- Australian sport on Foursquare: Movers and shakers: Australian Tennis Open and Cricket Australia : bit.ly/gtEz8q #
- Any Canberran willing to put some one up during #rcc11 ?
- Mapping most popular AFL team on Twitter by Australian electorate. NSW? Not expected results. #
- Is the lack of a larger Lions fanbase on twitter fault of team SM strategy or because fanbase is not on Twitter? #
- Twitter popularity of AFL teams by electorate : bit.ly/f6qZZU #afl #gosaints #essendon #gopies #collingwood #wce #gopower #auspol #
- I just ousted Peter C. as the mayor of University of Canberra on @foursquare! 4sq.com/aFKQTA #
- I just ousted J'Arne D. as the mayor of Big W (Gungahlin) on @foursquare! 4sq.com/cITwBo #
- #rcc11au (or RCC upside down to my euro friends) will be taking place later this week.
Yay! #
- I just ousted Gavan O. as the mayor of Hog's Breath Cafe on @foursquare! 4sq.com/bYiD5u #
- Doing a dinner for #rcc11 at Sammys in Civic around 5 to 6pm. e-mail or text @purplepopple for details. #
- Noon talk about Open Space at @unicanberra in student center today. #
- Look! @markdilley in Canberra! twitpic.com/3trq7q #
- Canberra at dusk. twitpic.com/3tt6e4 #
- Lovely dinner before #rcc started.
@markdilley @appropedia @purplepopple and Utha all went. Some one had pics. #
- Discussion about Open Space Technology prior to the start of #rcc : www.ustream.tv/recorded/12269815 #
- #rcc starts in a few hours a @unicanberra.
So excited!
- #rcc #rcc11 schedule is waiting. twitpic.com/3tz6t5 #
- If you want to try to skype in and see what we're up to, message purplepopple . #
- #rcc #rcc11 twitpic.com/3tzumt #
- #rcc11 #rcc planning the agenda twitpic.com/3tzuvz #
- #rcc #rcc11 twitpic.com/3tzv7o #
- #rcc mapping. twitpic.com/3u1sc2 #
- #rcc #rcc11 twitpic.com/3u1szt #
- #rcc category structure twitpic.com/3u1v1o #
- Interested in wikis? Some videos from #rcc have been uploaded to bit.ly/fD93R8 #
- Today's plans: Attend #rcc . Go to #wnbl game (where the Capitals shall take back first place!). Wiki & Sport: Life can't get better.
- Bikers at Cream in Civic in Canberra. twitpic.com/3u9o5f #
- #rcc another view of the agenda twitpic.com/3uaqjp #
- #rcc agenda has changed twitpic.com/3uaqpl #
- #rcc lonely planet twitpic.com/3udkwz #
- Won a $40 gift certificate at #canberracapitals #wnbl game! Woot woot! Go me! #
- Did a long e-mail to #rcc11 the RCC planning list with my thoughts about how things are going.
Happy. #
- Lunch at #rcc11 : twitpic.com/3up6hz twitpic.com/3up6l3 #
- twitpic.com/3uppa8 #rcc11 closing circle! #
- twitpic.com/3upvea #rcc11 talking about adelaide. #
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