- #stringerspride t.co/vGaNWsav Australia lost to USA at FINA World League. #
- I just ousted H.Wen P. as the mayor of Australian Institute of Sport on @foursquare! t.co/N58hWJKU #
- Arg! They raised the price by $2.50! Wrong wrong wrong! Barely worth value at $11 but $13.50 is insane! [pic]: t.co/3lcQyUlz #
- I just ousted Kain H. as the mayor of Rebel Sport on @foursquare! t.co/In7yQ7Un #
- Covering sport for Wikipedia and Wikinews: t.co/gapP38Dz: t.co/VPoB02kn #
- Birthday dinner coming up! (@ Tongue & Groove) [pic]: t.co/fRWBF96g #
- t.co/Pf6WGVNY yay!
More Paralympic news coverage on Wikinews.
Great work Greg Blood!
- I just ousted Babs as the mayor of Book Lore on @foursquare! t.co/K1ZcxaRn #
- t.co/5bWY7WDF #aussport #aussiestingers #olympics Why smaller sport federations need to use Twitter more effectively. #
- t.co/dYmYqZX0 Belieber is not as good at t.co/Kk0zOf0N@justinbieber . Poor Bieber fans.
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