September 4 MLB Foursquare Checkin Totals

This entry was posted by on Monday, 5 September, 2011 at

The map below contains the total checkins to a number of sporting events around the globe. Most of them are Major League Baseball related checkins, with a few Australian sporting events, two Brazilian soccer matches, and an Indonesian soccer match thrown in. I’ve got more data than this and I’m hoping I can refine the process to allow for mapping over time to show these checkins. (The problem with that is I can get the events, but I may not necessarily have the team and event related to it. Some football stadium, I think Heinz Field, held a concert, which would show up as a sporting event based on the facility. And if a location has no tags, it may also show up.) This map, where events show up, may begin to give an idea as to the penetration of Foursquare in certain markets and may help show when people actually checkin. All times are AEST.

View map on GeoCommons

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  • John Evers

    This is great Laura. Your’s is the only site I have found that tracks foursquare check-ins like this. It’s fascinating.