An Overview of the Existing Online Fan Community for Australian and Kiwi women’s sport

This entry was posted by on Friday, 3 December, 2010 at

This packet contains raw information.    It is provided as a courtesy to the wider community to give benchmarks for information pertaining to the online communities for the Australian and Kiwi women’s sport.   The hope is that others can use this information to do a greater student of this important community.  The packet is licensed using a creative commons license.  Please feel free to share this.

If you are involved with women’s sport in Australia or New Zealand, please get in touch with me.  I would love to talk to you about this data to better understand the backend of what is driving some of these numbers.  If you’re in Canberra or Sydney, I’d love to do a coffee.

Any feedback people have regarding this data and the small accompanying analysis would be appreciated.  A lot of what I think is going on is based on my own history in media fandom, and based on what I learn about Australian sport through my ongoing research. I sometimes get bogged down in numbers and don’t always understand why numbers are they are, just that they are that way.

If anyone wants a similar packet about Australian sport (like the AFL or NRL or the A-League), please get in touch and I can see what I can do.  I’m generally pretty happy to share my data.

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