Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-25
- I just ousted Tegan P. as the mayor of Hawker Softball Park on @foursquare! #
- Watching act women warm up again Japan. (@ Hawker Softball Park) [pic]: #
- My interview with two Australian softball national team players is published on Wikinews! #
- ACT women lose to second ranked in world Japanese 1-0 in Canberra: #
- Game starts at 5:45pm. (@ Hawker Softball Park) [pic]: #
- Japan beats ACT side in softball: #
- If you're in Canberra tonight, the Australian women take on the Japanese women in softball at Hawker Softball Centre at 5:30 and 7:30. #
- Forgot the Illinois primary was on today. Does that make me a bad Illinoisan?
- I just became the mayor of Snowgum Belconnen on @foursquare! #
- Spent the past two hours watching the Aussie Spirit photo shoot.
I love my life. Will get a good picture or two for Wikipedia . #
- I just ousted Hurby S. as the mayor of Sammy's Kitchen on @foursquare! #
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