- My bike and nifty bike bags. twitpic.com/2q7oip #
- I should do a weekly podcast of my degree progress and treat it like a sport report: Stats, major accomplishments, needs improvement… #
- Is the word cunt viewed as less offensive in Australia than the USA? Where it is pretty hugely offensive? #
- Greyhound to Sydney airport. Leaves in 90 minutes. Yay! (@ Jolimont Tourist Centre) 4sq.com/dbUpz1 #
- Greyhound bus station in Canberra. twitpic.com/2qggqw #
- iPhone plugged in to not waste battery. twitpic.com/2qgh63 #
- Yay! Arrived way to early to checkin but here! (@ Sydney International Airport (SYD) ✈ w/ 2 others) 4sq.com/aVXNPp #
- Cranky at airport. Not healthy mindset. #
- I earned the Lone Wolf sticker on @GetGlue! bit.ly/dck62N #
- I can play with my iPod the whole long flight! twitpic.com/2qk52c #
- Flight departure delayed because of refueling issues… Fun. *frets* #
- My iphone does not work here. No internet! Scary! #
- Plane landed in san francisco. #
- Walking across the golden gate bridge wi twitpic.com/2r8so4 #
- Motel 6 plugs. twitpic.com/2ratee #
- I'm at Motel 6 (111 Mitchell Avenue, South San Francisco): #
- Having fun in the server room. All ur wiki r belong 2 me. (@ Wikimedia Foundation) 4sq.com/8bSfZo #
- My internet access is limited while I am in SanFran at WMF so I'm not checking / updating. If need me, e-mail me.
- I'm at Wikimedia Foundation (149 New Montgomery, San Francisco): #
- Photo at Wikimedia Foundation gowal.la/c/2zatK?139 #
- I'm at Wikimedia Foundation (149 New Montgomery, San Francisco): #
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