison Davebecmc en 0 0 2 6 0 176397708 Ooma Khurana DuckBubble en 0 18 65 97 1 18527697 Mrs B crazymumma en Brisbane Brisbane 0 172 1592 Crazy wife of one, Mumma of 4, lost in my own crazy world of chaos and fun 304 6 Brisbane Queensland Australia 22856560 Cheryl de Beyer ceeceedeebee en Perth, Australia Perth 0 36 39 126 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 93607326 Simon West simondwest en Sydney Sydney 4 86 25 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181079371 Tracey Hill traceyleighhill en Australia Sydney 0 4 19 Wife & Mother, love my family, love my country, love My Lord Jesus and my Church family as well. 37 0 Australia 20905960 Leon Bertrand leonbertrand en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 65 193 a patriot who used to blog 118 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 22733324 Cliff Senkbeil csenkbeil en Somewhere Hobart 0 52 527 MoBro 2010 by night. Software architect by day. Interested in astronomy, time lapse, photography, numerical methods and travel. 208 2 Unknown 89623687 Meg Ebelt megebelt en Bathurst Sydney 0 113 306 Journalism student, Radio show producer, Stage manager, somehow ends up on all uni councils... 280 7 Bathurst New South Wales Australia 155115103 Jeremy Hill MrJerAH en 0 1 1 11 0 180369454 Kevin OH 747 KevinOH747 en Perth 0 16 131 I love going on plane trips and I love eating my earwax 38 1 Western Australia Australia 37626997 richard eldridge hugetrouble en Perth Australia Perth 0 34 253 Real Estate Agent to the Stars 138 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 21391211 Johnny Utah JohnnyUtah64 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 23 4 Californian bank robbing surfer...and Swans fan 177 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 122045513 Nn 350H en ÜT: -33.761657,151.036821 Sydney 0 106 2090 null 612 4 180989553 vickipreston vampresto en 0 0 4 19 0 33461394 A Cudworth fordcudworth en virtually anywhere Sydney 17 50 40 0 25277333 Matt Burke mattyburke en Sydney, Straya Sydney 0 211 666 These views are my own. Music & politics are my passions. I also say a lot of dad jokes despite being 22 & not having kids. 487 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 135313704 Ned Kelly FairgoNed en 0 6 6 A vote for the Fair Go Party is a vote that shows you care about the fair go. And what could be fairer than that? 93 0 84474284 Stephanie Ellis sellis7 en 0 11 1 136 0 146399468 Kim Honan kimhonan en Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 200 978 Kim is a rural reporter working for the ABC. She's loves local food, wine and country music. 372 10 Port Macquarie New South Wales Australia 112591611 Laura Carver LittleMissLaufa en Adelaide 4 6 8 0 South Australia Australia 183889947 Annie Kearney anniemaykearney en Melbourne Melbourne 0 5 18 newbie alert! 63 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 91214127 Cameron Smith CamSmithy en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 398 484 Chief of Staff, Sunday Herald Sun 380 16 Melbourne Victoria Australia 63151412 Ashley W Dillon ashleywdillon en Melbourne Melbourne 0 5 9 22 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 101094062 Amanda Smith my_angel_2010 en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 108 302 I'm currently working in Aged care as an AIN. I love sport. Mainly, but not limited top, cricket, league and v8's. But like other sports as well. 528 1 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 177435679 Sarah Beard sarahjbeard en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 5 66 167 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 138719653 Elouise elouiseholmes en 0 9 22 141 0 24152841 Elouera Ayres Hiz_Gurl en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 10 17 Down to earth nursing student, in my final year (thank god!) 12 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 26415723 Luke Holmes holmesey_ en Sydney 10 5 53 0 New South Wales Australia 15475541 bigkamo bigkamo en Queensland Tokyo 0 126 1436 documentary maker/journalist 166 3 Queensland Australia 162063670 Mitch Harrison HardcoreHarro en Newcastle 0 8 122 45 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 26221072 Kerryn Dowling KerrynDowling en Melbourne 0 57 6 291 0 Victoria Australia 183743670 Nithya Sambasivam noematic en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 6 9 'What matters most is how well you walk through the fire.' Charles Bukowski 33 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 165744733 Hockey Sweater TheSweater en Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 58 276 810 3 United States 183725206 Big On Hockey BigOnHockey en 0 0 29 0 183716183 Foreclosure Refund foreclosuresss en 13 0 142 0 177326535 Debbi Harrison debso72 en newcastle NSW Australia Hawaii 0 27 341 154 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 40367637 Vote iQ VoteiQ en Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 441 976 Vote iQ connects voters & elected officials. We help you learn about issues, simplify the election process, and provide insights on politicians & campaigns. 1182 33 United States 183636385 Shane Coghlan Shane_Coghlan99 en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 37 153 Student, Football Tragic, Sweetie-pie. I blog 201 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 28776166 Chris De Vries device_null en Australia Brisbane 0 87 694 Computer Science Research Student 87 2 Australia 163424492 websbay websbay en Europe, Romania, Craiova Bucharest 0 553 16562 Web Article Directory 1999 6 20093679 Tim James timothycjames en Sydney Sydney 0 47 68 123 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 45798579 Caryl cazbam en Melbourne 55 350 i'm 17 423 0 Victoria Australia 117067544 Pamela McSwiney treelady97 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 11 33 59 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 168964864 Kristina Zarich KrissyZarich en Sydney Sydney 0 18 3 Digital producer at Sky News Australia 144 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 183595214 Elle Eckermann ElleEckermann en 0 6 3 22 0 39964306 emma welling emwelling en 0 39 160 35 0 148338637 Take it as a comment takeitascomment en Aussieland 0 33 284 68 2 22072212 June Gladman Juneglad en Woodend Melbourne 0 16 418 wishes I could do more but is so damn tired! 87 0 Woodend Victoria Australia 49912113 Allison Reed allyreed en 0 6 17 54 0 183561025 Maria Vyalkova BestJobsSydney en Sydney, AUSTRALIA Sydney 0 85 1 #1 Connected recruiter in Sydney, Mother Teresa of Recruitment & HR hire 567 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 23917741 Karli Brinsden karli_d en Melbourne via Irymple Melbourne 0 41 214 Watcher of TV, Listener of Music, Teacher of Children, Resider of Melbourne, Waster of Time. 185 0 183547484 Brian Delaney BrianLest en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 1 9 65 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 180609363 Andrew Arvidson adaardvark en Umina Beach Sydney 0 8 5 69 0 142171086 Rob Fischer robfischer82 en Adelaide 0 50 36 190 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 58631061 Shane Churchward VirtualShane en Melbourne Melbourne 0 18 10 103 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 183110829 Elizabeth Sandow elizabethsandow en Broken Hill, Australia Adelaide 0 14 67 71 0 58730482 Cale Johnson CaleTheTwit en Sydney 0 22 281 73 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 73780155 Nick Kotzman verati6 en Melbourne, Australia Brisbane 0 10 34 Student. 32 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 183088081 David Balazsy sabuzoo en 0 12 21 8 1 37546490 Anastasia Golubeva asg2588 en Sydney, Australia 0 385 724 Advertising, Marketing, PR & All Things Digital. 780 9 Sydney New South Wales Australia 133493631 TEEN-JOBZ.COM TEENJOBZCANADA en 0 146 19 999 3 73271282 FRSA wwwfrsaorgau en Australia Sydney 0 208 90 National peak body for family relationship and support services 472 24 Australia 183515078 ryan smith onelovehockeybl en 0 5 13 Check out my blog I will keep you posted on everything through here 58 0 181171131 David Beagley DavidBeagley en Sydney, Australia Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 2 4 Ah hum 6 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 88848536 Skye Gilkeson skyegilkeson en Sydney, Australia. Sydney 0 57 39 TV Journalist and health and fitness expert. 174 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 178896312 Consumer Action consumer_action en Melbourne, Vic Melbourne 0 92 32 We work to advance Australian consumer interests through our free consumer law practice, policy and campaign work and financial counselling. 60 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 154724553 Little Miss Shonky littlemissshonk en Hawaii 31 317 118 0 Unknown 22886239 Prue Gus pruegus en 0 21 20 106 0 133191615 Sophie Campbell SCampbell001 en Brisbane 0 0 99 0 Queensland Australia 183475618 Vincent Fantini VincentFantini en Tasmania Hobart 0 2 4 Long Brown Hair maturely dressed Not Bogan 19 0 Tasmania Australia 183426481 Belinda Barnier BinBar en Canberra Canberra 5 0 Always looking for positive constructive people and solutions. It's all good. 22 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 179309933 Libby Dreyer LibbyDreyer en Hawaii 8 1 53 0 Unknown 39395397 Chris Lacey laceman en Footscray, Australia Melbourne 0 199 2068 Married to KK. Father of X & E. EO of @urbanseed. Supporter of the Bombers, the Heart & the Rebels. Drinker of Beer. Eater of Pies. Follower of Jesus. 259 7 Footscray Victoria Australia 169841411 Laura Sheehan LauraSheehan626 en Sydney 8 2 56 0 New South Wales Australia 28224918 ruthchalker ruthchalker en Brisbane 0 78 103 22. Female. journalist. brisbane-ite. 111 2 Queensland Australia 179396222 Delaney Hockey DelaneyHockey en Evanston, IL 14 0 Delaney Hockey camps are a MUST for anyone who wants to improve all aspects of the game of hockey and have fun doing it. Check us out! 106 1 60771619 VicFarmersFed VicFarmers en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 949 124 Established in 1979, the Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) is the united voice of Victorian farmers, agricultural and rural communities. 714 45 Victoria Australia 33802420 Tony Toledo Tony_Toledo en Australia Perth 0 24 30 108 1 Australia 183451903 Steve Palinsky StevePalinsky en 0 17 3 Hey, just a regular guy who wants some awesome dudes as friends. Also I have these real cool video at 214 0 29177282 Luke Williams ®†  lukewilliamss en UK London 0 89284 58165 When You`re Lonely ill be Lonely Too And This Is The Fame Love And Art 12-18-1974 LADY GAGA Words from Lady Gaga xx 72539 4091 United Kingdom 183427586 Benjamin Bartlett BartlettBen en Adelaide Adelaide 39 114 205 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 132049486 Cheryl Estrada EBSOnline en Queensland, Australia Sydney 0 211 187 SEO and Office Support Specialist in South East Queensland Australia. I speak castellano, love cs:s, rpgs and make perfect Peruvian Ceviche... 630 6 Queensland Australia 22756763 Melissa A mel_is_hiding en Sydney Sydney 0 451 1103 Writer, photographer, videographer, Dance Dance Revolution-er (not so much the latter)... Studying Arts/Communications/Media at UOW.. 1010 13 Sydney New South Wales Australia 100366853 Jean AlanicKnight en Australia Sydney 0 31 647 What almost happened in 732? Tolerance lets us be dominated. Australia's politicians need to learn the hard lessons from Europe early. Patriotism is NOT Racism. 29 0 Australia 48850957 Mark Swadling ColonelCully en Tathra Sydney 0 3 2 9 1 183191576 tim raison timboy84 en Adelaide 0 2 2 6 0 South Australia Australia 180718048 Maria Debonna aussiegal10 en Perth 0 12 14 62 0 Western Australia Australia 112470111 Taco Circulator tacocirculator en New York, NY Central Time (US & Canada) 0 11 82 Most common type of circulator pumps used for heating applications are cast iron flanged circulators. 61 1 New York City New York United States 85642819 Hockey Shine HockeyShine de Berlin Berlin 0 626 235 2001 10 Berlin Germany 40150369 Homme De Chapeau hommedechapeau en Canada - sometimes Eastern Time (US & Canada) 29 215 102 1 181553416 Russel Klein Russtyklein en Sydney Australia 0 14 71 67 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 183244549 Emily White emwhitey en Alaska 0 20 8 91 1 United States 141673623 James Bainbridge carlisletory en Carlisle 0 27 147 Shop manager by day, Carlisle City Councillor by night. always tries to see the funny side of life 90 1 Carlisle Western Australia Australia 25054619 Tim Morahan TimMorahan en Brisbane 19 4 74 0 Queensland Australia 176014723 Taylor McKenna taylormck07 en Canberra, Australia 0 5 18 Uni student studying economics/ politics & govt in canberra. I am a swim instructor and I am orignally from Dubbo. Yep that's right... Dubbo. 84 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 93072508 Jessica Flood Willemena en Sydney 9 49 107 0 New South Wales Australia 183200120 Kuku Maharaj kukumaharaj en 2 0 72 0 136950468 Ben Nightingale BRNightingale en Kiama, NSW Hawaii 0 76 158 Father, Freelance Motoring Journalist, New Blogger, House Husband, Stevedore, Raconteur, Tinkerer 511 3 183191418 Chris Rath ChristopherRath en Wollongong 0 45 27 The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must 103 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 55397867 Phillip carr Paccmann106 en 0 172 23 1291 1 16073596 Garth Godsman GarthGodsman en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 1716 23934 Gay conservative, climate and health sceptic 1652 94 Perth Western Australia Australia 24834149 Ian Rakowski newsian en Sydney, New South Wales Sydney 0 198 895 I'm a journalist for Yahoo!7, footy mad and a lover of rock & roll 344 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 183102000 Karl Vos karlos_vos en 0 13 17 123 0 34592810 matthew griffin m2theGriffo en Melbourne Hawaii 0 85 250 melbourneite and keen victory supporter also loves coffee, beer and indian food in no particular order. 423 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 56007621 Allen Ho allen331 en Sydney 0 43 12 Software Engineer, programming in .Net technologies, Currently focusing on WPF, but knowledgeable with ASP.Net and other .Net technologies 129 0 New South Wales Australia 11215072 Jennifer Wu jenniferwu en Brisbane Brisbane 0 38 176 32 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 145993778 Bevan Dunlop bevandunlop en 0 0 6 0 23152379 Steve Allen ScubaStv en Perth Perth 0 168 635 Radio Producer @96fmPerth 350 13 Perth Western Australia Australia 17743273 Scott T-R mothcity en 0 37 21 80 0 183163893 Scott franklin heyscottyboy en gold coast. australia Brisbane 0 16 107 Surfer, shaper, green thumb, afl diehard, explorer. 58 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 166906328 Jess Milsome musicfollower19 en Townsville Brisbane 0 9 3 Studying a Bachelor of Multimedia Journalism. Heading into music journalism. 49 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 81230674 Bradley Guadagnin bguadagnin en Australia 4 0 7 0 Australia 165352581 Miguel Hidef Hidef2692 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 2 101 Lawyer, Philanthropist, Moderate Liberal, Sometime hedonist 27 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 106025174 Anne-Louise Behm annelbehm en Sydney 0 4 9 34 0 New South Wales Australia 32364288 nerissa symon niss13 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 28 51 Public relations officer, local government flunky 144 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 33842755 Tim Whittaker timmyw85 en Melbourne Sydney 0 137 325 Account Manager at @keepleftpr. Interested in Skiing, sport, travel and a good time! 331 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 62422106 Info Vilesilencer infovile en Australia Hawaii 0 278 745 Dan the SEO Friendly Directory Man. Unfit gym junkie. Lousy web entrepreneur. Directory guru! 486 13 Australia 22439643 National Press Club PressClubAust en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 1042 79 189 81 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 50638685 Penelope Goodsall PennyLane101 en Adelaide 85 180 659 0 South Australia Australia 32232128 Mark Edwards Markedw en Perth Perth 0 536 6593 Pastor Inglewood Church Perth, Go Dockers! 719 28 Perth Western Australia Australia 72272666 LightBulb Digital lbdigital en Australia Adelaide 0 657 327 A fresh and honest approach to web development and digital marketing in Adelaide. Drop us a line or come in for a coffee. 1714 20 Australia 16558776 Han Munn hanmunn en Melbourne 46 1178 227 1 Victoria Australia 181930462 Sasha Uzunov UZI9mmmm en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 40 55 Australian freelance photo-journalist & independent film maker. my blog is 357 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 183110605 Simone Morrissey SimoneMorrissey en Sydney Hawaii 0 75 963 Sparkly mix of unionist, lefty, feminista, enviro, activist extraordinaire. All my views are my own, unless I'm stealing them from others! :) 236 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 170902364 rose porter denesbabe en australia 0 18 106 four gorgeous children. love sports,music and funny people. 247 1 Australia 35707854 Chris Paduano thepadge en Australia Melbourne 0 14 10 Im 18, Studying Journalism @ Swinburne Uni, i barrack for Richmond, like to go out for a drink and hang out with mates. thats about it.... 37 0 Australia 183108241 Olivia Suzanski OliviaSuzanski en Sydney 8 0 65 1 New South Wales Australia 61979645 stephen moore sm0500 en Sydney (flexible) Sydney 0 14 44 CxO - tech, telco and new media 15 0 133030603 Denis Walter deniswalter3aw en Melbourne Melbourne 0 596 354 Denis Walter is the host of the Afternoon Program on Melbourne's Own 3AW. 576 25 Melbourne Victoria Australia 132327906 Raveen Sivakumaran Raveen_Siva en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 44 68 Currently a Civil engineering student at UNSW ! 284 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 180748312 Mgrealy reallygrealy en Australia's capital 0 6 45 126 0 40856054 Emily Stevenson stevo_em en Australia Sydney 0 15 63 160 characters hurts my vocabularies feelings 136 0 Australia 79690286 Stuart Hall stuarthall46 en Melbourne Melbourne 13 10 144 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 183067208 Naomi Brooker naomibrooker en Sydney 0 29 108 32 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 143646214 ILOVEKIAMA ILOVEKIAMA en Kiama Sydney 0 331 364 822 6 160570780 Lea.Nicole Lea_Nicole2 en Melbourne 9 3 103 0 Victoria Australia 43797149 Sophie Elsworth sophieelsworth en Brisbane, QLD 0 66 33 Courier-Mail journalist 298 3 Brisbane Queensland Australia 43493006 Louis Andrews louisandrews en 69 0 401 4 47312775 Bohdan Brumerskyj bbrumerskyj en Nowra, NSW, Australia Hawaii 0 62 624 Young local politician from Nowra Australia. Will give reqular thoughts on current events 140 1 54408548 Charlie Thomas charliepthomas en Sydney Hawaii 0 93 90 Migrant from the NSW Central West working in rural policy. The views here are mine - look but don't touch. 556 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 76207637 Stephen Norris StephenRants en Sydney Sydney 0 30 332 Computer guy 109 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 131697479 Gabriel De Biasi Gabriel_DeBiasi en BROOME Perth 0 5 16 37 0 Broome Western Australia Australia 102585543 Chris Watson Watto07 en 0 19 9 47 1 180607522 Jon Janetzki Jester4Justice en Brisbane Brisbane 28 29 Community minded Brisbane Local - Diverse range of interests including those your parents told you not to discuss with strangers :) 159 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 166930277 Christie Cooper Christie_Cooper en Melbourne 0 5 9 27 0 Victoria Australia 177858923 Mark Chikarovski therealchika en 2026 Sydney 6 31 May not be the first or the second but will always be the real Chika of Sydney 57 0 164203100 wf wilfletch en earth Sydney 0 7 230 42 0 Unknown 178888127 Best Binary Options thebinaryoption en Central Time (US & Canada) 0 65 144 Get your Free Binary Options Report 463 1 United States 182634206 Kathleen Mc Allister kathleenmcallis en 0 11 3 176 0 28298107 John-Paul Langbroek JPLangbroek en 0 1002 158 957 69 182333362 WarrenEntschMPFake WarrenEntschMP en Cairns Brisbane 0 44 18 I spent more than $200,000 traveling the world in my last term in Parliament. Now I'm back to do it all again! Read of adventures, bombasity & broken promises. 96 4 Cairns Queensland Australia 74704364 Lisa O'Keeffe lisascorch en Perth, Australia Perth 0 138 197 Scorch Marketing provides strategic advice on advertising, public relations, media planning, and social media as a comprehensive service offer 170 6 Perth Western Australia Australia 44503583 Martin Stevens snap_printing en Fortitude Valley, Brisbane Brisbane 0 256 13 We Do More 650 8 74649310 Matthew Little z0jvqd en Brisbane QLD Australia Hawaii 0 145 637 I am a blogger and writer 380 4 Brisbane Queensland Australia 22913209 Sophie Farnan soph119 en 7 0 51 0 16583617 Rhys rh3z en Melbourne Melbourne 0 20 118 Leader of team • nerd 201 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 181192932 Super Diva Handbags SuperDivaBags en United States Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 189 90 1994 3 United States 182881293 Chistov Shandrowski Shandrowski en 0 1 1 8 0 64671437 Lilleshall NSC LilleshallNSC en Shropshire 0 702 51 National Centre of sporting excellence and training ground for sportsmen & women of all abilities. Magnificent 18th Century hunting lodge in rural Shropshire. 1997 13 171337175 david kang camperexpert en sydney, nsw, australia Sydney 0 233 2475 camper : A person who camps, especially in a tent etc. camper expert : A person who is specialized in outback, camping. In general, he is an outdoor lover. 328 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166481463 Brian Senior brisenior en Canberra AU Canberra 0 5 15 8 0 44527336 Natalie Jackson NatKirbyJackson en Brisbane 1 0 10 0 Queensland Australia 137297782 Ruby Ramos flywiththewinds en Hawaii 0 7 19 110 0 Unknown 80852376 Brah andrew9148 en Hawaii 0 40 275 180 0 Unknown 24343709 Dean Thompson KineticPearl en Shellharbour, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 46 619 116 1 Shellharbour New South Wales Australia 22885973 Amanda Dunger MandaDunger en Sydney, Australia Sydney 17 330 Just a girl 24 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 182802160 Eric Wilson EricWilsonAUS en 5 0 55 0 171882099 Jeremy Anderson Ando72 en 13 0 76 0 84322984 Jen Graves BoredStripper en SydMelLAGoldie Sydney 0 467 1407 Just an American, getting paid to take her clothes Australia... 221 13 Sydney New South Wales Australia 32870810 Samantha Nixon chickyargggg en Gladstone Darwin 0 5 481 0 Gladstone Queensland Australia 27611402 Heidi Heidi_Lawford en Australia Sydney 32 152 I want to be an actress or singer,located in Sydney so if your an agent,im up for it :) i play 2 instruments,violin grade 4 and clarinet loves reading 240 0 Australia 150017764 Kate Peetz kepeetz en Sunshine coast 0 3 2 41 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 182612974 Neil Scothern Dmitrymax en 0 2 1 13 0 92897445 John Harrison ankaman en 0 14 6 141 0 55528906 Greg Francis OzWoody71 en Canberra, Australia Hawaii 0 14 135 95 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 7488372 Ben Song BenSong en Perth, Australia Perth 0 494 2476 Business leader, techhead, ecogeek, entrepreneur, historian, philosopher, foodie, aspiring politician and news junkie. There's more! 612 25 Perth Western Australia Australia 75159679 Jeremy Irvine Jeremy_Irvine en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 613 3662 Personal views only. Cricket, rugby, West Wing, history. Tea, jazz, books, writing. Life! Melbourne Demons & Rebels, Wellington Lions. Also known as #parmaboy. 973 50 Melbourne Victoria Australia 56063879 Briony Toms BrionyToms en 0 6 2 40 0 49944595 Shaun tweetinsweet en Brisbane Brisbane 0 89 907 Easily distra 272 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 50502630 Sir Robert Menzies SirRGMenzies en Jeparit Hawaii 0 84 127 KT, AK, CH, QC, 12th Prime Minister of Australia 60 7 Jeparit Victoria Australia 163021413 John Campbell Trewilga en West End Queensland Hawaii 0 4 4 Of mature age but living life to the full. 53 0 182257494 Axem Australia AxemAus en Australia Sydney 0 27 24 CRM, SaaS, Inbound Marketing 111 0 Australia 181089895 Toni Lee Lottielee2305 en Australia Canberra 16 201 Married with 3 children and 2 dogs 262 1 Australia 30988192 bob jones squeezeboxer en Melbourne 3 1 74 0 Victoria Australia 17689784 Steve_Bevis Steve_Bevis en Blue Mountains Sydney 0 67 171 Singer/Songwriter/Guitarist, Religion and Politics Researcher, Charity worker, Father. 182 1 Blue Mountains New South Wales Australia 56884766 Harleah Logan harleah_logan en Perth 0 2 1 29 0 Western Australia Australia 181910805 fire_police fire_police en 0 31 91 390 0 177116807 The Rooster RoosterRacer en Australia Adelaide 0 17 2 63 0 Australia 166982510 Tom Vinciguerra snorkel_benders en Melbourne Melbourne 49 4 445 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 138862374 Emily Clark Em_Dawn en Sydney 0 40 3 142 4 New South Wales Australia 182740522 Jemma Tribe JemTribe en 0 25 30 55 0 149843908 C vintage Lolasofia73 en 0 17 291 144 0 39422992 Nick Jones Platy1 en Tasmania Hobart 0 4 9 Working flat out Platypus House, and a life,boating, fishing,4wdriving. weekends at the bay of fires Tasmania 10 0 Tasmania Australia 181912188 Fake Mark Arbib fakemarkarbib en Sussex St Sydney Canberra 0 543 760 Power behind the Throne, International Faceless Man of Mystery. Fake Minister for Sport, Social Housing and Homelessness, Indigenous Employment. 1128 29 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181137007 FionaHudsonMP FionaHudsonMP en Sydney Hawaii 0 13 49 I'm just a uni student who's sick of this Labor government. 150 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 17658328 Chris Thomas ChrisComAu en Sydney, Australia Brisbane 0 59 361 Big banker, Sometime radio host, Hack economist, Young Liberal. 87 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 167716632 Mena Miranda meanymena en Sydney Sydney 0 7 223 enjoying all that life gives - good and bad 48 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 63358139 Blythe Worthy Blahdia en Sydney Uni Sydney 0 63 440 I'm pretty unsatisfied with most things I encounter whilst undertaking day to day life. Here are some of them. I also sometimes write about stuff that I like. 304 0 20883355 Luke Buckmaster lukebuckmaster en Melbourne Hawaii 0 1101 3409 Website editor of, editor of, film editor of Spook Magazine, MTR film reviewer, freelance writer, wiseguy. 898 73 Melbourne Victoria Australia 182706344 Stephen van Dorp s_van_dorp en -33.730498,151.006286 0 0 6 8 0 123095697 Quandoman Quandoman en Sydney 0 7 27 40 0 New South Wales Australia 23326099 Rich Frost richfrost en Sydney London 0 58 127 91 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 23008735 Michael Millett mickmillett en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 94 4 144 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 113530529 Bendigo Advertiser BgoAddy en Bendigo, Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 282 2174 Get the latest news from The Bendigo Advertiser, central Victoria's number one source of news, sport and weather. 90 10 Bendigo Victoria Australia 181467236 Mark Blue bluey1700 en Sydney 0 16 40 153 1 New South Wales Australia 182693464 Lauren Harriss laurenharriss en Canberra 10 0 64 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 32769126 CeBIT Australia CeBITAUS en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 1781 1010 Australasia’s largest and most important annual assembly of CEOs, CIOs, CTOs and senior ICT leaders.31 May - 2 June 2011 Sydney. Register now! 1663 100 Sydney New South Wales Australia 182692580 Jessica Krystal Jessica_Krystal en 0 4 1 19 0 179067962 Kellie Pickering kelpickering en 0 1 4 7 0 135444879 alana douglas alanadouglas84 en 0 0 5 10 0 177773919 . greatnamestaken en Here There and Everywhere Sydney 88 379 Editor In Chief of What The Fuck Weekly. 296 4 Unknown 18680146 tonydolan tonydolan en 0 6 8 11 0 182335474 David Coady coadline en Darwin Darwin 0 65 56 ABC Journo in Darwin 215 8 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 95092181 Super Opinion SuperOpinion en Everywhere (Metaphorically). Sydney 0 926 14226 Gun for hire.* *Ammunition not included. 902 80 53569579 Lisa Barbarossa LisaBarbarossa en Melbourne, Australia Hawaii 7 28 Business Analyst, Freelance Writer, Researcher and Choreographer, speaker of multiple languages & lover of the finer things etc. 36 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 128873612 Maria Vyalkova MariaVyalkova en Sydney CBD, Australia Sydney 0 366 1243 #1 Strategic HR and Recruitment specialist resolving departmental deficiencies and enabling the companies to prosper 1025 25 20215993 Heidi Davoren dirtylaundry_hd en Brisbane Hawaii 300 394 Media professional, mother, mad woman. 290 12 Brisbane Queensland Australia 18177925 UnitingCare UnitingCare en NSW.ACT, Australia Sydney 0 486 800 467 34 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 101884694 Craig Lambie craiglambie en Melbourne Melbourne 0 35 137 Sustainable, Entrepreneur 96 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 126207555 t. blight the_blight en ubiquitous 0 12 2 for now you shall know the mind of god... 173 1 Unknown 47824979 Danielle Walters d_j_walters en Sydney 0 32 24 207 0 New South Wales Australia 107809208 Tim Salmon canotunatim en Hawaii 0 11 6 33 0 Unknown 90554184 Brian Morrison the_egoalie en Toronto Central Time (US & Canada) 0 72 148 Founder of, a free goaltending development website, designed so all goaltenders have an opportunity to learn, grow and developed their skills. 226 2 Toronto Ontario Canada 143270677 Lucinda Giblett LucindaGiblett en Manjimup Western Australia Perth 0 12 15 In the game of growing apples and passionate to the, erm, core! 70 0 Manjimup Western Australia Australia 180664495 Carl Saunder carlsaunder en 0 10 1 98 0 41233961 Rate Your Uni RateYourUni en Australia Hawaii 0 687 78 Rate Your Uni gives all Australian uni students the chance to rate their uni's performance, giving future students an insiders perspective of Australian uni's. 1387 13 Australia 80810436 Amanda McCormack alm2883 en Canberra Hawaii 0 5 3 55 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 147728147 yannick mathys yannyky fr Paris 0 173 83 ART, SCIENCE, TO MAKE FRIENDS,TRAVELLER... 996 0 France 15669662 krislicked krislicked en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 217 2056 A real human, what more could you want? 633 4 Victoria Australia 147749583 wopp inglie seenoscience en Sydney 0 2 115 33 0 New South Wales Australia 158909542 liv kit livkit en Brisbane 2 0 20 0 Queensland Australia 81953090 Aust Republican Movt AusRepublic en Canberra Sydney 0 350 974 The Australian Republican Movement: the major organisation working towards a fully and truly independent Australia with an Australian head of state. 349 14 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 181082479 Jess Maloney MaloneyJess en Central Coast, Australia Sydney 0 121 196 Comms graduate - UoN. Road Star @ Star 104.5. Daughter. Sister. Girlfriend. Friend. Live for shopping, good food and sunshine. 323 1 Gosford New South Wales Australia 88589108 Mr Rental MrRentalKLS en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 120 159 Mr Rental is a franchising group & specialises in the rental of items such as fridges, washers, TV’s & computers.78 stores in Australia & NZ. 298 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 180529288 Nick Henderson nigel_24 en Brisbane 4 12 22 0 Queensland Australia 75490884 Joanne Bradbury JoanneBradbury en Mullumbimby Sydney 0 36 53 I'm a naturopath researching for my PhD in omega 3 fatty acids & stress using structural equation modeling. 108 2 41232498 Mathew Mills millsie7 en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 81 1320 I'm me! 424 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 134747987 Mandy Beaumont mandybeaumont en Hawaii 125 416 406 5 Unknown 10723262 Matt Coleman mattcdef2000 en Adelaide, Australia. Adelaide 0 363 2478 A carefully brewed blend of the deadly serious, the deadly funny and the deadly insane. 322 17 Adelaide South Australia Australia 166391154 Justin Kieseker justkies en S 27° 23' 0'' / E 153° 2' 0'' Brisbane 34 0 317 0 182547736 bengt öberg lekbiten en umeå Greenland 0 51 6 886 0 16109367 Nikki Howe DesignNerdNikki en Australia Sydney 0 774 2850 Nikki, 23yr old freelance graphic, logo and web designer. 416 38 Australia 38340439 Jesse Northfield jessenorthfield en Darwin Darwin 0 35 6 179 0 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 181110186 Renata Koch renata2153 en 1 1 6 0 182364983 ecfesc ecfesc en London 0 12 3 107 0 England United Kingdom 168050990 Presley Debao popsnauru en Nauru Marshall Is. 0 7 96 23 1 Yaren Nauru 174950408 Christopher Williams neon_shadows en Brisbane 0 121 236 537 0 Queensland Australia 34896755 Donna Cornford Dondontwitty en Australia Sydney 9 0 26 0 Australia 29833282 Clifford Bodsworth bodzila en Sydney 8 6 190 0 New South Wales Australia 26451475 Mahan MahanMahjoor en Melb,Australia Hawaii 0 1382 1841 double diploma-pathology/biotechnology, prince fan 1916 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23514358 Darren Fosdick Darren_Fosdick en Geelong Melbourne 0 354 194 I live near the beach in Ocean Grove, a little surf community. I love surfing, gym and work in Real Estate. Life is good. Did I mention I love to Surf....? 1891 10 Geelong Victoria Australia 161651794 Karen walker Kwalker71 en Canberra 0 18 18 60 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 182341620 Tony Calino TonyCalino en 11 21 74 0 21091531 Peter Stowe the_esquire en Sydney 0 68 23 277 0 New South Wales Australia 31077006 Sarah Martin msmarto en Adelaide Adelaide 0 363 704 coffee, newspapers, red wine, sleep. (political reporter at The Advertiser in Adelaide) 420 22 Adelaide South Australia Australia 16272019 Ms Julie Clune JulieClune en Adelaide Adelaide 0 41 153 Adelaide, South Australia 160 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 181924430 PJ McMonagle Tantalized_2 en Here, There, and Everywhere Brisbane 6 9 19 0 Unknown 33779659 Renz TheRenza en where ever I want to be Sydney 0 43 217 there is no other ! Extremely passionate arts supporter, promoter commentator, facilitator, networker and consumer. 276 0 87167735 Glenn havok2047 en Space is contsantly moving Sydney 13 763 Full time computer technician and bogan master 43 1 181334186 David Warren ddub_6 en Brisbane Brisbane 3 0 61 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 158689821 andrew langdon alangdon2003 en melbourne Melbourne 0 11 88 49 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 178992255 Anthony Bayss anthonybayss en 0 26 59 I am co-founder and Director of Smart Lid Systems, Australia. Anything to do with packaging innovation and coffee consumes my day. 100 0 14163826 matthazel matthazel en Melbourne Melbourne 0 276 1802 Suit . Patriot. Crows fan. NBA nut. Sports tragic. Hopefully will one day own an alpaca. 402 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 20357443 mary wilson mary_wilson299 en 2 0 46 0 26704865 Lisa Haxton lizabella174 en Perth, WA Perth 0 54 109 299 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 30157234 Nicki Surace NicS132 en Australia Sydney 6 4 120 0 Australia 22591014 rupy rupyTN en Adelaide Australia Adelaide 0 32 323 Collectible of the day: Bacteria ... the only culture some people have. 217 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 140415392 Brock White Brockey4 en 0 27 131 166 1 182304537 Rebecca Williams bec_williams en Konstanz, Germany Berlin 0 11 13 The official twitter page of Rebecca Williams 80 0 27607737 sam kelso sammykelso en 0 449 622 465 14 162428509 Lisa Stansfield LisaStans en Sydney 0 18 52 Journalist/Producer - Brit living in Sydney - And mummy to a three-year-old girl and a baby boy. I am not a singer!! 233 0 New South Wales Australia 137296116 tom huf tommyhuf en Trapped in that blue photo... Melbourne 0 10 62 Rockstar, machine washable, inventor of the question mark, confused by stairs, never blinks, future leader of the world... 190 1 Unknown 181813871 Paul Bakker Paul_Bakker en Sydney Sydney 9 19 Tax Principal at Crowe Horwath Sydney 27 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 55169510 natalie clark nat_clark en sydney, australia Sydney 0 28 140!/nat.clark 190 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 24610545 Sports Hydrant Andy sportshydrant_a en Sydney Sydney 0 91 297 I’m Andy, CEO at the Sports Hydrant: create your own personalised sports homepage and have your say on the big issues in your sport. Your sport. Turn it on. 164 9 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166106172 Stephanie Jo stephanie_jo85 en Australia 0 99 235 Obsessed AFL fan but I love to follow all sports news 652 3 Australia 182287310 Rose Russo rose_russo en Sydney Sydney 6 5 112 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 177803490 ì •ìž¬ì› withjjw en 0 72 30 217 1 178602844 crispin hull nowucelection en canberra Canberra 0 82 59 3 9 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 182288726 Josh Wren wrendogga en Dimboola Melbourne 0 10 37 98 0 Dimboola Victoria Australia 72789019 Jay Overton chazwazza14 en Apollo Bay, Australia Melbourne 0 70 54 I am a commercial pilot, and I am currently doing scenic flights for a small company in Apollo Bay, Victoria 158 5 Apollo Bay Victoria Australia 21386006 Pip Archer piparcher en Hobart 40 0 Amateur brolliologist. 65 4 Tasmania Australia 82296930 Megan Lucas luke2116 en Australia Canberra 6 8 23 0 Australia 20732223 Joshua Eicke JoshEicke en 0 10 1 17 0 41051558 Lynley McCarroll lynleymccarroll en The Gold Coast Australia Brisbane 0 64 1028 Loves,family,friends,good times,Gold Coast,Titans,Larry n Alix,The M's. 222 0 181934343 Peter Walton sir__nerdalot en Canberra Canberra 0 14 23 A software eng. uni student that seems to love all things politics and IT. 124 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 20032319 Miguel Sanchez swindled en Hawaii 0 37 1705 101 0 Unknown 22591843 leonora verdino iloverabows en sydney austrialia Sydney 0 66 2004 all i want in life is the chance to say that i love you 143 0 182266030 Ben Greenwood GreenwoodBen en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 41 70 Electorate Officer. See facebook for more info. 142 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 54049274 judy spinner judygalah en 0 6 14 0 80268393 T.A. Middl@most monotypeartrant en Australia Hawaii 0 128 1176 Mono fanatic 444 4 Australia 40229815 David Jeffries DavidPJeffries en Right here, right now Seoul 0 65 63 463 1 Unknown 19622981 Marina Go marinasgo en Sydney Sydney 0 1184 145 Media Wife, Sons Rife, Happy Life 639 21 Sydney New South Wales Australia 109452988 Anne O'Donoghue immsollawyers en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 386 1849 Anne O'Donoghue Accredited Specialist Immigration Lawyer in Sydney, Australia. Over 18 years of experience in Immigration Law.Practice Thought Leader 271 14 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21386564 Bush Babe BushBabeofOz en Rural Queensland, Australia Brisbane 0 374 4611 Country girl heads back to the Aussie Bush - two kids, hot hubby and camera in tow! 160 10 37816312 Bob LLWongy en Hawaii 0 121 218 0 Unknown 27093634 Megan Townes townesy77 en Western Sydney, NSW, Australia Sydney 295 4517 English/Computing teacher dreaming of and striving for a switched-on, connected and paperless 21st century school! I love this webbed world we live in! 276 23 Penrith New South Wales Australia 35685985 Kelly Ray monarch888 en brisbane Hawaii 18 1172 179 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 56584364 Benjamin Hammond 99flippy en Blacktown, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 170 1319 He treads lightly on the earth and is a friend to the animals. 17 Year old Convenor of Blakctown Greens. Cereal boxes are fashionable. 395 14 122798531 Andrew Mansfield Maniacdog en 0 8 22 59 0 17721737 Nate Cochrane natecochrane en Sydney, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 2165 11810 Journalist, editor, game show winner. All opinions are my own, please return them after borrowing. 2371 107 Sydney New South Wales Australia 163307821 Andrew Plumley ajplumley en Sydney 0 20 31 76 0 New South Wales Australia 21939089 Kathy Hill khill07 en Hawaii 0 16 30 38 0 Unknown 40422905 Kara Gorey karagorey en Sydney Hawaii 0 62 21 Wannabe journalist/photographer/writer. Lover of literature, politics, fashion and India 241 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 26108894 Emily Gordon emilysgordon en Hawaii 0 25 49 38 0 Unknown 118537726 Matt Grimson MattGrimson en Brisbane 0 32 37 148 3 Queensland Australia 120915165 Simon Walmsley Aculliq en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 15 51 140 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 171891815 Todd Slatter Slatts02 en Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 30 296 I love boobs, beer and rugby. I'm a simple man. 283 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 15426372 Jordi Procel jordi_procel en melbourne Melbourne 0 82 495 fun loving girl from melb, aus. work in events @ Leonda, young liberal, lover of the melbourne football club and politics student and active Zionist. GO DEES! x 238 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 172683559 Tam Avery BuddahSixty en Brisbane 0 6 21 18 0 Queensland Australia 25621375 Tara Noir taranoir en Newtown, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 104 741 Law student in Sydney's inner west. Interests: food, travel, art, music, reading, writing and human rights. 312 3 Newtown New South Wales Australia 30384369 City Dweller BrisbaneG en Australia 0 22 226 Tail end baby boomer, budding journalist 64 1 Australia 47561372 Ben White thatfinanceguy en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 42 36 Updating you on finance news from the inside perspective 73 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 164252282 radi8espresso radi8espresso en Perth, WA Perth 0 53 59 radi8 is the place for coffee in the Perth CBD. We offer four premium blends of Arabica beans to satisfy the most discerning coffee lover. 137 3 Perth Western Australia Australia 75903001 Cynthia Nilsen sydrunner en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 24 42 Norwegian Chinese Oz. Runner; dragonboater & yogi. Wannabe triathlete. Seeks motivation & inspiration to push my body in 2011 for 6 months. 61 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 176411583 Steven Oliver olivernats en Central Victoria Melbourne 0 43 27 Candidate for Bendigo West 69 2 Victoria Australia 165938807 Permanent Election permelect en Canberra, Australia 0 6 8 68 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 21717240 Ian Pattison Patto1 en Melbourne Melbourne 19 128 Director, Chimaera Capital Limited 59 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 132455009 David Waters DaveSWaters en 0 24 26 219 0 182170529 Christopher Chean raspberryinblue en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 49 10 Thinker, photographer, composer 263 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 16065040 beccyW beccyW en Melb, Australia Melbourne 0 79 1356 A homeschooling year 12 student who loves Jesus, and enjoys piano, art, reading, Church, and spending time with friends. :) Psalm 66:20 99 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 107385543 Dieter prettyglass1 en Always somewhere... Brisbane 0 11 208 work hard / play hard 54 0 41265120 Alfred Kaetel Leteak0530 en Melbourne Melbourne 3 21 Mature Age interest; Music, Science, Technology, Art, Future Technology trends, Human relations, Cosmology, Historical Novels and minor interest in politics. 13 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 143427674 Ralph Panebianco RalphPanebianco en Sydney Sydney 0 118 1088 Political tragic currently completing a Masters of Finance. 289 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20112117 Simone Bergholcs SBergholcs en 0 43 1 66 4 32731731 Alex W ajonat en Floresta Buenos Aires 0 137 147 Lo pasa echao panza arriba, mirando dar güelta el sol. 1443 0 179778705 Amy Winters amy_winters en Sydney Sydney 0 16 23 Former Paralympian now new mum to Tom, enjoying the good life of maternity leave... 61 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 180271973 Vanessa Miller nettie_68 en Brisbane, Australia Sydney 4 0 State Manager IC Frith Insurance Brokers Queensland 6 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 124721714 Josh Rossow ZetsubouJRo en 0 5 1 86 0 172942966 Monique Hore MoniqueH47 en 6 0 58 0 148651348 Christine Forster resourcefultype en Hawaii 0 1 1 5 0 Unknown 51607880 jane smith janeyjane_oz en 0 5 5 14 0 167641365 lydia Lydiathebovine en Hawaii 0 6 21 36 0 Unknown 14741545 Kelly kaijex en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 45 972 171 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 182192236 Aaron McCreadie TheAaronMc en 3 0 33 0 24812904 Sonya White swhite333 en Australia Brisbane 0 36 9 Radio Producer for 4GR/CFM/TCFM... they let me play with sounds... 166 0 Australia 133553234 Water Corporation watercorpwa en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 626 839 The official Water Corporation of Western Australia Twitter account. Maintained by Clare, Phil & Katie 932 44 Perth Western Australia Australia 182178648 Kirinda Bakker KiBakk en Hawaii 6 11 94 0 Unknown 178652650 christopher pyne fakechristopher en Sturt - especially Rostrevor! Adelaide 0 30 193 NOT Christopher Pyne. NOT the Liberal Party member Sturt in the House of Reps. Mum says I'm lovely! SATIRE & PARODY ONLY. 60 6 22108513 Heidi Krause heidikrause en Sydney Sydney 0 148 172 Online Producer - Lifestyle Channels, food and wine enthusiast, animal lover and Piscean dreamer. 355 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 24873427 Ryan Smith Sundaysocialism en Brisbane 0 19 10 81 0 Queensland Australia 59401122 Peter O'Brien PeterObee en 2 4 23 0 13418452 Pedzel pedzel en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 292 741 499 17 Sydney New South Wales Australia 17638798 Ryan Neve Rhyno en Darwin Darwin 0 116 9 1099 0 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 21723114 deborah zorotheos dzgraphicdesign en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 838 5525 Love my work and all things design. Always inspired by art, music and fashion. Especially a great pair of shoes! 1167 22 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18097836 Rachel Vis novelsky en melbourne Melbourne 0 155 51 dog lover, poker player, nurse, searching for the perfect meal 702 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 180998071 phil laws philiplaws en Melbourne 0 53 619 bassist and victorian!! 127 2 Victoria Australia 110267777 Dan Mumby MrPointCook en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 57 249 Marketing guru, entrepreneur, father of 4, local activist, advocate for men lost, middle ground politically, harbringer of common sense. 142 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 61452309 Dominique LeBel dominiquelebel en Gold Coast, Australia Hawaii 15 12 Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. 24 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 180781431 David Condron Dave_Condron en 0 5 3 35 0 23423308 Matt Dunstone MDSTNE en Melbourne Melbourne 0 37 230 53 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22701105 Patrick Ky patrickky en London 33 43 Patrick used to tweet. Then he stopped. Then he started again. Although unsure about this Twitter thing, he does like talking about himself in the third person. 149 1 England United Kingdom 181994555 declan g declang2010 en 5 0 69 0 26235428 John Rogen JohnRogen en The Harbour Sydney 0 5275 1478 There are three flowers in a vase, the third flower is green. Exit. Stage left. 339 14 143089979 Melissa Lea Robinson mellylrobinson en Australia 0 5 10 22 1 Australia 178676365 Alana James alanajames2 en south australia 0 23 36 Lani. 20. SA. Currently studying bach journalism + bach international studies. Great family, great friends :) 130 0 South Australia Australia 92175732 Damien orchardhills69 en Sydney 0 5 2 81 0 New South Wales Australia 29159838 Fee Mikkelsen feemikk en Rockhampton, Queensland Brisbane 0 27 208 Love Merlo and Merlot, wants to live where it's cooler. 72 0 Rockhampton Queensland Australia 178568877 Josephine Kwan JPYKwan en Hawaii 1 0 23 0 Unknown 109762441 Lachlan Hayes crazyhaysy en 0 1 8 26 0 147203688 Mark Griffioen mvgriff en Brisbane 0 7 30 41 0 Queensland Australia 167601047 Kath Hodges Sissy_H en Melbourne 0 8 21 54 0 Victoria Australia 34598129 evi faz shoesup en Sidney, Australia Sydney 0 40 66 nothing special, pretty boring huh? 98 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 159799485 Dominic Morello dommorello en Melbourne Melbourne 0 54 159 209 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 41090012 Jenni Laurie Jenni_1984 en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 1 29 36 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 181926261 Phoebe dhilkusha en 0 1 2 17 0 181458627 Miss Mati clevercat_1 en WA, Australia Perth 0 145 12298 We laugh~ We share~ We love~ We care~ We sometimes just get plain silly~ cheeky & mischievous. As 4 me I'm coy, demure & always a lady GRIN 179 15 Western Australia Australia 181925286 Sam Pearson spea8 en 0 0 4 0 114689079 Bonnie Connellan bconnellan en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 330 480 Sponsorship & events, sport esp. horse racing, good laughs and a messy desk! 615 11 Melbourne Victoria Australia 45082846 phil drumsluko en Sydney 0 12 2 Day Job :tourism operation and property development Port Macquarie Night job :Drummer 42 0 New South Wales Australia 165001272 Harnsle Joo Harnslee en Sydney, NSW Hawaii 0 5 15 36 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 179828075 Elisabeth Quinn LizEQuinn en sydney 7 0 *insert witty statement that hints of intellect and intrigue* 45 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181846870 fattyfatty2x4 fattyfatti2by4 en 0 24 157 Preggers n right wing 63 1 181027749 Sally Twit Oz_Twits en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 393 168 1713 12 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181765520 Bob Katter BobKatterPM en Paradise. Canberra 0 954 537 Fake Bob Katter. Getting on Twitter to connect with the real Australians - country Australians. 1994 57 Paradise Western Australia Australia 181840841 Simon Ritchie dBEnviro en Australia Sydney 0 26 53 noise & vibration consultant / amateur photographer / cyclist / motorcyclist / nerd / goalkeeper 205 0 Australia 37434688 MugPunter Mug_Punter en Pilbara WA Perth 0 118 97 Tweets from the Pilbara, Western Australia 44 3 143014993 Simon Clement Clem7Bne en 0 10 53 95 0 181891435 Kerrie Johnson dloraine42 en Hawaii 0 0 26 0 Unknown 71766556 Me, Myself and I OnlyoneStillone en Home Hawaii 0 217 1313 I'm 'I' today, I should be 'Me' tomorrow and I am pretty sure I was 'Myself' yesterday. Either way baked cheesecake will make it all better.. 493 11 Unknown 178549381 Trent Young Trentmyoung en 0 1 7 11 0 28965127 cassie flanigan theausgleek en australia :) Perth 0 181 1100 reppin' in aussssieland brooke, my best friend, don't know what i'd do without her! happy to follow back, just ask! x SYDNEY '10 (: 437 32 Australia 177576707 Forthe phone forthephone en Hawaii 0 11 108 0 Unknown 56515148 Emily Crane emicrane en Penrith Sydney 0 21 4 109 0 Penrith New South Wales Australia 169421885 kelljordan kell_jordan en Australia Perth 0 0 Happily married. 30 0 Australia 174895877 Mike O'Connor mikejoc en Queensland Brisbane 0 9 19 Christian, husband, father, pastor, bible-teacher, runner, barista, designer. 34 0 Queensland Australia 24651311 Jessica jessicakateh en Australia Hawaii 149 36 The Official twitter page for Jessica 1090 0 Australia 70570155 David Munro qwerty2136 en 0 1 1 9 0 15404325 Matthew Baird MattBaird75 en iPhone: -28.071778,153.413708 Brisbane 12 129 Permavacationing. 182 0 Robina Queensland Australia 178987168 ziggy gniot ziggygee en 0 2 27 7 1 28917478 Wayne Issak wissak en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 55 83 An ordinary family man who is passionate about food businesses, an entrepreneur @ heart who wants to succeed, a dreamer…… 158 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 123888204 David Lambert ozdavo en Sydney, NSW Sydney 0 120 1077 Renaissance dude. Humanism by geekery. US expat. A bit cheeky. 717 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 164090680 Sally Cummine salpal1984 en Hawaii 0 16 1 45 0 Unknown 61921530 Sewing Machine SewbizAus en Penrith, NSW. Australia Hawaii 0 133 140 Sewing Machine Warehouse Est. 1992 Family owned and operated. We sell sewing machines, repair all brands. Offer friendly advice, online and in store. 44 5 Penrith New South Wales Australia 181848071 Anneliese Carden anneliesecarden en Hawaii 0 0 55 0 Unknown 181837936 Kate Aston AstonKate en Adelaide 22 0 71 4 South Australia Australia 16035118 k3nd k3nd en Australia Sydney 0 173 443 Local Government I.T. Pro, Network Troubleshooter, Trainer, and Future Library advocate 215 0 Australia 71118174 Captain Slog Cap_Slog en Sydney Sydney 0 320 7922 With great power comes great respon....ooh look, shiny thing! 259 24 Sydney New South Wales Australia 30191112 morgen lewis morgenlewis en Perth Australia Perth 0 45 84 Partner and Business Director at The Brand Agency and Mum extraordinaire. 23 3 Perth Western Australia Australia 41351704 Laura Ensinger lauraensinger en 0 13 24 125 0 153308794 Trevor Zwar trevorzwar en Adelaide 0 0 35 0 South Australia Australia 23560222 Bridget Brennan BridgeyB en Sydney Sydney 0 164 532 ABC Cadet Journalist. 531 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181834201 Stuart George stu0072 en Casino NSW 0 6 1 32 0 180291423 Tiernan Thermyan en the Jupiter storm. 0 32 95 81 1 178269378 Matt Howe Beatnik_79 en 0 1 7 9 0 22315720 Dom Byrne dominicbyrneAU en Wagga Wagga Sydney 0 31 12 Dean of St Francis College at CSU Wagga and Managing Editor of Newspaper of Wagga Diocese. 51 0 Wagga Wagga New South Wales Australia 25806068 Brad Wood bradedgefm en Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 228 1047 Radio announcer/copywriter/voiceover artist from Melbourne, Aust. Presents 10am-2pm on 102.1 The Edge in N.E. Vic/Sth N.S.W, and 2-6pm on 102.5fm in Riverina. 1057 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 109750729 Matt Cowley TowerEstate en Pokilbin Hunter Valley 0 661 1784 Winner Worlds Best Lodge. Best New restaurant in OZ. Halliday 5* winery. The Convent. Roberts Restaurant. nine. R.M. Williams. Blaxlands Inn. Love the Hunter. 713 31 20215508 Andrew Huglin ChesterLaroux en Melbourne 0 20 47 54 1 Victoria Australia 16609694 Karthik Reddy karthikreddy en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 61 128 Maker of community engagement software, Concerned human being, Aussie (I flew here), Father of two, Husband of one, Twitter introvert. 189 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 81596224 Vanessa Bazdaric VanessaBazdaric en Sydney-West Sydney 20 409 God Loves Me-God + Me = Unstoppable 30 Years Old Living each day as it comes, ready to handle any challenges thrown my way 160 1 62659118 Christina Joyce MrsRWJoyce en Sydney Australia Hawaii 0 20 56 Working mother, cleaner, cook, housekeeper, lawyer, wife, dog owner, sister, daughter, friend, TV addict, counsellor, carer, gluten free 137 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 41352918 Stephanie Ziolkowski StephZiolkowski en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 75 18 In my last semester of communications@uni.Work@ nx&kofm radio stations!Im also a bar tender.I hope2have a career in TV & Im excited about what the future holds! 154 1 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 181812115 dan mac dmahonmac en 0 10 8 65 0 164944549 Matt Plumridge Matt_Plumridge en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 5 8 Finance Manager at Allambi Youth Services, though the views are all my own! Father, son, average cricketer, politics tragic! 163 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 17805699 Claire Valentine funky_lem en Melbourne AU Melbourne 0 18 62 Part-time student, part-time autocue addict. 129 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 80703396 John L jdlen en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 17 26 Small Business Accountant & bookkeeper - mad snow skier - and Alfa Romeo tragic 34 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181781875 Mark Lopeman 1down_5up en 1 0 11 0 175984064 Jarrod Sutton jarrodsutton en Australia Melbourne 0 8 25 Study. Love. Laugh. Gay. Politics. Me. Happy. 85 0 Australia 24504804 Cass casablanca18 en Jupiter Melbourne 0 26 1072 law student; insanely distracted by music; serious face with not so serious thoughts. i like pasta 43 0 180738962 Bruce Wilkins mibw51 en Hawaii 2 3 8 0 Unknown 165043055 Angela Arnell AngelaArnell en Melbourne 10 0 58 0 Victoria Australia 18622117 Warwick Kowalczyk wkowalczyk en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 31 726 69 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 180682049 Karly Hindmarsh knarlyharshmind en 6 0 96 0 117583573 SHOROC OurSHOROC en Brookvale NSW Hawaii 0 1511 706 Making our region and councils of Sydneys Northern Beaches-from Bradleys Head to Barrenjoey-even stronger A Manly Mosman Pittwater Warringah council partnership 2001 55 Brookvale New South Wales Australia 36651903 s mario ddigigli en Melbourne 0 4 2 69 0 Victoria Australia 181509144 Mark Quinlan quinno94 en Central Coast 0 10 5 69 0 Wamberal New South Wales Australia 181042060 Rudy Monaco RudyMonaco en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 34 135 IT professional, marketer, market researcher, middle-manager, entrepreneur, husband, brother, uncle, friend, dog-lover, Perspicacious and opinionated observer. 129 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 176398095 Jackie McMaster mother_of_boys en 0 16 50 112 0 160188582 stewart stewchung en Sydney Sydney 68 5 1922 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 144764274 johnstavrakis johnstavrakis en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 13 123 30 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 133513424 Craig Little craigunderscore en Melbourne Melbourne 0 45 239 199 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 169738262 Suzannah Kalweit InnocentlySK en Australia Melbourne 5 70 travel and politics 41 1 Australia 14241189 David Ollis dollis en Sydney, AU Sydney 0 42 72 Network/IT Geek 87 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 180688714 MK myspiel en Hawaii 0 0 5 24 0 Unknown 180271854 Julia Piazza JuliaPiazza en Sydney Sydney 19 0 82 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 164154806 Dan Wilson Dan_sonofWil en Sydney Hawaii 0 55 82 409 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 168982720 Temazepam Temazepam en Parl H Canberra Hawaii 0 24 26 229 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 168281661 Richard W Krajewski AusRichie en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 173 5017 A conservative in most things, I love a good political debate. Also love anything to do with tech or science. Food is a passion and luckily so is group fitness. 282 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 153645180 ;p lux_ex_tenebris en Tasmania. Melbourne 0 9 53 Light from Darkness 90 0 Tasmania Australia 115251133 i Fly CheapiFlyFares en Surfers Paradise, Australia Brisbane 0 84 35 Your One Stop 'Holiday Shop' 244 2 Surfers Paradise Queensland Australia 15179914 Ben Callinan Benecee en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 490 355 Trodding through the culture swamp looking for gold. 777 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 55059225 Justin Suwart justin_suwart en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 7 189 Robotics Engineer, Professional Nerd, Technophile and lover of good wine and cigars! 19 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181416096 Wyatt Roy doogiehowsermp en Caboolture 0 137 62 I am not a Longboy, but a Longman. 116 5 Caboolture Queensland Australia 22005130 David Holland SAPresident en Adelaide, AU Adelaide 0 438 929 Architect. SA Chapter president, Australian Institute of Architects. Director, DASH Architects. Husband, father, golfer (not always in that order). 209 36 Adelaide South Australia Australia 178875370 Paul Beck Ozzibloke en Australia Canberra 0 10 122 Ozzie..convict genes.. Ozzie foot'b..cold'in & hard work! 57 0 Australia 156058845 Nathan Buttigieg NjButtigieg en 0 15 28 49 1 124176970 WesternHorseShowcase OzWesternHorse en Australia Sydney 0 16 22 Quarter Horse, AQHA, Australian Quarter Horse, Western Horse, Horses for sale, Foaling info, Western Business 24 1 Australia 104964415 RA Today RA_Today en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 207 1393 Radio Australia Today brings you breaking news, lively interviews and conversation. Listen online or find your frequency: 174 12 Melbourne Victoria Australia 50212248 Cammie Perry Hockey4416 en Orange County, CA Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 231 1200 Explorer of life and the world. Lifelong learner. Love hockey, music, food, AFL, culture. Mom of spoiled rotten Shiba and Akita. Paranormal believer. Lots more! 840 7 Orange County California United States 27277129 Victor Perton victorperton en San Francisco Alaska 259 557 Commissioner to the Americas for the Australian State of Victoria. 528 3 San Francicso California United States 174191889 Xango Australia aussiexango en Australia Sydney 0 173 138 With a combination of health and wealth why wouldn't you want to be apart of this company the business allows you to choose your destiny 552 2 Australia 47689091 Jamie Truong jamieteeeee en ÜT: -37.813681,144.965431 Melbourne 0 39 607 nice guy. 107 1 169008301 Nicholas Bonner nicholas_bonner en Perth 0 32 57 77 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 25810447 Sophie Ly Soph_Ly en Sydney Sydney 0 131 186 Journo Student, Dog Mad, Geek, Nutter 440 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 23915012 Renee Cross RenCross en Perth Western Australia Perth 82 507 498 7 Perth Western Australia Australia 181557871 Yvonne Fryatt yvonnefryatt en Sydney 3 0 Life is way too short, live for the moment 24 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 111496325 Christopher Lee Chris_Lee_83 en Wollongong, Australia Sydney 0 56 37 310 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 171506351 David Fawcett David_Fawcett en Melbourne Hawaii 0 20 36 56 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 20831809 Mario Cavar Cavar en Down Under (The right way up) Melbourne 0 39 97 The official unofficial Mario Cavar twitter account 175 1 80759582 Elija 7 elija7 en Melbourne 0 89 2132 290 2 Victoria Australia 32373412 Jenna Lovett jegadi en Hawaii 19 35 122 0 Unknown 181099787 Belinda Newsom belnew en Hawaii 0 0 45 0 Unknown 16464539 Mark Fallu brisvegas1 en Brisbane of course Brisbane 0 384 2288 Lead Developer and Business Analyst at Griffith Uni eResearch Services. Politics tragic and Web activist. 1286 10 173266589 Diana Labiris dlabiris en Melbourne Melbourne 0 74 78 Arts student, communications professional, radical feminist and dancing queen. 283 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 25644579 James Kiernan James1965 en Brisbane 0 7 6 45 0 Queensland Australia 153400434 jonathan tang jtang41 en Brisbane 0 5 19 25 0 Queensland Australia 105701887 Brenda Kinkead bhkink en Australia Hawaii 0 27 93 84 0 Australia 114345406 Candi Smith rockartrules en Perth AUS Perth 11 298 Born on Earth 77 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 50287897 Digital Darren digital_darren en Melbourne 0 22 102 62 1 Victoria Australia 80824817 Craig A Markham CraigMarkham75 en Alice Springs, NT, Australia Darwin 0 69 9 324 2 78194806 Greg Ainsworth Dogue23 en 1 0 14 0 181506185 Jake Robertson JKRFNQ en Cairns 5 0 10 0 Cairns Queensland Australia 31635311 Nadia Nadsone en Melbourne 0 0 9 5 0 Victoria Australia 21040358 Heleena Brown Antoinette07 en Australia Brisbane 0 53 78 Wife, Mother, Daughter~Loved! 116 1 Australia 54819304 Geoff Rose geoffrey_a_rose en iPhone: -37.846709,144.999125 Sydney 0 117 451 Social media, organisation development, learning & development, culture change and the Geelong Cats (AFL). 354 3 South Yarra Victoria Australia 29422779 Bradley Ashcroft bradley1982 en Brisbane Brisbane 13 8 Kitchenware warehouse worker/karaoke legend 104 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 166556311 Sharon Liu shazliu en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 34 114 17.Student.HSC 68 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181295544 Greg Lawson Tex057 en 0 28 5 420 0 178237872 Pat the Rat AdiosMFYOYO en Brisbane 0 10 203 I have been an executive in HR in professional services firms for 20years. I also am a parent juggling work and family. My life is complete (sarcastic tone) 57 0 Queensland Australia 111274983 Jason Soria MorningJason en Australia Sydney 0 13 21 99 0 Australia 27098434 Peta Tippett Petat en Hawaii 0 30 41 178 0 Unknown 64547641 Antonette Collins antonette_abc en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 19 22 Arty-Farty journalist, ABC News Sydney. Currently on maternity leave 68 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 26949022 dg cernunnon en Perth 0 211 686 Actor, director, all-round postmodernist. And narcoleptic. 402 2 Western Australia Australia 96869043 Brigid Clark Breeeeeza en Radelaide, South Australia Sydney 107 981 positive good vibes all the way. 801 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 126807933 miso stojkovski misostoj en 0 0 2 4 0 71672003 Natasha Rudra natasharudra en Canberra 21 181 56 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 142179800 Patrick Glynn PattyGlynn en 5 0 41 0 168347100 Sarah Goulding SarahEGoulding en Brisbane Melbourne 0 7 30 32 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 30198363 sev sevie43 en Melbourne, AU Melbourne 0 32 25 TV Producer 76 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 149057730 VaN£s$a!¿! VANESSAily19 en Sydney, Australia!! Sydney 0 816 3340 Hey it's Vanessa!!xx Pay no attention to em haterz cause we whip em off..BUT STILL.. Haterz you can kill yourself!! MUSIC IS MY LIFE î˜mwahh xx 2001 61 Sydney New South Wales Australia 33343732 Tracey Hayman TraceyHayman en Sydney Hawaii 0 14 116 22 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 168598742 troy_douglas douglas_troy en Sydney Hawaii 0 10 2 99 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181469372 Fortune Ball ivegotball en Adelaide 0 76 41 Life, as ruled by an iphone app. 321 1 South Australia Australia 181465386 Rene Sugo ReneSugo en Sydney 0 9 3 Learning about the whole twitter thing. Co-founder and CTO of MyNetFone (MNF) and Symbio Networks. I hope to post something interesting from time to time! 40 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181463684 UNYA Tasmania unyatas en Tasmania, Australia Hobart 0 87 357 The semi-official Twitter of UNYA Tasmania. This account is generally NOT maintained by anyone on the Exec... (just so you know) 123 6 Tasmania Australia 43087900 Alexander McRae McRayon en 0 15 17 34 1 27561732 Mark McCormack corkyromano en Canberra Canberra 0 103 2025 87 7 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 33915613 Alexander Bretti AlexanderBretti en Australia Perth 5 61 56 1 Australia 85808309 Shailesh Tewari ShaileshTewarie en Ahmedabad india New Delhi 0 825 8215 A Motivational Guru ,a strategist for SMEs , Facilitator for QMS/EMS/OHSAS/ISO ,Process improvement a Qualified CA ,LL.B and independent Political Thinker 1997 29 31664218 Charlie Renn halerosalie en Washington Central Time (US & Canada) 0 83 114 I'm cleverly disguised as a responsible adult 325 0 Washington United States 21740725 Tamzin Byrne tamzin_byrne en Melbourne Melbourne 0 76 268 125 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 181151302 Ness Neska30 en Canberra 0 3 21 9 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 14818928 Patrick Grossmann PatrickG en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 14 1 39 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 176766936 Tracy Frost TrudyTwoShoes en 0 3 2 5 0 121022017 LisaLoveStack LisaLoveStack en Hawaii 252 257 Omg I love Shaun Diviney I love him. MARRY ME SHAUN I LOVE YOU 1995 5 Unknown 24347192 Belinda Toohey ananas72 de Central Coast, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 30 66 Ohai. Triplet, girlfriend, friend, daughter, sister etc. 18 years old, doing my HSC, it's killing me. 44 0 Gosford New South Wales Australia 179766845 Melanie Davies meldavies10 en Melbourne Hawaii 0 121 1 191 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 111176707 Deej Saitta dejinshathe en Melbourne - WestSide! Melbourne 0 77 765 Mouthy, over-privileged, white(ish), not-remotely-anglo-saxon protestant. Brews a drinkable stout. Tweets without thinking. Overuses ellipsis ... 324 2 181440166 VJD Aprilstar02 en 0 0 3 0 181433832 Father Kevin FrKevE en Sydney 0 1 2 21 0 New South Wales Australia 181413334 Random Hero SitVisVobiscum en Canberra 0 108 25 929 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 21389406 Lynette McBride _linette_ en ÜT: -35.318569,149.112267 0 214 256 1104 8 37617265 David Masterton DavidMasterton en Hobart Hobart 0 16 55 A car tragic and love working in the industry. My wife does not share this same enthusiasm.. 28 2 Hobart Tasmania Australia 179055297 Jessica McCluskey jrosemillar en Sydney 0 17 134 lover of coffee, sunny days, babushka dolls, great aussie music, current affairs and the hypocricy of politics. 94 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 28338046 Tanner TannerRoman en Australia Hawaii 0 145 589 i'm an old redneck man stuck in a brown boy's body; i'm what they call a niggerino - (opposite to an albino.) 443 0 Australia 31668866 Katharine G Kateg86 en Western Australia Perth 0 143 111 Catholic, primary school teacher, Australian, Eagles supporter 428 1 Western Australia Australia 21275617 Sophie Teres SophieTeres en Melbourne Melbourne 0 11 40 40 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 177536396 Julia Fauvette jufauv en 0 0 3 25 0 16232922 Dan Arthur Dan_Arthur en Sydney Hawaii 0 116 61 Yep its me... Dan 155 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 133581031 Eddy Wilkin eddywilkin en Sydney 0 5 7 Lives in Coona 141 0 New South Wales Australia 28682172 Thelma Cameron Thelmy en Melbourne 5 13 Thelma Cameron 23 0 Victoria Australia 34799854 Laura Hughes _laurahughes en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 62 256 No matter how old I get, the icing will always be more important than the cake. 98 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 181012160 Christopher Bishop cjsbishop en Wellington, New Zealand 0 198 1300 273 4 Wellington Wellington New Zealand 132336244 Antonio Jabbour aye_jay en parra! 0 6 12 eeleven! 103 0 170175120 Julie Barnett LulyIQ en 0 1 5 11 0 122573786 Michael Orford M1chaelO en Melbourne Melbourne 5 0 80 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 175413280 Megan Tuffley megan_skinflint en Nyabing WA Perth 0 31 152 Skin care products manufacturer and marketer. Relief Teacher, Farmer's Wife, Justice of the Peace and Local Government Councillor. 83 7 119602743 The 2000 Walk the2000walk en Australia Brisbane 0 163 139 3 Aussies walking 2000km to bring attention to the 2000+ language groups that don't have the Bible 223 9 Australia 26191026 Lauren Russell Lozrus en Australia Sydney 0 11 2 30 0 Australia 132342417 Peter Cornish PistolPete1769 en Adelaide Adelaide 0 19 25 Work for the state, play for me :P 37 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 162701006 Peter Chadwick chadwick63 en 0 6 3 37 0 158879204 Robin McKie Watsford robina56 en Australia Sydney 6 2 16 0 Australia 159076363 Natasha Scully natashascully en Sydney Sydney 8 13 Company Director (BBNC, SN Scully & Co), Experienced Senior Executive in Communications, Marketing, Business Development, Business Strategy & Project Management 85 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181377255 Dave Chance DaveChance en Canberra Canberra 0 12 1 Man of the people. Social commentator. 164 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 181092047 Amber Dermoudy ambrdextrous en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 71 118 Gen Y entrepreneur, shopaholic, social media enthusiast and innovator. 147 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 156647505 Sean Douglas SeanADouglas en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 4 13 19 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 154436395 Ravi Nayyar ravirockks en Sydney 0 8 66 115 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 131779190 Leonie Harris LeonieHarris en Perth Perth 16 7 221 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 181065682 democratic carbon democarbon en Canberra 0 0 105 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 70904805 Creative Development createdevelop en Sydney Sydney 0 271 856 Creative Development is an experienced marketing design and development agency that has worked with global brands such as Jeep and Benetton 396 8 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181142463 Leslea McCowat lesleamccowat en 0 3 2 43 0 173322466 Carol Fraser carolafraser en Melbourne 0 5 7 69 0 Victoria Australia 180926025 Nick Dole NickDole en Sydney 0 7 57 Curious observer of popular culture. 26 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 14988839 karma karmar en Hawaii 0 0 121 0 Unknown 168606368 Brieana Dance BrieanaDance en 1 0 15 0 14094310 _jimmyk _jimmyk en Hawaii 0 21 12 If only I could sumerise myself in 160 characters 30 0 Unknown 167658641 Allan Evans cubbu51 en 0 2 1 7 0 5393192 John Kitchen johnkitchen en Hampton St Melbourne 0 630 1169 Technology | Skiing | Food | Photography | Travel | Social Networking 925 11 Bridgetown Western Australia Australia 117529802 Munawar Hassan munawarhassan en Sydney NSW Australia Sydney 0 28 44 Electrical Engineer 93 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 29394144 Deb Birthisel deb_3215 en ÜT: -38.098391,144.329489 Melbourne 0 56 671 What you see is what you get 255 0 20759568 Mohammed El-leissy mohammedel en Melbourne, Australia Hawaii 0 82 33 104 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 181330636 Chris Jones jonesy150368 en Adelaide 0 6 1 82 0 South Australia Australia 22908193 Matthew Wallis pommie81 en 0 24 33 Working, enjoying and carving up Sydney!! 138 0 24310206 Ces Keenan Cecilieanne en 0 3 3 30 0 58986681 Marita Kenrick mk_1975 en 20 0 157 1 34798328 Donna Ogle DonnaMOgle en Brisbane 0 12 37 tweet newbie, mum,wife,woman 68 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 160093173 Con Helas conhelas en Melbourne 0 0 79 0 Victoria Australia 18030739 Kate Roberts foxing en Sydney Canberra 13 53 45 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 138984648 Bec Hillcoat BecHillcoat en Bribie Island, QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 11 15 Proud mum of 3 children. 96 0 Bribie Island Queensland Australia 174928051 Jennifer Wyers JenniferWyers en Central Time (US & Canada) 0 121 378 288 1 United States 41062620 bill pickering splashcola en brisbane Hawaii 0 4 11 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 25684421 Nimeet nimeetinc en 0 110 2 209 0 34814892 Mark Broadbent mark_broadbent en 37 0 119 3 19908364 Tom Sheldrick 45tom en Adelaide 0 80 1276 Born in 1991, Tom Sheldrick lived an untroubled life until early 2009 when he wasted 30 minutes creating a twitter account. 68 0 South Australia Australia 181185701 Anna O'Reilly AnnaOReilly en Sydney, Australia 0 9 55 34 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 55801228 debbie screen debraleeann en 0 10 45 275 0 87962109 Mariana Baigorria lisy275 es Argentina Santiago 144 61 1585 1 168925671 Steph Jones stephjones1234 en 3 0 58 1 23300954 Emma Carl ECCARL en Brisbane Tehran 0 39 106 114 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 21850940 rebecca hanna rebecca1973 en Canberra Canberra 66 307 242 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 156081739 Ian Wall refractedimages en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 8 62 91 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 47077731 Teresa B REASE92 en Australia Sydney 0 33 142 49 0 Australia 21544080 Ryan Clancy ryanclancy en Toowoomba / Brisbane 0 34 305 96 1 24163596 HaM NeverEndngChase en Australia Perth 35 800 Twitter: My whine country for what life throws at me. 363 3 Australia 25483231 Kate Patio realKATPAT en Melbourne 82 359 443 5 Victoria Australia 116605028 Nicholas Guest njguest en 0 1 1 22 0 181111340 Carla Wiese-Smith Carla_TheLand en North Richmond Sydney 0 49 46 Stud Stock Representative - The Land. All views are my own and not those of Rural Press. 124 6 99270321 Lewis Barker LewisJBarker en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 7 41 Something tells me I could write a proper biography here soon. Stay Tuned. 39 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 14731559 jab_au jab_au en New South Wales, Australia Sydney 120 1801 256 5 New South Wales Australia 68632351 Lauren Ambrose lozambrose en Melbourne 0 19 14 83 0 Victoria Australia 23559890 Mel Thomson burger_t en Sydney, Australia 0 94 385 I need way more than 160 characters to describe me 546 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 67914424 Julie White 1wowmum en Perth 6 41 69 0 Western Australia Australia 28996244 Amy Phillips amycakes89 en Adelaide Hawaii 0 29 58 20, Journalist In Training. Achievements in life so far- The back of my head features predominantly in an ABC Q&A promo. 88 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 16732628 Annabelle Carter AnnabelleCarter en Paris 0 482 1716 Studying Journalism. Love speaking French. Interested in Foreign Politics. Enjoy baking. 756 25 France 181168102 Charlotte Louise charlottesy en 0 0 1 0 159341529 Yasmin Brennan Travel4me en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 3 66 18 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 33837112 Katherine Hill litlmis en Melbourne Melbourne 0 87 1176 Air traffic controller, animal lover and cynic. I still believe in good manners and chocolate for breakfast. 386 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 155871988 Zane Walkom Moklaw en 0 2 15 30 0 19901775 Andrew William Robb andrewrobb en London London 69 0 Australian actor/producer based in London 164 3 London England United Kingdom 180305135 Lloyd Gimbert gimbertlloyd en 5 0 16 0 16773356 DainaSyd DainaSyd en AUSTRALIA 0 3 23 19 1 Australia 6247872 Adam McWhinney DaddyMac en Sydney 0 98 296 125 3 New South Wales Australia 173309852 Norman Ruan nruan en 6 0 164 0 53572583 Chelsea Herman chelsea_bunn en 11 0 95 0 21176449 Nigel Freitas nigelfreitas en Hawaii 8 21 127 0 Unknown 157643036 joe seldon JoeeSelddoo en Wales Hawaii 0 168 106 Hey, Joe here GaGa The wanted beyonce Rhinna xox! 899 2 Wales United Kingdom 45785062 Cassie McKeon maccaronie en australia Melbourne 0 0 21 30 0 Australia 110377674 Hamish Mackellar HamishMackellar en 0 6 24 34 0 30621635 Maxximus maxximusthecat en Sydney, NSW Hawaii 0 22 41 Kitten of leisure 25 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 32854027 Tamika McCracken TamikaMcCracken en Toowoomba Brisbane 0 69 620 Hello Friends. 67 0 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 46082237 Kellie Cefai KellieCefai en Hawaii 0 19 1 53 0 Unknown 62813477 Brenton Hesketh brentonhesketh en ÜT: -32.550752,115.750796 Perth 0 17 51 A good bloke A great friend And great in an emergency! 151 0 42199081 Allison Davis Narrabrite en Narrabri NSW 2390 Sydney 0 11 6 41 0 19057153 Jane Wilson wilsononline en Sydney Sydney 0 103 2 ABC News Marketing Manager 166 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 62491125 Jarryd Matthews staggaz32 en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 10 22 Live in Perth 40 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 14139713 Sam hewey en Australia Sydney 0 29 13 I sleep. I work. I drink. I study. Rinse and repeat. 36 0 Australia 181136147 Danyell Glover dan080417 en Newcastle 0 28 38 domestic engineer for now 252 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 29688837 Anthony Barhoush noooonie en 0 28 17 183 3 16925886 Lara Thom larathom en Sydney Sydney 0 447 1290 Managing Director Be.Interactive & Be Retail and Mum to 4 kids under 6 and owner of Lil Fraser Collection and little big stuff. 315 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 23131774 Dean Vane DeanVane en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 99 31 Improving the Bottom Line of the Open Minded - Not your average Bean Counter 121 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 142928512 ABC Investigations abc_investigate en Australia Sydney 0 3918 555 ABC News Online's Investigations Unit. 480 286 Australia 181145347 Robert Mastroianni robertom88 en 0 0 2 0 51013936 Tracy Tracy2103 en Hawaii 0 7 39 44 0 Unknown 23398189 Kylie Brehaut pinkshortcake en Brisbane 20 1 246 0 Queensland Australia 96687577 Andrew K TheKCat en Planet earth Hawaii 17 263 Male mammal 83 0 Unknown 132795892 Tracey Amro Tayteeamr en Adelaide Adelaide 0 5 34 30 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 23516941 Naterlee naterella en Sydney...Australia Sydney 0 73 674 I'm 27, Married with a 2yr old girl & I love everything 221 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181127529 Elizabeth Anne AlderleyAnn en 0 0 5 0 148969629 Melissa Mack melissajmack en Adelaide Adelaide 0 228 312 An Adelaide journalist. 291 13 Adelaide South Australia Australia 43870544 jack selman jack_salmon en australia Brisbane 10 0 28 0 Australia 91278619 Daniel Sullivan mozartmini en 0 1 3 0 147463456 sandra lavender SandraL70 en Sydney 3 8 14 0 New South Wales Australia 181133457 Matthew A MWA87 en Canberra Canberra 1 0 36 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 55201345 Paul Taylor ptaylorodg en Adelaide 1 0 23 0 South Australia Australia 22213319 Alexandra Thorogood lexyjane en Port Stephens, Australia Sydney 9 30 22 1 Port Stephens New South Wales Australia 35428651 Rachael Collins Rachhh_ael en Sunshine Coast, Australia Hawaii 0 20 44 If life were easy, where would all the adventures be ? 97 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 59358014 vicki freer indianannarain en ,AUSTRALIA. Pacific Time (US & Canada) 12 386 Photographer own business..RAW FUNK PHOTOGRAPHY.. 66 0 Australia 80418863 b anderson brandysnap446 en melbourne Melbourne 0 4 22 101 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 135353123 Melisa PrInCeSs_MeL_87 en Australia 0 51 968 Mum of 2 boys aged 3 and 2 studing Bachelor of applied social science and Psychology 238 0 Australia 3661091 Enzo Zucchini flyingzucchini en Sydney 49 817 Travel, Music, Technology and other cool things... 178 1 New South Wales Australia 44008449 Gerard McDermott McDermie en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 79 1141 It isn't about Wikileaks or what it says or if you agree. It is about whether or not the Internet is a place for the free exchange of information. Good or bad. 169 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 16638937 Jodie Thompson jodierecommends en Diamond Beach, NSW, Australia Brisbane 0 15738 3903 Talk to me if you KNOW you are insanely bright, witty, gorgeous and have tons of value to share - if not, learn to get to your truth bloody quick! 15754 139 181127975 Jonathan Marsh swampy4444 en Perth 2 0 4 0 Western Australia Australia 169031220 Mariam Malaty mallabazz en Sydney =)! 0 18 34 158 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181130815 Dean Weston DeanWeston en Brisbane 0 0 1 0 Queensland Australia 181131181 Maria Oliver oatleyolivers en Hawaii 1 0 5 0 Unknown 24341706 Renee Belsey ReneeBelsey en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 60 674 Love Musicals- esp Wicked, Glee, Avenue Q & Rent. 357 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 180764414 Kylie Smith kyliesmith2010 en 0 0 3 0 17854024 kingb5k BrendanJKing en Hawaii 0 37 50 156 1 Unknown 19637716 KelPrior kelprior en NSW Australia Hawaii 0 47 106 245 0 New South Wales Australia 61465753 Rowan Carville Rowwyyy en Perth Alaska 4 0 Friend Fo Music Films Politics Beers Festivals 13 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 181125959 Jennifer Ridgway jmarchy83 en 0 9 7 124 0 181124608 Sam Yuan yochingy en 0 1 5 12 0 159400546 mackay mackay75 en 0 4 8 53 0 25431104 Wendy Provost wlp66 en Sydney 1 1 14 0 New South Wales Australia 180692446 Tee gwilson799 en Melbourne 4 0 28 0 Victoria Australia 140238036 Belinda Campbell belindafc en Melbourne Melbourne 0 232 989 Melburnian, modern jive dancer, IT nerd, theology student, twitter advocate, enthusiastic try-er of new things, recent Zumba convert 521 9 Melbourne Victoria Australia 93796212 Leonara Shannon lssleonara en Melbourne 0 51 279 Passionate brand builder; fashion, retail, people-watching lover and a tragic shoeaholic. Believer of you can have it all... just not at the same time. 202 0 Victoria Australia 159768544 Tara Leckie Tarijam3 en SYDNEY. AUSTRALIA. 0 114 884 441 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 31357498 Alex Pinnock apinnock en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 4 14 Interests include the sharemarket, movies, music, great food, great wine, travelling and making the most of everyday! 14 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 170855154 Stephen Nemetz sjnemetz en sydney Sydney 0 2 6 22 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 50962666 Daniel Secomb dsecomb en Australia Sydney 0 59 178 118 2 Australia 143316565 Ben Valentine AussieHouseDad en Brisbane Brisbane 0 9 27 10 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 3578431 Sandy strawberryshine en London 34 1496 197 2 England United Kingdom 36575026 Jessica Goldie jessicagoldie en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 36 5 37 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 23421342 Laila Dj Lailakd en Sydney Sydney 0 27 577 Part-time Lawyer, Full-time Mummy 56 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22440107 Naomi Rayner naomirayner en Hobart, Tasmania Hobart 10 43 32 0 Hobart Tasmania Australia 80692166 Fiona McGovern DivineMissFi en Sydney 9 0 26 0 New South Wales Australia 181115591 Katherine Emerton emmok en Sydney 0 1 11 6 0 New South Wales Australia 181117245 Matt Kirkwood matt_kirkwood en 0 8 20 33 0 169472331 GIN godisnonsense en Sydney Sydney 0 5 12 35 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 107614884 Ally MoonlightRivers en Townsville, Australia Brisbane 37 585 My son is my life. Without him, I wouldn't be the person I am today. I love all things SVU and Bones. 158 5 Townsville Queensland Australia 167608253 Phil Boyle Social_comment en Melbourne,Australia Melbourne 0 2 43 Dog trainer , Cat trainer , Electrical Contractor & all round nice guy ! And Melbourne supporter ! 19 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 163021653 Dean Troth deantroth en melbourne Melbourne 0 14 36 A passionate communicator, relationship builder and fundraiser, Dean wants to change the world. His interests include Christian faith, politics and media... 89 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 48306921 Alison Moore Alison612 en Brisbane 0 8 73 Yorkshire girl in OZ 21 0 Queensland Australia 178183112 Gary Lum garydlum en Belconnen, ACT Canberra 119 10719 Nothing worth saying. I like living and working in that order. I like Canberra but want it warmer and more humid. These tweets reflect me not my employer. 389 13 12088702 wadekuhn wadek en sydney Sydney 0 53 27 creative director at TheFARM. digital advertising and marketing. 22 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181103243 Wobby Dobby Do wobbydobbydo en Under the Southern Cross 0 0 6 Angry Young Man (now older, still angry), Political Theorist, Admirer of... 4 0 45803439 Hannah aka_cabaret en australia Sydney 0 9 562 Biomedical science student. Yeah you wish you were that cool 65 0 Australia 32740231 Alec Rimmer desmofan en Perth, Western Australia 0 33 44 Trying to find my way... 225 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 140006646 Dean Kingsland Dino1927 en Gold Coast QLD Brisbane 0 31 43 161 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 15914667 Jane Ward MissJane72 en Melbourne 0 802 375 I'm sorry but I never make apologies 665 2 Victoria Australia 155045216 Jacob Doherty BigBOSS_Solid en Geelong, Australia Melbourne 0 16 14 160 0 Geelong Victoria Australia 174171721 Kerry O'Brien FakeKerryOBrien en Sydney 0 21 81 Oh please. You all know who I am... Idiots. 63 0 New South Wales Australia 31590043 Samantha Dunger sam_dunger en Sydney 0 10 9 9 1 New South Wales Australia 120057963 Brooke Harris notanangrygirl en 0 5 1 56 0 106428969 Suzannah Ward lapetitelouve en Brisbane Brisbane 0 22 1 137 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 159797186 Becks ImBecks en Hawaii 2 0 26 0 Unknown 174628932 Greg Conway gr3ggoSevenTwo en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 31 248 writer, editor, sub-editor, photographer, family man; love movies, fast cars, martial arts, Heckler&Koch 275 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 27820346 Jason Williams Jasoncwilliams1 en Brisbane Australia Hawaii 2 7 13 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 53572394 nathan brown Yangy_yang en 0 0 1 3 0 22595562 Karalee Fielding K_Fielding en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 933 894 Canadian by birth...Australian by choice. Proudly married to Ben, and living and loving this crazy, captivating life... 133 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22477404 Craig Hindman jonbonhimy en Gold Coast Australia 0 7 51 Creative Arts Pastor. Husband, Father, Musician. 8 1 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 165380968 joy wyatt jnwyatt en Hawaii 1 0 9 0 Unknown 30193156 Caleb Harriott keysleb en Sunshine Coast Brisbane 0 97 705 213 1 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 170081561 Mark Fenton marksfenton en Brisbane Brisbane 5 1 Father, Husband, Mate, Friend, Student, Chairman, Director, Employer, Employee, Mentor, Could there be anything else ? 90 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 161524588 Andrew P Morales apm13 en Brisbane 3 0 32 0 Queensland Australia 150609285 Shayh Timely Haylz232 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 0 450 Honesty is like an icicle; if once it melts that is the end of it. --PROVERB 31 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25800416 Renee princessreneev en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 34 53 Embracing this new technology to connect globally with friends I just haven't met yet! 189 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 14473342 Catherine A Bowman cabowman en Sydney Sydney 0 484 269 Live in Sydney love to travel often. Working in education - Knowledge Management and Audit area 1061 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 181108710 Emma Munnings jemha71 en Hobart, Tas 2 0 5 0 Hobart Tasmania Australia 161039030 Katie White Zoomy1981 en 3 0 43 0 181108517 Andre Quillon777 en Sydney 0 1 4 9 0 New South Wales Australia 42768821 Jonathan Ramsey Jonathan_DX en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 52 16 National Product Manager - DX Mail, private business mail network. Membership management, marketing & networking. 94 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 174069532 James Robertson jbrobbo en Sydney Sydney 0 12 21 Mobile marketing guy who loves his friends, his sport and being chilled out in general 37 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 60269123 Andrew Todd andrewjtodd en ÜT: -37.814634,144.969683 Melbourne 0 51 545 CIO, Member @ Woodlands. Fellow @ FINSIA, Member @ AICD. Can't handle hot weather and don't like the cold. 27 5 22354355 vanessab vanessaoz en brisbane australia Brisbane 43 96 love to tweet, love to follow 94 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 149808903 Dani Maree DaniM2010 en 0 11 13 158 0 28545842 Michelle O'Riordan Ubermich en Sydney Sydney 0 36 263 Just don't feel the need for a tagline. I am self-explanatory. 50 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 145551226 Andrew Plant andrewjp7 en Hawaii 13 7 169 0 Unknown 38639337 mpyr mpyr en the moon Brisbane 0 87 464 I am here to fight, to think, to love, to rebel and to bake. i'm a chocolate infidel... oh and i have a indescribable obsession with films. i love them HARD! 835 1 22425689 Melanie Freeman melaniefreeman en 18 0 28 0 171901453 Jonathan Salmon JonathanSalmon en 0 1 1 4 0 161655535 tax thincap06 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 1 6 thincap06 20 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 26032196 NADIA TOLICH NAJOTO en Melbourne, Vic Hawaii 0 211 652 556 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23236845 Alix Piatek alixpiatek en 0 84 16 79 7 181076166 Leslie Peterpan_118 en 0 0 11 0 34598159 Simon Morris Videonewseditor en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 172 892 Video News Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald in Sydney, Australia 164 11 Sydney New South Wales Australia 122323602 Kevin Duan lifeunknowns en Melbourne 0 5 20 52 0 Victoria Australia 16576211 Ashleigh Black ashleigh_maree en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 60 140 Twitter gets me excited. 195 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 61735123 Not Telling Tweetortwat en Australia Sydney 0 24 100 34 0 Australia 51708619 Cam King camking01 en ÜT: -37.798708,144.90111 Melbourne 0 64 172 From Melbourne, Australia with a great family, my Partner - Kate, 2yo Son - Charlie and 1x more on the way! 298 1 20984409 Will Reichelt willreichelt en Newtown, Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 562 1163 Photographer, music lover, internet denizen, visual effects geek. 858 30 Newtown New South Wales Australia 181088643 Linda E B lululinda68 en 3 0 36 0 175408424 David L Skerritt f1fin en ÜT: -27.421748,153.065088 Brisbane 0 31 Mortgage Broker 14 0 47231706 Regan J Brooks reganbrooks en Bairnsdale Melbourne 0 41 540 161 0 Bairnsdale Victoria Australia 43464509 Tim Price snowmakertim en S 35°24' 0'' / E 149°4' 0'' Canberra 0 8 46 Life is too short not too have fun! 31 1 27385564 Stephen Howard Howie_83 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 54 94 Stephen Howard - Hyundai Media Specialist 90 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 165864767 Colette Trueman Saraqay11 en Australia Perth 0 8 14 Natural Therapy 108 0 Australia 176671399 Josh Baker JoshQFT en 0 7 1 0 77923924 tritia evans tritias en Canberra ACT Hawaii 0 24 5 123 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 22747134 Ari AwesomeAri en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 40 199 A multifaceted Christian...historian, entrepreneur, law speaking, Ferrari (and soon to be Lamborghini) driver with conservative political overtones 76 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 158297001 George Glass GeorgeGlass8 en Hawaii 0 9 260 76 0 Unknown 37634473 Bec Saunders Bec_Saunders en Australia 0 26 25 181 0 Australia 135649571 Stephen Jones SJJ1970 en Hamilton, Victoria Melbourne 0 3 33 14 0 Hamilton Victoria Australia 159416288 Tony Vealey y_notv en 0 8 17 40 0 180710543 Angela JuJuMaccas en 0 0 3 0 25575348 Dean Morgan deano_morgs007 en Brissy Hawaii 0 87 1210 Out there bein awsome 24/7 three sixty five 586 0 22452960 Rachel Rache1JF en The biggest Island Australia Sydney 0 150 117 Rachel..When i am bored i google Eminem and Angelina Jolie and Greys Anatomy Quotes 814 1 19637632 Gloria Hill Oh_Glorious_One en Sydney Sydney 0 192 1957 Newlywed, new mother to Master S, stepmother, closet writer, amateur chef, avid blogger & blog reader. Addicted to J, Master S, Miss M & social media. 262 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22205900 Tony Christian tonychristian2 en Queensland Brisbane 0 3 7 Insurance Broker - Commercial & Liability Insurance 6 0 Queensland Australia 18423734 dalfarra dalfarra en Hawaii 42 137 386 1 Unknown 26137929 Belinda Tsap beljovi en Sydney Sydney 18 72 Piscean 56 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 104442650 Chantal ChauvetAllen minic1 en Australia Melbourne 0 12 21 65 1 Australia 181040875 Adrian M bogarog en Hawaii 9 6 151 0 Unknown 138728918 David Norris Whiskers1000 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 62 1046 140 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 41100597 Janani Kannan JananiPhone en Launceston, Tasmania Hobart 112 164 LOVES: people, then the environment, smelling nice, shampoo, vegetarianism, dimples, pancakes, homework, medicine, writing, assignment piles 597 2 Launceston Tasmania Australia 38624860 Melbournepanda Melbournepanda en Hawaii 0 17 14 54 0 Unknown 20352525 Phoebe Corke phoebecorke en 0 9 4 6 0 104347548 Simon Burke simonburke91 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 2 13 4 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 26381865 Mark Williams wizzledog en Sydney 0 39 377 41 1 New South Wales Australia 168454171 Brenton Howarth brentonh90 en Forbes, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 5 1 45 0 Forbes New South Wales Australia 107028074 Matthew ORourke MatthewOR en New South Wales, Winston Hills Sydney 3 0 27 0 171344181 Giancarlo Volonte negotiator11 en 0 0 1 4 0 140275387 SundayHeraldSun SundayHeraldSun en Melbourne Melbourne 0 702 353 This is the official site of the Sunday Herald Sun. 189 20 Melbourne Victoria Australia 65787751 Shelley Southwell sas1960 en Western Australia Perth 0 13 19 Have to laugh everyday :) 56 2 Western Australia Australia 146347706 Eric Heenan emheenan en Perth 0 20 15 106 0 Western Australia Australia 70367311 Kamal.K.Nathan Kamalknathan en Brisbane 5 120 21 0 Queensland Australia 168945779 Donna Burt dburt45 en 11 0 86 2 47897635 itwittles itwittles en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 355 1035 i likes to twittles. Have been known to ramble on Tech, Melbourne, BJJ, Entertainment, Politics, Religion, Odds and Ends 1050 12 Melbourne Victoria Australia 180740810 Ashleigh Brown AshBrownMTR en Melbourne Melbourne 0 141 664 Breakfast News Editor for MTR and SEN. 227 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 17694439 Ursula Heger ursulaheger en Brisbane Brisbane 0 551 193 Transport and infrastructure reporter at The Courier-Mail. 292 33 Brisbane Queensland Australia 180936151 BundyPundit BundyPundit en Australia Sydney 0 65 88 Aussie news, politics & opinion. Distinct possibility of drunk-tweeting from time to time. 155 90 Australia 38932896 olivia paramorepride en Sydney 0 7 34 36 0 New South Wales Australia 75917090 Kitty Goerlich-Voutt kitty_goerlich en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 224 504 an army wife & mother to 5 wonderful kids. 868 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 23169473 Joe Green backpage en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 64 636 News junkie,Occasional Journalist, C31 fan, Reader Opinions are my own. 219 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 108115819 zaiwalls zaiwalls1 en 0 221 59 569 10 141832190 Adam Zanco azanco en 0 6 13 18 0 38953961 Jorge López Canales jorgeelc en iPhone: -37.839184,144.997253 Melbourne 0 75 1072 Contemporary art and theory, philosophy, cultural studies, web 2.0, 'pataphysics. 122 3 20295689 lucy donnelly thereallucyd en ÜT: -33.867863,151.217166 Sydney 0 199 2165 (i)logically unsound. 284 2 70907226 Denise Le Cornu DLeCornu en Darwin 0 33 7 387 0 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 180777698 Bony Rabbit Bony_Rabbit en Perth 9 187 26 0 Western Australia Australia 172744186 Anj Cowle IceniWarrior en paradise 0 2 21 loving living 35 0 Paradise Western Australia Australia 67815201 Evan Tyquin EvanT34 en Frankston, Australia Melbourne 0 20 34 nice guy, catholic, sports nut, movie fanatic, love the net and tv 107 1 Frankston South Victoria Australia 179503145 Emma EmmaOtto en 7 0 33 0 58413222 Cameron Stark cam_stark en Coburg, Melbourne Melbourne 0 32 209 77 2 32203065 Deni Cameron pink2xs en Darwin...AUSTRALIA Hawaii 0 639 990 Pink - Playgirl - Pirate - Poledancer - Purveyor of Positivity - Risk Taker - Wannabe Author - Serial Twitter - masterPIECE OF WORK in progress! 896 1 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 180786283 Accountanator accountanator en 0 2 7 toot toot. 7 0 21990263 Andy Coe Vectac en Hunter Valley NSW Sydney 0 23 143 Hunter Valley Navy Officer, married with a 3yo Daughter -all views expressed strictly personal. 35 0 27191860 Matt Joseph Scurria MattyJox en Perth, Australia Perth 0 22 29 I am... 81 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 93556244 Liz Penprase jayah930 en Australia Sydney 0 37 650 28 1 Australia 166965762 John Elasi johnnyedragon en 0 3 2 18 0 75468503 michael waterhouse almileke en Sydney, Australia 0 188 724 education lawyer, father/spouse, skeptic, cyclist, philosophile, woken by kookaburras. Retweets don't mean concurrence;any views my own, not my employer's 642 15 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18884986 achtung_baby_au achtung_baby_au en Alaska 11 309 creatively starved-stressed-craving inner peace&doubt ill find it! 169 0 United States 178912352 My Shopping Reward shoppingreward en Australia Hawaii 0 117 131 Customers can win cash by shopping with My Shopping Reward members. Small businesses can promote like big businesses by joining My Shopping Reward - $36 a year. 546 3 Australia 180750238 Mischa Mischamoomoo en Hawaii 0 9 96 One eyed dog with two hot daddies, and hostess of the #feralerection party tonight #ausvotes #woof 54 0 Unknown 24652271 impxox impxox en Brisbane Brisbane 0 270 9294 Vag nurse. Sometime DJ & waitress. 1/2 gay. Likes things. Health nut. Always guilty. Drinks tea all day long. 230 13 Brisbane Queensland Australia 179435132 Greg Cary 4BCGregCary en Brisbane Brisbane 0 9 2 4BC Mornings 9am-12pm. Heard statewide in Queensland Monday to Friday. 10 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 180247716 Ross Koe TherossK en 0 5 17 30 1 70398350 Tim Alford TATADAH en Sydney 0 24 2 357 0 New South Wales Australia 44806087 John Kearney jksydney en Sydney, Australia 0 17 41 57 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 26185808 Alana MsAlana888 en sydney Hawaii 103 3532 I have no desire to be a horticulturalist 292 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 180561297 Belinda Parker bel_anne en Australia Sydney 2 3 an adventure that also love marketing and new media... next challenge is a 4wd trip for me and for work media... what works and what not to do. 29 0 Australia 180712609 Floyd snipp Chutney88 en 0 0 1 0 34273144 Jade Hodge jdhdg en Sydney Sydney 63 414 Pars maior lacrimas ridet et intus habet. 145 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 16736892 Teglas Teglas en Sydney. Australia Sydney 0 66 446 Originally from Dublin, living in Sydney. Love tech, soccer, motorbikes and MMO's 211 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 164215410 Cameron Bezer cam_bezer en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 9 17 Gordon rugby and cricket player 75 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 49442770 paul lagios paullagios en australia Melbourne 14 0 71 0 Australia 40221570 Michael White whitey25817 en Rowville, Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 20 83 53 1 116363194 Dean Carlson DeanCarlson89 en Sydney 0 28 38 123 1 New South Wales Australia 179999241 Kevin OH 7 KevinOH7 en Perth 0 168 959 Just don't call me krudd 1107 6 Western Australia Australia 180695126 Talk Tabloid talktabloid en 0 9 1 90 1 24117789 Jono Mitchell jono82 en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 13 80 Customer Support Centre worker in the Department of Education and Childrens Services on the I.T. Helpdesk. Married with twin girls on the way!! :) 210 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 161243119 Kym Thrift KymThrift en Gold Coast, QLD 0 29 4 37 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 42826579 KC Chee KCChee777 en Planet Earth Kuala Lumpur 0 112 42 390 4 Unknown 180678265 Gruggy sta Gruggy101 en 0 13 20 186 0 24128501 Teddy Haryjanto tharyjanto en Sydney, NSW Sydney 98 949 Accountant, SCUBA diver, a father, a husband, a clown and a tennis player. 234 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 35355991 Misia 'amazon'Sophia misia__ en Australia Melbourne 0 10 12 Fascinated by the mechanics of stupid people, no not really it's just amusing. 67 0 Australia 163831272 Peter Hodges peteincoffs en 0 0 8 15 0 70563445 Peter Brewer prospeter en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 511 3799 Uber Nerd- Social Media Geek-Crusty- Chillaxer - Corona Drinker - Prawn Eater-Labby Owner-Dad to 3 Rugrats-Hubby to a Hornbag-Ageing Chick Magnet 305 28 Brisbane Queensland Australia 104007879 Rob Burton-Bradley R_BurtonBradley en Sydney Sydney 0 99 421 Journalist for All views are obviously mine. 323 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 34553698 Amanda Turnbull amandaturnbull en ÜT: -27.209685,152.994282 Brisbane 0 109 252 Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. 143 1 169700194 liberalsforaustralia liberalsforaust en Canberra, Australia 0 44 8 154 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 175615102 chris & gen coolumsurfschol en Coolum Beach Australia Brisbane 0 80 317 Learn to surf at coolum beach the best beach on sunshine coast Queensland Australia 195 11 180669651 Matthew Abbott scoopgidley en 0 0 5 0 26298820 Sarah sarzparella en Australia Melbourne 44 2262 97 4 Australia 33185681 corey tidy coreytid en millicent Hawaii 0 222 66 im from millicent love cardiff city and football and two pints of lager and a packet of crisps 1958 3 Millicent South Australia Australia 180661758 Tracy Campisi girlpowerprince en Hawaii 5 2 27 0 Unknown 112773223 Alicia Nelson leesha_anne en Melbourne 0 18 187 104 0 Victoria Australia 176295422 Wokky wokky62 en Sydney Sydney 0 9 194 Image from AWM: David Barker Gallipoli 1915 & ANZACS entering Jerusalem 55 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 138964711 Corinne corinnedaze en Sydney 0 104 958 Mother, wife, friend, blogger, race goer, food lover, car singer, chocoholic. 150 8 New South Wales Australia 17349996 hoganau hoganau en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 24 153 58 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 47891754 `X' bigmalx en Brisbane Brisbane 0 141 4397 Yeah... i did it! 268 5 Brisbane Queensland Australia 28953523 Justin Kern jfkaus en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 7 2 1 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 37160790 Social Media Guide SocialGuide en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 8368 13785 Founder of The Social Media Guide. 6199 684 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 23377998 Nikki Taylor NikkiTaylor27 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 94 351 308 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 52993425 Tim doggedtimcc en Central Coast NSW Sydney 0 236 4843 Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs. NSW Blues. Central Coast Mariners. Australian Kangaroos. Oh, and @SaintlySammi. Is there really much else? 542 9 Gosford New South Wales Australia 21954909 Charlie Sutherland Chukman en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 136 206 It's absurd to divide people into good or bad; they're either tedious or charming. O.Wilde You're charming. 518 12 Melbourne Victoria Australia 144220494 King of the Tweet! kingofthetweet en World Wide Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 15 630 Sometimes you have to have a say and have a say i do! Don't be offended :) 29 0 Unknown 180576777 Shane Coppin shanecoppin en Sydney Canberra 0 2 3 13 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20106705 sophia zachariou sophzach en 0 103 6 171 2 180589259 Mal Content LetsBBlunt en Adelaide 0 21 3 Frustrated agitator 58 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 177362014 Georgia White georgiawhite87 en 0 7 8 20 0 138994633 Emma Sylvester emmsyjane85 en Wollongong, Australia Sydney 0 9 129 Yes. I am a ranga. No. I am not Pauline Hanson's sister or daughter or any other form of relative! 85 1 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 178368001 Amanda guytonamanda en Cape Verde Is. 108 63 hi my name is amanda d guyton im seventeen and i love twitter and i love following justin bieber and many more thank you for following me on twitter 1948 14 33759549 Paul Bolster PaulB1965 en 0 2 1 21 0 92884173 Tommy Prince TomTomPrince en Australia Melbourne 0 157 777 301 11 Australia 175626751 SawHole2 SawHole en Newcastle 0 255 1448 I am not Mrs Woog. On annual leave until @woogsworld returns from Bali. Bitch. 450 4 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 169675768 Craig Beattie prem157 en 0 3 3 68 0 175168420 ACSA Twenty10 acsatwenty10 en Hobart 0 70 49 Promoting ACSA's Twenty10 National Conference in Hobart 204 2 Hobart Tasmania Australia 19688333 MissAndrea MisBHaving en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 333 23222 I like, stuff...born & bred Melb girl (best place on the planet)...passionate...big heart...creative...use my brain...animal lover...happy in my own skin :) 278 19 Melbourne Victoria Australia 53588154 LoveMy TV LoveMy_TV en ÜT: -34.017148,151.073983 Sydney 0 181 366 TV Installation and Home Theatre in Sydney. Freeview, Tivo, Sound Systems, Digital TV. We help you get what you need. 259 8 41108899 Steve Hres SteveHres en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 108 2128 Leader & follower, faithful & passionate husband, dedicated & smitten father. Loving God and people. Committed to the Cause. 394 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 28677593 Aussie Tim timmyaus en From The Land Down Under Sydney 0 8 5 I'm 30 going on 3 :P 123 0 66141985 Anthea Lowe richardsonlowe en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 173 57 Tread gently on the earth and all within.   456 6 Perth Western Australia Australia 23427392 Dave Dreimann DaveDreimann en Melbourne Melbourne 0 265 1763 A Wealth Of Content. My tweets do not reflect the opinions of my employers. My tweets may not be republished without expressed permission. 361 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 180258856 Derryn Hinch HumanHeadline en Melbourne Melbourne 0 5647 941 3AW Radio host and former jailbird. These are MY Tweets. 1250 176 Melbourne Victoria Australia 180370013 Chante Ferraris chanteferraris en Australia 0 3 4 7 0 Australia 180364339 View from the bridge awmau en Australia Sydney 0 39 293 165 2 Australia 180333587 TheFacelessSpin TheFacelessSpin en Vicco Melbourne 0 277 6094 Spinning BackFlips! Having fun with politics and spin in 140chrs. Tweets generally opinions and assume as qualified. Like to debate but no extremists nor abuse. 282 11 Vicco Victoria Australia 89106904 Total Hockey MN totalhockeymn en Lakeville, Minnesota, USA Mountain Time (US & Canada) 0 176 186 Total Hockey Minnesota was created to serve all hockey players who want to improve their skills in a fun, positive and challenging environment. 233 8 27326729 Jeff Gilbert cyborgzr en Canberra Sydney 0 27 9 98 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 33893411 Domenic Genua DomenicGenua en Sydney Australia Sydney 344 585 Self employed sales agent for Fuji Xerox, live in Croydon Sydney. 598 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22751242 Frederick Chung frederickc en Australia Sydney 27 83 50 0 Australia 25046091 Jackson Hurst HurstySYD en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 100 3092 Jackson. Basketball, basketball, basketball. Exercise Physiology student. Rockets, Kings & Flames. I also do stream of consciousness posts. What of it? 386 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 127379796 Tiffanny Junee TiffannyJunee en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 571 737 Marketer, Writer, Blogger. Current research areas: Social Media as strategic global comms, Web 3.0 & professional sports. 1996 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 141854977 Mr Anderson typingmonkey en northern rivers, NSW Brisbane 0 366 1986 hippy/ hillbilly hybrid. lives by a creek in a shack. studies science with the aim of becoming a sloth. is building an army. 652 23 53892996 Sheena Kearsey sheenavb en Newcastle NSW 0 18 76 79 2 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 14262199 Nick Broughall Bruff en Sydney Sydney 0 1168 4849 World's luckiest gadget nut 1348 69 Sydney New South Wales Australia 28523781 barry berg BARRYBERG en 0 23 1 238 0 22575636 Jeff Flanagan JeffFlanagan en Hawaii 0 28 68 244 0 Unknown 179908459 Louise Draper LouiseDraper en Brisbane Australia Hawaii 0 28 543 Surgical Nurse and mum of 2 59 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 157145081 ben h wolfpac1981 en The Nexus,Sydney,Australia Sydney 0 18 145 wwe,tna & ufc fan...nWo 4 life 181 0 28955521 Helen Nolan HQtweets en Toowoomba Brisbane 11 42 Leadership and Marketing is what I do. Love being inspired, a good laugh and of course family and friends and where I live and did I mention politics & sport. 65 3 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 43091209 Lucinda Skeats LucindaSkeats en Australia, NelsonBay && Umina Sydney 120 4059 Im Lucinda Skeats. I love being the centre of attention - the right attention! 188 2 180310395 Elissa Wynn elissa1987 en Laurieton, NSW Hawaii 0 25 392 54 2 180313476 Mark Jackson MarkJacksonEsq en 0 0 6 0 180271988 Julian Chan julz501 en Melbourne 0 7 10 9 1 Victoria Australia 65359298 Craig White Amelyssan en Ballarat Melbourne 0 1 12 13 0 Ballarat Victoria Australia 124313376 Prabha Cullen-Vijay prabzxoxox en Hawaii 0 4 156 230 0 Unknown 69007401 Laila Allen LailaAllen en Australia Melbourne 0 27 81 Good wine, great company, old fashioned board games and a different point of view. 180 0 Australia 179889234 Terri Lewis iluvnewyork1964 en 0 2 6 5 0 17986068 Paul Searle paul_searle en Brisbane 0 6 5 15 0 Queensland Australia 19278401 John Scully Parker scullyjohn en Newport Beach, CA Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 137 5 MBA Candidate at UCLA Anderson with a career background in finance and politics 462 1 158750965 Reged Ahmad regedahmad en London London 0 57 220 Australian Journalist living in London. Formerly with public and community broadcasting in New South Wales, Australia. 378 3 London England United Kingdom 55466446 Tim Burton burtontim en Hawaii 0 131 33 193 0 Unknown 148616042 MissFit PT MissFit_PT en Brisbane Brisbane 0 643 58 MissFit personal training and trainers Brisbane offer mums an opportunity to get fit and healthy through one on one personal training. 1974 29 Brisbane Queensland Australia 36838326 Barnardos Australia Barnardos_Aus en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 717 129 We believe in children 139 37 Sydney New South Wales Australia 169867818 Zak Stockley zakisrad en sydney, australia Sydney 0 38 71 life is great and i'm rarely late 85 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 134601697 Bob Goodwin GoodOneBob en Sunshine Coast - Australia Brisbane 0 1103 804 Writer, Mental Health Worker, Counsellor, Poker & Chess Player, Lawn Bowler & Father of many! Some of my work at & also Smashwords. 1293 28 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 20121364 Lizzie Griffiths lizziegriffo en 0 16 3 45 0 138342232 Julia Davey juliadavey en Sydney Sydney 11 48 300 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 150467825 LifelineCommCareQld LifelineQld en Queensland Brisbane 0 105 57 Lifeline Community Care is a major provider of community services in QLD. 2400 staff & 4800 volunteers help run 160 different programs and 150 Lifeline Shops. 178 10 Queensland Australia 22688458 Steve Nash nashtagged en Sydney Sydney 0 189 822 I am a passionate and visionary digital creative director, with almost a decade of hands-on experience. 277 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 169802367 Monique Higgins Monique_Annie en Melbourne Melbourne 17 189 I'm a fun loving Aussie girl, love movies and music (and am a major sci-fi geek!) I love my friends and family and especially my sexy BF!!!!!! 169 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 179897238 Eddie Mallan EVLMal en Brisbane 3 0 20 0 Queensland Australia 65557481 Scott Saxby s_saxby en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 287 337 Interning in the public relations jungle. Currently sharing interesting links and informative reads. *I really love food/music/wine/tech* (Jazz flute solo here) 554 19 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25647001 christopher russell russchristopher en Hawaii 0 101 463 258 0 Unknown 25813773 Peishern Ng peishern en Alaska 0 21 10 200 0 United States 63596184 Viktor Argo viktorargo en N 34°25' 0'' / W 118°35' 0'' Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 66 232 Producer, Actor, Writer, Ice Hockey, 391 1 20634610 Jon Chow JonC7 en Australia Melbourne 0 17 6 99 0 Australia 16824692 Michael Coles mjc2000au en ÜT: -27.49451,153.062894 Brisbane 0 72 639 Office Worker, Volunteer Radio Announcer, Casual Improvisor and former podcaster! 175 1 36332723 Society Industries SocietyClothing en Melbourne 0 7 67 27 0 Victoria Australia 159674430 paulina corona pauuuliiina es mexico Mountain Time (US & Canada) 0 51 102 ♥ amo mi vida y asi soe feliiz 616 1 Mexico 167757583 katherine burdett kathtatts en gold coast australia Hawaii 0 89 1246 Likes everyone except liars and those who wish harm upon us as a nation. Proud Aussie. Dislikes the Labor/green/not so independent alliance 162 4 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 39454406 Brett Barclay brett_barclay en Ballarat, victoria australia Melbourne 0 109 313 Business owner here in Ballarat. Married with 2 kids and keen/mad Western Bulldogs supporter who is keen to leave this shithole 637 7 Ballarat Victoria Australia 178278730 Bill O'Rourke cooloola4 en 1 0 22 0 170570758 Jessica Conway jessicaconway1 en 0 8 7 23 1 16910666 Monique Sofo fluffypinktofu en Santa Fe, New Mexico Mountain Time (US & Canada) 0 247 69 A Melbournite in New Mexico twittering about her passion for PR, social media, and cool, creative online content... and life as an expat Aussie in the USA! 662 1 62541185 Matt Stimson mattstimson en Canberra Canberra 0 11 12 72 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 54899981 Ryan Tofts ryantofts en 0 22 497 68 0 21735297 flying guitar flying_guitar en Adelaide 19 0 157 0 South Australia Australia 30075412 Mark VanDongen Markovd en Tasmania Hobart 15 7 100 0 Tasmania Australia 17460157 claireecollins claireecollins en ÜT: -37.563308,143.866214 Hawaii 0 469 137 390 5 132005593 MarionLIFE Community MarionLIFEinc en Mitchell Park South Australia Adelaide 0 153 86 MarionLIFE Community Services as a not-for-profit organisation strives to provide meaningful,flexible&responsive care&support to individuals&families in need. 312 3 Mitchell Park South Australia Australia 52008031 Anita M. Corrigan acorriganx en Hobart, Tasmania Hobart 31 358 Ceramics & sketching. Chai tea & lollies. Music & TV. Writing & reading. I heart them all. x 197 0 Hobart Tasmania Australia 72775225 Sarah Stow SarahStow en 5 0 46 0 136928768 Matt Lippiatt mattlippiatt en citizen of the world 0 31 213 Leader, encourager, dreamer, joker, lover of wife, follower of Jesus (my Lord and Saviour) 92 0 168879605 T Cook Airmed91 en Australia Sydney 0 5 50 2nd year Medical student in Australia. Loves cats, anime, caramel and John Murtagh. 17 0 Australia 28523957 RedBorg redborg en Sydney Sydney 0 42 135 289 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21078695 Sarah Clausen sarah_tweet en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 17 26 68 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 176981813 Quinton Gleeson QuintonGleeson en Melbourne Melbourne 0 34 1 130 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 160443027 Christine Harris FinMCPR en Sydney 0 29 41 DIrector of Financial Media Connections. FinMC is a PR & communications agency focused on financial services. 36 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 172533731 Juanita Colgrave WaWaNeeTa en Smithton Hobart 0 2 8 30 0 Smithton Tasmania Australia 165587349 John Price PriceyJohnDoe en Sydney, Australia 0 526 829 I live near Manly on Sydney's Northern Beaches and work with social business & community engagement technology/consulting. Watch this space for industry news! 889 25 Sydney New South Wales Australia 178914486 John William JW0063 en 0 8 6 131 0 178911350 Sarah Whitehouse skwhitehouse en 0 3 2 7 0 178210506 Fletcher Pym fletchpym en Perth 0 34 115 International Relations PhD Student,Conservative, Young Liberal and Freemason. 53 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 28527404 Hayley Lowndes HayleyLowndes en Balmain, Sydney Hawaii 0 16 30 60 0 Balmain New South Wales Australia 176435084 Avon Reps Wanted Avon__Reps en 0 42 5 Avon Representatives & Sales Leaders Wanted, No Experience Necessary as Full Training Shall be provided, Full Time or Part Time Positions. 07783938762 466 1 72514541 Kurt Parziani kparziani en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 19 445 93 1 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 139901619 Jared Landman jaredlandman en Melbourne 0 10 14 41 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 44058108 ilikestamps ilikestamps en 25 0 135 1 33919018 Andrew Rogers AndyDRogers en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 55 50 I'm Heaps Good. So is SA. 458 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 18491945 christos winter christoswinter en Uppsala, Sweden Stockholm 0 167 1211 Traveller. Entrepreneur. Photographer. Lover of coffee and coronas. 490 4 Uppsala Sweden 31057348 liam graeme john1111117 en 0 10 4 8 0 136890636 Billi FitzSimons billi_3000 en Australia 0 54 385 a day without laughter is a day wasted 252 1 Australia 114387308 James Wangmann james_wangmann en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 73 37 252 3 Adelaide South Australia Australia 131176048 Doug Chalmers Doug_Chalmers en 0 0 4 0 179743527 Martina Kohl MartinaRe en Brisbane 3 0 10 0 Queensland Australia 174059037 Joy GeeJoyKay en 6 0 61 0 23027935 david karpin dskarpin en Sydney 6 12 53 0 New South Wales Australia 179860663 Henry de Cure hdecure en Adelaide 0 38 27 306 0 South Australia Australia 35406138 Robert Brennan _montagu en Crows Nest 2065 Sydney 0 576 4280 owner of Montagu in Crows Nest. Serving fine food, great coffee & a little booze. 787 31 156067949 jack wooldridge jackster995 en Melbourne 14 30 220 1 Victoria Australia 121651340 Andrew Kirkpatrick BourgeoisZombie en Ringwood 0 12 58 56 2 Ringwood Victoria Australia 133471784 Louise Winsall lwinsall en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 77 347 I'm weeze. 326 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 32467928 Benjamin Vozzo bdvz en Sydney Sydney 0 171 961 23 year old from Sydney. Into journalism, electronic music, surf, palm trees, supra-saharan africa & numerology. Follow me to freedom 11:09 11:11 531 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 35413660 Genny Gough BeingGenny en Melbourne Hawaii 0 6 15 Married to a History Professor for thirty- eight years. Lived in Oxford and later Leamington Spa. Eventually moved to Adelaide 15 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 15717132 Phil Buntine pbuntine en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 6 7 Seasoned internet professional 14 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 65437370 Mark Skrapits mskrap en bronx, ny 0 39 24 Going into junior year as shortstop on fairfield u varsity baseball team. Double major in finance and accounting. 243 0 179816552 Leroy Ah Ben LeroyAhBen en Sydney Sydney 0 34 15 SBS Television journalist and producer 49 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 167645831 Labor FAIL VictoriaSugarPF en Hawaii 0 107 6116 33 6 Unknown 136482902 Aussie Network 123aussie en Melbourne Melbourne 53 0 Aussie network 102 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 132799420 Morgan Howe Morghowe13 en 1 0 7 0 128349504 Giuliana Scala Giuzzy en Hawaii 0 7 8 42 0 Unknown 168413496 Sandy Anderson spruceupsperth en Perth West Australia Perth 0 14 40 I want to see all Perth home owners Spruce Up their properties. Life is a choice, you choose how you want to live it! Make the right choice ! :-) 26 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 157284811 ComeOn Australia ComeOnAustralia en Hawaii 0 174 129 An independent, grass-roots organisation helping Australians hold their Governments accountable. 616 19 Unknown 156083612 simon santow simonsantow en 0 120 35 302 7 23268132 Tim Ponury EliteTimbo en Adelaide Hawaii 0 42 22 This is where I Twitt and waste my life. Just like Facebook... 94 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 179061882 J & N Neilson LPolitics en Australia Sydney 0 2 8 7 0 Australia 25807124 Karin karinchiu en Sydney Sydney 0 52 168 67 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 179725604 Matthew J Doyle Esq mjdaus en Melbourne 0 183 758 Trader. Punter. Sports Fan. Political Conservative. Monarchist. Comitted to the causes of Autism, Heart Kids & Homelessness. And above all else... I'm me! 684 9 Victoria Australia 25206571 Kathryn McGrath kathmgrath en Melbourne Melbourne 12 10 106 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 158929965 Aaron Lucas azwoo77 en Brisbane, Queensland Brisbane 0 44 67 Journalist @ TripleM & B105 55 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 178163710 A L F_A_Hayek en Melbourne 14 10 51 0 Victoria Australia 174956447 Kristen Watt Kristen_J_W en Brisbane, Australia 0 15 80 21yo law student, property owner, loves all things sports 134 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 174157115 Jennifer Stefanac JennyStefanac en Sydney 0 10 21 92 0 New South Wales Australia 158987325 Sarah waltrich SarahWaltrich en Australia Melbourne 22 219 Studying Criminology, i have a puppy Oscar, Summer is my season, music is my language, friends and family are my life :) 135 0 Australia 171809700 Katshu Marketing KatshuMarketing en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 95 99 Katshu Marketing & Management is an independent marketing, PR, event, sponsorship & talent management agency, working with small, medium & large companies 247 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 179728219 Kirilee Dagg kirileemerilyn en Canberra Sydney 8 6 Journalism student. Japanese student. Geez I do a lot of J-related units... 33 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 179729779 Robert Heath jockayr en 0 0 3 1 0 113461092 Derek Robinson DerekHRobinson en Orange NSW Australia Sydney 0 16 65 No pithy comment here: I run my own business and try to stay in touch with the world as well. That is all... 162 0 Orange New South Wales Australia 20910110 Kim Kelly KimKelly02 en Toowoomba Brisbane 42 161 204 1 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 73843053 rebecca hoy RebeccaPHoy en Hawaii 10 2 mum, wife, nurse 111 0 Unknown 3989171 John Byrne JohnTheTechGuy en Australia Sydney 0 377 706 ..husband, father, soldier, pug owner, trumpeter, runner, AFL footy player, podcaster, sci-fi watcher, ex-sys admin, internet banking supervisor, technophile.. 469 15 Australia 90152448 KOAN koanband en Switzerland Bern 0 12 14 (Marcello Cantù (guitar), Pierre-Michel Dettori Daniele Bagutti on drums and Alessio Deiana on bass. 72 0 Switzerland 178928038 Byron K Mitchell ByronkMitchell en Under your bed Brisbane 0 50 276 Father, Retailer, Political Groupie and lover of Chillies 419 2 Unknown 179673710 Lan asalaun en 3 0 9 0 34900495 Susan Bradford aussuze en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 39 1188 married kids no work at the moment (due to child#2) 66 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 179569291 Amity Harbor Sports AHSports en Amityville, NY 0 109 64 The Complete Sports store. Family owned and operated since 1980. Equipment, custom uniforms and embroidery. Hockey and Baseball specialists! 461 5 50507157 Scott Bailey haaaybails en The winner is Syd-ie Sydney 0 46 128 The man that could smell like the man you want your man to smell like 179 0 105344463 Edmond Low EdmondLow en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 47 33 Full-time analyst work for State Government of Victoria & part-time postgrad study. Technology enthusiast; catalyst & rationalist. All tweets are my own. 125 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 113133281 Michael Smith ozwots en Sydney Sydney 0 11 209 Looking to have a say and express and opinion. It' a form therapy. 24 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22602764 Droog Droogisheep en green land with blue on top Melbourne 0 57 223 I like grass. Some of my opinions are like onions however, are mine. Some are fictitious and any resemblance to tweeples alive or elected are an accident mostly 367 0 65636495 Darren Utteridge DarrenUtteridge en iPhone: -27.349845,153.031128 Brisbane 0 794 1279 Web Designer, Grafic Designer, Idealist, Dreamer, Optimist, Social Networker, living the dream... 2001 24 173361687 Mark Zayed mazayed en 15 0 124 0 177225430 Ruth Barnett miss__ru en 0 4 11 83 0 167638520 Paul Franzi paulthewitch en Melb, Aus. Melbourne 0 63 853 Politics, Theology, controversial topics. Yep pretty much sums me up. 243 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 24670199 James Wilson timeimp en Wollongong Sydney 0 102 3143 Like making movies, using server and client side administration software. and Lego. PHP and MooTools comes into the equation. Now with Objective-C and Cocoa. 203 7 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 148279874 Damian Lennox JustProbability en 0 14 127 61 0 76841479 Rebecca Lenk Beclenk en Sheffield, Tasmania, Australia Hobart 0 6 2 49 0 Sheffield Tasmania Australia 170150942 Sarah Harrison harrisonsc en Newcastle, Canberra, Australia Hawaii 0 21 32 Interest in not only politics but mid century design and all things retro! 205 2 178581721 Mitch Vleeskens mvleeskens en Richmond NSW Sydney 0 44 58 Editor of FarmOnline, national ag news. Views expressed here are not representative of Rural Press or Fairfax Media. 104 3 19645796 Alisa Taylor a_li_sa en Brisbane 0 93 226 322 5 Queensland Australia 127814001 Shane Day djshaneday en Brisbane 0 30 464 Permanently bemused. 66 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 18181681 ken_christie ken_christie en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 46 36 Compeletly Mad About almost all sports, world events & internet marketing 61 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15100693 Peter Iannetta piannetta en Carlingford Sydney 0 38 634 Just a simple guy looking for the simple life 170 1 178200901 Justine Ritchie ritchiericher en Sydney, Oz-Trailer Sydney 0 34 36 Somedays are diamonds and somedays are stone.. Somedays I hold a sign to the world that says, Do Not Disturb and other days, I tweet!  328 0 1852471 Arun Chandrasekhar arunda en Sydney Sydney 30 0 114 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 24167365 Stephen Pole stephen_pole en Perth Perth 0 3 4 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 20979156 Cliff Neville fobwatch en Sydney 0 15 13 Journo/TV producer/ co-owner of the world's only tweeting Jack Russell. 51 0 New South Wales Australia 177929807 Greg Chamberlain GPChamberlain en Canberra, Aust Hawaii 0 5 10 53 2 21537337 Chevelle Grey chevellabelle en Wollongong Sydney 0 32 50 I keep your awesome in a jar on my mantel :) 59 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 51938963 Vanessa Richards V1975 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 6 32 Mother of 3 gorgeous boys who enjoys life in general 51 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 162389837 Raquel rd808 en Australia Canberra 0 21 11 138 0 Australia 137639172 Natalie Lindner Little_Nittles en 7 0 81 0 166121988 Brian L'Huillier hey_braan en The 4017 Hawaii 0 26 126 I play guitar. I sing. I write songs. Right now I do it in Dead Shades and Lovers of Modern Art. Ya feel me? 62 0 179431356 Michael Santos mikey_santos en Sydney 0 8 33 Youth advocate, entrepreneur and former federal candidate for the Division of Greenway. 65 0 New South Wales Australia 178158543 Henry Kricancic Sundowner2658 en Queensland, Australia Brisbane 0 12 32 67 0 Queensland Australia 121146409 Kasey Ellison KaseySE en 0 1 1 6 0 172278118 Daniel Denby Daniels_Scooter en 0 6 6 48 1 53241247 Stephen McMahon stevemacmelb en Melbourne 0 159 18 Herald Sun's state political editor 32 13 Melbourne Victoria Australia 24121515 Calculated Media calculatedmedia en Townsville Brisbane 0 119 29 Calculated Media/Carly Lubicz offers a freelance journalism, business copywriting and public relations service dedicated to making the written word count. 179 4 Townsville Queensland Australia 144786618 Victoria McK-McH VictoriaMcKMcH en Melbourne 0 107 267 climate stuff, art, gossip - love it! 155 5 Victoria Australia 18396976 Sue Kelly agedcarematters en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 467 329 Helping you make the best decisions about nursing home placement 451 15 Sydney New South Wales Australia 174981180 Michael Campbell Paradiddlemick en 0 7 17 honours student in creative writing and part time salesman. 70 0 179415527 Courtney Barker quiggles88 en Canberra 0 0 3 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 21661212 brian a. hayes peacecompassion en chicago &the world Central Time (US & Canada) 0 1161 15303 the meaning of life is peace and compassion 1842 46 140784622 Kendall Wegener kendallw30 en Brisbane 0 9 4 Up and coming journo? I sure hope so. Otherwise making coffee for the very discerning people of Chermside. 48 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 14855850 Rob Hanks rob_hanks en Newcastle Sydney 0 72 140 Youth Worker, Dad and music/movie lover 186 3 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 47043396 Kera Smith xo_kizzy_ox en Wodonga, Victoria Melbourne 0 136 298 Geelong Cats are my life! 554 7 Wodonga Victoria Australia 63909556 Melissa Montang yankeevagabond en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 5 8 28 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 66935139 Greg Hallam Greg_Hallam en Brisbane, Queensland Brisbane 0 135 89 Greg Hallam is Executive Director of the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) 69 9 Brisbane Queensland Australia 24655955 Jade Bullock jadebullock en Melbourne Melbourne 0 104 177 i like stuff. music, food, drinks, books, the boyfriend, cats, working at hawthornfc. schadenfreude enthusiast. 357 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 111204793 IEU(SA) IEU_SA en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 102 626 IEU(SA) is the South Australian branch of the Independent Education Union of Australia, representing staff of non-government schools. 89 6 Adelaide South Australia Australia 25048589 Alicia Collins AliciaCollins en Sydney Sydney 0 160 512 Just a little PR girl living the Sydney city whirl. I have 3 loves in life; the beach, music and wine 253 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 76237975 Foster's Careers FostersCareers en All over the globe! Melbourne 0 751 395 You know our brands, get to know our people. Connect with us to learn more about a career with Foster's. 1457 37 179054186 denis terrell denisT3T en Como, West Australia 0 10 91 * Member of the Australian Sex Party * Keen on a future in politics * Aussie music fan (Gyros, bodyjar, frenzals etc) * Travel a bit Meow Meow Meow! 31 1 179381127 Warwick click2stay en Gold Coast Sydney 0 47 21 Accommodation Search...Book online today and save... 258 3 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 112076948 Morningshines MorningshinesTV en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 134 260 The official Twit-locale for Morningshines - the daytime show for nights. Airing 6th of August, 10pm on Channel 31. 889 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 179345413 Poppy Smith Greentreefrog35 en Darwin 0 7 76 10 0 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 28253670 Claudia Tyral ClaudiaTyral en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 205 139 Account Manager, Horizon Communication Group. PR, social media and brand lover! 568 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 19046446 Jason Tubnor Tubsta en Cape Liptrap, VIC Melbourne 0 94 1771 IT Specialist, CFA, Adventure bike riding, 4Wding, Skeptic and Australian Democrat. 122 1 18298397 Brad Thomas BradJThomas en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 73 147 Ex Paralympian; OAM; GM of Alliances at Canon Australia - but these opinions are my own 245 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 89081091 greg nazvanov gregnazvanov en Sydney, Australia Canberra 0 908 5934 #1 Connected Financial Adviser in Australia. Are you sure you get good advice? 1970 34 Sydney New South Wales Australia 56951196 Sam Guarrera samguarrera en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 46 124 Purveyor of knowledge & truth through the alternative media. Armchair Rugby League expert. Intrigued by the paranormal & strange phenoma. 150 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 158915521 gary b menaigaz en sydney australia Hawaii 0 29 257 267 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 49280314 kane white whitebanana100 en london Melbourne 0 22 34 126 0 London England United Kingdom 121679390 Tod Hamilton oX8o en Brisbane Brisbane 0 1 17 Wild ex motorbike racer living for thrills. Motto = Life begins at 150MPH 7 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 114403289 Tiffany Grange tiffanygrange en Hawaii 15 0 123 0 Unknown 179313430 Nicole Kuter NicoleKuter en Hawaii 4 0 57 0 Unknown 22998460 David Malloch davidMDD en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 19 52 CEO Malloch Digital Design, Dir AAAI, Dir Capital Angels, FMIIC, Dir Aust Business Foundation 55 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 107290395 Jonathan Wegner JonathanRWegner en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 142 856 Strategic comms, technology, design, current affairs, politics, military strategy and affairs, society 326 9 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 74408612 H.Ahmed superman2144 en Sydney, Australia 0 280 1978 professional/professional 1173 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 152178249 Media Man Sydney mediamansydney en Global 0 231 142 Media Man Sydney 453 0 Unknown 22241448 Hayden Eberle haydeneberle en Townsville, Australia Brisbane 11 0 26 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 178993564 Luke Dixon Luke_E_Dixon en Hawaii 0 93 198 309 0 Unknown 28290623 William Rollo willrollo en Adelaide Adelaide 0 205 1393 newsroom lackie at austereo adelaide who loves politics, newscaf and gadgets. fears mullets, shopping centers and 'ed hardy.' personal account is @willrollotwo. 683 8 Adelaide South Australia Australia 179294297 Stuart Shore Stewie_Shore10 en Brisbane Aus 0 3 1 20 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 109101054 Dom_innate Dom_innate en The Zeitgeist Sydney 0 181 6783 Gig pig and general procrastinator. (Views expressed are mine and belong to me!) 2011 is year of my dominion. 416 12 58381873 Ben Strang Franga4 en 0 7 5 70 0 38168672 Ben North MrBNorth en Sydney Sydney 63 353 English teacher, gifted education coordinator, musician, runner, cyclist, West Ham/Sydney FC fan. 292 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 110289053 Reasonable Man whathopeisthere en Melbourne 0 67 141 Some people believe the problems the world faces are in the future, so they question their validity. Here is clear evidence that the world is suffering TODAY. 138 1 Victoria Australia 132867056 Henry Wagner henryjwagner en Brisbane Hawaii 0 25 9 I'm an Architecture student on a gap year, working in marketing. I sketch, play guitar and for reason unknown to man am interested in politics. 59 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 24966768 Subdivision Movie subdivisionmov en Hawaii 0 515 269 Support Australian films in the IF AWARDS and AFI AWARDS! Go see SUBDIVISION! 1039 12 Unknown 36052424 Mia Lander troubleholic en 0 18 92 Travelled the world, lots of fun, family and learning 54 0 17357574 din friedpan en sydney 0 107 793 Notes from the park. 488 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 174466493 Luke Stanistreet lukestanistreet en Melbourne 8 26 Solicitor, cyclist, and caffeine addict 43 1 Victoria Australia 133447679 Glen Allan GlenHAllan en Lake Macquarie, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 6 4 49 0 Lake Macquarie New South Wales Australia 24073949 Annabel Berry aberrry en ÜT: -33.69848,151.295132 Sydney 33 188 28 0 179220232 Karen Karenejc en 0 1 2 9 0 24927299 Simon Pryor simonpryor en Melbourne Melbourne 0 32 123 172 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 82320575 David Picker Picker34 en Bathurst Nsw Australia Sydney 5 0 33 0 147780870 More Group moreservice en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 919 555 Loans. Legals. Advice - changing the mortgage industry. Searching for the best service professionals to join us and start the service revolution Is this you?? 2001 16 Sydney New South Wales Australia 135957510 Adam Clarke clarke_adam en Cottesloe, Australia Perth 0 2 3 38 0 Cottesloe Western Australia Australia 178679139 Tom Anderson TomAnderson62 en WODONGA Melbourne 0 9 56 53 0 Wodonga Victoria Australia 19563844 Adrian Pikios evokelabs en Sydney Hawaii 0 109 293 Digital Freelancer into design, development, 3d, motion and music production. 69 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 69179250 mickeyc69 Mickeyc69 en Sydney Sydney 597 51 1759 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 17674488 Janice Atkin janice_atkin en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 227 968 President ACHPER NSW, working for Inspire Foundation managing their education sector engagement. Focuses: Health and PE, technology, wellbeing and young people. 317 20 Sydney New South Wales Australia 26732064 Toni Sherman ilovesparkles en 0 94 19 841 0 149461394 steve lo-ki mcgill _sekerim en Melbourne Melbourne 0 4 16 denizens of twitter, you know you it aint get better, than me n m-dox, heavyweight rhyme spitters. Hip-hop MC and producer from the Frankston Line. 38 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 133904565 Alexander Ivers ajivers en Brisbane 0 15 42 122 0 Queensland Australia 16851720 Brittoni Brittoni en Gryffindor Tower, Brisbane. Brisbane 0 68 23 O, Sevvy Snape. 358 1 39939060 Brett Sylvester brettsylvester en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 26 52 freedom etc. 87 3 Victoria Australia 15580165 NICK RUSSO dadsoldaxe en Melbourne Melbourne 0 102 575 112 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 53016344 MusicNSW MusicNSW en NSW 0 688 407 324 34 New South Wales Australia 47356637 Tim Hammond TimHammond1 en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 215 227 Endorsed Candidate for the Australian Labor Party in the Federal Seat of Swan, Western Australia; Lawyer with a background in asbestos litigation. 285 18 Perth Western Australia Australia 39718970 angus angusmid en mt eliza Melbourne 0 29 103 190 0 53592827 Zoe McIntosh Biscuitssss en Australia Darwin 0 95 730 612 0 Australia 43693297 Rodney Winterswyk gau_choy en Cronulla Australia Sydney 0 46 39 Photographer videographer and martial artist 61 1 Cronulla New South Wales Australia 166959799 Tammy Candy Tammy_Candy en Canberra Sydney 161 178 Honours student (documentary for television) - University of Canberra. Documentary film, television, radio, print and online news. 1007 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 113436786 Modi Modeldoddle en SW Victoria Melbourne 0 5 129 Career in providing resilience and risk management advice in Rural Australia. No token environmentalism here 29 1 Ballarat Victoria Australia 41247042 Daniel Hart danwhart en Launceston Hobart 16 0 115 0 Launceston Tasmania Australia 150216269 Stewart Byrne stewartgbyrne en Melbourne 0 10 11 An interesting and interested 20 something male educated in marketing... 56 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 168630597 Stephanie Painter StephPainter en WA Perth 0 64 8 Chronic stickybeak (journalist). Coffee addict. Antique fiend. Reformed Brett Lee obsessive. 99 8 Western Australia Australia 87446782 NoBSSEO NoBSSEO en Sydney Sydney 0 629 629 Everything you need to increase your online exposure without the BS. 1073 12 Sydney New South Wales Australia 30603075 Gary Johnson garycjohnson en Brunswick West, Victoria 0 39 48 139 0 Brunswick West Victoria Australia 25504916 Tommy Blackmore Bolin11 en 0 14 44 39 0 135162143 Ookie Sandford eugorov en Brisbane 0 7 7 70 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 39887629 Doug Rathbone dougrathbone en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 139 1364 Doug dreams in curly brackets and can haz interwebs 161 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 179059079 Daniel Peters rabibernie en 0 0 8 0 39256081 Michael Colsey MickyYouSoFine en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 8 15 Where did I leave Life? I'm sure it's around here somewhere. 16 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 157978096 Julianne Butler julzbutler en Ballina, NSW Sydney 0 630 176 Real estate agent for Wal Murray & Co First National Ballina and enjoy my career,if you have any real estate matters in the Ballina area, I would love to help. 1999 15 179049410 Michael Hilder HilderMichael en The east coast of Australia. Hawaii 0 14 11 Former student, current 2UE producer, forever radio raconteur,sporadic gym virus, aspiring popinjay, established blow-hard. 79 0 179049015 Archie Barker ArchieBarker en 0 1 7 18 0 137873014 Charles Beaton cbeaton81 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 116 508 Born and bred Australian country boy. Love all the good things in life, food, drinks and good times 263 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 179048295 Luke Radunz lukeradunz en 5 0 27 0 25265913 Shannon Hynes _shannn en Brisbane Brisbane 0 95 114 Interested in marketing, advertising, social media, events, music and fashion. I'm over the word 'like'. I enjoy a good pun. 181 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 178166455 Sharyn Graham SharynGraham en Melbourne 0 4 16 5 0 Victoria Australia 21165925 John Rolfe public_defender en Sydney, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 845 509 I help readers of the The Daily Telegraph with their consumer issues, which is my beat. 784 36 Sydney New South Wales Australia 74000083 Tulasi Ryan Tulzzz en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 50 89 105 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 157991273 Gavin G HashGav en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 12 148 18 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 25810428 Dacia Thai daciathai en Sydney 0 48 9 55 6 New South Wales Australia 176749827 AshGhebranious AshGhebranious en Planet Earth Sydney 0 577 21357 I am human, hear me laugh 638 34 Unknown 32183024 Graham Chapman grahamachapman en Blue Mountains NSW Australia Sydney 0 23 87 Graham Chapman worked on radio and in TV for years, has been in business since 1998, political watcher big time, lives in the lower Blue Mountains. 84 0 Blue Mountains New South Wales Australia 38153529 Collis Birmingham cjbirmingham en Australia (some of the time) Melbourne 0 220 436 running on 72 13 Australia 21627576 Paula Grunseit PaulaGrunseit en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 1325 3802 Freelance editor, journalist, reviewer, Library Manager in special libraries. Former Dep Ed. Good Reading mag. I can write. Can you pay? 1934 188 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20368699 Jessica Gardner jessigardner en Sydney Hawaii 0 140 500 BRW journo. Scared of birds. On a never-ending journey to find my new favourite cafe. Hablo un poquito de español Views are my own, not employer's. Writing... 218 9 Sydney New South Wales Australia 84064405 David Elkin Chief_Echidna en Australia Brisbane 0 78 639 Strategic CIO with a strong focus on bridging the IT/IS - Business Divide 110 4 Australia 174192072 M Squared & Assoc. MSquared_Aus en Perth, WA Perth 0 11 35 M Squared & Associates is a professional corporate advisory firm located in Western Australia. 49 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 35730258 Mark oneclammy en Melbourne Melbourne 0 47 717 Undergrad, optimist, idealist, politico-mediaphile, probably late for something. 108 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 160101374 Ed Dello ColonyofMetal en Perth, WA 0 155 181 Reality: A distraction from the real world. 1190 4 Perth Western Australia Australia 129330669 Frederick Nerk Fnerky en Melbourne 1 6 21 0 Victoria Australia 131053552 delectable_detriment del_detriment en Western Australia Perth 0 301 5629 Writer, activist, book nerd, wonk, boozehound, gamer, slapper, sandgroper, accident waiting to happen. 454 41 Western Australia Australia 176733709 TRBB - Bus. Brokers TRBBQLD en Queensland Hawaii 0 5 6 The Retailers Business Brokers (TRBB) formed to fill a market need identified by retailers when buying and selling a retail business. 30 0 Queensland Australia 179006660 The Boatphone theboatphone en 0 195 150 65 7 58178870 David daviddoohickey en The Can Canberra 2 0 Wibble. 80 0 Unknown 68204921 James Willoughby jwilloughby26 en Melbourne, Australia. Melbourne 0 102 995 20. Australian. Former Leeds resident, keen Leeds United fan. Journo with Sportal Australia. Keen on beers, live music and a punt. 549 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 21389991 Douglas Buchanan 4ngr en Brisbane 0 20 95 118 1 Queensland Australia 21979370 Rob Lilley roblilley en Mid-Atlantic 0 28 63 41 0 Unknown 168972967 Ian Del Rosso FreoHawk en Fremantle, West Australia Perth 0 11 103 Partner to Megan, Dad, stepdad, Exec Gn Manager, South Frem Bulldogs (WAFL) tragic, Hawks, Dockers supporter , softballer, cricketer politics, sport@ life lover 71 0 Fremantle Western Australia Australia 28866397 Nathan Fisher GoneFishern en Wodonga, Victoria Melbourne 0 161 563 Software developer in country Victoria 776 7 Wodonga Victoria Australia 14840604 Nick Merry noblenick71 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 295 2101 Head of Strategic Accounts in digital/print publishing; 2 x Kilimanjaro conqueror. Suburban 4x4 Monkey Gum Fire Trail survivor. Likes cars, travel, Arsenal 537 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 26133545 Chris Beckhouse beckodotcom en World square, Sydney Sydney 397 1580 On Air Triple M Sydney - mornings. Mad cricket fan and plays a little too much Nickelback.... 405 15 Sydney New South Wales Australia 28074234 James Tilbury James_Tilbury en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 134 46 319 8 Brisbane Queensland Australia 45758272 Christine Slocombe chrissieb64 en 0 8 4 58 0 173786326 Nick Banks nickbanks2508 en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 29 127 165 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 60310588 Leonie Ryan LeonieFRyan en Sydney Sydney 89 44 Sydney newsreader - part-time band member 131 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 178506938 Charlotte Pearce dwbh1 en Hawaii 0 5 3 19 0 Unknown 108429268 Ross Johnston rosscolad en Melbourne 0 3 11 9 1 Victoria Australia 177485833 Digital Inclusion digitalinclAUS en Hawaii 0 17 13 88 0 Unknown 21540902 Debbie Crazything69 en Quito 25 141 Hockey and Paranormal Freak 91 3 Ecuador 58412455 BDP Bigdroppunt en Australia Hawaii 0 225 5912 HI Im into Footy (AFL) imma massive Geelong Cats a cert 4 Personal Trainer..and im also a commercial Diver =) 328 17 Australia 174915834 Richard Dowling richiedowling en 0 61 141 94 5 177789840 Reuben Bolaffi ReubenBolaffi en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 70 243 319 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 42350659 John Illingworth IPSwealth en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 255 135 wealth, protection & taxation, IPS are your partners in wealth creation and tax minimisation through accounting and financial services 358 7 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 90782617 Justine McKell RoarPublicity en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 315 155 Roar is a boutique public relations agency specialising in lifestyle and entertainment run by the media savvy Justine McKell. 361 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 153296803 Richard Sutherland sutho27 en Australia Melbourne 0 0 3 4 0 Australia 43474111 Gerard Mifsud gerardm1 en Sydney Sydney 0 51 210 210 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 140048036 jessica morrison jmorrison86 en Sydney 0 19 72 71 0 New South Wales Australia 167522979 Vicky Wright vwright81 en 0 0 6 0 168400357 Mary Davison davison17 en 13 0 53 0 54147542 mat_dunckley mat_dunckley en Hawaii 64 38 Journalist at the Australian Financial Review 70 2 Unknown 24355475 Lucy Sharkey sharkbites1 en Glebe Sydney 0 7 22 36 0 Glebe Tasmania Australia 18301197 Russell Egan rdegan en Brisbane Brisbane 0 222 1618 Aged care operator, fighter of socialism 258 3 Brisbane Queensland Australia 178941603 Trina yardshells en 0 1 2 11 0 30839139 Justin Poor justinpoor en Perth, Australia Perth 20 38 Dad of 5! Travel Manager and student of The Attitude of Gratitude 31 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 28517600 Bill Atkinson batkinson1 en WA.....wait awhile Perth 0 1638 674 a bloke...a bloke who likes beer, any beer! Actually...a bloke that likes beer and technology and real estate 2001 14 51955762 Reach Out ReachOut_AUS en Australia Sydney 0 1067 1351 The info you need + a space to talk about the issues that interest you. 1148 79 Australia 174484258 Felicity Wicks wicsworld en Hawaii 0 125 3275 240 4 Unknown 178915706 Brent Reschny brentreschny en Pouce Coupe 0 8 5 4 Kids, a great wife, lots of music and NHL Hockey. PS I love my job. (plumber) 79 0 110348852 Ramahn Phillip Allam ramahn1 en Sydney Sydney 0 20 33 93 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 40150388 Trisha crazycuddles en Melbourne Hawaii 0 188 984 Wife & Mumma to 3 kiddlywinks. Working my way back into the work force. 550 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 78512745 Kasey Fox Lawyer KaseyFoxLawyer en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 1092 579 Canberra based Family Lawyer building trusting relationships with clients and developing lasting solutions for people needing advice about separation 1996 42 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 34565561 Melanie Yandell melyandell en Sunshine coast Brisbane 0 46 190 The Lily Room owner 150 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 139566377 Bianca TillyOrwell en Townsville, QLD Brisbane 0 33 424 23;law/politics;human rights activist;environmentalist;feminist;youth cancer advocate;japanese translator;budding photographer,poet &astronomer 264 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 173822044 David Chambers davmaxcha en 0 1 4 4 0 177484451 Femme Cynique FemmeCynique en Dans votre esprit. 0 43 59 Une dame avec une langue qui peut couper comme un couteau, les yeux qui peuvent voir à travers vous, et d'un stylo qui peut détruire des réputations. 159 2 140244287 Joan Van Lieshout Joan4Richmond en Tweed Heads, Richmond Region Sydney 0 44 65 Joan is your voice for positive, sustainable outcomes for economic growth. 156 5 22525948 Tim McColl Jones mcnuggets23 en Hawthorn East, VIC Melbourne 2 69 91 0 Hawthorn East Victoria Australia 131318819 Laurens Scholten JournaLaurens en The Hague, The Netherlands Amsterdam 0 304 1693 Occupation: Journalist for Dutch newswire ANP / Areas: Science,space,Scandinavia,AUS+NZL+S.Pacific,Afghanistan,East Asia / Disclaimer: All opinions are my own 1588 10 106322072 Mary Dunn 1remote en 0 12 155 54 0 35664805 Julian Walmsley JulianWalmsley en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 29 241 43 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25024575 Ben Davis benjaminrdavis en Australia Sydney 0 155 667 And once I've gained the world, what can I give in return for my life? 144 7 Australia 33380473 Stef Wellicome sparkleflump en in the Tardis... 0 9 16 I'm going slightly mad...I think I'm a banana tree. 60 0 176753909 Lucy Carroll mhscareers en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 4 19 provides careers information to high school students in the NSW and ACT. 8 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 33172702 Kellie O'Neill kellie_oneill en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 443 1454 Mum, freelance writer, choreographer. 450 14 Melbourne Victoria Australia 172305957 Nyree Johnson NyreeJohnson en QLD, Australia 0 2 1 18 0 Queensland Australia 37913599 Brooke Faulkner Brookey86 en Perth 0 12 2 74 0 Western Australia Australia 73151466 Rajat bansal banrajj en delhi New Delhi 0 246 317 1979 0 Delhi India 87861377 Sarah Riley intoyourblues en Brisbane Brisbane 22 324 misfit love 66 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 153607756 Bec Sio becsio en Sydney, Australia 0 38 81 100 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 155138838 TheJackFactor thejackfactor en Brisbane Brisbane 0 10 135 controversial confronting and in your face commentary in whats happening around me at the time 32 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 23958027 James Hampel jimmy_it en Roxby Downs, SA Adelaide 17 0 work in progress... 1558 3 25810648 Ingrid Ingrid8699 en Wollongong Sydney 0 21 99 78 3 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 122927612 Sarah Beatles Brown MadWorld25 en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 315 1845 I love the 80s - Music, Movies, style, a soccer and cricket fanatic, a massive Beatles fan, love to play my guitar and Loves Hello Kitty =^.^= 505 14 Adelaide South Australia Australia 18369479 dontyouknowit dontyouknowit en 0 30 94 186 0 93818188 Steven Marshall, MP marshall_steven en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 1203 1066 Steven Marshall is father of two great kids and Member for Norwood in the SA Parliament. He is passionate about the environment and the disability sectors. 465 91 Adelaide South Australia Australia 177822416 Tamlyn Edwards tam1jam en 23 0 231 0 169013572 Maree Venticinque maree2525 en Sydney 0 14 1 157 0 New South Wales Australia 177569810 Knowledge knowledges en Australia Perth 0 25 17 Business Consultant, author, researcher. Canine foster carer and animal advocate. 96 0 Australia 22870153 Steve Bosnakis stevebosnakis en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 23 2 181 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 160523230 Fah U fah_u en Sydney 85 4117 277 6 New South Wales Australia 30838694 Jenny Fan jenny_fan en Melbourne 123 0 567 2 Victoria Australia 178677950 Kirk Parcel Kirk__P en 0 0 2 18 1 29443383 Carol Norwood SaintCarol en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 13 31 Work hard, play lots, support loyally (which is hard sometimes), holiday as much as I can........repeat....... 161 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 89632796 Geoff Vivian KimberleyPages en Western Australia Perth 0 124 977 News and information from Western Australia's Kimberley region 84 10 Western Australia Australia 123558943 Bryce Walkerden brycewalkerden en Australia Sydney 52 51 466 0 Australia 153667443 Andrew Marshall AMarshall1983 en Hawaii 0 20 20 72 0 Unknown 22453935 James Mount J_mount en Sydney 0 30 10 59 1 New South Wales Australia 27200634 The Bustler Bustler en NSW, Australia Sydney 0 122 1695 Young, educated, professional, looking for opportunities to make a difference. 160 0 New South Wales Australia 178669433 Caitlin Larkworthy caitylarkworthy en Sydney 5 0 Student Journalist 11 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 34551143 Cr Karen Williams CrKarenWilliams en Redland City Brisbane 0 45 14 50 1 46827437 Scott Lovett scottlov en Darwin Darwin 0 31 12 166 1 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 104055112 Timothy Drew timothyndrew en 4 5 29 0 88543209 Victoria Collins HillbillySkill en NSW, Australia Sydney 0 265 4391 Interested in politics generally, gaming, food, and the politics of marijuana legalisation. 614 10 New South Wales Australia 176852109 Linda F LindaLMF en The Land Down Under Brisbane 0 79 367 I'm here for the stimulating intellectual challenge of typing in less than 140 characters and conveying nothing of note 298 2 Australia 22355356 Tim Jarrold timbo787 en Brisbane 0 11 58 12 0 Queensland Australia 90161616 Fil Sarna Filbo_ en Melbourne Melbourne 0 401 2546 Social media insights & engagement analyst on the hunt for a new professional challenge. Has a secret crush on Alterian SM2. F1 fanatic, Port Power sufferer. 379 19 Melbourne Victoria Australia 80382833 Kylie Grainey Ferret57 en 0 9 10 106 0 24963908 Rodney Andrewartha Rodwardo en Melbourne Melbourne 0 10 24 57 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 178660439 NLG Hotel Group NLG_HotelGroup en Willoughby Sydney 0 43 80 Own 36 Hotels across NSW & QLD.......and the beer is always cold. come get some! 122 1 Willoughby New South Wales Australia 28475546 Brendon Green BrendonMetric en iPhone: -33.915333,151.167297 Sydney 0 435 1395 I work for Myspace, I love trance, porn, beer, food,the internet, DJ'ing, and most of all my 2 beautiful girls 1882 4 178644830 Canberra Choral Soc. CanberraChoral en Canberra, Australia Sydney 0 115 56 The premier choral group in Australia's National Capital. 440 5 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 123813507 Kyla Banks kyla_banks en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 400 340 Just completed a Communication Degree at the University of Newcastle. Majors: Public Relations and Journalism. Loves sport, social media, shopping and cooking! 1000 15 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 76504325 Vivien Haidig vivwannaknow en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 97 70 Global Citizen; Climate Change Activist; World Traveller; Feminist; Studying Development and International Business 345 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21287541 Paul Noble Nobes84 en North Queensland, Australia Sydney 0 5 110 aahhhhh... it's me! 44 0 14449527 Potential Extractors extractors en Sydney, AUS Sydney 0 2463 62 Christian overcoming obesity & debt book for Kindle 1875 46 Sydney New South Wales Australia 158741123 Fake Julia Gillard PM_JuliaGillard en Australia Hawaii 0 2523 506 The unmarried female atheist redheaded migrant Prime Minister of Australia. 2821 127 Australia 178583870 Tamalii tamalii02 en Canberra 0 7 8 I study Arts/Journalism majoring in political communication and international studies. I love to read, travel and write!! 32 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 21942706 Ronan Sharkey ronsmotors en 38 0 102 6 176766411 Jesus of Suburbia ArcingUp en Melbourne 0 28 114 I write what I like 106 1 Victoria Australia 178295373 Paul Schneider schneider_paul en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 10 31 DOB: 24/6/86, Analyst QIC, CFA III Candidate, Funds Management, interests: sport, film & politics 43 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 48340041 Sara Alice sara_alice1 en Canberra & Sydney, Australia Sydney 112 3179 Captain of the cool kids 179 7 136403899 Roger Duffy 612man en iPhone: -27.553379,153.261703 Brisbane 43 312 Woodworker but tree hugger? Technology lover nut but crystal radio lover? Excel guru? 612 Brisbane follower (AM Radio) 157 0 23560046 MaverickVile MaverickVile en Sydney Sydney 0 115 213 Apathetic gamer, aspiring game designer, serial procrastinator, master manipulator, patient fiance, avid long socks lover 170 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 178555044 Dayna Emily daynaemily en Melbourne Hawaii 0 26 235 Frank Zappa. Hunter S. Thompson. Consequentialist Libertarianism. Fiscal Conservatism. The Beat Generation. Conciousness Expansion. 173 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 162945792 Network Coordinator Ramsarmanagers en New South Wales Sydney 0 97 28 The NSW Ramsar Managers Network (RMN) is a group that work together and seek to raise the awareness of the value of wetlands and the Ramsar Convention in NSW. 335 1 New South Wales Australia 177563870 Daniel Krause GolfermanDan en Australia 0 5 2 Love Golf, Cars, Mates, F1, Beer, Scotch, Coke, V8 Supercars, NASCAR.... 22 0 Australia 34523825 Margaret Cole magzcole303 en melbourne, australia Melbourne 0 97 46 science grad psych and geography oaktree volunteer. loves good music good company. was born lucky and refuses to allow others not to have those options 656 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 176809861 Brad Warburton BradWarburton en Wyndham Perth 0 4 74 24 0 Wyndham Western Australia Australia 22430544 Anna Higgs AnnaHiggs en 0 14 5 38 1 178567381 Jennie Bell jenniebell_ en Australia Sydney 0 392 66 1988 8 Australia 87380349 red_riding_high redridinghigh en Sydney 15 54 89 1 New South Wales Australia 55760959 Maddy maddywl en australia 0 37 34 263 0 Australia 60283094 Patrick Horan patrickjhoran en Melbourne Sydney 0 29 27 Mayoman in Melbourne, News Editor of 283 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 101135457 Supa Nachos SupaNachos en Melbourne 0 26 309 62 2 Victoria Australia 22368073 MainDot AyesHavIt en Australia Perth 0 299 649 Keen #Auspol'er ~~~~~~~~~~~ It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want To ~~ Oh Lord Won't You Buy Me A Mercedes Benz ~~ Don't Drink, Don't Smoke, What Do You Do? 333 12 Australia 18998798 in the trough Snouter en Australia Canberra 22 70 279 0 Australia 24617059 Syd Walker SydWalker en Australia Sydney 0 568 2139 Interested in peace, sustainability, social justice and civil liberties. Please check out my website. 1651 40 Australia 178557018 Taylor Keenan TwoShockers en 0 2 3 25 0 178492339 David Gawthorne dgawthornefl en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 90 542 A Family Lawyer with Doherty Partners, Liverpool, tracking Australian Family Law developments, broadly construed. 198 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18301300 IT_Scooter IT_Scooter en Sydney Sydney 0 53 851 Java Developer wondering what I should do with the remaining half of my life... mid-life crises 91 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 178531789 rhys barker rhysmb en 2 0 6 0 167608707 Bek Leys bekleys en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 10 115 Love my job, my family, God, coffee, politics, sport, my students... my LIFE. Don't love whingers, being outdoors, narrow-mindedness and feet. 22 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 177758699 john murray voter12010 en 0 0 2 3 0 108902894 JIN SUINAã€éŠ€åº§ä¸­å›½é¼ç¸æ•´ä½“院】 JIN_SUINA ja 銀座 Tokyo 0 587 139 上海ã§130年続ãé¼ç¸ãƒ»æŽ¨æ‹¿ç™‚法を銀座ã§é–‹æ¥­ã—12年。地元上海ã€NYã€ãƒ¢ãƒŠã‚³ãªã©å„国セレブã‹ã‚‰ã®æ²»ç™‚ä¾é ¼ã‚‚多ãã€ãã®åŠ¹æžœã®é«˜ã•ã¨è…•ã®ç¢ºã‹ã•ãŒèªã‚られã€ãƒ¢ãƒŠã‚³æ”¿åºœã‹ã‚‰ã€Œã‚­ãƒ³ã‚°ãƒ»ãƒãƒ³ãƒ‰ã€ã®ç§°å·ã‚’授ã‹ã‚Šã¾ã—ãŸã€‚é¼ç¸ãƒ»ç¾Žå®¹æ•´ä½“をメインã«ã€ç—©èº«ã€å°é¡”ã€ç¾Žè‚Œãªã©å„種治療を行ã£ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ 1957 7 174415067 Ask me YESICANxoxCB en Hawaii 17 127 Just an average girl with big dreams :) 60 1 Unknown 177409139 The Mullings Project mullingsproject en 0 13 10 A young conservative speaking out against the monoculture of online political commentary. The project gives a voice to free thinking and free enterprise. 17 4 176036306 Political Chimp PolitiChimp en Brisbane - QLD Brisbane 0 8 48 I decided to write to all of the candidates in my electorate, and all senators in my state (Queensland) to find out their views... 37 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 178247710 Orphans Care Mission OrphansCareHelp en Hyderabad Chennai 133 44 Gather, Grow &Give Orphans Care Mission is the leading independent organization creating lasting change for children around the world. 2000 2 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh India 178400482 MAHRISMAT ISMATMAHR en ISLAMABAD , PAKISTAN 0 5 3 I LOVE HOCKEY 39 0 Islamabad Pakistan 169052261 carmel o'connor ohcarmel en 0 23 166 177 0 35702334 Cathy Hales Halesy13 en Australia Canberra 0 12 72 50 0 Australia 120723937 Little Para LittlePara en Paralowie, South Australia Adelaide 0 562 301 News, events and real estate in Adelaide's northern suburbs 1500 26 Paralowie South Australia Australia 174634148 Jonathan Maggs jonathanmaggs en Port Macquarie Sydney 0 21 8 53 0 146403616 David Heath RealDavidHeath en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 93 1012 Work in Sydney doing Online Development for financial services. Also love everything to do with aviation and the airline industry. 309 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 2234431 CJ Levinson cjwriter en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 278 2933 Reader. Writer. Poet. Dreamer. 222 23 Sydney New South Wales Australia 19089550 Out & About TV outandabouttv en Sydney, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 188 48 Australia's Newest Community Television Variety Show 539 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 175383152 nellie_says nellie_says en Melbourne Hawaii 0 12 7 Academic, journalist and waiter extraordinaire! And long-time pot smoker. These are my adventures in quitting pot and rediscovering life. 135 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 105622596 Daniel Griffiths griffdaniel en Canberra Hawaii 0 5 117 Passionate about Jesus. From a family of 11. Work as Funds Manager at Centrelink. Engaged to beautiful Emma! Love reading, music and movies! 43 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 175636919 Andy ANDYPI22A en 4 0 18 0 17705702 Adam Ferrier adamferrier en Australia Sydney 0 1445 729 Founding Partner of Naked Communications Australia/NZ and Consumer Psychologist. 595 94 Australia 106945979 D Hamilton, BBus Hamilton37 en NSW, AUSTRALIA Brisbane 0 657 1787 I'm Australian and into Commercial Fishing, Aquaponics, Farming, Accounting, Information Technology and whatever else is cooking... 1884 16 New South Wales Australia 129115769 Perry Cross PerryCrosss en Gold Coast Qld Brisbane 0 174 217 Speaker, author, stem cell pioneer 289 9 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 19960689 Paul Mayo PaulMayo en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 188 296 Online marketing & projects. Likes: tech, movies, music, photography. 527 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 40215006 Brett Peters BrettPetersCH en Queensland, Australia Brisbane 67 101 Own Camera House @ Westfield North Lakes. Family, Photography, Surfing and Motorsport is my life. cheers Brett P 125 0 Queensland Australia 178280138 Ian Draper Brutus6776 en 3 0 9 0 32862584 Tracy Watt tracyw17 en 0 9 30 44 0 41346153 Tavani Pasquale TANTONIOP en 3 9 3 0 37320535 Matt Coorey lebmiyagi en Brisbane Brisbane 0 98 208 Craft Beer Ambassador 223 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 153765899 Christine Curry ChristineCurry en Bathurst NSW Australia Sydney 0 26 29 Real Estate Agent - that's about it, actually there's a lot more to it than that! 136 0 18373436 Darrel Vecchio bizmatrix en Brisbane Brisbane 0 40 295 Soccer coaching, Technical training, PMQ article Journo.Gas industry and enviromental energy sustainabilty evaluations 66 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 142554349 laura turner laurakateturner en melbourne Melbourne 0 290 92 nine news reporter 153 10 Melbourne Victoria Australia 178257759 Tristan Cassell tpcass en Sydney 3 0 45 0 New South Wales Australia 171014232 Martin Feld MartinFeld en Figtree, Australia Sydney 0 261 884 Social media, music, film and McHumour. 360 9 177346234 A Palsson ampalsson en Sydney 0 2 8 5 0 New South Wales Australia 175536818 Andrew FreeAndrewBolt en BoltLand 0 78 188 I am not Andrew Bolt. I am even better than Andrew Bolt because I am Free as well as Andrew Bolt. I have opinions, fans and a relatively cushy life. Envy me. 140 5 44078071 Jim Parissis JimParissis en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 232 491 Marketing, Love Music, Tech, Car lover, St George Dragons supporter...oh and more Tech!, but that's only part of my life. 556 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22591391 Norah Sweeney Norsey en 2 0 115 0 169868332 Sock 1234Sock en Hawaii 0 97 41 The answers you seek! 462 1 Unknown 178223578 Amy Hall amy734 en 0 21 3 69 0 18096882 raumasy raumasy en Adelaide, AUS Adelaide 0 43 50 100 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 77157490 Eric Tran Erict48 en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 18 156 like watching cricket and support AUSTRALIA !!! 195 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 55783457 Peter Chippysenior en Australia Sydney 0 20 165 131 0 Australia 177886446 Peter Harrison harrisonpeterl en Sydney 0 0 65 0 New South Wales Australia 19047502 David Orlovich davidorlovich en Dunedin, New Zealand Wellington 0 565 1697 Botanist, mycologist, web page guy, bass and guitar player, ukulele enthusiast, home cheese-maker, foodie, cook, beer appreciator, harmoniser, DNA barcoder. 1957 25 Dunedin Otago New Zealand 56070186 Julie Gilmore Julie_Gilmore en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 179 477 Wife, daughter and proud mum to a son with DMD. Molecular biologist, breast cancer survivor and lover of sleep! 313 17 Perth Western Australia Australia 165573855 mgm_ensor mgm_ensor en Brisbane. Qld. Australia Brisbane 0 212 2032 Horticulturalist who loves Agriculture, Conservation, Environment, Nature, Climate, Politics, Human and Animals Issues, Theatre, Art, Music, Books & more Books. 850 6 Brisbane Queensland Australia 120825739 Vanessa Sunshine Nessalagomma en LA Babeess!! xP Hawaii 0 2 7 I cannot believe you just did that! *aaww* 21 0 110399904 Dom Costello El_Dominus en Brisbane 0 25 307 Once described as an 'Over opinionated twat.' I took it as a compliment. 86 2 Queensland Australia 5456222 John Ferlito johnf en Sydney, New South Wales Sydney 0 206 762 Moo 283 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 178168476 Jack Anderson Jacko_211 en 0 3 19 25 0 43667138 Louise Tobin _LOUB_ en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 87 907 313 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 162565389 Meg Lancaster cindermeg en Melbourne 0 16 105 70 0 Victoria Australia 24864700 ColinTWilliams ColinTWilliams en Sydney 0 2 99 19 0 New South Wales Australia 163026757 Mike K Voitl mikekvoitl en Australia The ACT, Canberra Canberra 0 3 54 I have lived in the ACT since 1981. before that i liveed down the south coast, at Malua Bay.i'm a easy guy toget along with & i'm a friendly guy. 22 0 23728450 Kimberlee Meier KimberleeMeier_ en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 141 212 19 y/o Journalism student @ UniSA. From Regional SA. Passionate about politics and music. Hobbies;Djing, Family, Friends, Reading. Want 2 travel the world 403 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 176696645 Laurence laurence_1980 en Brisbane, Australia 5 0 72 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 21722790 Nic Halley NicHalley en Craggy Island Sydney 0 300 3816 418 7 148231699 Oliver Marc Hartwich oliverhartwich de Sydney Sydney 0 119 260 Dr Oliver Marc Hartwich is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Independent Studies, Sydney. 104 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25966698 Keira McIntosh Keira_McIntosh en Brisbane Brisbane 0 1113 10387 IT Company Director by day, food and drink obsessive always! Lover of seasons, smallgoods & stonefruit. Also blog at 1098 55 Brisbane Queensland Australia 135143926 NSK kwidzai en Perth Australia Perth 113 56 Believer,husband,father,journalist and social commentator. 580 4 Perth Western Australia Australia 174660694 Alexandra Heathcote AHeathcote en Geelong, Australia Melbourne 10 0 84 0 Geelong Victoria Australia 112496353 HabsCentral Habscentral en Montreal, Qc Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 300 1395 1119 34 174111109 Hannah inoldsavannah en melbourne! Melbourne 0 36 1041 i love the beatles, tea, wine, my duffle coat, melbourne, my dog, sippy cups, records and red lipstick. 293 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 169071385 Cassandra Doyle Cassa_D en 0 18 53 85 1 177412761 Bracken Roo Bracken_Roo en Australia Brisbane 0 11 83 Music, Film, Comedy. 124 1 Australia 174939111 Betwiser BetWiserAu en 0 39 34 107 1 18503655 chrisnoney chrisnoney en Sydney Sydney 8 32 A donkey on the edge... or maybe just a plainly insane ass. 42 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 175688565 Jonathan Gunnell jongun65 en Brisneyland 0 5 18 Engineer... puzzling out the world... it's all logic! 24 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 168466780 Trent Hopkins trentho en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 78 747 614 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 177927420 Peter Byrne peterbbyrne en 2 0 12 0 26971380 Kate Miller katomill en Australia Alaska 45 12 Hi my name is Kate. I am 16 yrs old and enjoy the odd twitter. Tweet 134 0 Australia 140044847 Joe Porteus joeporteus en Sydney 0 51 187 Extracting owners out of the daily operations and building value and lifestyle 121 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 29702139 Tom Ickeringill ickeringill en 5 0 12 0 19639988 Barry Williams bak2baz en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 85 2143 Social/Political Analyst, Spermologer 288 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 147007747 Rhiannon Hall Rhi1988 en mitt, nsw, Australia Sydney 0 154 457 I am interested in human rights, I am a feminist, I endeavor to be a greeny and conscientious consumer! I am studying English Literature and Indigenous Studies. 584 1 Mitt New South Wales Australia 163344279 D G granillo1914 en 0 11 111 70 0 170580384 Hallam Road NOSAWT en 0 6 24 56 0 177816460 Scott Bond Scott_Bond en 0 23 35 God, Bree & Photography. 30 0 162580727 FORT AUSTRALIA fortaustralia en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 26 86 We are a solidarity of kindred minds, who share a vision uniting past, present and future. 115 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 177898292 Lochlin Deegan Rokuran en Warragul/Melbourne, Australia 0 5 8 Uni student studying Commerce(International Business) and Arts(Advanced Japanese). Fun loving person but understands the importance of hard work. 26 0 24992795 Melissa G mellieg89 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 62 188 I have just finished a journalism degree at CSU. I aspire to be a TV journalist and hopefully one day, a foreign correspondent but for now I'm going traveling. 123 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 79051329 Melbourne FC DemonsHQ en MCG Melbourne 0 3237 2251 The official Twitter site of the Melbourne Football Club- since 1858. 549 165 Melbourne Victoria Australia 50595554 gaz hut vg3p en uy8 0 23 491 hvyub vo 89 0 81768966 Rebecca Levingston reblev en Brisbane Brisbane 0 346 299 Richard Fidler's slave... and proud of it. 369 18 Brisbane Queensland Australia 24112806 Alison Triffett stylecounsel en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 278 2431 Brisbane Personal Stylist helping people look good & feel better. Style Blogger & Speaker. Loves a glass of wine & a good potty joke. Laughter is medicine. 335 10 Brisbane Queensland Australia 176385788 Nick Lane leisuresuitlane en Melbourne 0 9 11 45 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 154337351 Shanina Anderson learningbean en Queensland Australia Brisbane 0 39 183 I'm a training consultant who, after over 20 years working for the big corporates, has gone freelance! And I've hooked up some awesome eLearning too. Hi! 117 1 Queensland Australia 177543181 Al Moriarty almoriarty en Sydney 0 19 6 writer, World Bank, Pacific 112 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 23053647 Michael Mina MichaelMina1 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 8 48 law and banking+finance is my game at monash; cricket fan; music; comedy; Jesus 84 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 177519326 CC DraÅ¡ković Hatmehit en Somewhere on Planet Earth Melbourne 0 207 981 Dreamer, bookworm, conservationist, seeker, shaper and maker. I have been told I smile too much. 350 9 45055352 Gareth themediagate en Australia Sydney 0 85 38 Obsessive news follower, amateur blogger and aspiring journalist. 633 0 Australia 51322653 Brock Walker Brock_Walker en Australia, NSW, Kanwal Sydney 0 39 739 Graphic Designer, Web Designer, Programmer, Gun Shooter. 134 0 27928965 Wyatt Wyattttt en Oceanside, CA 0 8 1 86 1 26960045 Adriana J Cleopatra25_AU en Australia Canberra 11 16 Meh. 108 0 Australia 177842966 Milanda Rout MilandaRout en Melbourne 0 279 57 Victorian political reporter for The Australian 166 17 Melbourne Victoria Australia 135367084 Shauna W adventurensw en Australia Sydney 0 131 224 Downhill skier, black sheep of industrialist's family, a poor outdoor adventure enthusiast - surplus adventure goods welcomed. 583 4 Australia 167109942 Space Hero SpaceHero1 en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 120 86 Space Hero is an innovative, fresh commercial property search portal that is unique to Brisbane and focuses solely on the CBD and fringe suburbs. 322 9 Brisbane Queensland Australia 33755618 Andrew Keating andrewk73 en ÜT: -37.814495,144.859671 Melbourne 0 11 23 88 0 28291681 Sally Thompson Sallyt8830 en Wollongong, Australia Sydney 0 20 6 156 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 19364808 Mark Harbrow harbs74 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 20 84 117 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 53288462 Kristian Reiss kristianreiss en Perth Western Australia Perth 0 77 129 Business Coach, Coach Mentor, Marketer, Sales Professional & Business Owner 172 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 161268328 123 123InternetAU en Gold Coast Brisbane 0 1000 3944 Website Hosting, Web Development, E-commerce, Online Marketing, Graphic Design, & Multimedia 2000 18 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 26915549 Yvette Mcdonald ymcdonald en Hawaii 6 16 57 0 Unknown 177807274 Michael Watson Watto017 en 0 3 5 13 0 119706371 Matthew Tukaki tukakimatt en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 603 617 CEO and Chairman of The Sustain Group, Australian LAN Representative to the UNGC 2001 18 Sydney New South Wales Australia 78802684 Yossi Herbst yossiherbst en Melbourne , Austrlaia Melbourne 0 64 284 364 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 25061097 Meagan Goodwin meagy_lee en Brissie Brisbane 9 25 yeah... 71 0 19850711 Gill Mount-Bryson Gilly_MB en Western Australia Perth 43 987 104 1 Western Australia Australia 35080957 John Hanson John_Hanson en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 32 20 164 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 177782101 brendacunninghamlewi onlineeds en Sydney and the Blue Mountains 0 75 88 Hi! I am Brenda Cunningham-Lewis - editor, journalist, wife, mother and great party organiser! My tweets are personal and don't reflect opinions of Fairfax 329 0 133133262 Oona Nielssen oonaplays en Sydney 0 42 21 202 2 New South Wales Australia 31673767 Chad Moulden chadmoulden en Toronto or Melbourne Pacific Time (US & Canada) 61 1318 Scientist,surfer,snowboarder, part time guitarist, confused human being 266 1 Toronto Ontario Canada 166885321 Get the FACS! AgedCareFACS en 0 55 99 The Get the FACS! Campaign is all about finding a solution to the HUGE issue that is the current aged care system in Australia - and more specifically in WA 75 2 22453671 Daniel Myles Wood danielmyles en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 1 3 some bloke.. with a beard and love handles. 9 0 Victoria Australia 2090971 Edward Lawford EpaL en Richmond, Victoria AU Melbourne 0 61 782 Hey Microsoft, buying a MacBook Pro was my idea... 145 1 Richmond Victoria Australia 25263745 Camilla cdealmeida en Sydney Sydney 0 30 65 All round multimedia chick and SBS's Insight Online Producer. The opinions expressed here are mine and you can only blame me! 95 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 71189684 Lighthouse Comms lighthousecomms en Sydney Sydney 0 152 189 A strategic and creative communications consultancy for the B2B sector 310 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166252964 Political Tarot PoliticalTarot en Australia Paris 0 488 491 Thoughts on politics, Australia, the media, the world, politicians, the environment...pretty much everything! by Laura Mathison 2001 25 Australia 80186690 Arts Outwest artsoutwest en Central West NSW, Australia Hawaii 0 319 623 The peak regional arts body for Central West NSW. Promoting, facilitating, educating and advocating for arts and cultural development. 420 20 New South Wales Australia 175347897 Joel Anderson Joel_AndersonEA en 0 3 1 12 0 176541136 Andrew Moore 2GBAndrewMoore en Australia 0 727 143 Wake up Australia program heard weekdays on 2GB in Sydney (3.30am-5.00am) and MTR (3.30am - 6.00am) An opinionated and entertaining way to wake up. 1986 27 Australia 27790483 Melinda Crawford melswebdesign en Australia Sydney 17 48 76 0 Australia 15323427 Corinne Kin_ en Sunshine Coast Brisbane 0 118 763 High school teacher, Mum to 3 girls, law student and self-confessed Dr Who, political junkie and, well, nerd. 91 3 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 71903508 Trevor Schaump ThatLeafsGuy en Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 41 107 Im a huge fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs through thick and thin. I will never give up on my dream of seeing them win the Stanley Cup. Its going to happen! 96 0 United States 26234475 Lucy Small-Pearce lsmallp en Adelaide Adelaide 49 17 147 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 177563274 Greg Gregory gregusertweet en Sydney 0 0 6 0 New South Wales Australia 46014289 TransHelp Foundation TransHelp en Australia Sydney 0 49 330 Supporting Transport Personnel and their families in need Australia wide 106 2 Australia 24864618 Saleh Achrafi hbk121 en Sydney Australia 0 22 72 Uni student in Sydney Australia 180 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 173743116 The Book Grocer bookgrocer en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 911 745 Cheap books. Free shipping. Love POA. 1993 23 Melbourne Victoria Australia 38764005 ChadlElliott en Australia Sydney 0 15 15 Civil Engineer, Product Developer, Ideas Man, and student of success. 21 0 Australia 59402022 Clint Stanaway cstanaway en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 963 1179 Sport Reporter for Nine News in Melbourne. 1074 32 Melbourne Victoria Australia 25036460 James drive_shaft7 en Maroochydore Brisbane 0 56 84 131 1 Maroochydore Queensland Australia 52279806 Rhiana Whitson rhianawhitson en Melbourne, Australia. Hawaii 0 36 21 I'm a pgrad journalism student. I also broadcast at 3CR. 175 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 174660434 Ben Hingston benhingston en 0 6 1 31 0 19213226 oldefellah oldefellah en bligh's basket state Brisbane 0 1 8 I want to be Australia's PM so I can close down State and Territory Governments 13 0 28032212 tony clemenger tonyclemenger en Melbourne Melbourne 0 601 186 Advertising Marketing Digital Business Consumers People Planet Facebook - tonyclemenger Myspace - aclemenger & Linkedin... 1990 29 Melbourne Victoria Australia 177155268 Luke Briggs liberal_b en Perth 0 36 159 17. Center Right. Loves music - Owl City. Politics. Aust L.P.A/ United States G.O.P. IQ = 135. Hard working. Easy to get along with. Team player/leader. 69 0 Western Australia Australia 174876398 Climate Elephant ClimateElephant en Australia Melbourne 0 472 319 Hi, I'm the climate elephant in the room on the election campaign trail. I'm a volunteer for the Australian Youth Climate Coalition ( 98 29 Australia 166376511 the pawn wine co. thepawnwineco en 0 243 258 422 12 22757686 Carrie O'Shannessy CarrieOS en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 19 1085 Mum and wife and travel agent in my spare time. 162 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 19642949 Steve Davie stevedavie en Melbourne 0 35 190 250 0 Victoria Australia 21450643 Kelli O'Shea-Mailey lanky_legs en Sydney, Australia Sydney 4 19 Gotta laugh right! 31 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 53668733 Adam Windsor a_windsor en Osaka, Japan Osaka 0 98 1937 Osaka-based teacher/writer/translator/proofer, Australia/Japan researcher, father, Collingwood supporter, French bulldog owner. 305 2 Japan 177538560 Sammy NickG jamcofec en 0 2 5 23 0 127093498 Geoff Loughton geoffloughton en Perth Perth 2 22 97 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 90573734 Micah Lean Micah_Lean en 0 6 5 24 0 67195015 Jason McDonald mcdonald_jason en Adelaide, SA, Australia Adelaide 3 9 128 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 56629046 Ayden Mich AydenMich en Sydney Sydney 0 1129 194 Anicha 305 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 16923454 Nick Peterson njpeterson en 0 6 28 21 0 165741224 Ruby Devine rubydevine_ en 0 10 1 155 0 22451040 Rosie Corney rosie_corney en Townsville Brisbane 0 63 172 Mum who shares a house with husband, toddler and Jack Russell. Chocolate, coffee and food keep me happy! Books and board games keep me entertained. 173 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 25487058 Michael Holmes Holmes_Michael en Australia Brisbane 0 52 4 64 0 Australia 167650828 Shane Dunne ShaneDunneAU en Port Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 61 217 Regional Development Manager with the YMCA 165 3 Port Melbourne Victoria Australia 171802666 Timothy Brett timothygbrett en adelaide Adelaide 0 7 7 43 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 15872622 An Idle Dad AnIdleDad en Central Coast, New South Wales Sydney 0 790 12824 Status: Dad. Blogger. Busy as all get go. Goal: Dad. Writer. Idleness beyond compare. 316 69 Gosford New South Wales Australia 172316608 Samantha M Edwards samfa88 en Kangaroo Island, SA Adelaide 0 3 16 I'm's a fact! =D 30 0 121623935 raylene wozencroft rwozencroft2010 en pemberton western australia Perth 9 50 i am a stay at home mum with lovely girls 3 of them and my idols are the kardashians i just there shows and there guttiness of the things in life 110 0 Pemberton Western Australia Australia 37628775 JB Treborsuj en Australia Sydney 0 15 42 Dr. (of Ph not M), Mum and groovy nerd 47 0 Australia 88656959 matthew cappeluti mcappa11 en Perth, WA, Australia Perth 124 3689 Budding dj, A self-confessed media, political and tech geek. Semi-Facebook hater. Bieber hater since 2009. 304 5 Perth Western Australia Australia 134012673 chris blueheeler5 en 31 0 226 1 27827966 shamaroo oz shamaroo en Sydney 0 9 44 74 0 New South Wales Australia 126515321 Alfred Hung AltheSuperman en Sydney Sydney 0 41 129 I am a Sydney based Superannuation Specialist and Financial Planner at here in Sydney. 89 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 163765878 Ace Resumes aceresumes en Surfers Paradise QLD Brisbane 0 3 81 A professional resume writing service proudly serving job seekers in Australia. 3 1 176342475 Single Anthony SydneySingleGuy en Sydney Sydney 0 36 10 Single straight guy in Sydney, being honest about blokes, love, sex and relationships. Follow my progress and adventure of being single in Sydney. 122 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21471486 Andrew Newnham andrewhn en 0 24 22 55 0 163784266 Josh Ridgeway spoonjosh en Sydney, Australia 0 42 31 Worimi man and Sydney reporter. All views are mine and not that of National Indigenous Television (NITV). 135 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 158921189 Percat Water PercatWater en Norwood South Australia Adelaide 0 18 13 Percat Water specialise in buying and leasing water licences in both the rural and urban environment 21 2 Norwood South Australia Australia 177483814 Prejudiced Ginger PrejudicedGinge en 0 6 52 41 0 177469257 Mazza Mooyakana en Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 0 4 0 United States 145839965 Shant Soghomonian Shant_VMware en Sydney 0 20 22 53 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 57562403 Duke of Newbury Dukeofnewbury en canberra, australia Canberra 0 8 6 78 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 177473876 Andreas Dubs chookline en Sydney Sydney 0 1 9 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 17645159 carden calder carden en Sydney Sydney 0 245 518 MD of financial services communication firm,'s all about content & reputation! Tweeting mostly from industry conferences 202 16 Sydney New South Wales Australia 174124201 UnitingCareAustralia UnitingCare_Aus en Canberra, ACT Canberra 0 179 66 National Office of the UnitingCare network, supporting service delivery & advocacy for children, young people, families, people with disabilities & older people 242 19 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 58693942 Scott Gifford Kneeburk en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 3 15 Hates Chickens Loves randomly spinning in circles till he falls over or throws up. 38 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 164501090 Megan Neil megan2138 en Sydney 2 0 76 0 New South Wales Australia 30108731 Simon Band simonband en Brisbane, Queensland Brisbane 0 325 3823 UQ Scholar on Hiatus/Blogademic/Slackademic/General Radio Dude/Looks Good in a Tux! 408 25 Brisbane Queensland Australia 23556219 Lucy Randall LuluRan en Adelaide 163 1074 Passionately working for the South Australian Hotel Industry. 229 7 South Australia Australia 17299229 danielsdumpis dmcquillan77 en Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Hobart 0 23 29 38 0 Hobart Tasmania Australia 22610587 Lauren Sharpe LaurenInBris en Brisbane 0 86 142 172 1 Queensland Australia 167229819 Christopher Stewart TophStewart en Sydney Sydney 0 332 2516 Scotsman living in Sydney Politics Grad.Working in onesmallplanet-social media, and politics.Love football investing,politics,horology+useless facts!! 534 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 117296775 David Bushby SenatorBushby en Tasmania Hobart 0 288 56 Liberal Senator for Tasmania & Deputy Opposition Whip in the Senate 111 49 Tasmania Australia 175246880 SantaPoll2010 SantaPoll2010 en North Pole Perth 0 20 19 Vote now in the only Poll that matters – who would make the better occupant of the North Pole? 42 0 20840795 Ivor King vimvam en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 58 7 268 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 152976955 paul ceccato 72pac en Sydney Sydney 0 13 54 42 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18747731 Stuart Fletcher fletcherstu en Gippsland Melbourne 0 108 167 reporter. words are my own / borrowed from others and do not represent views of my employer 333 0 Gippsland Victoria Australia 122194451 privacypunch privacypunch en 0 49 1351 296 2 161269585 James Lee rockpiggery en Melbourne 0 69 790 One half of conceptual six piece space rock band Black Cab. 136 0 Victoria Australia 22600727 Bruce Crabb bruiser2016 en Sydney, usually 0 16 35 108 1 116376460 Lucy Muirhead LMuirhead en 23 0 70 0 177372863 kevin glover seedsman10 en COFFS HARBOUR Sydney 0 751 102 i am a seedsman,thats someone who knows all the species by their botanical names,and where to find them. i trust dogs and some people,::)) 1932 9 Coffs Harbour New South Wales Australia 173232914 World President PresoftheWorld en All Over Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 153 52 First World President. A social vessel to serve a Global community. 743 9 Unknown 152874268 RON CROSS RONWAGGA en WAGGA WAGGA AUSTRALIA 0 3 31 SELF FUNDED RETIREE 6 0 Wagga Wagga New South Wales Australia 133150326 Matt King mattking73 en Sydney Sydney 0 37 80 Working for Harvey Norman Orignally from Melb, Vic 92 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 139584709 Ra Stewart BrightBlueC en Perth, Australia Perth 0 22 66 More than a design studio... 44 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 177399814 Zachary Nye zacharynye en 0 5 6 17 0 16588547 Xandirboi Xandirboi en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 117 449 strong-minded socially aware guy on a mission for GLBT rights with a little darlo gossip! 300 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 177398664 byron sidwell byron1212 en 0 0 5 0 169827724 h b follower1977 en 4 0 30 0 71760813 Nicky Schultz nickyschultz en 0 20 113 Wife, Mother, Lover of Jesus, Worship leader & Manager of Abundant Life Books, 104 5 22743701 Michael James MJ20 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 104 254 Radio Producer 319 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 90572927 George Downing george_downing en Sydney, Australia Sydney 35 244 92 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 62273565 Sarah Malik sarahbmalik en Sydney Hawaii 0 46 43 ABC Bookshow blogger/journalist 93 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 118563076 Allan Yeomans AllanYeomans1 en Gold Coast, QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 254 88 Agriculturist, Engineer, Author, and Lecturer. I argue that climate change is entirely fixable and at negligible cost. 705 9 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 101863412 Simon McInerney simonmcinerney en Launceston then Melbourne. London 0 37 704 May your bells jingle merrily this Christmas. 105 4 22912822 Winnie TT WinnieTT en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 15 63 69 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21552432 cd cd17 en 0 6 7 104 0 28635512 Stephen Rinaldo StephenRinaldo en iPhone: 0.000000,0.000000 Sydney 0 1697 16859 Mr Retail. Addicted to creating great retail brands! Looking for other addictive, interesting & witty people who love everything retail! 1879 68 Unknown 155831768 Lord Shrubbery LordShrubbery en Hawaii 1 0 53 0 Unknown 24880118 Matthew Mulcahy Conlan2Victory en Brisbane Brisbane 0 10 6 56 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 142861014 Pip Conlon PipConlon en Sydney 2 0 38 0 New South Wales Australia 168052426 peita tapper peitapeita en Melbourne 0 24 118 155 0 Victoria Australia 76235666 Raelene Read Raelene1derful en Hobart 3 107 23 0 Tasmania Australia 175920015 Leila Williamson lilo_2276 en sydneyy 0 9 86 tweeting 48 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18298593 Hayley Bishop HayleyBishop en Adelaide, South Australia Hawaii 0 107 155 Loves socialising, sport, family, friends. Works as a Brand Manager for Jacob's Creek Wines. 168 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 169062150 Michael Ponchard m_poncho en Ourimbah, NSW Sydney 0 20 215 The great one 166 0 177294884 Matt Boysie mattfan81 en 0 3 2 5 0 174412849 Andrew Bolt AndrewBoltPM en blogblogblog Hawaii 0 107 459 Pinnacle of the master race and heir to the throne. Piers Akerman says my crotch licking technique is the most satisfying. Everything I say is true. 167 12 25218606 allay hornby allayyy en Australia Sydney 55 349 intrigue me. 256 1 Australia 105717625 Patrick Salas PatrickSalas en 0 28 121 55 2 18431181 sonicbaz sonicbaz en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 12 40 Software Developer Married to beautiful girl. Have 2 cats and silly little dog. 36 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 17917339 Tereen Hough TereenH en Perth, Australia Perth 0 63 901 Med Student - American and Australian 168 6 Perth Western Australia Australia 177176257 Brian Nealon bknealon en 1 0 6 0 81571636 Susan Louey sue_louey en Melbourne 1 0 22 0 Victoria Australia 174216940 Dylan Jones DylanJones87 en 2 18 24 0 177124897 Knot Ray-Czist KnotRayCzist en 2 0 13 0 22595576 Stuart Hayes stuhayes en 13 0 32 0 80292445 Lindy Osborne RhythmicDeets en Brisbane, QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 135 1716 Architect + Academic who is somewhat obsessed with Social Networking Sites, Reality TV and the linkages between Pedagogy, Technology + Space. 180 16 Brisbane Queensland Australia 140004898 Mary Trebilco MaryTrebilco en Devonport 0 10 8 40 0 Devonport Tasmania Australia 161659281 Lara Bristow LaraB24 en In my computer room (der)! Adelaide 0 18 115 79 0 126525152 CheekyChimpanzee dntfeedthemnkys en Sunshine Coast, Aus. Brisbane 0 98 759 Musician, Project Manager, Programmer, Gamer & 1st Class Dirt Bag 211 5 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 31373732 wendy boglary wboglary en beautiful Redlands Brisbane 0 33 93 Proudly the elected local Councillor for Division 1 Ormiston/Wellington Point Redlands City 14 1 177156257 Glenn Mason gmaso13 en 0 7 19 owner - manager bay custom concreting 74 0 13642272 Shanski Dee Shanski en Canberra, Australia Sydney 0 92 514 Shannon was born on New Years eve, Shannon has a very short attention spa.... look a duck! 160 5 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 177155725 Amanda Chamberlain hugnkiss3 en 0 2 3 11 0 28759386 Tasha Phelan tashaphelan en australia Melbourne 0 19 215 44 0 Australia 23890345 Patrick Coorey pcoo en -33.875867,151.090536 0 61 529 190 2 42363582 Phil Bicknrl nsw105 en Brisbane Sydney 0 316 2242 my alias 679 7 Brisbane Queensland Australia 125874351 William smith Willsmithcan en Canberra Canberra 0 24 28 116 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 21267581 Tina DeAngelis Tina_Dee en Melbourne Sydney 0 71 301 374 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 138674100 Sarah Harris SarahHarrisNews en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 2081 1773 Journalist, Nine Network Australia. Sucker for biographies and crime novels. Lover of 90's grunge music. Dream of living in NYC one day. Opinions mostly mine. 366 81 Sydney New South Wales Australia 12099212 Waz wazza12 en Tarneit Melbourne 0 105 382 Friends call me Waz 130 2 Tarneit Victoria Australia 145932475 Zac Smith Zacwah en Canberra 0 6 2 17 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 140358272 Russell Duncan DookD en Footscray Melbourne 0 11 34 Director of a carpet cleaning organization consisting of one person. 111 0 Footscray Victoria Australia 17420317 Stewart Wilson swilsonalfa en Wollongong, NSW Australia Sydney 80 2335 Just your unaverage web nerd that loves all things *nix and has a pashion for PHP. Also runs @alfahosts and contributes to @techgeekcomau ...sometimes. 163 9 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 83544032 edmond roy eddroy en 0 68 133 australian broadcasting corp, sydney. 106 7 108788019 Anna O'Rourke anna_orourke en Brisbane Sydney 51 577 141 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 78211700 LiberalsWA LiberalsWA en Western Australia Perth 0 136 55 The Liberal Party of Australia (Western Australian Division). Authorised by B.Morton, 640 Murray St West Perth, WA 6005. 78 15 Western Australia Australia 54436023 nicola shepherd littlelifelines en Dural Sydney 0 35 240 pursue praise persevere 114 0 84932441 Benjamin Gardner Benjam_in en alice springs 0 5 7 16 0 Alice Springs Northern Territory Australia 8045022 Susan Bentley suesbent en Australia Melbourne 0 229 448 Librarian. Industrial Designer. Francophile. Cyclist. Cinephile. Creative. Spiritual. Always learning. 657 9 Australia 19701612 MelB MKB27 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 62 647 145 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 174996186 Jessica _Jess_Sparks en Sydney 10 9 89 0 New South Wales Australia 167652684 Sejla Perviz travellinguggs en Perth, Australia 39 0 My life revolves around Politics, Social Justice, Travel & Photography... Life isn't about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself 75 5 Perth Western Australia Australia 14305739 Gig gigdiary en Australia Sydney 0 267 100 Sydney Australia guitar player and music arranger 180 12 Australia 39968437 Kurtis lamond kurtis27 en Coffs Harbour Hawaii 0 37 73 god 314 0 Coffs Harbour New South Wales Australia 18653296 Gareth Narunsky Gareth_Narunsky en Sydney, Australia Sydney 322 1021 Writer, journalist and social media enthusiast. Music and film fan. Love my sport, Love good food and wine. Love living in one of the best cities in the world. 398 8 Sydney New South Wales Australia 90780891 jennie curtin jenniecurtin en Sydney 0 7 1 34 0 New South Wales Australia 10477102 Brad Phillips bradjphillips en Sydney, AU Sydney 0 83 108 sydneysider, marketer, traveller, optimist, footballer, sea eagles supporter, left-arm medium pace swing bowler, bucks day specialist. 163 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 177099586 Simon Anderson uowsimon en Wollongong Uni Sydney 0 8 60 1st year journalism student at UOW. Enjoys sending annoying question to the sports editor of the Daily Telegraph's online blog. 32 2 19197150 Matthew Donovan Donnie2020 en Queensland, Australia Sydney 0 101 1234 329 2 Queensland Australia 18659577 simoncuce simoncuce en iPhone: -25.910734,153.007019 Melbourne 0 109 696 Melbourne based Software Developer 322 6 Tin Can Bay Queensland Australia 174204159 Andrew Bolt another_bolt en News Ltd Land 0 138 322 Highly respected journalist for an equally highly respected newspaper. Fair and balanced 179 10 15642808 MelissaKrull melissakrull en Australia Sydney 0 90 130 I am a young, ethusiastic and emerging journalist and advertiser, from the University of Western Sydney. I am currently doing my final year in Honours. 225 1 Australia 100154231 amelia bentley ragingranga en 0 22 13 88 1 177086864 Emeline Gaske emelinegaske en Melbourne Melbourne 38 64 135 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23187094 Shane Collihole shanecollihole en Adelaide -Australia Melbourne 0 59 388 Itinerate Preacher with a Heart and Passion to see God transform this Nation with a move of the Holy Ghost.... 114 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 23885030 Mark McKeown mark_mckeown en Sydney 98 15 Reporter, WSFM Sydney 278 2 New South Wales Australia 51706296 Brenton Andrew Brenton_Andrew en Mackay Brisbane 0 7 4 83 0 Mackay Queensland Australia 76297921 Davor Jovanovic c3055509 en Sydney 3 0 Journalism Student University of Newcastle 121 1 New South Wales Australia 83523658 Gary Fink gary_fink en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 7 42 Founder of Godmother a cloud based backup service for Australian small business 56 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 98114437 Peter Tiggerdine ptiggerdine en High Wycombe WA Perth 0 71 730 95 4 25582840 Regina Atkinson SenatorCasca en Planet Earth Melbourne 0 94 720 14 year old Melbournian. Whovian. Having fun. I think. 313 2 Unknown 49040524 Mirza Farhan mirzafarhan en Melbourne 7 0 135 0 Victoria Australia 117333360 Jessica Schacht JessSchacht en Adelaide 0 47 10 ABC News journalist/presenter 138 4 Adelaide South Australia Australia 25914079 Greg Woods WGW007 en Matraville, New South Wales AU Sydney 306 1284 Married, father of two wonderful children, self employed Financial Planner 155 3 Matraville New South Wales Australia 16754060 littlecountess littlecountess en 0 19 8 91 0 177045667 david bickell bickssss en 1 0 8 0 169689676 hyetrgdf ewcd en Hawaii 0 0 191 0 Unknown 177009349 Change for Children Change4childnet en Australia Canberra 0 46 44 Working together for a future where all young Australians thrive and their wellbeing is a national priority. 132 0 Australia 171369149 Katie Heading KatieHeading en 0 16 78 35 0 176230620 Kendall Kirkwood invictuspossum1 en Oberon 0 3 27 45 0 17643116 Malcolm Reid malcolmjreid en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 62 17 414 5 Perth Western Australia Australia 110855776 Qantas Socceroos Socceroos en Australia Sydney 0 5556 548 The only official page on Twitter for the Qantas Socceroos - Australia's National Football Team. All the latest news and updates. Updated by @aussiegoldy. 2681 249 Australia 168659294 yunita eka safitri yunita_doevoet en Jakarta,Indonesia Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 204 551 hmm hmm folback aq iya 805 1 Jakarta Indonesia 174057094 Emma Taylor emmctay en Perth 0 8 7 Wife, Mum, Domestic Goddess, Consultant, Tuppweware Lady, QLD Red's Supporter 25 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 28331512 Ashleigh Bell ash546 en Melbourne Melbourne 25 1085 375 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 174858874 Carla Efstratiou CarlaEfstratiou en Hawaii 0 44 70 Outrageously offensive claims shouldn't need to be substantiated by fact. Journalism student. Fashion and politics. I know, ridiculous. 75 8 Unknown 19894602 Edwyn Shiell EdShiell en Sydney Sydney 0 61 34 134 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 70617159 National Times NationalTimesAU en Australia Sydney 0 2010 1143 The National Times is the online opinion site for Fairfax Media, bringing together the best analysis and columnists from The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. 121 184 Australia 73328663 Clemjin Raspberry clemjinraspberr en Australasia Hawaii 68 0 To die for soup. 433 5 Australia 35339274 Bridjee bridjee en Sydney Sydney 0 124 416 Yep 142 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 174870447 Insane Introvert InsaneIntrovert en Vote 1 Aus Sex Party in Senate 0 28 234 Not a Sex Party member, but I think you should vote for them. Telling you what I really think - via Twitter and telepathy. Now with added blog! Booyeah! 53 0 Australia 34954708 Jessica O'Neill jesswana en Brisbane 0 72 394 trying to see the best in people - may need glasses - trying to be positive - may need pills 256 0 Queensland Australia 147429544 Nicola Castleman NicolaCastleman en Melbourne Melbourne 96 223 Left-wing, female, brunette. 260 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 150230325 SMH Photography photosSMH en Sydney 0 38 56 29 5 New South Wales Australia 31068750 Bleed Teal BleedTeal en Near San Jose, CA Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 258 4618 Tweetin' about the best hockey team in the world, the SAN JOSE SHARKS! 149 36 33105232 Paul Mergard PaulMergard en Newcastle Sydney 0 245 1771 National Director Child Advocate Network Compassion Australia. Passionate campaigner on the issue of Human Traffiking. Red Frogs Aust National Oversite Team 233 7 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 17700327 beccakr beccakr en Canberra, Australia Canberra 57 217 2nd year psych student @ANU, love mental health and friends :) 95 2 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 176961773 Peter Cartouche pcartouche en Gladesville 0 1 4 4 0 170200183 DinahMarrs DinahMarrs en Brisbane Brisbane 0 12 5 Living in Brissie with my Hubby and my Bubby and my Puppies! 58 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 130012095 Mark Beretta MarkBeretta en Australia Sydney 0 6548 1165 Sunrise Sports Presenter, Sport Commentator, Author, MC, Dad, water skiier, bike rider, hopeless handyman 447 171 Australia 93764277 Peter Condie Sinther007 en 0 18 609 60 0 175930183 SMEG Australia SMEGAU en Australia Sydney 0 67 26 connection, reach and influence 135 7 Australia 44837987 Chris Lau Chrisopherlau en Australia Melbourne 0 94 301 A Journo student, hurray!!! 321 3 Australia 25651940 Natalie J Gardiner NatGardiner en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 39 35 135 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 145535907 Novacorr novacorr en Caloundra, QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 77 9 At our factory we manufacture ‘Custom Made Electric Adjustable Health Beds and Tilt-N-Lift Chairs’. We are also Queensland’s leading agents for Acorn Stairlif 230 1 Caloundra Queensland Australia 84895875 Maria latinagirl_ en Central Time (US & Canada) 0 236 227 100 percent Hispanic, 100 percent me. 1285 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 175993013 John Chapman jwilliamchapman en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 11 8 87 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 27342810 Daniel Bry DanielBry en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 338 5353 Economics, politics and Japanese student. Also into atheism, men, geeks, Morgan Freeman and other unrelated bullshit. Don't mind me, I have the sarcasm disease. 226 27 Brisbane Queensland Australia 175964155 Emma Fraser Emmalyhne en A frame of mind. Melbourne 0 19 15 I say interesting things sometimes. And sometimes I say things that are not so interesting. 118 1 19327922 alex bisset bizcut95 en Melbourne 0 39 155 just some kid from melbourne australia 348 0 Victoria Australia 94236143 Fuscia Entertainment FusciaEntertain en ÜT: -33.845089,151.103559 Sydney 0 180 130 Fuscia Entertainment is an exclusive Party Planning Service for those who like to party in style! 945 4 66591079 Darren Murphy murf1987 en 0 7 4 51 0 131032147 krupa bhagani kpbhagani en 0 5 23 80 0 76888157 David Moxham dfmox en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 252 3176 Certifiable nutter with interests in politics, philosophy, science, nature and cute animals. 940 7 Adelaide South Australia Australia 25495335 Therese Alting theresesydney en 0 22 75 Neuropsychologist, teenage kids, lame middle-aged pursuits... 86 0 173629507 Denise Cook SpudBenBean en Sydney 0 27 273 122 1 New South Wales Australia 176677213 Steve Vizard SteveVizardMTR en Melbourne Hawaii 0 619 450 The Steve Vizard Show weekdays 10am-1pm on Melbourne Talk Radio MTR1377AM 132 20 Melbourne Victoria Australia 67862374 Reece Denaro ReeceD92 en Wollongong Sydney 0 17 153 I am the creator of the Xtrude Media Network. Including 101 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 168863437 Nathan Tonkin NathanTonkin en Gippsland, Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 57 480 IT guy at work. Husband to a great wife at home. Love God, Love People. Love all things music. Geelong cats are the deal. 185 1 Gippsland Victoria Australia 174737083 Brent Prawak chillcentral en Canada Central Time (US & Canada) 0 266 19 play sports,party,chill with friends, and have fun. 2000 1 Canada 176761647 Melanie Timbrell melanietimbrell en Sydney, Australia 0 29 53 Journalism student, online content producer and all-round nice girl. Just don't quote me on it. 114 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 103534985 Bigears Tweetbigears en Melbourne Melbourne 1 27 80 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 37646347 Carrie Fellner carriefellner en Sydney 0 60 225 journo student at UTS 157 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22431438 Helen Francis HelenHind en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 41 89 Loves sunshine and kittens. 140 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 171893071 Sarah Alexandra SarahAlexandra2 en Melbourne 0 12 53 88 0 Victoria Australia 37889922 Louise McCallum louandtrav en Hawaii 8 23 78 1 Unknown 176765273 Sue White SueWhite986 en 0 14 51 Am I a mug? Do I have a handle? Am I made out of China? Am I kept in a cupboard? 34 0 26457548 Chris Gray graycw en Australia Melbourne 0 18 40 65 0 Australia 23729346 Jason Wedge WedgeAction en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 52 44 Runs a business Wedge Fitness and loves Music, Guitar, St.Kilda Football Club, Politics,Family, Friends and Laughter. 276 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 16448172 chrismartin7 chrismartin7 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 389 1530 Seven News Cameraman, Tech lover! Guest writer on Contact me!! 902 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 169384316 DistrictMinorsDC DistrictMinors en 0 344 265 Covering all the up-and-coming prospects of DC Pro Sports! 1984 21 25907726 Michael Sciffer msciffer en Finley Sydney 0 28 41 Riverina public school teacher. 98 1 164985679 Go4loans Go4loans en North Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 631 778 Go4loans is Australia’s leading home financial services provider which provides a wide range of personal loans, home loans, insurance and refinancing facility. 1525 22 34581924 Cappa Stone Wines Cappastone en Victoria, Australia Sydney 0 806 70 We are a small wine company with great regional wines. Contact us on; 1377 45 Victoria Australia 89925643 mary-louise white 1loui111 en 0 10 90 49 0 28298161 Cynical Melburnian yum_lamingtons en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 93 1189 Irate Public Transport user who would drive but can't afford both parking and petrol. Supporter of smaller government and the eradication of stupid people. 88 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 134020032 Lauren Day L_Day en Sydney 0 67 174 journalist, hip-hop fan, food lover, Victorian. 179 5 New South Wales Australia 44973276 Waltzing With Wiki WaltzingWithWik en Tehran Tehran 0 272 108 2001 2 Tehran Iran 12251332 georgiac georgiac en Australia Sydney 0 218 877 lifelong learner, primary education, ict 231 12 Australia 46843488 Adam Day AdamDay1 en Sydney 0 8 19 55 0 New South Wales Australia 53276142 lyreda lyreda en Mittagong Canberra 0 73 525 |♥|♣|♦|â™ | play the hand life deals you 329 0 16496954 Michael Seco michaelseco en Sydney 24 0 29 0 New South Wales Australia 47037946 Matt Walker maaattz en Penrith, NSW, Sydney, Aus Sydney 0 43 288 19, West Sydney, pure-concentrated awesomeness. 175 1 24658537 gunawan samahita gsamahita en Eastwood, NSW 2122 Hawaii 0 20 2 Gunawan Samahita, Offering Home Loan solutions not just selling products. MFAA member no:54643 and ASIC Credit Representative no: 352789 39 0 104129248 Kate KateSHills en Sydney Sydney 0 98 45 Marketing.Media.Content. 433 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 27747191 Andrew O'Brien aobeee en Gatton,Queensland,Australia Brisbane 0 33 42 Loves Lockyer Valley Queensland 75 1 28307242 Paul Randall prandall66 en Brisbane Brisbane 0 9 4 29 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 92248691 Greg Levett GregLevett en Sydney Sydney 0 66 10 The Best Choice in Property Finance solutions! 113 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 136494380 Sam Hooper HooperSam en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 57 38 213 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 170646327 Dean Hepburn deanhepburn en Sydney 0 33 414 Environmental scientist 101 2 New South Wales Australia 147807337 taraCH TaraCHarrold en Bendigo- Australia Melbourne 0 19 82 loves my family, outdoors,scouting, 4wding and lit. 72 2 Bendigo Victoria Australia 152909777 Corey Mathrick pandarinmonk en The Batcave Melbourne 0 13 191 Your typical over-eccentric, idiosyncratic, biggoted nerd...who is going to post fucked up tweets :D 27 0 173089269 Kim Scicluna kscicluna en 0 11 49 84 0 17357182 Michael Keating D_Keating en Caboolture, QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 680 16740 Everything from day to day stuff, musing, opinions, conversations, information. IT, Technology, Toyotas & AE86 lover, netball. Tweets are my own only. 18+. 592 27 Caboolture Queensland Australia 176710384 Brian Harris Booshy17 en 0 1 3 10 0 173699048 Will Chan chanwingkei en East Melbourne Melbourne 0 31 63 regular guy, in the business of architecture and design and rides motorbikes 137 0 Manningham Victoria Australia 176720800 Debbie Margetic DebMargetic en 4 0 32 0 88612497 Mark Payne rory_braker en Melbourne Melbourne 0 10 44 Changing the world one twit at a time. 31 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 124399434 NRMASaferDrivingACT NRMADrivingACT en Florey ACT 2615 Canberra 0 25 53 NRMA Safer Driving School ACT & Queanbeyan Region 153 1 176716392 Daily Jokes Daily__jokes en Hawaii 0 22 1 109 0 Unknown 176711005 Samantha Mitchell sammitche en Barossa 0 135 1188 Youth Governor of South Australia. Represents the youth of SA and ensures their voice is heard... My tweets and thoughts in my mind. 587 7 Lyndoch South Australia Australia 152891331 Amy McQuire mcquireamy en Canberra Canberra 0 109 355 I am South Sea Islander and Darumbal and intensely interested in Indigenous affairs, as well as minority issues in general. 264 3 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 95169024 Patricio Chavez pat3010 en Sydney 0 0 1 3 0 New South Wales Australia 18154119 kburlei kburlei en Australia 0 19 31 Marketing Director, Intel A/NZ 14 0 Australia 166957028 Adriana Haynes haycap03 en Adelaide, South Australia 0 116 42 I'm a survivor of Domestic Violence, and proud of who I have become today. 835 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 143732031 Hugh Nailon HughNailon en 0 123 23 320 3 176697596 Jess Holloway Holloway88 en Wollongong, Australia. 0 9 15 65 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 176632996 Darren Mathewson DarrenMatho en Hobart 0 47 43 CEO of Aged and Community Services Tasmania 92 1 Tasmania Australia 31357385 Inspire Foundation Inspire_AUS en Australia Sydney 0 1602 300 Helping young people lead happier lives 1325 112 Australia 78846754 Chris Holland auspd en Dubvegas Sydney 0 32 17 I'm in love with a fairytale, even though it hurts... 78 0 14757551 Ali Atkinson-Phillip alia_p en Bassendean Perth 0 94 1050 writer, ranter, renovator and procrastinator 131 7 Bassendean Western Australia Australia 15295953 blakemckimmie blakemckimmie en Brisbane 0 44 981 Woke up in a smoothie 89 2 Queensland Australia 176675601 Dan Jess danjje en 0 11 13 81 0 176672129 Louise Southall LRS74 en Wollongong, NSW 0 8 3 Researcher, policy analyst and political junky 16 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 21926446 Sarah Mitchell globalcopywrite en Fremantle, Western Australia Perth 0 2365 11552 Content Marketing Consultant. Copywriter. Public Speaker. Editor. Advocate for #agedcare. Long history in technology. 1330 210 Fremantle Western Australia Australia 49263869 Mo Dazla MoDazla en Parts Unknown Melbourne 0 1155 3847 I own my own business trading in the financial markets. I bet sports on a very serious basis. I am passionate about AUTISM and HOMELESSNESS! 1999 43 Unknown 39063544 Mike Angel djmikeangel en Australia Brisbane 0 85 147 Part time DJ with a passion for trance, a love for house and a propensity for exciting rooms no matter what the genre involved. 360 1 Australia 150470959 Kate Morton V8kate en Sydney 0 8 67 40 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 90234198 Adelaide Skeptic AdelaideSkeptic en Adelaide SA Adelaide 0 311 900 secularist. humanist. scientist. nutritionist. anti-quackery, political punditry, social commentary specialist. 422 18 Adelaide South Australia Australia 17353575 Stephen Mead stephenmead en Melbourne 0 26 548 Happy, opinionated, ballroom dancing control freak who hates clothing (on him or anyone else). 90 0 Victoria Australia 26123322 Ian West Westian en 0 5 6 85 0 14705494 Lucinda Barlow lucindabarlow en Sydney, Australia London 0 540 435 tech fan on Sydney life with 2 kids, a mobile and the beach. Googler, but this is personal ;) 460 18 Sydney New South Wales Australia 17980142 Liam Turner liamturner90 en Willoughby, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 27 202 92 0 175927333 Peter Poblete peter_poblete en Sutherland Sydney 0 2 8 9 0 23559063 Chloé Jane Miss_Newby en Brisbane Brisbane 0 192 4043 an untitled artiste et designer, also known as Lady Danger 418 8 Brisbane Queensland Australia 174492016 the(sydney)magazine thesydneymag en Sydney 0 1750 544 Sydney's best magazine, available on the last Thursday of every month with The Sydney Morning Herald. 820 73 Sydney New South Wales Australia 14144205 ivanatranchini ivanatranchini en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 66 14 160 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 158319449 Sheridan Young SheridanYoung en Perth, Australia Perth 167 0 University Student. GREENS. 359 12 Perth Western Australia Australia 24114378 Geraldine Fitzgerald GeriFitz en 0 12 58 94 0 128117121 James Payne MozartMo2art en Melbourne 0 4 28 62 0 Victoria Australia 86810540 The King weekndkngracing en The Track Brisbane 0 764 554 all the best racing and sports tips across Australia and the world including the UK, SOUTH AFRICA, HONG KONG & SINGAPORE!...Free!! 1995 17 142625220 Skills Connect sconnectjobsau en Australia Sydney 0 94 12 Skills Connect e-recruitment cloud enterprise solution integrating Google Search Appliance. Candidates sign up free Where the Job Finds You! 309 2 Australia 54483469 Anil Lambert AnilLambert en Sydney 0 54 121 Politics. Media. Callithumpian Mongoloids. 179 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 135049014 Rashid Kazak rashid_kazak en 0 15 1 65 0 92882040 Stephen Oster NonEmouse en 0 4 4 29 0 168641911 ausfedelectionapp ausfedelectapp en Australia Hawaii 0 74 75 An IPhone app for Everyday Australian’s who have struggled to keep up with Federal politics and cant decide who to vote for! Download now : 437 0 Australia 49307250 Sanaz Khanlari sanaz_ en Sydney 15 0 10 0 New South Wales Australia 48529188 Kate Gilbert skillsie en Sydney Sydney 0 62 2 New grad librarian, cyclist and traveller. 448 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 167281867 Laura Tingle latingle en Canberra 0 2356 58 166 120 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 76863524 Josh Lemon joshlemon en Sydney Sydney 17 68 96 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 60254134 Matt Doyle mjdoyle86 en Sydney 0 124 119 494 5 New South Wales Australia 176598105 Stephen Greenwood GreenwoodGovtRe en Brisbane Brisbane 0 4 7 Greenwood Govt Relations 2006. CEO Pharmacy Guild 1992-2006.History of Pharmacy Guild 1928-2008. Freelance political journalist pharmacy journals in retirement 29 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 34848035 CMAG CMAAG en London Ct & Civic Sq Canberra Canberra 0 69 123 In the heart of the city, CMAG celebrates the region's social history and visual arts with dynamic exhibitions and unique community programs. 110 3 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 21969392 Antoinette Trovato Ant227 en ÜT: -37.815143,144.974533 Melbourne 0 163 292 370 8 36328472 Karyn KarynBatt en Sydney 8 50 113 0 New South Wales Australia 153742431 Ben Cleary bezclez en Newcastle NSW Sydney 0 10 19 49 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 20556867 Australia TVdotcomAU en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 4259 2271 Videos and episode clips, fan forums, commentary, and more. The place to be for people who love to watch TV. 1535 158 Sydney New South Wales Australia 24622810 Emily Naismith emilynaismith en Melbourne Melbourne 0 522 470 Interests: social media, writing, new media, hammocks, pavlova, glitter and pooches. Digital Product & Social Media Manager at Lifelounge. 985 36 Melbourne Victoria Australia 52321122 Thomas Marti pumuckl19 en Canberra Sydney 0 7 9 39 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 176052297 Brittany Morton BrittanyJade_M en Perth Perth 21 46 A boring, unsociable girl is probably how people describe me. I live for politics, satire, music and reading. 110 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 123386621 Melissa Wells mmlwells en Australia Hawaii 0 3 1 6 0 Australia 135069029 Stunned Rabbit StunnedRabbit en Melbourne 0 4 30 33 0 Victoria Australia 170637824 Filter Free Portal Filter_Free en 0 14 104 49 1 166013196 The ACL the_ACL en Brisbane 0 75 271 The Australian Christian Lobby: voice for fundies. (Disclaimer: This twitter account is a parody, it does not represent the views of the ACL) 120 1 Queensland Australia 153232548 RMimmo wawnsw en 0 139 23 600 3 18111657 Margaret Calder mlcalder en Brisbane Australia Brisbane 0 55 25 Training consultant with a mining tech services company, interested in IT & eLearning, mother, squash player, loves puzzles, shower singer! 84 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 21968191 Shaun White shaun_white9 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 197 412 Journalist, Sydney-boy, tennis-nut and chocolate connoisseur. 117 8 Sydney New South Wales Australia 56651753 Daniel T Jess WineBoxCo en Bardon, Brisbane Brisbane 0 1097 1340 Director of Marketing @ Morph Associates & WineBox Co, merlot specialist, wine writer 1946 56 15605464 tortise tortise en Perth Perth 7 0 Your average knockabout bloke. Interested in news, sport and politics. 35 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 43836802 Andrew Murrell andymurrell en Crisaboe Brisbane 4 14 freelance posaunist and timey wimey paradox dodger 58 0 83991747 Anna Hill annamalgorzata en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 103 725 22, uni student, love politics, history, football, almost all other sports, animals, music, tv shows, n lotsa other things :) 246 3 Adelaide South Australia Australia 34183582 Timothy Johnson tmjohnson1989 en Sydney Sydney 0 35 103 The only thing less worthy than my tweets is this 'bio'. 57 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 160212122 Constance Reid connie_reid en 0 62 718 142 2 127443395 tim goonan mrtimgoonan en Sydney Sydney 17 822 espresso : medium rare : rhythm : life 44 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 26203012 Ian Cowling lateatakai en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 165 65 Married to beautiful Katrina, four gorgeous kids: Taylah, Ethan, Alexandra & Logan. 497 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 31681274 Linda Ross jazzdivaonline en Alaska 0 33 54 140 0 United States 137201133 Ben Wagner wags en Sydney 0 38 137 135 0 New South Wales Australia 174013006 David Stafford dstaffstwit en Middle East Abu Dhabi 0 24 2 0 147497666 Bonnie Yiu vertiginoush en Sydney Hawaii 0 7 123 16 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 176413090 Alexis Green alexisgreen811 en Tasmania 0 1 1 13 0 Tasmania Australia 31591388 Kirk Fletcher kirkfletcher en Sydney Sydney 0 94 1058 A greedy capitalist (and proud of it) 99 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 114190732 Yvonne Chan Vonkovsky en Sydney 5 0 36 0 New South Wales Australia 25993338 Brett Towers BKTowers en Sydney Hawaii 0 30 210 99 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 152989401 justin.m.mcgovern justinmcgovern en Toowoomba, Australia 0 2 3 Law/International Relations Student. Toowoomba, Australia. 7 0 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 121041669 Maryanne Jaques MezNews en Central West NSW Hawaii 0 88 376 Arts and culture journo/ publicist. Regional dweller. Hula hooper. Committed wearer of sunscreen. 370 2 Gosford New South Wales Australia 29450806 Samuel s_wetz en Melbourne 1 0 38 0 Victoria Australia 161546547 Tim Lester TimLesterAU en Capital Country Canberra 0 37 22 105 1 92288693 David Commisso DavidCommisso en Sydney Sydney 0 7 12 26 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 176392417 ftl labor ftllabor en 0 2 11 17 0 84253523 Geoff Fisher FishBoy68 en ÜT: -33.870213,151.194786 Sydney 0 18 2 42 0 23048341 Darren Doran darrenmj en Australia 0 14 20 134 0 Australia 121570317 Janai Sugars janaisugars en 0 2 1 10 0 22362944 Matthew Griffiths glove5 en Sydney 24 29 168 0 New South Wales Australia 22434614 Courtney Phelps co__tneyphelps en Brisbane 0 122 21 a journalism student with the sleeping patterns of a 88-year-old grandmother of five. 811 4 Queensland Australia 129130224 marie marieo6 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 73 28 Montessori Director, Educational Revolutionist, interested in Reggio Emilia, democratic education - thinker,Global Citizen, traveler,explorer, fine foodie.. 418 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 44875498 Riet JR RietJR en Sydney Sydney 0 62 1105 Hates socialism, loves women, studies machines 62 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 41569686 Angela Ford agirlcalledange en Sydney, Australia 0 137 397 constantbuzz. chaoticfuzz. messy mum. social justice junkie. social media fiddler. 285 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 135322024 Lauren Bailey LozBailey en Darlinghurst 0 67 66 Work at One Green Bean, partial to wine and football. 272 0 Darlinghurst New South Wales Australia 34188454 Ainsley Jade ainsley_jade en Sydney!! Australia!!! Sydney 0 91 1661 I dont like 2 define myself...i just am 178 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 123803650 Kevin Gausden kevin_gausden en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 7 18 Expatriate tax specialist, general tax geek 44 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23904732 Lauren Mackenzie LozKenzie en Hawaii 0 10 32 68 0 Unknown 168619363 Ben Ivey benivey82 en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 206 114 28 years old,male,Anglican, single. I love travelling, listening to music, playing social tennis with friends, meeting new friends. 1257 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 145211221 VillagePic VillagePic en Australia Sydney 0 749 1172 VillagePic - Stay in touch with Local News from Australia. But at VillagePic we're different. You can upload your own news & pics. 1998 26 Australia 149054548 Michael Skilbeck MSkil85 en 0 1 3 10 0 27383233 Ellen Finlay Ell_Phantasmo en 0 31 196 102 2 106568178 Rob Owen robertwowen en melbourne Melbourne 0 8 5 11 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 26344293 Lisa Lintern dorothycom en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 65 242 Communications specialist, loved-up mumma, multi-tasker, sleep deprived 99 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 164017781 Pat Sparrow agedsupporter en 0 53 218 51 3 159003095 Leith McPherson leithmcp en Earth, mostly. Sydney 0 125 1317 Dialect coach. Mostly iambic. Half left brain, half right. 202 5 50510697 lovely_lm lovely_lm en iPhone: -31.981516,115.874858 Perth 0 58 444 I ♥ life, people & this gorgeous planet on which we live. 152 0 South Perth Western Australia Australia 176380132 cam glass camerondglass en 0 4 18 27 0 16127343 jamie murphy jamiedmurphy en Melbourne Melbourne 0 100 814 Live in melbourne, sports capital of the world. Follower of sports media. 720 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 160515614 Meredith Reeves MsMerry79 en Toowoomba, QLD 0 55 246 Single Mum of two boys and a girl. Divorced. Starting my life all over again! Work part time, love my job. 562 2 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 20309180 Arun Gunasegaram aum48 en WA, Australia Perth 5 12 8 0 Western Australia Australia 176375505 Norma Martin NormaMartinSong en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 87 1059 Wife, Mother of Son and Daughter, Songwriter. Used to sing on TV and live stage shows/OZ & O'Seas in Teenage/Twenties years. 264 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25805777 Andrew thurbs62 en Central Coast NSW Sydney 0 152 4405 Finance nerd and football tragic 438 8 Gosford New South Wales Australia 19691386 Michael Jeffery mikefantastic en Victor Harbor Adelaide 0 80 362 I like my chickens fresh! 220 4 Victor Harbor South Australia Australia 107684088 Lesa McMaster LesaMcMaster en Melbourne 125 54 art, dance, music, fashion, create, zen 985 0 Victoria Australia 164182061 Matthew Crump Crumpstain en Adelaide, AUS 0 8 14 71 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 61475748 matty maynard cruzin_matty09 en geelong Melbourne 0 16 125 if anyone has facebook u can also add me on that 155 0 Geelong Victoria Australia 74958445 Tyler Maynard TyLeR_AsHlEy en Alaska 0 32 81 226 1 United States 38631255 Bronia bkarnie en most isolated city anywhere Perth 0 82 257 working towards a community where people don't feel forgotten or burdensome. I think the pope is a decent guy. Partial to hot chocolate & a good op shop. 225 4 22349704 Megan Radcliffe Meg83 en 0 8 4 109 0 175933980 freudian__slip freudian__slip en Melbourne 32 321 236 0 Victoria Australia 174618212 Claire Lloyd Jones C_LloydJones en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 17 69 85 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 23221215 Robert Williams bobwilliams71 en Melbourne 0 266 93 1995 1 Victoria Australia 103533835 Jared Watts jared_watts en Esperance Perth 0 16 21 93 1 Esperance Western Australia Australia 51616504 Simon Hamilton FantomFisher en 0 8 16 85 0 176348282 Grahame Abberton BiggestAbo en Brisbane 2 0 6 0 Queensland Australia 116664013 Chontelle chontellemaree en Paddington Hawaii 18 22 CSU PR grad, now working in a funky Paddington agency who loves to dance, eat and sleep. 81 0 Paddington Queensland Australia 176349766 Lauren Wilson Lauren__Wilson en Canberra Canberra 0 109 52 Journalist with The Australian. Tweets are mine. 113 5 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 149576850 Paul Awramenko cossack63 en Sydney 0 81 961 Teacher,telemarketer,cat owner,apprentice absurdist,reader and sometimes chef 170 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 173351036 Andrew Kidd kiddaf en Brisbane Hawaii 0 12 242 57 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 171008142 Sean Bullock hedgey7 en Sydney- Australia Sydney 0 5 31 35 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 26982223 Alex Michael AlexCMichael en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 21 32 Hi, My name is Alex. I am 16 years of age, I live in Sydney and go to The Scots College 61 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 66326477 Mark O'Connor darcybarkers en Gold Coast of Aus Brisbane 0 34 276 Tweeting with correct spelling and grammer until further notice..or as correct as I can witout checking 92 2 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 162988828 David Robertson djrobertson27 en 30 Olive St Hendra QLD 4011 Brisbane 0 2 1 11 0 28774410 Vu Long Tran vulongtran en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 161 264 IT Research Analyst @ Springboard Research. Interests: Privacy, Green IT, mobile & emerging tech, collaboration, youth & social issues, running & exploring 534 12 Melbourne Victoria Australia 145192407 Commentator OzCommentator en 0 0 9 8 0 59654426 Nick Wakeling MP NickWakelingMP en Ferntree Gully, Australia Melbourne 0 263 295 State Member for Ferntree Gully and the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary to the Leader and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Community Services 35 33 Ferntree Gully Victoria Australia 174254706 Simon Griffiths sgriffiz en Male, Maldives 0 5 7 29 0 25379539 brooke goddard facebrooke en Sydney 14 31 192 0 New South Wales Australia 7425622 Andrew Chataway apchats en Adelaide Adelaide 0 69 64 I'm sorry, i don't have a clue. 146 3 Adelaide South Australia Australia 59283445 Emma Croft emcroft en Upside down and in the future Brisbane 0 55 28 I'm a little bit of fun, like current affairs and soaking up the sun on a qld beach! 197 2 22461322 Miss Kirby Watsford kirbywatsford en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 69 332 Play with my strings, make me dance. 389 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 24606353 Laura Armitage lauzi_83 en Melbourne Melbourne 22 70 Journalist, social commentator, blogger 145 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22001527 Katie Clift KatieClift en Australia Brisbane 0 361 1525 be in the know about everything that's going on in Brisbane (plus a few fun things as well :) ) 279 12 Australia 56845420 James Baxter jamesbaxter1 en 0 1 1 1 0 24862415 Chris Pycroft chrispytweets en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 295 3536 Seeking world domination. Don't ask for much do I? Any views expressed are mine only... 361 12 Sydney New South Wales Australia 127694017 Ray Torrisi Fairfields_Fonz en 0 46 264 Heyyy! 214 0 107312065 Hayden Kerr williamshawhk en Melbourne Sydney 0 559 82 Small Australian fund manager. Active, cash based,risk adjusted high conviction investment methodolody. 940 17 Melbourne Victoria Australia 167344957 Tiffany Baker Tiff_Baker en 0 14 14 24 0 14240053 Nathan Webb nathanwebb en Perth Western Australia Perth 0 43 124 141 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 15989474 Huw Drury huwdrury en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 751 509 Just one person tweeting away..... 908 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 68855167 ABC NSW Afternoons ABC_NSWARVOS en NSW Statewide Sydney 0 102 307 ABC Afternoon Radio program covering the whole of NSW 70 8 174432360 Neil Dallimore neildallimore en 0 8 45 53 1 77688427 Gaylene Clisby gaylenecl en 4 0 23 0 21833003 Kate Wallman kt56 en Sydney Sydney 0 104 68 PR agency manager, working predominantly on federal govt projects 135 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 38370734 CentralCoast Tourism OurCentralCoast en Australia Sydney 0 278 513 Things to do, what's on, local happenings on the Central Coast NSW Australia! 143 23 Australia 31378437 Ash Munro bunro en Sydney Sydney 0 110 89 419 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21646064 Kate Wilcock lkatewilcock en Brisbane Brisbane 0 105 151 Journalist, equestrian and wine devotee. 376 4 Brisbane Queensland Australia 168642444 Tracey Hanna traceyhanna en 13 0 110 0 25090182 Mark Smith mdsbris en Brisbane 0 5 52 15 0 Queensland Australia 15434220 Sarah Rogan sarahrogan en Melbourne Melbourne 21 70 proud to be union 259 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 174205925 Fiona Owen fi_owen en 0 6 1 91 0 20031768 patris eliadis peliadis en melbourne Melbourne 0 99 1536 Greek living in Australia wishing to one day be living in maniacal Athens 237 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23690670 Matthew Dean matttd en Sydney Sydney 0 154 146 Hello. I'm an online guy at FOXTEL. I like Malteasers and music. 340 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 127418199 Lifeline Canberra Lifeline_ACT en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 106 20 70 10 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 82062589 Margaret de Silva margaretdesilva en Brisbane Brisbane 0 47 198 Brisbane based journalist, lover of books, travel, the arts and food. 84 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 19427593 Madelaine Burke Maddie_B en Perth, Oz - Vancouver, BC. Perth 118 479 NOVA NEWS-TYPE PERSON. I LOVE travel. Faves - Paris, China & Greek Islands. Lived in Vancouver for the better 12 months of my life. 256 4 Perth Western Australia Australia 50547719 Michelle McMerrin Mich_Mac en Perth, WA Perth 0 16 111 Freelance journalist, writer, editor and script doctor. 33 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 19242596 Michael John Pilling pillingm en 0 15 55 35 0 172734589 Allyson5401 Ally5401 en Melbourne 0 29 433 Lover of non fiction and general political banter. 29 2 Victoria Australia 163043970 Michelle Wellington Mylifeindraft en 0 6 23 24 0 14212655 Nathan Keating BankingPearls en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 319 190 Coaching business leaders on how to get the bank to say yes and bankers on how to love their business clients.... 636 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 160783553 Kathy Lord kathylord2 en Melbourne 0 11 3 111 0 Victoria Australia 26695877 Kate Smithers ktkate1987 en Bunbury Hawaii 0 38 21 Living in the country, working as a journalist. 114 3 Bunbury Western Australia Australia 176282261 Stefanie Matosevic einafets27 en 0 15 135 78 0 26168382 Jeremy Kouloubis jkdefsys en -33.900372, 151.194042 Sydney 0 23 76 ok 103 0 176280657 AdenSt.John Stallard No1WellingtonGK en Wellington NZ Wellington 0 0 5 Hockey Goal Keep freak! 47 0 Wellington Wellington New Zealand 6278012 Benjamin Christie chefben en Sydney Sydney 0 2044 2678 Benjamin Christie is an Australian chef, online entrepreneur and author. Checkout 209 247 Sydney New South Wales Australia 36298494 The Transit Lounge Transit_Lounge en Sydney Sydney 0 137 137 Exploring issues of faith, spirituality, social justice and current affairs. 191 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 174204696 Spaceman CrazyHorse spacecrazyhorse en Brisbane 0 5 21 Non Practising writer, UFC supporter, talent waster, life liver, music lover, experience gainer, direction seeker.... 105 0 Queensland Australia 20558785 BNET Australia BNETaustralia en Australia Sydney 0 4282 1659 A resource for business leaders and managers with practical, trusted information for the business challenges they face every day. 2433 187 Australia 27572392 amanda meade meadea en Sydney Sydney 0 4536 4804 TV Insider Blog & Media Writer for The Australian 1113 296 Sydney New South Wales Australia 61307477 Byron Chen byronchen117 en Traralgon, VIC, Australia Melbourne 30 239 48 1 Traralgon Victoria Australia 37608509 Mungo MungoEctoplasm en Melbourne Melbourne 0 31 15 Goat Hearder, Comedian,Writer,Actor,Wantabe Race Driver, Face of Ectoplasm Accelerator Drink. 351 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 50212528 NBCF Australia NBCFAus en Australia Sydney 0 2265 529 The National Breast Cancer Foundation is Australia's leading community funded organisation funding research into the prevention and cure of breast cancer. 772 77 Australia 83349127 Jarrad Sheather jazz7447 en Sydney 0 29 41 69 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 29434049 Andrew Thompson thommogpyr en Brisbane Brisbane 0 62 35 Creative Group Head at GPY&R Brisbane. It's not a wheel, it's a carousel. 136 4 Brisbane Queensland Australia 55785340 Total Publishing Totalpublishing en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 117 181 Journalist, Sub-Editor, Magazine & Book Project Management 247 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 175266429 Kevin Cheng kevin__cheng en Sydney Sydney 0 104 979 Sydneysider and aspiring journalist. Love sport and gadgety things. 205 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 172163621 Chee Chee Leung ACFCheeChee en Australia Melbourne 0 110 496 Healthy oceans campaigner at ACF. 262 13 Australia 93942195 Juliana C. juhh_c en Greenland 0 247 3 1995 1 Unknown 103726262 alex h aalyceh en 0 20 135 34 1 44564878 Lifeline Australia LifelineAust en Australia Canberra 0 1359 546 Suicide Prevention, Crisis Support & Mental Health services. Phone 13 11 14 864 108 Australia 40828978 garry capelli garrylakehouse en denmark,western australia Perth 0 48 21 143 0 Denmark Western Australia Australia 176246675 Steph Smart stephsmartCT en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 51 102 Canberra Times 'Gen Y' columnist; uni student; typical Cancerian. 55 5 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 22602039 Jonika MonikawithaJ en P town Perth 22 802 77 0 173520264 Hailey Presisniuk Seguinbabe19 en CANADA!! 0 55 52 Hooockeey !! :) 535 0 Canada 82558461 Bertie Von Sputnik vonsputnik en Berlin, Germany Adelaide 0 11 33 72 0 Berlin Germany 176228358 Chris Reichert Chris_Says_This en Melbourne Melbourne 0 67 258 Student of politics, economics, history. Follower of things that float around the public domain. 211 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 92895274 Deborah Wilkinson debwilko en Canberra 0 19 6 120 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 135902258 Ajay Agrawal Aj351958 en Melbourne 0 2 1 5 0 Victoria Australia 61446379 Simon Bennett SiBennett_ en Sydney Sydney 0 158 1339 Press photographer for my day job, and super hero at night. oh yeah I also love to tweet. 267 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 33849673 Matt MattJSchmidt en 0 66 13 266 0 171808902 Menzies Ghost MenziesGhost en Jeparit Berlin 0 2 9 27 0 Jeparit Victoria Australia 63358313 Lizzie Stafford eestafford en Brisbane Brisbane 0 108 9 316 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 76124198 David Williams david_vacy en Hunter Valley Sydney 0 89 3723 Farmer 109 9 23388463 Luke Myers lukemyers en Brisbane Hawaii 0 55 238 104 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 176054660 Justin Crosby jcroz29 en Sydney Sydney 0 38 74 Follower of Jesus, husband of Steph, father of Caleb, involved in agriculture and the Swans. 197 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 171352191 ValleyLanewayMarkets LanewayMarkets en Forititude Valley, Brisbane Brisbane 0 602 73 Emerging designers, artists, musicians, accessory & fashion designers, cutting edge artisans, vintage & pre loved clothing, fresh produce, plants & much more! 1722 28 Forititude Valley Queensland Australia 69521183 Scott Yang MelbourneScott en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 95 54 Male, Business man, life lover, Enjoying every the moment, beauty is value 453 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 71388033 MMM's Hot Breakfast mmmhotbreakfast en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 3148 2275 Triple M Melbourne's breakfast show with Eddie McGuire, Luke Darcy and Mieke Buchan. Listen to 105.1 FM Melbourne weekdays from 6-9am. 2740 87 Melbourne Victoria Australia 118949163 Andrew Arthur andrew_arthur en Melbourne Melbourne 0 68 61 Journalist, producer, occasional presenter (in the very early hours of the day) for ABC News 24. Views expressed here are my own. 340 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 41053044 Tim Cooke timcooke22 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 15 2 161 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 176113585 Mark May daisymay1414 en 0 2 1 6 0 122292990 Steven Calfas saflac en ÜT: -33.87192,151.208414 Sydney 0 10 2 41 0 36629018 Katarin Flatters Katarin_ en St Marys,SYDNEY Sydney 0 60 555 Katarin. 19. Proud mummy(: Amateur writer 215 0 25664422 james macpherson jamesmacpherson en Townsville, Australia Brisbane 0 1297 2231 James Macpherson and his wife Samantha lead Calvary Christian Church with campuses in Townsville and on the Sunshine Coast 182 22 Townsville Queensland Australia 161174089 Julia Gillard JuliaGillardPR en Canberra 0 167 28 Prime Minister of Australia and Queen Ginger 653 8 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 35466577 Peter Rennie PeterRennie en 0 16 1 31 0 22440356 DKCH DKCH en Australia Hawaii 0 43 87 64 0 Australia 42846554 Adam Cahir cahiry en melbourne Melbourne 0 102 2 965 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 25983259 Daniel Piotrowski drpiotrowski en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 147 717 Journalism student, UTS Vertigo editor '11 and (not really) your local GP. 372 12 Sydney New South Wales Australia 64873792 Jacques Morin Phoeniks1 en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 48 146 Director of Phoeniks. Exclusive Importer in Australia for cutting-edge European manufacturers in commercial kitchen industry 61 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 176048352 James Harding jeharding en Hawaii 0 0 39 0 Unknown 176051792 Jon Krause krausej en Australia Brisbane 0 10 21 29 0 Australia 14730087 David Campbell davidjcampbell en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 355 644 388 13 Adelaide South Australia Australia 18238120 Taylor taylorrtay en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 183 1794 17. Male. Economic social democrat. Social lefty. 292 10 Adelaide South Australia Australia 158739949 Clare Paynter Clare_Paynter en Canberra, Australia 0 12 6 116 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 42860673 Tom Dickson tom_dickson en Australia Canberra 0 16 24 Geek Dad 76 0 Australia 56311955 Rebecca Lynam RebeccaLynam en Brisbane Hawaii 0 81 512 Communications Officer. Reading Fanatic. Obsessive Compulsive 296 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 156534744 lifeslessonslearnt lifelessonsau en Newcastle Australia Sydney 0 53 413 Interested in politics, food, travel, film and learning life lessons 57 5 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 23879284 Tom Chladek chladey en Adelaide Adelaide 0 88 247 406 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 137198108 Paul Silverberg paul_therussian en 0 17 53 43 0 13006932 Josh Taylor joshgnosis en Sydney Sydney 0 1067 19530 Tech journalist, politics and media geek. TV and Joss Whedon nerd. The views expressed here are mine and not that of my employer. 650 78 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15227162 James Fehon jamesfehon en -33.9291,151.18793 Sydney 0 701 2739 online campaigner, student, photographer, 919 38 33155371 Clinton Meredith clintonmeredith en Canberra Canberra 0 26 145 100 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 20285183 Adam Taylor adamktaylor en North Avoca- Australia Sydney 0 33 349 92 1 176036031 Higgs Boson4 HiggsBoson4 en Large Hadron Collider [I wish] Darwin 46 2385 Physics/Biology. Conservative. 116 6 172297932 Catherine Stuart northcatstuart en 0 4 1 62 0 160505387 DeadRed WineGroup deadreds en Adelaide, SA Hawaii 0 347 449 We love to unearth great old wine… So crack open that red, give it a tasting and then share the news with the rest of us. How old can that bottle go? 416 27 Adelaide South Australia Australia 51851285 Emma Howchin EmmaLizzFashion en Australia Sydney 0 126 340 I have a weakness for beautiful things & so ♥ to create them for others to enjoy in the form of lovely clothes & accessories from this comes my label EMMA LIZZ 519 0 Australia 18205935 Chris Chris_0000 en Adelaide, SA Adelaide 0 265 681 Cyclist, bass player, pundit. 308 9 Adelaide South Australia Australia 175716239 kate thompson katelisaacs en Melbourne australia 0 7 497 44 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 42990586 David Bradbury MP DavidBradburyMP en Penrith Sydney 0 1678 326 Federal Member for Lindsay Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer 220 198 Penrith New South Wales Australia 175929575 Absurd Drama 9_AbsurdDrama_2 en Brisbane 0 3 6 14 0 Queensland Australia 40438106 Jess Cairns jeshy134 en Hobart Tas Austalia Hobart 0 85 1202 23, red head, easily annoyed and even more easily made happy :) World Traveller starting 22Sept 2010 392 0 20978214 Rhys Williams rhysmwilliams en Sydney Sydney 0 373 409 Interactive Director, Haymarket Media. Digital media, online advertising, technology and what it can do for the media is my thing. 456 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 111812701 OhBoobs OhBoobs en 0 14 108 Simultaneously a joke account and a backup account for @ohcrap. Because Twitter daily status limits suck when you're in a discussion! 14 0 176011751 GregBirkbeck gregbirkbeck en 0 4 11 38 0 142590173 Darren Farrugia handofdarkness en Albanvale: -37.74608,144.76264 Melbourne 0 67 1010 A furry, A cosplayer, an inactive blogger (For now), and impartial to politics. A stray cat. Haruka Pyrocat Saruwatari (猿渡ã¯ã‚‹ã‹ãƒ‘ィロキャット) (Japanese not accurate) 146 2 176003806 Andrew Riddle AndrewRiddle36 en Wollongong, NSW 0 241 2050 Former soldier, journalism student, problem gamer, father. Tweets dictated but not read. 648 10 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 98608069 DarwinLifeMag DarwinLifeMag en Darwin, NT, Australia Darwin 0 237 291 Darwin Life is a FREE corporate lifestyle magazine, produced for and by the people who live it. 367 14 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 175523772 Michael Calder rwmichaelcalder en Brisbane Brisbane 0 68 8 127 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 168601691 Lisa Ellul lisellanne en Adelaide Adelaide 0 4 2 45 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 140011589 Melinda Hindmarsh busyfeetmoo en Brisbane 2 0 51 0 Queensland Australia 145635867 Ed Husic edhusicMP en Mt Druitt, NSW Sydney 0 1182 1303 Federal MP for Chifley, lover of a good coffee, bewildered by the need for ties, fan of a game with a round orange ball 1017 101 149074782 Aubergine Concombre EggplantHero en Hawaii 0 222 235 214 12 Unknown 174150665 Andrew Bolt RealAndrewBolt en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 1103 617 Andrew writes for Melbourne's Herald Sun. He runs Australia's most-read political blog, and appears on Ch 9, ABC TV's Insiders and MTR 1377. I'm a REAL prick! 1199 64 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23365164 fnuckle fnuckle en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 916 14394 Learner. Traveller. Writer. Listener. Lover of snow, Gold Coast and Nizlopi. Working in the music industry. 852 56 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 92193762 Michael Heath mheathtwit en Sydney 15 0 169 1 New South Wales Australia 175984670 Hayley Morgan hayleymorgan11 en Brisbane 0 0 17 0 Queensland Australia 53570424 Dave Muir doc_dave_dy en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 12 62 Love playing guitar and making music of all kinds 105 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 174239602 Kristian Winger KristianWinger en Darwin, Australia Darwin 0 3 5 An Australian-Norwegian loving life and making friends, hoping something special happens one day :-) 92 0 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 164181296 Oz Overflow ozoverflow en Sydney 0 6 36 17 0 New South Wales Australia 100164067 Erin erinsparkle en Brisbane Brisbane 6 0 46 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 169919102 Angela Laine angela_laine en Canberra 4 8 49 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 29193445 Morgan Plumley m4pl en Sleeping at my desk... Melbourne 0 42 31 Web developer and I.T consultant living and working in Melbourne, Australia. 83 1 175962919 Matt Smith MattyBSmith en Melbourne Australia 0 3 38 I'm a friendly outgoing opinionated gay lad from Melbourne. I have beautiful partner Jay and i'm a mad Brisbane Lions supporter! 8 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 152762225 colin riddell dugongman en cairns nth queensland Brisbane 0 168 2795 Bob Irwin steves dad and I are trying to stop the slaughter of dugongs and sea turtles in australia 264 9 167993190 Mackridge Mountain mackmountain en At the very bottom 0 141 114 881 0 173380954 Zeph ZephirW en Canberra Canberra 0 52 1245 Happy and satisfied. Life is good. I like weekends over weekdays. Sleep is for dreaming. I like to respect everyone but that doesn't stop me making fun of you. 209 5 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 31140241 Darryl Bradford DazRL en Australia Sydney 0 174 1439 NRL Rugby League fan. Scores and commentary on the greatest game of all. Where too much Rugby League is not nearly enough! 183 3 Australia 173811214 Helen McMurdo hmcmurdo en 0 5 1 33 0 175944358 gyro zone gyrozone en 0 63 42 386 0 47502751 Elyse Haynes Elyse_Haynes en iPhone: -35.311420,149.133163 Sydney 0 129 561 special. like stop eating the paste, special. eater of food. consumer of shoes. christian. 123 13 29926602 Jessie McCrone jessiemccrone en Canberra 26 51 201 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 147463704 Benjamin Mcdonald classicblesko en Brisbane 0 2 11 28 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 17666899 imogenrose drugaddicteyes en ÜT: -37.983987,145.054969 Hawaii 0 61 6034 Drug Addict Eyes. I'm Fairly Rad. 227 2 23927751 Annaleise Smith annaleisesmith en Sydney 0 19 16 100 0 New South Wales Australia 26696754 Sarah Nelson e5jay en Sydney Hawaii 67 1360 barangaroo, base and a baby 193 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 175282160 JustineGarciadeHeer justinegdh en Sydney Hawaii 0 67 666 234 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 7759972 healaxe healaxe en Sydney, Australia Perth 53 442 New to the East coast. Geek. Tinkerer. Slightly weird. Photography. Apple. 143 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 175642587 Fake Tony Abbott TonyAbbott_MP en Sydney 0 25 68 Does my arse look big in this, Barnaby? 74 1 New South Wales Australia 31707427 Suesann Vos suesannvos en Redcliffe, QLD Australia 0 96 460 Mum to Hannah, culture lover, passionate about museums, love gadgets, technology and politics! 172 12 175909903 Elijah Patterson electionanalyse en Kings Langley, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 35 24 Bringing you the best independent analysis in the last 2 weeks of the election 201 0 174602830 Robert Manning robjm67 en 0 1 37 11 0 121606373 Rob Irwin robirwin en Sydney, Australia Sydney 39 2235 All my own thoughts on geeky, pop culture stuff with the odd dash of news, current affairs and real life. 69 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 175897559 Terry Rayner TerryRayner00 en Nowra, NSW, Australia 0 2 1 ANZ Mobile Lender, Home Loans and Personal Loans. Anywhere, anytime. 0404 880 468. 5 0 23379828 Interestedsyd Interestedsyd en Sydney 0 12 5 122 1 New South Wales Australia 175898952 Jamie-Marree Mulder jmm_77 en 0 11 36 47 0 62230495 Ray Milsome oldyellow75 en Australia somewhere Melbourne 0 25 40 209 0 159064622 Geoff Power geoffreypower en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 35 121 Y'all don't know what it's like, being male, middle class and white - Ben Folds 192 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 163846527 Sam Bradford Sambossb en Hobart, TAS Hobart 0 16 108 Small business owner. 46 0 Hobart Tasmania Australia 175870649 Kate Byers Katieb26 en Austinmer, NSW. Australia Sydney 7 0 49 0 175891849 Derek Perkins PlanYourMoney en Brisbane 0 58 53 Life is about choice! Plan your life,Plan your money. 226 0 Queensland Australia 175607214 TheNewsHawk TheNewsHawk en Capitol Hill 0 157 608 Perpetual presentation of opinions is not news. It is propaganda. Truth has no opinion. 919 4 31580772 adam photographicks en 0 43 234 90 0 152620295 Sarah Dillon SarahDillon03 en 0 9 12 63 0 175286769 Craig Brown craiginbne en Brisbane 0 13 205 Husband, Father of 2 great boys, Emirates Sales Executive 54 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 175790260 christopher riley asphaltavengers en new jersey 12 0 hockey guy, created a kids animation concept. Asphalt Avengers 127 0 New Jersey United States 118021557 Cath Perkins cathperko en Australia Hawaii 0 220 4345 308 17 Australia 175172736 jürgen pfeiffer Dart1982 de schattendorf (Austria) Vienna 535 0 1988 3 18448619 sean__wong sean__wong en sydney Sydney 0 19 100 91 8 Sydney New South Wales Australia 168558137 Peter Best PeterBest4PM en Sydney Hawaii 0 616 686 Hi, I'm running for PM. Tell me what you want my policies to be. 1424 28 Sydney New South Wales Australia 173723829 Gordon Hernandez wellinmyopinion en Sydney, Australia 0 26 116 I am a 26 year old gay guy living in Sydney. want to start getting my opinion out there. 59 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 69184526 Darren Llewellyn doc_llewellyn en Singapore Singapore 0 21 56 Not exactly doing it tough living the expat life as a kept man 73 0 Singapore Singapore 173746302 Allan Morrison BigAl_89 en Brisbane Brisbane 5 0 64 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 174216386 James Allen jallen_bbc en 1 0 5 0 149168258 Sarah Theodore SarahTheodore en Melbourne Hawaii 0 7 1 46 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 15448303 tom_mcleod tom_mcleod en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 903 297 Boring description: Global Internal Audit and Risk Management; Chief Audit Executive Experience | Very Interesting Job 745 43 Melbourne Victoria Australia 16713832 crazyjimsmith crazyjimsmith en Sydney Sydney 0 210 2518 I trade and invest in Australian listed stocks. I also have a stock forum! 23 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 152996036 Terri Bateman twbateman en Melbourne Melbourne 0 24 494 71 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 55192456 Laura Furiosi LuckyLuckyMummy en 0 3 5 11 0 171698779 Bianca Bierwirth DoubleB12345 en Hawaii 4 55 56 0 Unknown 104975983 Tetrisnet Tetrisnet en Central Coast, NSW. Australia Sydney 0 477 702 Marketing Manager, Australia. Community Sustainability. 2001 13 Gosford New South Wales Australia 15170258 CraigThomler craigthomler en Canberra Sydney 0 3507 9502 Communicator, Gov 2.0 advocate, entrepreneur, web professional, manager, father, son, gamer, lover of life. All opinions are my own. 3456 238 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 89614633 Rickb Richard_Brimble en 0 59 262 290 1 173750637 Colleen Boland collboland en Geelong, Australia Melbourne 0 8 5 21 0 Geelong Victoria Australia 62742560 Allison allifar en Sunshine Coast Brisbane 1 22 24 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 18751763 Allan Clarke AllanJClarke en Sydney Sydney 0 193 371 Video Journalist for the Living Black program on SBS Television All opinions on this page are mine. 304 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 175695357 nwsnsw nwsnsw en Hawaii 32 0 434 0 Unknown 175695097 Gauntlet gauntletau en 0 4 2 30 0 17149839 mmamster MarkMcKillop en Australia Melbourne 0 22 36 104 1 Australia 14162904 Sebastian Barney sebseb en Kristianstad, Sweden Stockholm 50 474 An Australian completing his PhD in Software Engineering in southern Sweden. 69 2 28538711 Yael Wasserman Yaelwass en Sydney Hawaii 0 62 246 Eternal optimist with geeky leanings. Head in a Cloud of fundraising data at Mission Australia. 153 8 Sydney New South Wales Australia 10830772 Kirrihill Wines Kirrihill en Clare Valley, South Australia Adelaide 0 1733 664 A passion shared in cool climate Clare, South Australia 1937 125 Clare Valley South Australia Australia 152454509 Amanda Barnier Ollieandbiss en 0 0 2 13 0 138419590 Matt Fletcher mattyjfletcher en Melbourne, Australia Sydney 0 11 41 79 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23046938 Amanda Graham worldismyoyster en Australia Melbourne 5 28 Just call me fabulous! 19 0 Australia 16944513 Jodie G Jodiesjourney en Brisbane, Australia. Brisbane 0 605 686 3 time cancer survivor, writer, blogger, speaker, optimist, encourager, inspiration, creator of & 1721 38 Brisbane Queensland Australia 150554525 michaelbyrne michaelbb1989 en 0 17 3 101 0 173038988 meredith williams woodymeredith en melbourne 0 32 278 travel ,good coffee,more good coffee 96 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 17361359 samah hadid samahhadid en Australia Sydney 0 383 1134 Samah Hadid : human rights activist 304 14 Australia 33878985 Joseph Del Duca Joey_Del en Sydney Sydney 0 736 266 1243 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 169346936 Thomas McElroy thomasmcelroy en Darwin, Australia Darwin 1 15 26 0 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 14960477 garveybiz garveybiz en Dayboro Brisbane 0 86 71 Robert J Garvey SOLICITOR is a Queensland commercial and private client legal practice. 330 0 173412039 Save The NBN SaveTheNBN en Australia Canberra 0 9 3 :) 42 0 Australia 17119228 Broadwater Haven Ultimate_Escape en Deepwater, QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 1538 1277 Tweets by Andrew & Melinda from THE Ultimate Escape. Eco friendly 4 star **** self-contained beach side cabins half way between Bundaberg & Gladstone, CQ. 1962 36 Deepwater Queensland Australia 25742134 Anthony Graham anthonymjgraham en Sydney Sydney 7 1 49 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 135038428 Peter Wicks madwixxy en Sydney Sydney 0 354 6434 Shit writer of personal bio's 509 20 Sydney New South Wales Australia 169342425 Richard Mabin percsniffer en Cleveland. Australia Brisbane 0 41 32 worker, vintage/ classic motor bike rider,classic car driver, thinker,opinion giver,finding fault in reality and heading for senility. 229 0 Cleveland Tasmania Australia 31350834 jon dibbs dibbsyy en mona vale nsw australia Sydney 0 7 116 55 0 18553134 billcode billcode en innersydneybubble Sydney 0 186 491 journamalist with cameras and keypads. 331 3 25651528 Alix Vanny alixvanny en Australia Sydney 0 143 383 Journalism & International Studies student and loving it! Work in the horseracing industry in Sydney. 273 5 Australia 138661594 Jamie Mitchell JMitchSport en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 225 1177 Sky News Australia Sports Reporter 734 15 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21085591 Benjamin Djung bdjung en Melbourne AUSTRALIA Melbourne 0 110 2060 Official Xbox Ambassador for Australia, political junkie and video games enthusiast. Student at Salesian College Chadstone. 138 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 31069059 Elizabeth Pallett littlbit21 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 42 265 I am 60, a medical cannabis user, due to allergies to pharmaceuticals. Marijuana is ignorance Cannabis is medicine Legalise Educate Regulate Tax 127 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 175639225 WAHack HackWA en Perth, WA Perth 1 69 19 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 14779719 Stuart Shields stuartshields en Toowoomba Brisbane 0 664 10332 Living the Dream of pushing Youtube and Vimeo videos to your browser :) 1249 23 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 35455889 Christopher Beis ChrisBeis en Australia Hobart 7 191 Young Hobartian 48 1 Australia 175625028 Matt Tuohy matt_ted en 1 0 32 0 34852148 Steven Kearney Stevenk83 en iPhone: -37.899254,145.156082 Sydney 0 94 1830 The OFFICIAL Steven Kearney Twitter page. Australian Z grade celebrity! 142 2 17981744 MeilsIrvine MeilsIrvine en Yes We Canberra, Australia Sydney 24 1102 eats, writes, leaves. 61 0 41575765 Shelsta78 shelsta78 en St Peters Sydney 0 305 8151 Bemused & part of the #SMEGmilitia whatever that means 588 12 St Peters South Australia Australia 21861252 Mark Croxford MarkCroxford en iPhone: 0.000000,0.000000 Canberra 0 177 1169 working for the man, global traveler, father of 4! former consultant lobbyist, strategic adviser, PR consultant, speaker. 266 8 Unknown 53817011 Angus. K. S. Thomsen Angus_KST en Australia, QLD, Townsville Sydney 0 11 301 I am angus thomsen and i am a musical person 39 1 160063743 Helga Svendsen HelgaSvendsen en Melbourne 0 106 177 I tweet about politics, environment, union stuff, things about women, a bit of arts and anything else I find interesting. 355 0 Victoria Australia 27852920 Jenny Gardiner JennyGardinerMP en New South Wales, Australia Sydney 110 47 Nationals Member of the Parliament of New South Wales. 685 6 New South Wales Australia 127054238 Ignite ignite_my_brand en Alexandria, Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 86 106 Sydney-based marketing communications, digital and design agency. 305 1 32345440 David Young djy68 en Canberra AUST Canberra 0 3 35 23 0 35605196 Steve Semmens stevesemmens en Brisbane, Auckland, Brisbane 0 261 225 Professional Recruiter and Actor. We place Credit & Finance Professionals, Sales & Marketing Professionals and Senior Executives in all industries 1128 7 25758579 Jaye O'Keeffe jaye_ok en Brisbane 0 36 506 Teacher, sometime artist, regional Aust. advocate, political nerd, Masters student (Gov & Pub Pol)... 184 1 Queensland Australia 15966431 Coby Chapple cobychapple en Australia Brisbane 0 130 672 Business owner, website developer, photographer and graphic designer on the Gold Coast, Australia. 345 6 Australia 157931939 Gelina Chris Maree myychrissy en Los Angeles, CA Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 197 367 ♪♫ Music,my life, ♪♫ Chris; love himm forever, ♥ ッ Smile everyone ッ 956 1 Los Angeles California United States 23843417 Glenn livinthing en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 70 272 294 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23262580 James Flowers JimmyFlowers en Iksan Seoul 0 63 34 415 0 21861589 Jen whirly_swirly en Hawaii 4 55 183 0 Unknown 171861751 Alex Gunther VictorGunther en Woronora Heights Sydney 0 24 161 Generally into posting crap no one reads anyway for the hell of it. Mostly politically related. 84 1 164281469 Hobo HoboBox en : A box in Los Angeles Quito 0 37 8 Im a Hobo, who lives in a box,with a computer..? 271 1 53373496 Brett Moore BrettyMoore en Sydney Hawaii 0 44 73 Sports fan and media professional from Sydney 51 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 169734717 The Diamond Box Thediamondboxau en Australia Brisbane 0 66 4 399 2 Australia 155139556 Andres AndresAUS en Adelaide 0 0 13 0 South Australia Australia 175566683 Poet of Oz Politics BallotBoxBard en Parliament House garrett 0 9 17 Reminding voters there's no programmatic specificity the faceless men of poetry haven't already written about 83 0 7030242 Rand Leeb-du Toit metarand en Sydney, Australia Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 1596 3787 post geographical + serial entrepreneur ( 1716 52 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25796753 Sam Gray samcgray en Melbourne Melbourne 0 193 2773 Recent Swinburne radio post-graduate, observational maverick, football tragic, media sponge 566 10 Melbourne Victoria Australia 165616646 cathy murray cathymurray9 en 0 24 5 136 1 26928687 Lisa D'Angelo ldgossip en 0 40 49 536 0 44317642 rob harris rharris334 en Traralgon, Victoria, Australia Melbourne 460 2463 journalist, cricket lover, amateur historian? 1471 16 Traralgon Victoria Australia 112397393 Ian Chidgey IanJChidgey en Sydney Sydney 1 1 3 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20733646 Daniel Le'au danileos en Sydney (OZ) - where else!!! Sydney 0 138 1757 wondering where the time has gone and take advantage of what is left 147 4 171873154 Sydney Place placessydney en Sydney, Australia 0 389 1665 Updating several times daily with the most popular places in Sydney, Australia - right now. 1938 14 Sydney New South Wales Australia 159047026 Preston Towers prestontowers en 0 504 8375 I like to follow politics from the world of tweeters and bloggers, as well as traditional media. I like to also focus on how Western Sydney is perceived. 554 40 153187526 Dylan Joel dylanjoel4 en Australia Melbourne 0 48 127 English Language Lover, TV and News junkie, Complainer, VCE Student, Avid Feline Fan, Melburnian, Australian 154 2 Australia 75256224 Jen Brown jenbro6 en Sydney Sydney 0 192 1570 Lawyer, personal trainer, mountaineer, runner, triathlete, wife, step-mother and lover of red wine & chocolate 507 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 29422324 Lisa Chiem lisa_ho en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 34 231 40 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 174980870 Peter Scope perrys224003 en Sydney Northern Beaches 3 7 Ex-computer nerd now running driving school. No deep political convictions but holds conservative ideals. 7 0 37390932 Caroline Smith Tassie666 en 0 5 4 20 0 165094967 Micheal Fox KingMic007 en Adelaide Adelaide 0 16 5 112 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 140335009 Jono McMano jono_mcmano en 0 48 768 209 1 1213601 David Cook bonwag en Perth, Australia Perth 0 191 1369 A Marketing Operations expert by day, muso/journo/geekdad by night, who just wants robots and humans to get along 409 4 Perth Western Australia Australia 175411797 Alec Preece rovingreporter1 en 0 8 19 14 0 97889758 Karen Court _Courty_ en WA Perth 0 41 318 Married ... with children 85 0 Western Australia Australia 32201297 Miranda Devine mirandadevine en Sydney, Australia Vladivostok 0 6210 1649 Journalist 467 402 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22476875 laprap en Sydney Sydney 0 1582 2695 give your laptop some style with our laptop raps 1629 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 167621310 Fake Julia Gillard Gillard_PM en Canberra Sydney 0 142 287 What I'm really thinking... 252 8 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 30436599 Ashley Heyfron AshleyHeyfron en Traralgon, Victoria Melbourne 0 107 81 DJ Unkie Smash 449 1 Traralgon Victoria Australia 24867666 Andi Barratt andi8488 en Adelaide, South Australia Sydney 0 47 497 Olympian - Fencing 84,88. Equities Specialist 217 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 136168846 Mike Williams O/Nite mwilliamsonight en Sydney & Melbourne, Australia Sydney 0 117 467 Weekend Overnight with Mike Williams, heard on 2GB 873 in Sydney and MTR 1377 in Melbourne. Tweet's do not reflect views of MRN or Mike Williams. 227 39 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25495456 Katie Sara Eriksson mrseriksson en Townsville QLD Brisbane 3 7 Mother, Wife, Friend :) lifes good!! 60 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 13152912 ctudball ctudball en Ballarat, Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 176 236 Network admin, internet addict, voracious reader. Currently observing libraries as they descend into obsolescence. 165 16 Ballarat Victoria Australia 54858752 DENISE TUPPER balipearlgirl en Melbourne Melbourne 0 117 368 travel, creates jewelley (part time) eats out a lot, wants to move into new appt, but its not finished yet!! 423 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 34884101 amy d underamangotree en Sydney 35 2141 is going in search of a grown up solution... 238 0 New South Wales Australia 26407315 Ruth Mitchell lavania24 en Brisbane Australia Brisbane 0 27 71 368 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 5918802 Andrew Sayer andrewsayer en Sunshine, VIC, AU Melbourne 0 2884 30135 In Melbourne and in ♥ with @lilylauren 2470 190 49892342 Christina The Ripper itsstinabitch en Australia Sydney 0 884 1376 I fucking love colours/music/painting/drawing/reading/writing/happies. -- Check my site for updates of artworks! She's only human after all... 2001 14 Australia 155330614 meganh8 meganaust en canberra, australia 0 11 19 56 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 58427523 Daryl Knight darylknght en Adelaide 12 11 33 1 South Australia Australia 114332612 Michaela Farrington mifarrington en Melbourne Sydney 0 100 220 Lapsed journalist. Conservationist. Onetime resident of a deserted tropical island. Servant to a headstrong whippet. 450 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 40445395 Mandi Phillips MandiPhillips en Melbourne Melbourne 0 427 145 Creater of, into having fun and helping people plan life goals. Unpublished author and dog lover. Life starts here. 869 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 175361454 hockeyfollow hockeyfollow en NHL Quito 0 258 1935 Find and follow NHL Hockey Fans See which NHL Players are Tweeting and Top 100 HockeyTweeter ! #HockeyFollow 536 16 27846672 Michelle Berry shell_berry en melbourne, australia Melbourne 0 319 567 22-y-o student, arts (journalism) & business (marketing), monash caulfield, likes: travel, fashion, parties & pretty things 954 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 25810726 Raj Wakeling RajWakeling en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 100 194 I like music, I like writing, I like thinking 126 12 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166115604 Selin Kinali Selin_Kinali en Melbourne 20 21 music, photography, economics, eating, drinking & breathing 126 0 Victoria Australia 15165868 petergraham petergraham en Brisbane Australia Hawaii 0 168 2050 34 year old sold out spirit filled Christian living in Brisbane Australia, born and raised in Canada. Wanna know more check out 207 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 15718098 Maggie Gilbert MGQuilts en iPhone: -33.834572,151.256897 Sydney 9 1203 Quilt Artist, Technerd 38 2 3105571 Joel Wende jobsta en Perth, Australia Perth 76 877 Just plodding along through this thing we call life, trying to make things happen! 284 8 Perth Western Australia Australia 52620187 Mark Salmon 34S151E en where else? Sydney 0 5 8 66 0 50237558 Alice Rose alicerose22 en 10 0 98 0 175179017 Lindsay Collett lnz1966 en Sydney 1 0 6 0 New South Wales Australia 28883650 Peter Reiner 1pandj en australia Melbourne 0 55 2799 Dad to 3 great kids , Loves fishing , and spending time with my mates. Don't talk behind my back if you got something to say say it to my face ! 255 5 Australia 170157439 Bradley Devon Tazfit en SYDNEY Sydney 21 85 122 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 161927565 Honest & Loyal Lass JGillardExPM en Hawaii 0 371 597 There's Something Fake, False, Fraudulent and Frabcious About Julia the Rwed Qween of Underland. C'mon Tim Burton lets ScreenPlay 1679 17 Unknown 140376575 Samantha Lee samanthaleesays en Melbourne Melbourne 0 63 88 204 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 159323557 rhiannon zanetic rhiannonzanetic en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 324 529 Reporter for Connected Australia: Aus no.1 news source for the consumer electronics industry. Massive St George Dragons fan. Loves exercising, science & writing 723 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 175039341 Whisked _Whisked_ en Gold Coast Brisbane 0 158 482 A home wares & gifts delivery service giving you value for money on quality products!Find us on Facebook! 320 18 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 27619618 Liz Eyles MissEyles en Wagga Wagga Sydney 72 827 Single white busy female teacher 172 6 Wagga Wagga New South Wales Australia 116368024 The HindSite Blog thehindsiteblog en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 571 1757 The official (in so much as it can be) Twitter account of Steve Hind's The HindSite Blog: 1165 12 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25875916 Susan Stephenson mscactusgirl en Townsville, QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 15 97 Middle aged, mother, & football tragic. Passionate NQ Cowboys supporter but really enjoy Bunnies games as well. Working on which road to take next in life. 78 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 173798892 Rob Woodland robrob17 en 0 30 3 166 0 170526680 Richard M Colbeck richardmcolbeck en Devonport,Tasmania, Australia Hobart 0 116 56 Liberal Senator for Tasmania in the Australian Parliament 125 19 Devonport Tasmania Australia 159071455 Ms Stox msstox en Melbourne 0 84 1164 153 0 Victoria Australia 175318557 Kirsty Bradley bkbrad en 7 0 65 0 3491221 Dale Cohen dalec en Sydney Sydney 0 151 203 Professional web guy 100 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 19740638 Jessica Miller jem1ller en Sydney Tehran 0 527 1535 Under the moniker Goody Two Shoes I work with agency Republic of Everyone. Am the @GarageSaleTrail Gossip, @GreenUps Organiser, bike lover and permablitzer. 1241 20 Sydney New South Wales Australia 16063282 Kornelis Sietsma KorSietsma en Sydney Sydney 0 67 665 200 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 126372043 Jeffrey Tait jeff_t8 en Melbourne 0 14 14 108 0 Victoria Australia 169829518 Simon Davey SimoDavey en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 14 0 98 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 24169320 Chris Armstrong 1chrisarmstrong en Sydney, New South Wales Sydney 0 19 16 43 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 38156420 James West jameswest2010 en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 710 510 Australian broadcast journalist. SBS TV producer. Author of Beijing Blur (Penguin 2008). NYU Masters of Journalism grad. 315 27 Sydney New South Wales Australia 63379144 Flint Duxfield Flintdux en Hobart Hobart 0 138 343 AKA Flint Dewberry, Flint Dexter: ABC Ruraler. All views are my own and not the ABC's. 244 12 Hobart Tasmania Australia 20214269 Wendy Pang wendyp5 en Canberra Sydney 0 139 103 web project manager, social media activist, rower, quilter and booklover 202 6 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 117580215 Hillhouse Lawyers HillhouseLaw en Brisbane, Queensland 0 173 63 Hillhouse Burrough McKeown provides a full range of legal services to meet the needs of small to medium-sized businesses and the owners of these businesses. 153 14 Brisbane Queensland Australia 17801663 Lucinda Bilney bridgetsmuse en Melbourne Melbourne 0 18 3 205 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 162725586 Di Mancino Plant_mad en Singapore 0 9 66 69 0 Singapore Singapore 19703644 Glen A Waters CyborgGarfield en Oz Melbourne 56 499 Christian Creationist, Jesus Freak! Happy Hubby. Writer of fiction. Bikless Biker. Cancer survivor (so far). Wheelchair Basketball Player. 246 2 Australia 130370761 Seamus Ryan docshay en Sunshine Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 36 185 Having worked in Saudi & China in G.P. management, I'm now settled in a beautiful corner of Oz, as a GP once again. Faye, Noreen & I enjoy life here very much. 63 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 65996158 Ez Webb EzWebb en Brisbane Brisbane 0 23 136 140 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 19811514 Catherine CatherineZahrah en Brisvegas Brisbane 0 609 12562 Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure 457 19 Brisbane Queensland Australia 15188077 Kosmikray Kosmikray en Sydney Sydney 0 57 1720 77 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 175297571 Erling Brandtzaeg ErlingBra en Bangkok 1 0 10 0 Thailand 21938951 Anthony Gerace AnthonyGerace en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 306 968 Brisbane News/Talk Breakfast Radio Producer. (Note: Views are mine) 409 18 Brisbane Queensland Australia 147431076 The Gruen Team GruenHQ en Chippendale Sydney 0 14151 1751 The Gruen Transfer: It's the ABC of advertising. Wednesdays, 9pm, ABC1. Produced by Zapruder's other films: 63 501 55204504 Mavi Mavi_to_2011 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 168 2031 Twittering to the end of my PhD thesis! Join me, motivate me to the end of March 2011! Vouloir, c'est pouvoir mais la foi est plus puissant. 482 10 Melbourne Victoria Australia 175193167 Frank Munnich bloke82 en Queensland Brisbane 0 8 12 46 1 Queensland Australia 42343873 Sarah Douglas saharamonsoon en 0 22 3 86 0 19853115 James Page jpage1977 en -37.819696,144.968888 Melbourne 0 10 78 20 0 22590635 Andrew Moon moonysark en Surry Hills, Australia Sydney 0 194 477 producer @ abc news 24. part time photographer. uni student. news nerd. overachiever. chocolate enjoyer. views expressed are mine, not who i work for. 410 12 Surry Hills New South Wales Australia 145090526 Miranda Oxymoron mirandaoxymoron en Walton's Mountain Sydney 0 144 386 The original Prim Reaper - trollumnist, gerbil protector, the only person reading this 452 6 145027514 Savills Australia SavillsAus en Australia Sydney 0 529 210 Property is our passion.Follow Savills Australia for commercial,retail & residential property news,latest Savills Research & industry updates. 1125 21 Australia 45109381 Ann Jobson AnnieJobson en Brisbane Brisbane 53 1023 Law Student - because torture was criminalised years ago and this was the next best thing. 123 5 Brisbane Queensland Australia 175255771 Brad thompson Bradleythompson en 14 0 51 0 71457959 MedtronicAustralasia MedtronicANZ en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 252 273 At Medtronic, we're committed to Innovating for life by pushing the boundaries of medical technology and changing the way the world treats chronic disease. 554 11 Sydney New South Wales Australia 64589901 Abi Shead abigailshead en Sydney 98 973 129 3 New South Wales Australia 152926750 Chris Gregerson ChrisGregerson en Adelaide Adelaide 0 23 36 99 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 37608702 UnitingJustice Aust UnitingJustice en Sydney Hawaii 0 491 503 justice and advocacy unit of the Uniting Church in Australia, National Assembly 319 50 Sydney New South Wales Australia 127778870 Josh FirstChoice_HL en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 1761 1931 1996 20 Melbourne Victoria Australia 90057407 Amy Poulain LongMacchiato en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 101 4810 Melburnian. Fitzroyian. Caffeinean. Blogger. 457 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 50179612 Dushan Jeyabalan DushanJeyabalan en Perth Alaska 0 12 1 81 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 159899444 Phillip Hardy PhillHardy en Sydney Sydney 0 5 73 Phillip Hardy - n. Aust. A law student, who - as a release, decides to act and sing. Not to be confused with 'multi-talented', as the latter infers 'talent'. 26 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 42306017 Jesse Marshall NUS_President en Australia Sydney 0 658 802 President of the National Union of Students (Australia). 2011: Jesse Marshall 263 38 Australia 22366619 Dominique Clapham DClapham en Kalgoorlie, W.A, Australia Perth 0 6 26 Stay at home mum of 1 with another on the way 25 0 14653089 rycrozier rycrozier en Sydney Sydney 0 419 1288 Tech journo, Japanophile... 507 28 Sydney New South Wales Australia 174482756 Sarah Jane Quigley SJQuigley en 0 10 6 58 0 34857353 Dalene Voigt Daleney en 0 0 26 0 160474479 Connie connielee626 en 0 1 1 8 0 150548541 Stevie Easton Stevie_Easton en Wollongong, NSW Sydney 0 100 487 Just finished a Master of Journalism at Uni of the 'Gong. I'm here to spectate more than commentate. 352 5 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 90125716 Ian Williams Dropbear67 en Adelaide, SA Adelaide 0 15 360 34 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 174104333 John Croxford JohnnyCroxford en Perth, Earth Perth 0 143 3074 Teacher. Film / tv / music / food / wine fan. Very amateur filmmaker. Probably watching a movie right now. 224 9 167780105 Stacey Copas StaceyCopas en South Australia Adelaide 0 36 79 former NSWite now living in Adelaide, love good food & wine, live music, sunshine & improving quality of life for ppl w/disabilities 44 1 South Australia Australia 22351801 Joel Taylor joeljtaylor en gFunk, vico Melbourne 0 89 1208 342 2 28016029 Andrew Farmer andrewfarmer188 en ÜT: -33.070139,151.647135 Sydney 0 185 2157 Mantras to live by: No substitute for experience, You can't escape human nature but our perspectives are unique. 466 4 12664912 Mark Muller SAPaleAle en Renmark, South Australia Adelaide 0 530 2618 Tech, Wine,Music, Photography, Cars and a openinternet 901 20 Renmark South Australia Australia 17921485 Luke Responseless en Fremantle, Western Australia Perth 209 2729 Oz Hip-Hop head, Fitness face, Wannabe explorer 436 12 Fremantle Western Australia Australia 71781035 Simon shtysoe en Perth Perth 0 55 188 Sales and Online Marketing at Itomic 100 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 175063761 Varia MRS_2012 en Sydney 0 0 7 16 0 New South Wales Australia 18893031 lukewallace lukewallace en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 987 2393 Digital Guerilla In The Midst Of Marketing. Surf Junkie / Groupie. Monster Energy Au/NZ Digital Media Dude 1994 14 Sydney New South Wales Australia 133191973 Tim Newman te_newman en Melbourne 0 15 10 78 0 Victoria Australia 24163466 Karen Muir klmyay en Perth, WA Perth 0 49 171 Jack of all trades, master of none. Lover of butternut pumpkin, Dockers and all things Paraguayan 178 3 Perth Western Australia Australia 66273117 Arabella H-C Arabella_HC en Perth 0 52 182 86 0 Western Australia Australia 164500686 Peter Nikandrow PeteNiktweet en Sydney 8 100 A complete socialnetworkingphobe ! 22 0 New South Wales Australia 43828911 Johnny Barrington johnbarrington en Canberra Canberra 0 1502 1346 I hack for triple j in Canberra, make noise in Super Best Friends (@TheBestieBoys) and try to be a big shot in the media/music scenes. My ideas, not the ABC's. 511 98 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 20484365 Ken Dally Cowcakes en Australia Canberra 0 66 940 Atheist, Uncle, IT Geek, Science Buff, Sceptic. Exposing the emperor with no clothes 134 4 Australia 29610565 Cameron Hill hilly_505 en Collingwood, Melbourne Melbourne 0 33 148 97 1 Collingwood Victoria Australia 19809055 Daniel Kentwell Dan__K en Sydney Sydney 17 98 Young, fun, smart and wacky. Find me under the lasers on the weekend, and behind a book during the week. 32 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 165967140 Rhianna Maree RaZzA001 en Australia 74 0 349 0 Australia 17353182 SimmondsDavid SimmondsDavid en North Sydney Sydney 0 41 103 SMB Manager - IT, BDM. Hash House Harriers, Tennis, Feed horses and shovel out the stables, sometimes get to ride. Follow cricket, AFL, Tennis. 164 0 North Sydney New South Wales Australia 61203280 Dominic Bowes dombowes en Hawaii 118 881 237 6 Unknown 21725943 Claire Johnston JohnstonCV en Sydney Sydney 0 133 175 Public affairs and communications consultant in Sydney. 365 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 34482946 Tim Bussink TimBussink en Bathurst, NSW Sydney 0 71 429 Charismatic Capricorn. 158 1 Bathurst New South Wales Australia 32298304 Ellen Sandell ellensandell en 0 149 93 101 10 20502676 Troy Jones troyjones001 en Sydney Sydney 0 57 401 33 year old story teller, entrepreneur, author, film maker and innovator 71 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18628543 Lani M Lani_ba_nani en Byron Bay, Australia Brisbane 0 79 1209 Looking at the stars. 149 3 Byron Bay New South Wales Australia 32217225 Seth sethmaster en Australia Hawaii 0 11 100 19 0 Australia 36598765 John Leal JohnAtCaloundra en Australia Brisbane 0 628 2008 The premise that global warming is man-made is the biggest hoax since Piltdown Man. 1025 20 Australia 16307090 Kate Doak katedoak en Uni of New England, Australia Canberra 0 886 12574 A young Transwoman who just happens to work part-time for, and ~ All thoughts are my own. 1145 48 Armidale New South Wales Australia 29937112 Google Australia NZ googledownunder en Sydney Sydney 0 13907 566 Google Australia and New Zealand 231 918 Sydney New South Wales Australia 92702284 Fake Eric Abetz LordEricAbetz en Hobart 0 222 324 Tasmania's most charming and honest gentleman 267 41 Tasmania Australia 96647010 TonyRAbbott TonyRAbbott en Melbourne 0 88 51 The Rabbit. An imposter of an imposter. If I am following you, it's because I am lost. Please PM me! 414 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 128344885 Joshua Allan Joshua_Allan en Brisbane 29 245 92 1 Queensland Australia 23296327 Shona Scully shonascully en Sydney, Australia Sydney 12 5 9 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 133255124 Jessica Thorn jcpotato en Melbourne Melbourne 0 49 387 You're local (maybe) science nerd.I also suffer from chronic election addiction. 210 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 15716868 stiosti stiosti en APJ Hawaii 0 59 521 Living on the edge - If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. I tweet my personal beliefs but I accept others. 407 4 Australia 14949685 purserj purserj en Australia Sydney 0 689 13020 father, husband, geek, producer, presenter and more 483 49 Australia 14625107 lilybella lilybella en Sydney Sydney 0 366 828 I work in the heady world of high finance and am a new parent to 1 human & 3 feline babies. Cooking, food, photography, gardening and technology keep me busy. 780 11 Sydney New South Wales Australia 7390472 Kim Rampling KimRampling en Gisborne, New Zealand Sydney 0 185 893 A self-confessed current affairs addict. News of news sake, clarity for God's sake. 244 1 Gisborne Gisborne New Zealand 17181074 Ulrika Ulli21 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 38 206 Project manager and mum to Joshua. Lover of chocolate, shopping and shoes. 103 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 14307761 Anthony Cleary bigants en Port Stephens, NSW, Austr Hawaii 0 201 571 Lost in the digital wonderland 327 5 14517846 Nathan Testa ntesta en iPhone: -33.812503,151.004606 Sydney 0 46 581 Does anyone actually read this thing? 61 0 40822633 Evan Mulholland EvanMulholland en Melbourne 0 25 32 62 0 Victoria Australia 123765094 Bianca Sandri bianc13 en Perth, WA Perth 0 35 82 Undergrad Planner, loud, argumentative, commonly referred to as the book of knowledge. 126 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 38086205 Richard Moore richardmoore81 en 0 12 5 44 0 154770143 Catalyst S solipsist_ en Perth, AU Perth 54 174 Catalyst - Politico - Ignostic - Queer - Libertarian - Solipsist 242 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 17399160 afitzgibbons afitzgibbons en Brisbane 17 0 19 0 Queensland Australia 89138957 T Core tcore123 en Australia Perth 6 23 130 0 Australia 67528989 Susan Bird DrSusanBird en NSW Australia Sydney 0 22 54 I am in Education. My passions are History and Curriculum.Lifelong learning isn't a catch phrase; it is a lifestyle. 48 0 New South Wales Australia 63591618 John Groves h2oaquarium en Victoria Melbourne 0 148 2627 Ex State President One Nation Victoria. Proud Father of 5 Children,Granfather of 10 Grandchildren,and 1 Great Granddaughter. 288 8 Victoria Australia 14636470 Greyham Greyham en Perth 0 24 80 161 0 Western Australia Australia 104740896 Jonathon Simonetis jsimonetis en Hobart 1 2 21 0 Tasmania Australia 17675316 r_fleming r_fleming en Melbourne 0 358 578 Take no prisoners - lets end extreme poverty 513 18 Victoria Australia 25159263 Lynne Kelman LJK062 en 0 6 4 50 0 53303554 ASRC ASRC1 en Australia Melbourne 0 1298 926 Australia's largest asylum seeker aid, health and advocacy organization 740 60 Australia 16972224 Luke Arms ofdphoto en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 743 8393 Photographer, nerd, follower of Jesus, husband, father. Also interested in politics and marketing. Lover of robust but friendly debate. 649 60 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 17077946 Ravi chotalia en Sydney Sydney 0 121 241 Software Engineer 472 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 35652155 Foad Fadaghi foadfadaghi en Sydney Sydney 0 443 499 Experienced telecoms, media & ICT analyst, former BRW technology editor, social networking researcher and industry commentator. 353 21 Sydney New South Wales Australia 24861068 NinakATya ninakatya en Melborn, Australia Melbourne 0 676 6434 I overuse ellipses... Let's argue semantics. 1377 43 20657095 Luke O'Neill lukeoneill en Sydney Sydney 0 213 1167 Part-time PR professional at @lewispr_anz. Occasional contributor to @irishechoaus. I tweet news, PR & politics. I'm interested in curation of news. Views mine. 281 17 Sydney New South Wales Australia 136441900 Scott Foley ScottFoley96 en Brisbane 1 16 24 0 Queensland Australia 144132644 Jim Buchanan jimjbuchanan en Sydney Sydney 0 8 160 the usual stuff: art, politics and gossip 87 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 145592502 Brad Cannen bradcannen en Australia Hawaii 0 8 2 33 0 Australia 133507976 John Kenny ByJohnsBeard en Brisbane 0 4 2 10 0 Queensland Australia 39353637 Scott Harland Groovetune en Sydney Sydney 0 66 461 Im an ex Dj, and Radio Guy now I drive Trains 427 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 174496619 Sally Miller revsalmum en Sydney 0 3 2 8 0 New South Wales Australia 171398955 SuicidePreventionAUS SuicidePrevAU en Australia Sydney 0 747 386 Suicide Prevention Australia is a non-profit, community organisation working as a public health advocate in suicide and self harm prevention. 771 49 Australia 34154884 Allayne Horton allyandroid en Berry, Australia Sydney 0 42 1018 immature. bam. 43 0 14054034 Paul paul_aus en Hunter Valley, Australia Sydney 0 1445 2403 Systems Admin, Web Developer, Debian Linux 1639 9 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 130496646 Claudio Mio clockworkmio en 2 0 18 0 20297983 Evan Foster evanfosterufg en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 264 927 Father of girls, UFG's general dog's body, pinko leftie, West Wing nerd. 438 13 Sydney New South Wales Australia 160790048 MLA AngryAtkin en FNQ: Australia's Boiling North Brisbane 0 234 5242 Fuck censorship. 345 30 173003457 Peter Doohan Eldersfpbundy en Bundaberg, Queensland, Aus Hawaii 0 124 208 I am a self employed and Franchise owner of Elders Financial Planning Bundaberg. Helping people manage their finances is my passion 316 7 174993350 andrew goman moving_forward2 en 7 0 38 0 19696764 James Pettigrove DXPetti en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 155 1671 Love all things Japan, Gaming, Cars and a hint of Photography 328 2 Victoria Australia 173187842 Topical Au topicalau en Australia 0 98 967 358 4 Australia 12312962 Josh gronkify en Sydney, Australia Sydney 70 1459 188 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 7632982 Kieran Bennett KieranBennett en Earth Tehran 0 279 2065 Bludger and activist from Wodonga, Australia. 354 17 Unknown 12341262 Kate kateausburn en Sydney Sydney 0 1625 9016 Activist, progressively political, Green Left Weekly writer and Australian Times columnist. Loves coffee & dumplings. 1990 67 Sydney New South Wales Australia 26959095 Ashton Rigg AshtonRigg en Brisbane Brisbane 0 387 4533 ✔ Verified Account. Currently studying the craft of Journalism at QUT. 677 12 Brisbane Queensland Australia 79471413 Betty Sobra bettysobra en Australia Melbourne 0 0 4 2 0 Australia 76003533 Ian House Houseyman en Geelong, Australia Melbourne 0 20 18 113 1 Geelong Victoria Australia 135447558 SterlingCooperAgency SterlingCooperA en Geelong and Melbourne Melbourne 0 390 150 The Sterling Cooper Agency is a consultancy specialising in dynamic copywriting, editing, tender writing and marketing strategy. For when results count! 1971 15 Geelong Victoria Australia 33163077 Joanne Palmer jwo30 en 10 9 46 0 31666484 Stuart Stu__pid en Wollongong Sydney 29 244 Trust me, I'm a doctor. 235 2 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 13137632 Martin Barry martinbarry en An Aussie living in Frankfurt Berlin 180 1801 Sysadmin / Network Ops 419 3 Frankfurt Germany 22466959 Jenny Gombos KittyCushion en Hawaii 0 79 815 Somedays you're the bug, other days you're the windscreen. 651 1 Unknown 46056435 Katherine English kate0612 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 38 163 222 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15166992 Simon Canning canning30 en Sydney Hawaii 0 536 625 Marketing, advertising and media writer on The Australian 112 24 Sydney New South Wales Australia 33170318 BWGraham ElCanguro76 en Brisbanópolis Brisbane 0 491 1415 1830 11 147115176 dave farrell davefarrell7 en geelong & melbourne Melbourne 0 10 110 25y.o Australian. Keen traveller, professional engineer. 34 0 Geelong Victoria Australia 22726693 gbh coax_k en iPhone: -33.856503,151.215134 Sydney 0 388 6275 805 9 162419472 chocolateetc chocolateetc en Sydney Sydney 0 809 296 I LOVE chocolate, especially rich, dark, dairy free chocolate...mmm... but there is soooo much else I love and I will happily write about anything... 1678 36 Sydney New South Wales Australia 105995526 Emily Barrand emmzzzbro en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 27 192 163 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 159073249 MorningstarOz MorningstarOz en Sydney,Australia Sydney 0 309 208 671 9 Sydney New South Wales Australia 116643676 William Houston HPMusicGC en Bedford City London 60 22794 House of Heaven Houston Productions Music House 0143[777]Fenlake Road Bedford City USA 91210 [THE NEXT LEVEL FROM ISRAEL] 1997 2 14456262 alisonsandy alisonsandy en Brisbane Hawaii 0 376 413 Investigative reporter at The Courier-Mail 232 24 Brisbane Queensland Australia 18038613 guru_aid guru_aid en Alaska 0 26 23 209 0 United States 174640000 Zombie Kevin zombiekevin07 en 0 20 84 BBBRRRRAAAAINNNNZZZZZ 29 1 174541626 Lorraine Daley Lojaka en Melbourne Australia Hawaii 0 3 4 17 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 85215535 Cate cate_carroll en Perth Perth 0 560 2354 Marketer, Copywriter, Journalist, Mother of two, wine (and gin and champagne) enthusiast, double sneezer :) 682 51 Perth Western Australia Australia 171343904 ACCESS ministries ACCESSmin en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 19 22 Providing Chaplaincy and Christian Religious Education in Victorian schools, and passionately committed to it. 35 0 Victoria Australia 15759955 branno branno en Australia Sydney 10 113 I love sport, especially Rugby and Cricket. 34 0 Australia 17823341 ExtremeWeatherHeroes ExtremeWHeroes en Australia Brisbane 1097 274 It’s ur weather – and ur future! Extreme Weather Heroes inspires young people to get involved in emergency volunteering to step up, get skilled & get prepared. 1950 22 Australia 27850181 Natasha Hidayat NatashaHidayat en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 225 124 Radio Journalist for 2SM 1269AM Sydney and Part-time Model. 1290 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 152991843 Jordan Gelbart jordangelbart en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 65 187 Sports Enthusiast + Journalism Student 158 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22351648 caroline knight caznick en 0 15 5 early childhood advocate, carefree and loving life 176 0 170238249 Rosemary Hudson justiceags en 0 32 16 88 0 17202295 Damien Millen damien_millen en Melbourne Melbourne 9 0 22 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 15730276 Jondalar69 xrayscience en Brisbane, Queensland Hawaii 0 45 426 90 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 25807167 Matt Simpson SimpsonMatt en 0 220 502 Producer for The Kyle & Jackie O Show and part time couch potato My tweets are my own. 620 4 174922267 Meldi Arkinstall MeldiArkinstall en Sydney 0 3 1 17 0 New South Wales Australia 174922761 Badboybobby bobbygc55 en Brisbane 0 4 6 0 Queensland Australia 174510091 Greg Billings GregB_01 en Perth 2 27 28 0 Western Australia Australia 174913039 William Coman william_coman en 0 5 2 18 0 30748293 Vincene Overs Vincene en Australia Brisbane 0 25 92 news nut and comms consultant, content is king people 99 1 Australia 44755452 Tim Kelly tjakelly en iPhone: -37.846004,144.949875 0 56 48 222 0 17613383 Bron puddleduck24 en Oz Brisbane 0 40 4152 She's just the girl, she's just the girl, the girl you want 140 3 Australia 118423650 Melinda Poor arteTorturata en Perth , Australia Alaska 0 813 959 Artist, observer,mother,wife,sister,daughter, friend. Artist and Mother of 5. 2001 13 Perth Western Australia Australia 174898874 Micha Stoker mdstoker en 6 0 22 0 23389355 Mark Lawrenson marklawrenson en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 101 212 422 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 41539378 ParkinsonsNSW ParkinsonsNSW en North Ryde, Sydney Sydney 0 137 150 PNSW is a non-profit, community org. providing information, counselling & support to people living with Parkinson’s & their families. Freecall 1800644189 292 5 North Ryde New South Wales Australia 165311013 Huw Phillips huwison en Sydney Sydney 0 53 345 trade unionist, harmonica player, bonsai enthusiast, dylanologist, arts student, historian, doorknob breaker. 148 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21064447 Brett W brettatitnews en Sydney Hawaii 0 558 1629 Editor of Music journalist in spare hours. Musician in scarcer hours. 387 29 Sydney New South Wales Australia 61463521 Anthony Abbott 24Ant24 en 0 8 2 74 0 28948433 Liz Burke lizeburke en Brisbane 0 185 362 Ridiculous things happen to me. Every day. 607 7 Queensland Australia 21735491 Matthew Wilmot mattedubbs en 0 61 37 657 1 25968401 Nick Rose Prozedj en Melbourne Australia Sydney 0 71 145 257 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 25780242 Sharon Batchelor sharuth en Melbourne 21 187 107 0 Victoria Australia 37591497 Todd Miller AussieInc en Adelaide & Los Angeles Hawaii 0 314 603 Taking Australian products to American Retailers 437 13 Adelaide South Australia Australia 35343228 Fiona Hartmann fionahartmann en Brisbane 0 39 220 266 1 Queensland Australia 51992733 SPG015 SPG_015 en Perth 0 7 33 58 1 Western Australia Australia 23847509 Dale Robertson Bonnydale en Melbourne Melbourne 0 146 48 Boring old fart 648 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 20403399 Rohan Watts rohanwatts en Adelaide Adelaide 0 113 413 I like things. 255 3 Adelaide South Australia Australia 20456710 Sarah Andrews sarahandrews1 en UK - Australia Sydney 91 339 Homeless Aussie chick hopping between Bombay and Berkshire 213 0 Australia 172597985 David Mills millsy135 en 0 8 3 132 0 44350759 Matt Roberts BlueMR39 en London London 0 76 303 Working with great wines in the old dart but missing the Aussie sun everyday 121 0 London England United Kingdom 174628881 NoLogic NoLogic83 en Brisbane 0 35 148 Likes: Tech, American & Australian politics, Basketball, NFL and the round ball 226 0 Queensland Australia 160562681 imogen louise 07glitter en sydney, australia Sydney 0 7 44 i like emo music , make up ... lots of other stuff too 54 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20510789 Mike Roberts MJGR en Sydney Sydney 0 9 263 31 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 161589521 Dee Ryall DeeRyall en Victoria 0 26 15 Victorian State Liberal Candidate for Mitcham 11 3 Victoria Australia 65279601 Wilma Henderson henderwi en 0 4 4 39 0 37594127 Harry White _HarryWhite en Australia Vladivostok 0 186 233 Living.Thinking.Tinkering.Making it happen.Innovation. High-growth entrepreneurship. Freedom. Laissez-faire capitalism. Individual rights. Limited government. 439 5 Australia 159022590 Tony IM_Liberal en Australia Sydney 0 6 13 15 0 Australia 174612593 Jude Nolan aberlady1 en 2 0 6 0 174605671 Tom Shanahan iheartlns en Crows Nest Sydney 0 9 43 Spewing truth from every orifice in the style of the Lower North Shore. 17 0 24126872 Letina Hutchison Letina16 en Hawaii 0 46 246 127 1 Unknown 82483101 Bill billcoppinger en Melbourne 0 84 390 211 3 Victoria Australia 16796942 situationnoir situationnoir en 0 57 289 145 1 157104521 Dominic Byrne Jetsdeltoro en Sydney 12 0 62 7 New South Wales Australia 170898426 Tim Casey timkcasey en Sydney 0 25 74 196 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166868044 Scott Thompson ozlouisxiv en Sydney, Australia 0 64 603 love using the exclamation mark!!!!!!!!! 175 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 173754292 Michael Polatajko MPolatajko en Perth Perth 0 31 14 57 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 61354917 Dee Copsey DeeChopsuey en Melb. Australia Melbourne 18 52 I love animals, jazz, days off, politics,good jokes, good political jokes :)smiling, cooking, talking to people 188 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 173397804 Susan Sipple sjsip en 0 26 10 315 0 174581620 parlyinsider parlyinsider en Canberra/ Sydney Canberra 0 72 11 Just another Parliamentary Insider, but I'm a tweeter... 194 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 142853719 Ben Sellick DrBenSellick en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 82 113 General Dentist practicing in Brighton and Adelaide, South Australia. Father, husband, massive Rugby fan and always keen for a long run. 264 3 Adelaide South Australia Australia 18960211 Alex Holmes AlexHolmes15 en Adelaide Adelaide 0 173 1119 A student in his final year of high school who spends most of his time either studying or on his bicycle. 569 6 Adelaide South Australia Australia 79703894 Patrick patcook85 en Sydney 75 831 307 1 New South Wales Australia 168334470 Matt Johnston HeraldSunMatt en 0 297 390 State political journalist with the Herald Sun 113 17 42374284 Brenda McCorkell 4peace4eva en Sydney 3 15 22 0 New South Wales Australia 19753363 Adam Couchman thecouchman en Bexley North, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 158 457 Salvation Army Officer, Student, Teacher, Apprentice Theologian, Father, Husband, Follower of Christ 685 3 Bexley North New South Wales Australia 131160944 Tommy V. Reale tommy_reale en Sandy Bay, Tasmania, Australia Hobart 0 54 191 Political aggravator and village idiot. 180 4 Sandy Bay Tasmania Australia 174234338 iggy damiani iggydamiani en Sydney Hawaii 0 33 74 National Business Development Manager @ Australian Banking + Finance Magazine and reporter for Real Estate News on Sky Business. 92 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 169423761 AgChatOZ AgChatOZ en Sydney Sydney 0 469 2439 AgChatOz hosts a weekly discussion on Tues night from 8-10pm on topical ag issues affecting Oz. Creators: @danicaleys @tweetingtwhitt @sam_grains 406 28 Sydney New South Wales Australia 42422661 Geoffrey Walker Gokurosama en Tokyo Hawaii 0 29 24 103 0 Tokyo Japan 174541593 Max secmanmax en 6 12 13 0 8734172 Paul Sinclair peacenik en Sydney Sydney 0 26 76 87 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 106690422 Susan Taylor Sdtaylor697 en Australia Sydney 0 15 124 80 1 Australia 174485179 Senator Hanson-Young S_HansonYoung en Adelaide Adelaide 0 87 12 Greens Senator for South Australia. My party comes first, everything else comes second. Trees are more important than people. What does economics mean? 197 13 Adelaide South Australia Australia 174472727 Jason Brad JasonBradM en 2 0 30 0 76826897 Kevin Humphries BarwonMP en Barwon Sydney 0 108 9 NSW Nationals State Member for Barwon and strong advocate for all things regional and rural. 51 15 77699304 Bindi Gove bindigove en Australia Sydney 0 165 752 Policy and Media Advisor-Interested in resources,energy, tourism, politics, fitness, business, economics, regional development, welcoming Oprah. 714 5 Australia 152098981 Ash Yipikaye_ en Sydney 3 0 4 0 New South Wales Australia 174401541 Stuart whitey_4151 en Australia/Canada 0 12 197 Likes: Travel,Reading,Fishing,All sports involving a ball/puck,New cancer patient, Manager global oil and gas company 107 0 30436814 Michael Green GreenMJ en Sydney 0 3 7 14 0 New South Wales Australia 49280075 Hamish MacGregor HamishMacG en Melbourne Melbourne 0 14 32 52 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 56991320 Ethan Devitius devitius en 0 1 2 4 0 23500689 Chris White chriswhite01 en Switzerland / Australia Bern 0 10 21 I'm Chris. Currently studying International Tourism Management. Originally from Tamworth. Yeee Haaa thun!! 119 0 172752946 Tahnea Rollinson TahneaR en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 31 32 Australia's favourite barrister 130 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 95485459 Chris Atkins chrisatkins01 en Australia Sydney 0 4 24 28 0 Australia 46081624 Josh KingMP JoshKingMP en Hawaii 10 52 77 0 Unknown 30626870 Kunaal kunaal84 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 87 916 Programmer, Amateur Photographer, Geek and Sports freak 181 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 152504090 Ron Mifsud RonnieXU1 en Lara, Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 12 20 59 0 Lara Victoria Australia 33826028 ~Vanessa~ vgvgvg en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 545 2478 If you can't handle me at my worst, you definitely don't deserve me at my best. xoxo 1399 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 138821886 Chuck Evenson stixnstuffstore en Blaine, Mn 0 282 524 1912 3 41298522 Matthew Smith mattys123 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 208 1010 Mad Collingwood fan. Also follow Newc Utd, SF Giants and Niners, SA Spurs, LA Kings, Melbourne Storm, Rebels and Aces. 680 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 174094078 Brock Sanchez Brockerst en 9 0 125 0 173665973 Tracey Embleton teorganising en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 21 24 Nothing gives me greater pleasure than helping a busy person to get organised. Allowing them to make better use of their time and space. 25 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 56967666 Michiel Tops MichielTops en Sydney Sydney 38 406 100 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 157106269 Valerie Kovacic vjoyce43 en 4 0 20 0 18326867 Chris Ross 1stcross en ÜT: -33.846209,151.115288 Sydney 0 14 24 A highly motivated broadcast / telecommunications and information technology executive 10 0 140599067 Simon Massey SimonJLMassey en Newcastle, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 33 18 I love God, I love my wife, I love serving the poor and disadvantaged people in our broken world, I love playing sport - particularly hockey and cricket 127 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 174137999 ABCNews24 ABC_News24 en Australia Hawaii 23 0 141 5 Australia 171338457 Ethos CRS Consulting EthosCRS en Canberra, Australia Sydney 0 19 60 The Ethos CRS spot for grammar tips, news, thoughts, politics, questions and answers. 76 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 171870013 John Rose JohnRose_85 en Hawaii 0 4 3 19 0 Unknown 57229075 Kim Lyell KimMLyell en brisbane Brisbane 0 70 3 ABC journalist. The views expressed here are my own. 146 11 Brisbane Queensland Australia 38346518 Environment Victoria 5MillionPeople en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 1677 2345 Environment Victoria is mobilizing 5 million people to safeguard our environment. It is a bold new movement designed to mobilise every single person in Victoria 1372 118 Victoria Australia 174140157 Phil Tucker 1973formow en 0 0 1 0 174136822 Craig Wakefield inataus en 0 0 2 0 44877865 Kate O'Keefe kate_okeefe en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 67 1358 My things: old dogs, old houses, old Porsches, music (old & new). Sensing a pattern? 160 9 Melbourne Victoria Australia 150251144 Dave T overtheradar en Sydney 0 23 159 128 1 New South Wales Australia 37446550 John T johnough en Eastern Suburbs - Sydney Sydney 0 19 1 Commentator 70 0 139972864 Tim Dick dick_tim en Sydney 0 385 39 234 14 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20568173 Jacob Greber jacobgreber en Sydney Sydney 0 59 9 165 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 23311651 Jesse Newman PastorJesseN en Albury Wodonga Sydney 0 109 749 Disciple of JC, Husband to @NewmanLoz, Father to Judah & Eli, Youth & Young adults Ps @FaithCityAus. I love God, Life & YOU 127 2 Albury New South Wales Australia 158115298 BETTY WATTS ONHOCKEYSKATES en 0 36 74 224 0 172306742 Claire Steigrad claire_steigrad en Sydney, Australia Sydney 5 1 Admin Manager & Mum embracing the 21st century... 82 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 16556035 Dave Templeman davetempleman en Sydney 0 34 58 Researcher 140 0 New South Wales Australia 24359482 Ashley Micallef ashmicallef en Melbourne 31 302 62 0 Victoria Australia 170575421 Cassie Holmes cas_87 en Gtown Melbourne 12 120 bad want money now 128 0 Geelong Victoria Australia 66268785 Danica Leys danicaleys en Sydney Sydney 0 292 1002 I am a solicitor at BlandsLaw. Background in agronomy. Special interest in ag law issues. Co-founder of #agchatoz. Wife, Mum, Stepmum, and country music tragic. 445 23 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21716816 Dylan Cross dylcross en 0 6 15 110 0 174051200 Cheryl Thomas catom72 en Canberra Canberra 0 27 7 218 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 24264190 rachelle pratt chellekycoop en australia Hawaii 3 2 5 0 Australia 33851836 Anne Rennie Czarque en Sydney Sydney 0 1381 2226 Sophisticated, classically styled, mini-me, Australian made leather shoes for stylish babies!! Personally - Mum to an entertaining pre-schooler! 1840 32 Sydney New South Wales Australia 150050335 News Elections 2010 newselection en Australia Hawaii 0 307 395 The 2010 Australian federal election and what it means to you 237 25 Australia 167971122 Natasha Malmstrom AlphaFaux en Brisbane Brisbane 0 22 146 Mummy of 3 beautiful children, I enjoy culture, a good debate and adventure. Love being DTE nearly as much as lifes luxuries!! 72 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 139333497 Follow Me Fit Follow_Me_Fit en Annandale, Sydney Sydney 0 348 284 985 3 Annandale New South Wales Australia 173990841 Ben Scheltus BenScheltus en 0 3 1 14 0 161647731 Damian Penter Beekeeper71 en Hoppers Crossing, Australia 0 12 69 Father of two teenagers going on mid 20's enjoying life with my beautiful wife. 88 0 Hoppers Crossing Victoria Australia 140893232 James Crittenden jamescrittenden en Hawaii 0 19 46 Politics. Law. Culture. Religion. Sport. 235 1 Unknown 23745703 Camilla Nock camillanock en Sydney 17 121 104 0 New South Wales Australia 156185650 Alex Glist glisti_com en Ð›Ð¾Ð±Ð½Ñ Quito 0 48 60 вÑе о глиÑтах и паразитах 518 1 141154516 Shashi Karna srk707 en New South Wales, Hurstville Sydney 0 11 55 Optimistic, Fun Loving Professional 37 0 Hurstville New South Wales Australia 20956536 Neil van Drunen neilvandrunen en Hawaii 35 974 measuring life in coffee spoons. 92 0 Unknown 23271438 Jonathan Weavers jw_1978 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 13 7 58 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18080174 Toby_Halligan Toby_Halligan en Melbourne Melbourne 0 219 409 Comedian, improviser, croc-wearer and rabble rouser. 527 6 Melbourne Victoria Australia 15052791 Brad Glassington glasso en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 2 4 21 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 171889878 indiana jones indiana666 en 1 0 13 0 130479523 Victoria Buchla tori_3218 en 0 7 3 47 0 19949106 Stephen Meara smeara en Brisbane Brisbane 0 28 9 I am a slave to my job. 155 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 68922059 Kylie Munro kylieiic en Australia Adelaide 0 34 39 Work: Passionate about engaging elearning and using technology to achieve this. 62 1 Australia 22220190 Alistair Flower alistairflower en Sydney Sydney 0 125 190 Group Marketing Manager of NLG Hotel Group 354 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 1593341 Brendon Chase cankles en Singapore and Sydney Sydney 0 497 1849 Digital media, usability, mobile web, ex-journo, music, musings, and rants. 386 18 Sydney New South Wales Australia 173786190 John Smith alobbyist en Sydney/Melbourne/Canberra 0 65 119 I'm getting fat on the Commonwealth Government. When I'm not doing that, I masquerade as a Canberra outsider. 245 1 31382990 Ken Boundy rhubarblover en Sydney Sydney 0 87 84 Multipreneur, mentor and enthusiast, pregnant with possibility and hope, enjoying the digital revolution 199 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 39030279 Yaron Gottlieb smellytap en Jerusalem 0 10 2 74 0 Israel 158982993 Kieran O'Connor _kieranoconnor en Wollongong, Australia 0 1 7 16 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 173704137 Anna Hutchison annastreater en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 8 7 Director, Marketing, Media & Public Relations | Grand Brands 37 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 21640600 Mark Hellyer knightrider001 en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 50 10 Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained 308 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 155046498 Jenny Coole coolecat en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 52 322 178 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 24281227 Matt Kemp peanut_finger en Sydaney! Canberra 0 19 176 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 19198635 Taffey Taffey en Wombat, NSW 0 154 2337 Sorry about the pong fellas, stepped in a Bosch and now I can't seem to get rid of the wiff! 379 14 74700074 Tim skramit en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 33 802 Technology addict and sporting fanatic. 155 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 51699394 Samuel Woodhouse SamuelWoodhouse en Melbourne Melbourne 0 17 93 116 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 21141992 Megan English meg_english en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 28 68 79 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 173735926 Paul Cross pcross1970 en Melbourne, Victoria Hawaii 0 17 126 Corporate Affairs professional True blue Carltonian 107 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 38314847 Geoffrey Jackson jackfrey en Sydney 4 0 13 0 New South Wales Australia 37410613 Elizabeth P lizziepops en Sydney Sydney 0 119 2771 One day I WILL play the cello and cricket and cross-examine better than I do now! 59 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 37873196 James Mooney JamesMoonay en Perth Australia Perth 0 57 45 Professional uni student slash tiger 373 1 Perth Western Australia Australia 173724149 Kate Steinhardt Katest77 en 0 4 16 36 0 172211301 Marta Wantenaar Binkyonyx en Sydney 2 0 36 0 New South Wales Australia 36289854 Little Loud Guy LittleLoudGuy en New South Wales, Sydney Sydney 0 98 961 Opinionated guy from Oz. Can anybody hear me out there?? 105 9 Sydney New South Wales Australia 169706507 The Movement EmilineMVMT en 0 7 34 7 0 158727898 Kate Phippard katephip en 0 9 16 48 0 5570752 Eugene Ho uggugg en Sydney Sydney 0 85 111 Code monkey. 626 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 38536800 Makeupnet Makeupnet en Australia Melbourne 0 387 1596 Australian retailer of Lime Crime Makeup & Bellaboo skincare for teens. We LUV bright bold & inspirational makeup. Shop for Limecrime at 529 13 Australia 173687139 Melanie Mamot mckk10 en 1 0 10 0 50426249 Alana Smith AlanaSmith_ en Sydney Sydney 14 0 Sports Journalist with Fox Sports News in Sydney 36 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 137584855 Deb McLennan Fridayschild77 en Townsville Brisbane 0 14 9 52 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 30816714 kathryn adams kathrynadams en Australia Brisbane 0 122 71 Average student who cant spend a day at home and loves to travel. Passion for PR and journaism. 480 2 Australia 173642460 Justin jmfrank42 en Melbourne 1 193 21 0 Victoria Australia 146245142 Wendy wenztl en Brisbane 0 29 8 216 0 Queensland Australia 173651641 Jenny Lambert jennylambert1 en 0 0 3 0 21528972 Rosemary Odgers CMRosemary en 0 197 4 95 10 14756925 Dr. Alex Mitrovic HypnoticYogi en iPhone: -33.633476,150.283493 Sydney 0 15421 18490 Zen Buddhist, Personal Trainer, Business owner & Metaphysician Producer of Bruce Barton's The man nobody knows audiobook 16704 405 16198940 702 ABC Sydney 702sydney en Sydney Sydney 0 7157 1974 ABC Local Radio Sydney 2687 367 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18969301 Jennifer Jefferys jjennifer en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 522 834 PR Pro at Spectrum Communications. Handling PR for technology, digital & media clients. Please don't ask me about my hobbies. I hate that question! 1144 26 Sydney New South Wales Australia 116582569 charmaine kane ckgoldcoast en Hawaii 36 6 Charmaine Kane is an ABC journalist on the Gold Coast. Any comments reflect personal views only 94 4 Unknown 17983691 lukeaustin lukeaustin en Sydney Sydney 0 11 2 Aussie in Sydney 25 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 19652816 Todd Saunders todd_saunders en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 144 70 Journalist / Newsreader @ Nova 106.9 Brisbane 254 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 35719706 Sammy Brown sammy_909 en Sydney, NSW Sydney 0 12 26 104 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 64982575 Sven Melkers SOS_WORLDWIDE en Greenland 164 319 Song Writer, Creative Director, Entrepreneur 1981 3 55728996 Mandy Mason imandymason en Alaska 3 0 15 0 United States 171455736 Carsten Burmeister sydneyphotoart en Sydney 0 450 55 Awesome photography from Sydney, Australia by photographer Carsten Burmeister. 1577 21 Sydney New South Wales Australia 171998133 Origin Ality mongrelozzie en what ? Hawaii 0 5 44 30 years of kicking shit means I might know something about it 16 0 173458557 john bath staunton_place en 3 0 13 0 110601557 Philip Smith pjsnetau en ÜT: -33.868163,151.20742 Sydney 0 43 189 BDM @ VHA, father of 2 beautiful girls! 145 1 173443875 hockey logo polls hockeylogopolls en 0 6 2 30 0 24301588 Amy Dunks LittleMissPopit en Sydney Adelaide 0 120 8867 Complex procrastinator who has a strong belief in retail therapy!!! 171 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 79063351 Simon M SIM0N__M en Adelaide 0 33 46 326 2 South Australia Australia 32781563 Prue Brennan prudyb en Melbourne 3 1 A mum with a special needs daughter and a loving husband 114 0 Victoria Australia 14647478 Leonie leoniedonovan en iPhone: 0.000000,0.000000 Perth 14 199 24 1 Unknown 173418370 Edward V. Gorog Antisocialst en Sydney Sydney 0 2 still thinking! but when Im ready it will be good! 1 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 164437860 sam twetdog en 0 2 59 72 1 32306865 Prue A PrueJG en Hawaii 23 0 141 0 Unknown 15928056 Carole carole1801 en Orange, Australia Sydney 0 39 50 123 5 24186401 Claire Low clairelow en Canberra Canberra 0 165 404 Fashion writer 404 9 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 52350161 Whip Willo WillooftheLang en Hawaii 0 13 161 50 1 Unknown 173345491 jaddan bruhn jaddan1 en Inner West, Sydney Sydney 0 566 687 Devil's advocate, advertising student. 1954 9 Burwood New South Wales Australia 20947550 Dan Tanja Boric Corb 13DanTan13 en Sydney Sydney 4 66 102 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 24350660 Tim Childs t_childs en Sydney 7 9 21 0 New South Wales Australia 161942512 ali watson ali_b_watson en 0 5 2 69 0 25727744 Matt Rheuben Ruuubies en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 16 6 56 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 71774914 Mikey B mjgriffin_b en over there Hawaii 0 3 11 Just a dude on twitter. 46 0 Unknown 75772201 Sue Page NoGreatMischief en Australia Sydney 24 62 74 0 Australia 159648448 Mark, Barton bartonmark en Canberra, ACT Canberra 0 96 1765 Ordinary person working honestly for a living in Canberra. Husband, dad, cyclist, kids football coach. 270 6 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 173384448 Kellie Shaw Shawfactor en Hawaii 0 2 30 0 Unknown 45096512 Neil Tunstall Tunna22 en Hawaii 0 0 24 0 Unknown 156152285 Author johhnedwards en United States 0 853 260 Educator - Author - Youth advocate - Stocks/Options Investment Guru. 1991 11 United States 173374265 Alexander Corbet acorbet90 en Australia Canberra 0 8 Studying law / Mandarin, loving trance music these days. 19 0 Australia 173040874 Leah Gilvray gypsylea68 en Bargara Brisbane 0 2 29 Australian poet, life lover and dreamer. 23 0 25370280 Kate S MrsKate2014 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 24 70 183 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 38823897 Frank Quinlan fquinlan en Canberra Hawaii 0 27 1 Teenage daughters, social services and social policy. 56 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 173341332 Rachel Bickel rachbickel en 2 1 6 0 32681558 Brendan Irwin BrendanIrwin en Gladstone, QLD, Australia Brisbane 0 19 378 Sandwich mogul. Titans member. NBA tragic. Have given up spin bowling 3 times already this year. 147 0 Gladstone Queensland Australia 24658017 Sashi Jellyman SushiJellyman en Melbourne 3 0 25 0 Victoria Australia 173316019 Jaz Gilbert JazGilbert en 1 0 5 0 50836586 Michael Cappello MichaelCappello en Australia Sydney 0 24 74 Started Twitter back in June 26 2009. The day Jacko died. 209 1 Australia 22727241 Mayan Fox MayanFox en Aussie, NZ, Fiji, Nicaragua Brisbane 0 199 166 2010 - Mayan Fox are on a roll and controlling the speed wobbles! 918 4 22908759 James Murphy buckley6697 en Adelaide 0 63 816 Former political staffer, now a teacher and singer in training. 250 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 103198662 Gavin heckcentral en Earth Hawaii 0 9 66 21 1 Unknown 24670285 Amalie Henderson marlie87 en Hawaii 45 227 330 0 Unknown 163045144 Matthew Woolaston Woolaston92 en Canberra 0 5 9 33 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 73425563 Valandiel Valandiel en Collingwood Melbourne Melbourne 0 4 36 AION addict !!! Wheres my wings!?! 46 0 Collingwood Victoria Australia 29601743 Nicky Alsemgeest nickya73 en Wagga Wagga Sydney 0 54 1065 125 5 Wagga Wagga New South Wales Australia 14694538 Ross Greenwood Ross_Greenwood en Australia Sydney 0 835 305 Channel Nine Finance Editor, host of Money News on 2GB&3MTR 123 26 Australia 25107618 Ben Lilley bglilley en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 113 1313 unemployed grad. pols nerd. football/cricket fanatic. 258 4 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 173063361 Jesse Landry SydneyPolitics en Sydney, Australia 124 834 599 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 172340744 Ashley Cox ashleybcox en Sydney, Australia 0 4 111 68 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 171855830 Greg Cummins cummo0 en Bowen, Australia Brisbane 23 7 377 5 23261314 Snooty Paws SnootyPaws en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 1182 2245 Online Pet Boutique - Luxury Pet Gifts + Treats! Tweets by Clea and Leigh 1231 36 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 25061273 Chris Quagliata chrisqu en Townsville Brisbane 0 57 191 Townsville Bulletin journo, online producer/glorified data entry clerk 231 3 Townsville Queensland Australia 143069358 didss peninsula didsspeninsula en Western Port Melbourne 0 19 14 Dads in Distress is a dedicated support group of men (in Australia) whose immediate concern is mens health issues caused by the trauma of divorce or separation. 100 0 173087600 Andrew Cheong andaluzchewong en Alaska 0 7 5 I'm a goddam Buffalo Solider. 62 1 United States 97627223 SpiderOrchid Caladenias en Geelong Australia Melbourne 0 7 19 Sceptic, Forensic Bibliophile, Scribbler, Antiquarian. 49 0 Geelong Victoria Australia 17358016 Allan Waldron allanwaldron en iPhone: -27.240499,153.001694 Brisbane 0 1471 3577 Executive IT&T Recruiter | Talent Attraction | QLD Government & Private Sector Talent Resource Supplier - Brisbane Based 1102 33 Kallangur Queensland Australia 30817540 Anthea Wu Norisit en Perth Perth 0 52 83 217 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 53680315 Ïคιкєค Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ paikea_nz en Earth/Twitterland 0 246 638 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Twitterati Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ... I speak english,español,français, deutsch,a bit 日本語,a bit portuguese, studying chinese (韩愈)^^ 1429 0 22721396 Galbraith Lyndall lyndygalbraith en Sydney 3 2 22 0 New South Wales Australia 14144105 Lynn Walsh lynnwalsh en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 1041 3111 facilitator of groups for planning, discussion, decision: gov't, community/not-for-profit and corporate workshops. traveller, writer, observer, occasional coach 1593 27 Sydney New South Wales Australia 164594829 Bradford J P Bford_99 en Pacific Time (US & Canada) 37 42 Get out, Get up, and Dont drop short... 185 0 United States 37273736 Lynnette Edwards LynnetteEdwards en Sydney.San Francisco.Sydney Sydney 0 75 226 L&D, training, HR, web design, sport, Apple MacIntosh, medical breakthroughs, stock market, fitness, fast cooking 47 3 171684375 Kieran Ingrey kieraningrey en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 38 382 112 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 127995873 Riverview NSW Riverview2066 en Sydney 0 67 339 110 9 New South Wales Australia 25963022 ★Alicia ★ heythatsmyhat en NSW, Australia, THE UNIVERSE Sydney 0 183 2900 A keen chess player and an avid bear watcher. Speaker of many languages including Swahili. Collector of stamps and letterboxes. Liar. 724 5 New South Wales Australia 15405240 Liam Parker Parkeli en Melbourne Melbourne 0 208 2394 Web Developer and Content Creator from Melbourne 950 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22091259 Danielle Letall oceanmystic en Sydney 0 14 16 74 0 New South Wales Australia 173042330 Emily Gregg emilymoriagregg en Pymblee :) Sydney 7 73 74 0 Pymble New South Wales Australia 124626467 Mark Donaldson squagz en Perth 0 49 70 Perth writer and culture enthusiast trying to navigate his way through his own and other's bullshittery. 149 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 148795662 Carly Nason RayDipesto en Adelaide 0 21 12 97 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 173054699 Bruce Male cando11 en 0 17 7 71 0 31549158 Michael Jones MichaelJones351 en Canberra Canberra 0 16 80 37 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 172298620 Anthony antdam75 en 0 0 5 0 173042123 Jacques de Klerk baldlegaleagle en 0 0 2 0 38158333 Carmel M Carmel_M en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 198 1165 I DID actually ask to be born. 407 12 Melbourne Victoria Australia 166071271 Andrew Greene AndrewBGreene en Canberra Hawaii 0 2071 697 ABC Political Correspondent (and Essendon FC fan) 387 164 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 136877499 Miz Candy cheekyhippo en Aus Sydney 0 17 541 Is the girl who gets asked if she is keeping out of mischief and is behaving herself.. 128 0 Australia 32343207 Emma Buckley Lennox ebuckleylennox en North Melbourne Melbourne 0 117 724 Enthusiastic journalism student and reporter with the Student Youth Network. HIRE ME! 409 2 North Melbourne Victoria Australia 173011645 Nicholas Derrington N_Derrington en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 34 369 Orbis non sufficit 130 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 1223521 Harley Dennett harleyd en Washington DC, USA Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 1252 3556 Australian journalist in Washington DC, covering politics. Air Force husband. 531 70 United States 18944370 Jasmine jassabelle en Perth, Australia Perth 0 14 91 38 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 38151878 Dean Turkey dean_inc en iPhone: -37.863655,145.009811 Melbourne 26 200 96 1 44561449 Garth Tregillgas Garth78 en Sydney Sydney 159 97 Senior Social & Traditional Media Analyst with Mediascape Global. 912 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 40644258 Mike Hitchen MikeHitchen en Sydney Solomon Is. 0 1037 8275 Publisher of award winning, i On Global Trends focusing on human rights,social issues,anti-trafficking, international relations and non mainstream global news 1626 69 Sydney New South Wales Australia 62172327 Rachel Journalist29 en Gold Coast Hawaii 0 112 49 I'm a Bachelor of Journalism student at the Gold Coast. I'm interested in working in all fields of journalism. My degree specialisations are writing and music. 688 14 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 100172664 Troy McMullan TroyMcMullan en Perth, WA Perth 0 214 3546 Almost finished BA(Hons) Security, Terrorism and Counterterrorism, Minor in Criminology and Philosophy. Now researching what to do with it. PhD sounds nice. 203 32 Perth Western Australia Australia 17669971 Paul Gillen PAGillen en Canberra Canberra 14 0 58 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 21997033 Michael O'Brien Mobbby en Brisbane Brisbane 24 63 Why be the same when you can be different. 248 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 172967042 Chris Nicholson keenobserver74 en 0 2 2 13 0 172950896 Ian Berry ianbberry en Bathurst, NSW, Australia 0 47 13 87 2 48299311 Amanda Garner dramaqueen87 en Sydney Sydney 14 1380 keeping it real 51 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 167617425 Jan Williams Janpaul2646 en Melbourne 0 22 8 176 0 Victoria Australia 28820947 carpet cleaning asapsteamclean en melbourne Melbourne 0 225 147 melbourne carpet cleaning services home removal services and mobile cool room hire 332 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 172113085 Erin Doyle DentaMed en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 0 174 169 Denta-Med gel=100% success for people with dry mouth, ulcers +/or bad breath. Australian dentist invented product. Proven results w/ money back guarantee 206 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 17335202 holein9 holein9 en Sydney Sydney 0 65 87 402 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 172837411 DJBallPlaya DJBallPlaya en 0 34 3 Hello This is DJBallPlayaTv & I'm from youtube! I love all my fans (No homo) Unless ur a girl..& Yeah thats it. Oh & if U follow me I will follow back :) 346 0 113205417 Rob Bridger robbridger en 0 0 1 3 0 33883023 Naomi Scout Lim naomitlim en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 188 629 Twenty (something) journalism/law student who has promised her mother she will graduate... one day. Loves: the written word, instant mi goreng and Michael Cera. 383 12 Brisbane Queensland Australia 69427007 Flangela CrochetedPoop en Brisbanal Brisbane 109 3489 No, you write something about YOUR self. 456 6 86171743 Kreateman kreateman en Land of Oz Hawaii 0 23 181 Writer. Reader. Lover. Fighter. 191 2 147946508 Michael Kenny mikekenntweet en Sydney Australia 0 242 456 SBS journalist 1181 11 Sydney New South Wales Australia 172877064 Richard Sharman blackshadowpix en Melbourne Melbourne 0 235 781 Photographer from Melbourne specialising in music, events, portraits and more 795 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 27316604 Solly Sollygc en Greater BNE & GC (Aust) Brisbane 0 55 2541 Often seen between the Gold Coast & Brisneyland and at FL410. Also catch me on the deck @ the Boardie when on R&R around the Cove. 186 4 172574521 Jason Middleton priestlyjason en Brisbane 3 102 56 0 Queensland Australia 160518750 Emily Marr emily_marr en Melbourne Melbourne 12 11 38 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 172839138 verified account verifiedacounts en 0 20 12 i will only Follow verified accounts a list of verified accounts that lend to an international dinner table conversation. also see list ofunverified accounts 243 3 44170913 David Ritter David_Ritter en 0 178 856 273 10 170784694 Daya P S daya_p_s en London, UK London 0 9 1 206 1 London England United Kingdom 172862191 Old Journo oldjourno en 0 28 170 Journo from the typewriter age. Not many journos left nowadays. Most are writers. 71 0 171165396 Casey Church Z88HockeyGuy en Akron, Ohio Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 50 76 88.1 WZIP-FM Sports PowerTalk's Resident NHL and Hockey Expert! 277 0 95588489 Murray Bunton murraybunton en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 119 170 work [] think [] fun [] i'm from hong kong. 133 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 172328435 Chris Gatenby chrisgatz en Canberra Canberra 0 14 78 86 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 172719982 Geraldine G gigigante en 0 10 32 55 0 169873609 Miss Dorothy Parker DorothyParrker en 0 174 319 625 2 110889896 Rebecca Pashalidis bexim99 en Australia Melbourne 9 12 Mum, Wife, Nurse, Friend, Daughter, sister in law, loved & heaps more - I'm a lucky girl!! 24 0 Australia 172339386 Bethany Winkler bethanykate9 en 0 0 35 0 27825956 Helen Kerr Pugglegum en Hawaii 1 3 16 0 Unknown 172700455 Ben Ryan Ben_Ryan_NSW en Country NSW 0 20 105 222 1 New South Wales Australia 22862481 Chris Bolenski cbolenski en Sydney 3 37 17 0 New South Wales Australia 16558280 higg1e higg1e en Sydney 0 176 1122 Both A and B mused; digital; SEO; SM; mktg; advtg; bizstrat; any music; running; laughing hard 582 1 New South Wales Australia 23573810 Tim flowpak en Australia Melbourne 37 352 139 1 Australia 25442544 Amy Hourigan aimsH en Brisbane Hawaii 0 276 533 Work: Bris digital creative agency. Likes: good food, good conversation, my hat rack. 390 6 Brisbane Queensland Australia 158390479 Michael Garrard M_Garrard en Wollongong Sydney 38 37 314 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 61772567 susiejoybell susiejoybell en Melbourne 9 0 166 0 Victoria Australia 170997404 @Mitchell Delamotte slacko87 en C-town 0 5 56 sport is great, so are books. music is nice too 59 0 140827822 Reginald Pompfrigton noisyinstrument en Hawaii 0 6 17 23 0 Unknown 106996911 Stuart Aamodt FliteKyer en 0 5 16 34 0 151409489 Lindsay Rollings AussieTitanic en Australia Melbourne 0 41 82 395 1 Australia 172651121 Maria Harvey theallprogroup en 1 0 5 0 58263177 Paul Fitzpatrick PFitz00 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 53 343 I'm a 23 yr old uni student who plays a bit of hockey 323 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 172639032 Colleen Douglas collyjolly1 en 1 0 7 0 169767749 Helen Davidson heldavidson en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 161 1197 journo. These views are my own. That's why they have my name next to them. Not my boss's. 264 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 48257225 Anna Harper akateharper en Melbourne Melbourne 0 81 131 Digital Media,Software Sales and wine enthusiast 143 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 151455165 Jane Niall jane_niall en Woodend 0 49 9 I'm very busy. Its taken me over 2 years to get thru a book on tape. Yes people, a book on tape. 329 1 Woodend Victoria Australia 172223655 Mike Crooks MRCrooksEsq en 7 0 57 0 172593828 Jordan Gurdler JORDANGURDLER en Brisbane, Australia 0 192 819 JORDAN GURDLER. I R 18. Summer. Guitar is what I do. Music is my obsession. Bookkeeping is my profession. Now you know me, tell me about you. 379 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 25986390 lauren L_Ro en Hawaii 25 0 30 0 Unknown 34088842 Yvonne Jones yvonnejones007 en Brisbane Australia Brisbane 0 24 5 International Education Agent. 91 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 171336657 Denis Bordeleau DenisBu fr 13 0 177 0 54442253 Bonne Eggleston BonneEggleston en Sydney 0 48 103 104 1 New South Wales Australia 8777282 annabey annabey en Sydney, New South Wales Sydney 0 676 1601 I'm curious about almost everything! I Love: food, tinkering, friends, news, $5 steaks, fresh air, Internet, reading, exploring and looking at the stars 194 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 170243091 anna thomas kerpahkhahkay en 0 134 2082 225 10 171963555 Michael Roux DieHardRedSox en 0 55 22 668 0 156233808 Lynne Hughes L1NN3 en 7 0 70 0 33475715 Matthew Jackson matthewjaxon en Hobart 11 6 29 0 Tasmania Australia 84230523 Andrew Roe Andrew_roe_ en Hawaii 0 6 7 15 1 Unknown 18828352 Ashley Weidner bigash65 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 82 540 Actor. Singer. Comedian. Writer. Cricketer. Bombers. Puppeteer. Director. Hot. 251 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 172330454 mark yeomans markyeo1 en 0 3 13 7 0 170277032 Warren Cooley worriedongle en 0 0 1 0 14960033 Tom McQuarrie thomasmcquarrie en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 30 45 48 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 104717328 Tom Smith tommysmith91 en Sydney Sydney 0 21 24 100 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 17647032 Bec becsilver en Melbourne Melbourne 10 142 110 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22877129 Santa santanzi en North Melbourne Melbourne 54 362 457 0 North Melbourne Victoria Australia 19673477 Barb Tong barbtong en Brisbane 225 888 34 4 Queensland Australia 15095053 jackoAUS jackoAUS en sydney 0 0 4 2 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 115572629 iElect iElect en Australia Hobart 0 91 382 Federal Election 2010 107 7 Australia 140043498 Shane Taylor Shane_Qbn en Canberra 3 0 27 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 81503726 Kate Watts KateAnneWatts en Australia Hawaii 0 213 149 Melburnian, aspiring journo, world explorer, Dee's supporter and happy all-rounder. 576 7 Australia 159066825 Cool Kids Stuff coolkidsstuff en 0 287 2 Cool Kids Stuff is an online kids merchandise store. Check out our new website 787 3 169430089 Joe Average theJoeAverage en Sydney, Austalia Hawaii 0 55 24 Trying to get back together 232 0 172277057 Jack Ewart ewart_j en Sydney 1 0 12 0 New South Wales Australia 38547868 The Beanie Kid greenat14 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 660 16967 I'm one of the youngest Green members ever, I've helped at every by/election since I was 7 I'm 14. I love the Tigers, beanies and want a career in Politics. 1517 44 Sydney New South Wales Australia 30416955 Chris Urquhart chrisurquhart en Hawaii 0 382 234 Nine Reporter in Sydney. These are the views of my employer...actually no, they're not. They're mine. Actually, no some of them aren't even mine either. 246 16 Unknown 25036115 Blake Hampton blake_1986 en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 137 1438 Fanatical Football & Cricket Fan based in Aus. Love Arsenal, Samp and Sydney FC 471 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 169325026 Nicolas Wirtz nicobwirtz en Perth 0 7 2 32 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 18615739 mathewputtick mathewputtick en 0 19 1 62 0 26226528 kristen Webb Kristen_L_W en Hawaii 0 10 4 46 0 Unknown 171412216 FunWise Fun_Wise en Mandurah Perth 0 238 79 We offer a range of quality, fun and educational toys to keep children occupied in play, yet immersed in learning. 868 6 Mandurah Western Australia Australia 172242546 bola itical bolaitical en 2 0 21 0 77925100 Kristine Snell KristineSnell en Sydney Sydney 0 250 352 PR at Write Away Communication + Events 612 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 172191648 dan nicols dannicols en 1 0 20 0 171691467 Lachlan Smith LachieSmith en Hawaii 2 2 28 0 Unknown 14348410 Bryan Hale brontle en Sydney Sydney 0 212 4186 Now in limbo in Melbourne. Standard issue gay, geekyish, media and pop culture loving tweeter, with moderately heavy polititweet flow. 367 13 Sydney New South Wales Australia 156180378 Nicholas Kittel nicholas_kittel en CBR Canberra 0 36 286 Cartographer, part-time shaman and collector of fabergé eggs. 93 3 22610548 Lisa Fenwick lisa_fenwick en Sydney Sydney 0 484 289 Graphic artist 682 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 56941909 Matt McDonald mattjusttweeted en Hawaii 0 17 61 52 0 Unknown 172197834 Robert Rooney AlexanderRooney en 0 4 2 16 0 85209462 Justin Thomas jth92038 en Australia 0 13 374 36 0 Australia 172179157 A Murray 140cranestreet en 6 0 88 0 171721619 Siobhan Kent shivkent en Australia Canberra 0 141 166 Head of Communication, British High Commission. PR, Journalism and Comms background, news junkie and fitness junkie! 447 10 Australia 98294460 Gerad Todarello gtodarello en 0 3 4 13 0 54822496 Peter Wells Wellsjp en Byawatha 0 41 109 204 0 172151317 PrimeRadioNews PrimeRadio_News en Queensland 0 58 7 107 6 Queensland Australia 164590851 Dean Winter DeanWinter4 en Tasmania Hobart 0 109 901 Mostly interested in the Geelong Football Club (but not football), Tasmanian Tigers (cricket), Tasmanian politics and Michael Scott inspirational videos. 353 6 Tasmania Australia 29911902 Nicole Bailey BruceBails en Hawaii 5 73 38 0 Unknown 172104317 Craig Nelson cnelsoncatalyst en 0 4 4 5 0 172119942 Carmel Robertson CarmelRobertson en Australia 23 0 ABC TV News - Producer/Chief of Staff 126 6 Australia 25009279 FerretofSydney FerretofSydney en Wherever there is food Sydney 0 33 48 Ferret wearing pink plush floppy ears 64 0 172119497 Kishore Chand KishoreC7 en brisbane 0 5 167 15 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 172099644 TLJones Tanation en Brisbane 10 0 69 0 Queensland Australia 27827951 Ania Aquino its_ania en down under Sydney 0 72 146 ... i believe in a better way. 157 2 Australia 171989784 Charles Mayger Charles_Mayger en Adelaide Adelaide 1 0 16 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 156091783 Jacquie Superbugmusic en 0 29 46 126 1 168653922 Jason Smith ledlad6 en 0 12 11 70 0 25237816 hahahaha RoMa90 en 0 88 1740 468 4 168474645 Anne McCaffrey annemccaffrey en 0 9 19 27 0 52710123 Robyn Thornhill RTCrafting en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 48 51 Senior food stylist and glitter distribution manager at Chateau Thornhill in Melbourne, Australia. 231 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 161085968 Craig Kelly Craig4Hughes en Sydney Sydney 0 44 15 Liberal for Hughes 28 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 41973345 Cecilia Storniolo Cecilia_St en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 34 739 Financial Services specialist, now in policy and advocacy. Lover of travel, great food, wine and enjoying mountains by the sea. Views expressed are my own. 100 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20255574 Aaron Rigby AaronRigby en iPhone: 51.513927,-0.138438 Sydney 0 172 692 9am-8pm Insight Director at Ebiquity Australia – 8pm-1am Husband, Gamer, Consumer! Many, many hats - so little time to wear them. 238 5 171892086 Will Taunton will_taurion en Adelaide 0 0 2 9 0 South Australia Australia 90755720 Rebecca Puddy RebeccaPuddy en Adelaide, Australia Melbourne 0 49 141 Australian journalist 137 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 16844700 Andrew McDonald AndrewM138 en Wollongong, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 313 11000 Recovering punk. Journalist and writer to be. Into noisy, interesting music. Eternally cynical. Every day is another existential crisis waiting to happen 96 9 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 163793679 Irene King ilk0708 en 7 0 102 0 171870880 Dmitry UnFlic en 9 0 41 0 6733542 Anthony Coles AnthonyColes en Australia Adelaide 0 935 1433 digi-native, comms strategist, change agent, light-green, sinophile, father of three (INPO) 1531 51 Australia 167639906 Jarath Cobcroft Cobby1990 en Inverell Pacific Time (US & Canada) 11 57 129 0 158982145 Belinda Hodgson belinda_hodgson en Gunning, NSW Canberra 0 50 90 288 2 159331307 Tomas Mac Phail tommacp en Hawaii 6 0 50 0 Unknown 21744712 Bridie Jabour bkjabour en Gold Coast dammit! Hawaii 0 186 102 I like stuff. Most stuff. But not all stuff. 415 5 169484443 Melanie cook MelsyC23 en 0 0 45 0 15053445 Joelme Joelme en ÜT: -26.546602,153.042497 Brisbane 0 50 68 160 0 28735875 Kirsty Russell KirstyRussell en Newcastle, Australia Sydney 0 109 510 Would like to be a professional tennis player when I grow up - but for now content to be married with 3 kids! 553 2 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 23397115 Laura Bolst laurabolst en Melbourne Melbourne 0 28 229 22... aspiring Journalist (if I can ever graduate) 182 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 36553172 Sophie Thomas luv_sophs en Perth, Australia Perth 0 38 198 I love the little things in life... like cake! yum yum :P 576 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 171852332 celica olsson celicaolsson en Perth 0 15 105 The heart beats in its cage. I'm not a cardiologist or anything but I'm pretty sure. 127 1 Western Australia Australia 14428765 alice_stanley alicestanley en Melbourne Melbourne 0 60 125 Temporarily retired from my career to have my first munchkin baby Oliver. 87 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23879092 nat kate n_k_gaga en Melbourne 0 29 3688 462 0 Victoria Australia 26404873 Luke Currie Luke_Currie en Cairns Brisbane 0 9 30 67 0 Cairns Queensland Australia 171820983 Shona Batge ShonaBatge en Canberra 0 0 96 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 20663426 Jen Hepburn hep_j en Melbs Melbourne 0 93 4575 Umm.... yep 132 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 140022303 Marie Wye mariewye en 0 2 1 17 0 171812198 Andrew Mckenzie andrewdmck en Brisbane Brisbane 0 70 65 Bible,Classical Greek Hebrew & Latin,German Language,Politics,Tech, Books,Anicent Near East, Australia,Scotland,Reformed Theology,Reformation History, Cricket 316 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 72821972 belinda bowman belbow79 en 0 0 9 0 47566879 fred s demonspofforth en Sydney 0 91 3890 93 6 New South Wales Australia 156985220 Elizabeth Gaggin LizGaggin en Brisbane Brisbane 20 18 I'm not a girl, not yet a woman! 75 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 127681272 Mick Neven MickNeven en Melbourne Melbourne 0 73 921 Comedian/Writer/Dude who does Stuff 97 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 158943858 Daniel Gumby1975 en Melbourne Australia Hawaii 0 38 496 what a strange world we live in. Gotta love it!!!!! 114 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 149040879 Lisa Backhouse Lisa_Backhouse en Brisbane Brisbane 0 202 137 News presenter & journalist, Channel 9 Brisbane. 204 11 Brisbane Queensland Australia 171783271 Goolia Jillard gooliajillard en 0 14 31 Fake PM running for re-election as a puppet for the union bosses. 80 0 170056127 Avi Sivan sivanavi en 0 449 39 1988 5 84494802 Julie R julesrau1 en Perth Australia Alaska 0 25 5 Perth girl 25 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 17768014 Murray Francis muzfrancis en Busselton, Australia Perth 0 52 116 Computer geek/father/husband. Work from home as a software dev in South West corner of Australia. Microsoft specialist - C#, .net, SQL Server etc. 86 2 Busselton Western Australia Australia 47304193 Lauren Dean LaurenDean21 en Bendigo, Victoria, Australia Sydney 3 100 31 0 Bendigo Victoria Australia 40630703 Brett Murray BrettChipMurray en Australia Sydney 0 83 390 Married to Terrisa. kids Hannah, Joash & Micah. A speaker helping people find & fulfill their potential through inspiration and personal example. Loves life! 172 2 Australia 34817164 Jane Porter porterjane en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 48 145 54 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 24668931 Elizabeth Lambert LizzyLambert en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 58 213 44 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 24155565 Jill Putzolu Jillputz en DownUnder Sydney 24 6 Music lovin Paramedic. Love the beach, travel, playing guitar, family, friends and my job. Don't take too much seriously. 159 0 Australia 158205858 Clarinda GigglenSqueak en Sydney 0 95 533 490 0 New South Wales Australia 39456357 TJ Marx tjmarx en Australia Brisbane 0 135 5786 100% Pure Awesomage! 65 1 Australia 171752604 Daniella Trimboli DanniTrimboli en Hawaii 3 0 26 0 Unknown 171747142 Anne-Maree Hamilton bodegapark en Canberra 0 1 3 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 169355879 The election Troll TheElectionTrol en Australia Sydney 0 268 47 Born under a bridge but found a home at Parliament House in Canberra! 109 17 Australia 171734696 John Oost M3Shades en Canberra 0 0 1 4 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 52531293 milly brigden aussieinvestor en Sydney Sydney 2 4 10 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 27153818 Amelia Coles meals00 en Hawaii 10 16 305 0 Unknown 150098709 Reyne Martin kinkdogg en Adelaide 0 34 154 G'day, I'm an amateur singer and rapper, with no singing lessons. It's really just a hobby for when i get bored ;) Just trying to keep great music alive.. 391 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 19708005 Cathie Tranent CathieTranent en Adelaide Adelaide 0 773 9455 I am a wife I am a mother I work I blog I photograph I design tshirts I'm tired 903 93 Adelaide South Australia Australia 43073637 sarah camilleri sarahcamilleri en Adelaide 0 8 1 52 0 South Australia Australia 32328467 Ryan Haynes ryiman en Adelaide Adelaide 51 218 ...Adelaidean Foodie... 276 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 52282729 Leanne Teggart Teggleberry en Australia Sydney 4 10 30 0 Australia 171732281 Daryn Sibley BadBoiDaryn en Teneriffe Brisbane 0 10 44 sarcastic biatch 72 0 74209958 Andy Bond HMS007 en Sydney 5 0 13 0 New South Wales Australia 86887450 Batsheva Katzen Batsheva66 en 1 0 3 0 34827115 Mel zpjedm en Sydney 1 37 328 0 New South Wales Australia 144145434 Amber milbourne AMBRS en Montrose. Sydney 0 45 644 Blonde, blue eyed, kid wrangling domestic goddess. 263 1 Montrose Victoria Australia 113558614 The Owl techverbatim en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 16 95 Late 20's Melbourne guy, working in the IT / Telco industry. Often found discussing news and politics (but not at work) =P 82 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 37111925 Michelle Stojanovski Chellestoj en Sydney 0 21 5 66 0 New South Wales Australia 38110862 Fiona Hutchinson fihutch en Melbourne Hawaii 0 428 1061 psychologist, cook, cleaner, nurse, taxi, umpire and mum of four!! 1329 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 57603916 Emily Ryan erya868 en 4 0 21 0 134476946 Denis Sunnycoasters en 0 0 2 0 125304121 vina varsani venusballerinas en Hawaii 20 620 109 4 Unknown 37640065 Laura Kebby Lkebbs en Newcastle NSW Australia Sydney 1 7 13 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 84027425 Chrissy Semertzidis Chrissy_cross en Melbourne Melbourne 0 45 314 72 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 170293052 Amanda aai532 en 1 0 3 0 167606914 Sam Hendley Sammus4000 en Bris, Australia 0 5 104 22 0 168677693 Bad Stocko NStocko en Sydney 0 7 9 Follows The Tigers!! N a special lady ;) 24 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 67343550 Kris2040 kris2040 en 0 175 9688 437 11 18274098 just trill trill_xx en Sydney, the good bit Sydney 0 133 669 not so confidently unsure .... me and my apple chip on my shoulder :) 349 1 136154625 GuGu4GaGa GuGu4GaGa_ en Sydney 0 330 7930 DRUNK tweeter :-} ✓VerifiedMons†er 631 27 New South Wales Australia 36330146 Lauren McCay Acacia7 en NSW Central Coast Sydney 0 9 15 I am a big fan of V8 Supercars. 17 0 Gosford New South Wales Australia 23027786 Sal Hoy shoy6 en Coffs Harbour Sydney 0 13 16 119 0 Coffs Harbour New South Wales Australia 34804421 Amanda Lofts Manda2702 en Sydney 0 5 9 16 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 114134440 David Dayus EnoTheWonderdog en Melbourne 0 36 854 130 2 Victoria Australia 29165852 Cindy Shuttleworth CindyandAndy08 en Muswellbrook Australia Sydney 0 48 330 Proud parents of 3 gorgeous kids! 598 2 38782636 TheMissNik TheMissNik en Brisbane Brisbane 0 57 1343 Business Student. Dedicated MAC Nerd. Aspiring to take over the world. 128 4 Brisbane Queensland Australia 8989442 Little Beth Beth bethanie en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 1467 20147 Bubbly, passionate, fiery, and embracing of the inner-geek. Which is fast becoming the outer-geek. 674 105 Melbourne Victoria Australia 171711301 Natasha Exelby NatashaExelby en 0 240 19 158 10 169703135 Kidspot Laundress KSLaundress en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 220 196 Kidspot's Laundress sorts the froth from the bubble in Spin Cycle: Election 2010 686 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15374755 Campbell Simpson csimps0n en Vault 13 Sydney 0 634 6062 journo. Rake. Lord of the em-dash. Immodest grammar-tragic etymologist. Arrogant dinosaur fancier. Post-post-ironic, post-hipster. TVAMOADNRTOME. 439 41 61630154 James Morley NthShore_Homes en Sydney AUSTRALIA Sydney 0 24 11 Real Estate property consultant servicing the North Shore of Sydney Australia 12 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 171084007 Inter Active interact101 en India 0 5 75 Buy tickets now - Football, Concerts, Auto Racing, Basketball, Cricket, Festivals, Golf, Hockey.... 40 0 India 46873993 Mark Gibbons _LiquidIce en Tehran 0 26 30 74 7 Iran 171272616 Jane Rawson StarryJR en 0 10 12 50 0 28988437 Ellie Watts elliewatts en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 31 30 Shoes. I make shoes. 61 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 52848120 Sujo MGEMUSIC en Miami,FL Quito 0 147 116 singer/songwriter/producer: 1310 1 171487610 Sam Morrissy smorrissy en Melbourne Melbourne 0 52 337 Politics, Food, St Kilda & Life 160 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 159478589 James Kerr jamiekerr10 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 48 196 Real Estate Residential Investment Consultant - James Kerr Enterprises. Offering residential property in QLD, NSW and VIC. Completed and off - the - plan. 59 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 34577716 Shaun Parkes ShaunDParkes en Australia Melbourne 0 53 126 227 1 Australia 170671731 Bowral Court House BowralCourtHous en Bowral NSW Australia Sydney 0 33 10 WANTED - Looking for the perfect master chef to establish a dream bar and restaurant in this immaculate heritage Court House in rural Bowral NSW 82 1 130118763 Robin Kippie robinkippie en ÜT: -37.785573,145.26295 0 22 3 259 0 171409284 Theo Souris theosouris en Abu Dhabi 0 30 63 385 0 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates 171449911 Stephanie Brown MissBrown1992 en Brisbane Brisbane 0 16 103 167 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 171437114 John McLaughin TJMConsulting01 en 0 6 4 39 1 26472151 Patrick Saundry patsaundry en Australia Melbourne 0 76 32 The Business Value Builder 198 1 Australia 171414605 Reuben Broadfoot Reuben_B en Sydney 0 23 9 108 0 New South Wales Australia 170673893 Troy Fernandez Troy_Fernandez en 0 15 6 118 1 24632506 Damien Murphy Damiencornelius en 14 0 78 0 171390462 Yvonne McQueen bottlesdolls en 1 0 10 0 30198705 Simon Williams simwilli en Sydney Sydney 35 153 353 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20832180 Lucy Williams pinkglasses en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 56 173 Single mum and an extremely proud one with amazingly wonderful kids! Lover of life, music, people, dancing, writing, singing & all things that make you smile :) 183 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 20727216 Greg Ramsey gcrgolf en Port Stephens, NSW, Australia Sydney 0 30 1179 99 6 24074099 Amanda Louise Peters TheAmandaDiary en Sydney Sydney 0 43 51 fated to pretend. Ordinary but happy. 177 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 142488714 Craig Williams CTWDarwin en Darwin, Australia Darwin 0 6 67 Darwin Branch Manager 15 0 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 168607514 Drew Wheeldon 00DrewDrew00 en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 2 75 19 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 149115892 Timothy Hawes timhawesoz en Blue Mountains Sydney 0 34 75 157 0 24855486 Lorna Brett Lorna_Connected en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 621 2144 Journalist for Connected Australia. Sydneysider, history nut, animal and beach lover. Dreams of writing a book (or two) 1217 15 Sydney New South Wales Australia 171311839 Terry Svenson Terry_Svenson en 1 0 10 0 137082527 Simon R simonr2010 en 0 5 1 129 0 144856821 Kat Widomski katarzynawid en Adelaide Adelaide 0 69 450 The beautiful thing about chaos is how much we get to learn about ourselves. 168 3 Adelaide South Australia Australia 50478904 manuÑкулъ manuscule en Switzerland Bern 0 194 164 Thinking about media, languages, politics, classical and jazz piano. Plans a travel around the globe without flying. Français Deutsch English لعربية Ùارسی 1869 5 Switzerland 22555421 Jason Blackbourn JasonBlackbourn en ÜT: -33.776483,150.922913 Sydney 0 52 166 50 1 71212441 Dinamo Riga dinamorigakhl en Riga Riga 0 1161 1786 Dinamo Riga and KHL news 1443 39 Riga Latvia 171130283 Jimmy B b4sports en 0 529 108 I'm all for sports. Both kids and adults need to be encouraged to be active, participate in some type of sport and reap the health and social benefits. 1632 8 57920625 Cameron Chu chuiecam en Sydney 2 0 10 0 New South Wales Australia 22003519 Anu Malaviya anuey en Australia Perth 44 10 I am a comm's professional with a keen interest in public affairs. Amazing people, places & convo's are what motivate me & keep me going.. Talk to me already! 183 1 Australia 109334570 Larry Joy LarryJoy en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 10 5 Love building into God's house and people's lives. Inspired to change the world, one life at a time, starting with my own. 39 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 170259345 Juliet Arkwright JulietArkwright en Illawarra, Highlands - Throsby Sydney 0 46 15 As the Liberal candidate for Throsby, I look forward to serving the people of the Southern Highlands and Illawarra. 75 9 Illawarra New South Wales Australia 171019010 ronich ritanili en 0 6 6 84 0 17871743 Timothy Smith Timinane en Tasmania Hobart 0 13 22 Disabled guy who likes politics and speaking about democratic process. Including my views about what's going on in state parliament. 86 0 Tasmania Australia 170658608 David Balaza davidbalaza en Adelaide 0 1 5 7 0 South Australia Australia 23308792 jessica ann kelly Iamjesskelly en Kingston, ACT, Australia 0 22 64 60 3 62475319 thelovekite thelovekite en you're my home Melbourne 0 40 54 meow. some people say i'm a thief, but really i'm just a treasure hunter. i love you. 247 0 170583278 Bernie Mac TilleyTheToad en Brisbane Brisbane 0 31 64 The cane toad in Australia was popularised by the film Cane Toads: An Unnatural History (1988), which tells the tale with a humorous edge. 81 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 171012117 Lisa Lloyd lisamareelloyd en Sydney Sydney 0 8 3 31 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 48383202 Bec Weeks becweeks en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 69 136 181 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 54041453 PETER CASTRISOS pitchmark en Brisbane 0 4 5 13 0 Queensland Australia 168078314 Caitlin Delbridge caitydel en New South Wales, Australia Sydney 0 33 165 doing HSC and have finished school...onto uni next year! 159 1 New South Wales Australia 170994109 Andrew Hoyle AndrewPHoyle en Brisbane Brisbane 0 2 9 Process Engineer 6 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 141816940 Ann Louise AnnLouiseau en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 117 22 Ann Louise is an Australian party plan business selling a range of sensual, luxury products for women and couples. 498 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 101951510 Jack Brady jack_brady en Sydney Hawaii 0 68 110 Interesting and interested and not defined by his employment status 242 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 136482640 Fiona Ingram fdi77 en Brisbane Australia Brisbane 0 17 394 75 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 169851705 smott smottme en 1 0 ......finding my place in a 'big australia' 8 0 125895491 Steven Connolly connoscfigtree en Brisbane 0 71 98 PR Consultant and former journalist 111 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 169384723 Jarrod Ball JMBall1 en 0 7 1 59 0 167301176 Logan Muspratt WhoWhatWhereWhn en Perth Perth 3 0 And now you know less than I 6 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 22240626 Jack Kelly jackwithaj en Melbourne Perth 0 178 2100 I am Jack. Isn't that enough? 503 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 15014793 melissa_chan85 melissa_chan85 en Sydney 24 14 82 1 New South Wales Australia 164586979 Fiona fifilw en Sydney 1 1 new mum, loving life just waiting to find i've just been dreaming 124 0 New South Wales Australia 36322659 Laura Matthias laura_PRDdapto en Dapto, Australia Sydney 0 119 44 Laura has progressing quickly through the real estate industry now holding a Real Estate License & runs a uccessful Property Management Team. 314 0 Dapto New South Wales Australia 170920074 salbo salbonese en Sydney 0 54 47 329 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 153281105 Tedy Ferreira YDET75 en 0 3 5 69 0 49227106 #### kittysthoughts en Queensland Brisbane 0 23 418 I'm a farmer 4 the farmers. 43 0 Queensland Australia 165738207 Tom Browne Tom_A_Browne en Melbourne 0 78 197 Sport Journalist 7 Melbourne 197 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 49019549 zac lost_boy123 en 0 13 28 67 0 165660881 Andrew Probyn andrewprobyn en Canberra, Australia 0 631 11 Federal Political Editor for The West Australian newspaper 75 52 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 168603123 Jules J_A_CORREA en Wollongong 0 6 14 What to write here? Hmmm 68 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 37899061 Andrew Mina AndrewMina en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 60 509 Married to Celina_Mina (Bella). Work for UAC. Go to Hillsong Church (Castle Hill). Passionate about turth, justice, education and Bella. 129 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 48202907 Michael Weinstock nittanysurfer en Earth? Eastern Time (US & Canada) 78 71 Surfing, soccer playing, teacher extraordinaire! 551 0 Unknown 123515675 Derrick W Vox_Dog en Brisbane, Queensland Hawaii 0 105 453 GGGRrrrrr Ruff! 344 5 Brisbane Queensland Australia 15750814 Karen Thompson kaz747 en Perth WA Perth 0 2225 13056 Part of Murdoch University's Executive Education Centre team. Interests: marketing, branding,leadership,social media,music,theatre,films, friends & family 2339 184 Perth Western Australia Australia 146740774 Steve Mullen stevemullen1 en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 50 77 Business Owner, Self Proclaimed 'Geek', Loves to enjoy great food and wine with great company 103 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 53327719 Martin Drum Martindrum en Perth, Western Australia Alaska 0 33 7 Martin lectures in politics at the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle, Western Australia 45 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 170674472 Claire thefryingpan en 0 12 3 Politics. It CAN be interesting. 45 0 25028680 me velvetmuzzle en Melbourne 193 413 1147 3 Victoria Australia 94027044 Skye Boyland SkyeBoyland en Melbourne Melbourne 0 9 1 18 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 170670873 Siobhan Moran Siobhan135 en 7 0 90 0 170200768 Barry Reeve breeve5 en Perth 1 1 10 0 Western Australia Australia 16862139 Luke Hopewell lukehopewell en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 323 2431 Avid gamer, keen photographer, scooter enthusiast. Enterprise and State/Local Government Journalist for @ZDNetAustralia. Views and opinions are my own. 478 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 39623437 Sharon Tuite sharontuite en Sydney Sydney 0 49 520 103 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 170647043 Nicole Sander NikSander en South Australia Hawaii 0 3 7 I'm twenty years of age and have strong interests in politics, travel, photography, reading, writing, trivia and sports - especially hockey, tennis & swimming. 36 0 South Australia Australia 170284436 Todd toddjt92 en Drouin Melbourne 0 16 193 I'm 18. I'm the eldest of 4 siblings. Currently finishing Year 12 at Drouin Secondary College. TV and news addict. Also like reading, music and movies. 127 0 Drouin Victoria Australia 41778744 Bronwyn Daniels bronwyndaniels en Australia Hawaii 0 24 424 83 1 Australia 90370328 Zoe Cameron ZoeCCameron en 0 9 7 50 0 168102473 Todd Nardi toddnardi en 8 0 29 0 165195113 Tom thomaus27 en 5 0 55 0 17675186 Mickleham Mickleham en Melbourne 0 54 390 112 0 Victoria Australia 70110589 Ben Ponte LWPonteIII en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 16 22 A proud Aussie, Roo, Hornet, Liberal and I don't mind a surf either. 30 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 29360454 Marcus Claxton flightchild en Sydney 9 9 81 1 New South Wales Australia 24500933 Ocea C OceaC en Australia Adelaide 0 238 161 283 3 Australia 158310232 Jared Cady TheJaredCady en Newcastle, Australia 0 5 22 Eurasian stuff FTW...160 characters or less?...this is MUFFED up, so follow me or reweet me or something...not failing at UNI... 18 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 170625721 Roy Chedraoui chedraoui en Australia Mountain Time (US & Canada) 0 1 5 0 Australia 18876944 Aaron Wright atdubya en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 48 177 Um... not sure today? 34 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 170618847 Ryan Lubrano ryanlubrano en 1 0 2 0 170619297 sasha ssa97 en Sydney 538 57 1992 12 New South Wales Australia 168623879 Andrew Blain ablain68 en Melbourne Australia 0 14 7 82 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 15528297 Christine Gardner chrissieg en Hawaii 0 6 21 27 0 Unknown 125800364 Charlotta Lomas linkelotje en Melbourne 7 0 169 2 Victoria Australia 163827531 Amber Wannenmacher ginge_09 en 0 0 64 0 170608836 tony belavic vtbel en 0 4 13 20 0 170609216 Mitchell Clout mcloutius en 1 7 2 0 17337664 Jarryd Biddle jarrydbiddle en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 75 402 Government secret document leaker 126 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 93608368 Luke Cartwright Luke_Cartwright en Canberra, Australia Hawaii 0 49 104 221 2 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 41779706 Craig O'Hagan crohagan en ÜT: -35.190684,149.135904 Canberra 6 38 Partner Deloitte Risk Services Canberra 105 1 170561058 Coco the brown dog CocotheBrownDog en Sydney Sydney 0 1 2 I'm THE brown dog of Brown Street. I have an opinion on everything. Woof. 7 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 14232964 Steve Preston steve1796 en Sydney Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 36 50 live in Sydney, work in marketing at IBM, into politics, food, travel and running 118 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 169814946 Gary Simpson garybsimpson en 0 3 3 51 0 168661815 Tony Abbott MHR Abbott_Tony en Sydney Sydney 0 22 23 Swinging 50-something public servant. 17 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 105407635 Ken Jobling rkjobling en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 130 1059 Ex-Engineer - now IT Professional 437 5 Victoria Australia 20791602 Nathan Moore beefking en 0 13 13 75 0 19680879 Toni stcam en Australia Brisbane 0 16 153 40 0 Australia 166074830 martin baldacchino martinbaldacchi en castle hill sydney 0 33 27 90 2 Castle Hill New South Wales Australia 170515866 GetUpMelbPorts GetUpMelbPorts en Melbourne Melbourne 0 8 6 GetUp Get Together - Melbourne Ports raising awareness & demanding action on 1)Climate Change, 2)Asylum Seekers, 3)Mental Health. Join us on the campaign trail 28 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22601696 James Gloyn JamesGloyn en 7 61 60 0 170123618 Sunnye Hughes wots_eyes en 0 8 59 35 0 170501145 Jason Marr JasonMarr en Perth Perth 0 24 10 118 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 22659009 Lauren Exton LaurenExton en Brisbane Brisbane 0 36 73 Who else...? 101 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 59382840 go_pies13 go_pies13 en 0 15 6 74 0 59967449 Nathan Furry nathanfurry en Australia Canberra 0 67 257 Youth Member of Parliament for Burrinjuck. Proud Liberal Conservative - Member of the Young Liberals 156 2 Australia 170491664 sas1961 senseandnosense en Australia Sydney 3 5 4 0 Australia 11889092 Anne Holmes polyxena en Melbourne Melbourne 547 14317 Public libraries Web 2.0 Food Breast cancer Local history 1020 63 Melbourne Victoria Australia 109997406 Kerry Beake HAEScoach en Perth Perth 288 4295 Health at Every Size (HAES) and Wellbeing Coach, BSc (HumBiol), Post Grad Dip (SocSc) 200 19 Perth Western Australia Australia 27596333 Netz netz_melb en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 168 3263 A Melbournian with interests in travel, transport, music, photography, Home & Away, Doctor Who, politics, technology, and most! 92 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 159385436 Ganey gan33e en 11 0 162 0 26445514 Brooke Plummer iBrookie en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 223 1877 Melbourne girl, Carlton supporter, sports lover, music fan, wine sipper, here for a good time- not a long time 651 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 136639237 Intissar Al-Amri Intissar_93 en dxb Abu Dhabi 49 52 338 4 20421902 Katerina Katerina_b en Sydney Sydney 0 91 358 260 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 163270233 Chrissy Gardiner chrissygardiner en Sydney, Australia 0 75 207 Opinionated public servant, former press sec, public transport advocate and political junkie. I also knit. Own views blah blah. 166 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15399602 Rebecca Milewicz rebeccat en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 30 222 92 1 Victoria Australia 170299197 stella collins StelzC en 0 4 3 13 0 26462343 Ben Walker bmwalker4 en 0 45 116 349 1 170286250 Jeff Fuller jeffyfuller en 15 0 203 0 60594083 emma h emmahuynh en Sydney, Australia 0 10 17 Vegetarian 41 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 170219886 Dave Lawrence VolunteerDJL en adelaide, south australia Darwin 86 1629 hmmm what to write here.... well im 24 live in grange, south australia. 916 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 152932107 Gary Swenson GaryDSwenson en Brisbane 9 0 41 0 Queensland Australia 149064088 mac macdog8 en with you Hawaii 0 2 76 if your awesome-follow me 25 0 Unknown 170253777 Chris D Rolmon99 en Brisbane, QLD 0 56 404 108 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 170252023 Jack Hartland jegh98 en 0 0 5 0 53630368 kasuni mendis kazpottymouth en 0 77 76 144 0 28306665 Jade Mitchell JadeEMitchell en Brisbane Brisbane 0 58 146 Scorpio, Student, Partner, Mother, Friend, Sister and Daughter 173 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 90489600 Jacqueline Parker Jacqueline8168 en Australia Brisbane 0 43 51 I specialise in helping retirees to navigate into and through retirement, structuring for and accessing the age pension benefit and aged care. 98 2 Australia 67302055 Em Kater Emkat01 en Hawaii 0 6 16 13 0 Unknown 35901362 Torsten Lachmann torstenlachmann en Sydney 0 26 40 52 0 New South Wales Australia 168976604 Tammy C. Donnelly donnelly_tammyc en Australia Melbourne 3 7 I am fun, I have a great sense of humor. I love people and animals. I am also on Facebook... ;) 3 73 0 Australia 26442305 Jared Sheldon Jared_Sheldon en ÜT: 13.793298,100.546506 Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 148 89 I'm an English teacher working in Bangkok, Thailand. Currently 25 years old, I have been working overseas for the past 4 years. My home town is Melbourne, Aust. 130 0 170207105 Kellie Marsh kjpKellie en NSW Australia 0 2 3 15 0 New South Wales Australia 20046588 Terence Guthridge T_Guthridge en Melbourne Australia Melbourne 49 2 Barrister at Law.Exp Trial Lawyer. Legal Advice.Intellectual Property/Copyright/Defamation, Divorce, Property Settlements, Criminal Matters. 306 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 170203043 markwallwork mfw1970 en sydney 2 0 54 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 95793122 Natasha Griggs NatashaGriggs en Darwin & Palmerston Darwin 0 291 458 I'm the Country Liberal's Federal Member for Solomon. 314 33 161140757 Michael post4mike en Darwin 0 8 61 22 0 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 22992707 Julian Assange MightyChewbacca en Australia Sydney 0 563 16399 Electrical Engineer, Economist, Militant Socialist Greenie, Part-time Radio DJ 223 35 Australia 16359905 Michael Nelson lebronfan en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 25 56 Love to travel, fav destination NY 91 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 153935482 Nigel Blunden NigelBlunden en Sydney 0 12 1 45 0 New South Wales Australia 168627026 Julie Richards belle_r5 en 2 0 38 0 170155867 Lynette Crookall lacrookall en Hawaii 0 0 3 0 Unknown 167378885 Jesse Parsons Jones jessepj87 en 0 63 19 582 0 169484214 Ian Watson lonewallaby en Brisbane Brisbane 1 2 16 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 14272487 sussanj sussanj en Alaska 5 24 12 0 United States 168869306 David Longworth da_longy en Brisbane Brisbane 0 0 2 Married with 3 beautiful daughters, currently an IT Project manager 12 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 170074541 kumbartcho kumbartcho en Queensland, Australia 0 272 23 Wildlife & Nature Reserve dedicated to Australian Flora and Fauna. Active Nursery propagating Australian Plants 801 6 Queensland Australia 170067178 benjamin donsben en US 24 0 80 0 United States 23877818 Pro Hockey News ProHockeyNews en World Mountain Time (US & Canada) 0 1265 2961 100,000 readers every month 1122 66 Unknown 167684655 Steve Hall ssch75 en 0 3 7 15 0 169282433 SportsTwo.Com SportsTwodotCom en interwebz 0 114 49 Up and coming sports site. Join us today! 994 1 167999695 Peter Stathis PeterStathis en Sydney, Australia Sydney 99 905 Hi everybody, Never take anything for granted, treat others the way you would like to be treated :)) 320 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 32382158 Keis Ohtsuka KeisOhtsuka en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 18 20 Psychologist interested in gambling cognition and cultural issues. Teaches at VU. A member of National Assoc. for Gambling Studies (Australia). 108 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 168365115 Nicholas Kotrotsos NicKotrotsos en Australia Sydney 26 4 91 0 Australia 166123466 Itang Joseph itang_ivirtual en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 0 81 56 Virtual assistant based in Adelaide, SA. Assisting business with their administrative tasks virtually! 142 14 Adelaide South Australia Australia 17327367 Cmdr. Q. Fortescue fortescue en Adelaide, South Australia, Aus Adelaide 201 2112 Sysadmin, Programmer, Bit Wrangler. Husband + Father. #Adelaideian. 189 18 Adelaide South Australia Australia 101735375 Nigel Petrie nigelp73 en Sunny Coast Brisbane 0 19 179 fan of most sports (esp. golf), politics and all manor of music from beatles and beastie boys to the darkness 30 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 36231975 Judith Mullins judithmul en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 19 108 32 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 137311548 Gaye Cameron gayecameron en Oatley, NSW 0 1 20 Risk, OHS and Emergency Specialist, OHS & Enviro Auditor 3 0 114168079 S K skm29 en Hawaii 0 0 117 0 Unknown 32830641 Ralph Buckley ralphb06 en Logan Brisbane 0 85 122 568 1 Logan Victoria Australia 167591219 Samuel Mullins SamuelMullins en Australia Canberra 0 38 406 Recently married. Recently buoyed. 138 5 Australia 159444841 Jenni Philippa jenni_philippa en Canberra 0 3 4 16 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 99046042 Danny Henley-Martin Danny_HM en Wollongong, Australia Sydney 0 32 288 Wollongong University | I.T | Big W Associate | Christian | Local Politics | Liberal | Runner | Gamer | 58 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 169861702 Alexander AlexSomlyay en 0 2 1 3 0 168011839 Lara Hodgson LaraHodgson en Queensland Brisbane 0 7 8 View News Events Editor 25 0 Queensland Australia 17981788 Nina Finlayson NinaFinlayson en Australia Sydney 0 21 6 22 0 Australia 169816877 Christopher Platz cpmeh en Queensland Australia Brisbane 0 7 218 7 0 Queensland Australia 169814400 Jason Vause ParkStreetBoy en Townsville 0 14 109 47 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 128414229 BigBenHur bigbenhur en Australia Hawaii 0 9 43 A slave to the polices of the Australian left and the right ... but if either steps into my arena, it will be the Libs under my chariot wheel! 40 0 Australia 157944453 Brayden Walls SteelSafeTruck en Melbourne 0 398 81 Worlds No1 defence against truck trailer/cargo theft & terrorism Once fitted we are able to safely apply the brakes from anywhere in the world 24/7 protection 2000 3 Melbourne Victoria Australia 26700844 Richard Widows richwidows en Sydney Hawaii 0 255 923 Passion for agriculture and sustainable food production. I work as a policy analyst across a range of rural issues. 506 9 Sydney New South Wales Australia 168112718 Boris Yurinov BorisYurinov en 1 0 Boris the Bullet Dodger 10 0 40417480 Winny winnydotcom en Melbourne 0 18 71 198 0 Victoria Australia 169388985 MT ThermalSeeker en Melbourne 0 8 22 78 0 Victoria Australia 81350863 realiving Realiving en Sydney Sydney 0 12 15 27 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20418742 jonathan dart jondart en Sydney 23 0 107 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 169742704 Robert Hough4Moncrieff en 7 0 59 0 27838811 Ian Harvey get650515 en Cairns Brisbane 0 92 889 Human 430 2 Cairns Queensland Australia 169385040 Kay Marrs Kaypetal en Australia Brisbane 0 13 21 64 0 Australia 18097850 Tim Zahara timzahara en Sydney, New South Wales Sydney 40 857 Spaghetti eater. Law/Media student. Corporate minion. Deluded blogger. 95 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 14863431 MollyROXanne MollyROXanne en Australia Sydney 684 14367 interested in psychology, in people, in Asian cultures, have a few uni degrees and I like to know stuff. what about you?? 811 40 Australia 28558119 Luke in Canberra lukercanberra en Canberra Canberra 0 32 7 325 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 146068442 Simgarra simgarra en Sydney 0 5 17 66 0 New South Wales Australia 169670340 stan tuxford stmaussie en 0 0 1 0 169661190 Ian IanJur en 0 1 7 6 0 124668413 Coliewees Coliewees en 0 48 395 I have a view on most things, one just needs to ask the right questions. 181 4 169537483 Warren Yeung Warren_Y en 1 0 56 0 169476711 Annabel Barton AusDecidesWorm en Canberra, ACT Sydney 0 52 190 When I was a worm sperm, I had a lot to learn. 260 5 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 169479853 Andrew low Low111 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 65 62 One of the guys at Toby's Estate, loving coffee, loving life! 200 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15296613 Kim Loane kimloane en Sydney Sydney 0 35 28 58 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 169447340 flapdap flapdap en 10 0 86 0 146734908 Chrissie Jenkins Cool_Chrissie en AWESOMVILLE Melbourne 0 31 440 I Am Awesome. I Am Awesome. I Am Awesome.I Am Awesome. I Am Awesome. I Am Awesome.I Am Awesome. 176 3 169415100 Many Rivers ManyRivers_ en Australia Sydney 0 133 29 Many Rivers Opportunities is a Micro Finance organisation working in Australia to help disadvantaged people, including Indigenous, to start Small Businesses. 590 2 Australia 169426567 Jean Louise Finch Scout_Finch101 en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 33 21 344 2 Adelaide South Australia Australia 18662013 michaelatkin michaelatkin en Hawaii 0 272 158 I'm the producer of triple j's current affairs show Hack. Before that, I spent a year as a freelance journalist in India. All views are my own and not ABC's. 375 14 Unknown 166100745 Lloyd Ross Gimbert lloydgimbert en 1 0 10 0 23931267 lauren uidam princessslulu en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 44 591 Living a blessed life thanks to my creator! Wife to my amazing man, mummy to my awesome boys and Children's Pastor to NCC's next gen. 165 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 154826187 Qiang Liu Apartmento en Sydney, Australia 0 2 14 17 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 44574732 Kim Smith chooks666 en Brisbane Brisbane 0 10 46 26 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 18273685 Belinda McReynolds Belinda_Mc en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 457 119 WAHM of 3. Blogging, homeschool, Christian, frugal, health. 204 4 Melbourne Victoria Australia 19168099 Who Magazine Whoweekly en Hawaii 32 0 12 0 Unknown 18205097 Edward Bullard Bluevandy en Melbourne Melbourne 0 8 32 Risk & Compliance Analyst 19 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 39158388 gillian bradford bradders2 en 0 282 145 196 23 134273296 Alexander Morrison AFM22000 en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 1 1 Managing Director of Morrison Motors Pty Ltd, an Authorised Mercedes-Benz and Smart Dealership in Sydney, Australia. Married to Peta with four children. 1 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 125508472 Alzheimer's Aust Vic AlzheimersVic en Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 477 539 Alzheimer's Australia Vic is the peak body representing the interests of people affected by dementia in Victoria. 1218 17 Melbourne Victoria Australia 150856088 Chris Bowen Bowenchris en Sydney 0 1149 45 179 96 New South Wales Australia 86512570 A Galin galina_1984 en Sydney Sydney 0 71 105 351 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 167256973 Mary-Anne MoonSpace21 en Hawaii 0 0 36 0 Unknown 169329728 JackieB jackiespgaki en 2 0 13 0 168641680 Bob Andersen Bob_Andersen en Brisbane Brisbane 0 36 166 father of Charlotte. Psychologist. 92 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 168080794 Banana Republic banarnarepublic en Brisbane Hawaii 0 5 6 Quite possibly the realist thing out. Innit. 63 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 128146626 ∞ amo bishop roden droenn en Melbourne Hawaii 0 242 4268 334 23 Melbourne Victoria Australia 14188662 James Orland JamesOrland en Cairns Brisbane 0 63 100 77 4 Cairns Queensland Australia 150489296 Cr Luke Hutchinson luke4marion en City of Marion, Adelaide, SA Adelaide 0 32 33 Counciilor in the City of Marion, SA - Australia. 71 3 47887268 Masayuki Nagai masayuki_nagai en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 95 233 豪州在ä½ã®æ—¥æœ¬ã®å¼è­·å£«ã§ã™ã€‚ã“ã‚Œã‹ã‚‰ã¯è±ªå·žã®ä¼æ¥­æ³•å‹™ã«é–¢ä¿‚ã™ã‚‹æƒ…報を増やã—ã¦ã„ãã¾ã™ã€‚ツイートã¯ç§å€‹äººã®æ„見・見解ã§ã‚ã‚Šã€ç§ãŒæ‰€å±žãƒ»é–¢ä¿‚ã™ã‚‹å›£ä½“ã®æ„見・見解ã¨ã¯ä½•ã‚‰é–¢ä¿‚ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã›ã‚“。 231 11 Sydney New South Wales Australia 169260512 ELECTION SOAPBOX ELECTIONSOAPBOX en Sydney 0 396 621 Have your say! Got a Beef! Like what you hear! Or Bored Already.... 1525 14 New South Wales Australia 114598371 Lyndall Bell LyndallBell en Sydney Sydney 0 25 1 702 ABC Sydney Breakfast producer. Don't know what else to say really. Not a good sign on twitter is it? And these are my views, not the ABC's. 27 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 168594921 Garth Morgan garthmorgan en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 88 161 Executive Director Queensland Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Human Services Coalition 253 10 Brisbane Queensland Australia 152162128 Ben Twomey Ben_Twomey_MSc en Australia Hawaii 0 13 19 A dynamic simulation and operations research specialist modelling complex problems. 32 0 Australia 164180221 Ian Vandenbroek Obla1 en 0 2 2 14 0 34741128 Darren O'Bryen darrenobryen en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 51 74 Board member of & burger ehthusiast. 99 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 79148024 Jason Hrycyk hrycyk00 en Adelaide, South Australia Adelaide 56 786 Adelaide Triathlete in training when not working as Manager of JT Cycles at Holden Hill .... Love my sport 528 1 Adelaide South Australia Australia 165453960 firo glendonlockafri en 0 0 2 0 123358028 WorldGymRollerHockey WGRH en East Seatuket, N.Y. 11733 Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 20 29 Roller Hockey at its best ! 108 0 139855762 Ozzie Ozzieisbest en North America 0 60 75 734 0 United States 24841070 Alex Lawrance ajlawrance en Perth Western Australia Perth 5 0 32 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 169128590 Bobby Waters justacork en Perth 0 0 41 0 Western Australia Australia 64627708 Fraser McPherson FrasWich en Sydney Sydney 5 0 64 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 24498576 Jefferson Barton jbartman1 en Australia Canberra 0 19 14 A man on a mission, finance author, waiter, pro cleaner, sports lover. I do it all! 13 0 Australia 29440124 David Fitzpatrick dfd3 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 26 12 215 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 168392197 Unimelb Election HQ unimelbvotes en Parkville Campus, Melbourne 0 72 107 Updates from the University of Melbourne's Media Unit election HQ. Experts, comments, blogs & more! For general uni news, follow @uommedia & @unimelb. 111 5 Parkville Victoria Australia 166118911 Alex Rowlands Pussymannn en 0 1 9 13 0 167306586 Michael Pachi michaelpachi en Canberra, Australia 0 272 18 Fairfax Radio Political Editor 142 14 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 14668398 Cassandra Scott MamaCass1800 en Australia Sydney 22 27 Like to cook, read and make aromaecodough 109 0 Australia 14852228 Adam Gibson blebo en -31.908569,115.890962 Perth 0 158 258 694 5 163746980 Get Shortened Get_Shortened en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 441 4672 An independent blog on media and politics in Australia. WARNING: May include number crunching & spill-age if anyone loses their (intellectual) way. 529 23 Melbourne Victoria Australia 168847333 Pollywatch Pollywatch en 0 6 54 34 0 33155448 Ryan McKeon ryn00s en Sydney Hawaii 0 25 22 keep an eye out for the rhyno... 146 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 168491473 Jonathan Kearsley jekearsley en Melbourne / UK Melbourne 0 81 272 Journalist at BBC Tees 322 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 169036137 nathan clarke clarke_nathan en Newcastle Sydney 0 14 109 58 1 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 31259984 - aus937 en Australia Hobart 0 23 35 64 0 Australia 150296543 Christopher Morgan chrismorgan411 en 0 4 4 10 0 169034061 Kieran Elliott NakedLunch87 en 5 0 12 0 162658107 Ben Judd benjaminjudd en Brisbane 0 88 621 513 0 Queensland Australia 168841729 Pat Norman pat_norman en Central Coast, NSW Australia Sydney 0 31 177 Optimistic, Uplifting, Engaging, Magnetic, Political, Philosophical, A Little Cocky, and a Central Coast Derro. Pleased to tweet you. Zing. 45 1 Gosford New South Wales Australia 152944898 Kate Smith miss_niss7 en Canberra 0 10 5 63 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 169018724 Danny Reid 02dandan en 0 0 1 0 16858777 Matthew Bywater matthewbywater en Sydney Sydney 0 65 58 Promotions Consultant 50 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 160849558 Robert Wilson ozeeboy1 en Brisbane Australia Brisbane 0 2 7 Political junkie 16 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 168853370 Anna Bos annabee76 en Sydney 0 16 18 122 0 New South Wales Australia 33860818 Alfred Ochieng alfred1986 en perth Perth 0 108 587 156 5 Perth Western Australia Australia 25765712 Briana Laughlin tigasuporta en Hobart Hawaii 0 2 11 My toes are cold. 39 0 Hobart Tasmania Australia 44754458 Marshall Brentnall MarshBrentnall en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 71 112 Director of Evalesco. We help our clients make smart decisions about money. 163 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 29172977 Zac Skyring zjskyring en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 117 727 216 5 Brisbane Queensland Australia 159693106 Chris Reynolds thebirdman1010 en BUNGLE GULLY..NSW Hawaii 0 275 691 bemused media junkie apoplectic taxpayer, occasional bassplayer 1038 12 21378245 Elliott Jackson ElliottJ99 en 0 7 23 7 0 19688857 David McCowen davemccowen en Sydney Hawaii 113 300 291 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25405030 Shelley Lloyd lloydshelley en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 294 263 Regional News Editor ABC, Queensland. Married to Craig Johnstone, mother of three, caretaker of wild garden. 442 18 Brisbane Queensland Australia 22106545 Kayla Jeakes kaylajeakes en Perth, Australia Perth 0 320 1238 I live, work, and party in this beautiful city of Perth! My life goal is to live the dream.. whatever that may be :) 785 10 Perth Western Australia Australia 163007977 Esther Greenwood awful1 en SA 0 19 176 156 4 54512257 Rostewar Rostewar en Sydney 4 0 23 0 New South Wales Australia 167782782 Dean Teasdale DeanTeasdale en Petrie Brisbane 0 12 13 14 1 Petrie Queensland Australia 33905045 Tim Nitschke timtiger en 0 4 1 9 0 124334192 Rebecca Matheson becobot en 0 3 1 10 0 168910251 Bondi Mermaid bondimermaids en Bondi Beach, Sydney Sydney 0 223 222 We are the Bondi Mermaids- The Protectors of the Sea. We want 3 'No Take Aquatic Reserves in the East Subs: Camp Cove, Bondi, and Bronte to Coogee Aquat Reserve 1013 5 Bondi Beach New South Wales Australia 85947939 NQTraining NQTraining en Townsville, Australia 0 21 94 One-on-One Learning Centre provides training in Microsoft, First Aid and Business. 50 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 162262626 Bill O`Rourke cooloola en Brisbane 4 0 6 0 Queensland Australia 166833807 Intermedium lntermedium en Australia Sydney 0 143 199 Australian Government ICT Research and Strategic Consulting Services 477 2 Australia 168918026 John Kehoe Johnkehoe23 en Canberra Hawaii 0 15 8 Journalist - The Australian Financial Review. Sports commentator - AFL and tennis 42 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 21981069 Josh Patton Mr_Shumway en Melbourne Melbourne 0 24 57 189 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 168893106 From The Back Bench frombackbench en 7:30 Report Land Hawaii 0 30 34 Full-frontal backbench action! 83 1 167646398 Emma Kealy _ejk_ en Edenhope Melbourne 0 14 20 Edenhope Hospital CEO; Collingwood devotee; Food fanatic. 94 0 Edenhope Victoria Australia 25061678 Peter McHue petermc165 en dark side of the moon 0 28 167 my av is from the deck ofy favorite watering hole at my favorite time of day, sunset! that say's all I need about me! 48 0 168878886 Ethan Bennett Farnum EBLeftOut en Sydney, 1876 Sydney 0 9 25 Honest voter, proprietor of the Grand Central Hotel and fan of Tony Abbott's ears. 26 0 25800194 Michael Schmidt mschmidt83 en ÜT: -33.839147,151.21065 Melbourne 24 229 I am from Melbourne, sometimes I tweet. 221 0 168658029 MolksPolitica MolksPolitica en Brisbane Brisbane 0 131 1221 All the political news, views & stylings of @themolk. 174 6 Brisbane Queensland Australia 45072883 Tim Rees timmehrees en Canberra Canberra 0 40 88 Put something original here! 153 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 31156433 christopher lo christopherlo20 en 0 191 39 1672 5 107852153 Mervyn Leavesley mervynleavesley en Albany Western Australia Perth 0 3 1 6 0 Albany Western Australia Australia 167595953 Nathan Clarke Nafe_newy en 0 0 8 10 0 156586293 Nathaniel Harding nathanielh52 en 0 23 6 123 1 168037508 David Bissell David_Bissell en Melbourne Melbourne 0 16 160 Football Tragic 62 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 168654233 rbc Rbc61 en Brisbane 0 3 8 25 0 Queensland Australia 147387868 Ben Hunter BCTFH en Singapore 0 26 40 hairy, lazy 115 0 Singapore Singapore 35357252 SWB SuperWombatBoy en Q'town, NSW, Australia Canberra 0 306 721 Sports fanatic, social & political commentator, protector of wombats. Sometimes teacher other times procrastinator. Known to cry when Penrith Panthers lose. 1345 24 Queanbeyan New South Wales Australia 147420056 Lanie Campbell limegreenwombat en Hawaii 0 11 12 25 1 Unknown 103560624 BCA Marshal BCA_Marshal en Australia Brisbane 0 87 48 Managerial finance & corporate advisory services 212 4 Australia 23736787 Michael Ruffles TheRuffStuff en Jakarta Jakarta 0 927 3764 Under no management. Journalist, author, editor. For hire. Have started the second novel. 1325 41 Jakarta Indonesia 168564782 Hannah HanneyHannahMay en Australia Brisbane 0 18 120 Little mons†er ~Currently Studying Law which takes up most of my time~ 72 0 Australia 168625177 Erin Furlong miss_erin23 en Brisbane, Australia 0 6 2 Feisty quasi-ladette. Free spirited, irreverent, likes to make a mockery of everything serious. 15 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 28520053 Christy Hungerford christyfrances en Sydney Sydney 56 320 I am sunshine. 240 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 11744662 Susanne Newton susannenewton en Melbourne Sydney 0 387 453 Librarian, swing dancer, girl-about-town. 696 33 Melbourne Victoria Australia 168617602 Michael Burrell miburrell en 0 2 4 5 0 168605311 Sue Dunlevy Sue_Dunlevy en 456 0 153 22 43673979 Clayton McInnes ClaytonJMcInnes en Wollongong, Australia Sydney 0 10 14 18. Studying commerce at Wollongong Uni. Loves playing guitar and drums. 14 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 128681894 Cameron cameron10123 en SanDiego,CA Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 67 181 387 0 168604400 Ulla Madsen Nickywooff en 0 5 30 9 0 32299193 Yossel Groner yogro en 0 31 24 61 0 166944855 Mils m_1o en 0 0 8 0 161095624 Sally Winters Wintersally en Hawaii 0 51 104 253 0 Unknown 168562201 Phillip Edwards pledwards99 en 2 0 5 0 168568124 Fiona Dewar F_Dewar en Newtown via Moree Hawaii 0 298 930 GAD of Indigenous Affairs consultancy Cox Inall Ridgeway. Interested in rural Australia, Indigenous Affairs, books you can't put down, politics, music & stuff. 779 12 Newtown New South Wales Australia 153184701 broos 100 broos100 en NSW, Australia Sydney 0 13 155 39 0 New South Wales Australia 130445086 Cameron Caldwell Cam_M_Caldwell en Gold Coast, Qld, Australia Brisbane 0 364 625 Cameron owns the Caldwell Solicitors Group, Gold Coast & Brisbane. Cameron is married to Caralee, sports writer for @thecovemagazine & shares news & views 1049 17 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 18419178 Mr. Cube _Cube_ en Gold Coast, Queensland Brisbane 0 396 9365 Blueberry lover :) 44 21 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 116658812 The Bookie Buster goldensystems en Los Angeles Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 817 464 963 1 Los Angeles California United States 119635620 Alice Blain aliceblain en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 19 23 Battler student journalist, trying to get a run but nonetheless living the dream 84 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166843255 bill weinert jindebah en 0 1 2 18 0 93742885 lozz elasticbows en Sydney 0 8 10 64 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 67309367 kane bennett kanebennett75 en 3 0 32 0 166107508 Election Blackout ausvotes2010 en Australia 0 289 481 Obsessively covering the politics, policy and prognosticating of the 2010 federal election 515 20 Australia 168083495 Clinton Bishop clintwit1 en Perth, Western Australia 0 26 391 I'm a big man fighting the battle to become & stay fit. Follow my fitness adventures here 81 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 115808206 Brad Burch bjburch en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 49 219 These views are mine, ALL MINE! K thanks bye 265 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 8644422 Nick Ellis electric589 en Canberra Canberra 0 661 12384 web + writing + illustration + tinkering + insomnia 1775 24 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 29153115 Hayley Bester hailsbester en Hobart Hawaii 0 219 2849 tickle me elmo. and lets change the world. A moment of love. a dream. a laugh. a kiss. a cry. our rights. our wrongs. 583 10 Hobart Tasmania Australia 96689371 Matthew Lendrum matthewlendrum en Canberra Canberra 16 109 a passionate music appreciator with a keen following of politics 122 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 168479216 Charlie Perrottet charlieperro en 0 39 6 113 0 107336776 Andrea Williams onelabor en Hawaii 0 1 10 8 0 Unknown 18351526 Bill Avallone iBillAva en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 16 1 166 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 24666801 Dan Byrne Dan_Byrne en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 311 5522 I am who i am, and i am comfortable with that. Its no here nor there and the layers are colourful as you peel them... 440 16 Sydney New South Wales Australia 30176049 Amy Blitvich amy_eb en Perth of course! Perth 0 110 1042 18. Student. Political nerd, Fremantle Dockers tragic and social media addict. 309 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 155485830 Fiona Murray fifimurray en Sydney 0 25 296 56 4 New South Wales Australia 158284572 Lyn Kaye RangerNP en Australia Sydney 0 147 1245 413 9 Australia 39499139 Sarah Corkran socio_plath en Australia. Melbourne 87 2003 Music. Art. Photography. Indonesia. Psychologist in training. Guitar. Mighty Boosh. Bandfag. Koko Black purveyor of chocolates. Make me laugh and I'll love you. 243 8 Australia 45102200 leanne fitzpatrick lmfitz en Melbourne, Australia Alaska 0 68 242 185 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 16431748 Jonathan Carden JonathanCarden en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 63 514 Eighteen Year Old, First Year QUT Medical Science Student, Technophilic, Somewhat Nerdy, Slighty Obsessive Compulsive, Just Plain Cool Kid. (: 275 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 110396960 Sweden United SwedenUnited en Sweden Stockholm 0 328 290 To work in partnership with society, with the aim of helping each immigrant to reach their full potential. 1190 12 Sweden 69016069 Phil Car oldcarguyphil en Planet Earth ..USA! Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 237 12 I love old cars! 1819 1 167787439 DavidMurphy DavidMurphy_22 en Hawaii 0 19 1 341 0 Unknown 166445011 Julia Gohard JuliaGohard en Canbeera 0 41 77 Your PM and mother, to all Australians 188 3 168494491 Steven Gerard octapotamus en Perth 0 36 103 Architect, futurist, cynical optimist 244 1 Western Australia Australia 163451991 Gareth Morgan gareth_william en Tokyo, Japan Tokyo 5 31 41 0 Japan 20142447 Nice Punk nice_punk en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 2905 670 538 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 82319133 Roger James funkisamust en Oztrayla 0 25 12 Cheese. 226 0 28956423 G sgdother en Perth 15 5 303 0 Western Australia Australia 168291872 Kristopher Morey krismorey en 3 0 43 0 152967582 Matthew Jackson Mattrj1989 en 2 0 5 0 167936404 Nic McCavailey PoliticalBloke en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 11 23 lobbyist, former Howard era Coalition Govt staffer, ex-journo 76 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 168310994 Philip J. Millar PhilipJMillar en Australia Sydney 0 8 41 52 0 Australia 63122285 Brett Muller Brett_Muller en Perth, WA, Australia Alaska 0 6 27 Operates a new technolgy based engineering firm and is developing a low carbon friendly nickel production option 18 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 168471313 james mitchell jgmit81 en Melbourne 0 28 53 96 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 167600846 fiicammo fiicameron en a million miles away Melbourne 9 41 revolutionary socialanarchist artist pop-culturewhore ubercool ijunkie urbanhippy slave2originals nonconformist hipster dreamer equalopps versatile but adamant! 95 0 17985697 Hani Hani_Iskander en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 70 264 CEO, Business Accelerator Pty Ltd Capital Raising_Acquisitions_Divestments Level 31, 88 Phillip St. Sydney 2000 phone (02) 8090 2888 87 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 168468523 Daniel Johnson daniel2983 en 0 5 3 11 0 85297334 CarolineMcKean CarolineMcKean en Melbourne 0 4 10 0 Victoria Australia 154815220 CATACLYSMIC EVENTS ExtremeMetal666 en Australia 0 282 621 work at; Cataclysmic Events & Strike Hard Bookings. I rep bands & tours. My boyfriend is a rockstar...he plays good guitar!! I love death metal. \m/ 740 8 Australia 168465594 Nathan Jones Natman_J en 0 6 7 8 0 33405999 Andrew Hamilton hamil_a en Wollongong, Australia Sydney 0 23 77 TV Producer, sports fanatic, conservative, just all fits! 116 0 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 99221114 Kyle Miller K_Miller91 en Australia Brisbane 0 24 91 Lives on the Gold Coast, loves travelling, having beers with mates and days out in the sun. 42 0 Australia 166950426 T D L side__show__bob en Springfield Penitentiary Hawaii 0 29 15 64 0 154110069 Shane Ryan shanerryan en Sydney 13 0 116 0 New South Wales Australia 168445757 Jesper Hauberg jesperhauberg en Hawaii 2 0 9 0 Unknown 167655547 Cindy Russell RLC86 en Canberra Hawaii 0 4 136 119 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 6240902 Tim Strube TimStrube en Australia Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 16 29 49 0 Australia 16142791 Jake Musarra Jakemusarra en Alaska 0 129 54 Offical Twitter of Motorsport Commentator, Racecar Drvier, Nice guy Jake Musarra. 696 7 United States 60025494 Andrew Kos AndrewNKos en Brisbane Brisbane 0 220 578 Reporter/Producer, Channel Nine, A Current Affair. Triathlon, Cycling and Surf Lifesaving fan and mediocre competitor. Kirra SLSC Clubbie. 375 12 Brisbane Queensland Australia 141592038 Adelle Reynolds Delreynolds en Brisbane Brisbane 6 20 Is life easy, No will we ever figure it out.... probs not! 44 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 94364468 john royalbodo en Townsville Hawaii 1 10 2 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 168343491 Julie Snook JulieSnook en Canberra 0 25 2 CWM Journo, living the dream in the nation's capital ... 43 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 49566088 Justin Kabbani justinkabbani en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 166 186 Co-Founder & Creative Guy at Hard Hat Digital. 223 5 Melbourne Victoria Australia 135050897 EmmaElizibeth Parker Emma_Elizibeth en South Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 33 94 unique ♥ Be the change you want to see in the world! 179 2 South Brisbane Queensland Australia 156122323 John Couri JohnHCouri en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 270 922 100% PURE PRODUCT OF SYDNEY. Conservative LNP supporter. Canterbury Bulldogs & Elvis tragic. Family is everything. Fishing is the other everything. Respect. 518 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 168396935 Andrew vanilla_face94 en Sydney 4 0 School Student, interested in Christianity, Law, History, Languages, Literature and Politics 16 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 121328016 john safran safran_john en Smellbourne Melbourne 0 20715 2653 Documentary maker (of sorts). Triple J broadcaster. Former lead singer of Raspberry Cordial. Scrabble Trickster. Your ex-boyfriend. 430 629 South Melbourne Victoria Australia 20120035 Tim O'Connor toctictoc en Sydney Hawaii 0 37 30 technophobe 61 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 159422482 tagdyr_at tagdyr_at en 0 386 56 1014 10 165628932 Ivan The Insider NHLInsiderBlog en Edmonton 0 54 173 I'm all about breaking stories about trades, free agent signings, rumours, hirings and firings in the NHL. 320 2 168394369 Dean Tollis DeanTollis en Western Australia Perth 0 5 35 15 0 Western Australia Australia 36868899 Clint Dal Santo clintds en Sydney Sydney 0 31 93 67 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 168384529 Josh Pugh pughmour en Hawaii 7 0 85 0 Unknown 19526479 Gerry Gerry_Rocks en Brisvegas Australia Brisbane 0 90 578 I want to pursue a dream & become a professional music photographer & work with both major & unsigned bands. Dare to dream! 381 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 63362429 Yahoo!7 News Y7news en Australia Sydney 0 3624 7728 218 193 Australia 168366736 Cat Mundy cm20100 en 11 0 80 0 24344861 Brendan Mayles BrendanMayles en Brisbane Brisbane 24 0 107 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 168338329 EssEssSquirrel EssEssSquirrel en around Melbourne 0 201 199 Always smile & always be true to your heart. 1420 5 Unknown 35978101 Superpartners Superpartners en Australia Melbourne 0 90 70 71 4 Australia 114441701 Vengeful Sealion VengefulSealion en Sydney Sydney 0 30 443 I have delusions of grandeur. 183 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 91697541 Joe Steel Joe_Steel92 en Australia Hawaii 0 13 32 I'm 18 and currently doing my HSC. My major passions are Rugby League and Cricket. My favorite band is Cold Chisel. 58 0 Australia 147513050 Jess the Great jessthegreat42 en Rarely where I should be. 0 174 279 If I don't have anything nice to say, I don't say it. Quite happy to retweet what others say though! 1086 1 27193397 Michael Rabey michaelrabey en Hawaii 0 41 131 Married father of 2, living in Sydney working as a Property Developer 46 0 Unknown 168334567 Thor Hauberg haubergthor en 3 0 9 0 114363962 kerry tripudium123 en 2 0 16 0 168322512 Mark McCulkin MarkMcCulkin en 12 0 145 0 167714376 Mel Cable Kaishamama en Perth West Australia Perth 0 114 319 264 9 Perth Western Australia Australia 37396085 Tim McGrath ebowana en ÜT: -37.782777,144.980013 Melbourne 20 55 113 0 36005483 Sandy Mackay mackay92 en Toowoomba Brisbane 0 22 271 Huge LA Lakers, Gold Coast Titans and Patty Mills Fan 105 0 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 17981327 awaywithwords awaywithwords83 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 133 2625 A creative-minded homebody, who works in not-for-profit comms. A head full of grand visions and high hopes, and a weakness for social media. 269 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 155798295 Simon Beaumont Simon6PR en Perth 0 321 74 6PR Morning Program Presenter. 57 16 Perth Western Australia Australia 18889373 Gary C.J. Schweikert bighatpictures en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 51 18 TV Production Avid editor producer 163 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 168313650 shivtea shivtea en 13 0 150 3 168271832 james edison moneymakextreme en 0 15 10 306 0 166758436 ProfessionalsKuranda kurandaprofs en Kuranda, Queensland, Australia Brisbane 299 0 Why Sell with Us We get results....How is your agent going????? 1998 2 21970661 Toni Tomlin tonit1958 en Glenhaven, NSW Hawaii 0 95 923 Wife to the mighty Max, mum to a gang of 5, teacher of the learning challenged..lover of Jesus! 362 3 168306032 Cecil R-J II armchairdiplo en Canberra 0 13 9 His Excellency, Cecil Remington-Jones II - Armchair Diplomat and Lay-Z-Boy Strategist 138 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 121903913 Pat Latorre patlatorre en Melbourne 0 2 2 4 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 168047370 David Guild CredoQuiaAbsurd en Sydney 0 4 55 Happily married, 3 kids and a lovely, loving wife, who is my life, my everything. 11 0 New South Wales Australia 166851142 CFMEU CFMEU_CG en Australia Sydney 0 415 283 The CFMEU is Australia's main trade union in Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy, and has over 180,000 members. Join and become active in it today! 1091 21 Australia 22906851 Namoi Dougall namoidougall en 0 17 19 18 0 162889034 Annie O'Rourke 89oEast en Bangalow Australia Sydney 0 232 410 89 Degrees East is a boutique communication company. We focus on providing strategic advice and devising communication strategies that get results. 154 9 Bangalow New South Wales Australia 162992521 John McNamara liberal4dobell en Dobell 0 0 17 3 0 52314141 Kimberley Ashbee kimberleyashbee en Melbourne 4 11 16 0 Victoria Australia 165505732 The Wangs wavey6 en Manchester London 0 2 45 Melbournians spending a year in Manchester. 9 0 Manchester New Hampshire United States 168141072 Samuel Lee Samuellee1981 en 0 13 38 53 0 167726194 Tracey Vincent narremum en melbourne 0 24 13 alana, rhys & larissa's mum 150 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 50939381 Armenia Online ArmeniaOnline en Sydney Sydney 0 282 1604 Armenian-Australian news source. News from Armenia and Australia. 14 13 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22577502 Florencia Cavallo Florencia28 en Coffs Harbour Melbourne 0 132 626 ABC Journalist, but these tweets are my own. I love my husband, puppy and good food.. and good wine even more! 237 13 Coffs Harbour New South Wales Australia 39450824 CHRIS CHRIS_ROCKSTAR en AUSSIE AUSSIE Hawaii 0 33 90 136 0 84238690 Corangamite Shire CorangamiteEDU en Camperdown, Victoria Melbourne 0 155 136 CorangamiteEDU is the Corangamite Shire Economic Development Unit. We are here to help you start, manage and grow your business. 331 4 Camperdown Victoria Australia 71510235 Zita rushlovee en ÜT: -33.840944,151.128199 Hawaii 34 877 227 0 156212079 Brad Rice BradTR en Sydney 0 9 7 83 1 New South Wales Australia 167746606 Sarah Hardie SJHardie en Sydney, Australia 0 9 1 27 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 60904768 Sarah-Jane sashaOZ en Down Under Sydney 0 117 1839 Wife, Mum of 2 gorgeous kids & Radio Presenter ~ Team Edward ~ 227 18 Australia 163761569 Thomas Paul tpaul87 en 0 3 1 11 0 59715683 Mark markellis78 en Melbourne Melbourne 0 52 669 I dont care what anyone says... I still like you. 206 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 133977158 GW liquorbox_ en QLD Brisbane 0 8 50 89 0 Queensland Australia 167732591 MrGrumpy MrGrumpy97 en Canberra 0 10 13 Sick of the crap I hear in taxis 58 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 81054272 David Willis davidwillis1 en Bunbury WA Perth 0 164 295 Married for 20 years. Two children. One son (19yrs at 2009) and a daughter 16 yrs of age. Work for RE/MAX Lighthouse Realty as a Licensed Real Estate Agent 284 10 Bunbury Western Australia Australia 17529528 Jarrod Booth jarrodbooth en Chippendale, Sydney Sydney 0 62 482 Following is not endorsement. 208 1 168081827 Lisa Mosley Lisa_Mosley en Canberra Canberra 0 47 7 Journo 135 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 168087382 Phillip Arnott philliparno1 en 2 0 7 0 168087041 Joel Fredericks mistaricks en Brisbane Brisbane 0 17 53 UQ Town Planning student & QUT Urban Informatics Research Assistant & Journalist. 33 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 167161368 Mere merevoter en Melbourne 2 4 27 0 Victoria Australia 168073396 John Barclay jd_barclay en 3 0 5 0 10121022 James Wilson jameswilson en Sydney Sydney 0 291 9824 It doesn't matter what I write, just know that I love you. 232 9 Sydney New South Wales Australia 119563110 My Politician mypolitician en Australia Hawaii 0 376 134 It's about making our politicians more transparent and more open to their constituents. They are your politicians! Managed by the team @ireckon 961 34 Australia 167672456 john james outbackrider en 0 3 5 14 0 156228422 Power PR thePRhelpdesk en Hawaii 0 115 15 766 1 Unknown 23936940 David EyeDearMan en Blue Mountains Sydney 0 43 403 Fastidious, fascinated and fantastic. 130 1 Blue Mountains New South Wales Australia 167608206 Ben Mills BMills27 en Sydney Sydney 0 23 214 174 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 17037259 CentrePolicyDev(CPD) CentrePolicyDev en Sydney Melbourne 0 1159 883 Progressive think tank. Authors: @miriamlyons & @antwoabboud 802 82 Sydney New South Wales Australia 167608067 Linda LindaGiorgio en Perth 0 5 23 0 Western Australia Australia 25268150 jay bethune boona75 en 0 12 5 101 0 21381544 Dylan Welch dylanwelch en Canberra, Australia. 0 138 8 National security correspondent, Fairfax. 56 12 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 168027193 Election ElectionPartyOz en 7 0 23 0 37617907 Colleen Harris colleenEharris en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 16 27 77 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15295554 Ann Potter guruann en ÜT: -37.725539,144.921621 Sydney 0 78 554 257 1 106387154 glenn trowbridge gtrow1963 en Sydney 0 1 3 25 0 New South Wales Australia 167938013 Lewis Jacklyn Metalcpokemonz en Sydney 4 71 50 0 New South Wales Australia 33450313 dypsis dypsis en Brisbane Brisbane 0 13 23 33 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 27196060 Yolanda Thomas yomophobe en Sydney 0 44 24 177 0 New South Wales Australia 167982178 Integralex Integralex en Sydney Sydney 0 76 46 Parliament. The Law. Government. Politics. Australia. NSW. Sydney. Integrity. Riposts. Melbourne. Wine. Food. Travel. News. Journalists. 376 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 167662925 Tess Hempel TessHempel en Vic Hawaii 3 0 domicile vocationalist 10 0 Victoria Australia 158281365 Stephen Szetey TheOtherFezzex en The Glorious Kinglake Ranges Melbourne 0 33 1285 Local business owner and family man. Cynical about politics however hopeful to be proved wrong. One day. 53 2 35407832 Lulu Turbowang LuluAttack en Melbourne, Australia. Melbourne 0 684 12069 Melbourne music journalist, gamer, Star Wars fag, Bruce Campbell fangirl and general troublemaker. MA15+ 674 51 Melbourne Victoria Australia 167651847 Karen Jones kazajones23 en 0 10 20 Admin Manager/Finance Manager for an international importing company 21 0 167981615 Amelia Walsh oh_america en Hawaii 0 10 3 142 0 Unknown 51294454 Lainey Bechara laineyjb en Sydney, Australia Sydney 8 14 37 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18426555 scrank scrank en 12 0 83 0 7583612 Larni Larni en Perth 115 232 319 7 Western Australia Australia 21194325 Cam Creigh camcreigh en petersham sydney Hawaii 0 25 45 21 y.o. Engineering/Commerce Student and puveyor of food, beer and wine 65 0 167615001 Iano impkus en Darwin 1 0 12 0 Darwin Northern Territory Australia 167961101 Stuart Stark StudebakerLamb en Hawaii 2 1 8 0 Unknown 160031778 Michael Dwyer mdwyerAFR en Sydney Sydney 0 187 16 Economics Writer at the Australian Financial Review 453 8 Sydney New South Wales Australia 129657712 Daniel Bott Daniel_Bott en Sydney 0 16 320 0 New South Wales Australia 22452784 dw davwoo en Canberra Canberra 12 30 45 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 167957418 Faten Oueik fo_demure en Sydney 9 20 159 0 New South Wales Australia 167716886 clairesdaily clairesdaily en Brisbane Brisbane 0 79 776 173 4 Brisbane Queensland Australia 167957772 Shirley & Family dawsonfamily6 en Geelong Melbourne 0 4 3 7 0 Geelong Victoria Australia 34248544 Kate Moor kemoor en ÜT: -33.704642,151.058402 Sydney 0 86 644 We are all connected. Trying to make a difference for the better 103 0 15348860 dmaster davethemaster en ? Sydney 32 520 22 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 132466807 CCH Latina321 en Australia Sydney 1 4 17 0 Australia 25924468 bronwyn walenkamp bwalen en Sydney 0 39 94 News Editor AAP Sydney. I am a huge Wests Tigers fan. 210 1 New South Wales Australia 78264574 Zoe Ogden zoeogden en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 224 294 Music Lover. Reader. Writer. Vegan. Feminist. Atheist. Activist. Yoga and Meditation practitioner. 882 9 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 22418726 Nat Little vespanat en ÜT: -33.863409,151.170652 Sydney 0 60 192 Nat is a Scooterist and Rail Fan based in the Hunter Valley. Neither of these things are related to his day job & views do not reflect those of his employer 199 1 148957893 Andrew Labute andrewlabute en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 115 45 Currently Andy is the head of HR for SAP Australia and New Zealand. Before that he was the lead HR representative on Post Merger Integrations at SAP. 221 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25626427 kylie kyliemay en Hawaii 0 17 45 mum... slightly obsessed with courtney taylor taylor... business woman... casual observer.. fundraiser... all time friend.... xoxo 24 1 Unknown 93950309 Shauna Anderson shaunaand en Sydney 0 2 5 15 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 167905427 Pollie Watcher polliewatcher en Australia 0 59 5 Politics, politics, politics. 168 4 Australia 167900569 thom ritchie bogus2666 en 0 9 7 45 0 22801668 Ash A Feral_Racing en Victoria, Australia Sydney 0 74 7 446 0 Victoria Australia 167365356 Susan Mallory Wasabiwoman en 0 13 13 160 0 54527774 George Aposto GeorgeAposto en Melbourne, Australia Hawaii 0 131 56 Founder & Director of aposto foodservices 529 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 162125839 Champ Skates Company China_Skates en China Alaska 0 140 48 This is Champ Skates Company Ltd.on twitter, a 40-year-old China roller skates manufacture factory of roller skates, ice skates, and inline skates. 1497 2 China 161575723 Ni Yama eyedears en sydney 0 2 4 sharing ideas creativity and joy 10 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 22555792 Debbie DebbieHo en Melbourne Hawaii 0 11 23 84 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 167713352 Fake Alan Ramsey alanramsey2010 en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 138 177 Age: 173. Real journo. Loved & hated by PJK. Crean's undertaker. Hated by the mendacious little toad. Still not dead. Keyboard bile is ready for Election2010… 65 11 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 74371557 SA SES SA_SES en South Australia Adelaide 0 747 283 The SA SES is a professional, disciplined and trained rescue service that protects the community from the effects of a very wide range of emergency incidents 955 44 South Australia Australia 166945201 bobrobtony gangof3 en Sydney 0 21 39 156 0 New South Wales Australia 167744409 lukas mcvey lukasmcvey en 0 1 2 0 89111442 Kelsey Cheetham KelseyoTom en Melbourne, Australia 9 0 44 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 166866320 Alison Ford alisonjford en 3 0 20 0 167732634 Keely Bell Keely_Bell en Canberra Hawaii 0 0 61 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 81273768 Barbara Rebiffe BeeMac1 en Hawaii 0 4 7 18 0 Unknown 110349522 peta marshall petee88 en OZ Sydney 0 26 246 a mother & wife who loves reading, cooking, politics, music, movies & walking naked around the house!..and always a splash of alcohol. 129 0 Australia 167734190 Tripitarkar Tripitarkar en Sydney 0 0 5 0 New South Wales Australia 167716189 Eugene Hodder EPH67 en Brisbane, Australia 1 0 8 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 22583354 Mena _missmena en Australia Sydney 0 151 2377 Finally 18, obsessed with Rpattz,friendly with any foriegn object or human , 3 875 8 Australia 111525507 Tryittoo tryittoo03 en Queensland Brisbane 28 170 172 4 Queensland Australia 68849634 Glen Harvey mrglenharvey en Sydney 0 17 46 110 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 167701065 Ric Berenger Berenger4144 en 0 0 2 0 17360041 David Williams DavidAustralia en Australia Sydney 0 2 4 9 0 Australia 167701901 Matthew Telder carmatt70 en Australind WA Perth 1 0 2 0 Western Australia Australia 163019314 Lydia Smith lydmum en 0 4 59 33 0 164527251 Peter Reith Peter_Reith en Melbourne 0 268 74 12 4 Victoria Australia 133621800 maria caruana shandylee8 en 0 0 1 2 0 162655807 Stephen Colla Scolla65 en Geelong Australia Melbourne 0 24 18 Sceptical! 109 0 Geelong Victoria Australia 47304218 Joanna Stavrou jostavrou en Melbourne Melbourne 9 47 164 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 22549769 Kellie Hinchy Kellie_Hinchy en Brisbane, Australia Hawaii 0 64 419 43 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 167677786 Sheldon & Brad thedonkeyvote en Brisbane, Australia 0 6 14 The Shining Light of Australian Politics! 14 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 167303945 SF Lyons swhinge en Melbourne Melbourne 68 441 Covering the 2010 Victorian state election. SF Lyons is a Melbourne based writer. 482 2 Melbourne Victoria Australia 86659738 Matt Roberts MattRobbitts en Canberra Canberra 0 54 84 ...of Super Best Friends and ABC Multi-Skilled Operating fame. 328 2 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 167668609 john scott bungostick en Sydney 1 0 13 0 New South Wales Australia 164858655 Grant Watson narguise en Sydney Sydney 81 1550 283 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 159813103 Tim Law TimHJ61 en Carine Western Australia Perth 0 9 6 = Biodiesel, or Straight Vege Oil. Either way, a good way to get around. 35 0 Carine Western Australia Australia 18038347 Mike Stuchbery mikestuchbery en West Footscray, Melbourne Melbourne 0 3115 38705 Consulting Defective. Social Commentator. Educator. Writer. Speaker. Wannabe. Other things. 3031 186 West Footscray Victoria Australia 20942241 Andrew O Hardrock101 en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 266 2066 759 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 166509988 Paul Groenveld Gronnie72 en Melbourne 0 1 9 12 0 Victoria Australia 113543654 Jake Kay JakeKay94 en Sydney Sydney 1 0 5 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 141868584 David Moss mossey678 en Brisbane 0 4 7 32 0 Queensland Australia 167649121 Emma Sloman EmmaSloman en 0 5 6 46 0 24432349 Dolly La_Poupette en Sydney 0 53 86 227 0 New South Wales Australia 41533584 Paul Stanley Ell paulstanleyell en Sydney 0 15 3 35 0 New South Wales Australia 132841537 Kerryn Q kezq_68 en Bendigo 0 45 36 Mum Ultanet Coach Teacher Passionate Hawks Supporter 280 1 Bendigo Victoria Australia 17496624 kmp1306 kmp1306 en Melbourne 0 21 26 Retail Business Director @ SapientNitro Melbourne. Twitter beginner. 149 0 Victoria Australia 23864404 Chris O'Neill00k strangr en 0 4 1 12 0 62155136 Donna Garten annod0304 en Hawaii 0 0 4 0 Unknown 76267971 Miriam Adams mirrie51 en Melbourne 1 0 7 0 Victoria Australia 28316166 Trina Black trinablack en 4 0 49 0 158971298 safePower safePowerEC9629 en Perth Perth 0 187 208 Electrical Contractors (EC 9629) based in Perth. Call us on 1300 12 SAFE (1300 127 233) 458 4 Perth Western Australia Australia 46355746 B. James Tobin BJTOBY en 7:30 Report Land 0 32 164 150 0 167636294 Neil Schmidt NeilSchmidt1 en 0 1 2 13 0 28194873 Rochelle Waite roachieaus en Brisbane 19 123 34 0 Queensland Australia 23757217 Nick Doberer Nick_SO en Sydney Sydney 15 363 Tini Bubbette... 39 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 167633270 Andrew Black AMBlack1990 en 59 0 585 2 167631824 Wombat Ferguson leftwingwombat en 1 0 28 0 167220310 Studio Que Photo studioquephoto en melbourne 0 16 17 wedding & portrait photography 50 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 167632606 Vincent Isaac vinniezaac en 0 0 8 0 167633725 John johnj1939 en 0 0 8 0 167625343 glenn constable santabulls en Hawaii 0 0 5 0 Unknown 27778522 Nathan Chapman natchapoz en Zetland Sydney 0 27 78 70 0 167619285 Robert Rose robertdrose en 0 3 4 40 0 62785725 RICCI TIMPANO RICCICROW32 en ADELAIDE Adelaide 0 43 344 110 3 Adelaide South Australia Australia 24299489 Lisa Frankel LisaMFrankel en Australia Brisbane 12 18 334 0 Australia 167613777 Mark Mostert mrmostert en Adelaide 1 0 Married to Maxine 29 years Two wonderful daughters. 11 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 41739412 Glenn Bagley GlennWB en Brisbane 0 16 3 61 3 Queensland Australia 167618677 Catherine Falalis cat_falalis en Melbourne 3 0 59 0 Victoria Australia 151604102 Louise Medler loume5 en 0 0 19 0 167610207 Lucy Eaton lucyeaton en Adelaide 14 0 82 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 31654910 Kylie van den Berg Kylie_vdB en Sunny Brisbane, QLD AU Brisbane 0 39 240 124 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 29289889 Rose Marszalek zale74 en Noosa, Australia Brisbane 0 78 262 209 4 Noosa Queensland Australia 166946336 Nicole Baxter nicolebaxter27 en Perth, Western Australia Sydney 7 1 Freelance journalist, photographer and graphic designer 75 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 70345406 Louise Keepa LouiseKeepa en 6 0 49 0 35994828 Rebecca Curran Bec_26 en Sydney Sydney 0 13 232 wife, mother, teacher and always too busy 78 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15030371 Julie Adderley JulieAdderley en Adelaide Adelaide 0 342 87 Julie Adderley Branch Manager, Bendigo Bank (08) 8225 2050 Community Connectivity * Personal and Business Banking Solutions 802 17 Adelaide South Australia Australia 102221415 Amy Wellington Aimes_77 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 1 3 19 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 85877768 Ray Dunne ray_dunne en Perth, Dublin, London Perth 0 16 207 Irish boy who hates the cold so lives in Australia 131 0 128164641 Daniel Smith smithadaniel en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 45 56 I am a thirty-something year old public relations professional living in Western Australia. 56 11 Perth Western Australia Australia 158879060 Vanessa Sakajani VanessaSakajani en Sydney Sydney 0 2 6 Assistant Manager @ hemmesphere. 13 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 55150447 Diane Morris conflypip en 2 0 9 0 58300968 t thingie7 en Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 1 2 14 0 United States 70070288 Kylie Williams kyliwilli en Hawaii 2 22 630 0 Unknown 14309020 Carole Wilson carolewilson en Sydney, Australia Sydney 3 29 11 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 37175433 Anthony ajhamilton71 en Sydney 0 32 51 191 1 New South Wales Australia 20022532 Joshua Levi Joshinaus en 0 21 3 29 0 62717297 WineDown Wine_Down en Australia Melbourne 0 86 56 Wine Down is family owned and family run, supporting family owned wineries since 1986. 180 0 Australia 54486585 Min Miinnie_Moo en Brissy, Aus. Brisbane 1 5 Meow! life goal: be as classy as Ke$ha. ♥ cricket is sexy. 325 0 167582659 Robyn Cowley KaranaBushRat en Brisbane 0 15 184 Feral immigrant, multiple introductions since 1788. This individual nesting in Brisbane River catchment. 34 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 167570017 ChristianKnight CrKnight10 en 0 0 6 0 91962955 Jason Gultjaeff JayNGu en Adelaide, South Australia 0 4 42 39 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 127034300 Matt Savva MattSavva en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 1382 344 News Junkie. Bringer of lols. All views expressed are my own. Any retweets I make are not an indication that I endorse the content or view of the author. 85 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 152788805 Nathan Cassidy njc74 en 0 1 54 3 0 167477637 Monica Cram monicacram en Australia Sydney 4 8 Editor - Building News magazine. HIA is the largest residential building organisation in Australia, with some 42,000 members. 64 0 Australia 5517002 James zoomzoom83 en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 128 2362 Software Engineer and Web Developer. Also likes kittens. 218 6 Brisbane Queensland Australia 14552094 marcoseduardo marcoseduardo en Caucaia - CE - Brazil Brasilia 0 354 728 I am a man who believes in life, believe in work, and mostly believe in chang. 1999 2 65795755 kym smith kymbo9 en canberra Canberra 0 91 41 Photographer for News Ltd 87 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 167370775 Ben nolan RBRF1_bennos en 0 13 2 123 0 14906723 djnapkin djnapkin en Sunshine Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 9 32 106 0 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 116159031 Hip Hop News newshiphop en Ä°stanbul,Turkey Istanbul 0 428 1458 Party,Organization,Magazine,News 1909 11 14231021 Mark K pbkg en Balmoral Melbourne 0 266 463 Maths teacher 816 4 Balmoral Victoria Australia 167301900 Blaqjaq Blaqjaq1984 en Perth 0 56 878 144 2 Western Australia Australia 167341834 Denis Peters deejaypeters en 0 5 1 26 0 31460684 Ben Christianopoulos BENNY_BOY93 en Perth WA Perth 0 43 9 Liberal party member :-) In year 12..... Doing TEE, hopefully law/journo double at uni next year :-) 72 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 166850975 Dixie Marshall DixieMarshall en Perth 0 547 108 Nine News Presenter, journalist, wife, mum, Freo fan. 97 40 Perth Western Australia Australia 123789790 Alana abcwest en 0 50 2 70 5 56996324 stewart williams bethnalgreene2 en Sydney 0 3 16 17 0 New South Wales Australia 167184842 Nicci Niccinoo247 en 21 0 190 0 167266549 Matt mattydv888 en 0 2 28 18 0 167306622 Poll_Observer poll_observer en Hawaii 0 13 28 65 2 Unknown 121650790 craig howe CraigHowe68 en Brisbane 0 10 76 Teacher at Grafton High School and councillor (Deputy Mayor) on Clarence Valley Council 30 1 Queensland Australia 152829461 LJLoch ljLoch en sydney 0 371 2951 foodie, wine-ey, travel-obsessed syd based public affairs practitioner (with a past in journalism and politics shhh!) 651 14 Sydney New South Wales Australia 130342230 Young Liberal young_liberal1 en Sydney Sydney 0 148 1067 Local Hero,Pillar of the community, Gentleman, , Charming, Charismatic, Extremely handsome, Basically just an all round great guy 194 4 Sydney New South Wales Australia 14990982 Iain McDonald eunmac en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 7649 2994 Founder Amnesia | Razorfish, Sydney. Formerly part of Microsoft, and now Publicis. 6548 232 Sydney New South Wales Australia 74382140 7 News Brisbane 7NewsBRISBANE en Queensland, Australia Brisbane 0 4241 5501 News from Channel 7 Queensland and across the Seven Network. 3623 309 Queensland Australia 159284631 jt mjt32 en 0 0 4 0 25596073 Rob O'Connor Roboconn en Woodcroft, NSW, Australia Sydney 18 0 Crazy but friendly 47 0 Woodcroft New South Wales Australia 5155591 James Hannan jamesmhannan en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 483 992 General Manager @ IDM 500 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25472369 Rob Reilly MasterRob10 en Sydney Sydney 25 72 67 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 167264835 Hamish Quinn HamishQuinn en 0 32 1 285 0 26475134 Peter Barnet printinnovator en Melbourne, Australia Sydney 0 666 501 Printing, Marketing, Online Innovator and Sales Scientst 1399 12 Melbourne Victoria Australia 54776997 Vanessa Browne nessa2shoes en Australia Melbourne 0 28 356 Vegan Internet Marketing Entrepreneur 88 1 Australia 71403561 Nello NelloTweet en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 13 22 132 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 24095073 Miranda Murphy murphymiranda en Sydney Sydney 0 212 141 The Australian Online, parent of 2.5, otter enthusiast 160 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 153991907 Brendan Davis brendandavis en 0 7 1 86 0 23879043 The Today Show thetodayshow en Australia Sydney 0 14211 6188 Tweets from The Today Show on Channel 9. Weekday mornings from 5.30am and weekends from 7am. 253 428 Australia 23741520 Ann Waugh ann298 en 0 5 1 27 0 29828286 Damian Townsend DRTownsend en lost 0 16 20 81 0 United States 162204226 TVL Aviation Centre flytownsville en Townsville, QLD Australia Brisbane 0 64 62 Townsville Aviation Centre is Townsville's new flying school. We offer flying training and charter flights in our brand new glass-cockpit Cessna aircraft. 137 12 Townsville Queensland Australia 40751632 Matt Day positivejones en Sydney 0 8 8 39 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 25436573 Kirsty Thomson kirstyhthomson en Sydney Sydney 0 145 184 Producer, Sixty Minutes 301 5 Sydney New South Wales Australia 130745263 Grace Tobin gracetobin en Seven News Townsville Sydney 0 170 132 Journalist and news reporter for Seven News Townsville. 271 8 12483732 pblakez pblakez en Gold Coast, Australia Brisbane 0 42 339 sysadmin, programmer, photographer, sailor, bushwalker, camper, kiwi 156 1 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 167006697 Political awesomenss awesomeation en Brisbane 7 0 42 0 Queensland Australia 163054887 Laura Clarke laurarclarke en 0 8 4 39 0 153769517 Bob RCMmm en Sydney Hawaii 0 78 1153 Disintermediator with an unhealthy passion for politics and vespas! 112 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 32307993 Sarah Noel sosnoel en Sydney Sydney 0 17 60 114 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166553248 Marianne De Leo mcdeleo en Canberra 7 0 221 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 157617867 Mary Goddard marypgoddard en Canberra 6 48 40 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 166918309 Charles Hodgson Charles_Hodgson en Queensland Brisbane 0 15 4 Editor - View News - Local news, sport, events & information. 63 0 Queensland Australia 163245786 Metal King MetaIKing en Australia Sydney 0 17 93 60 0 Australia 57526623 Jason Morrison 2GBmorrison en Sydney 0 825 133 180 39 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166537234 PM chuckshadowitz en Australia Hawaii 0 11 1 May I simply say these massive, lickable lobes are my secret weapons in this election and I will be bringing them out at the appropriate moment to seduce Tony. 64 0 Australia 72990382 Tam McCaffery jilmat63 en Wollongong Sydney 8 0 101 1 Wollongong New South Wales Australia 18669469 Sandy Jay jezzaj en Essendon, Australia Melbourne 0 97 7163 Moved to Melbourne from Perth in 09. Work as a Phone Monkey, doing Masters of Communication. I love Essendon Football club, Cricket, music, tv and movies 261 12 Essendon Victoria Australia 15351240 Frank Keany redneckninja en Hiding in your radio Sydney 0 373 3614 Journalist for Fairfax Radio. Thrives on news, stress and Japanese food. 'The Boy'. Views are his own. 286 29 21474602 sunmoose sunmoose en Australia Canberra 31 106 245 0 Australia 22348134 Ashley Warner ashaysmilies en penrith 0 110 803 im awesome :P love twilight love reading love how i met your mother love r-patz and ed westwick and i dont use twitter that much i kinda hate it :D 404 1 Penrith New South Wales Australia 23690812 Donna Nagle annodeersheep en Cairns, QLD, Australia. Brisbane 0 50 3064 Me, I am! 165 6 Cairns Queensland Australia 163296734 fontpr fontpr en Hobart, Tasmania Hobart 0 173 281 Font Public Relations is an energetic team of qualified, experienced and highly professional communications and marketing specialists. 358 8 Hobart Tasmania Australia 11751082 vivnunis vivnunis en Hawaii 0 34 7 127 0 Unknown 85667900 Helix Digital helixdigital en Cremorne, VIC Melbourne 0 457 351 We are a Melbourne based Digital Agency specialising in Digital Design, Social Media, Web Application development and design. 1883 20 Cremorne Victoria Australia 166807501 Australian Democrazy aussiedemocrazy en Australia Melbourne 0 711 493 Aussie Democrazy is an experiment in Civics, Education and Journalism, connecting Australian youth with the political process. 954 35 Australia 166555501 Bernardette eltonswayze en Adelaide, Outerspace Hawaii 70 514 Never hijack alone at night. 364 5 Adelaide South Australia Australia 28755301 Aloysius Murgatroyd Wozz_In_Oz en Australia Melbourne 0 94 1857 154 4 Australia 58384562 George Capozzi ShareMktDealer en Sydney Sydney 0 136 42 Stockbroker at Taylor Collison Sydney, live in Bondi, fun loving, South Aussie, AFL playing, decent bloke, helping people grow their wealth 354 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 138713054 John McMahon JohnAMcMahon en Melbourne 0 6 3 Personal Trainer to the Stars! 101 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 165981478 Bluetrain BluetrainMelb en Melbourne, Australia Sydney 0 66 1660 A night with Bluetrain is always an alluring celebration of an era where entertainment revolved around big acts, big stars, big bands and big shows. 262 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 15571195 Alexandra Popovic VIPVirtualSols en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 18813 55358 Virtual Assistant, geek-in-progress & Socialmediarite who loves connecting with people that challenge themselves & the world. Keeping it real in real time! ;) 20648 1010 Sydney New South Wales Australia 165115724 Carson B Carsonb1234 en 0 8 22 30 0 166754387 Tom Pizzey tgp1662 en Hawaii 0 0 9 0 Unknown 164153365 Capt Richard Morris CaptainRMorris en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 675 50 CEO of Sydney Superyacht Services, & Morris Global Media. I am a Superyacht Captain, Master Mariner, Website Designer, Pilot, Husband, & Father 1028 23 Sydney New South Wales Australia 152022804 Aaron Wilson mrronsmart en The real world 0 677 563 Married father of 2. Finding smarter solutions for sustainable living. Raising awareness of issues facing Mother bees. 1791 41 25608118 Michael Hoy michaelhoy en Hanoi, Vietnam Hanoi 17 0 105 1 Hanoi Vietnam 166622642 Save On Tickets saveontickets en california 0 112 1317 Save Money On Tickets 651 0 California United States 59331853 David-Anthony Gunter dagunter en Sunshine Coast Brisbane 0 370 1241 My mission is to drug proof, divorce proof, recession proof and prison proof our teenagers and young adults through comprehensive goal setting. 775 12 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 166568420 auspoltragic auspoltragic en Perth 0 133 1004 Too little time, taken up too much by too small politics. 114 12 Western Australia Australia 25645756 Nick Leys leysie en Melbourne 232 332 The hopeless cases are the only ones worth fighting for. 335 9 Victoria Australia 24787294 Richard Dobson dickmojo en seqld Brisbane 0 15 100 trader by day, player by night 62 0 Queensland Australia 159819639 BNolan BMBNolan en Australia Sydney 0 44 148 I'm just a gal you know. 142 2 Australia 47093629 Lyn Bradshaw housesinsydney en Sydney, NSW Australia Sydney 0 279 104 Lyn Bradshaw is back with a whole new look Same exceptional service & excellence in marketing Backed up by almost 30 years of real estate experience & know how 543 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 34594635 Kaye Mu SonataInK en Melbourne Melbourne 47 1131 Psych/Arts Student, (very) amateur photographer, coffee snob. 234 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 24498202 regan nolan daisybub en Sydney 0 25 1 452 0 New South Wales Australia 166526498 Gareth Donkk68 en 8 0 96 0 166519261 lipicy lipicy en 0 40 3 708 0 87655256 Russell Yaxley russellyaxley en Hobart, Tasmania Hobart 0 41 167 Victus Vita! 157 2 Hobart Tasmania Australia 42972115 Luke Brown lukebrown2 en Canberra 3 0 55 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 39389928 rob cotterill gabba77 en Brisbane Australia Brisbane 0 22 70 109 1 Brisbane Queensland Australia 166072095 Loan Market Mermaid LM_MermaidBeach en Mermaid Beach, Qld Brisbane 0 350 180 I have been in the banking and finance industry over 30 years and based on the Gold Coast since 1987. Have been with Loan Market since 1999 481 34 Mermaid Beach Queensland Australia 9392192 Greg Chapman chappo3801 en Robertson NSW Australia Sydney 63 343 Born mid 1970s. Work for a bottled water business on the Southern Highlands of NSW. Also work voluntary for a community technology centre in my home town. 211 7 Robertson New South Wales Australia 2775311 Des Paroz desparoz en Sydney 0 971 2279 Productivity geek, diver, UW photographer & marketing/customer experience enthusiast. PADI Course Director 1145 41 New South Wales Australia 14486815 Dannuroo Dannuroo en Melbourne Melbourne 0 1801 6097 Career Recruiter, Recruitment Manager, IT Consulting know it all + a technical wannabe trying to use this for good not evil 1998 73 Melbourne Victoria Australia 137626902 Aimee Susol PemboSusol en Torquay VIC Melbourne 0 1 3 12 0 166456490 Hollie Webster holliweb en Alaska 0 0 3 0 United States 166325633 The Working Aussie workingaussie en Australian suburbs Perth 0 7 85 Citizen journalist and working Australian with an opinion on things that matter to our nation 35 1 165670547 Australia Talks australiatalks en Australia Sydney 0 138 44 Australia Talks is a forum for the discussion of a specific topic with the involvement of expert guests, Radio National specialists and listeners. 321 8 Australia 166369516 Rachel Thompson rachelj_t en Canberra 12 0 163 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 114289115 joey mumwiththree en Hawaii 0 106 1466 317 4 Unknown 23018584 Jackie Crossman CrossmanComms en Australia Hawaii 0 92 52 Multi-award winning strategic public relations consultancy specialising in marketing and corporate communications 166 1 Australia 132780929 Vue On Stanton VueOnStanton en VueOnStanton 622 0 Vue South Africa 2000 4 49476610 Scott_Pettet scottpettet en Sydney Hawaii 0 469 1696 Sydney-based PR guy, tech geek, petrol head & dad 544 21 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166069389 Me Ojay meojay en Terra Australis Sydney 0 53 979 I am a pro-wrestler wanting a career change. I am looking to break into the competitive world of tarrot card based stock picking. The cards don't lie! 133 1 Australia 124667787 Joel Norton BoostHQ en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 1006 999 Husband, father and wannabe surfer! I also help business owners to implement a marketing system that generates consistent flow of profitable new business. 1672 35 Sydney New South Wales Australia 166060905 Marissa Calligeros marissa_sc en Brisbane Brisbane 0 161 279 BNE Journalist 170 10 Brisbane Queensland Australia 30619787 Brett Gross brettgross en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 86 108 Country Managr, Aust. & NZ for Motion Computing - enterprise-ready slate tablet PCs for mobile professionals. 227 10 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15753607 magikquilter magikquilter en Sydney Sydney 0 132 437 quilter, thrifter, avid reader, mother, wife, daughter, 165 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 28715750 Mark Williamson TweetWillo en Australia Perth 9 626 An extroverted pragmatist fanatical with sports- humourist, diverse minded, fun seeking character hailing from the Wild Wild West of Australia. 53 0 Australia 166023567 Thomas Meikle tm0689 en Melbourne 4 0 49 1 Victoria Australia 11872872 Ä€bhÄs ParÄjuli abhas en |MEL Melbourne 0 28 395 If I were down to my last dollar, I'd spend on PR. - Bill Gates 121 0 19962944 Dean McClure DeanMcClure en Australia Brisbane 0 73 2267 Can spell Labour better than the ALP 67 0 Australia 23549088 Chris Wrightson ChrisWrightson en with my family at the beach Hawaii 0 232 662 Mumma, community, homebirth, education, and dream of being a professional snowboarder. 495 5 72203663 Netforge netforge_au en Adelaide Adelaide 0 264 44 Hi! We're a website design agency based in Adelaide Australia, creating websites, business identities and design. 519 17 Adelaide South Australia Australia 12658072 Alan Singer headhunter en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 238 244 Melbourne OZ resident - work in asset management with a global OZ software company - passionate learner - leadership, organisational change,vision, creating 93 7 Melbourne Victoria Australia 98502994 Greg Dundas gregorydundas en Geelong Melbourne 0 75 60 235 9 Geelong Victoria Australia 22349620 Michelle Thomson michelle_thoms en Sydney Sydney 0 25 168 72 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 100940404 Ian Mallet eza70 en 0 16 1 95 1 17698344 Damien Guinane gangas44 en Hobart Hobart 0 104 776 friends, sport, music 587 1 Hobart Tasmania Australia 166039914 Ross Peake rosspeakeCT en Canberra 0 470 51 Political Editor for The Canberra times 94 38 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 141221211 Hockey City hockeycitygame en 0 270 2 1921 9 140781936 Ian Brown Arba_50 en Townsville, Australia Brisbane 0 6 13 71 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 28325799 Kane Steele KaneSteele en Melbourne 23 148 125 1 Victoria Australia 166083806 Election Cat auselectioncat en Under the Sofa 0 27 37 Watching the 2010 Australian Elextion unfold. 76 1 135758782 Chris Oliver chrisoliversyd en 0 22 1 92 1 166016195 Harbour IT HarbourIT en Australia Sydney 0 53 52 We provide technology solutions, utilising our superior people, processes & technology to increase operational efficiencies, competitiveness & productivity 71 0 Australia 20572682 the Herald Sun HeraldSunOnline en Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 1536 3661 Victoria's leading news source, with articles from The Herald Sun and Sunday Herald Sun, featuring the latest news from Victoria, Australia and the world. 1203 46 Victoria Australia 61103567 Triple M Sydney TripleMSydney en Sydney Sydney 0 540 997 Sydney's Best Rock 220 32 Sydney New South Wales Australia 48371498 Ben Campbell BenLC86 en 6 0 17 0 26471739 Snowman snowman_23 en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 29 548 Student- Griffith University 69 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 14106180 dobaman dobaman en Hawaii 13 1 155 0 Unknown 165392675 Natasha Keecher nkeecher en Melbourne Melbourne 1 7 34 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 165947610 Shianti the Cow ShiantiCow en Sydney 0 2 6 Slightly unhinged Cow 11 0 New South Wales Australia 165700830 Dennis Atkins dwabriz en Bowen Hills, Queensland Hawaii 0 1765 644 397 131 Bowen Hills Queensland Australia 51891760 Simon Klunyk sim76 en Adelaide, Australia Adelaide 0 18 17 Jim's Computer Services Northgate 100 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 44703427 Sauce Hockey SauceHockey en Phoenix, AZ Central Time (US & Canada) 0 647 579 Designer CLOTHING for The Perfect HOCKEY Swagger 1061 19 165746804 Shane McLeod smcleods en Sydney Sydney 0 621 124 ABC Radio / Reporter and Producer / AM - The World Today - PM 784 59 Sydney New South Wales Australia 41155508 Clint Smith clockworkclint en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 96 27 Bit of this, bit of that.. All makes sense in the end. 728 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 89624823 Grant Dowling dowling_g en Sydney 0 16 53 52 1 New South Wales Australia 72124444 NQ News Updates NQNews en Townsville, Australia Brisbane 0 1561 143 News from Townsville, Cairns & Mackay plus inland 1931 53 Townsville Queensland Australia 123998689 Gianfranco Stella gianstella en Hawaii 0 29 47 jazzium caffeinium 85 1 Unknown 141719318 Phil Maher Phildo38 en 5 0 36 0 26715664 Genevieve Murphy genevievemurphy en Sydney Sydney 0 307 927 Professional Development at The Communications Council & APG Australia 289 7 Sydney New South Wales Australia 91015063 James Collins jamescollinss en Australia Brisbane 0 44 227 Managing Director of Web Management InterActive Technologies and designer of the Australian Protected Network. 217 0 Australia 71767548 Nautilus nautilus2104 en Sydney 0 27 75 Ravenous reader 160 2 New South Wales Australia 165700602 Kellie Wilde kelliewilde en Sydney Sydney 0 8 13 31 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 39494945 Sam Davies allthegoodstuff en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 33 41 140 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 6246102 Patrick Kelso patrickkelso en ÜT: -33.884726,151.205158 Sydney 0 673 1338 I'm a Greens Councillor on Ashfield Council. For the full story check out my infrequently updated blog. 811 30 23558028 Andrew Stoner AndrewStoner en Wauchope, NSW Sydney 0 476 133 NSW Nationals Leader, Shadow Minister for Roads and Ports, Shadow Minister for State and Regional Development, Member for Oxley 79 47 23538680 Matt McCarthy MattMcCarthy87 en Melbourne, AUS & Cefn Coed, UK Melbourne 0 47 30 It's me... 455 0 160181045 mook chook goosechin en 0 27 9 167 0 165669477 Sammy D sammy_d_2010 en 0 11 11 122 0 165655235 Shane Wright swrightwestoz en Canberra, Australia 0 813 754 Economics editor for The West Australian newspaper 156 65 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 34464676 josie beckett josie_beckett en south coast aust Sydney 0 31 21 i love being out doors, my fave is fishing. i love riding my motorbike, running, swimming and the simple things in life 68 0 160805428 Ian Chaloner Ian_Chaloner en Perth 0 6 1 53 0 Western Australia Australia 165587813 Julian Murphy murphy_julian en 0 22 1 90 0 113529875 SkepDad Blog skepdadblog en the internets Sydney 0 29 186 Alternate personality of a gen x father of two, who just happens to be incensed at the moral panic around the internet in Australia. 44 2 160528117 Liana Dobson lianadobson en Canberra 5 3 118 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 22330702 FearTec76 FearTec76 en Sydney 19 622 85 1 New South Wales Australia 29631694 Matt Lansdown NERDPWR en Western Australia Perth 0 7 65 10 0 Western Australia Australia 164510345 Rossini Products rossiniproducts en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 113 50 Rossini Architectural Products: Feature Wall Panels, Sculptured 3D Ceiling Tiles & Slumped Acrylic. 471 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 165566961 Election Perception AusElection2011 en Gold Coast Hawaii 0 64 115 Side Project account to track the 2010 Australian Election 83 8 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 16271122 craig johnstone johnstonec en Brisbane Brisbane 0 594 1994 Media executive for Local Government Association of Qld. Love writing and reading about things that have an impact on where I live and what I do. I run, too. 397 53 Brisbane Queensland Australia 57573129 PwC Grow PwC_Grow en Australia Melbourne 0 526 647 What would you like to grow? Have your say today at the the 'What would you like to Grow?' site. 431 27 Australia 165551447 Braidy Kean BraidyKean en Melton, Australia Melbourne 0 12 7 Make Melton Matter! 42 0 Melton Victoria Australia 18065797 Karlie Pearson KarlieP en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 111 47 Marketing Campaign Manager for Cliftons Training Facilities 106 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 165527699 Blake Johnson BlakeIsSexaay en Redwood Falls ;) 0 11 2 tall,darkandhandsome. girls, girls, girls. ladies get at me ;). Guys don't hate me. Football, hockey, and baseball are my obsessions. Hit me up, so we can meet 68 0 146405646 Simon Lock hellosimonlock en Melbourne / Ballarat - Aust Melbourne 0 152 185 Simon is a Digital Tourism Specialist from Victoria, Australia. Currently employed by International Exchange Programs Australia. 302 10 62234009 Rocky Biasi rockybiasi en Sydney Sydney 0 46 43 Director of Passionate about life, happiness, healing, and Psychology of Peak Performance 170 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 63292394 Andrew Scarvell ascarvell en Australia Sydney 0 134 1114 The less I say right here the more I can say out there. 186 11 Australia 149126651 Crystal ctwistal en Perth 7 2 69 0 Western Australia Australia 163481913 Carolyn King mskingy en Blacktown Sydney Australia Sydney 0 44 126 I love family. I am an Australian teacher who is addicted to tv and history, preferably together...I hate work .. 358 0 165404409 Ron Siering SHShockeyprez en Eastern Time (US & Canada) 0 2 3 18 0 United States 27601459 Tom Gordon Austom en Perth Perth 62 249 195 2 Perth Western Australia Australia 22734723 Lachlan Burnet LachlanBurnet en Sydney Sydney 0 28 861 Friendly, fun guy who works in the travel industry. Loves travelling, meeting people and enjoying life! 72 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 134372676 Formerly Psycho Girl TaraMacca en Inner West Sydney Sydney 277 7300 Formerly ThePsychoGirl...not to say Im no longer Psycho, just sick of the name! 424 15 Burwood New South Wales Australia 162638774 Ray Ryan rayjryan en Australia 0 7 1 Agresso Support Manager 38 0 Australia 16752792 PatrickPG PatrickPG en Canberra 38 11 277 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 158901588 Bron Davies Brontosaurus1 en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 19 110 Mainly interested in what's going on in politics, current affairs and around town; and Masterchef of course! 97 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 131690838 kevin glover seedsman02 en coffs harbour Brisbane 0 757 2133 im a seed collector i know the bush like the back of my hand,, 0427 607 568,,,australia 1904 18 Coffs Harbour New South Wales Australia 19231801 Mark Rix speedyspeedy en Menai 0 15 62 22 2 161980171 Burnsey BurnseyTt en Melbourne mostly @ the moment 0 68 305 food, wine , politics, wine, travel, media, wine (actually on 9mth no wine while growing a kid, sorry wine industry!) 196 1 10271442 Inez nezzle en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 777 9849 Originally from coal-town Collie, now moved to the big smoke for the love of the Internets. Love for good coffee, art and music and the @Moist. 588 69 Perth Western Australia Australia 18427228 bonez56 bonez56 en Perth, Australia Perth 0 486 8789 Person. Geek. Male. Hi 461 48 Perth Western Australia Australia 159029930 Richard O'Neill richardonau en Australia 0 26 77 Freelance web developer and photographer. 50 3 Australia 60228261 Mark Glaze markglaze23 en Sydney 31 31 288 0 New South Wales Australia 164905139 Aussie Horse DontEatAusHorse en Australia Canberra 0 397 157 Horses slaughtered for human consumption in Aust may contain prohibited substances, & are not slaughtered humanely 1197 15 Australia 108462350 Jackson Calverley 1995Jacko en Kiama, Australia Hawaii 0 17 315 41 0 165317840 Joseph Luis Alvarez JoseSnr en Parramatta 0 2 1 11 0 Parramatta New South Wales Australia 160041893 Duncan McLeod primatefilm en Sydney 0 439 569 Sydney-based Film, Theatre and Music critic 1405 11 New South Wales Australia 106394841 Sherri hayward Sherward8 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 44 1009 I'm a nerd. Politics, books, sci fi, general. You going to trivia i'm the rent-a-nerd you take with you 145 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 162218249 Sione Fiu johnFiu en New Zealand, Auckalnd Hawaii 2 2 Hi My name is John Fiu I am on a wheelchair an I also play wheelchair basketball in new zealand. 1976 0 Auckland Auckland New Zealand 165255941 Mat Rogers matcrogers en 0 0 4 0 165230503 Ron Delezio rondelezio en 1 0 2 0 26579810 Marlow Stevens marlowstevens en 0 3 45 14 0 165198974 Scullin2614 Scullin2614 en Sydney 118 8 Canberra based and avid supporter of ACT Brumbies, Red Bull Racing (Webber) and travel 891 0 New South Wales Australia 150152245 Robert Birt robbirt1 en Brisbane, Australia Brisbane 0 28 261 gawd where do i start ! 193 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 164964186 Electionsinoz2010 electionsoz2010 en Australia Melbourne 0 178 258 I am born... I shall die August 21 - in the meantime I have fun 79 16 Australia 18371863 Dragonista Drag0nista en The Aerie Sydney 0 719 8039 1. That woman. 2. A formerly partisan and practising political junkie, now an apolitical but occasionally interested observer. 730 50 153221266 Deborah Mosman zoobah1 en Sydney 0 6 8 24 0 New South Wales Australia 36209930 Sandi Buckingham SandiBucks en Melbourne 9 420 57 0 Victoria Australia 43665953 Karen Powers kapowers19 en Australia Sydney 0 28 57 teacher librarian 85 2 Australia 162885614 Bolshy Mum bolshymum en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 271 1499 Hoping that by heckling politicians on TV I am a good role model for my children. Not setting such a good example with overuse of Twitter on iPhone. 571 8 Melbourne Victoria Australia 164927269 aim swisszinger sszinger en 0 6 11 55 0 164985163 Esme Banks EsmeBanks en 4 0 34 0 164981851 Velvet Sledgehammer velvetsledge en Australia Melbourne 0 10 20 49 0 Australia 164971050 Christie christiedownard en Canberra Canberra 6 1 62 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 162549668 Hutch Hussein HutchHussein en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 338 1761 Feminist, Foodie, Refugee Advocate, Writer, Pol junkie, Kangaroos fan, cultural Muslim. All views my own. EL Natl CoCnv views @ 597 12 Melbourne Victoria Australia 127436773 Craig Hunter Craig_D_Hunter en Bendigo Melbourne 0 19 39 As the Liberal candidate for the Federal seat of Bendigo, I will continue to provide real action for central Victorians. 9 0 Bendigo Victoria Australia 150812128 Kook Farouk kookfarouk en 3 0 51 0 164948968 Troy Searle ttb008 en melbourne 0 12 7 55 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 164899948 Chris Ryan xmod138 en 0 1 2 23 0 164897733 Lindsey Box LindseyNateBox en Canberra, Australia Canberra 0 14 46 The next big thing.. 135 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 146765658 Bevan Shields bevanshields85 en Orange, NSW 0 53 208 244 0 Orange New South Wales Australia 41096238 Deborah Bodger Debodge en Australia Hawaii 6 30 19 0 Australia 139327147 warren j heath PARTSWASHERRENT en 0 31 2 321 0 164827332 Jamie Bosanko banjoeskimo en Cheney, Washington 0 14 12 Designer | Photographer | Gamer 49 1 36348453 Nathan Scott barabus66 en Sydney. Hawaii 0 39 123 119 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 161592739 Craig Smart neatnik66 en 6 0 55 0 160538870 Kirrily Zimmerman Kirrilyz123 en Melbourne 0 18 1 112 0 Victoria Australia 154499829 Erin Da Deppo DaDepot en Canberra Canberra 0 26 675 130 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 1860571 #1860571 Debichan en hobart, tasmania Hobart 0 590 3706 busy making sushi and trying to start a sustainable school. And other stuff too. 851 25 Hobart Tasmania Australia 34167789 Kim REDV6 en Sydney Sydney 0 559 4096 Live in Sydney. Passionate about The 2010 Premiers St George, NRL, AFL, ManU & Cricket. Left leaning in politics. 1752 24 Sydney New South Wales Australia 95136816 Adam McCoy Trickey_8 en Canberra 0 13 51 104 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 17330798 Kirst784 Kirst784 en Australia Hawaii 0 0 2 48 0 Australia 123500321 Michelle Coulter Michcoul en 1 0 9 0 17482984 Mark Conrau MarkConrau en Busselton, Western Australia Quito 0 7889 2447 I aim to make a difference. I am an entrepreneur, blogger, speaker, coach, author, E-book creator, publisher, writer, internet affiliate and Ebay marketer. 8089 32 Busselton Western Australia Australia 31370080 Tim Lane timothylane en Perth Perth 0 107 365 I like coffee, beer, soccer, exercise, Perth, learning: but not all at once. 296 3 Perth Western Australia Australia 140612087 Emma Fay EmmaFay77 en Sydney Sydney 0 28 4 Thank goodness for idle chatter. 110 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 46279578 Dale Chandler dalechandler en 0 30 1 260 0 163390396 aussiecenter aussiecenter en Thammasat University, Bangkok 0 41 276 The Australian Studies Centre works to promote research, knowledge sharing, academic exchange and professional collaboration between Australia and Thailand. 145 1 Bangkok Thailand 17550668 Ryan Lovett ryanlovett en Pyrmont, New South Wales Sydney 0 55 587 36 2 107033057 Justin Watson JusWat23 en 0 5 30 20 0 153660817 Mark Riley & 7News vote7news en Australia Sydney 0 1999 789 Follow Mark Riley and the team for the latest news on 2010 Election. 66 75 Australia 30638997 MandBM MandBM en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 298 376 designers of retrospective fashion. Can you dig it? 733 8 Sydney New South Wales Australia 21185255 Chris Goody goodyafl en Gold Coast Brisbane 0 127 734 Chris-22, GC. Urban & Environmental Planning. I am going to be a husband, a father, a PM of Australia. 244 2 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 164455476 Michael Tomizza Petrucci1313 en 0 13 18 182 0 116343882 ACCULISTER.COM ACCULISTER en 0 223 36 ACCU LISTER SEARCH ENGINE 1976 4 37680239 Natasha Shahidullah natashahs en Swinger Hill - yes really! Canberra 38 179 202 2 138722398 Jason Kelly jase_kelly en Shepparton Victoria Melbourne 0 5 18 Liberal Party member, Political observer, Richmond supporter and Boston Celtic devotee. 12 0 Shepparton Victoria Australia 146353733 News vgnatu en Chennai 15 975 1620 0 164258642 Eric Choi eric_choi999 en 1 0 11 0 27591433 On Line Opinion OnLineOpinion en Brisbane Brisbane 0 875 2265 1878 76 Brisbane Queensland Australia 129346481 BenRamak BenRamak en I have no idea 0 25 18 125 0 158978196 Rebecca Reeve rebeccareeve86 en SYDNEY Hawaii 0 113 74 468 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 42835831 Kirilly Smith azzikizza en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 109 394 278 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 163391960 Kara Shanahan kshanahan1 en SYDNEY Sydney 0 181 305 Interior Designer & business owner. Dog lover, art enthusiast, lapse piano player about to re-learn skill! Attempting write & illustrate a children's book. 290 6 Sydney New South Wales Australia 15113800 Lucy Bormolini luc_goose en Gold Coast Brisbane 0 55 1344 I think not of myself, therefore I am...not 151 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 162977877 Philip Walls Kiwiphilsyd en Central Coast, NSW Aust Sydney 0 10 71 73 0 164175729 Lindsay Evans CrownAnchorInn en Eden NSW Australia Canberra 10 0 The Sapphire Coast's historic Bed & Breakfast established 1845 74 0 146950417 Media Man Network mediamannetwork en Global 0 243 342 Media Man Network 544 0 Unknown 164173195 Nelson Russell nelsonr81 en 1 0 12 0 66087486 Leanne Robertson LeamurJean en Sydney 0 21 9 246 0 New South Wales Australia 129458756 Peter Forkgen Forkgen2309 en Melbourne, Australia Hawaii 0 31 352 251 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 118614730 Philip Farhart pjmfarhart en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 16 119 Work for sgfleet in Sydney still married with one daughter 14 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 28074761 Gregory Hatch TheBigAussieGuy en Brisbane Australia Hawaii 0 9 16 Big Aussie Guy looking to become Small Aussie Guy..Started @ 175Kg down to 125 Kgs..Still on the Journey 17 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 15304551 Michael Sharkey michaelsharkey en Sydney Sydney 0 120 280 Entrepreneur and online business builder 116 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 18304483 Brad Saunders bradsaunders78 en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 17 8 96 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 23917154 Anna annaaa__ en Sydney, Australia Sydney 33 1466 19. Jazz Maverick. 128 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 23751573 Michael Turner shanker_mic en Brisbane Brisbane 0 30 89 Just a sports nut really 129 2 Brisbane Queensland Australia 164120587 John Hazlewood smersh01 en Brisbane 0 0 2 11 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 26156123 Kylie Jenner kjenner13581 en KARUAH Sydney 0 137 19 I was born in a small town, grew up in a small town, went to school in a small town, now I am building a house in a small town thats good enough for me.... 260 0 98331696 C.Lamond Smith craholdings en Stockton,CA 0 90 36 We are a full service company. We deal with and array of businesses. 369 1 163052664 Anthony Sommer AnthonySommer en Sydney 7 16 47 0 New South Wales Australia 164083170 Poll Position BSPollPosition en Melbourne, Australia 0 6 3 54 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 43246685 Torquil MacLeod ClanChieftain en Brisbane Queensland Australia Brisbane 0 180 821 Motto 1 - Aut vincere aut mori, Motto 2 - I Shine not Burn, Motto 3 - Hold Fast, Celtic Kilts, Ancestry, Politics, 303 3 Brisbane Queensland Australia 19193120 Victoria Hughes firebirdasusual en Sydney, Australia Sydney 556 5800 Nothing ventured...... I'm a UK born Italophile, currently enjoying life in Sydney. I love travel, writing and doing lovely things. 1156 45 Sydney New South Wales Australia 28505190 Natalie Castle NatJay5 en Sydney Sydney 0 184 15 759 2 Sydney New South Wales Australia 164011703 Philip Brooks 2phlipo en 2 0 22 0 163994018 Verified Accounts ✔ profileverified en 0 213 17 See who's here. All twitters with verified account. See and folow. ✔ 1643 2 157219376 Amelia Adams AmeliaAdams9 en Sydney, Australia Hawaii 0 780 303 Journalist, Nine News 185 33 Sydney New South Wales Australia 95326981 CC holdITthere en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 28 648 62 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 102846714 Steve Gelle stephenlyn en Perth 1 3 37 0 Western Australia Australia 87587053 Clare Cremin clarecremin en Melbourne Melbourne 0 24 95 ABC Television, Arts, Reading,Saints, Running. I find things, not car keys thgh Views expressed are my own, unless I'm quoting someone and not those of the ABC 222 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 29197726 Julia De Boos juliadeboos en Townsville Brisbane 0 32 447 Just me 87 0 Townsville Queensland Australia 23296424 Sandy Marjoribanks sanmarj en Newcastle Australia Sydney 22 16 26 12 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 14521440 Ross Monaghan themediapod en Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Melbourne 0 1978 1722 An academic, and former journalist and CEO, from Melbourne, Victoria. Social Media rules! 1827 173 Melbourne Victoria Australia 163773512 Niamh Hassett niamhhassett en Sydney Hawaii 0 8 6 27 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 90138536 Nick G Nick_Gaff en Hawaii 6 0 70 0 Unknown 68330823 Kim Sanderson kimaussie1 en 0 3 14 44 0 54377264 Emma O'Brien Emmy_lois en Sydney 0 24 49 Uni Student studying Photography & TV Production! 129 0 New South Wales Australia 22448844 Mark Macdowell sparky1981 en Hawaii 11 41 43 0 Unknown 156072679 Ian Zakkers13 en Canberra Canberra 0 23 159 Just another Canberra twitterverse denzien, and #qt tragic. 63 1 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 16599669 MissTinaAlldis MissTinaAlldis en Australia Hawaii 0 375 1281 PR professional at H&K, sometimes dancer, sometimes singer, sometimes partier, sometimes athlete. My tweets are my views not those of my employer yadayadayada 1018 10 Australia 70615954 chloe may bflow_love en Australia (Oxford bound) Hawaii 0 425 3151 Actress. Converse Wearer. IB Student. Music-lover. Political Activist. Teenager. House Captain. Red Bull Addict. Dreamer. Future Prime-Minister of Australia. 574 21 147525908 JobCommunity Job_Community en Australia Melbourne 0 124 136 Sector News, Research and the best Jobs in Government, Health, Education and Community Services. 306 5 Australia 155751496 Chris Arnott arnottchris en 0 6 6 38 0 106320261 Rachel Simpson RachelASimpson en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 44 7 158 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 47576792 Jerry Bour JayBoor en Australia Sydney 1 3 You will Always get ahead, if you Always move forward! 8 0 Australia 163603382 Casey Bergeron CaseBerg9 en Cortland Ny 0 8 3 I play lacrosse, hockey, soccer, and love everything sports 131 0 163371254 Malcolm Tucker MalcolmTuckerAU en Parliament! 0 6 2 You sure you're working as hard as I am, 'cause I'm sweating spinal fluid here! 5 1 34573244 Brett Camilleri BrettCamilleri en 14 0 101 0 163438738 Rob Taylor ReutersTaylor en Kabul 0 19 20 Rob Taylor joined Reuters in 2006, covering political and general news, as well as economics, in Australia, the Pacific, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. 66 2 90849216 Amy Munro AmyMUNR0 en Sydney Sydney 0 31 72 172 3 Sydney New South Wales Australia 20361720 Coby Hailes MissCoby en Manchester London 0 78 1241 Replacing normal social behaviour with online antics 108 1 Manchester New Hampshire United States 79349322 Peter Armstrong megafisk en 0 17 14 21 0 162003535 Nellie Black NellieBlackCat en 0 24 17 199 0 157913273 Nick O'Bryen NOBryen en 0 33 10 306 0 25014628 Chris Repetowski repetowski en Melbourne Melbourne 0 174 94 Account Director at Tequila Digital. 247 10 Melbourne Victoria Australia 23585187 calabrian boy GaiusTacitus en oz Rome 44 325 381 2 Australia 72028072 Orla Baker orlarosebaker en Adelaide 0 34 161 97 0 Adelaide South Australia Australia 163341058 James Scullin JamesScullin en Australia Canberra 0 48 606 Stylish redhead, overwhelmed former Prime Minister of Australia 20 7 Australia 23510036 Lisa O'Sullivan WORDSforthings en Sydney 0 189 702 Freelance copywriter and content editor. Dab hand at fried rice. 279 10 New South Wales Australia 101440404 Nick A_Single_Man en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 261 851 Six degrees of separation is the only difference we have. Not here to sell my soul or chase opportunity. Follow me if you share my thoughts ... 890 11 Sydney New South Wales Australia 144728568 Ben Schmidt benschmidt2009 en Gold Coast Australia Hawaii 0 37 2 211 0 Gold Coast Queensland Australia 68911385 Chris Frame chriscunard en At Sea London 0 429 299 Maritime Historian and Author. Expert on Cunard & Ocean Liners. Written books on QE2, QM2, Queen Victoria, Cunard. 645 12 162258658 Frances Stewart News_Monkey en Canberra Canberra 0 141 198 I'm a journo for The Sunday Canberra Times, a fan of eating out and a devotee of the colour purple... My opinionated tweets are my own... 478 9 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 140788155 Ewen Jones EwenforHerbert en Townsville, Australia 0 101 100 Ewen Jones - LNP Candidate for Herbert Authorised by Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald, 131 Denham Street, Townsville Qld 4810 122 18 Townsville Queensland Australia 113881992 Kathy Smail KathySmail en Australia Melbourne 0 6 41 Kathy is a polished business consultant in a rough business world. Her ‘navigation style’ of work is unique and has assisted many businesses to succeed. 9 0 Australia 25076219 Daniel Elliott danielsans en Perth, Western Australia Perth 0 153 291 Graphic Designer from the sunny city of Perth, Western Australia 527 9 Perth Western Australia Australia 60488516 Matt Berry Matthew_J_Berry en Somerville, Australia Melbourne 0 5 15 I'm 25 and work in the public sector in Victoria. I'm married to a gorgeous girl and really happy! 15 0 Somerville Victoria Australia 163314618 Rachel Main rach_main en Cessnock, NSW, Aus 0 34 349 wannabe serious pollie, but only managed deputy mayor so far. Need a benefactor to remain independent.....anyone? 102 5 Cessnock New South Wales Australia 40654577 nussen NussenAinsworth en Melbourne 6 0 23 0 Victoria Australia 22460040 MZ Mikizee en -34.885107,138.622807 Adelaide 0 69 2240 Ask not what Mikey can do for you, but what you can do for Mikey 103 3 133538761 craigberm smdberm en Hawaii 0 8 32 14 0 Unknown 65756438 Cameron Cresswell CamCresswell en Brisbane 0 29 78 232 1 Queensland Australia 162978680 Emma Chalmers EmmaJChalmers en Canberra, Australia Brisbane 0 1322 994 Emma is a journalist for The Courier-Mail in the Canberra press gallery. 120 96 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 16899081 LifeStyleTweets LifeStyleTweets en Australia Hawaii 0 679 223 One of Australia’s most popular subscription TV destinations, The LifeStyle Channel is inspirational, informative and always entertaining. See what’s possible. 1174 22 Australia 61331810 Robin Grundon Grundy59 en Toowoomba Queensland Brisbane 0 4 5 Professional Sales Trainer and guest speaker/motivator, loves motor sport, cricket and family 10 0 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 158924224 Krista Mogensen kristamogensen en Melbourne, Australia 0 16 22 journalist & plain language editor 77 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 24301397 Tracy Edward Tucker oTuachair en Charleston, SC Eastern Time (US & Canada) 228 924 Founder of Colorado Special Hockey Assoc. Patriot. Church planter. Bible teacher. Jesus freak. Romans 1:16 895 1 Charleston South Carolina United States 151791699 Daniel Weavers dmweavers en 0 22 23 hanging out, playing nintendo 183 0 158342280 Nick wendyrobo en 1 0 4 0 13927872 petercarolane petercarolane en Hawaii 0 87 94 126 4 Unknown 163150449 scott middleton mangomiddleton en 0 1 2 17 0 156123595 HKevil hkevil en Hong Kong Hong Kong 11 994 989 0 Hong Kong China 41295257 Jess H jessjessh en Newcastle, NSW 7 0 45 0 Newcastle New South Wales Australia 16427925 GOPSpaceRanger GOPSpaceRanger en Wendy Francis' Uterus Melbourne 0 300 6760 You know how justice is blind? Well this guy isn't, and he's got a shotgun. Politics, media & kicking your arse. 415 21 23152849 Tim Oakeley toakeley en 0 3 12 14 0 27409255 Sam Quinlan SamNathQuinlan en Sydney 0 10 12 72 0 New South Wales Australia 163059265 Arthur W-Fisher rdwfisher en 0 0 1 5 0 32170582 Leah H lelemh en Melbourne 0 33 33 261 0 Victoria Australia 159084664 Jason Mulcahy geeben84 en Brisbane 0 11 6 122 0 Queensland Australia 144832608 Nicholas Nicholas3224 en Sydney Sydney 6 0 84 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 41581896 polarity polarity101 en australia Sydney 0 32 45 australian electronica 138 6 Australia 62670348 Sarah McVeigh sarah_mcv en Brisbane Hawaii 0 19 5 83 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 163044680 Adam Vinning leftarc en 0 1 1 4 0 82620665 Robert Kennedy Robbiek10 en 280 coward st, mascot Sydney 0 17 23 44 1 75284796 Bec Kuipers BadRomanceGG en A Land Down Under Perth 0 574 412 ✔ Verified|Official LI††LE MONS†ER║▌│█│║▌║││ 1365 71 Australia 163030405 Kirby Rappell kirbyrappell en 0 0 1 8 0 157269779 Mal Ronan malmascot en 5 0 22 0 86017530 John O'Toole Ithillion en Rous Mill 0 8 9 UQ Graduate. Living in a Box. Looking for work. Cake!!! 56 0 59064256 Colman Taylor colmantaylor en 5 0 16 0 156628570 Martyn Mann martynmann en 0 2 1 12 0 163006177 Mark Brown WBHumanoid en Melbourne 0 20 78 143 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 160816534 Jamie Peetz JamiePeetz en Sunshine Coast Brisbane 0 57 289 Grew up in Broken Hill, Paramedic for 15 years. Now a Lecturer in Paramedic Science at USC. Research interests include health law, policy & clinical leadership. 78 6 Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia 24151139 Tim Verrall timverrall en -37.867333, 144.980281 Melbourne 0 419 2435 Exec. Producer Brig and Lehmo... Mix101.1 Melbourne ... My tweets are my own thoughts... 1208 7 43543510 richard pye rpye en canberra Canberra 0 9 4 watching from the sidelines; few opinions here, but all my own 74 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 150447125 Emily Downie downiedesign en Canberra, Australia Sydney 0 55 161 I really like sneakers. 140 2 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 115256292 Shayne Harris Shayne_Harris en Sydney Sydney 0 454 225 Daytime, director of Residential Real estate for Savills PLC Sydney. After that, father, husband, @AFL and @essendon_fc nut and tennis lover. Proudly Tasmanian. 297 13 Sydney New South Wales Australia 97096765 Follow our updates Tools4Etsy en Sydney, Australia Sydney 0 1071 1409 Tools for Etsy sellers and buyers 2002 51 Sydney New South Wales Australia 160924236 Troy Simmonds DiscoverTheBeat en Melbourne / Sydney Melbourne 0 114 61 Two Men: One Mission. We have developed a unique new platform of entertaining heart health education to help you discover the beat of your healthy heart. 130 9 Melbourne Victoria Australia 162966611 jb Mukhabaraat en 0 4 72 18 0 162952029 Rod Medland SOTRM en 0 0 6 0 162929180 Martina Mackova Bosorkam en Canberra & Prague Canberra 15 0 Communications strategist and fashion industry expert with more than just a tranditional insight into branding, strategies,and media. 166 1 162959817 Cherie Tranter ctra0063 en 2 0 10 0 162955985 Matt Doyle swinging_voter en Brisbane 0 9 5 Political opinion blog. All opinions are my own. 43 1 Queensland Australia 162956064 Matthew Leslie mcl_1984 en 5 0 18 0 26618059 Anna Hamill annahamill en Wellington, NZ Auckland 106 2635 A kid from the sticks trying to make it in the big city. Masochistic Stags supporter, trivia geek, stationery enthusiast. Thoughts/tangents are my own, sadly. 339 1 Wellington Wellington New Zealand 109208662 Peter and Nic ozelection2010 en Sydney Sydney 7 36 Peter and Nic blog about the use of social media by Australian politicians in the lead up to the Federal Election, 2010 11 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 158689363 Marise Cheney tradeshares en Melbourne Hawaii 0 746 956 Marise Cheney is the founder of, a website aimed at helping people understand share trading better 1965 18 Melbourne Victoria Australia 37370102 Amanda Mazzoni Andabay en 0 11 3 37 0 55074783 Deesy _Dee_21 en Melbourne Melbourne 72 358 184 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 35697105 Nathan Leech Nathan_Leech en Near Penrith, Australia Sydney 0 144 467 Husband to a beautiful woman, Father of a cheeky boy, Great Dane owner, Tragic gadget head, iOwn an iPhone, 4wd ute driver, Lego fanatic 421 1 160255731 Peter Dawson PeteDawson en Fremantle 0 17 1 Jack of all trades, master of none. 84 0 Fremantle Western Australia Australia 162906530 Kate Colleran KColleran en 5 0 10 0 75979211 Rodney de Pater wbit_rodney en Sydney 2 3 35 2 New South Wales Australia 21805590 super duper SuperDuper83 en Sydney 12 1 109 0 New South Wales Australia 13243552 halcrawford halcrawford en Sydney 0 22 5 11 0 New South Wales Australia 142127295 Laura Harvey mummaandme en Brisbane 0 3 7 7 0 Queensland Australia 4161791 Marion Kruger smittenkitten en Canberra, Australia Canberra 294 4980 Cataloguer, geek, fangirl and lady lover (as well as the occasional gentleman). Studying German and Drama at ANU. Burlesque performer and cupcake queen. 419 28 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 20295981 Liza Clear Lizaclear en Werribee, Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 0 88 82 A housewife married to Shane. A Super Mum to Rachel, Caitlin, Nathan and Riley. To know I can have more than I've got because I can become more than I am. 297 1 Werribee Victoria Australia 162878226 Brad BradSE70 en Sydney Sydney 0 5 42 Married to my best friend with 3 gorgeous kids. Happy days. 21 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 23527106 Heidi Howgate hrv76au en 0 2 3 14 0 130046553 Dave Mullen Mullos_19 en 0 9 23 22 0 162853191 Simon Robson srobson82 en ÜT: -33.867709,151.219387 Sydney 58 38 262 0 67982690 Chrissy Wilkinson Chrissywilko en Brisbane Brisbane 0 7 23 28 0 Brisbane Queensland Australia 162757400 Team Electorium electorium en 0 10 34 24 0 162765069 sonny mac donald sonnymacdonald fr 7 0 120 0 23718265 arielle oi_arielle en Sydney Australia Sydney 0 71 31 522 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 146733176 Matthew Hade Matt1849 en 13 0 99 2 75527907 trace finch traceanne76 en Melbourne 4 0 44 0 Victoria Australia 162646619 Glen Foster glenfostersgp en Singapore 0 7 42 61 1 Singapore Singapore 88168205 Stuart McLeod stuartmcleod1 en Melbourne, Australia. 0 4 14 Co-Founder and designer of Paycycle ( 10 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 158223456 Rochelle Saunders ilydaddy211257 en sydney Sydney 0 25 6 Im Rochelle im 17 nearly 18 loves my family and friends misses my dad R.I.P DADDY 21.12.57 - 03.08.07 247 1 Sydney New South Wales Australia 71805009 Pietro Figlioli pietrofiglioli en Canberra Canberra 0 11 259 28 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 152188731 Kirsten _mcleod_ en Canberra 3 0 104 0 Canberra Australian Capital Territory Australia 157253546 November Ward NovemberWard en 0 14 7 97 0 162621597 Clancy T clangt en 0 7 9 35 0 41275715 Patricia de Patremi en Perth Western Australia Perth 5 42 I have an opinion deal with it.. I have a consultancy business and I sell Avon. 15 0 Perth Western Australia Australia 16798190 jonnodunger jonnodunger en 0 13 7 19 1 77452553 BigBogan BigBogan en Hawaii 0 97 217 Bored. 735 0 Unknown 140740073 Mary Brennan melonpop59 en Urunga 0 7 203 im a mad peep / i talk way too much / have strong opinions / traumatised radio programmer yew! 32 0 158968556 Melissa Evans evomelissa en 10 0 39 0 150224171 wunchn wunchn en 0 83 2368 200 1 134055561 dovacheski dOVACHESKi en AUS|MEL Melbourne 0 28 211 release early 2011. To showcase much of his material. dOVACHESKi is an unpublished writer of Poetry and novels (currently writing). 237 1 148698679 Paolo Bouilloire PaoloBouilloire en Brisbane 0 5 2 86 0 Queensland Australia 20012665 Cody Osborne sportsbiz2010 en Vancouver, BC Pacific Time (US & Canada) 0 1280 814 Creative & highly qualified marketing professional with 9 years of distinguished performance in sports marketing, market research, event marketing & sponsorship 1378 18 Vancouver British Columbia Canada 162513089 AaronH ajohnh en 2 0 4 0 58453624 Geoff Tassell joffa309 en 4 0 43 0 76009782 Karen Wallace percivalsmum en Melbourne Melbourne 0 54 701 Alpha human to fur child Oscar, servant to the Australian public and beholder of occasionally absent intellect. 497 0 Melbourne Victoria Australia 162237503 teepeeceebee xPeakiex en Melbourne (& loving it) Melbourne 0 1 8 100 0 162333791 Carmel Bragg CazBragg en Toowoomba Queensland Australia 23 0 205 0 Toowoomba Queensland Australia 162302824 Hamish Dobbs holdencaprice en Melbourne 0 6 23 27 0 Victoria Australia 160895930 Streatham Redskins StreathamHockey en Streatham, London, UK 0 154 183 Streatham Redskins are a British ice hockey club based in Streatham, London, England. One of the most historic clubs in Britain & originally founded in 1932. 427 4 90543524 David King davealexking en Sydney Australia Sydney 38 53 129 0 Sydney New South Wales Australia 106727055 Shani Wong shaniwong en Alaska 0 10 27 22 0 United States 25965415 Susan Harris soozeharris en Geelong, Australia Melbourne 0 258 3322 my boy, food, wine, running and V8 Supercars. 283 21 Geelong Victoria Australia 151781342 Jack JackNAquilina en 0 13 43 Political Freak Plays Guitar/Bass Enjoys Debate/Discussion! 20 0 21268229 Meg Sampson megamoneybox en We love the gong Hawaii 0 7 87 Quality/risk auditor/asset mngt consultant, political activist,senate NSW cand Col K 15 1 89040710 Peter de Vries dutchydevries en Melbourne, Australia Melbourne 107 698 Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain! 1252 1 Melbourne Victoria Australia 74652300 Kieran MacGillicuddy KMacGillicuddy en Canberra Sydney 94 1706 154 7 Canberra Australian Capital Territory