- Australian sport Foursquare checkins: December 27 – January 2: A-League leads : bit.ly/f2bOrb #aleague #wnbl #nbl #abl #
- Analysis: St Kilda Saints Nude Photo Controversy effect on fandom (complete): bit.ly/eOIYOF #dickileaks #dikileaks #afl #skfc #
- ARe there more Liberal senators and house members on Twitter than Labor? #
- Nagging done for the day and should have by tomorrow: Cricket tickets and Canberra Capitals tickets. Maybe baseball tickets. Fun weekend! #
- Dissertation word count: 55,000 words. #
- I'm at UCNISS (building 12 university of Canberra, Bruce) 4sq.com/ef2KKf #
- Most popular Australian politicians and political parties on Twitter (January 5) : bit.ly/eJpNcj #ausvotes #auspol #
- I just ousted @bruce1979 as the mayor of Coles Gungahlin on @foursquare! 4sq.com/ffGzIC #
- Today's activity: Setting up a new blog to post daily data dumps to regarding Australian politics. #
- Twitter: Julia Gillard vs Joe Hockey: bit.ly/fK0F9W #ausvotes #auspol #gillard #alp #
- Alexa Australian political parties and politicians rank (January 5) : bit.ly/gAfOuC #ausvotes #auspol #alp #nlp #
- I've set up my blog for #auspol related social media data dumps. It can be found at bit.ly/dPUu6V #
- I'm at Gloria Jean's [pic]: 4sq.com/gyV5aA #
- Completely off task today. :/ Do not want to work on my dissertation at all.
- Found a new batch geocoder. Today is a fantastic day!
- Twitter: @katelundy vs @KateEllisMP vs @JoeHockey: bit.ly/dX460U #auspol #ausvotes #
- I love @tikatu . I really do. I do. Also. I do. (In a non-sexual, she's totally brilliant & helpful. I'd so bail her out of jail way.) #
- Need help with WordPress. Why won't my post via e-mail work?
- Can some #theashes #cricket fan explain to me? 4sq.com/gPxiTB 430 checkins yesterday? What happened? @anthonyalsop? #
- Australian sport Foursquare checkins: TAB Sport Bet: December 22 – January 6 : bit.ly/f6T8iX #
- Most popular Australian (and New Zealand) sport related Twitter accounts (January 7): bit.ly/g8c8XP #
- Most popular female Australian (and NZ) sport related Twitter accounts (January 7) : bit.ly/f7x7zG #
- I just unlocked the "Fresh Brew" badge on @foursquare! 4sq.com/eKRLjf #
- *pokes Twitter* If there is anyone who might want to discuss AU politics and social media on IM? bit.ly/hA8bGn My IM details there. #
- Australian sport leagues: Movers and shakers: NRL, Cricket Australia, A-League: bit.ly/gw4DCp #afl #nrl #aleague #wleague #
- I just became the mayor of More Than Meats on @foursquare! 4sq.com/i47ELZ #
- :/ I love my country but this depressing news to take up to.
- Do people think there would be a correlation between twitter politicians followers by electorate and voting results? #auspol #
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