- Checking out in 20 minutes. #wikiwomen (@ Bauen Hotel & Towers) [pic]: t.co/QmJ0E1Sf #
- I'm at Starbucks (Pudahuel, Región Metropolitana) w/ 4 others [pic]: t.co/k5459nxR #
- Landed! In Sydney! #wikiwomen almost home.
(@ T1 International Terminal w/ 6 others) t.co/C9kisikP #
- I just ousted Tamara K. as the mayor of International Transfer Lounge Sydney on @foursquare! t.co/JKuL2e5Y #
- Yay! Basically home! Now 10km drive and sleep! (@ Canberra Airport (CBR)) t.co/XiyLtgVJ #
- The Justin Bieber on Twitter article on Wikipedia has 140+ references: t.co/WxBKf9jB Insane.
#belieber #
- I would like to write a #wikinews article about a #belieber If any Bieber fans could get in touch with me for interview? All good.
- Go Australian Stingers go!
t.co/K9lpTtBl@WaterpoloAus Good luck in tonight's gold medal match. #
- #wikiwomen mentioned on WMF's blog: t.co/iSxaFfju
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