Gold Coast Titans on bebo

This entry was posted by Laura on Monday, 25 January, 2010 at

The Gold Coast Titans are a member of the National Rugby League.   According to Roy Morgan Research, they are the 11th most popular NRL team in Australia.  Prior to this post, I’ve looked at two current (Brisbane Broncos, Canberra Raiders) and nine defunct (Balmain Tigers, Northern Eagles, Western Suburbs Magpies, Adelaide Rams, Annandale Dales, Cumberland, Glebe Dirty Reds, Hunter Mariners, South Queensland Crushers) NRL teams on bebo.  The Gold Coast Titans hold a very secure second with 138 people interested in them on bebo.  The Raiders are third with 83 and the Broncos are first at 278.  The Gold Coast Titans number fits with the  pattern if we correlate the teams where I have bebo data and the Roy Morgan Research data:

Correlation NRL to Roy Morgan

  bebo blogger Facebook Roy Morgan
Brisbane Broncos 278 12 27520 1259000
Gold Coast Titans 138 2 9680 274000
Canberra Raiders 83 4 4160 164000
Correlation 0.982805538 0.960648284 0.99067366  

The correlation for bebo is strong that that of the pattern for blogger, though it isn’t as strong as the one for Facebook.  The correlations are so strong though that it is hardly worth mentioning.

The Gold Coast Titans community is 50% male, 38% gender unknown and 12% female.  The percent unknown makes it really hard to discuss the male versus female community size.  And the community for the team on blogger is so small (2) that its all maleness probably doesn’t speak to the bebo community in answering the percentage question. 51 or 82.3% of the fans on bebo, where they list information so their country can be identified, are from Australia.  The others are from New Zealand (10 or 16.1%) and Yemen (1 or 1.6%).  There are a number of Kiwis playing on the squad which can help explain the fanbase.  The person from Yemen may be an error.  They list their city of residence as Tawahi, which is a city in Yemen. There are no Yemeni players on the team, but it could be an Australian who moved to Yemen, or a Yemeni who visited Australia and fell in love with the team.

Of the Australians,  most (27) hail from Queensland.  The remainder hail from New South Wales (20), the ACT (2), Northern Territory (1) and Western Australia (1).

44 people list their age.  The mean age is 24.09, median age is 21 and mode age is 19.  This is very close to the bebo Raiders with a mean age of 23.3 and the bebo Broncos mean age of 23.29.

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  • Adelaide Dupont

    The Roy Morgan correlations are exciting!

    I think you get higher correlations with smaller supporter numbers on a particular service.

  • LauraH

    It makes sense. I'll be curious to see how that holds for the whole thing. (I'm still getting data and I am being very ADHD about the whole thing, trying to get this type of data and that type.) I've got some more totals for the NRL that I should blog about but I want them all first.

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